Chapter 359: Landing in Asgard

A small landing craft sprayed a few small blue tail flames at the bottom of the oval, carrying the resolute Thor and a reluctant Bruce Banner, towards the smoking cities of Asgard The ground fell down. Fastest update
Looking at the swaying look of the spacecraft, this is indeed just like what Loki said before: this landing craft is actually an escape pod. After landing on the ground, don’t expect it to continue to fly, so, This is a journey that can only succeed, not fail!
This divine realm, originally dominated by golden luxury tones, is extremely extravagant. Various tall and magnificent buildings, gardens, pavilions, and the calm river flowing along the city are shining under the shining light of stars in the distance. Beautiful!
It should be a paradise that everyone envy...
However, here now, there are puffs of black smoke and screams that can be vaguely caught by spacecraft equipment, embellishing this originally poetic and picturesque paradise with a trace of decadence.
"Korn, go to send the order: we will start accelerating right now, ready to leap and leave here!"
When passing by the corridor, he finally took a deep look at this very familiar place through Hyun's window, and Loki had a gloomy face, turned and left the spacecraft's Hyun window, and walked back toward a stone man. Ordered.
Now, Asgard is doomed to fall, and Rocky doesn't seem to have the necessary and motivation to continue to fight for a certain throne.
"Okay, Lord Loki! But..."
"Are we really okay if we don’t go down and help? After all, this is a beautiful and magical place. There is absolutely no second place in the universe... Moreover, this place has always been the home of your Asgardians. , That thunderous Thor is also your brother, did you really leave like this?"
Looking at the back of Loki, who had turned and left step by step, and then at the rescue capsule underneath that was getting farther and farther and falling towards the ground, Koenger thought about it carefully, and then spoke out and exhorted it. One sentence.
"Stop talking nonsense, go right now!"
Without looking back, Loki's cold voice came over.
"Okay, yes! Honorable Lord Loki..."
Now Loki is the head of these people, and he has hired them. Coupled with the other party's power and magical spells that are far stronger than them, for various reasons, Cohen didn't dare to speak any more and just turned around. Head, ready to walk towards the ship's internal wall communicator on the other bulkhead, intending to give orders to the pilots in the bridge.
"and many more!"
"Forget it, let's go... Let's stay a little bit further, and then look at the specific situation first!"
Walking to the hatch, Loki, who was about to leave this corridor, suddenly stopped, then turned his head, and changed his command to the stone man with a wicked smile.
"My lord, you finally changed your mind, do you need to land now to help them?!"
Thinking that it was his own words that touched the other party, a rare smile appeared on Koenger's face. He felt that he finally had the opportunity to set foot on Asgard's land this time, and what he said later would be more or less a bragging capital?
"Who told you to land? Stupid! I think we'd better watch from a distance!"
Without even thinking about it, Luo Jinlai's face with a wicked smile suddenly became stern, and disdainfully rejected the outrageous idea of ​​the stone man.
"We don't need to go down, I just want to see if we can take this place right away when they lose both sides? Humph! You are right, here in Asgard God's Domain is a good place and always It is much better than just buying a planet!"
As if thinking of something interesting, Loki was no longer in a hurry to return to his captain's room, but just stood by the window of Hyun, planning to appreciate it for a while.
He felt that the time between the two sides to separate the victory and defeat should not be too long, and it should be worthwhile for him to waste a little more waiting time.
In fact, when Bruce Banner, Thor, and Cthulhu Loki took a long time to arrive at the star field here in Asgard, Xiao Anni had been ahead of them for a long time and directly used the space gate to arrive in advance. Here.
Then, when Banner and Thor began to land in Asgard, Little Annie came to Odin's treasure house again. She wanted to look carefully and see if there was anything more interesting here.
This is also no way. After all, waiting for the development of the situation, it is a very boring thing.
Then, amazingly, she really discovered a strange thing that she hadn't seen the last time she came here! That thing, like the skull of a certain flame monster? And, more importantly, this monster doesn't seem to be dead yet, and still retains a trace of soul and consciousness?
