Chapter 363: Leisurely

The Bear Shield Headquarters on the far side of the moon. In a barracks bar in the Iron Bear base, Dr. Bruce Banner, Black Widow Natasha Romanov, and the new Valkyrie Valkyrie are all gathered here. Drinking wine, chatting, enjoying the peace and ease of life on this side of the earth.
Compared to the previous Saka star, they have to be busy training or duel all day long, and here on Earth, except for the agents, ordinary people's lives are indeed quite peaceful.
This is the second day they have returned to the moon base. Director Nick Fury has approved an extra one-day holiday for the Colson team and others, so that they can take Banner with them when they leave the base tomorrow for duty. , Thor and a new Valkyrie return to Earth together.
Therefore, this is the situation where these few people are drinking and chatting in this bar without problems.
I don’t know why, Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, always feels that he is getting together with Bruce Banner. It looks like Natasha, the black widow who is just like you, is very unpleasant! She always feels that it seems to be her own toy, or something of her has been snatched away by someone.
"Um... Banner, can I ask, the woman next to you is...?"
After pouring the glass directly and filling a large glass of wine, Valkyrie, who was already highly immune to alcohol, finally couldn't help but ask. She felt that after the Hulk became this Bruce? Banner, she seemed to leave herself in the cold, which is really unreasonable!
Although she had figured out the relationship between Bruce Banner and Hulk before, she still had a vague urge to beat each other madly, making him return to Hulk again.
"Oh! Sorry, I forgot to introduce it!"
"This is Natasha Romanoff, one of the senior agents of our Earth Bear Shield and a member of the Avengers. At the same time, she is also my current girlfriend."
"Natasha...this is Valkyrie, the Valkyrie from Asgard. She is a very powerful warrior. During the time I became Hulk, Hulk had a very close relationship with her. Good."
Although it was a bit embarrassing to talk about it, Banner still bit the bullet and introduced each other to each other.
He doesn't know how to face this Valkyrie Valkyrie... because, as far as Bruce Banner is concerned, he is really not familiar with this woman! However, if the identities of him and Hulk were switched, the situation would be exactly the opposite!
Because of this, he felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to get along.
"Heh... you actually call me Valkyrie, I have nothing to do with Asgard."
Valkyrie ridiculed himself and took a sip of wine, then shook his head, and took another big toast.
It was only a day after arriving at Midgard’s moon moon. Her only acquaintance, Hulk, was lost to others, so that she now has almost no one who can speak. This matter, She was really surprised.
"Hello, Ms. Valkyrie!"
"I heard that you and Banner have known each other for almost two years, right? This universe is really amazing... From the eyes of us on earth, he has been missing for less than a month!"
Natasha Romanov raised the wine glass in her hand and bowed to the woman opposite.
For this woman who appeared, she felt a little curious, but also faintly hostile. Although, there are some additional reasons for her in-depth contact with Banner, but she is always a little unhappy about other women appearing next to Banner.
"Uh... Natasha, I want to correct it: this Ms. Valkyrie, strictly speaking, she should be Hulk's friend. I really don't know her well..."
Banner is really not very good at explaining this question.
Because, he discovered a very serious phenomenon: from Hulk's memory, he even faintly felt that Hulk seemed to have such a meaning for this female drunk, or was it a vaguely favorable impression?
In this way, things seem to be a bit troublesome... Hulk is Hulk, and his Banner is Banner. The two people have different personalities and different identities, but they share the same body.
puff! !
Finally someone broke the calm in the bar. Thor, the of thunder who had been drinking on the other side, didn't know why at this time, he suddenly laughed out loud so inexplicably.
Because of the things Asgard had experienced before, his original mood has never been very good, and has been very depressed... But now, he suddenly felt that it seemed that he had become better now and felt a lot, and was finally able to make him happy Laughed.
"Hey! Uncle Hammer, what are you laughing at?"
Of course, Annie is still fooling around in this base, and she is still eating some free meals provided by the base here. She just ran back from an alien planet and was not in a hurry to go and play alone.
Then, when she saw Uncle Hammer suddenly laughed out of nowhere, she looked over curiously and asked.
", it's actually nothing..."
"I just suddenly thought of an interesting thing: If a person has two identities, two different personalities, and two different girlfriends at the same time... Then they will fight? Or... When they have some relationship with each other, will there be something very strange..."
Thor originally wanted to continue talking, but it was a pity that his words were suddenly interrupted by the person next to him.
"Ahem! Thor, please pay attention to the occasion..."
At this time, Coleson, who was still on vacation at the base, coughed loudly in time.
At the same time, Melinda, who was on the other side, hurriedly pulled Little Annie to the seat on the other side, a little farther away from some alien men who were in trouble.
