Chapter 344: Cerebellum

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〔Seven! 〕
〔six! 〕
"Wait, Annie..."
"We are just like this... Does it really matter if we hit the planet at full speed like this?!"
Although the head of this monster is the size of a planet, it also has an atmospheric environment! Therefore, after seeing the spacecraft dive down towards the planet at high speed for a few seconds, even Coleson, who was not quite good in physics, could find that something was wrong.
Now through the Xuan window, he can see: The outer wall of the bulkhead is friction with the planet's atmosphere. Although the outer wall of this more advanced spacecraft does not see anything unusual, the air in contact with the outer wall has become like a fire. Generally red, if you need to hit the planet within ten seconds, you must accelerate to a terrifying speed, right?
From the orbit straight to the ground in ten seconds, that scene Coleson felt terrifying just thinking about it! The plane is too crazy. Does this spaceship really have such a good shock absorption system!
"Who told you...we were going to crash at full speed?"
Annie felt that Uncle Coleson’s words were a bit strange. She only said that she crashed into it, but she didn't say that she crashed into it at full speed... She is not stupid. How could she let her spaceship crash into the planet at full speed like a cannonball?
Immediately after Annie's words fell, in the next second, everyone felt that the outside scenery suddenly changed. The scene of diving into the planet from high altitude in the orbit suddenly became a scene of a spacecraft rushing directly into a large rift in a canyon? It turned out that after accelerating to a certain level, the spacecraft directly initiated a short-distance precise leap, appeared accurately above a certain Annie designated canyon, and then rammed into the canyon with one head!
〔note! Arrive at the scheduled delivery location in three seconds, please prepare all occupants for impact! 〕
〔three! 〕
〔two! 〕
〔One! 〕
When Drax, Kamora, the tentacles Mantis, and the Rocket Raccoon were besieged in a corner by countless bright white tentacles, preparing to be completely overwhelmed by these disgusting strange things...Suddenly, Right above their location, a spacecraft broke several rock beams that lay between the cracks in the canyons of this planet at a very fast speed, and hit the platform in front of them so viciously!
The violent impact roar sounded, and the head of the spacecraft plunged into the hard rock layer, and then the ground was hit by a huge solid cannonball. The rock cracked and splashed and the dust filled the sky. The explosion shock wave immediately emptied the surrounding divine power tentacles...
Even the four members of the Guardian of the Galaxy, including Drax, Kamora, Mantis, and Rocket Raccoon, who lie down and evade in an emergency, were all shattered and collapsed by the explosion impact above them. The rocks and soil were buried directly.
When everything calmed down slowly, the dust was gradually dispersed, and Rocket Raccoon, Kamora and others helped each other out from the gravel pile in the corner, they could only see the picture in front of them. Scene: A flat silver-white drop-shaped spacecraft is plunged one end under the rocky ground of their flat ground. Only the tail with the main engine and most of the hull are exposed outside?
"Hey! Little brown bear, did you really make you right? Some gods have gone down to earth..."
Seeing this silver-white drop-shaped spaceship with a shield on, it instantly helped them clean up the tentacles that were about to submerge them just now, Drax was stunned for a while, then suddenly turned his head happily. Said such a sentence to the Rockets nonchalantly.
"My name is Rocket, you can also call me a raccoon, but it's definitely not a little brown bear!"
"Also, this is obviously a spaceship, not a god! And... I seem to have seen this spaceship, right? Kamora? Maybe... we're really saved this time!"
Of course the Rocket knew the spacecraft, and it felt that Camora should have seen it too, and she should be able to see her now slightly happy expression.
It’s just that it’s different from Kamora’s mood. The Rockets are a little bit worried, because it doesn’t know whether the ship and the person in it are friends or enemies, and they haven’t notified each other, in case. If the other party is the helper that Igo found, the fun will be great!
"Huh? It really is you!"
"Hi! How are you guys, I've seen you again... Are you now playing this kind of funny Tentacle Monster game?"
When the spacecraft's cabin door was opened, Annie, who was least affected by the impact, was suspended in mid-air, and the first person flew out of the ship's cabin.
Then, she quickly saw the surrounding environment and the embarrassing crooked people.
Now here, apart from the countless large and small energy tentacles that continue to drill out of the surrounding ground, Annie only sees the few guys in front who are familiar and have met once: a big green-skinned sister, no one. Have you seen the little sister of the tentacles, a ferocious little raccoon who can talk, plus a shirtless alien man with red bumps all over?