It turned out that this thing was the skull of a fire giant called Surter. After being killed by Thor on the planet Musbelheim, the Asgardians were locked here!
This skull seems to be able to be used as a powerful weapon! For example, made into flame weapons or shields...Of course, now that the Asgardians are overwhelmed by themselves, no one will come to Odin's treasure house to take care of them in a short time.
"Hey, poor boy! What is your name and why are you here?"
Annie just hugged her little bear, and stood in this treasure house happily, looking up at the skull with horns that was chained to this small stone pillar platform.
She knew that the guy in the skull should hear what she said.
I...Sulter...The flame giant...The ruler of Musbelheim...The destroyer of Asgard...
It was the son of Odin... it was that Thor who brought me here...
A faint soul fluctuation quickly reached Annie's consciousness. She knew that the skull in front of her was talking to her through weak soul fluctuations, and the other party was very weak now.
"Just you are the flame giant? But... I don't think you are big at all!"
"Maybe... you don't even have my second black master! Just like you, it's no wonder that you can't even beat Uncle Thor, let alone want to destroy Asgard!"
After tilting her head and carefully looking at the skull twice, Annie still didn't believe it had anything to do with the flame giant, nor did she believe that this guy could destroy Asgard.
She estimated it a little, and the energy fluctuations of the guy in front of her, it is estimated that even Uncle Hammer without a hammer can't win it, right? Not to mention the fierce big sister outside.
Unless he has several big Ivans like that, otherwise, don't even think about destroying this Asgard realm!
When my crown and eternal fire reunite... my strength... will be fully restored...
At that time... I will be taller and bigger than Asgard's highest mountain... My sword of twilight... will penetrate deeply into Asgard... The prophecy of the twilight of the gods... will It was fulfilled in me...
And I... then... will completely destroy this place...
Although the soul fluctuation was still very weak, Annie was surprised to feel the monstrous hatred of the other party. Of course, it was aimed at the Asgardians in its mouth, maybe it was aimed at Odin, the one-eyed dragon?
"Eternal Fire? It sounds like a lot of fun, what is that?"
What kind of prophecy, the gods at dusk or the destruction of Asgard, Anne didn't want to care about it! She just wanted to know, what is that eternal fire, and is it fun?
That is... the source of my strength...
Once... I had a huge divine sword... Forged in the heart of the burning galaxy... It carries a magical eternal fire... It can be called a catalyst for magic... It can cut almost all material and magical barriers... ...Even cut into other dimensions...but...countless years ago...the shameless Odin...he snatched it from my hand...
Once, as the ruler of Musbelheim, Sulter did not recruit or provoke anyone. However, he accidentally caused misfortune to make the Odin and the other’s daughter Hela He defeated him together, and took the eternal fire alive from his body, and almost killed him!
He endured the humiliation for countless years, and when he finally recovered a little bit of vitality, he ran into the Odin's son again, beat him to death again, turned him into this skull crown and locked him here.
"Odin? That old one-eyed dragon is dead, you don't need to seek revenge from him anymore!"
Suddenly thinking of a certain grandfather who was already braided up, Annie reluctantly reminded the other party, hoping that the other party can have a good time and don't think about fighting all day long.
Asgard is still...Asgard is still... the flames of vengeance will never cease...
Unexpectedly, after Surtel was silent for a while, he once again issued a roaring version of the soul fluctuations, as if he was very dissatisfied with Odin's death too early?
"I don't care about you, right! The eternal fire you said is the bonfire in the big pot over there?"
Annie actually noticed the flame over there a long time ago. Since the last time she came here, it had been burning over there with no smoke or smell.
Originally, she thought it was just an ordinary bonfire for lighting!
Although it has a bit of demon-breaking properties, it is also a good enchanting material, and has various characteristics, but... Annie felt that they seemed to be inferior to her own flames, and there was nothing remarkable! So last time, she just glanced at it a little when she was passing by, and she didn't even get a second glance.
