Chapter 335: Galaxy (2)

In the past, Annie couldn’t beat herself, and then pretended to be an observer of Uatu. She had watched the sky at night and calculated a few predictions for herself. Most of them have been Proved to be invalid, but one or two of them are still somewhat accurate.
For example, she ran with Uncle Coleson and the others before, and then she was able to beat a certain iron monster? Also, in it, she also got such another prediction with keywords, and Annie had always felt that it did not have much credibility!
Because it roughly means: one day, when her home is burned by someone else, she can get the most of her in the universe, in this huge head that she once saw with the observer’s equipment. Something you want?
Originally, Annie herself had never believed in this prediction! Because she never thought that anyone would be fattened up and dare to burn their own home! She has always been reluctant to believe in such an unlikely event, and she hasn't paid too much attention to it.
But where could Annie think that just yesterday, someone actually hit the door unconsciously and burned her home? !
So, after venting her anger and returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, she originally planned to go to rest, but suddenly remembered that there is another thing?
So she hurriedly ran to the observation base of U'Atu to confirm the position of the head, and then opened the space door, and recruited this ship from the interstellar world for long-distance interstellar navigation. , But not big, but extremely comfortable high-end special space shuttle boat.
Its shell is a silver beautiful flat water drop structure, which was specially made by the Hero Federal Academy of Sciences for the emergency shooting of the head of state. Its decoration is extremely luxurious and the comfort is excellent! It is actually not big. In addition to the thick protective shell, there are only two decks, multiple functional cabins, plus a large food storage room and a small crop cultivation room.
In general, except for its abundant energy, relatively tough outer wall, extremely powerful shield, and no weapons, it is actually just a luxury space yacht suitable for living and traveling, and traveling around the stars!
But in fact, this is just an airship for Anne to be her new home! This is what Annie thinks. With this spacecraft, she will no longer be afraid of others burning her house casually! Moreover, no matter where she wants to go, she just needs to drive the spaceship! Then, when it landed on the ground, it was a house.
"Tibbs, it's still dark outside...Could it be that people just slept for a few hours?"
After sitting up on the soft bed with exquisite materials, Annie rubbed her sleepy eyes and glanced at the scene outside Xiao Xuan's window.
She remembered, when the spacecraft set off on its own, it seemed that the North American time on the earth was around ten o'clock in the afternoon? So, since the sky outside is still so dark, then, if you count it like this, she might not have slept for long, right?
(Actually, you really didn’t sleep for long. It was just one night plus the afternoon? It’s almost 20 hours, right? By the way, a reminder: In the universe, no matter when you see Go outside, as long as there are no such stars nearby, it will definitely be black that day...)
(Also, my little master... The little one suddenly felt that you have become more and more lazy recently... Every day I ate and slept, slept enough to play, and eat when I’m tired... It’s just lazy The typical generation of... uh, don't be angry... just as the little one just fart...
After hearing the dazed question of his master, Tibbers hit the opponent without hesitation.
However, before it finished speaking, it was originally caught in the arms of Annie, and suddenly found itself flying... Then, the kind of water that it hates most quickly flooded it... It turned out that it was After being swiped so casually by my little master, it was directly thrown into the small bathtub next to the bedroom that was also affected by the gravity system and filled with bath water...)
"Tibbs! The water in the universe is very precious. You can drink it after filtering!"
(Master...This fully functional spacecraft has a pure water and drinking water synthesis device. It only needs hydrogen and oxygen elements and energy, and it is absolutely impossible to lack water...)
"Wow... Tibbers, come and see! What a big head..."
(Report to the owner...The little one is still in the water and can't see anything...)
After Annie came out of the bedroom door that opened automatically, she didn't run to wash or change clothes first. Instead, she ran directly into the cockpit at the front of the spacecraft and saw the outside situation through the Xuan window:
In the distance of the deep black starry sky, there is a huge head surrounded by dazzling colorful nebulae and bright lights, which looks extremely terrifying!
No... Maybe, the word giant is far from enough to describe it? Has anyone ever seen a space port, a space city and a mining area built in the head of a giant? !
That thing lay in the distance directly in front of Annie's spacecraft. Then, outside the huge head, there were countless mining spacecraft busy collecting minerals. In Annie's opinion, the size of that thing counts as a fraction of the size of a moon, right? In the mouth and eye sockets of the skull, there were places that seemed to be port-like, and countless strangely-shaped spaceships were constantly coming in and out.
But in fact, if Annie returns to the world of Azeroth in the future and is fortunate enough to see the boss of the Burning Legion, the body of the dark Titan Sargeras descends on the planet of Azeroth. If she used his great sword to force into the planet, she might not feel that the head in front of her was big...