That's right, they are! When Annie was in that barren land, she had indeed seen these guys!
At that time, she had just bought gems from them, and not long after she came out, she saw them being chased and beaten by two groups. Then, she said inexplicably that she took their cosmic sphere? Anyway, it made her work so hard at that time to finally figure out what the ball they were talking about was!
"Who is this strange little girl?!"
"She can fly without a flying device... That must be Yigo's minion. I'm going to kill her, and then you can quickly grab her spaceship?"
"Haha, let's take your life... uh..."
When Drax was in the barren land, Ronan was severely injured and passed out without meeting with Annie. So now, watching this little girl can fly, thinking that the other party has a relationship with Igona. With the same divine power, he directly raised his pair of daggers, and after a few words to his partner in a low voice, he wanted to rush up and fight the opponent!
Of course, he even wanted to grab the enemy's spaceship, if it hadn't crashed!
It's a pity that as soon as he was about to rush up, he was stretched out by the Kamo on the side and tripped directly, and fell to the ground with his face severely...
"What are you doing?!"
Drax was a little confused, he was going to fight, and then let his companion grab the enemy's spaceship! Look, how good and perfect is his plan? Then, why did she come to stop herself, Kamora?
"Drax, she is not an enemy, please shut up first!"
Camora could see that this little girl shouldn't be with Ego, this is her instinct! So, now it's hard to come up with a good helper who is strong enough to single-handedly defeat Ronan, and then we must not let Drax this cause any trouble.
Annie had already heard that the red-pimple naked male alien said about stealing his own spaceship...but she didn't pay attention, because she had to deal with the disgusting energy tentacles entwining herself and the spaceship first.
"Huh! Tentacles are the most annoying!"
Annie didn't use those too complicated spells. In her opinion, the energy tentacles around her might be useful for dealing with the aliens on the opposite side, but it's not enough to deal with her, just a few. Energy body only!
She has a way to deal with energy bodies, such as: Arcane Torrent?
Therefore, she just gave a cold snort, and at the same time, she shook her right hand on the empty ground. After the flame energy in her hand flashed, an energy shock wave swept away from her hand to the surrounding area, and the surrounding area was tens of meters. The tentacle monsters in the range were all shaken away by the arcane torrent directly by her, and they were directly forcibly taken into her hands.
"Wow, well done! Maybe... she is really a descended from the world?"
Seeing that the little girl wiped out the tentacles within a radius of tens of meters with a shot, the rocket, which has never been easily convinced, was a bit startled.
Of course Rocket Raccoon knows this little girl! At that time, it also watched a super battle between her and Ronan the Cree! It's just that it knew each other, and they didn't talk to it at all.
"Oh, great! There are even helpers?"
When the Rockets and others were about to talk to each other and ask for help, they saw that from the spacecraft with the door open all the time, they suddenly rushed out of six ghost gears wearing exactly the same. Guys who kind of weapons or shields.
"Quick! Everyone will immediately enter the combat position! Pay attention to the luminous things around, try not to let them come close, we must do our best to break them!"
It turned out that it was the captain and Melinda at this time, and they finally recovered from the dizziness of the spacecraft crashing into the ground and rushed out in time.
There was no need for Anne's reminder and command, they just came out and kept shooting around! Then they formed a standard battle formation, using their precise marksmanship, and quickly knocked out the tentacles who continued to want to rise from the ground or attack from a distance.
Of course, among these six, Captain Rogers is an exception! He still stubbornly used his vibrating shield to slap those strange things made of energy and rocks that were trying to attack!
"Quick! Disperse the formation and defend this platform first!"
Now their six-man team is obviously under the command of Captain Rogers. Maybe he understands that he and others may not be able to help much, so he issued the order in the first time, asking his teammates to guard the platform and give them magic. The consultant Annie won the opportunity to attack the enemy.
None of the six people talked much, and no one cared about the rockets and the four aliens, they were just busy shooting.
"Um... do you have any extra weapons? Could you lend me one... Oh, great, thank you very much!"
Seeing that these people are indeed here to help themselves, and they are also tacitly shooting the surrounding supernatural tentacles that are trying to close up again, the Rocket also wants to help, because its shooting technology is the best!
However, before it was finished, Captain Rogers threw the spiked electromagnetic rifle behind him and several magazines directly onto the ground in front of the little raccoon monster.
Rogers doesn't like to use a gun anyway, and his back is a little bit hindering his agility and this kind of high-intensity combat. He relies on his strength, endurance and shield to be enough!
"Haha, this grab feels pretty good!"