That's right... little girl... if you put my crown in the eternal fire... then... I will be reborn...
Although I don’t know why this little girl suddenly appeared here, or who the other person is, Sirtel felt that if I could succeed enough to fool the other person into throwing his crown into the eternal fire. Inside, then... the dusk of the gods will come early, and no one can stop him at that time, even if Odin is reborn!
"Your crown? Where is it now?"
After stopping the other party's words, Annie turned and looked around out of curiosity.
This Odin’s treasure house is full of messy things, all kinds of messy things! However, there seems to be no one that looks like a crown? Anyway, she didn't see it.
My is right in front of you...little girl...I...I am the remaining power...all in this crown...
Unable to bear the little girl's ignorance, and after a moment of silence, Surtel finally couldn't help but make a statement.
"This... of you turned out to be a crown?"
"Haha! It looks ugly, it's even uglier than a horn! I just thought it was your horn! I told you, the horn of my second black, its horn is more beautiful than yours Much smoother!"
After the shock, the little girl laughed presumptuously.
She thinks, either... because the guy in front of her is not very good at appreciation; or... because its craftsmanship is so bad, just like a bent horn, it is said to be a crown? Are they all primitive creatures without appreciation?
The crown or doesn’t really matter...little long as you throw me into that eternal will see my greatest power...
Surtel didn’t have time to pay attention to these details. He just wanted to hurry up and fool this little girl into the eternal fire, and then, becoming taller than a mountain, he could wave his Twilight. The sword, easily cut off Asgard's backbone, and then inserted the long sword deeply into the deepest part of Asgard's land, detonating those energy, and directly destroying this continent of Asgard!
At that time, the great prophecy will eventually come true, and the Asgardians will also pay a heavy price in blood and fire for the crimes committed by their king Odin back then!
"That's it? If I want to throw you in, it's actually not impossible!"
"But why should I help you? Or, what benefits can you give me? If you have no benefits, I will definitely not help you with these things!"
After blinking, looking at this so-called crown for a while, and then turning to look at the eternal fire burning in the big iron pan not far away, Annie asked slyly.
Without enough benefits, she would not do such a thing! And if the other party can give him enough benefits... Then Annie will reluctantly help him?
Anyway, throwing this skull into the fire is just a matter of convenience.
(Master...the little one would like to remind you: You received the benefit of Odin, and now you are ready to accept the benefit of Sirtel... Is this really good?
Tibbers is a little bit overwhelmed. This little master who has no lower limit has obviously received the benefits of the old man Odin, and now he is asking for the benefits of this monster who intends to deal with Asgard. The act of eating at home seems a bit ugly, and the practice is a bit too much, right? )
"Hurry up! What benefits can you give me?"
Annie didn't care about Tibbers, she just pinned the hands that originally held it directly behind her, and then carried a certain horned monster skull and twisted the head of a certain big bear desperately.
In her opinion, the arm of a certain bad bear is really turning outside!
Now, she just wanted to ask for a little bit of benefit. Where did she say that she would ignore the agreement made with that Odin? Moreover, the agreement is the agreement, as long as she finishes it at the end, then it will be fine. This does not prevent her from asking this horned monster for benefits now. This is two different things!
I can give you the power of eternal fire...
Sulter thought for a while. He doesn't seem to have anything particularly valuable now. If he can successfully restore his heyday, maybe he can even give her a little bit of eternal fire?
"Ha! Are you stupid? If I want the eternal fire, I can just take it away now. Why do you want to give it? Besides, I don’t look down on your rags The flame is nothing great!"
That kind of flame that can give a little vitality and special magic power, where is Anne's own powerful? The magic flame transformers she made are no worse than these eternal fires!
"Hurry up and change the next terms, otherwise, I'm leaving now!"
Annie is a bit impatient now. Her words and the expression on her face have clearly told the other party: If she doesn't give enough benefits to her heart, then she will leave.
Let it, the monster called Suerter, continue to be locked in here, just look at the eternal fire less than ten meters away but can't get it, and greedy it alive!