?note! The silver unidentified spacecraft in front, welcome to the emptiness of the Tiwan Group! First of all, you have entered our aviation identification zone, please state your identity and purpose as soon as possible! ?
? Silver-white unknown spacecraft, please answer when you hear it! ?
Just when Annie was surprised, an unencrypted communication connection request was automatically connected to the console of her own spacecraft. Then, she soon discovered that a strange alien-like monster appeared in her holographic communication interface. After the other party was also slightly stunned at the appearance of the little girl, Annie, she quickly returned. God, but still calling and inquiring like that.
"My name is Annie! I'm here...should be here to play?"
Annie scratched her head. She felt that the reason why she came here seemed to be for fun, should it be considered? Anyway, this universe is so hot, she did think about going around...
?Yes, we have received...?
? Please control the spacecraft to follow the lead barge No. 18 and go to the No. 36 space berth of the Nothing Land Space Port. Attention, please be sure to strictly abide by the rules of Nothing Land, and pay the entry tax and docking supply fee to Diwan Group in time! ?
Although, it seemed weird to see a little girl come and play in their emptiness... But, this airport dispatcher felt that it didn't seem to be his business! He himself only needs to make sure that the other party's armed threat is not high and he can afford the money to enter Hong Kong. As for other things, it is not something he should worry about.
"Okay, Xiaobai! Did you hear that? You can drive by yourself and follow them into Hong Kong!"
The little white in Annie's mouth was the name of her spaceship. Who made it silvery white on the outside? So, she has never had any talent for naming, and she is too lazy to choose a name, just like that.
[Yes! Your Excellency! Following the specified target...]
After receiving Annie’s order, this beautiful little spacecraft, which had its auxiliary engine turned off, turned on its afterburner slightly, and then it didn’t need Annie to drive, so it followed the lead ship in front of it smoothly. The airport barge of the Tiwan Group flew in the direction of the huge head's mouth.
As the spacecraft gradually approached, looking at the huge hideous head and the interstellar city inside the head, Annie suddenly realized that this world does not seem to be as simple as the ones she saw...

At the Bear Shield Headquarters Base on the far side of the moon, Coleson’s entire team has returned here on their medium-sized carrier "Little Bear", ending their standby in orbit on the earth and ready to fight. State, but the Captain America on another transport spacecraft and the original 13th agent Sharon Carter and their team replaced their mission.
"Director, this is probably the case now, do you have any instructions?"
In the director's office at the headquarters, Coleson reported to Chief Nick Fury all about the book.
After completing the arrest and elimination of the ghost of the woman, Coleson investigated the whole thing about the book overnight, including: the identity of the transparent ghost woman and why the laboratory was Was shut down and so on.
Finally, with the strong ability of Xiong Shield Bureau and the active cooperation of the government departments of the United States on the ground, it really allowed him to find out a lot of things in the shortest time!
For example: The woman's name is Lucy, who was originally one of the researchers in the shut down power laboratory! At that time, how many people were still involved in mysterious research in that power laboratory?
However, those people are now strangely missing, no one is born, no corpse is seen!
This incident actually happened a few years ago. At that time, after all the scientific researchers disappeared inexplicably, the police launched an investigation into the incident. Afterwards, they only found some traces of blood in the laboratory, and the scientific researchers were declared missing...
In the end, the police had no choice but to prosecute the most suspicious Eli Moreau with multiple murders or kidnappings, and finally successfully put him in prison! In the end, the matter was not settled and the case was closed hastily.
Anyway, Coleson and the others only found so much for the time being, maybe that was the case back then?
Actually, Coleson and the others can now roughly imagine it: At the time, it must have been the Eli Morrow ghost who was obsessed with, or wanted to monopolize the magic book, or the uneven distribution of benefits, etc. ? Anyway, he used the knowledge in that book to turn all other informed researchers into ghosts and put them in those boxes! And this caused the police investigation into trouble?
After reading the dossier, Coleson was even surprised to find that Eli Morrow was actually the flame skull beaten by Annie before, and that Robbie Reyes' uncle?
This world is too small...
So, after the investigation got here, Coleson stopped, and this is probably the case!
Anyway, at this time, no matter what the causes and consequences of this incident are, the culprit that caused everything, the strange book called the Book of Darkness, has already fallen into the hands of their Bear Shield. The perpetrators of many evils are still being held in prisons to serve their sentences, and are likely to be kept until the day they die of old age?
Therefore, apart from sending people to pay regular attention to the situation of Eli Morrow, Coleson did not continue to study further. After roughly understanding and guessing the whole story of what happened in this book, he just Hurry back and report!
Because, in his team, a total of four people touched this book at that time, and they didn't know what happened afterwards! But judging from the nervousness and fear of touching the two magic sticks, it is likely that something terrible will happen to the four of them in the future?
