Chapter 351: Closing and beginning

   (Added on weekends, more than 14,000 words in total, are you happy?)
In the sky, the two huge space transport ships almost the size of a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier on the earth came here. They were not invisible, and just lay high in the sky... Then, after a while, One of them began to slowly drop in height, slowly descending towards the flame below.
   That’s right, this is Coleson’s two medium-sized Ji’an super transport ships!
Originally came here to reinforce the Magic Advisor of their Bear Shield, His Excellency Anne. On their way here, they prepared several stealth Banshee fighters on their spacecraft, hundreds of Bear Shield Marines and ten Several elite ghost agents!
   They originally intended to give those X-Men and Fantastic Four a good-looking, but it turned out...
Looking at the huge fire field covering the entire sea below, and then at the weird blazing flames and the waves of heat rising up on the sea, they could not imagine that this place was actually on the sea surface of the earth. on?
If it weren’t for the display on the satellite interface that the fire had only burned this sea area within a range of about tens of miles, they would have almost thought that Little Annie played with fire again and burned the entire earth in anger. Too!
   "Annie... why did you burn them all?"
   After opening the main cabin door of the spacecraft and welcoming Little Annie to fly in, Coulson poked his head out, looking at the fire below and the heat waves coming from below.
In Coleson's plan, they should arrive before the two sides start a fight or decide the winner, and then use their bear shield's powerful strength to force the other party to retreat, so as to achieve the goal of winning without a fight, and to avoid it. After a little girl was irritated, terrible things such as burning the earth to play with her anger happened.
   However, it is a pity that there doesn't seem to be anything for the rescuers like them now. The little girl of the other people has solved it all by herself, but the result looks a little horrible.
   "I didn't burn it here, it's obviously their bad guys who burned it themselves, it's none of my business!"
Anne did all the things like freezing the sea, summoning huge sea elements, and electrocuting a large area of ​​sea creatures by powerful lightning. She does not deny it, but she really did not set the fires here now. Yes, she won't be full and have nothing to do to burn the sea to play, that would be too boring!
   Looking at the blazing sea below, Annie also feels a bit pity...
Just now, Annie saw that she seemed to have electrocuted several large tuna. Before she could catch it, the bad guy in her hand gave her a fire and burned them all. The idea of ​​wanting to eat seafood at noon fell through.
   "It turned out to be like this..."
   "Well, even if you didn't set off the fire, that all the X-Men and Fantastic Four have been killed by you, it's a bit not good, and things have become troublesome."
   What is happening here now, it is estimated that all major countries or organizations in the world already know, and then he does not know what to do with the various things that have been brewing from this storm.
   If you just kill one or two, that's fine, after all, the opponent did it first.
   But, now a total of nine X-Men, four Fantastic Four, and an unknown mage have been wiped out! No matter how you look at it, this matter is definitely not a trivial matter. I don't know how Xiong Shield will deal with this crisis and straighten out the relationship with all parties and organizations.
  Although they are not very afraid of the Bear Shield, but if they are not careful, they may be isolated or classified as a terrorist organization...
   "They came to provoke me first, so if you kill it, then kill it, can't it?!"
   Just studying the flame phoenix after the palm of her hand was forcibly shrunk, Annie didn't care about the guys below who died so much that there was no dust left! Who asked them to provoke themselves, and even want to grab their precious stones? So, that's what they deserve!
   Originally, Annie wanted to say that she actually burned all those people out!
There were a total of 14 people in the other party, and she only eliminated five. The remaining eight hapless ones were actually affected and killed by their own explosive power, and the one who missed them killed them. People who burned themselves in the end!
   But, since those people are all dead now, she doesn't seem to have much convincing power if she struggles with these things. Therefore, Annie doesn't bother to explain anymore. She is so busy now that she has no time to think about it.
   "It's not impossible, but, oh..."
   "Forget it, let's wait and discuss with the director after I go back. This time, I'm afraid it is really going to cause great trouble..."
   shook his head, and Coleson couldn't help sighing. Now, Director Nick Fury, who has been following this all the way, must have known what happened here, right? Therefore, he didn't think about going to do emergency reports or other laborious tasks.
   He knows that if the next one is not handled well, I am afraid it will lead to an endless battle between the Bear Shield Bureau and the X-Men and a certain mage organization? Moreover, will it even involve those official organizations that have good relations with the Fantastic Four and the X-Men? Even, if one is not careful, even that Magneto Mutant Brotherhood or other bad guys will be involved in it?
