Chapter 364: Gao Tianzun is dead again

Saka Star, due to the chaotic time and space rules of this place, makes the flow of time here and the outside world different. In general, compared to other places in the universe, this place is a rather different place.
Therefore, by the time Annie and the others have settled their affairs in Asgard and returned to the Moon Headquarters Base, more than half a month has already passed here!
By now, the rebellion here on Saka Star has basically been calmed down, of course, it is calmed down, not calm!
Because of the night of the championship battle more than half a month ago, Gao Tianzun himself did not know what reason he provokes a powerful existence, and was led by a terrifying little girl in the duel arena to change the metal block. After they were all burned into a condensed mass, the Saka soldiers under his men, under the group of dragons without a leader, were quickly defeated by the insurgents and quickly liquidated!
By now, there are basically no Gao Tianzun's subordinates in Saka Star!
There is nothing left of the traces of his existence except for the sculpture in the middle of the arena, which is like solidified steel material! The victorious insurgents did not care about the steel that was melted and twisted here, let alone this arena. They are now just celebrating their great victory in the city all day long!
It is said that this is a carnival celebration that may last for nearly a month.
However, what the victorious insurgents could not imagine is that the Gao Tianzun is actually still alive, and they seem to have lost the opportunity to make up for him...
Because that Gao Tianzun not only possesses various superhuman abilities such as energy conversion, ability projection, mental abilities, material reorganization, time and space jumping, etc., he also possesses powerful regeneration ability!
That's right, it's powerful regeneration ability, which means it literally!
As long as his vital organs are not dead, and as long as most of the body tissues are still active, he will always recover slowly. Moreover, his special ability to reorganize materials has an important role in promoting his regeneration!
So, today, while those insurgents are still celebrating victory in the city of Saka Star Land, in the middle of the unattended arena, the twisted block of steel now starts again. It melted like water, kept squirming, and finally turned into sand magically and flowed down!
It turned out that this was because Gao Tianzun, who had not yet completely died, activated his material reorganization ability once again to turn the melted steel that he had changed into a ball of sand again. Let him successfully get out of it.
"Aha! Anyway, I'm back now!"
Gao Tianzun walked out naked from the sand pile step by step. After more than half a month, his body, which was almost burned to death, has finally recovered. Of course, there is definitely no way to recover those clothes.
"As the elder of the universe, how could I die so easily? Huh..."
After looking at this long-lost arena again with a triumphant smile, Gao Tianzun raised and opened his right hand. At this time, in the palm of his hand, Zhengxu was holding a gem emitting a charming red light and special energy fluctuations with the ability of a floating object.
And it is one of the infinite gems obtained from that little girl-the reality gem!
"Although it was a bit painful to be burned at the time, but... the child is a child after all, and he didn't even remember to take such an important infinite gem. This is really a cheap old man!"
Gao Tianzun looked at the gems in his palm obsessively for a while, and then talked to himself nervously.
After a while, he looked down at his a little shriveled body and frowned. Afterwards, a cloud of sand was suspended to wrap his body, and in the next instant, the sand melted and quickly turned into a simple stratum corneum-like casual clothes. Anyway, there are more exotic clothes in the universe. , Which makes him not too unusual.
It's just that, I don't know, is he using the actual ability of the real gem in the palm of his hand, or his own special ability of material reorganization?
"So, next, it's time to clean up those guys who dared to rebel!"
Looking at the corpses of the Saka soldiers lying around, there was still no one to clean up, Gao Tianzun knew that this city must have fallen into the hands of the rebels!
However, Gao Tianzun was in a good mood now, thinking that he had obtained a gem of reality for nothing, he didn't plan to care too much. He felt that if the rebels were willing to end in a tie and promised to be his novices, maybe he could spare their crimes generously and only pursue the first evil that started the rebellion?
Over the years, Gao Tianzun has seen many such things. Anyway, there will always be one or two rebellions here every other time, which is about to become his rare pastime! Therefore, he is very experienced in handling these things.
Just as Gao Tianzun was going to go to the city to announce his return to his champion building, in the sky of this planet, a large ring-shaped spaceship suddenly rushed in from a wormhole in space, and , Its purpose is very clear towards the arena, towards Gao Tianzun here at high speed!
Bang! ! !
After that huge circular spacecraft directly collided with a part of the high-rise buildings of the arena, it finally stopped directly above the arena so steadily.
"I'm in trouble..."
Seeing that this was the case, Gao Tianzun, who was holding infinite gems, suddenly had a bad feeling. He felt that the other party seemed to be targeting him, and that the person who came was not good!
But, what he doesn't know, who are these people here? If it was the little girl who had forgotten to take the infinite gem and returned, if he still wanted her life, then Gao Tianzun could only admit it and honestly return the gem that she held in her palm.