"So, the seriousness of the matter now lies in the fact that the two priests and paladins of the Holy Light Church can't help you with that weird "Dark Book", even... they are afraid? Can I help you, but can't be contacted temporarily?"
Hearing this, Director Nick Fury supported his big bald head with both hands with a headache. He also probably knew the whereabouts of that little girl Annie...
However, just yesterday afternoon, she said she was going to rest, but suddenly she ran to the observer inexplicably, and was captured by the lunar exploration satellite monitored by their Bear Shield.
After that, she opened a space door on the spot and summoned a beautiful silver spaceship, and then, a leap disappeared! Now, it is very likely that she has already rushed to a certain corner of the universe. If the Bear Shield wants to find her proactively, it may be difficult for the time being.
"Coleson, are you sure, only the four of you have touched that book?"
Looking at the people on the list who had touched the dark book of God, Nick Fury had an even more headache. Because, the four of them are all important backbone members of the Bear Shield!
Phil Coleson will not say anything. He has always been one of his own right and left arm, one of the capable men, and only more important than Hill; Leo Fitz and Gemma Simmons, these two childhood sweethearts The importance of the genius scientist to Xiong Shield is self-evident! As for Barbara Morse, the former Agent No. 19 of S.H.I.E.L.D., but currently one of the elite trump cards of the Bear Shield, especially after the opponent puts on the ghost suit, she is simply a super girl comparable to Captain America. hero!
And now, if these people really had an accident because they touched the broken book, then they would really be considered a loss of soldiers...
"Yes, Director, it is indeed that way!"
"Now those of us who have been in contact with that book, what do you think should be arranged?"
"Actually... you may not need to worry too much. Although the two of you said the matter very seriously... But, so far, no one, including me, seems to have noticed any discomfort. Maybe, this Maybe good news?"
Whether it was Coleson himself, or Fitz, Simmons, or Barbara, one night passed, and until now, I haven't found any discomfort! Even the various scans conducted by Simmons on them showed that all of them, various physical indicators, were all normal, and their bodies were healthy, and there were no signs of being affected.
Therefore, after the initial panic, the current Coleson actually does not have the anxiety at the beginning. He thought, maybe, that book, let them go? Or maybe it's because they didn't watch for too long, so they were not affected, so don't worry too much?
After closing his eyes and meditating for a while, Nick Fury opened his eyes suddenly, and had already made up his mind.
"The book should be temporarily sealed and classified as a high-level dangerous unknown item of the Bear Shield. It should be placed in the vault of the base first. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to touch or look through it! As for you..."
"During this period of time, you don't need to go out on missions for the time being, and then don't return to Earth. Just stay at the headquarters and observe for a few days, just as relaxing and taking a vacation!"
In addition to dealing with it like this, Nick Fury himself has no better way.
Now, they can only pray that these four people will not do anything big before a little girl who is out comes back, otherwise, they will really be a loss-making business! He only hoped that the matter might not be so serious.
Originally, Nick Fury thought that after they were reorganized into the Bear Shield and obtained advanced equipment, they would be able to solve various incidents perfectly, but who would have thought that the enemies and weird objects they are encountering now are also It's getting harder and harder.
And when the director of the Moon Bear Shield was having a headache for those magical items, somewhere in New York, beside a seaside ruin that was burned to a flat ground, someone who had fallen for eight lifetimes of blood mold watched his environment. Deteriorating step by step and heading towards collapse, but he was helpless, the lord of hell, Mephitus, carried someone who was obviously beaten again, with many scars on his face and body, and a man with a look of grief. The ghost knight in form opened the space door and quietly returned to the place where the battle took place yesterday.
Here, those beautiful little gardens, a private villa, private beach buildings and so on that originally belonged to Annie were all burned to ruins! Even a certain luxury yacht originally parked on the edge of a small pier was burned into a gray-brown twisted iron knot, just floating on the sea!
A villa with a private beach that was originally well-documented by Xiao Anni was turned into such a look...
If you look at it from this perspective, a certain ghost rider who wanted to escape after setting off the fire, he was followed by Annie and threw a few super Ivans to revenge. Maybe he deserves it? It is a pity that the instigator has been resurrected again, but a certain lord has suffered from the fish?
"Ha! That's right, this is the place!"
"Humph! Johnny, the place where you opened the space door to enter my yesterday?"
"I saw... the traces of the battle here are obvious. Most of them are caused by the kind of fire I gave you! Of course, there should be another kind of flame... Oh! There seems to be some kind of huge Monster? Let me see, this footprint..."
Mephisto sneered and glanced at Johnny Blazer, who followed him with a stern face and said nothing, then smiled disdainfully, and started walking casually in the ruins. Regardless of the isolation belts pulled up by the police, they walked in the ruins that had long been turned into ashes.