The more I think about it, the more I think it’s possible, and the more I think about it, the more unsightly my face looks, so Coleson knew that things were really terrible now, even if it was caused by the other party, but Annie did kill a bit more people. , I'm afraid something big will happen!
"Huh! Those people died when they died. Who told them to act on Annie first? Obviously they provoked us Bear Shield first, and they deserve it if they die! I don't think you need to worry about this at all, Coleson. !"
   Compared to the life and death of the X-Men and Fantastic Four, Melinda is obviously more concerned about whether her little Annie has been harmed.
   Compared to her Melinda, Annie, who has lived together for nearly half a year and has a good relationship with herself, is what she cares about most! The other party is really like half of her family's daughter. This makes her, who still has no children, wish to add all her maternal love to Annie. Therefore, she is actually the most disgusted guy who causes trouble. And can't wait for them to be one of them all dead!
   "Melinda, you don't understand, it would be nice if things were so simple..."
"If we Bear Shield want to continue to survive on the earth, we can't make too many killings or provoke too many enemies. There are some things that can't be handled arbitrarily, otherwise, once we turn ourselves into an independent husband. If it does, then I’m afraid it will really become a target!"
  Their Bear Shield has now developed to this point, especially when they changed from S.H.I.E.L.D. to the Bear Shield and moved their main base to the back of the moon, they are basically free from any external constraints and are extremely powerful.
They are already very jealous and jealous of outsiders!
   If you continue to do things recklessly and recklessly, you will definitely be gradually isolated!
   After all, the earth here can also be said to be a big circle of communication. Some things must be resolved through compromise, rather than just like dealing with those Hydra terrorists, starting a fight if they don’t agree.
   "I hope Director Nick Fury has a way to solve this thing that happened today..."
Fortunately, their Xiong Shield Bureau is only on the passive counterattack side today, and Xiao Anni only counterattacked after being coerced. They seem to have a lot of room for maneuver and negotiation. Otherwise, maybe they Xiong Shield is about to become the next Hydra that everyone shouts.
   "Heh! We Bear Shield, now we are not afraid of those politicians!"
   Melinda feels that their Bear Shield is now free from the constraints of any party, whether it is human or material resources, and even now they no longer rely on the Stark Group too much in terms of financial resources.
  Because they Xiong Shield has now started to develop helium-3 in the dust on the surface of the moon, and are preparing to build factories and export monopoly clean energy to the earth! At that time, should the earth rely on their lunar supply?
   "Melinda, it seems you still don't understand..."
   "Although we don't have to look at the face of either side, let alone act on any side, but because of this, we must be more cautious in our actions! Then, some things still have to be compromised."
   Looking at Melinda, who was squatting on the metal deck and roughly inspecting Little Annie's body, she found that Melinda, who stood up after she was not injured, and the other party's unhappy look, Coulson could only explain patiently with tears.
  Where is this thing as simple as she imagined? If everyone is provoked by others and will kill each other at every turn, wouldn't this earth be completely messed up? Up to now, Melinda is still a bit too hostile. Being an agent can deal with the enemy, but it's a bit uncomfortable if he is engaged in internal service or as a command.
   "Huh! Coleson, it's you who I absolutely don't understand!"
   "You are less and less like an agent now. I think you have been an official for a long time, and you are more and more like a politician, with the sour smell all over, not at all!"
   Melinda, who has always done things simply and neatly, yearned for pleasure and hatred, and couldn't draw her gun at a word, but the most uncomfortable guy like Coulson is the fearful.
   She thinks that Coleson must have caught the politician vice of Director Nick Fury!
   Look, this guy has been bullied by outsiders to come to the door, and this guy, even if he can compromise, he will try his best to compromise? What a joke! She, Melinda, prefers to hit her head when she shows her head, until the enemy dare not hit her own side again!
   He sighed, and Coleson could only helplessly look at his old partner. How could this matter be explained more and the effect worsened? To deal with foreign forces or Hydra, you must use thunder methods, but to deal with non-extreme forces inside the earth, it is better not to use force indiscriminately. That is the method that can only be used at the last step.
   "Okay! Uncle Coleson, and Aunt Melinda, you guys are really annoying... Stop the noise soon!"
   "Let's do this, since you don't like me killing those mutant bad guys, then I will save them again. There is nothing great about it!"
Seeing that these two people were still quarreling in front of her, Annie was so upset that she flattened her mouth, and felt that she should save the bad guys back, and save Aunt Melinda and Uncle Colson. The two kept arguing, and she was annoying to listen!
   " it back?"
   "Annie, they... should have been burned to ashes, how can they be saved?!"
