Chapter 38: 12 meat skewers big devil!

   This big international city on the other side of the earth is different from the one hemisphere. Now it is night here! Now the night market here is very lively! Crowds are coming and going, and various special food stalls have started their business all night! They have fried shrimp noodles, kebabs, wonton wontons and so on! As long as it is oriental cuisine, you can basically find something to your satisfaction here!
   Annie is now standing in front of a kebab stall, swallowing her saliva! Her teleportation spell was teleported here over half the earth! This oriental metropolis! At the end of the street in front is a mage tower, which is the temple in the mouth of those mage!
   Now that temple has begun to collapse! There is a group of mages fighting over there! Annie wanted to help in the past, but when she walked to a kebab stall, she decided to ignore them for now! Let them fight for a while, it shouldn't be a big deal! They have been playing for so long anyway! Wait a while and you won't die!
   The smell of this kebab is so attractive to her! The strong fragrance made her unable to walk at all! Fighting or something can be postponed! Maybe she can buy a few skewers and watch them play while eating? That's right! That's it! Annie, who was conquered by the fragrance, made a decision immediately!
In the stall in front of Annie, a shirtless, full-faced middle-aged man was busy in front of the hot charcoal stove. A bunch of meat skewers still in the barbecue lined up neatly on the shelf, and the heat was heated. The charcoal fire is sizzling! The big guy is watching the fire intently while sprinkling various seasonings on the meat skewers! After the spices are mixed into the meat skewers, they are roasted at a high temperature, and they begin to emit bursts of charming fragrance!
   "Uncle! Uncle! How do you sell these meat skewers?" This is the taste! Annie's eyes lit up! Sniffing his nose to breathe the wonderful smell, he quickly asked the price! She can't wait to taste it!
"Um? Oh! How are you kid! There are three types here: pork skewers for five Hong Kong dollars, beef skewers for ten Hong Kong dollars, and lamb skewers for fifteen Hong Kong dollars! How much do you want?" The big man had just been busy without even noticing Annie, after all, she His height is a little bit taller than his booth, and it is normal to not notice!
   "Hong Kong dollars? I don't have...!" Annie stood on tiptoe, looked at the meat skewers that had been grilled, and swallowed her saliva!
   "If you have RMB, it's okay!" The big guy thought the little girl was here for travel, and it was normal to have no Hong Kong dollar.
   "Neither..." She didn't have the two currencies that this person just said!
  Anne suddenly felt that these people on earth are really horrible! Why are there so many currencies? And they can just take some paper-printed colorful flowers as money? They Valoran are all directly holding gold coins or silver coins and copper coins! Then it can be used everywhere! It's not as troublesome as the people on Earth!
   "My kid, if you don't have money, I can't help it! Where are your family members? Maybe you can ask them for some money?"
The middle-aged man thought that Annie sneaked over because her family didn’t pay attention, so he suggested to Annie and looked around, hoping to see the foreigner’s parents of the blond little girl, and then use his not fluent English. Fudge them to buy a little girl! Then he officially opened today!
   "Huh! My talent is not here!" He didn't mention this, but it was okay, and Annie got angry when he mentioned it!
  Her family is still in Varoran! The reason why she came to this eastern city was to find that group of Kama Taj mages for knowledge of space spells! But no one would have thought that they would have started fighting themselves first! She is still at a loss! Don't know which side to help first?
   "Hey! Look! I don't have Renminbi! I don't have the Hong Kong dollar you said! I only have this! You can say whether you can sell it or not!" Annie angrily handed a brand new gray-green hundred dollar bill! This was what Coleson had prepared earlier to prevent her misuse of gold coins from causing unnecessary trouble. Now there are still several piles in her space pocket!
"This is? His...! Dollar bills?" The big man stopped working when he saw the little girl handing over a paper currency, and then curiously accepted it. After he took a look, he sucked in shock. Take a breath! This is a dollar bill! Look, the hand sensor should be a real guy!