Even if he signed a contract with him, he didn't say anything about the evil spirit knight who was dissatisfied with him, he would be able to find out who did it sooner or later. He had time and was not in a hurry!
"Tsk! I think, I have probably seen it..."
"Let me guess: you must have been fighting with someone... and then you lost?!"
"Look, here, there are traces here, things are already obvious! At the scene, there were three similar big footprints, and one seemed to be bigger...Look at these metal warheads. It’s not the technology of the people on earth now... but your enemies should be four, one big and three small... and then... you were shamelessly defeated... When you ran into my hell, the enemy The attack comes after you?"
"Or... you deliberately led the enemy's attack to my hell? Don't think I can't find it out. At that time, the portal was deliberately opened by you for a long time before it was closed!"
After staring at a certain hateful human with an innocent look for a while, Mephitus barely resisted the urge to use the contract to kill him. He still needs this who is dissatisfied with him temporarily!
Johnny Blazer was stunned by the opponent's speculation...
If he knew the name Dou E, he would definitely think about it like this: He is really more wronged than Dou E!
At that time, the reason he was fighting with each other was just to take back the spirit of revenge! What happened after that was exactly what the other party said. When I fought, I really failed. The three Autobot Transformers and the Decepticon Megatron were really difficult to get around, and they restrained him, so, He had no choice but to retreat directly!
But who ever thought that the little girl had the ability to forcibly suppress the closing of the portal to hell?
He was actually on the other side of and tried hard to close the door, but where did he know that a certain little girl was so cruel, he just threw a few missiles... and then, he really did not I don't know what happened.
All he knew was that in the intense light and explosion, he kept dying...and rebirth...until he became extremely weak, until he was recovered by the re-input of power by that Mephisto!
But at that time, the planet in had been bombed beyond recognition. This was actually not what he wanted to do subjectively...
Johnny could imagine that those four missiles must be nuclear weapons, right? But... what he couldn't understand was what kind of nuclear weapons could directly blow up a planet larger than the earth into that ghost look?
"Humph! It doesn't matter if you don't want to say..."
"Now, according to the contract, you must do one thing for me before I will return your soul to you!"
"Don't worry... I will never kill you before the contract is completed... I am very abiding by the spirit of the contract! So, you can get out now! Remember the thing I told you: Find me a witch The demon, then, ruined him, otherwise..."
Finally, he glanced at the ruins, and then at the evil spirit knight Johnny, who was looking gloomy next to him, Mephisto snorted and suddenly turned into a black mist and disappeared completely in front of him. .
He can't stay too long in the daytime, so as not to grow out of knots and be stared at by certain opponents! After all, the longer he himself stays in the world, the weaker his ability will be! Only is his home court, but...

The Temple of the Universe, here, is the emperor of the universe, the crazy Titan, the territory of the eternal family of Thanos!
And today, Ronan, the fanatic of the Kerry Empire and the leader of the accuser, had to come here to meet his ally, to meet this existence that has made countless cosmic races afraid.
Not long ago, Ronan and Thanos secretly reached an agreement that he needed to retrieve a special cosmic sphere for Thanos within the time limit, and the other party exchanged terms: to help Ronan destroy the Kerry opponent , Destroyed Xandar, and destroyed Xandar people!
"With all due respect... Lord Thanos, Thanos..."
"The thing that your own baby girl provokes, why did you come to summon me? This thing is not reasonable at all!"
Looking at the void, who was sitting on a stone throne with Thanos arrogantly facing his back, Ronan could only try to suppress the inextinguishable anger in his heart, and tried to defend himself very angrily.
If he remembers correctly, he himself is just reaching an alliance agreement with this Thanos, but what about the other party, he actually regards himself as a little boy?
This is really outrageous!
So, looking at the person above, he turned his back to himself, and still sat on the throne well. He couldn’t see his face. He didn’t know what he was thinking. It seemed that he really didn’t intend to pay attention to his Thanos, and then look at someone next Taking a quick look at the Dark Order, who had been chattering to himself, Ronan could only bite the bullet and continued:
"She lost to the barbarians first, and then was captured by the Nova Army... At the same time, your own eyeliner told me that she was going to betray us?!"
"Humph! I'm fed up with you!"
Finally, Ronan really couldn’t bear the behavior of the little guy under the Thanos’ forces pointing at himself on the other side. Therefore, this
universal weapon
Kerry Warhammer in his hand, the of the Kerry Empire Class-level individual weapon directly fired a shock wave, causing this messy little boy's neck to twist one hundred and eighty degrees, and then blocked Thanos’ face, and fell to the cold rocky ground in vain. .
"Thanks! My only request is that you can properly handle this matter!"
