Chapter 374: Earth Alliance

After the spacecraft carried by Rocket Raccoon, Mandys, and Star Quill escaped back to the solar system and fell near the Moon’s Iron Bear base, at noon the next day, the Earth-Moon High-Level Summit [abbreviated], led by the Bear Shield, It was convened urgently in this large conference room at the headquarters of the Bearton Bureau.
The attendees here today were all set out in the morning by multiple transport spaceships of the Bear Shield Bureau, and they were given emergency rides to various places on the earth.
That's right! All of the people they are here today are the attendees in person, rather than the convenient and fast holographic remote meeting as usual.
And Nick Fury arranged in this way: First, because the things to be said today are very important, and the level of confidentiality required is also very high. In order to avoid the order of the earth falling into chaos due to leaks, he had to go like this. Furthermore, the signals of the backward remote holographic projection conference equipment of these people are mostly not transmitted from the back of the moon, and the confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, the gap in the hardware causes Nick ?Fry also had to order the spacecraft to be sent to take these people here one by one.
"Look at the night sky on the moon. It's really beautiful here... I'm still on the moon for the first time... I don't know. What kind of sight will it look like when the sun rises again during the day?"
Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling portholes of this battleship-like conference room, before the meeting was officially opened, a group of leaders from various organizations and forces in suits, well-dressed, and even high-level generals and parliamentarians from some countries gathered together like this. Look out the window at an alternative night sky that is different from the earth.
At this time, one of them seemed to be a member of the Earth Security Council, and said with emotion while enjoying the beautiful space outside the window.
"Mr. Vedev, I think your wish to see the sunrise may not be easily realized..."
Brigadier General Glenn Talbot held his military cap in one hand, then stood beside the member of the Security Council and said in a relaxed tone.
"Why? This meeting lasted for three full days. I think I can see the sunrise at least two times. I also brought the best camera with me, and I plan to take it back to my family after taking pictures. Share it!"
The board member Vedev pushed all the schedules and agreed to respond to the call of Bear Shield for this meeting. It is not that he can go to the moon for free and stay here for three full days!
Otherwise, why would he obey the arrangement of that black coal head so readily, and wait for the other party to pick him up on Earth? You know, that guy Nick Fury, he used to be his man! Moreover, he believes that at least most of the other people here have the same idea as himself.
For a group of earth turtles who can only rely on rockets to transport space stations in geosynchronous orbit, it is the best thing to be able to take a three-day luxury trip to the moon with all meals, accommodation and transportation! As for meetings, it was really just incidental!
Anyway, Commissioner Vedev thinks so. Otherwise, if Nick Fury replaced him with a meeting on Earth, it would be great if one-third of the people present could respond to him!
"Because the time of a day and night on the moon is not the same as that of the earth, the day and night of our earth has been simplified to twenty-four hours, but... on the moon, one day and night can have about one month of the earth..."
A politician with a solid scientific common sense also got close to the two of them at this time. Only after realizing an apologetic smile at the two, he kindly explained this sentence for the Brigadier General Glenn Talbert.
"One day and night takes one month... This is almost the same as some polar regions of the earth..."
Committee member Wedev froze for a moment, and then sighed in his heart.
If the day and night time on the moon is really that long, maybe they, who can only stay here for three days, will indeed not see the sun on the moon tomorrow...
"Yes! It is almost the same as the polar night in the polar regions of the earth. Here, for a long period of time, the sun is only below the horizon. Of course, the night scenery on the moon may not be the same as our earth's two-level polar night. So colorful?"
"It's just that I've always been a little strange. Didn't the book say that the gravity of the moon is very small? But why do I feel that the gravity here seems to be similar to that of the earth?"
After the explanation, he watched for a while, and finally the politician couldn't help but ask.
In fact, from the moment he arrived in the headquarters of the Bear Shield, he was puzzled by this phenomenon. When they came, on that small transport ship, the pilot flew considerately in space for a period of time, allowing them to experience the wonderful state of a handful of weightlessness. But as soon as he arrived at the lunar base, he I think something is wrong.
"Huh! That's because their Bear Shield has an extremely superb device for simulating gravity or anti-gravity!"
"Did you not find out when you took the spaceship? They even have a perfect gravity system for that kind of small transport ship! But they did not share it with us!"
At this time, among the attendees who were looking at the scenery outside the window and chatting in twos and threes, a general of the United States in military uniform walked up to the three of them very uncomfortably and interjected.
This Xiong Shield Bureau, who thought that the emperor of the mountain was far away, said one thing in private and did another thing, not only deliberately delaying the sharing of related technologies and the schedule of creating and providing those earth-moon transportation channels, but also promised to provide cheap green energy. After procrastination, he had seen this base uncomfortable for a long time!
