Chapter 350: The rescue will always be a little late

The surging surging energy that cannot be suppressed in the body is constantly squeezing the waves that are trying to swept over, and Qin Ge Lei is so slowly that she was broken and disintegrated by her bursting energy. It flew up on the ice, and her long red hair spread out, and began to float around, and even started to burn the sparks at the starting point...
In fact, her whole body is starting to ignite clusters of small flames under the powerful energy field from within her own body, which is a bit like when Little Annie gets angry, she cannot control herself. The kind of flame power that lived when it burst out.
   Of course, there are not many flames on Qin Ge Lei now, so that she will not get burned herself.
   "Hey! Auntie on the opposite side, how are you doing now? Your body is on fire!"
   Looking at the strange appearance of the other party, as well as the surging energy in the body and the faintly overflowing flame power, these made Little Annie feel very curious!
   So, after thinking about it, she tentatively asked such a sentence with a smile.
"I'm going to kill you!"
   However, in the opponent's dark eyes without white eyes, it seems that the consciousness seems very chaotic, and is full of negative emotions of bloodthirsty, destruction, violent and angry, even, Annie seems to see a little bit of fire in it?
Afterwards, consciousness gradually returned to chaos, leaving only the last trace of obsession: In any case, don’t kill Qin Ge Lei of the little girl opposite, just stare directly at the enemy opposite, and slowly stretch out the half-opened one. hand.
   And at this moment, there are still large and small drops of water condensed from seawater in the upper and lower areas around her? They seem to be affected by the energy of Qin Ge Lei, or because the energy around the opponent is too large, which causes the rules to be distorted and loses the influence of gravity and floats?
   "Kill me? Okay, then you can try it!"
"But I want to remind you that: There were many people or monsters who wanted to kill me before, but now, I'm still alive and well! Also, I'm actually not afraid How about you!"
   Although the other party looks very powerful, but today's Annie, she is not afraid of anyone!
  Because she herself is an arcane mage with extraordinary talent and powerful strength!
   At the same time, she is still under various karmic associations, and has a relatively deep understanding of the basic rules of each world or the core of the universe. In addition, in this universe, she already has five core infinite gems! When she is in full control of the space rules of this universe, coupled with the endless energy and special power of the power gems and reality gems, she is actually invincible no matter who she faces.
   As the opposite Qin Ge Lei slammed his hand, a shock wave suddenly erupted from her body and swept violently in the direction of Little Annie!
   It looks like an invisible behemoth rushed out of the cage instantly, it rushed swiftly on the surface of the sea, and at the same time it washed out an extremely obvious horror track on the sea! Where it passed, the sea surface was almost tens of meters deep, forming a deep dent, which also caused the torrential waves to splash up high on both sides... and then, it soon He slammed into the little girl who was also floating in the opposite mid-air!
   When the invisible energy hit Annie, a certain powerful force was released, and then the energy tide exploded suddenly! Immediately afterwards, the roar of the impact rang out.
However, in Annie’s view, the other party’s attack, in addition to shaking her own lava shield, was able to directly send the rocky island below which had just been burned to the ground, together with the surrounding sea water. It was just a molecular level smash.
   Then, endless sea water began to flow in automatically, preparing to smooth the traces of the battle here...
Numerous splashes of sea water and steaming steam began to permeate here. Coupled with strong winds and rainstorms that began to drip, under multiple factors, a large whirlpool soon appeared on the sea here, in the great power of nature. Countless cubic meters of sea water began to try to submerge the islands that disappeared due to the attack and the sunken sea.
   "Wow... it seems a bit tired..."
   Staying in her spherical lava shield without fear, Annie, supported by the infinite energy of infinite gems, is just like the evil Loki at the beginning, without fear of the other side's terrorist attacks.
   It's just that the original shield that Loki used to protect only against energy attacks and magical damage, but Annie's current lava shield can prevent even physical damage.
