Chapter 333: Unlucky Lord of Hell

The world has become more and more strange. Aliens from all walks of life, as well as those magicians, gods, angels, etc. who were previously rumored to exist, have appeared one after another, and continue to It beats people's nerves that are getting tougher or more fragile!
No, at noon yesterday, the video of the monster battle that took place in New York was already on the Internet.
People were able to watch the video of the Cybertron Flame Transformers Battle. The rumored Western Ghost Rider in the video. Compared with those in New York in the past, there were dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of casualties. The various major events of the United States, the scope of the battle yesterday was controlled, and there was no battle involving civilian casualties. It is indeed worth looking at it with appreciation.
Now, one day later, this video has even triggered a war of words between the Cybertron Transformers fans in the east of North America and the Ghost Rider fans in the west! Both parties tried to use saliva on the Internet, or use the keyboard to defeat their opponents who may never subdue each other!
Those fans in the west who worship the ghost rider have always been worried about the situation that the Transformers smashed the ghost rider away! You know, in the west, especially in California, the ghost rider is the hero of the night who judges crimes and punishes the wicked. I don't know how many evil gangsters gritted their teeth against the ghost rider but have no choice!
However, it's okay now, suddenly a few Transformers aliens popped up and drove their heroes away? !
Compared with the cowboys in the west, the Cybertron fans and tech fans in the east, after seeing the victory of metal technology over mythical figures, began to publicize the power of the science and technology religion, and called on the government to increase scientific research. In order to protect their little earth, which seems to be increasingly insecure.
After all, so far, let’s not talk about the various mythological existences that originally existed on the earth. It is only the Cheritas who have appeared before. The Asgardians have caused damage to the earth, and now, even Even the Cybertronians and the Autobot Transformers on the alien planet have run out to brush their presence, and in the future, maybe there will be some weird things!
If you don’t plan for the last rain in advance, just relying on those poor wild superheroes will obviously not be able to protect the earth they share...
More importantly: The facts are now in front of everyone, those superheroes, they have become unreliable! Otherwise, the little girl in the Avengers would not unite with Cybertron’s alien Transformers to siege the ghost rider. If, coupled with the Iron Man battle a while ago, then this statement It seems more and more convincing.
As a result, people began to generally worry: after those superheroes have been inside the bar, then who will rely on them to protect them in the future? And now, Cybertron’s Transformers let people understand with their fists: As long as the technology develops to a certain level, superheroes are not needed, and they can overcome the myth by relying on the power of mortal wisdom!
So, soon after this time, the followers of the Earth’s Technological Theology began to become active...
"my God!"
Nick Fury, director of the Bear Shield, felt that he had a headache again.
Because at this time, after sending out four great guys named Super Big Ivan to follow a certain flame skeleton to the where I don’t know who’s home, and for a one-way ticket trip with no return, Annie had already returned to the Bear Shield Headquarters base on the back of the moon with her four Transformers within the first time.
"Annie, these three cars and this plane, how do you plan to arrange them?!"
Nick Fury is not in the mood to care about the Cybertron vs. Ghost Riders, which is now raging on the Internet, nor does he pick up a communication from someone in the communicator that he doesn't want to hear now. He is now, more The headache stopped at these things in the hangar of the headquarters base!
Take a look, what's in here? A general-purpose black pickup truck, this thing is said to be called tin? The second is a yellow Chevrolet supercar. Obviously, it is the Bumblebee! And the third one is a silver Pontiac supercar. I didn’t say, this must be a Jazz! Finally, there is an F22 Raptor. A little girl called its name Megatron...
Well, after the hapless air force of a certain country lost a squadron of F22, now it has lost another captain aircraft in the hands of the same person! Nick Fury feels that the little girl Annie is now the one who has shot down the most birds of prey on earth! Its myth of never falling has been broken many times by a little girl!
He can already foresee it. After the military of a certain country reacts, someone will definitely come and wrestle with him. If you want to get this Raptor back, surely they will? Three cars are easy to deal with. You only need to find the owner and give them the original price. Forgive them for not daring to confront the Bear Shield! However, this military plane is a big trouble...