Coulson knew very well that the two priests and paladins of the Cathedral of Light in New York, especially the lady Sally Whitemane, told him specifically: If you want to successfully perform the resurrection technique, you must guarantee The body is roughly complete, and the most important head must not be missing! Also, the time of death cannot be too long, and the soul is not too far away from the corpse or captured by evil existences, etc. Only then can the Holy Light be used to cast the resurrection technique and resurrect those who have died. people.
   And now, those mutants below, it is estimated that there are not even ashes left, how can I save them? He felt that even if God himself came, it would not be too bad!
   "If it was before, it might be a little bit difficult... But now, it's a very simple thing!"
After forcibly storing the flame phoenix caught in the ground, Annie took out her golden glove with six-color infinite gems from her pocket again, and then put it on directly regardless of the surprised eyes of the two. On his right hand.
   "Annie, what are your gloves?"
   Looking at the gloves that Annie took out inexplicably, and then at the gems inlaid on them, Melinda faintly felt that the stones on them seemed a bit familiar.
   That purple thing, seems to be one of the infinite gems that the little guy found back then, the power gem? The blue one is the gem of space? If this is the case, aren't the other ones...
   "Anyway, it's a very fun thing, please pay attention!"
   walked near the spaceship door that hadn't closed yet, Annie first went out with a probe, and after looking at the still-flaming sea below, she smiled and waved at the two of them, beckoning them to come and see some fun things.
Ding! ! !
   There was a crisp and melodious snap of fingers.
Annie, wearing the golden infinite gloves, snapped her fingers hippiely, and in the next instant, after the six gems on her glove emitted dazzling light and appeared invisible cracks, Melinda, Coleson, all the agents in the two bear Shield ships present, and everyone who was still watching the situation here were extremely shocked.
Originally, this large sea area burning with raging fires, the sea area where the heat waves are tumbling, and the wind is roaring, is like the mobile phone wallpaper was suddenly changed to another background, the original scene of the burning sea in an instant It's gone! Instead, it was the calm blue sea, the breezy sky and the white clouds, plus, the small island below that should have been shattered and that... fourteen people who should have died without scum?
   The nine dead elite members of the X-Men, the four Fantastic Four and a certain apprentice of the mage who slapped their feet, were all full of blood in an instant and resurrected in place? !
   "Aha, it is so! Look at them, they are alive again, is this super fun?"
   For the first time, those gems whose light has been dimmed and covered with cracks that were set on the glove, together with
After putting away the gloves to prevent others from discovering them, Annie triumphantly pointed to the rocky island below and asked the dumbfounded Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda.
   Unfortunately, they can no longer answer Anne’s question now. In fact, the countless agents in the cabin who were originally wearing armored power suits on standby have now all leaned forward to the cabin door and looked at the magical scene like God's means underneath.
   "God, are all the hallucinations we saw just now?"
   "How could such an unscientific thing happen..."
   After watching in shock for a while, the agents began to whisper to each other to discuss the matter of extinguishing a large-scale fire in an instant, if they tried hard to think about it, maybe they could barely understand it a little bit.
   But... this kind of method of turning an island back, and then resurrecting a group of people who were so deadly dead, is really a bit sensational! Just when they were preparing for the battle, they watched the battle scenes captured by the satellite on the spacecraft, and they also knew the sad end of the enemies, but now...
   They suddenly felt that even if it was God’s means, it was probably just like this, right? But that little girl, the magic consultant of their Bear Shield, could still achieve this level? Just so... so hippie snapped his fingers with a smile? !
   "What the is going on..."
On the island, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards was staring at his hands in a daze, and then touched his face a little at a loss. This touch is very real, not like a dream, but what is it? What's going on?
   He clearly remembered that he seemed to be slapped to the ground by a little girl. After holding on to this for less than one-tenth of a second, he felt that his head was flattened, and then he didn't know anything...
   Why now, everything is okay, and it seems that I am not dead, I just dreamed of failing?
   "Great! Reid, great! You are really fine!"
At this moment, Mr. Fantastic’s wife, the invisible heroine Susan, rushed to her tears of joy, and held her husband who was supposed to have been photographed into a puddle of flesh tightly. Started to sob and sob.
   "It's weird, why are we alive again?"
   "Yes, I remember it clearly. At that time, we seemed to be shattered to pieces by the explosion of the piano. That feeling... really bad! But now, how come back to life?"
   "It's really weird. Didn't all the illusions just happen? Or, we are caught in the illusion of that little girl?"
   "It might be..."
At this time, the resurrected X-Men all ignored the two huge spaceships that were quietly suspended above their heads, so you said, I talked excitedly from the joy of being reborn after death. With.