   Anyway, before the shield was broken or there was a problem with the energy supply, she was completely unafraid of the attack from the opposite looking auntie who looked hideous and weird.
   "Are you finished? Then it's my turn to take the shot, and you can also take me!"
  Jing is a matter of being beaten and not fighting back, but it is definitely not the style of Little Annie!
Therefore, when the surrounding energy fluctuations hadn't completely subsided, she stretched out her hand and grabbed a fireball. She just smiled and looked at the mutant freak who seemed to be constantly increasing in energy level. Aunt.
   This kind of freak who can gain power without learning is actually annoying to Annie!
   Look, even Anne herself, although a little bit playful, she has been studying hard all the time! Every time she goes to a world, she always gets some good results more or less. Anyway, Annie has never stopped learning.
   is also because of this, she has reached where she is today! She is actually relying on that 99% of sweat and 1% of talent!
   (Master, you seem to be mistaken? The little one thinks that the words sweat and talent seem to be in the wrong place...)
   "Huh! Fragmented Fire!"
As the fireball held by Annie's hand got brighter, she squinted and slammed her hand at the strange aunt opposite, so that after the one left the palm of her hand, it gradually rose to the big basketball fireball, just like the same light. The red cannonballs were normal, but they didn't make too many abnormal noises. They just rubbed the air so quickly and rushed toward the enemy's heads!
   Don't look at Annie's fireball is not very big, but once it is burned by it, it will definitely be blown up so that there will be no residue left.
To Annie's little surprise, she discovered that the strange aunt on the opposite side, at the moment when the fireball was about to be in front of her, she just waved her hand at the fireball so quickly. She didn't know what method the other party used. So easily broke her shattered fire directly?
   After easily breaking Anne’s flame magic, Qin Ge Lei
It didn't talk too much, but still flew slowly towards the little girl opposite with such a hideous face. She seems to have discovered that the long-range attack just now had no effect on the enemy's shield, and she planned to move closer before attacking?
   "Oh oh! Tibbers, that guy seems a bit difficult to deal with!"
Fragmenting Fire can be regarded as one of Annie’s famous spells. This spell is simple and practical. Coupled with Annie’s own unique talent for the power of fire and amazing maneuverability, this is similar to fireball, but its power is not limited. Large and small spells are often used by her.
   After so many years, the various monsters and bad guys who died under this spell are really countless!
   But, even if it is often avoided or successfully blocked by the enemy, it is really the first time that Annick has seen things like this being shot apart by the enemy! So, she was really surprised, a little horrified.
   (Master Anne, be careful, the guy opposite seems weird! Have you noticed? Her energy intensity... has been increasing, and it does not seem to be stable?
   So, stop using that ordinary magic, directly extract the power of infinite gems, and greet her with super-large magic. Anyway, this is the sea, and it won’t damage the earth or hurt other people.
   has been with his little master for so many years, and he doesn't usually go out for a stroll, and he is just observing Tibbers silently. It can be said that he is very knowledgeable!
   Therefore, it is easy to see through the details of the other party: it is nothing more than relying on some kind of powerful existence power, or being possessed or something! But, compared to that kind of power, how long can that fragile human body last? Tibbers was very curious about this.
   And this is the drawback of this mutant freak. Although some people are very powerful, their physical qualities are very fragile, and some are not even much different from ordinary people. Where is the body like its little master Annie, who has long reached the level of immortality? )
   "You are right! Anyway, this is the sea, so I should be able to play casually?"
   Hearing the reminder from Tibbs the bear, Annie blinked, and suddenly realized that she looked around.
   There are endless seas around here, let alone people, even if there are no passing ships! In addition, the sea area near here is mostly the seabed with a depth of several thousand meters, so Annie also thinks that it doesn't matter if you hit it casually, right? She herself, but it hasn't been serious for a long time, then, it seems that she can go all out to fight today?
   "Since it's like this, that's it..."