"This thing is really a big thing! Let me take a closer look at it first... Oh? Gauss electromagnetic rifle... Standard equipment... Eight millimeter caliber?"
"Hey, there are bayonet and grenade launcher? It's great!"
Although it was the first time to touch this unfamiliar weapon, the Rocket probably figured out the basic data of this thing and the general functions and applications of various modules in less than twenty seconds! Because, the Rocket Raccoon is a master of thermal weapons. In terms of shooting skills, it is the highest in the entire team!
If the rocket knows the text of the earth, it may still be able to see a line of data written on the gun nameplate of this weapon: C-14 Gauss electromagnetic rifle, a standard weapon of the Hero Federal Marine Corps! It can launch different types of 8mm ‘stab nail’ bullets, including solid fuel propellants, hollow-pointed bullets, depleted uranium bullets, etc. It also allows bayonet and gun-mounted grenade launchers to be installed...
"It's the first time I use this kind of big guy! But it shouldn't trouble me!"
Da da da! ! !
Although they said so, the Rockets still picked up this guy who was taller than his height, directly at the tentacles of Zhou, squeezed the trigger frantically, and started howling frantically. The field began to shoot, and the accuracy of the head is actually quite good?
This situation made the surrounding Bear Shield agent Melinda and others couldn't help but look at the little raccoon. They don't understand, why in the universe, there are such small animals that can speak and use weapons? Could it be that they evolved from distant relatives of the little raccoons on earth?
Da da da! ! !
"Ahahaha! I really like this weapon, it's really powerful!"
After shooting frantically for a long time, and after a while successfully eliminating the tentacles in front of him, Rocket Xiong stationed the gun on the ground and blew the gun smoke from the muzzle, and then grinned happily. This big guy with fierce firepower and full of might has an appetite for it!
So, it decided that after the battle, this weapon is not going to be returned.
"Tibbers, the big orb above should be the heart of this big head planet, right?"
Annie didn't care about those endless tentacles with bright white ray of energy that continued to emerge from all around, nor did she look at the two weird guys using the same power who were flying fast in the distance and fighting each other.
She just raised her head on her own, looking at the big orb above that was covered by layers of rock. Then look at the huge nerves or energy chains extending from the bottom of the planet or the distant rock wall. They are connected to that huge sphere one by one, and there seems to be plenty of them. The energy and spiritual fluctuations of the people spread from their bodies to all parts of the planet...
(That's right! Little Master, you can feel the energy fluctuations like a heartbeat, they are conveyed from there!
Tibbers has noticed that there is indeed a powerful divine creature's brain in that sphere surrounded by layers of rocks! It contains great power, various magical powers, and... a super fragile shell?
The body of that girl is gone, and there is only a poor brain left? Therefore, Tibbers felt that it was necessary to help and end the pain of this poor creature! That is: eating the other's brain and swallowing its divine power! )
"That's it... Then, I thought of how to do it! Hehehe..."
Annie decided. She wanted to take advantage of the other party's busy fighting and no time to do it, try to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, and then catch the brain inside? !
Annie always does what she thinks of, there is no reason to hesitate!
So, a ball of fire began to gather in Annie’s hand. She didn’t dare to gather too much power at once. One was a little worried about accidentally breaking the other’s brain, and the other was afraid of attracting the other’s attention. The sneak attack can't achieve the best effect?
"She is..."
Kamora did not attack those tentacles with the others, because she now had a long sword left, and within a short time, they were all suppressed by the newcomer’s shooting at a distance, so , She can be considered relaxed now, while she has time to take a breath and rest, she can also pay attention to the little girl's every move.
She found out that the other party had caught a big fireball at random? This little girl is actually a supernatural person?
"Burning Storm!"
As Annie shook her hand to the big ball diagonally above, a dozen or so hot bright red fireballs spewed out from the magic circle in her palm and flew up.
"Do not!!!"
At this time, Igo finally realized that something was wrong!
Originally, he thought that the new gang who had just arrived were just ordinary helpers from his son's teammates, so he didn't care too much. He believed that his divine tentacles could solve them sooner or later.
But now, after discovering that the other party had power and tried to attack his most important brain center, he finally felt scared! So, after he exploded his divine power in a hurry, and kicked away the Star Lord who was entangled with him with one kick, he immediately used a lot of divine power to cover the outer layer of his brain. The white divine power shield tightly wrapped the big rock ball.
boom! boom! boom!
There were several violent bursts of fireball bursting...