   "I also remember that I was crushed to pieces by that little girl..."
   "Wait! This doesn't seem right, what about my ability? What about my petrification ability? Why am I now in a normal human form?"
   Benjamin the Stone Man also raised his hands with a little doubt. He remembered clearly that at that time, he jumped up high, ready to launch a fatal blow! But in the end, she was easily countered by the little girl, and she easily crushed it into a pile of rubble... The heart-piercing pain at the time could not be fake!
   But now, he is shocked to discover: Not only have his hands become thinner, they have also returned to normal human skin? It's like... before I was radiated by cosmic rays?
   "The big thing is not good! My fire ability is gone!"
   "God, where are my wings? Where are my wings? I remember, I was only cut off by Scott at that time!"
   "This is terrible, my ice control ability is gone..."
"my God……"
   "Oh oh... After hearing what you said, I also found out that my steel skin seems to be gone..."
   "And me! My mimicry ability is too, I feel that I am just an ordinary person now!"
   "It's over, this time we really are all over!"
   Before everyone was happy from the surprise of being resurrected, they began to mourn one by one, because they discovered that all of them were proud of their ability to surpass mortals, but they were all gone! Now, they have all changed back to the appearance of ordinary people?
  Doctor Strange Stephen Strange walked to the side secretly, put a strange ring on his trembling hands, and kept drawing circles.
   However, he was also horrified to discover that he himself had only created a little spark in the air, and that portal could not be drawn all the time? !
   Now, not only has the mana stored in one's body disappeared, but even the portal that could be created in an instant has become extremely difficult? Looking at my hands that had returned to the rigid feeling after the operation, I looked up at the two spaceships in the sky and the Bear Shield steel soldiers who came to Hyun’s window and looked at them, Strand Qi seems to have realized something suddenly.
   "Great... Scott... God bless you! You actually came back to life again..."
  Qin Grey didn't care about the other people, but walked forward with a trembling body, stretched out her hands and kept stroking the face of her lover Scott. She remembered clearly that before, the other person's head should have been cut off by the reflected laser, but now, it has changed back gracefully?
   Then, after listening to what the people around her said and discussed anxiously, she thought for a while, and carefully stretched out her hand, preparing to take off the special eyepiece on the other person's head.
   "Jin, don't! It's dangerous!"
   Although Scott didn't know why he came back to life again, he still held Qin's hands with a little vigilance. He didn't want to hurt the girlfriend in front of him because of his laser eyes.
   "It's okay,'s okay now...because all our power is gone!"
   "So, you try to open your eyes, it's really okay...Even my power has completely disappeared..."
   gently took off the opponent's eyepieces, and then Qin Ge Lei could finally see the opponent's eyes that were no longer shining red again. Now, they can finally see their own shadows in each other's eyes, without having to consider other things, which is great!
   "What the is going on? I remember, I seemed to be dead then..."
Eyes Scott looked at the acquaintances around him with his eyes wide open. He didn't quite understand why they would come back to life somehow? Moreover, why did he lose all his abilities? During this period, what happened?
   "Hey! The bad guys underneath, listen to me!"
  At this time, when the X-Men and the Fantastic Four were panicked, the voice of a little girl after being amplified came from above. Then, when they looked up, they found the two huge spaceships above them that looked like giant aircraft carriers.
   They just lay high and one short above the crowd, causing a lot of psychological pressure on them.
   "Because you came to provoke this queen for no reason, so I killed you once before! Then, just now, I rescued you again!"
   "This queen is very generous, so you don't use it to thank me!"
"By the way, I want to remind you: as punishment for offending Queen Anne, don't think about the power of you bad guys, because they will all be gone in the future! Yes, That's it, they are gone!"
   Little Annie stood proudly on the edge of the hatch that the spaceship lowered, with her left hand akimbo, her right hand pointing at the stunned bad guys underneath and speaking loudly.
   Annie wouldn't tell them that the disappearance of their power was just a small accident, even she was surprised just now!
   Thinking about it now, it must be the fault of her copycat version of Infinite Gloves! After all, its power and energy are definitely not as good as the original, and it can't be compared. Before, after just a short battle, their energy was already severely insufficient, and then she used it again just now, and they were directly overdrawn. They had just been cracked!
   So, it’s good to be able to restore everything around you now, and to change the bad guys back. If you still want power, maybe you have to wait for Annie to get the original Infinity Gloves?
But, Anne thinks this is also good, not only will it prevent Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda from quarreling about the life and death of these people, but also prevent these people from bothering themselves. This is the best But things.