   The battlefield here is an endless sea, with abundant water resources, as well as abundant water vapor! So, Annie felt that if she used the water-based ice magic here, the effect might be better?
   Cold Ice Prison!
Just do what you want. In the next instant, an ice-cold blue light flashed in Annie's eyes. Then, she directly used the power of the infinite gems to turn countless sea water and the abundant water vapor around it toward the distant one. The strange aunts who rushed by themselves gathered together.
  As soon as she stretched out her hand, an ice-blue mysterious energy rune appeared on the spot under the opponent's feet. This is one of the ancient runes she obtained from the king of gods, representing the power of endless ice!
   In the next instant, the ancient rune burst out with a strong cold light, countless icy air currents and sea water, directly centering on the enemy, spinning frantically and gathering away! Soon, with the blackened Qin Ge Lei as the center, a waterspout formed by ice frost, broken ice flakes, and turbulent frost waves appeared, directly enclosing Qin Ge Lei in it... …
   The waterspout rolls bigger and bigger, and rolls higher!
When the ancient rune burst out with stronger energy and cold light again, a huge iceberg revolving and swaying up instantly formed on the surface of the sea. It was about a hundred meters high with a spire on top. The thickest pedestal below directly froze an area several miles around, and directly frozen the nearby sea water into a big lump.
   Poor, this tropical sea area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean has just been heated by the thunderbolt Jonathan's fire. Before it could cool down, the hot updraft has instantly turned into extremely cold sinking freezing air! This makes the summer rainstorm scene that was just pouring rain and thundering and thundering, directly transformed into a cold winter scene with hail and snowflakes...
   Under the rapid changes in the temperature in the area, the hail with big fists began to fall sparsely without money, and soon piles of large and small accumulated on the frozen sea.
This is not over yet. After this hot, cold and drastic large-scale temperature difference, the thunderclouds in the sky began to roll more violently. If you look down from the satellite to the earth, the surrounding seas , And even faintly forming a large-scale tropical cyclone, and the position of the eye in the middle of this cyclone is the area where Annie and Qin Ge Lei are fighting!
"not dead……"
   "Hey! Tibbers, look, this seems to be of no use to her... Her current energy level is too high. If she does this, it seems that no single magic is effective!"
   only slightly felt the enemy who was frozen in the middle of the huge ice tornado and icicles, and Annie probably knew the specific situation of the opponent. The energy induction of that strange auntie was still surging in her perception, not only did it not weaken at all, but it was also faintly strengthening?
   After seeing the opponent's situation, Annie suddenly felt that it seemed a bit unfunny now. This kind of enemy seemed to be difficult to deal with, and the kind of Xiaoqiang that could not be killed for a long time.
(Then find a way to consume her energy or simply continue to stimulate her power, let her burst out, until her body can no longer hold on to collapse! Anyway, she is definitely not as good as you, you can now Calling on the power of three infinite gems is at most taking some time, and you will surely be able to clean up that bad guy by then!
   In this situation, Tibbers is not in a hurry, the battle has just begun. If it hadn't been for the mutant to fly, it might have jumped out and grabbed the opponent a long time ago, trying to consume the strange cosmic power of the opponent as soon as possible? )
   Click... Click...
   Sure enough, it didn't take long before that huge iceberg began to show huge cracks, and those cracks were getting more and more, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.
When the whole iceberg was like glass, all covered with cobweb-like cracks, and those cracking noises became louder and louder, the next moment, the entire huge iceberg finally could not bear the strength from the inside out. Power, and began to burst quickly!
   Countless pieces of broken ice broke and fell with the destruction of the iceberg, just like a huge skyscraper collapsed by explosive blasting, they smashed into the same broken ice below.
When it fell, countless smashed ice fragments were instantly stirred up, and bursts of smoke composed of crushed ice were formed.
When the bottom ice surface finally shattered into small icebergs under the huge force, the turbulent tropical water finally rushed in along the cracks. The powerful force made the icebergs continue to follow the waves. They collided with each other, and made a loud roar like thunder...