Sure enough, when Gao Tianzun's heart was uneasy, the spacecraft dropped a beam of gravitational light that was transmitted, and then countless figures walked out of the beam of light one after another.
These people, Gao Tianzun said that he seems to know each other!
This is a group of uniformly equipped Cherita soldiers, and the one in front... the tall figure with purple skin!
"Huh! Huh! Du Wei Gast... Gao Tianzun... Don't come here without any problems? It turns out that you have been hiding here..."
A thick and slightly hoarse voice came from the other party’s mouth, and at the same time, those two ruthless eyes were shooting over, Gao Tianzun's heart was stunned, he knew that he had encountered the person he least wanted to see !
The opponent has a much taller figure than a normal humanoid creature. He is wearing a set of golden breastplate. Violet skin is exposed on his arms and a light head without a helmet. The conspicuous purple sweet potato bald head makes Gao Tianzun recognized it all at once!
Obviously, Gao Tianzun expressed his acquaintance with this person! The opponent is the cosmic emperor in the rumor, the crazy Titan-Thanos, formerly known as Thanos!
"Thanksgiving Thanos...Excuse me, what's the point of your sudden visit to this Sakar star?"
Although he was very jealous, Gao Tianzun was not too timid, he just smiled reluctantly, looking at the purple-skinned Titans and those Chery who were leading a group of his men step by step towards him. Tower soldiers.
"Your Saka star...oh... are you referring to this broken planet?"
"I'm sorry, I just received a message recently: The Saka star you call now seems to be occupied by the insurgents, and even your subordinates seem to be dead! So, I can Think shouldn't belong to you anymore."
Standing about thirty to fifty meters away from the opponent, Thanos stood in this arena, looking at the opponent with interest.
The reason why he rushed here so simply, apart from knowing that the Infinite Gems once appeared here, the more important thing is that the Saka soldiers under the opponent and other helpers are almost all dead, which saves him. Many troubles with Thanos.
"You are right, but it is only temporary!"
"I believe I can handle small things like this soon. After a few days, this planet will still return to my embrace, and I will still be its sole owner! So, I feel that these You don’t have to worry about your own affairs, Your Excellency Thanos..."
Quietly hiding the fist of his right hand holding the infinite gem behind him, Gao Tianzun vaguely issued an order to dismiss his guest.
He has already discovered that since just now, most of the opponent's sight seems to be concentrated in the palm of his hand! Therefore, Gao Tianzun now probably understands the other party's intentions, but he certainly won't let this Thanos do his wish.
"Huh! I am not at all interested in your bad things! But...I am very interested in the stone in your hand!"
After squinting his eyes, he saw the other party put his right hand behind him, and Thanos smiled and looked at the other party's funny face. The stone in the opponent's hand is about to be decided by Thanos, and it is useless to hide it!
"Oh... Stone! I don't know what you mean..."
The fists behind his back were clenched tighter. Although Gao Tianzun still kept a smile on his face, he knew that things had become worse now, and he was developing in the direction he least wanted.
"It's the infinite gem in your right hand, hand it over, um Duwei Gast!"
Thanos’ purpose this time is very clear, and it’s useless for the other party to continue to delay prevarication! In any case, this Gao Tianzun, now in this Saka star, is only a lonely person, so he has time.
"I'm sorry, Thanos Lord Thanos!"
"This stone, but I finally got it! And, recently, I don't seem to have any plans to shoot it? So..."
He eagerly estimated the power balance between the two sides. Although Gao Tianzun knew that he could not defeat this Thanos and the opponent's subordinates, he felt that he used power teleportation to leave and wait for an opportunity to get a spacecraft to escape from the Saka star, forgive me. The other party can't help himself!
Therefore, at this time, he was already prepared accordingly.
"Really? That would be a shame!"
Staring at the opponent's face for a while, Thanos sneered, his face became colder and colder.
Afterwards, the Cherita soldiers under him quickly surrounded the opponent without further instructions, and pointed the muzzles of the energy weapons in their hands at the high heaven in the middle of the arena.
"Tsanos! Please don't make me embarrassed. After all, we have always been well watered and never offend river water..."
After scanning the surrounding Cherita soldiers, Gao Tianzun did not pay attention to them.
Compared to these miscellaneous soldiers, the tyrant on the opposite side is his real enemy! Later, whether it is to escape or fight, she must pass the opponent's level!
"As long as you hand over that infinite gem, I won't be embarrassed with you, I will let you live...otherwise, you will have to die!"
Following Thanos' words, the encirclement of the Cherita soldiers under his command began to shrink. They are now ready and can do anything at any time.
"It seems that you are determined... That thing should be the Infinite Gloves, right? That's how it is, this time, you must definitely win it?"