Some greedy guys, even if they Bear Shield are willing to pay the original price, the other party will probably not be happy, right? At that time, there must be a long-term wrangling battle!
So, compared to these big troubles, what are the videos circulating on the Internet?
Anyway, the earth has become more and more weird now, and there are often some big incidents. The agents of the Bear Shield have long said that they have begun to get used to it! Nick Fury believes that other people on earth will soon learn to get used to it!
Otherwise, the current International Security Council and the governments of various countries will not bother to cover up those mysterious events or alien incidents... They are now adopting the kind of letting it go, neither advocating nor deliberately opposing it. And forbidden ambiguous attitude.
After all, there are too many and too frequent such similar things recently. A large number of facts are placed in front of people, and it is certainly impossible to cover them up! Then it is better to indulge and let go. After people watch too much, they will naturally get used to it, and then they will not be too surprised when it happens again, and society will naturally be harmonious.
"How to arrange..."
How could Annie herself know how to arrange it? She just wanted to bring them back and leave them here.
"Forget it, just put a few of them like this for the first time. If necessary, you can use them. Anyway, you don't need to repair them!"
Anne really didn't know how to deal with these four Transformers.
Because she just didn't feel that the undead Flame Skeleton had too strong resurrection ability, and Tibbers was a bit lazy, and she didn't want to fight, so she came out to beat the opponent! But now, she was beaten up, and her anger had gone out. Then, these big guys who got in the way were temporarily tasteless, so she wouldn't bring them by her side!
Anyway, now that she has swallowed the space gems and still has unlimited energy in this world, she can make a lot of it at will, and she can create it when she needs it, so she doesn't need to bother to carry them. Too!
They can't be turned into stuffed toys like their own little bears. They are stuffed into space and take up too much space. Therefore, they have to temporarily throw them to the black charcoal uncles to take care of them.
"Put it here? Yes, let's do this first..."
Since Annie left these Transformers here on the moon base, Nick Fury has no opinion, and thinks this approach is quite good.
However, watching the three Autobots in the distance who are beginning to change their human form and talking with the Decepticon leader Megatron, he always feels full of kindness. Violation...
"By the way, Annie, look at this video!"
"This is the weird situation that Colson and his team encountered during their mission at noon today. Take a look first. Is there anything special about that transparent figure?"
Soon after Annie returned to the headquarters, Coulson and his mission report followed. Then, of course, Nick Fury also saw the weird transparent mutant they found during the mission, and after contact with the other party. Explanation of the strange crazy state of Melinda and the other gang members.
Whether it was the strange woman who was transparent and turned into smoke, or Melinda and the others' strange situation, it was the first time that the agents of the Bear Shield had encountered it!
Although Attilan has now dispatched relevant experienced strangers to Colson to assist, it is a pity that those strangers said: They have never seen that kind of weird state mutation, I am afraid they can't help. What are you busy...
As a last resort, Nick Fury had no choice but to ask the little girl who had just returned to the headquarters. In any case, the little girl Annie is also their magical advisor to the Bear Shield. If technology and alien races can't solve the problem, then it must be right to find her.
"Isn't that just a little banshee or gadget like a female ghost?"
"If you want to kill her, here! Those Transformers over there, the flames on them should be able to burn that kind of ghost, just let them help."
A little female ghost or banshee, Annie doesn't want to worry about it!
It just so happens that the flames on the Transformers over there that are transformed into flame spirits are similar to the fires on the ghost knights. It’s not like burning a banshee or two. Play the same? Therefore, Annie directly pushed such small things to them. Since they have been created, they must not be left too idle! Otherwise, someday will become as lazy as the bear!
"Uh... are you talking about ghosts?"
"Unimaginable, is there really something like ghosts in this world?!"
Nick Fury frowned when he heard Annie's words.
From the former S.H.I.E.L.D. to the current Bear Shield, they have performed countless missions and have seen all kinds of strange and weird people and objects in the world, from mutants to certain aliens, from mythological objects to Super sci-fi objects, whether they are set on fire or controlled by ice, they have all seen them!
Even if it is as strong as the thunder Thor and the evil Loki in the mythology, in Nick Fury’s view, they are only capable of summoning a little thunder and lightning or other spells, and their physical fitness is stronger, and they are no different from mutants. Aliens only!