"Kill you……"
A figure with a little sparkle on its body rushed out of the icy iceberg again. It was obvious that it was Qin Ge Lei. The other party looked unharmed, and was still flying in the air like that. Strange eyes, still staring at the little girl in front of her.
That was the last bit of obsession that Qin Gerei had when he was replaced by the dark personality that has been sealed in his body. That is: at all costs, we must first eliminate that little girl for her lover Scott who died tragically. Revenge!
   Therefore, after flying to a distance of less than 50 meters from the little girl, Black Phoenix Qin Ge Lei stretched out her hands toward the other party again. This time, she would use a more powerful attack method.
   In the next second, I don't know what kind of moves this dark Phoenix Qin Ge Lei used. After a strange sound, the little girl's shield trembled violently, and it was so dangerous that it did not break! And the sea directly below it, the seawater in a hemispherical area with a radius of close to 100 meters, disappeared out of thin air...
   "Humph! If you think this will destroy me, then you are wrong! I tell you, it is just wishful thinking! Don't even think about it!"
   "Let me tell you, whether it's mind control, object control or just forcibly erased by the rules of the universe, none of them are of any use to me!"
   looked down at the shattered large area of ​​the surrounding sea. The surrounding sea water quickly swept in to fill the gap. Then, Annie sneered and curled her lips at the other party with disdain.
   The strange aunt opposite may not know, because Annie is not a person in this cosmic world, so the erasure methods from the rules are all invalid for her!
  Secondly, she has insight into some of the rules of this world, and she can freely travel through countless worlds. She is a real existence, how could she be hurt by the other party with the force of such rules? That is absolutely impossible.
   Even if there is a ugly thing called Thanos, even if the other party actually obtains the real Infinite Glove and uses it to destroy half of the creatures in the universe, it will also exclude Annie from the elimination list.
   Even if this universe begins to perish and collapse again, Annie will not die!
  Because she can run away when the time comes!
   And most of the indigenous creatures in this universe, they will only be firmly bound here, and will die with the demise of this universe, and be completely annihilated until they no longer exist...
   "Ah ah!!!"
   Seeing that her second attack was invalid again, Black Phoenix Qin Ge Lei suddenly screamed with her sharp roar again.
Accompanied by her screaming sound like the howling of a banshee, when the sound waves swept outward, the surrounding sea for several miles was instantly exploded into steam by her powerful force, forming a huge waterless After the area, countless seas poured in frantically from all directions again, and the originally calm sea surface became surging again.
   Fortunately, this is the uninhabited mid-Atlantic...
   Fortunately, the deep sea here buffers most of the power of the Black Phoenix! Otherwise, just her just now, if it were on the land, while crushing a city in an instant, a huge pit would definitely appear, right?
   It can be seen that it is not completely unreasonable for a certain bald professor to do everything possible to seal this dark and chaotic second personality. Otherwise, once such chaotic and violent guys are allowed to mess around, there will definitely not be many cities on earth left?
   "I have said it, if you do this, it will be of no use to me!"
  Whether it was the previous single skill shock wave or the rule erasure just now, she easily passed it, how can she still be afraid of the wave-like shock group aoe damage with the scattered sound damage? Stop looking down on people, and Annie is not afraid of these gadgets!
   So, Annie decided, she's going to get some big guys out and blast the bad guy's insensitive head! And let the other person see, what is the rational use of energy, that kind of yelling and messing with the way of using power, she disdains to do it!
   "Come out, my sea element!"
   Relying on the fact that this is the sea, and also relying on the inexhaustible power of infinite gems, Annie soon thought of some fun way! She wants to use the energy of the infinite gems to directly create some big guys, and then see if she can consume the energy of the opponent.