"Okay... I'm sorry, I forgot there is a kid here..."
Anyway, Thor has never treated that little kid as a normal kid. That bear kid has done more big things than his Thor!
"You should understand what I mean, so please believe me, Banner! The problem I just said, you should be worthy of attention! Um... well, you just assume I haven't said anything!"
Looking at Bruce Banner, Black Widow Natasha and Valkyrie Valkyrie all glared at him, after a faint urge to do something, Thor thought for a while, and quickly closed his mouth and continued to bow his head. Drinking alcohol alone.
"..." ⊙(?◇?)?
Blinking and watching the interaction between Uncle Hammer and several other people, Annie couldn't understand, and even more did not understand what those people were saying. Why were their reactions so sudden?
"Annie, don't worry about those nasty guys! By the way, have you encountered any trouble when you went out to the alien planet this time?"
Melinda, who was eager to divert the little girl's attention, quickly asked about it.
Now Annie has successfully brought back their Hulk from the Bear Shield, and also abducted two extra Asgard people. It is said that Annie saved them? In this way, this time should be considered as overfulfilled the task, so she also wants to learn more about what happened during the period. If possible, can she write a report for Annie?
"Trouble? It doesn't seem to be..."
"I just had a fight with a nasty bad guy on a nasty planet, and then I went to Asgard to play for a while to watch other people fight. That's probably it."
Biting the dessert spoon, Annie thought about it seriously, as if she really didn't have any major troubles this time. Anyway, the guys who caused her troubles have been beaten to death and burned by her!
(It’s true that it’s not a big deal. It’s just that the earth emperor Gao Tianzun of Saka may have been killed accidentally, and then he ran to the continent of Asgard, watching the family ethical tragedy of Uncle Hammer’s family and the strife for family property. That's it! These things are really ordinary, and they are indeed nothing major. Anyway, Tibbers is already used to these little things!)
"By the way, Annie! I still have an important piece of information to tell you, and I think you'd better be careful these days!"
Listening to the little girl's legendary experience, Melinda couldn't help but sigh with emotion.
When these people were still jumping in the interstellar corner of the earth, Little Annie started to travel around in the universe. This kind of ability, let alone ordinary children, even if they bear the shield or on the earth, I am afraid that there is no one comparable, right?
After feeling the emotions in her heart, Melinda hurriedly talked about another thing that had been worrying her.
"Be careful... who and why?"
While eating her dessert pudding like this, Annie asked grimly at Aunt Melinda.
She didn't think she needed to be careful. She would be great if she didn't provoke others. Where else would anyone dare to trouble herself? Could it be that those guys who beaten on that small island last time, their people haven't learned their lesson?
"Do you remember that Kamora?"
This matter was mentioned by the alien, so Melinda first mentioned him.
"Kamora...who is Camora? I don't seem to know it!"
Blinking in wonder, Annie recalled for a while, and then asked innocently. She is very forgetful of all those things or people she doesn't care about! She has seen so many people, where can I remember them one by one?
"It's one of the few people we brought back to Eagle Star last time, that is the green female Hulk, Kamora!"
After being embarrassed for a short while, Melinda thought about it, and described it in a way that the little girl could recall as soon as possible.
"Oh... So you said it was her... But she is just an alien, not a female Hulk! The one over there, he is the Hulk!"
Refuting Aunt Melinda's words, Anne just yelled and pointed her finger at the far away Bruce Banner.
As far as she knows, there is only one real Hulk, and that is the stupid guy over there! The green-skinned person I met last time is just an ordinary alien, not a Hulk! Regarding this, Anne made a clear distinction.
Seeing the little girl sitting in the distance yelling and pointing at herself, this made Bruce Banner feel a little puzzled. He didn't know why they were so good at it, why they bothered themselves.
"Well, for the time being she is just an alien..."
Regarding whether the other party was a female Hulk or an alien, Melinda didn't want to do more entanglement, because it didn't really matter.
"Annie, you have to be careful!"
"That Kamora, before she left, she gave us a warning: she said... it seems that there is an alien called Thanos, he is actually collecting those infinite gems, and he will definitely come to grab you. The other stones! She asked us to tell you, it's better to be more vigilant!"
Melinda understands a little bit now, why after the New York war two years ago, Thor said that those infinite gems were a big trouble!
Now it seems that this is indeed true!
If what Kamora said is true, then there must be new alien forces coming to the earth in the near future, then they bear the shield, they must prepare for this early!
"Oh...someone wants to grab my stone...then just do them!"