   Otherwise, if they gain strength, they can't think about it for a while, and if they come to trouble themselves, wouldn't it be annoying? Annie is so busy herself that she has no time to fight with these bad guys all day long!
   "Annie, is that the reason for the glove just now? What the is that? I still seem to see that infinite gem inlaid with it? But...when did you get so many stones?"
   Coleson felt that the reason these people were able to resurrect in an instant seemed to be because of the glove?
   But, he faintly remembered, that little Annie's glove just now seemed to be inlaid with six stones? That is no doubt six infinite gems! But when did she get so many?
   "Aha, don't care too much about this kind of thing!"
   About infinite gloves and infinite gems, Annie didn't want to talk to them too much.
   This fun new toy, she has just started to use it now, she has to slowly study it carefully! It's just the worst way to use it for fights. That's not good!
   And, those mass-produced infinite gems, they certainly can't let them know! In fact, Annie felt that she had better not let anyone know about this kind of thing, and let others know that she was using reality gems to steal this cosmic energy.
   "Huh! They are just right if they don't have the ability to mutate, they deserve it! To me, Annie, you shouldn't waste your energy to revive those underneath!"
   Looking at the people below, Melinda was still alive.
   These people, after they have attacked the Hulk, it’s not counted, they dare to attack her little Annie? But now, it can even come back from the dead, this kind of bad thing, in fact, should not start this! Otherwise, it may be a big trouble in the future, and it may make some people feel lucky!
   If you follow her Melinda's own ideas, what will these people do even if they are killed? Obviously they were the first to provoke Xiong Shield, so they should pay a heavy price!
   This is Coleson. He has always been afraid of wolves and tigers. He wants to compromise everything, and even makes Xiao Annie have to rescue them. This is really not right! Next time, Ang Annie absolutely can't do this!
   "Melinda, you..."
   I didn’t know that I sighed several times today. To this old partner of his, Coleson shook his head helplessly again, but there was nothing he could do with her.
   "By the way, just said that the people below, they don't have any abilities anymore, do they?"
   "Can you be sure that the abilities of the mutants under them will be gone in the future?"
   Coleson, who originally wanted to order to leave, suddenly didn't know what he had thought of, his eyes lit up, and he quickly turned around and asked little Annie carefully.
   Now, he has a bold plan, but he has to ask it clearly before he gets into trouble again.
   "Yes, they are actually just a group of ordinary people now, maybe you can beat them several times!"
   Those people below, their mutant abilities have all disappeared, this point, Annie is sure!
   So, after taking a closer look, Annie felt that her uncle Coleson’s three-legged cat's kung fu, no matter how bad it was, she was a genuine agent, and she should be able to fight several people below.
   "Very good, now, I suddenly thought of a good idea!"
   After confirming that the abilities of the X-Men and Fantastic Four had indeed disappeared, Coleson suddenly laughed a little playfully.
"what do you mean?"
   was stunned, looking at Colson who was inexplicably happy, Melinda seemed to think of something.
   "The order: land the spacecraft to the surface of the sea, send the Marines to land on the island, and then...take all the people on the island back!"
   "I think we have a way to deal with some guys who make things difficult for us for no reason!"
  Since the X-Men and Fantastic Four below have become ordinary people, then they are not polite to Bear Shield. Let's catch them all first!
   At that time, whether it is forcing the other party to tell the specific whereabouts of the Hulk, or using it to negotiate with Charles of the X-Men, it will be all disadvantageous! Now, it's their turn to bear the Shield's dominance and reason.
   If those guys don’t give them a satisfactory explanation to Bear Shield, and don’t make greater compromises and concessions to them, the following
Some people, just don't want to go back!
   really have the ability, let their x-men go to the steel bear headquarters base on the moon to try to save people?
   "Coleson, you finally did a serious thing! It should be done like this, I've seen them very unpleasant!"
   Melinda's eyes lit up when Coleson said that he would arrest all the people underneath, and he nodded in satisfaction and agreed with the other party's approach.
   Since those people are here to trouble Bear Shield, it is normal to catch them.
With the roar of the spacecraft when it landed, a group of fully armed Marines from the Bear Shield swiftly dripped into the sea, leaped and ran to the rocky rocky island, and brought the fourteen The hostile elements who were presumed to defeat the stubborn resistance were all arrested...
Subsequently, as the two spacecrafts quickly disappeared and left, this sea area was left with a small island that had been destroyed. Fortunately, it stayed here, and attracted countless government troops and major organizations watching the battle. The forces looked at each other without knowing what happened.