At this time, Surtel’s skull began to tremble slightly. It seemed that he was stimulated by the shameless behavior of a little girl who took advantage of the fire... If it can still move, even if it is just like that Odin With the strength of the son of Thor when he fought, he must have grabbed the little girl and swallowed the other side directly, right?
please wait……
My body...Although there is nothing good about it...but...I know...In this treasure house of Odin, there are some other things you might like...
Seeing the little girl's gradually impatient expression, and seeing that the other party really wanted to turn around and leave, Surtel hurried to stay.
If it’s in Musbelheim, maybe he can get some interesting things that might attract this little girl... But now in Odin’s treasure house, besides using Qiu Jiaao Except for Ding's things to buy the other party, he really couldn't think of a better idea.
Although this kind of thing seems as shameless as a certain Odin... but now, he really has no other choice other than having to do it.
"Oh? There are really other interesting things? But, I just took a look, it seems that there is nothing I am interested in here!"
The last time Annie came here, she walked around. Except for the infinite gloves inlaid with fake gems and the reality gem, she really couldn't even look at any of them!
Therefore, after she heard the horned monster say so, she quickly turned around and looked around again, and she didn't seem to find anything particularly interesting.
Is it... what I told you... you help me?
There are some things that Sirtel must be sure about. If at that time, this cunning looking little girl took advantage but turned her face and didn't recognize anyone, then he would definitely be caught blind.
"You still want to talk about it first, if I find it interesting, then I will consider whether to help you!"
After scanning everything quickly, Annie, who still hadn't found anything special, could only resign her fate to look at the horned monster in front of her, hoping to get a satisfactory answer.
You look over there now... do you see the mirror decorated with metal weirdos?
Its name... is called'Black Vortex'... It is an artifact created by godhead about 12 billion years ago... This "Black Vortex" mirror... It is also the shameless guy that Odin snatched a long time ago ...You may not know...this magic can show the user's posture after opening the universe's energy or full long as you touch its mirror with your hand and say a spell:'I obey black The whirlpool'...then it can directly become a form of full potential in the mirror...
How about...little it fun...and powerful?
Although this kind of treasure that can directly develop personal potential has some minor side effects, Surtel believes that ordinary mortals cannot resist the temptation to gain power out of thin air!
"Huh? It sounds like it is really interesting!"
After being reminded by the other party, Annie finally found the black mirror with metal weird decorations that had been placed on the wall.
It is about three or four meters high. If it weren’t for the reminder of Sirtel, Annie would have thought it was just an ordinary magic mirror, or a weird thing that could show who is the most beautiful person in the world. Too!
So, driven by curiosity, she ran over in three or five steps and stood in front of the mirror. However, it's a pity...Annie couldn't see any scene in it, it was still that strange appearance showing the stars of the universe.
"Wow! Are you lying to me?!"
"There's nothing here, I haven't seen anything! It's still in that weird look, it looks so dark, it has no meaning at all!"
Little Annie, who was still eagerly running over, was surprised to find that: in this broken mirror, let alone her full potential, it can't even shine her own shadow! It hasn't changed at all, it's inferior to an ordinary mirror!
Annie felt that maybe it was a broken thing!
Little need to touch the mirror with your hand...when you see what you look like when you are at full potential...and then chant the spell...
Although in this state, it is very difficult to talk to the little girl with soul fluctuations, but for the sake of freedom, for revenge, in order to be able to restore its heyday and ruin Asgard, he can't take care of too much.
"Really? Then I'll give it a try!"
After eager to try, Annie watched carefully around the mirror leaning against the wall, and finally walked to the front of the mirror, carefully stretched out her little hand, intending to touch the black mirror.
(Master! Are you crazy? This thing is a bit like the deceptive trick of the devil, but you still have to say the spell of "obey the dark vortex"? This is obvious, it must be the signing It's something to gain power after contract!
I think that horned monster Sirte must have bad intentions. Or, you can just smash them all up. The small one looks at the horns and it is not pleasing to the eye. It must be for resurrection. Coax you!