"Well, Henry...We also have anti-gravity devices and technology, so even if they share the technology with Bear Shield, we probably won't be able to make it in a short time..."
Seeing the other party's annoyance, Brigadier General Glenn Talbot, who was in charge of the Skyhammer, stood up and said hello with a smile, and comforted his colleague by the way.
This is just as what he said. The military of the United States has indeed mastered a lot of advanced alien technology, whether it was the Cheritas who invaded New York, or the Cree or other aliens. There are really many technologies collected and analyzed by their military’s secret research organization.
However, it is a pity that the earth-based craftsmanship is too serious for them, and the imitations they create are all substandard products, which have no value for large-scale use at all, nor can they get out of the laboratory and be installed. The degree of the army.
"Rather than arguing about these, you might as well think about it: when will the lunar base built by us on earth be built?"
At this time, another member of the World Security Council also walked over and suddenly sighed. Everyone here now knows: This huge steel fortress belongs to a private organization and is completely out of their control!
The equipment and base of a private organization can far surpass that of the earth. How can they embarrass the officials of the official organization? !
"If there are no accidents, I will take at least thirty years!"
"Thirty years? Don't be too naive! Even if we build the most basic small base, without the help of Bear Shield's spacecraft, the rockets responsible for transportation alone will be enough for us to toss for 30 years!"
"Using cargo rockets to travel back and forth between the earth and the moon, the high cost and low efficiency, I can't imagine which country is willing to provide this unlimited funds..."
"Yes, that's true!"
After talking about it for a while, the small group of participants who gathered here began to express their opinions and emotions. The excitement and novelty that were originally notified to come here to participate in the meeting was instantly diluted.
"By the way, you said... that Nick Fury suddenly asked us to come here for a meeting, what is it for?"
"I don't know, I can't guess it right now..."
"I think it might be because of the last thing?"
"Last time? You mean..."
"I also think it's possible. After all, the impact of that incident was a bit too bad. After they negotiated the conditions, it is reasonable to ask us to report something."
"Huh! The strength of that little girl...I can't imagine it, it's terrible to such a degree... It seems that for a long time in the future, Bear Shield will gradually begin to preside over the security affairs of the earth!"
"Actually, compared to the terrifying power of that little girl, I am more interested in her method of resurrecting the dead!"
"Resurrection of the dead... there seem to be many such methods? I remember, the original S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.! Of course, in Brooklyn, New York, the magical Holy Light Church seems to be also possible?"
"The resurrection method of the original S.H.I. The corpse has strict restrictions..."
In this way, everyone could not help but talk about the vigorous mutant war that took place in the Atlantic a while ago! Although ordinary people on Earth don't know that there is such a thing at all, for people with their status, these things can't hide them at all!
"No, you are wrong. It is not that matter that will be discussed in today's meeting, but... Thanos is coming to Earth soon!"
When other people started to guess what you said and what I said, a light head sitting in an automatic wheelchair suddenly emerged from one side, and then joined the good atmosphere of these people.
"Thanks...Who is Thanos? Why does he come to Earth, and we people have to have a meeting?"
"Thanks... It seems I have never heard of... Then what about you, Brigadier General Talbot?"
"Sorry, I have never heard of it either!"
"Wait, I suddenly felt: This gentleman, you seem familiar, I don't know if you are..."
After everyone was confused and discussed for a while, suddenly, one of the key members who attended the meeting became a little suspicious of the identity of the bald head. He felt that he seemed to know this guy, but he couldn't remember it for a while.
"Because... he is Professor X, Charles Francis Xavier, the leader of the mutant X-Men!"
General Ross, the commander of Brigadier General Glenn Talbot, the lieutenant general squinted at this moment to remind others. Think about it, the bright-headed guy in front of me, wearing a suit and sitting in a wheelchair, is too obvious in appearance.
"It's him……"
"This is terrible..."
"Um... I have something wrong, let's get out of my company first!"
"I have to take advantage of the time to take pictures for my family. After all, this is the moon."
"Me too, goodbye!"
Knowing the identity of the bald head in front of them, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, looking for excuses to stay away from the voyeurism who likes to read other people's thoughts and memories.
Professor x, the principal of the famous Xavier Genius Youth School, is an old guy who can easily enter other people’s thoughts, peep into other people’s secrets and even modify other people’s memories. Although not the most powerful mutant, but the most letting These people are jealous and disgusted guys, none of them!
After all, no one wants to deal with a weird guy who likes to peek at others' thoughts and memories all day long! None of these politicians with a clean face and a clean is the one who fears the most and hates and disgusts them the most. They can not only see through their ideas, but also keep them without the slightest secret, and they can always rely Something to blackmail their people!
Seeing these generals and politicians who were dispersing in a moment, Professor X shook his head a little bit dumbfounded. He actually read the memories of these people early in the morning. What use is it to hide now? Moreover, he didn't mean to embarrass them at all, well, at least not yet!