   Therefore, she adapted to local conditions and directly summoned four super huge sea elements that were tens or hundreds of meters high, composed of sea water and energy vortexes! When they got up from the sea, they received an order from Annie, so they raised eight water fists the size of a house, and surrounded the black phoenix Qin Ge Lei at the eye of this gradual tropical cyclone. , When the opponent was a little surprised, he directly hammered down...
  嘭! puff! boom!
   The sound of countless solidified water fists hitting the human body or hitting the sea surface sounded. It was a big monster that surrounded a thin female adult like that, recklessly hammering it desperately.
   (Master, many satellites in this world must be focused here now. The expressions of their earthlings must be very exciting, right?
   Seeing the four huge sea elements in front of them swung fists and hammers around a creature the size of an ant, Tibbers began to laugh badly. In its view, those stupid mortals may never know a powerful master with infinite mana. What a terrible existence is that?
   And now, those mutants who were killed, as well as the spells just now and the four huge sea elements now, maybe they can make them understand more? )
   "Hmph! They love to look at it, but don’t look at it! What is their business when I fight my fight?"
  Anne is a bit inexplicable, she won't be afraid of being watched! Besides, now the battlefield is in the middle of the ocean, and they won't accidentally injure their cities. She can play whatever she wants, so she doesn't want those people to be nosy!
   "Tibbers, the clouds here are so thick, I am about to release super lightning!"
   Looking at the thick dark clouds swept by the wind above her head, and then at the lightning thunder snakes roaring from time to time in the clouds, Annie thought for a while and quickly decided what spell she would release next.
   Before the clouds above are swept away by the huge cyclone, she is going to guide an infinite gem energy excited
The super lightning, severely taught the evil lady in the distance who was being beaten by the sea element summoned by her!
In fact, what Tibbers just thought is right. At this time, no matter whether it is the government of various countries, the military, or various large organizations, such as the Bear Shield or the Hydra, as long as they have satellites and satellite use rights Yes, they are observing the specific battle situation here in real time via satellite.
   After all, this kind of battle between powerhouses like gods is still very rare! In addition, the battle is now in the Atlantic Ocean, and those people are happy to watch this kind of excitement without worrying about personnel losses.
Xavier Genius Youth School, after having a quarrel with two agents of Bear Shield Coleson and Melinda and chasing each other away, Professor Charles X is now accompanied by Wolverine and Storm Woman. Using their X-Men’s advanced equipment, they watched the LCD TV on the wall dumbfounded.
   Just looked at the picture taken by the satellite, and watched the horrible scene where the sea elements were fiercely beating the black Phoenix Qin Ge Lei.
   Looking at the terrifying monster as tall as a dozen-story building, Charles felt a tingling scalp! He couldn't believe that the little girl actually made things like that? He remembers that the opponent seems to be a mage, right?
   But...Mage or something, don’t they just use magic circles that can be used as shields and weapons and draw circles to open portals? When will the wizard call that kind of monster to help?
  For this kind of thing, Dr. Strange Stephen Strange has never told him...
   Okay, let's not think about the poor Doctor Strange!
   That poor baby and the elite X-Men under him have all been shaken by the second-personality of the piano, so that there is no scum left! When I think about it, Charles is still a little sad and a little scared.
  He doesn't know, next, will that little girl or Bear Shield continue to hold their X-Men accountable? Now X Academy is here, it can be said that it is the weakest time, and so many powerful mutants have been lost at once. He has to quickly find a way to recruit another group of new people from the Academy to fill the X-Men support scene.
   "Logan, and Orolo..."
   "You said, that little girl mage, will she be more powerful than an Omega-level piano?"
   Looking at the giant monsters still fighting with the black phoenix inside the piano in the satellite image, Professor X could not help but sigh heavily.
   Like the kind of terrible monster that can be reorganized after being broken up, and the head is shaken, it will instantly recover from water. As long as there is water, it will never be destroyed. Maybe, only one is enough to destroy an entire city, right? If the time comes, if the other party uses that horrible thing to attack X Academy, how should they resist?