When his little master's hand was about to touch the mirror, Tibbers had to give a quick reminder. Now it is bound to the soul of this heartless little master. If she is unlucky, then it will not be better! )
"Of course I know! But it doesn't matter if you touch it!"
Annie is also very curious about what it looks like when she has full potential!
This is equivalent to countless children wanting to see what they will look like when they grow up, and Annie is of course no exception!
Besides, Annie is not stupid herself, she really just wants to see it. As for the spells and the broken mirror to sign a contract and be controlled by it, she will definitely not do it! She is a powerful arcane mage, how could she be easily pitted by this kind of thing?
As Annie's fingers touched the mirror lightly, the black mirror surface of the deep space of the universe finally changed.
When the thin white fingers and the contacts of the mirror surface appear wavy ripples and begin to spread to the entire mirror surface, the dark deep-sky image gradually turns red, as if there are countless flames flooding it, or It was a crazy scene like entering the surface of a star, and then...
When the flame in the mirror became more and more blazing and turbulent, Annie had not had time to see what she was like when her potential was fully utilized. There were cracks in this magical mirror... Then, With a clear sound of glass breaking, the entire mirror shattered and fell to the ground, which also frightened Annie so much!
"Huh! Who, the broken mirror you said is fake!"
"You have seen it too. I just touched it. Before I could see it clearly, it broke by itself!"
After taking two steps back, avoiding the shattered and splashed shiny lenses, and then looking at the metal weird with only an empty frame, Annie turned her head bitterly and looked at the one in the distance. Surtel's skull who dared to encourage her to look in the mirror.
If it doesn't give herself a reasonable explanation, Annie will definitely want it to look good!
In fact, why such an outrageous thing happened, Surtel himself was very surprised. He knew that the mirror would never be false. He dared to swear in the name of eternal fire!
Maybe... This could be because the little girl's potential is too high, and it exceeds the upper limit of the mirror?
However, Sirtel also knew that this is an impossible assumption!
You know, the legendary godhead, the powerful godhead, is fine even when using this mirror, and this little girl, how could she exceed the upper limit of the mirror? This is absolutely impossible!
He is more willing to believe that, in fact, this is because this mirror has been hidden here for too long and lost its function?
Or, after using it, the insidious king Odin destroyed it with some means? That's right, it must be like this! This is something that only Odin can do! Otherwise, the back then would not come to conquer his Musbelheim and take away the eternal fire of his Surter!
"Huh! It's not fun at all here, I don't care about you, I'm going out!"
I originally thought that this mirror would allow her to see something interesting, but in the end, instead of seeing it, she was shocked! Anyway, Annie will never admit that this mirror was destroyed by her, it was broken by herself, so, she will definitely not lose money!
She wants to leave here secretly before being discovered, when nothing has happened!
Please wait... little girl... there are some good things here... you will definitely be interested...
Seeing the little girl actually turned around and was about to leave, Surtel was anxious, and hurriedly once again hurriedly called out to stay, otherwise, next time someone who can be fooled by him appears again, I don’t know it’s the year of the monkey. .
You look over there first... yes... it's the transparent box with blue light over there...
Its name... is called the Gudong Treasure Box... It is an artifact with powerful elemental power... It used to be the weapon of Malekis, the leader of the Frost Giant and Dark Elves... When it is opened, it will Unleash the infinite extreme cold power in the kingdom of the dead...
This thing was something that Odin didn't take back when he conquered the frost giants and the dark elves. It was a complete artifact!
Its name can also be called the ancient winter coffin.
Its shape is a square box that emits blue light, with exquisite patterns carved on it. Under the user's manipulation, a large amount of ice can be released. Its power is so powerful that it can make a place's ice age come. It is a well-deserved artifact!
In fact, in this Odin’s treasure house, almost all the valuable things are all that the opponent arbitrarily snatched from others when they conquered the nine kingdoms. The items here are all pieces of stolen goods and iron evidence robbed by robbers. Their existence can fully explain what kind of person Odin was before!