Still not caring about the Cherita soldiers who had surrounded himself in the center of the circle and pressed forward step by step, Gao Tianzun finally saw the glove on Thanos’s left hand. He also saw that there were six pits on it, that is six. Groove! But now, unfortunately, there is still no gem on it!
"Yes, before I came here, I just asked some dwarves to help me build it, so now I need some decorations! And it just so happens, I just feel that the stone in your hand is very suitable..."
Now, Thanos gives the opponent the last chance. Once he refuses, then his men will attack! And if he destroys himself, he will also shoot directly and kill the opponent in one fell swoop!
Knowing that the conflict is inevitable, Gao Tianzun also simply!
He let out a cold snort, and countless pieces of rubble, floor tiles or steel shards on the ground suddenly shot out from the ground like cannonballs, instantly blasting the Cheritas surrounding him. The soldiers passed directly through their chests, or cruelly smashed their upper body, just before they reacted and shot, they were all killed by Gao Tianzun!
And this is why Gao Tianzun has ruled this planet for so many years! With his ability, dealing with this kind of trash fish is simply not too easy!
Of course, except for the Thanos who was still standing in the distance... the piece of steel and gravel that had just been shot at the opponent were all slapped flying by the opponent easily.
"It seems that you still want to resist, then, I now know your choice..."
Since the other party refuses to hand it over honestly, then he will grab it! Therefore, as soon as he finished speaking, Thanos didn't get too verbose, and he clenched his fists, and then strode towards the opponent step by step.
"Huh! Thanos, don't think I will be afraid of you!"
In the next second, countless bricks or broken steel pieces in the arena began to levitate and flew, and then, like countless cannonballs, they shot towards Thanos with super-high acceleration!
"Huh! Stupid!"
However, Thanos started to charge violently regardless of the situation. Pieces of bricks and steel began to smash on his head or is a pity that they couldn't even damage Thanos' skin. , He treated them as if they didn't exist, so boldly forward, and raised his own big purple fist towards Gao Tianzun who was already less than ten meters away.
boom! ! !
On the ground of the arena, Thanos’ fist directly smashed a large hollow and cracked pit. However, the tall Tianzun who was standing here just now has disappeared!
"Heh! It seems a bit interesting... Is it that special ability to jump in space?"
Looking at the big pit under his feet and an old guy who had disappeared, Thanos laughed indifferently. With such a small method, the opponent dare to use it in his Thanos' hands? He wanted to see, where could that old fellow go?
"Damn... Thanos! Want to grab my infinite gem? That's just wishful thinking!"
In the distance, in a small street in Sakacheng where there is no chance, Gao Tianzun who suddenly teleported and appeared here. After looking around and no one noticed him, he quickly found a piece of colorful cloth on the ground. He wrapped his head tightly in a turban, revealing only two golden eyes.
The cloth was dirty and smelly, but now he couldn't care too much.
Now here, although it is still Saka City, it is no longer his Saka City...So, in order to avoid being discovered by Thanos, it is better not to expose his identity easily, so as not to attract the attention of those insurgents. That purple sweet potato head.
However, Gao Tianzun’s original idea was very good, but the reality is a little bit cruel to him...
After he had just turned out of that remote alley and came to this street where the crowd was frolicking, he saw in front of him, something like a portal suddenly appeared, and then, the next moment, a A big purple hand suddenly stretched out from it, and firmly grasped Gao Tianzun's neck!
When Thanos walked out of the portal, he lifted Gao Tianzun, who was shorter than him, grabbing his neck.
"Now, um Dovey Gast, do you have anything else to say? Or, do you think you can escape my pursuit by that little trick?"
The cloth turban on the opponent's head slipped off as he struggled, allowing Gao Tianzun's face to be revealed. Then, the surrounding insurgents who had been scared by the portal, surrounded Gao Tianzun's face. Come here!
They held up their weapons just like that, while gritted their teeth and looked at Gao Tianzun, while still pointing and guessing at the big purple-skinned guy who was holding onto their enemy.
"Miss... Lord Thanos..."
"Let's... we have something to discuss... don't, don't try too hard... the stone... can't I give you the stone?"
The hero doesn't suffer the immediate loss, Gao Tianzun knows that since he is not the opponent of Thanos, and can't escape, it is better to admit the counsel first!
Therefore, after feeling the strong killing intent of the other party, he honestly spread out his right hand and let the red infinite gem appear and float in the palm of his hand.
"Heh! Wouldn't it be better for you to do this earlier?"
Looking at each other contemptuously, Thanos stretched his infinite gloved left hand toward the gem.
Pulled by the Infinite Gloves, the red reality gem quickly dinged, firmly embedded in a groove on the glove and incited a burst of strange energy fluctuations, which made the surrounding people watch. The insurgents were all taken aback.
"Then...there is another one? Hurry up, my patience is limited..."
After taking the reality gem, Thanos was not satisfied. He had detected it before: From this Saka star, there were two full energy fluctuations of gems, so he wanted the other one!