After killing an official of the other party, Luo Nancai raised his head and looked up tentatively for a while. The one still turned his back to him and still didn't intend to pay attention to his Thanos. Then, he squinted his eyes, very annoyed. Waving his own warhammer.
"The only thing I haven't been able to handle well, maybe it's about you, Kerry little bastard!"
Finally, Thanos, wearing the golden armor, surprisingly did not continue to remain silent, but slowly turned his throne around, and coldly looked down at Ronan, the little leader of the Cree who was standing below. It is said that he can find what he wants for himself, but he is still making no progress!
"Your name is Ronan, isn't it? Just listen to me: I don't want to take care of your messy things! Your actions seem to me extremely naive..."
"Now, you dare to come to me to separate me and my most beloved daughter Kamora? This is nothing short of knowing!"
"So, the Cree, I finally warn you: I will fulfill the agreement between us... However, the premise is that you must bring the cosmic sphere to me, and the sooner the better, I I'm already very impatient!"
Having said this, Thanos sat upright on his throne slightly, tapping the armrest of his throne with his fingers, and staring forward at the stupid Blue Picari below.
"Next time... when you appear in front of me again, but I didn't see the cosmic sphere, then I will definitely unscrew your ridiculous head!"
After saying that, Thanos waved his hand and motioned to his other goddaughter, the Nebula of the Ruffen Modder, to go and assist the little Kerry clerk below who was looking upset, and to the thief who was imprisoned. Klin prison, and must find the sphere he wants!
If Thanos wants to complete his career, he must have the help of Infinite Gems, otherwise, with so many powerful men in the universe and self-knowledge, he will definitely not dare to mess around!
However...Two years ago, he gave a black-haired kid to complete his mission on Earth, find the space gem and execute his plan...
But in the end, not only failed to complete the plan, but also lost the soul gem and space gem together? ! In this regard, Thanos is already very angry! He desperately needs to find an infinite gem, and then he will carry out the plan himself. He will definitely not sham some incompetent guys casually, absolutely not!

"Aha! See it? My Tibbers won again. Who else would dare to challenge my little bear?!"
In this mining space station, this barren land, a place similar to a gambling table is surrounded by countless gamblers and high rollers, who are gambling and making noise with various little monsters from all parts of the universe! In fact, this is equivalent to a cricket fight on earth, but the ‘cricket’ here is a little bit big and brutal?
And Little Annie, sitting at the gambling table now, piled up in front of her with a pile of soft currencies made of rare materials in circulation! It is said that while they represent money, they have extremely high value in themselves?
And now, when Tibbers of her family scooped a small dinosaur-like alien monster with one paw, Annie knew that she had won this bet again! Therefore, she happily put all the bets of other aliens into her pocket.
(Master...Don't play this kind of game, can you just do some serious things? Just idle all day long...
Tibbers reluctantly shook the blood of the green alien monsters on his paws, and then griefly suggested to some unscrupulous owner.
It's been almost half a day since I came here. Except at the beginning, this little master ate a strange alien food very curiously, most of the time, she stayed here. Look at this messy little girl. Didn't you learn well, learn how to fight monsters, and threw Tibbers on the court?
It has always been a strong shadow bear, but now, it is going to be cute and fighting with a group of weak little monsters? Tibbers think, this is really a naked insult to it! It wants to protest, it wants to bear power! It shouldn't get smaller and fight with such a group of low-level creatures! )
"Wait! I don't think this is fair at all!"
At this time, looking at the arrogant little furbolg in front of the little girl, and then at a little girl who is proud and is drawing money, and another alien with blue skin and sharp ears loses his eyes, very angry. Stepped out and yelled loudly.
"We are very suspicious, your pet must have a problem!"
"It's even more shameless than the Oroni monster with the red pimple weird all over! Therefore, we strongly request that its belly be cut open and take a good look to see if it is a creature!?"
The rules of this gambling game are actually very simple, that is: as long as the ferocious cosmic creatures of a certain size do not exceed a certain size, they can participate! Originally, when the little girl wanted to participate, people like them had already doubted the identity of the teddy bear! However, after seeing the coins waving in a little girl's hand, they wanted to make a good profit, so they coaxed and agreed to join the other party!
But who ever thought that that teddy bear-like gadget would be so powerful, one paw, and all of their little monsters?
So, now, not only did they fail to make the money in the other party's pocket, but instead they lost all of their own money, they were ready to cheat! Because, they can see that this little girl seems to be a person?
"Oh? You still want to scavenge my Tibbers? Don't... you want to die?!"
After collecting all the bets, Annie pulled her bear's arm and held it in her hand, and then stood on the gambling table, the other little hand that was empty, and soon began to grab one. Fireballs of blazing flames.
"Now, who has an opinion on my little bear? Stand up and I promise I won't kill him!"
That's right, Annie is going to threaten these red-eyed aliens with force. She is the best at persuading others!