When those splashing magic flames slowly dissipated, Igo was horrified to find that the seemingly thick divine power shield he had built up in a hurry had been broken open by the enemy’s strange flame attack. Even the protective wall of that brain was blown up by a big chunk? Moreover, his brain flashing with blue and red light was revealed inside!
He was almost taken carelessly and was successfully attacked by the enemy? This is really too dangerous!
"Hurry up! Shoot all his brains!"
The rocket discovered the naked vitality of the opponent at the first time, so it turned its muzzle directly, and fired frantically at the brain that was beating like a heart, and at the same time it triggered the grenade launcher!
However, it is a pity...
Before the bullets and grenade fired by it reached the target, countless energy quickly gathered in the past, and quickly formed a thicker shield, allowing the high-kinetic energy spikes fired by the rocket to burst open. Fragmentation grenade can only be rebounded in vain.
After a while, countless tentacles wrapped around the exposed part of the brain, and soon re-wrapped it in layers of rock walls and stronger energy shields.
"Tibbers, you see... I knew it wouldn't be that easy!"
Originally, if the other party was not paying attention just now, if he used the strongest means to blow up that brain instantly, that would be the best choice! It's a pity that Tibbers has to clamor to eat the other person's brain, so Anne didn't dare to kill him directly. But as a result, the shell of the brain was calculated and blown up by her, but she could easily repair it again.
(You didn't calculate it at all! Don't think I don't know, if he hadn't put on a shield in time, that kind of explosive power would have been blown to pieces by you!
Tibbers feels a bit mad now, if the other party hadn't reacted in a timely manner, now they should almost prepare to pack their things and return to Earth! )
"Little girl! Who are you, how dare you come to offend a god?!"
Igo always thought he was a god, although he didn't even know his origins, and he had been floating in space as a brain for millions of years... But anyway, he was just honey and confidently believed himself His identity and status should be far above the ordinary little lives in front of him.
Because his head is bigger than theirs, and his brain is bigger than theirs, so, of course, his status should be higher than them. He Yigo is the who is destined to rule the universe!
"Are you asking me? My name is Annie, an arcane mage!"
After looking around, it seemed that there was indeed only one little girl by herself, and Annie expounded her identity openly.
"Ha! You weird guy, there is only one brain left, dare to pretend to be a god?"
"Are you trying to lie to me to know less? I can tell you that I have seen a lot of real gods. There used to be a named Amon, who seems to be also a god, and he was beaten to death by our gang!"
Seeing the other person's aloof appearance, Annie sneered disdainfully. She can see it now, this kind of thing is one of those guys with sick brains all day long thinking about the gods and ancestors!
Don’t they know to be humble and cautious? Now, they are so pitiful that there is only one brain left, dare to be so arrogant? !
Annie is not the kind of ignorant guy! She has visited many worlds, whether it is the creation Iluvita in the world of the Lord of the Rings, or the dark Amon in the interstellar world, the kind of guys who can indeed be said to be gods, Annie can see Ever, I have dealt with. But in fact, they were just like that, and she didn't think it was great!
Otherwise, look at that depraved Sarnagar Emon, is it powerful enough? Wasn't that beaten to death by her combined fleet and Kerrigan?
Besides, what's so fun about God of the Sky, isn't it just a title to show off? Now, whether she is a demigod or a true god, she doesn't even know about it... and she doesn't want to care about these things.
Annie doesn't think there is any fun in this kind of dominance, it's not interesting at all!
As powerful as her, no one is, and no is called! She is Annie, and Annie is her, a powerful arcane mage who will not be bullied by others, this is enough.
"Huh! Arrogant!"
"Since you now have great helpers, then I can't keep my hands anymore..."
Paying attention to the little girl below, Igo squinted, and the more he looked, the more startled he became!
Because, he actually felt a slight threat and anxiety from this little girl? If you think about the spell that the opponent just released, her attack just now almost hurt his brain core...
Therefore, he dispelled his original plan to retain strength and save divine power, and prepared to destroy these invaders and the little girl in one go! Then, after catching that Quill, he directly and forcibly absorbed the other party's divine power to subsidize the ones that he would lose later!
If it's not enough by the time, then after he solves the trouble here, he can continue to devour the lives of other planets to supplement it, and there should be no major problems.
"Ignorant mortals, feel the terrifying power of the gods! You will pay the eternal price for today's actions!"
Starting to earnestly, Yi Ge immediately exploded his divine power, causing countless human-shaped energy body skeletons to split from the rock, air, and tentacles one by one, and continuously use divine power to condense them. The human form allows them to be constantly perfected from energy body skeletons to bones, muscles, skin and clothing...