For example, Banner, the Hulk, hits Thor after he hits Thor, then Thor or something, isn't he still hit by a punch? So, Nick Fury has never been too cold with things like immortals and ghosts. He doesn't think there is such a thing!
In fact, he is more willing to believe that it is just another life form that has not been recognized by the people on earth?
"Did you guys see all the ghost riders today? What's so strange about a ghost now appearing?"
These people are really rare and weird. Annie has seen millions of undead natural disasters. Now, this is just a little ghost-like weird person. What is so rare?
"Well, these things are not important!"
"Anne, it's like this. What I want to know more now is: How to save the crazy state after being touched by the banshee or ghost in your mouth?!"
Now Melinda has fallen into that state. Fortunately, Coulson and their ship have a complete set of treatment equipment, and her state is temporarily stabilized.
However, those gangsters who had also been contacted by fools were not so lucky. At this moment, they are being locked in a special isolation cabin, leaning on the bed and tossing hysterically...
"Aunt Melinda was also affected by that banshee? That ghost, she must be a bad guy!"
After hearing that Aunt Melinda who was close to her was also affected by the banshee, Annie frowned insignificantly.
That kind of ghost-like existence is generally born with spells or talents similar to Banshee's Howl, which can make the target creature fall into a state of madness and fear. After all, they are a kind of negative energy existence.
And some powerful banshees are even very powerful when they perform Banshee Howl! Ordinary people, if they fail the death save, are they likely to die immediately? And if the target is a powerful fighter, it will generally fall into chaos and fear for a certain period of time, and will be affected by a certain negative state.
Of course, the transparent woman in the picture now is just a small ghost, it is impossible to have those powerful moves.
"I probably know what Aunt Melinda is affected by...Well, you should go to Renault and Sally, the two fellows who are studying the Holy Light, early! If you ask them to help, whether it's treatment or going Catch the ghost, it should be easy to solve."
Professional matters should be handled by professionals. Although Annie can do it herself, her own methods are too cruel, and she is worried that if she accidentally cures Aunt Melinda, it will not be fun. .
(Master, facts have proved that you are actually lazier than the younger...
A certain little girl's trick, Tibbers said he had seen it through! She was nothing but too lazy to run again! Otherwise, why would she have to instigate others for this kind of thing that she can solve with a casual wave of her hand? )
"Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine... don't they only treat injuries and diseases? Like this, they can also treat abnormal mental states like this? And they can catch ghosts?! "
Nick Fury was really a little surprised. Are those Holy Lights really that powerful?
"They are originally from the church, and it is their bounden duty to exorcise evil and deceive people!"
"Forget it, I don't care about you! You should go find them yourself, if you can't even solve them, you will come to me later!"
After finishing talking, Annie grabbed her little bear and turned her head and walked away, twisting the bear's head angrily.
Today, she didn't feel that she was sleeping well, and a flame skeleton came to make trouble early in the morning and burned her home! So, now Annie just wants to go back to the big bedroom in this base to sleep well, and don't want to worry about anything.
Nick Fury was a little puzzled. He didn't seem to provoke this little girl himself, did he? Why did the other party suddenly get angry again inexplicably? Look, the bear's head turned 360 degrees... Seeing her like that, it seems that someone really provokes her suddenly?

"How's it going, Fitz, and Simmons! Have you found any valuable information?"
On the "Little Bear", Coleson first visited Melinda who was sleeping in the medical room next door, and then checked the poor gang members in the cell before he came to the isolation laboratory. .
"Of course! It seems to be just an empty box!"
Simmons pointed to the container that contained the transparent woman's ghost that was thrown on the table casually by the two of them, and she dropped it on the table without protection.
"We didn't find any harmful ingredients in it! In fact, it is just a container? And what is really harmful should be the one who was let go... the ghost of the woman?"
"I'm sorry, Coleson, although our magic consultant said so, I still feel a little unbelievable... I actually prefer to believe that the woman is just another form of life?"
After thinking about it, Simmons, the genius double material doctor, shook his head. Both she and Fitz seemed reluctant to accept the ghost's claim.