Anyway, Annie has made a lot of infinite gems, and ordinary people will definitely not recognize it if they have not used it! If their aliens really want it, maybe she is in a good mood and she gives them some for free?
In general, these are just small things, and she doesn't need her to be on guard all day long!
Melinda opened her mouth, and finally did not continue.
She didn't understand, this matter, think it should be very serious, right? However, why does Little Annie adopt this attitude? Doesn't she do any necessary plans or preparations? At least, it should behave in mind, right?
"By the way, Annie, do you have any plans lately?"
At this time, Coleson suddenly came over, and asked the little girl in front of her who was still carelessly not looking at the aliens who wanted to make her gems.
"Not yet...but I might be busy tomorrow!"
Annie, who originally wanted to say that she was fine, didn't know if she thought of something, so she suddenly changed her tone and forcibly found an excuse for herself.
"I said, Uncle Coelson... Don’t just want me to help all day! People are obviously still a kid! And, you are all grown-ups. Don’t know all day to find me to solve those simple things for you. Thing!"
Annie is a little angry, she is almost running out of playing time by herself now!
Do these bad guys want to work on their own all day long? She couldn't let them develop the habit of looking for Annie in an undecided way, she didn't have so much time!
"Uh... Annie, don't be nervous, I just ask, there is nothing I want you to help..."
Coleson also smiled helplessly. He really just asked casually, but she didn't expect her reaction to be that big.
From this point of view, the things that have troubled her may indeed have been a little bit more recently, and this is almost a psychological shadow...think about it, children, they should be at an age when they should be playful. They are just troublesome during this time. It was just a little bit more that I found her many times.
However, Coleson felt that compared to other elementary school students who not only had to go to school, but also had to do homework, Annie was a little too laid back! It would be good for her to do more.
"Nothing would be best!"
"I'm telling you, I've been very busy lately! If there is nothing important, don't come to me! The best... don't come to me if there are important things!"
While eating her pudding quickly, Annie thought about countermeasures.
She believes that it is best to stay away from these people quickly, and it is best to go and play alone! Otherwise, if they dangle in front of their eyes all day, when they have something, they will definitely want to find themselves the first time!
"Anne, if you count the time, it seems that you have come back here for a long time, and you have been away from home for such a long time...If you don't go back, won't your parents worry about it?"
If a child has been away from home for so long, if it is replaced by Melinda's own daughter, then she must have been searching all over the world! So, she was a little worried for Annie's parents, but she might not know what the two poor guys were in a hurry.
"My dad is a badass! So is Amoryn's mother! I don't want to go back so quickly!"
"Besides, you may not know that the time rules and flow rate of Valoran World and this universe are different! Now if I go back, maybe it will be less than a long time at home! So, I don’t want to go back soon. And let them laugh at me!"
Just thinking about it, Annie knew it was possible!
When I think of myself, if I go back now, her mother Amoryn will definitely point to her nose and say: Look! Our baby girl, Xiao Anniqiao, couldn't help but come back crying in half a day!
This thing must be like that!
Annie said that she had seen the true colors of the two unscrupulous parents! She definitely can't be like last time, just lifted her home for one afternoon and went back dingy and crying to make them laugh!
At least... how can you stay away from home for a day or two, let them worry a little, and then go back and see their pitiful look? That's right, it should be like this!
Coleson glanced at Melinda speechlessly, then shrugged.
They don't quite understand these times, or the world of planes... But since Little Annie has said so, it must be like this, they don't need to worry about it any more.
"And one more thing!"
"Annie, the group of people we captured last time, the director and the people behind them have almost negotiated! It is estimated that they will be released in a while, and now there is a problem: there is still a way to recover the abilities of those people. ?"
Thinking of the poor Fantastic Four and the nine mutant X-Men, Coulson couldn't help but gloat.
If according to his original intention, Bear Shield would be able to release after receiving the benefits and benefits that the guys behind them gave up. It would be very ability or something, it is best not to do it Better! But, since the director asked about this, he could only bite the bullet and mention this to Annie.
"No way!"
"The mutants of them are all unsaved! Only the mage, if he learns again, it seems to be okay..."
Anyway, those mutants are useless, Annie thinks, maybe they can try using the Terrigan crystal of the Inhuman race? At that time, if you haven't died, maybe you will have new abilities again?
In comparison, it's easier to be the mage who skimmed his feet! After all, the opponent has already learned spells for more than two years. Although the mana is now gone, knowledge cannot be deprived! So, that apprentice will go to study for another two years, maybe he can come out and continue to jump?
So, this is the difference between Faye and mutant freaks! Faye's mind is filled with spells, and the mana is gone, and sooner or later he can cultivate again. If the mutant ability of the variable species is gone, what should they do?

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