"Gudong Treasure Box? Extreme Cold Force?"
"What kind of mess is this, I don't need these rags!"
Elemental power or extreme cold energy, if necessary, Annie can cast spells by herself. Where does she need to bring this troublesome box? With the time to open the box, she can release several large spells!
Therefore, this thing is useless to her, and I don't want to look at it again!
When she came last time, she explained something without taking it away. It just didn't mean anything! At least, for Annie herself.
Surtel doesn't know what to say anymore, this is an artifact, a proper ice artifact! It is the jewel of the Frost Giant and the Dark Elves, and this little girl is like a joke, even dismissive of it?
This little kid, does she know what an artifact is?
Wait...I have something else...
Little girl... Have you seen the stick over there? It is called the cosmic control rod... It is a super powerful weapon that can give the holder a large amount of cosmic energy... It can rearrange the distribution of part of the cosmic energy... It can also directly change objects at the molecular structure level... It is also a thing The artifact of interest...
This is what Odin snatched from the insect king's hand when he conquered the Zerg. The proper artifact is no doubt! So, this little girl, she should always be interested, right?
The box of ice power just now didn't deal with Surter's own flame power, so he wasn't interested either! However, now that the stick he is talking about is replaced by himself, he also really wants it!
"What a tattered stick, how spicy is it ugly, I don't care about it!"
With just a glance, Annie didn't have any access to it.
Obviously it's just an energy bar, far worse than her infinite gems, she can't look down on these tattered things! Even these things dared to be called a magical tool, Annie believed that she broke it in minutes!
Come on...Little girl...what do you want...
Don't do this, I don't like that, and the worthy ones are inexplicably shattered...So now Sirtel is a little bit confused, and can only accept his fate and make the last futile inquiry.
"I'll tell you, I have three pets in total! It smells too weak and was hacked to death. I don't like it either! Erheizi is a bit unobedient, and likes to make trouble every time he comes out; The little fat man ranked third was used to blow up the planet. When he meets people who don't understand, he can't scare them!"
"So... I just heard you say that you will become very big when you touch the eternal fire?"
Her eyes rolled round and round, and then Annie approached thiefly, staring at the skull of Surter, which was locked on the platform of the stone pillar.
Let's talk...what do you want to do...
Sulter suddenly had a bad premonition. He felt from the other party that this little girl had no good intentions towards him! However, in order to get those eternal fires, he bit the bullet and asked.
"It's actually very simple! I want you... to be my fourth pet!"
"You may not know, I like you guys who are big, brutal, and flame-bearing! If you are really as tall as a mountain, you will have a face when you put it out for fights in the future!"
When thinking about encountering an enemy who provokes her, and then throwing out this Surtel out and squatting the opponent, Annie couldn't help but giggle.
That's right, this is the good idea she just thought of, she has been thinking about it for a long time! What kind of tattered things like artifacts, where is it fun to catch this flame giant as a pet?
I tell you...Don't you think...
Surtel is the ruler of Musbelheim, a universe king-level existence!
How could he be a little girl's pet? Moreover, it turned out to be a small fourth? So this is absolutely impossible! He is the king of Musbelheim and the king of fire giants. Even if he is about to die, he will never become anyone's pet, absolutely not!
"Huh! You are not happy, are you?"
Little Annie's face was cold, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she drew all the eternal fires into her palms and compressed them into a small ball.
"Look, this is the eternal fire, do you really want it?"
Putting her little hand in front of the hollow eye socket of the horned monster's skull, Little Annie smiled and seduced like a demon who seduced mortals.
I want...but...I won't be your pet...
Everything is easy to handle, just be a pet, he won’t agree!
"Oh, it's like this, then... Look, it's gone now!"
When Annie made a fist, the compressed eternal fire suddenly disappeared, and the light in this Odin's treasure house became a lot dim.
When the little girl spread out her tender little palm, Surtel was shocked to find that there was indeed no trace of eternal fire in it, and she did not know where she had received it.