Before, she had discussed with Fitz in particular, and agreed that the other party is likely to be a rare existence of different dimensions. Then, this caused their Bear Shield's electromagnetic weapons to be unable to harm the other party. At the same time, this is also the case. Why can the opponent easily penetrate that sophisticated ghost suit and make their teammate Melinda suffer that kind of influence?
"We just tested it. Its lining is a rare alloy with high energy radiation. I think this may be one of the reasons why it can trap the woman?"
At this moment, Fitz also walked over, looked at a holographic data sheet in his hand, and said with some uncertainty.
He still couldn't understand why the existence that seemed to be able to pass through the mission object, the transparent woman who was said to be a ghost, was trapped by this kind of radiation and a box with a strange magnetic field? What is its principle? These are what they need to study slowly next.
"Of course, compared with ghosts, we now have a bolder speculation, that is: this box should be used to close the existence of some unobservable quantum state!"
"This is equivalent to an object that cannot be illuminated and reflected by any visible light! Although we can't see it, it really exists! And the woman is an object that is'invisible' under certain circumstances! However, she may be more special. Not only can the other party not be easily seen by us, but also can't even be touched by us? But she really exists!"
"How about it, isn't it amazing?"
As he spoke, Fitz became more and more excited, and then directly picked up a device, walked to the box, and motioned to their chief Coleson to come and have a look.
"I have been guessing that if there is an object in it that is out of phase with visible light... So, I tried to illuminate it with a spectrum other than visible light in reverse phase, and then, you look at it and you get such a picture!"
With Fitz's exposure, Coleson also saw that there seemed to be an invisible layer of mysterious lines on the inner wall of the empty box. They were not engraved on the inner wall, but existed just a few millimeters from the inner wall. It's like some kind of regular magnetic field, maybe it's the reason why it can shut down that woman's ghost?
"Stop! It's good if you know these things yourself, don't have to elaborate on them!"
Coleson had the urge to tear down a bit. Since elementary school, his studies related to science have not surpassed A. He is only good at fighting fights and now directing them to carry out tasks!
"I just want to know, is this thing the technology of the earth? Is it made by us on earth, or is it a pure alien object?"
Now, the state of that woman has been determined by their Bear Shield Magic Advisor, that is, a ghost or something similar to a ghost! Although this is very unscientific, at least it makes Coleson understand a little bit.
"Uh... its outer wall is of course made by our planet, and there are inscriptions and dates on it... But the kind of technology in its inner wall has never been seen before..."
"I'm sorry, we can't understand... It is even more elusive than the Protoss technology of the Hero Federation... It is like a crystal structure, or a blockade field? Anyway, we have never seen this kind of technology. similar!"
The various high-tech in their current Bear Shield, whether it is the high-tech materials and technologies of humans, or the superb NDA transformation and restoration projects of the Zerg, or the spiritual technologies of the Protoss, they seem to be able to be Understand, or at least they are all traceable!
Even if some of them are not understood at present, they can be estimated after inferring using existing technology? And those of them, there is absolutely nothing that can make them feel so embarrassed by the young geniuses of the two bear shields like this box.
They also subconsciously feel that this box is as unscientific as magic...
"Okay! You don't need to tell me about technical matters!"
"Now, the first thing we have to do is to figure out where these boxes come from? You may not know that someone was attacked just now near Los Angeles, their spirits went frantic, and they kept saying that they saw ghosts! So! , What we have to do is to find the source of these boxes, and use this to find the escaped ghost?
Coleson's own judgment is: since the box was made by the earth, someone must have mastered this dangerous technology and made it, and then made or caught the ghost?
Director Nick Fury has just given feedback to Coulson, given important intelligence support, and has also obtained a way to fight and eliminate those ghosts! But the premise is: they must find the source of this box and where the ghost might go!
Coleson is a little worried, is there any more of these things? If the time comes, they all run out, then I am afraid there will be a big mess again!
"The source of the box? Of course! Of course we have checked it!"
"According to the records, we found that there are currently only three power laboratories in the world that can make it, and they are all closed now!"
"Of these three places, one is in New York, one is in Pasadena, and the other is in..."