Just now, they clearly said that, as long as it is a creature, as long as it is not more than one foot tall or in length! And when she was planning to participate, she also made it clear that her little bear is a shadow creature. These obviously agreed, but now, they even want to behave if they lose. Does she really think she is an ordinary little girl? Who would dare to talk any longer and see if she would burn the other person to eight mature?
After seeing the fireball in a large area around the little girl's palm, the blue-skinned alien who had just uttered doubts immediately followed the crowd and backed away for several steps, never daring to make a sound . They are not stupid, knowing that this kind of guy with supernatural powers is not something ordinary people like them can offend.
"Humph! You are a bunch of bad guys, I won't play with you anymore!"
These bully and fearful guys, dare to bully to their own heads?
How dare you to speak out of your own little bear? Give them a hundred courage to try, even if you don't do it yourself, Tibes bear can swallow them alive, or the kind that doesn't even have scum left!
boom! ! !
Just as Annie was about to jump off the gaming table and go shopping elsewhere, suddenly, on the other side, a tall building with a dome suddenly burst from inside, and countless purple energy groups began to rush and dance. , They began to rush around frantically. Countless people died when they touched them, wounded when they rubbed them, and also blew up many steel buildings around them. After a while, it slowly calmed down.
"Aha! Tibbers, look at it!"
"Look! Look! My prediction, it really worked! Come here, and you can find what I want most! Have you noticed it? It's purple! That's right, it must be purple Another one!"
Little Annie, who is very familiar with the energy of Infinite Gems, instantly lit up when she saw the exploding purple energy. She knows that in this world, it is said that there are many such gems, and among them, she already has green time gems, blue space gems, and yellow soul gems! Coupled with the red reality gem that is still in Asgard, then this purple one must be another one!
Counting up like this, there are five infinite gems? !
However, Annie is not quite sure about the specific attributes of this purple. Therefore, she teleported directly and disappeared on the gaming table in an instant...This made the gamblers and high-rollers who were just startled by the explosion shocked by the little girl's superpowers. I have to scream.
"This is really amazing..."
Xingjue, formerly known as Peter Jason Quill, and his new teammate, Kamora, carefully poked his head out from behind a thick metal table, opened his mouth, and peeked at the star in the distance in shock. The weird purple gem, who still had lingering fears, blurted out his exclamation on the spot.
Just now, when Karina, the slave of the favorites, rose to rebel, and desperately reached out to grab the gem, the burst of purple energy suddenly burst out, blowing up the slave girl who was brave enough to resist her master. While there was no ash left, all the adventurers they planned to come here to collect bounty were all included. If it weren’t for the two of Xingjue and Kamora who met the opportunity quickly, they hid in this bunker for the first time Only afterwards can they survive the disaster. If the power of the explosion is dangerously avoided, I am afraid that they will all be killed together, right?
So, after looking at the collector who was struggling on the ground in the distance, and then at the purple gem in the distance, which was still in good shape, Xingjue finally realized: that gem is not easy!
So, when he was going to regret not wanting to hand it over, when he just wanted to go forward with Kamora and put away the gem and ran away, he was suddenly surprised to find that one was wearing a red dress and carrying a A plush teddy bear, blond, blue-eyed, and a cute little girl, suddenly appeared on the messy ground in front of the gem table?
"Uh! You are..."
Seeing the little girl who appeared to be harmless, Xing Jue was a little confused for a while.
He didn't understand, how did this little girl just pop up? Is it a stealth device? Or transfer?
But, Xingjue felt that if such a little girl was sent to this room without protection, the other party's technology was a little too good! Maybe, it will be that kind of magical ability?
"Hi! Big sister and uncles, how are you!"
Annie first greeted the two green-skinned big sisters and the white-skinned uncle who were stunned behind the metal bunker, and then suddenly stretched out her tender little hand, firmly toward the still The purple gem in the middle of the separated sphere in the middle of the robotic arm grabbed it!
"This thing, it's ownerless, right? So... I'm not welcome!"
What a fun piece of stone, but they throw it here like this, then it must be an unowned item, so, Annie feels that she can take it with peace of mind and will not feel guilty at all!
Moreover, Annie is protecting them by doing so! This kind of thing is too dangerous for them! Otherwise, next time it explodes like this time, then people like them will not be able to survive like this time. Therefore, Annie feels that she is doing good deeds. They are good people, they should thank themselves!
"No! Don't touch it again! Danger!"
Karina, the collector’s slave just now, caused the energy to explode in vain because she wanted to grab it. Now it’s good, this little girl who didn’t know where it came from, wanted to grab it again and again. Take it, doesn't she really want her life?
Xingjue can already imagine that in the next second, this cute and cute little girl will definitely be blown up by what kind of purple energy and blow up this already messy building again. Right? Therefore, he has made plans to retract into the bunker again.