"Another one? Nothing, I have this one in my hand..."
However, before Gao Tianzun finished speaking, he felt the other party's hand tightening slowly, making him feel a little bit out of breath.
"wait wait wait……"
"I... I remember... At first... it was indeed two... But... one of them... I was knocked out... Or, it's in the hands of the little girl now... Or, it was taken away by that Asgardian Loki..."
"I... I swear... I'm telling the truth..."
Feeling that the opponent's big hand was still gradually tightening, and his abilities seemed to be restricted by the opponent without any means, Gao Tianzun's hands could only use one side to pull away the opponent's fingers in vain, and at the same time double The feet kept kicking the opponent's chest and lower abdomen, seeming to want to break away from the state of being held and choked.
Unfortunately, in terms of power, he is far from Thanos' opponent, and these methods of struggle can only be destined to be futile.
"Little it Rocky?"
He squinted and muttered for a while, as if thinking about some problems.
Of course, Thanos knew who Loki was! And that little girl...Last time, he heard from Ronan the stupid Cree...Now, plus this Gao Tianzun's words, he heard it for the second time now!
The details of Loki, Thanos knows very well, that guy is just a little character who is greedy for life and fear of death, and has a slight turn around. He is only a small character who is not successful enough to fail. He has never cared about it!
As for the little girl who appeared twice... he was a little unsure!
As far as Thanos knows, two years ago, when he asked Rocky to use the soul gem to go to the earth to implement that ridiculous plan, the space gem along with the soul gem were snatched by a little girl! Then, plus the cosmic sphere before, the present gem of reality...that is to say, that little girl, actually had four stones in total?
But... why did she easily give up this one here and the other one that might fall into Loki's hands? He couldn't understand this a bit!
"Then, it's useless if I keep you!"
In the next instant, Thanos, who was a little confused, slid off his right hand with a head with wide-eyed eyes... One of the elders of the universe, known as an immortal existence, has now separated his body! This time, it's probably really dead...
Wow! ! !
Seeing this purple-skinned monster, he killed Gao Tianzun at once. This situation caused the insurgents to retreat a few strides in fright. They didn’t know whether they should point at the dead Gao Tianzun or Pointing to this guy who is unknown to me.
"Huh! This guy has a strong regeneration ability! So, I suggest you, it is best to use energy weapons to directly burn his body!"
After throwing the convulsed and headless corpse aside, Thanos suggested to the surrounding rebels. Then, regardless of whether they listened or not, he turned his head and looked at the direction of the arena, then accelerated and jumped a few times, and quickly disappeared into this street of Saka Star.
"Boss! What should we do now?!"
Looking at the weird man who had gone away because of Gao Tianzun, and then at the dead body of Gao Tianzun on the ground, some of the insurgents approached a guy who seemed to be a small boss.
"What else can I do! Copy the guy and burn his body to ashes! In short, you must never let him come to life again!"
Originally, these insurgents thought that Gao Tianzun was dead! At that time, it was evidenced by the surveillance video of the arena: Gao Tianzun was indeed burned into a twisted iron block by a little girl!
But now, the other party can actually come out again, which makes the originally sensitive heartstrings of the insurgents even more tense! Therefore, the leader of the insurgent directly picked up the energy weapon behind him and switched to the high-temperature radiation frequency band, intending to burn Gao Tianzun’s body to ashes as the guy just said, and watch him fall to the ground. Can you come alive again?
"That's it! Everyone stood side by side and burned his corpse with laser light, not even a bit left!"
Following the command of the little boss, everyone began to cheer loudly, picked up the energy weapons in their hands, adjusted to the high-energy irradiation mode, and surrounded Gao Tianzun...
Suddenly, in this street of Sakar Star City, all kinds of lights began to light up, whether it was red, blue or white high-energy laser, it kept flashing, making this street enter another scene. In an alternative carnival...
"Master Thanos, where are we going next?"
When Thanos returned to the spaceship just sat back on his throne, a Cherita soldier stepped forward and asked carefully.
"Check it I want to know, that Rocky...Where is he now?!"
Where is the other infinite gem? Just find Loki to find out! Therefore, after rubbing the reality gem on his left hand for a while, Thanos quickly made up his mind!
"Yes, my lord!"
Finding the whereabouts of an old acquaintance is actually not too difficult for the elite Cheritas under Thanos.
Anyway, Thanos did not set a time limit, as long as Loki left any clues, he would always let them find out. After all, the current galactic universe is also a world of information! As long as the other party is still active in the galaxy, they will always find out. They are very confident about this!
Finally, when the insurgents of Saka star once again entered a carnival, the large ring-shaped flying ship that hovered over the arena began to start the engine and accelerate, and finally rushed directly into a wormhole. Soon it jumped and disappeared...

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