In the time they walked step by step, they gradually became full in everyone’s eyes. After a few breaths, countless Igos who looked exactly the same, surrounded them on the ground towards Annie and the others. Come here.
"Now, feel the anger of the gods, tiny mortals! Your time is running out!"
Da da da! ! !
"Shit god!"
"Everyone fire together and kill them!"
There is no need for someone to order, the ghost agents of the Bear Shield and the Rocket Raccoons unanimously began to shoot at the opponent's crowd! However, they were horrified to discover that although the other party was shattered by bullets and flew around, but quickly returned to normal under the so-called divine blessing?
"Damn it! There are a lot of Yigos here, they can really give birth to people from the Celestial Race... So, I think we are going to be over this time!"
"Furthermore, Kamora, a man like Xingjue may not be suitable for you, it will make you very dangerous..."
Drax blinked, and stared at Camora and his new girl Mantis standing beside him so nonchalantly, then looked at the Star Lord who had just landed, and secretly said to Camora.
At the beginning, his wife gave him a daughter at one child. And now, the other party suddenly appeared so many identical ones...So he felt that they had no chance of winning this time, and the other party had many brothers. Perhaps this was the disadvantage of advanced mammals?
"You better shut up! Drax!"
Camora was so angry that she almost choked, so she could only turn her head and almost glared at him. When is this, this weird man with a little abnormal brain is still in the mood to make such a cold joke?
"No! Our attack is completely ineffective against him!"
After discovering that the attacks of themselves and others could only knock out the opponent’s flesh and blood shell, but had no effect on the energy body inside, Captain Rogers and others could only greet others to stop the attack temporarily, and stop doing it in vain. Waste of ammunition.
"You're so amazing... I'm so scared... Do you really want to see my expression?"
Annie changed her face suddenly after pretending to be afraid.
"Huh! Isn't this just some clone technique, which is a waste of energy to make flesh and blood? The natives who don't know the physical mirroring technique, what's so good about? , Mine must be stronger than yours!"
This kind of avatar technique, Annie had already played when she was in Azeroth!
Generally speaking, she doesn't like this kind of powerless magic. Because the magic power of a mage is always limited, even if it is a clone, the magic power they use is divided from the body. The more clones, the thinner the magic power will be distributed! Therefore, when dealing with enemies of the same level, this kind of spell does not have a very good effect. It can only be used slightly when bullying enemies weaker than oneself.
But now it's different!
Annie has unlimited gems, which means that she can have unlimited energy for the mirror clone to use! Therefore, she can guarantee that each of her clones can be used casually, or use all kinds of powerful magic uncontrollably, and she does not have to worry about any unnecessary loss of her energy!
So, the other party dared to use this spell in front of Annie, that is, waiting for the rhythm of being beaten...
"Humph! Feel the power of the arcane mage, stupid Celestial brain!"
In the next second, Annie directly smashed a large fireball about two or three meters in diameter to the places where Igo had the most clones!
However, the magic is: the explosive power of the fireball is not great, it just exploded and wiped out some of the Igo clones in that small area and exploded into countless small fireballs!
But then, the countless small fireballs suddenly exploded after they landed. When the flames ended, the little girls who looked exactly the same as Annie, just like they carried or hugged their little bears, blocking each other. At the forefront of the team trying to surround it.
"Ah... There are many little girls... Camora, are you sure they are not in the same group?"
No matter how Drax looked at it, he felt that the little girl seemed to be in the same group with that Ego! Because both of them will have that kind of strange spells, and they will transform countless selves?
The Rockets, Kamora and others are a bit annoying to their pig teammates, as if he always messes them up every time?
"By the way, Quill, aren't you the son of Ego? Then you can change some Quills to show us?"
Drax, who had nothing to do for the time being, this time stared at Quill, who had just fought and fought with each other very well. He hoped that this guy, who is said to be the son of Ego, could also make a hundred and eighty Give yourself a little more combat effectiveness.
"No! I don't know this at all! I will only use some of the easiest ways to use magic power!"
Xingjue has just learned how to fly and use his divine power to control some rocks to beat people. How could he be able to make a big change to a living person? Ego didn't have time to teach him too much, they just turned back in advance! In fact, it should be considered Drax's fault, it was all this idiot who hooked up Mandis.
"Then you must not be Ego's own son, I think maybe he might have made a mistake..."
"Please, Drax...Can you just shut up for now?!"