"Haha! It seems that you, old fellow, are still not as popular as before! Am I right, old friend Charles?"
When Charles felt that he might have no friends himself, and was about to wait lonely until the meeting began, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.
"It's you, Eric..."
Professor X controlled the wheelchair and turned his head. Sure enough, he saw the old friend he knew very well at first sight and also the leader of the mutant brotherhood: Magneto King Eric Lanchel! He is Charles' old enemy and the number one enemy of the X-Men!
It seems that the things to be discussed today are indeed very serious, much more serious than the ones he peeped before...
Otherwise, Nick Fury, who is increasingly cunning, wouldn't be so excited to invite so many important figures in the organization. Just now, in addition to the politicians, he also saw the two wizards of Doctor Strange Stephen, the black bat king couple from the alien race, the Marvel lady from the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and the earth villain in front of him: Magneto Eric Lanchel!
"Eric, if you come so close, aren't you afraid that I will see something in your mind?"
No one dared to approach him now, but it was his old opponent who dared to approach him, so Charles couldn't help but teased him.
If it is a different place, they may not be able to chat peacefully like they do now, but now, at the base of the Lunar Bear Shield, they are also invited to participate in the meeting, and they can be like the old ones before the fallout. Friends, you can easily stand together and chat.
"Of course I am afraid!"
"So, have you seen this metal helmet of mine? It's specially made and it's especially effective against bad guys like you!"
When he tapped the metal helmet on his head with his finger, Magneto King Eric Lansher smiled triumphantly.
Ever since they turned their faces and parted ways with Charles and were ready to go to work, their mutant brothers have thought of a way to develop a lot of special equipment that shields the effects of brain waves against Charles’s psychic abilities, and his Magneto King Eric This is the most sophisticated one! He can guarantee that he will never be spied on his own thoughts or memories by the other party.
"It turns out to be like this, no wonder I'm wondering how I can't see your thoughts..."
Nodding clearly, Charles finally knew why he himself didn't snoop on the other person's thoughts.
"By the way, I ask you one thing!"
"Charles... the person you just mentioned, that Thanos, who is he? Why is it worth the Bear Shield fight?!"
Looking at the towering steel buildings outside the window, and then at the huge space battleship on the tarmac of the base square in the distance, Magneto King Eric suddenly felt that if he really had a fight with Bear Shield here If so, his ability seems to be able to severely injure the opponent in a short time?
This must be inevitable!
After all, who made the opponent’s base be full of steel buildings and steel battleships? Of course, this kind of tricky behavior, Eric, the king of Magnetism, would definitely not do it!
One is because this is on the moon. Once this steel base is destroyed, Eric would not want to live himself! Moreover, even if it is really on Earth, he probably wouldn't dare to confront the Bear Shield casually. Those X-Men and Fantastic Four who have lost all abilities, they are good examples of life and freedom!
Don’t think Charles can hide the matter from the Atlantic Ocean by holding it under your hands.
Thinking about that little girl, Magneto King Eric Lanschel was full of emotion... Back then, he had a relationship with the other party, and thought about putting the other party into the Brotherhood of Mutants! At that time, he thought the other party was just a mutant with fire control!
But who ever thought, in the end, he himself made a mistake... The little girl in this family is actually just a powerful mage, not a mutant at all!
But in any case, now the Fantastic Four and Charles’s elite X-Men have been cleaned up by the little guy. This Charles has recently started to be a man with his tail clipped. There is no frequent trouble with the X-Men. The situation of their mutant brotherhood has become much better recently.
"Actually, I don't know much. There will be a meeting soon. You will know everything by then."
It's getting late. Charles doesn't want to be too public about what he just spied on the Bear Shield agents and read the other party's thoughts. After all, this is not something worth showing off! If you are not careful, it can cause misunderstandings.
"Huh! You are indeed the same as before. Charles, do you know that your appearance is very disgusting!"
Glancing at Charles who was sitting in an automatic wheelchair, Magneto King Eric hummed coldly, with a very clear contempt expression. He knew that the other party would definitely find excuses or make falsehoods. After so many years, this old guy has not changed at all. This is one of the important reasons why he dislikes the other party.
"But, trust me, Eric... I think we will be able to fight together again soon..."
With a sigh, Professor Charles X controlled his automatic wheelchair and turned around, looking up at the tall old friend in front of him face to face.
From the frizzy-white hair exposed on the side of the opponent's helmet, he could see that the opponent is already old...
Of course, Charles himself is the same! In fact, their group of mutants, except for the Wolverine Logan Howlett, who seems to never grow old and die, their group of people are now old and dead. Up.
"Is it as serious as you said? Then tell me in detail?!"
Magneto King Eric squinted, after a while, he probably understood what the other party meant.