Of course, Fitz had investigated these matters, so he quickly listed the specific locations of the three laboratories in North America on the holographic map and the approximate times of operation and shutdown.
"Okay! It must be in Pasadena! I will send Barbara to investigate there in a moment!"
Since the other party appeared in Los Angeles, then, based on this speculation, the source of the box and the ghost must be in the power laboratory in Pasadena, and it is correct to go there first to investigate!
Fortunately, the special eyepieces of their bear shield ghost suit can see those ghosts; more interestingly, those ghosts seem to be unable to see the ghost agents in invisibility? In this way, it provides them with the possibility and opportunity to detect and monitor each other!
"Okay, now is the second thing: I still want to know, with your existing conditions, is there any way to treat Melinda and the other gang members?"
Although Coleson knows that there are better ways to treat Melinda and other people, but if they can be cured with their high-tech medical room, then he doesn't need to trouble some two. A busy church person.
He had heard that those two were very busy in New York, and their careers were booming. It seemed that the number of believers was more than that of them?
"In principle, it is possible! But I do not recommend using our own plan to treat Melinda, because it is too irresponsible!"
Simmons, who tested Melinda's condition the first time, certainly knew how to treat that partner! Even, it doesn't take her to study the treatment method. The intelligent medical warehouse system has already given a seemingly ‘reasonable’ treatment plan.
"Coleson, you may not know. I checked the condition of Merlin's large forehead and found that the reticulated activation system of her brain, that is, the neuron that mainly controls sleep and wakefulness, is extremely active! Something is made in it. Her hallucinations put her in extreme fear and excitement, and led to excessive secretion of adrenal hormones! If this continues, she is likely to die from excessive shock in the next few days?"
Simmons couldn't imagine what kind of situation would it be like if a person had nightmares for a long time?
You know, although adrenal hormone is a good thing, the human body actually has its limits! Once the adrenal hormones are excessively excessive, for example, like Melinda and other gang members, if they continue to secrete such excessive amounts for several days, then death is not far away!
Their internal organs and brains are definitely unbearable! Therefore, Simmons has been very worried about this matter!
Moreover, she has already thought about it. If she can't find a better treatment plan in a short time, she will throw Melinda into the hibernation cabin and freeze her whole body until she finds a better and more perfect treatment. Before the plan, she would never be released!
"Okay, Simmons... you just talk about what I can understand! For example, if you follow our own plan to treat, what will happen?"
After sighing slightly, Coleson quickly interrupted what Simmons was about to say, and then quickly asked him what he was most concerned about now.
"Oh! Okay, sir!"
"Our treatment plan is to use our advanced equipment to directly pierce Melinda's head with that tiny probe, and then release the tiny nanorobots, and then use them to directly remove this to make Melinda fall into fear. Active neurons in the middle, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of eradicating the disease!"
"Then, within two minutes, Melinda's illness can be said to be completely cured, and she can be discharged immediately?"
This is the best treatment plan given by this advanced Hero Federal Military Medical Warehouse!
From the perspective of this high-tech smart medical device, Melinda’s current condition is nothing at all! For it, this is simply too simple! What it is best at is actually wherever it is!
Shot necrosis in your hands and feet? It doesn't matter, just cut it off!
Replaced with a more powerful biochemical skin mechanical arm, not only makes it invisible to ordinary people, but also greatly improves the patient's arm strength. Even if you want to punch a cow to death, it will not be a big problem!
What, you said that the patient's internal organs have a problem? That's okay, continue cutting away!
Just replace it with new artificial biochemical internal organs! They use the latest federal technology and use high-energy crystal particles for energy. They can be used safely and efficiently for a thousand years, ensuring that the internal organs that are replaced will not cause any problems when the patient dies of old age! And if the economy is really struggling, maybe it can be taken down and sold on the black market?
Finally, just like now, it is found that a neuron of the patient has a problem? So, its method is still so straightforward and rude, then...cut it off! Cut it all away!
Since a certain neuron affects the brain, use the nano-medical robot to directly enter the brain to accurately cut off all the small neural links between this neuron and other neural links, so that the neuron in question loses its function and directly. seperate!