"How long do you want me to shut up?"
When the Guardians of the Galaxy interacted daily, Eagle was frightened by Annie's methods.
"This... this is impossible!"
Igo's smile and the expression of arrogance and arrogance just now became sluggish.
He consumed nearly one-third of his power, and only released about two to three thousand clones, but that little girl, she suddenly turned into more clones than him? It seems densely packed, occupying a large area here, there are at least four to five thousand, right?
Then, look at the energy fluctuations on their bodies, are they all exactly the same as the body? It seems that they are not sharing the same amount of energy on each avatar like themselves, and they are not fake ghosts?
What exactly is going on? That little girl mage, what is she coming from? Is it a certain Protoss in the universe? He had never heard of that there are mortals who can have such an outrageous energy level, not even those Asgardians!
"There is nothing impossible!"
Among the many Annie clones, at this time, a little Annie stood up.
"Sisters, or, let's have a game...Each person is limited to one common spell. Let's compare and see who has eliminated the most enemies? The one with the most will be our eldest sister in the future!"
"Then...let me come first!"
This sly face and Annie stood up to speak first. While the others hadn’t recovered, the hand was an extremely effective fire explosion technique, which was thrown directly towards the densest place of enemies, and it blew up in an instant. And burned more than 20 Igos, and wounded as many as 30 or 40?
So, this Annie thinks, she should have already won, right? Look, she wiped out so many enemies with a single spell!
"And! Do you think you can win by cheating first? Look at me: flame shock!!"
Seeing someone tossed in and wiped out the small group of enemies in the densest place, the other Annie was not far behind.
After thinking for a while, she sprayed out a flame with both hands, swept directly at the Igo ahead, and burned a large area. Only a small number of enemies used shields in time or flew away in time. Escaped a disaster.
Anyway, her attack must have eliminated more enemies than the first Pyroblast technique that had just been shot!
"Look, everyone, she's cheating, it's obviously burning, it's not an ordinary flame shock!"
"No, I am the flame shock!"
"Absolutely not!"
"Then... we didn't count what we just got, let's do it again?"
"Wow, you want to shame? No, no chance!"
"Yes, one person can only do one time! Don't come again! Hurry up, who is next, draw lots!"
"Damn, I turned out to be number one hundred and eighty-six?"
"I have more than a thousand numbers in the queue, so there must be no chance. This game is not fair!"
A group of Bear Shield agents and members of the Guardians of the Galaxy could only stare blankly at the group of little girls in the distance who had just cast two spells and started arguing.
Then, they turned their heads and looked at the Annie's body beside them. They didn't quite understand this weird avatar technique. They wanted to know whether it was the little girl deliberately controlling them to talk like that, or they just made noise like this Got up?
"Don't look at me like this, it's really none of my business!!"
Annie didn't talk to herself so boringly, quarreling with herself! It's just that the pseudo-personality clones who have the same personality and memory as themselves are arguing. It really doesn't matter to her, it's like this anyway!
(Tibbers suddenly felt a little lucky, because it knew that the Tibbers on the clones had nothing to do with it. Although they could be thrown out, they could only be like a powerful fire creature. .So ah, it doesn’t have to bear the thoughts of countless little masters, otherwise, it will definitely suffer!)
"Damn it! Dare to despise the gods? I want you to look good!"
Seeing a group of little girls ignoring their threats, who is still there to compete with a spell that can destroy many enemies? Therefore, Igo felt that this matter was absolutely unbearable!
Therefore, each of his avatars began to use their supernatural powers and flew up, floating in mid-air like a swarm of bees surrounding the enemy. After that, countless bright white divine power lights gradually lit up, one by one energy balls, rock giants, huge tentacles and energy fierce beasts, etc., countless spells were issued from all sides to the large group of Annie and Luo. The members of the Bear Shield and the Guardians of the Galaxy attacked ferociously in the back!
Igo believes that an attack of this level is enough to completely annihilate these people and this flat ground into ashes.
"Huh! Our game is not over, so you are not allowed to mess around!"
Without using Annie's body to make a move, a avatar little Annie stood up by herself, and then with a wave of her hand, a huge spherical lava shield with a radius of nearly hundreds of meters directly included all the allies.
Anyway, they can use almost unlimited power from the body. Although the amount of each call is not a lot, there is no problem in maintaining such a large shield continuously.
Rumble! ! !