"Danger? Cut... it's actually not dangerous!"
Annie grabbed the purple gem into her palm with such carelessness, and then placed it in front of her eyes, and began to squint, carefully feeling the energy and rules contained in it. She has already had three infinite gems. She is so familiar with this kind of stone that she can't be more familiar with it. When she researches it, it is not too easy!
So, after only a short while, she probably understood its function!
This thing, in addition to being the same as other infinite gems, has the almost infinite energy that can be used in this universe, but also allows the user to master and control all the power and energy that they are trying to master! It also supports other gems and can enhance their effects?
Of course, Annie also felt: Using this gem, it seems that the user can have extraordinary physical attack capabilities and powerful defense capabilities? Even, can it reach the level of invincibility?
But, Anne felt that this ability didn't seem to be of much use to her, she wouldn't be like those savages and be a muscular girl, then raise her fist to fight with others! If you did that, it would be too bad. She is a traditional mage. She likes to throw pets to fight with others, and then hide behind BIU~BIU~BIU and throw spells to play!
So, this stone, to Annie, is actually a tasteless...
Infinite energy. After Annie has swallowed the rules of space gems, she can already use the almost infinite energy in this world. It seems that it is meaningless to come more! As for supporting other stones... She doesn't seem to need it too much? After all, there is an infinite amount of energy that can be used, which is already a scam. Where else do I need to use other stone powers? Its almost unlimited energy is already the greatest power!
All in all, this stone is indeed a bit tasteless to Annie, except that it allows her to study its rules and integrate and swallow it when she is free, in fact, there is nothing remarkable!
"This... how is this possible! You, how could you be okay? Are you really okay?!"
After Xing Jue and Kamora on one side looked at each other in horror, they looked at the little the opposite side vigilantly and asked that they did not dare to leave the bunker for fear that the other party would suddenly explode.
Just now, the red-skinned Karina just held the gem for a short while, and was blown up to the point that there was no scum left! And now, this little girl, not only did she pick up the gems, but after studying for a while, she just tossed them like beans?
Xingjue even wondered maliciously: Is it possible that the broken stone will decide whether to blow it according to its appearance? Seeing that the maid just now didn't suit her taste, so she blew people up to ashes? And after seeing this cute blond little loli, she suddenly became docile?
"Because... she should be a powerful and powerful transcendent... and only those incomparably powerful transcendents in the legend can freely control and control the power contained in the infinite gem..."
At this time, the collector Diwan, who was blown up by the explosion just now, finally clutched his chest, stood up staggeringly on a table, and stared at the left hand with a jealous look. A plush teddy bear, a strange little girl holding a gem in her right hand but not receiving any energy backlash.
This little girl seems to have a little impression.
Before, he had heard reports from his men: a beautiful silver space shuttle boat with advanced technology, unknown nationality, and unknown race came to his barren land and docked at the 36th space port. In the berth. Originally, he was thinking that after he received the gang of Xingjue and Kamora, he would buy the spaceship and store it well...
"Dear transcendent, I am Tanya Tiwan, a collector who is keen on collecting. I pay my respects to you here. I am glad to see you..."
The collector Tiwan still reluctantly gave the little girl a two-handed salute with the body on his hands. This is the etiquette that the strong deserves. The other party holds infinite gems, but is not backlashed is proof!
"Huh? You are good too... my name is Annie!"
Annie felt that this white-haired strange old man seemed a bit weird, he could see through his own strength? But, she doesn't care about these messy things.
"Right! Do you have any other stones like this? Or, know where they are?"
Dangling the purple gem in her hand, Annie asked without seeing it. If they still have it, that would be great, and it would save her from looking around.
"That... I'm sorry, among the six infinite gems, even this one in your hand, I saw it for the first time, so..."
This little girl, it's not enough to have one, she wants something else? Collector Tanya Tiwan feels that this is really more greedy than himself...
"There are six of them?!"
"In addition to time, space, mind, reality and this power, what is the name of the last one? Where is it?"
In this world, there are as many as six infinite gems? Annie's eyes seem to be brighter...
Now, she has obtained four of them, and the remaining reality gem, she herself knows where it will be, so now there is the last one left... if that stone sounds good , Then, she is probably going to look for it?
"That one……"
"There should be an orange soul gem... As for where it is, I'm sorry, I don't know..."
This little girl knows the names of so many gems? Moreover, listening to her tone, she seems to have seen other than the last soul gem? Even... she might have it?
If that's the case, this little girl, that would be terrible too. She is looking for so many stones, what on earth does she want to do...
"Soul gem... soul..."
It seems to be a little boring suddenly?