   "Hey! Is that enough? Can this buy your skewers?" This person is so strange! It's just a piece of paper money. What do you do after watching it for so long? Annie was already impatient! Now she is giving money! If he doesn't sell it, don't blame her for grabbing it!
   "Ah? Oh! Yes, yes! Of course! No problem at all!" Hearing the little girl's urging, the big guy reacted! Then he stuffed the coins into the small pocket of his apron with money as quickly as possible, and reached out his hand to grab a large amount from the pile of grilled meat skewers, and put it into the little girl's hands without any explanation!
   "Hey! Now these are all yours! Eat whatever you want! Let go and eat!" After stuffing the skewers into the little girl's injury, the big man smiled with joy!
   Not only did he open today, he also made a fortune! He hadn't even thought about finding money just now! After the little girl ate all the meat skewers in her hand, even if her parents came back to settle the accounts, he would deny it! Anyway, the little girl ate a lot! He insisted that he ate a hundred dollars, forgive the other party for taking him too!
"Woo~! Good red! No red!" After getting the meat skewers she wanted, Annie flashed onto the roof of a building while no one was paying attention. She just sat on the edge of the balcony, dangling her feet. Ah, while squeezing the barbecue in his mouth, he watched intently at the two and a half barrel masters in the street below.
   "Wow! Tibbers, look! They're so awkward! Do the mages here like melee so much?" Annie started to comment on the gang of battle below while eating on the skewers! Heresy among these mages! Did no one tell them that it was wrong to do this?
   "A good mage can make them learn crookedly! Really! Cut~!" Annie shook her head disdainfully, and threw another eaten bamboo stick. As for whether it will hit the two gangs below who are fighting, she doesn't care!
Huh? When Annie was about to continue eating, she found that the whole world had begun to stop! Is this time stopped? How can this be? Then she found that above the sky, a purely dark world was descending on the earth! Or to be more accurate, should it be planning to swallow the earth?
   "Tibbs! You said, shall we make a move?" Annie asked Tibbs while eating the skewers! Of course Annie can recognize the dark world above! It is very similar to the shadow world of Tibbles the Bear! But there is a little difference!
the host! Inside is a chaotic evil deformed shadow creature! It survives by devouring different world origins! There are many such things in the shadow world! But there has never been one that grows so big! How many worlds have to be swallowed? Although its rank is only a pseudo-god, its body is too huge! There is so much energy available! I suggest that you do not take it lightly!
   "Don't make a move? Let it be eaten by the earth? That won't work!" When Tibbers suggested not to make a move, Annie was shocked! Is this dark creature that powerful? Even Tibbers was shocked? But it is impossible not to shoot! There are people here on this earth that Annie cares about! She will never let the earth be eaten!
  My little ancestor! If this kind of deformed dark creature hadn't grown to this size, it would be nice to say! I can kill it with one paw! But take a look now! What did it look like? How many planets and worlds were swallowed?
   If you have to make a move, just wait a while and go straight! Come on! It's best to directly hurt its soul! Then scare it away! Otherwise, if the fight continues for a long time, we will definitely suffer! Oh! Look! The guy in the red cloak went in! Maybe we can wait!
   "Huh? It really is! That man is so brave!" Annie also saw a man in a red cloak flying into the shadow world in the sky! After being surprised for a short while, Annie continued to gnaw on the skewers. Tibbers was right. In this case, you might as well take a look at the situation first!
   A little melee mage went to the other’s home to fight? Annie didn't know what to say except that he was brave! If it were her, she would never do that! It's really stupid!
"Huh? Tibbers! Why do I feel something is a bit wrong?" Annie gnawed the meat skewers in her hand in a puzzled manner. After eating it all, she threw away the bamboo sticks, and then she carefully counted the ones she held in her hands. Ok! There are twelve skewers left! There are so many more! Then continue eating!
"Ah!!! Tibbers! I found a very magical thing! My skewers can't be eaten! Look! I just counted them! Twelve in total! I ate two more! There should be ten left now! But if you look at it now, there are still twelve!"