   They can’t understand, what is going on with the way that the Atlantic area of ​​the earth is changed like a film? How could everything return to its original state in the blink of an eye?
Thor, the of thunder, defeated the flame giant Sulter, who caused the twilight of the gods in the prophecy and would destroy the realm of the gods, and took his skull back to Asgard for strict supervision, he took his brother Loki, and finally The teleportation via the Rainbow Bridge reached the earth and successfully arrived in New York.
Because Thor discovered that Loki has been pretending to be their missing father Odin, and that Loki has been quite slack in governing the country during this time, causing considerable trouble to the nine countries and sitting by and watching them turmoil... So, To You decided: They must welcome back their father Odin as soon as possible, and strive to put down the turmoil in the nine countries as soon as possible!
   And the place where the two of them are standing is the NSFOCUS Nursing Center where Loki placed Odin, the king of the gods, who was controlled by him!
However, it is a pity that the institution that used to take care of the sick or the elderly has disappeared, because it is now being demolished. In front of the two brothers, there is a large excavator and a muck truck. They are busy cleaning up this piece of demolished ruins here?
   "Wait! Don't be impulsive... Thor, I swear, I just left him here!"
   Seeing his brother Thor seemed to be planning to use force against him, Loki hurriedly explained. It has only been a year, why this place has become like this, he himself is very puzzled.
  He doesn't understand, who made these stupid earthlings want to demolition?
   You must know, where in their Asgard realm, those ancient buildings, the youngest ones are thousands or even tens of thousands of years old, and I haven't seen any of them demolished by the Asgardians!
   "Really? Did you leave him on the sidewalk or stay in this small building that was being demolished?"
   "Ha! I suddenly felt that your arrangement is really great!"
   Needless to say, now Thor knows that their father, Odin, is definitely not here anymore! It is estimated that it will take a lot of work to find him.
"You really can't blame me. I just asked him to take him in according to the situation of the elderly with dementia, and let this institution help them! Moreover, I gave them money, a lot of money, enough to take care of them for ten years. Those green bills!"
   Seeing his brother Thor immediately had the urge to run wild, and the lightning in his hand was still crackling, Loki hurriedly waved his hand to explain and took two big steps back. What happened here was really beyond his expectation. Those earthlings had already received his money. It was only a year. Why did they demolish the building and run away?
   This kind of outrageous thing, even he, the evil Loki, who has always been known for his cunning and cunning, can't do it! Are the earthlings so unlimited?
   "You know, I can't predict the future, let alone an orthodox wizard. How could I know why they demolished a good building?!"
This sentence is really the truth of his Loki, he knows better than anyone else, he himself, although a little clever, but also a little charming little magic, but in fact, he is a second-rate assassin who is better at playing daggers. ...
   He is not a regular mage, nor a wizard who is proficient in prophecy. Otherwise, Thor would not easily return to the Asgard realm and ruin his comfortable life of the king.
   "Well, I will let you go for now!"
   "Loki... In addition to the specific whereabouts of our father, I also want to know, what is going on with you now wearing this suit?"
   Although Thor did not stay on Earth for too long, he knew that the dress of Rocky in a black suit, black shirt, black tie, and black leather shoes still looked very strange! If you add his shiny black hair and dark eyes...
   It seems, a bit like a character that is very popular in a special crowd bar like the Earth people?
   "My clothes? You don't need to care about this, I just want to dress more decently so that I won't be easily recognized by others!"
   "You know, those people on earth, I am afraid they will not welcome me back to earth too much..."
   At the beginning, Loki stirred the wind and the rain here on the earth, and also attracted the Cheritas to invade New York, killing and wounding countless people on the earth! Therefore, in order not to be easily recognized by others, he specially put on such a decent suit, hoping that people on earth will not think of a bad guy who has invaded here.
   After all, he caused such a big deal at that time, and many people on the earth can't wait to take their own lives!
And now, apart from being imprisoned for a year, not only is he unscathed, he is still able to dominate Asgard well, and he can continue to walk out here on earth, in case this matter is accidentally given by the people on earth. If you know it, I'm afraid it will blow up, right?
   When the time comes, you can form a team to beat him Rocky, you can't be wrong!
   "Hi! Excuse me, are you Thor? Great! Can we take a photo with you?"
   is not only a superhero, but also a tall Thor in Norse mythology. Therefore, a handsome long-haired hero with blond hair is not too unfamiliar to people on earth.
   Plus, this is New York in troubled times, so these two weirdos who stood watching other people’s demolition were quickly recognized by two female fans! But in fact, only the masculine hammer brother Thor was recognized, and the sissy beside him was gorgeously ignored by the two earth women.