   "I'm sorry, Professor! I am afraid that the little girl's abilities are far beyond my abilities, and the power of the phoenix of Qin is also terrifying...So, I can't give you the answer."
   shook his head, what can Logan say now?
   There is no good way for a warrior like him in close combat against a powerful master who can fly, or a broken piano, or even a monster that will recover. It is estimated that he will die if he bites his head on it? No matter which party, there are at least 10,000 ways to kill him!
   Just like the huge monsters in the picture, it is by no means something that Wolverine can easily deal with, that kind of huge body can make him feel desperate! Therefore, he still prefers to fight against opponents of the same level, and then use his powerful regeneration ability to drag the opponent alive.
   "Logan, and the professor!"
   "Look at the clouds and the abnormal lightning... I think it's probably the masterpiece of that little girl. She is about to attack!"
   Looking at the thick and unusual lightning above the clouds in that screen, the storm girl Aurolo knew that the next blow would definitely be of the level of shaking the world!
   No one knows a lightning attack of that level better than her, who is also good at manipulating the weather, so she faintly worried about Qin, although Qin just killed so many of them by mistake...
   "You said, we went to deal with that little girl this time, did we do something wrong?"
"Now that we have reached this point, it not only caused the tragic deaths of the Scott Eight and the Fantastic Four...Even Qin was completely plunged into the Dark Person...I don't know, what will the earth become next? "
Now at this point, in the end, whether it was the dark Qin Grey with the erupting Omega-level phoenix power that defeated the opponent, or the little girl who was ambushed by them eliminated Qin and achieved a complete victory, in the end, the x-men and the earth , I am afraid it is a huge disaster, right?
   If the little girl mage wins, it might be better, at most, that is, the Bear Shield began to suppress their X-Men? And if Jin wins... then, I am afraid that the earth will be destroyed by her, right? That kind of terrifying power, once she walked into the city, it would be a huge disaster!
The uncontrollable phoenix power of   Qin, that crazy second personality full of tyranny and destruction, will surely stir up a tragic storm on earth by then?
   Logan opened his mouth, but after taking a look at Professor X who was full of sorrow, he silently shifted his gaze away.
   Regarding that little girl's matter, he also felt that it shouldn't be! But he dare not say that now. After all, before things are done, no one knows what the final result will be. This is a matter of opinion, but now, they just happened to encounter the worst one. Kind of result.
Think about Scott, who was tragically killed by the lords, and think about the teammates who were mistakenly killed by the outbreak of Qin. Logan is also a little sad. So many people, maybe, including Qin, they have never returned. Isn't it coming?
   "Yes, Professor! Maybe we really did something wrong!"
   Unlike Wolverine, the storm girl Orolo thought of her former teammates, then bit her lip, forcibly resisted the tears in her eyes, and simply said her thoughts.
   She felt that Professor Charles was indeed a bit nosy this time.
Their X-Men should not provoke the little girl or the Hulk, otherwise, her friends would not... Thinking of this, she suddenly turned her head and breathed deeply, trying to calm down as soon as possible. The uncomfortable feeling of depression in his chest and abdomen.
   "Yes, you are right, this time, it's all my fault... But we have to do that..."
   "Because, this always needs someone to do it, that is our duty after all..."
   Closed his eyes, Charles was a little reluctant to look any more.
   Now things have nothing to do with them. Next, no matter which side wins, it will be a disaster... Maybe, he should try to turn first now
Those students in the moving college, first transfer them to another secret stronghold? After all, those people are the future of their X-Men, but they need to continue to be well trained.
   I just don’t know, can I escape the eyes of the bear shield agents who monitor them and satellite tracking?
   "Aha! Jarvis, fortunately I didn't participate at the time, do you see it now?"
"I told those a long time ago that I can't provoke the little girl, but they just don't listen! Look now, those people are all dead, right? Oh, seems like there is one last seedling left. But I believe that she will definitely not be able to hold on for long, because that little kid hasn't done her best yet!"