"You like to play a little temper, don't you? Then, now I will take away your eternal fire! From now on, you will never want to resurrect, you will always stay here! Humph, goodbye!"
To deal with such shameless bad things, Little Annie has a way to punish them!
You see, now she doesn't punish or beat or scold it, just take away the eternal fire that is the key to its resurrection, growth and revenge on Asgard! Then, it caught blind now, right? Humph, it's too late to regret it now, and Annie suddenly doesn't want it anymore!
No... little girl... come back soon... we can still talk about... I still have...
When a certain faint soul fluctuated and roared heartbreakingly, before Sulter could continue to say something, that cunning little girl, a teleportation disappeared? !
Moreover, the most terrible thing is that she really took away the eternal fire he wanted most!
boom! ! !
The landing cabin where Bruce Banner and Thor were riding directly hit the square before the gate of the fairy palace. After splashes of dust and masonry debris, the two figures staggered a little embarrassedly. The ground rushed out.
"Tor, I think I might be fooled by you! Maybe I shouldn't have come here to mix things with your Asgard!"
After the rescue capsule landed and touched the ground and opened the hatch, Bruce Banner, who had just walked out, first saw the bodies of Asgard soldiers lying on the ground around the square, and then looked at the soldiers wearing the soldiers who came up around the square. After seeing the skeleton monsters inside those armors, Banner knew that he had accidentally mixed up some big things!
Right here, lying on the ground, the corpses of Asgard God's Domain soldiers piled upon each other, plus the skeleton soldiers who surrounded them in the distance, this is obviously not a good sign!
"Hey! Banner, hurry up and become Hulk. I feel that my sister, she has already come towards us! I think before that, we'd better take these skeletons nearby. Clean it up?"
A faint flash of lightning flashed on his body, and Thor bent down, picked up two thick one-handed swords from the hands of an Asgard warrior who had died, and rushed toward the monsters first.
"Transform? You want me to fight with this monster? No, I don't want to! Look, what are they, a bunch of skeletons? Sorry, I have never seen such a weird thing!"
Bruce Banner kept shaking his head, now he has no anger at all, only strong fear. Then, not only did he not move forward, but he kept retreating into the rescue cabin behind him, and he wanted to hide in.
The two skeleton soldiers rushing towards Thor were chopped into two pieces by his electric sword. After they broke and fell to the ground, they did not move.
"Look! Banner, these things, they just look scary on the outside, they can actually be killed, what are you afraid of?!"
After another sword directly cut several of the surrounding skeletons into a pile of broken bones, Thor turned his head once again to Banner, who had already hidden in the rescue capsule. Urged.
Now he really feels that this Bruce Banner is a little too useless. These are just some ordinary skeleton soldiers. As long as the opponent becomes the Hulk Hulk, one punch is still not enough. Na Hao Ke killed it alone!
But now it's okay. Not only did he not help, he even went straight to the rescue cabin and locked the door. What did he want to do? Doesn't that guy know that if they can't defeat Hela, they can never leave here?
"I don't want to fight with those monsters! I don't want Hulk to come out either!"
"Also, this is not the same as what we said! You said your sister is alone, and everyone will oppose her? But you see, she has so many monsters, and those who oppose her seem to be all Dead!"
Bruce Banner's low and trembling voice came from the closed door of the rescue cabin. Obviously, he felt cheated, but he didn't plan to come out again.
"Banna, come out to fight! That rescue capsule, it can't fly, what's the use of hiding in it?"
Seeing more and more skeleton warriors around, Thor, the of thunder, directly inspired Thunder's power with a fierce attack, slashed to the ground with a fierce blow, and sent crazy lightning lightning to the surrounding skeleton monsters! Of course, it also includes the rescue capsule!
Finally, when all the surrounding skeleton soldiers were swept away by Thor's ultimate move, Bruce Banner, who was also attacked, became the Hulk, roaring and kicking the hatch, angry Jumped out.
"Great! I still like you green guy!"
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