Listening to this name, Annie felt that she couldn't take the slightest interest... She didn't need it to control the soul or something! So, she decided, just think of a way to get the last other red reality gem, the stone stored in the Asgard God’s Domain, or deceive the soul gem or something other than that, just forget it Right.
"Then, thank you for this gem, then I will go now!"
Now that this space station has been played by Annie once, and the purple power gem has been obtained, then Annie should not stay in this tattered place! Because, Annie felt uncomfortable when she thought of staying in the head of a giant monster's corpse!
Where are these weird people going to build houses? It happened to be built in the skulls of other people's corpses. This is really disgusting and too heavy! Don't these people dislike it?
"please wait!"
"Sorry, this... Your Excellency Anne? I stole the gem in your hand... Oh no! I found it by exploring an ancient ruin! I originally planned to sell it for 4 billion ,and so……"
Seeing the other party casually chatting with collector Tanya Tiwan, he wanted to pat his and leave, Xingjue became anxious on the spot! This thing, before he knew its power, was a bounty worth four billion! And now, after knowing its power, he feels that it can be worth at least 40 billion in bounty, and it won't work for one less!
Anyway, he definitely can't let this little girl take away this gem easily, he has to be more or less interesting! You know, for it, Xingjue himself traveled most of the Milky Way, and he got himself into prison, almost unable to get out! Therefore, if he can't use it in exchange for enough returns, he will never let it go!
"Then tell me what to do?"
"If you want money, I seem to have only these... gold or magic gems, don't you charge them?"
Although this power gem is very tasteless to Annie, she will never return it easily when she reaches what she has in her hand! Since the other party wants money, that's right, she just won a lot! Four billion is definitely not...but four hundred thousand should be enough, right?
A broken stone, how could it be worth four billion?
Moreover, Anne still heard what her mother, Amorine said, that she should bargain when she buys things, and finally suppress the price offered by some profiteers and give a price she thinks is reasonable. And now, Annie feels that the price of 400,000 yuan is quite reasonable!
Therefore, she took all the money she had just won out of her pocket, and threw them all into the hands of that strange uncle. Maybe they were more than four hundred thousand dollars.
Anyway, she is about to leave this tattered monster-head city here. It seems that there is no use keeping the money... Then just give it all to him, so that he won't say that he is stingy behind his back!
"Here! You stone, I think it's only worth so much. You don't have to pay an inch! Now, I declare: I have the money and goods, and it is officially owned by me! So, goodbye!"
Regardless of the stunned three people on the opposite side, Annie nodded satisfied with the deal after squeezing the power gem into her space pocket, turned and walked outside.
Opened his mouth, looked at the stack of money in his hand, and then at the little girl jumping in front of him. Xingjue wanted to make a lot of curses several times. However, at this time, he seemed to feel like there was something. A huge rock is stuck in my throat, and I can't vomit anything...
I'm sorry...
They traveled half a galaxy, exhausted and exhausted. They were even taken to prison, and they were almost killed by bombing...
And now, he actually made so much, just the 400,000 life money?
If, later, you have to give it to others, a big guy, a little bear, and a greedy tree guy, then... each person will be at most tens of thousands, right?
Such a small amount of money is not enough for the spacecraft's life and energy supplies and routine maintenance costs for a month! Is it really such a loss for this transaction? No, he must stop that little girl, he must make her increase the price! He doesn't have to ask for 40 billion, just barely give the original price of 4 billion!
Just when Annie wanted to step out of the house where the collector Tanya Tiwan had been blown to suddenly, there were waves of spacecraft engines and the roar of landing. Then, she felt it for a while, it seemed that many spacecraft and militants came and landed on this space station?
However, it didn't seem to be her own business, so Annie still hopped out and happily took her cheerful steps, celebrating that she had found another infinite gem today. Although, it is not the red one I want most, but, Anne thinks, I seem to be able to exchange it with that uncle hammer?
Anyway, don't their Asgard's Asgard people especially like to smash people and fight with people? Then this kind of power gem dedicated to barbarians, seems to be just right for their barbaric uncivilized race?
Annie felt that she was sincere and found something she didn't need to exchange with them. Then, they should definitely exchange with herself generously.
If it doesn’t change, then Annie will use some small tricks, hum...
"The big thing is not good! Ronan is here!"
Xingjue and Kamora just ran to the window that was also shattered and took a look. After seeing the appearance of the spacecraft, they knew that it must be the Cree, the one who has been chasing him for the universe sphere. The accuser? Ronan is here!
"Oops, come on, that little girl! Stop her, and never let that Ronan grab the original cosmic stone from that little girl!"
After looking at each other with Xingjue, Kamora hurriedly chased after the little girl who had been walking away! In any case, she must not let that stone fall into Ronan's hands and transfer it to Thanos' hands, absolutely not! She must stop the little girl!
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