A violent explosion sounded in the shield, and during the moment it was smashed, rocks splashed and energy burst. Outside the seemingly thin lava shield, countless dust, stone fragments, and energy storms completely blocked everyone inside. With his sight, they could only see the bright white as if being fired by a large naval gun!
"This is impossible! How can it be able to hold on to an attack of that intensity?!"
Igo was shocked again. Although the attack just now, he did not dare to use too much power because he was worried that it would hurt his brain, but at that level of attack, he could definitely break the shield and wipe out part of it. Of the enemy! But now, he couldn't even break the shield? !
"Is it over? Now that you are finished, it's my turn to shoot!"
When all the Yigos were stunned and wondering why the other's shields were not magically so strong, the third little Annie clone hurriedly ran out.
"Arcane Enhancing: Arcane Barrage!!"
After the shameless attack of the two companions just now, the other party is now very scattered, so this third Annie learned a good thing, and directly locked a large number of enemies, and then each enemy assigned a certain degree of powerful arcane missiles! In the next second, countless bright blue arcane missiles suddenly rushed out of the magic circle on her hands, instantly absorbing all the power of her clone, and then, one by one Igo in the air On the way to evade or resist in a hurry, a considerable part of them were also annihilated by arcane missiles...
This time, she wiped out hundreds of enemies at least, and emptied the remaining half almost instantly! So, this little Annie felt that she had already won...
"This is really cheating, she used countless arcane missiles, that is countless spells, not one at all!"
"That's right! It's shameful to cheat, and everyone who has said it can only use one spell?"
"Nonsense, my arcane barrage, it has so many arcane missiles!"
"Don't quibble, it's not arcane barrage at all, it's called the multiple cast of arcane missiles!"
"Yes! That's right! That's not a spell at all, and it's not an arcane barrage at all!"
"Nonsense! My arcane barrage looks like this!"
"Let me take a look. Anyway, I am more than two thousand..."
"I am more than 3,000..."
"Wow! You guys are waiting, when it's my turn later, I will kill them all with a single lightning bolt!"
"I actually thought so just now..."
"It's over! This 20-eight idiot has said this method, and the 4th will definitely follow it later..."
"I think she did it deliberately, because she was definitely out of her turn on the 20th..."
"But she was stupid when she said it!"
"Dare you call me stupid? Be careful I kill you!"
"Hit it, I'm afraid you won't make it?"
"Extremely deep cold!"
"Ice Storm!!"
"Wow, you guys don't even remind you when you start playing?"
"Hey! You hurt by mistake!"
"You all stop me!"
"Hmph! What kind of chain of lightning or arcane barrage, I disdain to use that kind of cheating! You are optimistic, I am different from you, but I follow the rules very much! Speaking of a spell, then one Spells, and there is absolutely no need to burn the body! What I want to use is...Flame Storm!"
At this time, Little Annie No. 4, who was at the cusp of the storm, stood up, and her words caused all Annies and the two little Annies who were fighting to stop, turning their heads to watch No. 4 slow down. Slowly flew out of the shield.
They all don't understand, what effect does the flame storm have on the enemies in the sky?
Moreover, just the energy that these clones can borrow at a time, the flame storm can burn a radius of more than 100 meters at most, I am afraid that an enemy can't burn it? They can hide and run, and they won't stand on the ground to keep her burning!
"Hmph, I declare: From today, my number four Annie will be the eldest sister of all of you here!"
"Ha! Look, what is this?!"
After looking at the enemy outside with disdain, Annie on the 4th announced happily.
Then, she suddenly took out a gem shining with purple light from her pocket, and proudly showed off to the companions below.
"that is……"
"It's shameless..."
"This is the real cheating method..."
"Why didn't I think about it just now... I'm the number two..."
In just a moment, all the little Annie clones burst into their nests again.
Because they knew in an instant that those with the same body and the same origin, the number four above, must be ready to zoom in! But the one, two and three who did it first secretly regretted it. They hated themselves, why didn't they think of this good way just now? Why didn't they think of this shameless cheating method earlier?
"That's... a power gem? No!!!"
After seeing the purple stone, the Eagles also froze for a while, and then he suddenly realized something, and finally understood why the shield was so difficult to break just now! It turns out that this little girl has infinite gems on her body. Can she use the infinite energy of this universe? !
Of course this infinite gem, Ego knows what it is!
If he had a way to find such a good thing before, where would there be a cosmic chaos and countless races of children preparing to draw magical power? If he could find any infinite gem, it would be easier to directly pump the unlimited energy of the gem, and it would be much easier than working hard to make children with so many messy races!
(Master... why did you give her the power gem?