Compared to the X Academy, the three professors who are knowledgeable about the action are in dire straits. On the top of the Stark headquarters in New York, in Tony Stark’s laboratory, some unscrupulous dandy I was gloating while watching satellite images and drinking red wine proudly.
He knows, Little Annie and the others, they even went to an alien planet a few days ago, and in the end they burned the head of a monster the size of the earth into a like a red giant. Watching the video, Tony can feel terrified!
   Therefore, he has never dared to take part in the siege of a certain kid, and he has always shied away from having important things and refused to go to support any party!
   "Those idiots, why don't you think about it. If the little kid Annie could be dealt with so easily, how could my dignified Iron Man lose so badly in the battle at Lake Michigan?"
   "At that time, she didn't even use much magic, and my army of two thousand steels was wiped out..."
   Thinking of this, Tony's heart pricked.
   For a while, in order to continue to recover the scattered Ark reactors, and to settle the cause of that incident, he really had a hemorrhage!
  〔Mister, the satellite has detected a very high charge reaction in the clouds, which is very abnormal! 〕
   When Tony was gloating over misfortunes, Jarvis quickly reminded him.
   Because it found that the lightning energy in those clouds is very abnormal, it seems that the electric charge is abnormally active, much stronger than the most powerful natural lightning storm ever recorded on the earth! At the position of the eye in the middle of that kind of cyclone, there shouldn't be that kind of lightning.
As soon as Jarvis's words stopped, suddenly, the satellite image showed a thick lightning, after the black Phoenix Qin Ge Lei completely burst into flames and dispersed the four sea elements, and also shattered their energy cores. Those lightnings were finally guided by someone, and they hit directly above Qin Ge Lei's head!
  In an instant, the whole world was lit up instantly, and even on the sea surface under the area where the two of them were fighting, the aftermath of thick lightning like a roaming electric snake was constantly raging. Then, marine creatures of various sizes quickly floated up with their belly, and under the aftermath of Anne's lightning, they electrocuted countless marine creatures nearby...
   "Look, the X-Men who was electrocuted is the woman. Is she dead?!"
   The lightning just now, even Tony was taken aback!
   That level of energy, I am afraid that it has far exceeded the range of his armor! Maybe, if he hit it himself, he would be electrocuted into coke, right? The energy value that Jarvis showed just now, just like that, must be much stronger than the small lightning that Thor once released him.
  〔Mister, according to the life fluctuation detection, both sides are normal, and no one should be injured or killed. 〕
   "Hey! Tibbers, it seems that the lightning just didn't work for her either..."
   "Huh? No...what's wrong with her? Aha! I see, she is also playing with fire? This is finally fun!"
   Annie saw that after the other party had wiped out her four huge sea elements and abruptly withstood a powerful lightning attack, they flew slowly without embarrassment. Because, the other party's clothes had been burnt clean in the lightning attack she had just now, and now they are all naked, looking very spicy eyes.
Then, the energy in the opponent's body finally couldn't be restrained and burst out from the body. The fiery red energy began to continuously emerge from the fierce and cracked skin on the opponent's body. The red hair danced without wind and began to burn violently. !
In fact, now the other party’s whole body is beginning to burn, and the original white, delicate eyes, body and skin have started to crack continuously, the delicate and distorted face is also decomposing, and at the same time, the other party’s body is also constantly cracking. The earth was burning, and the endless flames swallowed everything frantically from the inside out...
   Soon, it didn’t take much time for the other party to completely complete the transformation!
   In Annie's astonished eyes, the energy in the opponent's body quickly exploded and turned into a flame energy creature with flames burning all over his body, and there seemed to be a pair of phoenix wings behind him! But before, the fragile earth human body that bound it was finally completely burned by it.
   "Wow! This looks a bit familiar!"