Then, the patient's brain will not be affected! At that time, you only need to apply some iodine to the probe position on your head for disinfection, and you don't even need to bandage, and you can be discharged from the hospital immediately!
And this is its power: simple, brutal and efficient!
"This sounds great, so what are you waiting for, don't you hurry up to operate on Melinda?!"
Healed the illness in two minutes, and then resurrected in situ full of blood and blue, this matter, to Coleson, could not be better! He was very satisfied with this, and saved him from going to New York to ask for help from two church members in Azeroth.
"This can't work, Chief Coleson..."
"Think about it, after removing Melinda's fearful neurons, she will probably no longer have emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy... In that case, is she still a normal person?"
It is precisely because of this that Simmons did not dare to decide on treatment.
This kind of result is not something they can make privately without authorization, it is really cruel to Melinda! Therefore, she had the idea of ​​using the hibernation chamber, and planned to freeze Melinda directly when the situation was not good.
"There is no emotion of joy, anger, sadness..."
"Well, it shouldn't be too late. I plan to go to New York now. Any of you want to go with me?"
After pondering for a while, Coleson, who knew that this result was indeed a bit serious, nodded solemnly and directly denied this neuron removal treatment plan! He planned to go to the Bright Church in New York to seek the help of the Holy Light from two busy members of the Azeroth church in accordance with the idea of ​​the little Annie conveyed by Director Nick Fury.
Sure enough, to catch ghosts or something, I still need to find clergy...

Lao Mo is a lord, in short, he manages one of his own hells, in hell, he has the final say! And here, it is Mephisto's private domain at the same time, here, he is omnipotent, he is the only here!
And in this Marvel world, there are actually more than one Hell Lord and Death, such as Hela, Hades, Mephisto, Velasco, etc. They all have their own hells, and there is not much between each other. Relations are generally independent of each other, do not govern each other or occasionally cause each other to stumble?
And his is a semi-plane relying on the main material world, which is unique to him Mephisto!
Although the rules here are not comprehensive, it is undoubtedly a magical place! Here, in the void, there is only a huge planet, about one and five times the size of the earth? It's just that there is no vegetation, no air, or even any organic matter on it!
Therefore, no normal life can be nurtured here! However, those souls and demons who can stay awake, eat or breathe, can survive here!
In his hell, there was originally no life. Although he created some demons, they were really too monotonous? Therefore, he who is eager to transform this place can only use his mortal soul to recharge...
This is one of the reasons why he likes to collect souls for countless years and let them flood this hell.
Seeing the souls and demons on their own planet increase day by day, this gives Mephisto, the lord of hell, a sense of accomplishment! Here, he is enjoying the fun that the Creator can only enjoy, but this is not enough, far from enough! He also needs more souls, especially those interesting souls, which will make him feel happy and enrich his world!
Although, due to various reasons, he could not, nor did he dare to go directly to the main material world to harvest souls indiscriminately, but, due to certain agreements, he could still reasonably and legally send his agents to collect those for himself Something interesting. For example, by signing a contract, giving the evil spirit knights power, and then let them help themselves to reap in the world?
For this approach, old Mephisto has always been very proud! Because, during these years, the evil spirit knights have indeed collected a lot of souls that meet their requirements and will not be made difficult by others. He is very satisfied with this!
Originally, he thought that these things would continue in this way until one day in the future, he would eventually get what he wanted, and eventually his demiplane would evolve into a small world!
Anyway, he is the one who is immortal and immortal. He will always wait until that day, right?
His stable planet, even if there is no life and no atmosphere, but he believes that one day he will transform it into a paradise for demons and evil spirits! He believes that there will be such a day.
However, today, an accident happened...
Mephisto, who was in deep sleep, was suddenly awakened by the huge movement and was directly buried by his collapsed palace...
No one can imagine that although he was a quiet but relatively perfect planet, at this time, he seemed to be hit by a huge meteorite?
When he rushed out of the ruins in anger, he discovered that the world on the entire planet began to vibrate violently, it was like a major earthquake surpassing a magnitude nine...Countless grounds began to crack and the planet’s magma Money spewed out violently, the rocky mountain range was shaken and continued to collapse...Even the palace made by his rock, shortly after he rushed out, suddenly wailed and collapsed, and soon The remaining buildings are turned into a pool of ruins...