   "A group photo? Of course you can!"
   "Actually, you should call me Thor? Forget it... it's just a different way of saying a name, these things really don't seem to be important."
   Thor took his black umbrella and corrected him
After Fang's grammar, he embraced the two beauties of the earth graciously and took a selfie with them happily.
   "Sorry, we heard... Jane dumped you? Don't be sad, you can call me when you have time!"
After the photo was taken, before leaving, one of the blonde female fans quietly stuffed a small card in Thor’s pocket. Obviously, there should be her name and phone number on that side. some type of.
   "It's not fair! The outfit I have now looks rich, and looks much more handsome than you, so why are they paying attention to you, a sloppy stinky guy?"
After watching the two earth beauties leave, Loki looked a little uncomfortably at the sloppy clothes around him, not only with a beard, but also a shabby trench coat with a few t-shirts indiscriminately. Even the weird guy with a black umbrella in his hand.
   With this kind of sloppy ghost, how can it attract women from the earth?
   Anyway, no matter how he looks at it, it’s his Rocky suit, bright leather shoes and sleek shawl long hair that can attract women’s attention, right? Is it possible that the aesthetics of the earth people here are different from that of Asgard? Gee! Sure enough, this is a fallen planet. It's a pity that his perfect plan to rule here two years ago was inexplicably messed up by a little girl. Otherwise, at this time, he is the of this planet!
   "If you dare to shout aloud here: ‘I’m the Cthulhu Loki!’, I think, in a few minutes, you will definitely be more popular than me!"
   After staring bitterly at his younger brother, Thor looked back at the building that was being demolished. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and turned around and left.
   "Hey, wait for me, where are you going?"
   After being ridiculed by the opponent, Loki took a deep breath, then turned around together and caught up with Thor. He was a little puzzled by the opponent's current actions. It stands to reason, shouldn't they ask those stupid earth people who like to engage in demolition, and take a good look at the whereabouts of their father Odin?
   "Of course, go find our father, and then quickly take him back to Asgard, hoping that he can settle the mess you made this year! Otherwise, you will be miserable!"
   As he walked forward quickly, Thor said loudly without looking back.
   "But, how do you know where he is now? In this situation, shouldn't someone ask about his whereabouts first?"
   "I really don't know, and I don't want to waste time asking! But I think someone should know where he is!"
"who is it?"
   "Bear Shield!"
   "Wait, you just said the bear... Bear Shield? What kind of organization is that?"
   asked, Loki slowed down suspiciously. It seemed that he had never heard of the name Bear Shield before, and he didn’t know what it was.
   "It's actually the original SHIELD! It's just that something unpleasant happened not long ago, so they had to reorganize and change their signs!"
   Loki, who was still on the road with Thor, the of thunder, heard this, his eyes rolled, then slowly slowed down, and turned around to leave and sneak away while Thor was not paying attention.
   "Rocky...where are you going?"
  Tor, with quick eyes and quick hands, stretched out his hand to grab the back collar of the opponent's black suit when Rocky turned a few steps, and then forcibly carried him back.
   "Hey! Let go, please pay attention to the impact, this is on the street!"
After    broke free, Loki rearranged his collar very dissatisfied. He didn't like being in the public, being carried by this Thor like a chicken.
   "Rocky, I warn you: You don’t want to run until you find your father! Otherwise, you know the consequences!"
   Raising his black umbrella, Thor warned, generally pointing to Rocky’s nose.
   This guy, fell into his own hands and even wanted to run? You know, this is the earth, and the people of Asgard have seen through his true colors, where can he go?
"Please, Thor, don't you know? Those S.H.I.E.L.D. people will never want to see me again! So... I think it is the best choice for you to meet them alone? "
   At the beginning, many people from SHIELD died in his Loki's hands! He even almost crashed the Sky Mothership, so he didn’t want to see those guys again after two years, especially a little girl and the flame in her hand. Giant bear!
   Think back then, he was beaten so badly!
   was not only fainted by being beaten by a bear paw, but even his hair was burnt completely! Now, two full years have passed before he has grown into the look of a handsome young man with long hair and hanging shoulders. So, no matter what, he can no longer fall into the hands of those terrible guys.
   "Not SHIELD, but Bear Shield!"
   "You can rest assured, I will explain a few words to you, I think they should sell me a lot of face, and I will definitely not embarrass you again!"
   hooked the other person's neck with the hook of the black umbrella, and then pushed it directly in front of him, Thor motioned to Loki to open the way in front, so that the wanted to sneak away later.