  Anni suddenly discovered this thing that surprised her too! Very strange! Just now, she discovered that the meat skewers on her hand could not be finished! This is really weird!
   There are still kebabs that you can't finish eating? This is really great! At first she thought she had counted it wrong! But now take a closer look, if you eat two, there are really twelve left! Eat two more, still twelve! I really can't finish it!
  Tibbers didn't answer Annie's words. It also felt something was wrong, but it was watching carefully now!
   "Tibbers! I swear! I will never want to eat kebabs again!!!" After countless times, Annie threw the twelve kebabs in her hand downstairs!
   She has repeated eating meat skewers countless times and countless times! Is it a few hundred? Still thousands? She can't remember it! Maybe she has eaten tens of thousands of skewers? This is really terrible!
   Now she wants to vomit when she sees meat skewers! But now she still finds that even if she doesn't want to eat it! She had already thrown the meat skewers downstairs just now, but in the next instant, they returned to her hands! Still those twelve! no more, no less!
   "Ah!!! Too annoying!" Annie continued to throw the skewers downstairs! Throw a fireball by the way and burn them to ashes! If this is the case, they won't return to her hands, right? This is the first time Annie feels that no matter how delicious the food is, eating too much can crumble people!
   "Tibbers..., what is the matter with us? Why is this?" Annie stared blankly at the twelve skewers returned to her hands!
   She feels that she is not so good! This is not a kebab at all! This is probably the twelve demons! She has tried to burn them! Freeze! break down! Expelled! Even throw them in a different space! However, every time! every time! They will all appear in her hands again! no more, no less! That's the twelve!
what! I understand! the host! There is no problem with skewers! But time is endlessly looped! Look! The guy in the red cloak, he flew to the dark world above again!
"He has flown countless times! What's so strange? Huh? Right! How could he fly so many times! That's good! It turned out to be the ghost of him!" After Tibbers' reminder, Annie immediately went from ten. The Second Barbecue Devil broke free from the endless loop! Then she saw the bad guy at a glance! The green gem that the bad guy still wears on his chest! That kind of fluctuation is very similar to the other two in her collection!
   Now that Annie has space gems and soul gems! Then, the one on the bad guy with the red cloak is probably a gem of time! Otherwise, Annie wouldn't be caught in the loop of time for some reason! She ate countless kebabs inexplicably! She almost collapsed after eating. The one in the red dress must be a badass!
the host! The time loop is over! The time node seems to have returned to normal!
   Just as Annie was trying to find a way to end this endless endless loop, Tibbers suddenly reminded her that the UU reading www.uukā time loop is over!
   The coming dark world seems to be solved by the man in the red cloak! Look at the sky and the streets returning to normal! Looking at the meat skewers in her hand again, Annie twitched the corners of her mouth and threw them directly onto the balcony. She didn't want to look at them again now! Bothersome!
   After a while, she looked at the two wizards who were leaving below, especially the one in the red cloak! Annie thought for a while, and a flash jumped onto the street! She plans to follow them well, and then find a chance to get the gem!
   Annie felt that something as dangerous as the gem of time must never be placed in their hands! It's really dangerous! What just happened is evidence! They almost made her unable to get out of the time loop now! Therefore, Annie felt that this dangerous thing would be reluctant to help them keep it?
   "Hey! Little girl! The meat skewers are finished so soon? Is it delicious? Would you like to have more?" When Annie was passing by, the sharp-eyed kebab man found her for the first time! Then quickly grabbed a handful of meat skewers and waved it temptation.
   "Bah! It's terrible! I won't eat your kebab again!" Seeing the kebab, Annie almost didn't spit it out! She was so angry that she turned her head and made a grimacing face! She was going to throw up just now! This person actually wants to trick her into eating kebabs?
   "It's unpalatable? No?" The big man looked at the little girl who had fled and left in doubt, then looked at the meat skewers in his hand, and then picked up a bunch of it and tasted it himself. Nodding while eating! That's right! The taste is still the same! Spicy and spicy! Smooth and delicious! How could it be unpalatable? His gear has been an old sign for decades!
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