Tibbers is a little dazed, it doesn't understand, shouldn't the gem of power be in the pocket of its owner? Why did that clone also take out another one from his pocket? )
"Oh... That's because I gave them permission to my pockets. As long as they don't grab my food to eat, if only things come out to help fight, then I definitely don't care!"
Annie has absolute control over them, so there is nothing to worry about. That power gem can be used by them as long as they don't lose it. Anyway, it won't break.
(No! Wait, Master Anne, go and stop her! The brain I want will also be burned by her, hurry up!
Tibbers was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized something, and then hurriedly wanted his master to stop the frenzied clone number 4! However, its words have just fallen, and the red flames have begun to flash, it seems that it is too late now...)
"Haha! Realize, stupid gods, feel the horror of the flame frenzy, and experience the anger of the Flame Land..."
"Now look at my big move: Flame Storm of Infinite Gems!"
Before those Eagles rushed up, Annie proudly raised the power gem in her hand, and then she directly activated the flame storm spell she had prepared for a long time!
In the next instant, a huge red magic circle quickly lit up under her feet. At the same time, the power gem burst out with a strong purple energy ray, rushing those who intended to stop Annie No. 4 and want to grab the power. The avatars of Ego of Gems are all annihilated to ashes...
Afterwards, endless raging flames burst out from the body of No.4 Little Annie in an instant, directly filling the entire underground cave and enclosing countless energy tentacles, rocks, and even the ground!
However, this is not over yet!
Under the blessing of infinite maintenance, if you look down from the universe, you can see: This Ego star, which has the size of the earth, suddenly lights up from a crack in the forehead of the opponent's big head. A little bright red red dot! Then, the red dot quickly spread to the surroundings of the head. The wall of flame, which is like a wave, as high as a kilometer, is whizzing and spreading to the entire planet at an extremely fast speed, like a tsunami...
The entire big head planet changed almost at the same time with a hideous and painful expression. Countless bright red lights burst out of its planet's head. When the flame frenzy completely swept the entire planet's head, it went from a green The interesting planet has become a red flame planet like a dead star!
I don't know how long it has been, maybe ten minutes, maybe one hour?
Anyway, when everything came to a halt, the entire Star Eagle had completely turned into a sea of ​​flames!
Even the big smiling face on Star Eagle now turned into a frozen horror. The bright white divine light in its eye sockets has now disappeared, leaving only the endless flames in the eye sockets!
From then on, Star Yigo went from a magical planet like a god's domain to a star-like purgatory...
It's just that it doesn't have the ultra-high temperature of a star, and it will not undergo fission or fusion reactions. At the same time, it will slowly cool down over time? In the end, what was left was definitely just a scorched icy planet. Of course, this may be a matter of many years from now, and it will certainly not be too fast to stop these flames completely.
When Annie No. 4 stopped the spell, the core area of ​​Ego only became a of lava. Countless magma was flowing, and the rock wall that was scorched hot and red by the flames began to collapse one by one. Even the center of Ego, the brain sphere of UU reading, was blessed by Infinite Gems. In the flame storm below, it was burned into a ball of red lava sphere.
Then, it suddenly fell down, cracking into pieces of hot pieces...
Obviously, the brain that Annie's little bear Tibbers wanted very much, now it is estimated that there is not even charcoal left!
When the agents of the Bear Shield and the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy stared at everything around them dumbfounded, and they were terrified at the hellish scene created by this little girl, the Rocket Raccoon suddenly turned his head savagely. Looked at their friend Xing Jue.
"What's wrong, Rockets?!"
When Xing Jue was still sad for two seconds of the death of his cheap father Igo, and happy that he could avenge his unjustly killed mother, he was surprised to find that the Rocket clenched his teeth and got to him. In front of you?
"That stone, you sold 400,000 in the first place? Are you the kind of pig brain from Drax?!"
The ferocious Rocket Raccoon approached Xing Jue, showing his fangs, and whispered in a shuddering tone.
He didn't understand, something like a power gem, even if it was sold for 400 billion at the beginning, it wouldn't be excessive! But Taquel was good, and even 400,000 yuan was easily sold? !
"Aren't you praising me for the bravery I just did? I seem to hear the little brown bear mention my name."
Drax's ugly big face with red bumps leaned in front of the two teammates at the right time, seeming to want to hear what they were talking about?
Rocket and Xingjue looked at each other with twitching expressions for a while, then looked at this Drax's head, and then turned their heads to look at other places in a tacit understanding.
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