   "I said, where is this going? We have been walking for half an hour. You should always give a destination, right?"
   After the two walked in silence for a while, Loki became a little impatient. He is now in this outfit and let him press the road on the street. Could this be what he, who is dressed as a high class person, should do?
   "Go outside the city!"
   "Just find a place where there is no one, and then I will send a message to Bear Shield. I believe that they will come to welcome us soon!"
   "Do you... really want to walk there? Do you know how big this city is? It's likely that you won't be able to get out for a few hours!"
   "Otherwise? Do you still want me to take you to fly out?"
"That will definitely cause a very bad influence! It will definitely be photographed and posted on the Internet by the people of good deeds. Then, you will be recognized by others. By then, I can't guarantee that you can protect it. you!"
   exhaled heavily, then Loki stopped abruptly, waved his hand, pulled out a few green bills, and arbitrarily stopped a taxi that he didn't intend to stop.
   "My good brother, did you go to an alien planet to fight monsters and be stupid?!"
  Outside the city,
Next to a large and desolate lake, a little white face in a black suit and a big man with a black umbrella are looking at the scenery with a gloomy expression. They have been waiting here for a long time.
   "Tor, I suddenly felt that maybe it would be better if we walked out slowly?"
Rocky and Thor have been waiting for two or three hours on this lake in the outskirts of New York. However, until now, the Bear Shield people mentioned by Thor have not appeared, they are like two fools. , People or vehicles passing by point and point.
  Tor still held his black umbrella, closed his eyes, and didn't want to talk a word.
   "I think, the Bear Shield in your mouth, will it be closed?"
   "This is impossible. Their base is on the back of the moon, and they are so powerful that they can't go bankrupt!"
   "Then why haven't they come now? Didn't you say that they have spacecraft? Is it rocket-powered or steam-powered?"
   "Maybe... they might have something very important?"
  Tor didn’t know why, he had already sent a signal, and the other party responded to the received message, but why hasn’t he come now? This gave him the idea of ​​whether to send it back to Asgard first, and then send it directly to the back of the moon to see the situation.
   "Well, needless to say, here they are!"
   When Loki wanted to say something, Thor opened his eyes directly and at the same time reached out his hand to stop the opponent.
He now felt that something invisible seemed to be approaching, and the calm water surface of the lake also began to fluctuate. Some large trees in the distance began to be bent and broken, and then suddenly a cabin door was not far away from them. The place opened, as if a portal suddenly opened in the empty sky.
   "I'm sorry, gentlemen, a lot of things have happened here on earth today, so we haven't had time to pick you up until now."
   "Okay, Thor, and this one... Come on, there are a lot of things today. We just caught a group of people and need to be sent to the Moon headquarters soon."
Standing by the hatch with a smile, first fixed his gaze at the straight suit, the evil Loki, who seemed to be living very well, looked at it for a long time before Coleson slowly turned his head and faced Thor. Thor nodded, indicating that they could now get on the spaceship.
   Although the distance is a bit far now, Coleson believes that with the skills of two Asgardians, he can easily jump up casually.
   "Coelson, hear you say that a lot of things have happened on the earth today? Is it serious, do you want our help?"
   Pulling at Loki's collar, who wanted to flinch a little, Thor pushed hard and jumped directly into the other's spacecraft door a few meters above the lake.
   "It's hard to say whether it is serious or But... we have resolved it now, so thank you for your kindness."
   waved his hand, Coleson didn't want to talk to these two Asgardians about what happened today. After all, this seems to be a waste of the internal fighting between the people of the earth, so, in line with the philosophy of not overshadowing, he does not want to mention it again.
In addition, there is now Loki, the evil he hates. Although I don’t know why the opponent was released so quickly, Coleson thinks it’s better for him to talk to Thor alone when he has free space. .
   "Tor, you suddenly visited the earth this time, is there anything we need to help?"
Looking at the slightly anxious expression on the other party’s face, Coleson just thought for a while, knowing that the other party must have something to ask for this time, but he was a little puzzled about these Asgard God’s Domain people. Why come to see them Bear Shield?
   "Yes, Colson!"
   "We now have a very important thing that needs your help, the sooner the better!"
  Tor certainly has something to ask for, or else he waited so long for that? What he saw was the strong intelligence capabilities and advanced satellite equipment of Xiong Shield Bureau. He wanted them to help find his father Odin as soon as possible. This matter must not be delayed!
   "Okay, come to the meeting room with me and talk about it, where are they now, there are many acquaintances that you might want to see last time."
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