All the demons and ugly souls are running around in a ghostly cry and howling...
Those evil spirits are okay, because they have no entity, so no matter it is lava or rolling boulders, they can't be affected. They are actually just enjoying the horror scene when the end is coming!
However, those low-level demons are not so lucky... They are either swallowed by cracks in the ground, or squashed by the falling boulders...
Or, the roaring and fierce lava directly swept into those oceans of magma...
"No... this is my hell..."
Levitating and flying in mid-air, the Demon Lord Mephisto looked at his planet dumbfounded. He didn't understand what happened to his hell? How good is it that such a big change happened suddenly?
Great changes come fast and go fast!
When Mephisto was still in a daze, his hell, his planet in a private demiplane, gradually returned to relative calm again...
Of course, this is in contrast to the huge movement before. Now, here, the death planet that was originally like a whole rock has become alive! The magma is roaring, the aftershocks are still roaring, the rivers or oceans that are also formed by magma continue to roll, countless mountains are collapsing, and volcanoes continue to erupt...
The magic is: on this planet, it has gas and clouds for the first time! And they are all formed by the gas and dust released after the star breaks and the flame erupts...
"The direction from which the explosion and energy fluctuations are coming... seems to be there?!"
Finally, Mephisto, who had recovered from his astonishment, suddenly found out: The source of all this seems to come from the other side of the planet?
Therefore, he teleported for the first time and appeared directly from one side of the planet to the other side above the explosion point.
", this is absolutely impossible!"
After coming here, Mephisto was surprised to find that the planet in his half plane, his private hell, seemed to have been shattered by a powerful, devastating explosion. Half? Looking down from a high altitude, it was like an apple was bitten badly?
Then, this caused his originally peaceful planet to instantly become such a flame hell-like existence?
Here, the magma roared even more fiercely, those lava oceans are endless, even, there are billowing black smoke whirlpools in the sky, and at the same time, there are countless lightning bolts for the first time?
Countless planetary matter and debris are being thrown into the void...
Anyone can see that this planet is now dead...If it is in the outer universe, now, it will probably start to resemble an egg, after being torn apart by various gravitational forces, it will break apart. ?
Mephisto really wanted to catch someone and ask, what is wrong with his planet? He just slept for a long time. Why did he open his eyes and the planet that poured his countless efforts would be over?
Could it be that it was really hit by a huge meteorite? !
"This is absolutely impossible!!"
Mephisto quickly rejected the absurd idea that flashed through his mind!
He knows better than anyone else, his hell, this demiplane, except for this planet and the evil spirits and demons on it, the entire starry sky is full of darkness and nothingness. Where can I get another piece that can smash the planet into Such a meteorite?
Therefore, Mephisto thinks this must be someone targeting him! Someone must be attacking his hell! So, who will it be? Other rivals? Those in heaven? Or is it a certain god's domain? !
Mephisto was floating in the sky above the crater that had been exploded and had formed a lava ocean and the broken planets around him. When he was suspicious, he suddenly discovered that here, it seems that Is there something familiar?
Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and grabbed a small group of fire that seemed to be extinguished at any time from the lava ocean below?
"Ha! Johnny Blazer!"
After looking at the swaying fire of in his hand, Mephisto's originally uncertain face finally became savage. Then, he roared and released his power, which seemed to be extinguished at any time. After the flame became more vigorous, he moved and dropped, and at the same time he threw the flame in his hand into the magma pool below.
"Now, Johnny Blazer... can you tell me... here... why does this happen?"
Looking at a flame skeleton that was resurrected by his input of power, he used to be very optimistic, even in order to get his soul, even the evil spirit knight who did his hands and feet in the contract despite his face, Mephisto said nothing. After talking, his face was terribly gloomy!
"I'm sorry... Your Excellency Mephisto, I actually don't know..."
After the resurrection, the ghost rider Johnny Blazer first glanced at the surrounding situation in shock, and then he didn't know if he thought of something. After hesitating and tangled for a while, he opened his skull bones. His chin spread his hands helplessly.
"How dare you lie to me!!!"
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