  Anni suddenly felt that the other party’s current state seemed a bit like Sarnagar Kerrigan in the interstellar world? But, it seems a bit different? Annie could also see that the opponent's power didn't seem to be complete, and her consciousness was very chaotic, just acting on her violent instinct? !
   But no matter what, by now, although the opponent has become more powerful than before, Annie felt relieved. Today's battle seems to be finally over foreseeably.
   (Master, if you read it right, the guy opposite...seems to be the power of a phoenix? Flame there such a thing in this universe?
   Tibbers could see that in the flame phantom behind the opponent, there seemed to be a faint shadow of a phoenix, which should be correct. )
   "Hey, no matter who you are now, but..."
   "Actually, I can tell you one thing secretly: You really shouldn't be like this, because...I am the best at pure flame power, and I am not afraid of you!"
   Now, the situation has unexpectedly developed in a good direction, so Annie even cancelled the lava shield outside her body.
   Hmph! She doesn't care whether the opponent is the power of the flame or the power of the phoenix!
   Anyway, she knew that to deal with flames or flame creatures, she had a way. The other party shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, just shouldn't become the way it is now, it is simply seeking a dead end!
   A sharp sound of a phoenix sounded, and in the next second, the flame energy creature burned by Qin Ge Lei suddenly became a huge flame phoenix! then,
While it released boundless flames, causing those blazing flames to burn the surface of the sea for several miles, it angrily slammed into the opposite little Annie who had no shield!
   rumbling! ! !
   In an instant, after the loud noise of the collision, more flames began to burst out, and the whole world became red! Here, wherever you can see, all around the endless sea, are covered with flames! Even, together with the huge tropical cyclone, when it was just preparing to take shape, it was instantly dispelled by this powerful explosion...
If you look at it from the satellite, you will find that the white cyclone clouds have begun to dissipate slowly, and instead, there is a huge fire field covering the entire original cyclone sea area with a size of nearly tens of kilometers. !
   The entire sea surface was incinerated as if crude oil had been leaked, so unscientifically, no raw materials were burning fiercely...
   After a while, there is no movement...
When all those who watched the battle thought that the two sides had died together and the earth had finally returned to peace. When this live version of the century science fiction blockbuster had a rare good ending, they were shocked to discover: in the center of the flame explosion, A little girl flew out slowly? She doesn't seem to have any protective measures, and those flames that can burn without fuel will have no effect on her?
   ⊙o⊙) Wow! This thing... it seems... the power of the phoenix?"
   "Tibbers, look! I actually caught a fire phoenix in this universe! Although it's a bit incomplete..."
   That's right, now in the palm of Annie's hand, there is a small flame phoenix, which is still struggling! But what frightened it was that no matter how hard it struggles, how the power of the flame erupts, it can't escape the white and tender palm of this little girl? !
   (Tibbers sighed It was shaking his head and sighing for some stupid behavior.
   I think back then, its shadowy flame giant bear, only with the word flame, was captured alive by a two-year-old girl! But now, this guy is so immortal, he wants to become a pure flame-shaped phoenix? How iron does the opponent's head have to do such stupid things...)
   Finally, the facts tell us that reinforcements or helpers will always arrive on time at the last time! No, when Annie had cleaned up all the enemies and caught an additional flame phoenix, in the sky directly above her, she suddenly leaped and teleported over two huge space transport ships.
   Obviously, it was the ‘Little Bear’ Gian super medium-sized spacecraft of Coleson’s team that the Bear Shield had dared to help, and its sister ship No. 2, the No. 2 spacecraft of Captain Rogers’ team.
   After they were notified by the Bear Shield Bureau, they hurriedly jumped on the spot many times and planned to come here, and finally got them here in less than ten minutes! This speed is already extremely efficient for any country on earth.
   However, it is a pity that they are still late...
   Now here, the object they want to support, their magic adviser, and destroy all the enemies alone, except for the fire that covers the entire sea area below, they can no longer see any enemies.
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