However, this kind of practice of suspending his appetite, but refusing to tell him all the specific reasons, made him feel very disgusted!
If it wasn't for the time and the place, he really wanted to directly control the opponent's metal wheelchair, and then let it turn in dozens of big circles of three hundred miles in the sky?
"Sorry, the meeting has already started, I think... you are not interested in listening to me any longer."
Sure enough, following Charles' words, the door of this large conference room suddenly opened! Then, dozens of senior bear shield agents, including Director Nick Fury, Coleson, Hill, Iron Man Tony, Captain America Rogers, Thor, Hulk, Valkyrie, and Guardians of the Galaxy The team's Rockets, Mandis and others filed in with stern faces, and walked into the venue one by one.
After the agents of the Bear Shield Bureau sat down on both sides of the podium in the conference room, and the other participants all sat in their seats, Nick Fury stood on the podium with a gloomy face and serious expression. Started his meeting speech.
"Gentlemen and ladies! Thank you for answering my call in your busy schedule and willing to come to the moon..."
"However, now, there is a cruel fact in front of everyone: because we have discovered that all of us on earth will soon face a major test of life and death, and it seems that no one is immune..."
As soon as Nick Fury's words here ended, the audience below immediately began to noisy. They know what Nick Fury is. Since the other party said it so serious, it must be another big event!
"Please be quiet, and listen to me to finish the matter first..."
After pressing his hands and beckoning everyone to calm down first, Director Nick Fury began to go down, slowly narrating the information he heard from the Rocket Raccoon and the alien tentacle woman Mantis.
Whether it was about the crazy Titan, the tyrant of the universe king, or about the infinite gems and the current comparison of the strength of the earth and the opponent, he told them one by one. He did not make any reservations or cover ups. !
Of course, at this time, there is no need for him to do that anymore.
When Nick Fury finished speaking, everyone was just sitting in their seats in shock and quiet, silently digesting what they had just heard.
"I think we seem to be able to hand over those three infinite gems? You know, we have no way to resist the tyrant who is known as the king of the universe!"
"In fact, apart from the Bear Shield, other countries or organizations of ours do not even have tickets to enter the universe. How can we resist a group of aliens who come to invade the earth? Are nuclear missiles flying thousands of kilometers and inertially moving?"
After a while, a female member of the World Security Council finally stood up and made a seemingly reasonable proposal.
"This, how can this..."
"I'm afraid not……"
However, there was a moment of silence in return for her proposal. After people whispered and discussed, no one dared to vocally echo her. Even some of the committee members who had a close relationship with her usually looked at her hesitantly, but they had no intention of supporting her.
"It's useless……"
"Think about it, when Thanos gets the six stones, he will instantly wipe out half of the life in the universe! Among them, half of the earth's population is included... You can guarantee that you and your family, or you Wouldn’t your friends be one of them?"
The black bat king Blackcard Bert of the Inhuman race just stood up, and then, using his special pronunciation equipment, he was the first to speak out against the proposal of the female committee member.
He would never agree to this kind of act of surrendering infinite gems at the risk of sacrificing half of the earth's people!
He didn't want to one day, his wife, his brother, or his beautiful and lovely sister-in-law, Crystal, or even he himself would die inexplicably...Anyway, he would never accept this kind of thing!
"So, maybe we can destroy the Infinite Gems or send them away?"
"Uh... well, you just assume that I never said..."
Before finishing speaking, the third politician who stood up and proposed sat back down again.
Because he knows that once they Earthlings really do this, Thanos under his anger will definitely not spare the Earthlings easily! At that time, the fate of the earth may be even more tragic than offering gems! Thinking about it in another way, if he is Thanos, the infinite gem he wants is destroyed or hidden by the people on the earth, then, when he becomes angry, he will definitely destroy the earth, right?
"Well, stupid bureaucrats, I advise you not to think too much! Now, let us quickly discuss the next important issue, such as: How to prepare to organize and resist the coming powerful enemy?!"
Seeing that no idiots continued to stand up and speak, Magneto King Eric sneered and let the magnetic field float himself.
He has been fighting with governments on the earth for so many years, and he has long understood the habits of these guys. Eric himself is very disdainful! Moreover, how could his dignified Magneto still be afraid of a group of aliens? He felt that when the Cheritas invaded New York, if he was there, he could deal with them alone!
After all, as long as the opponent's weapon and the opponent's spacecraft are all or part of metal, then he can be invincible and do whatever he wants! After all, his powerful magnetic field, which claims to be able to control all metals, is not just laughing!
"Second! We really shouldn't surrender, and we must never surrender!"
The first to speak out in support of Magneto King Eric was Professor Charles of the X-Men. This pair of old enemies, who were originally enemies, actually have more extreme ideas about certain things.
"Yes! I also agree with the Magneto King Eric's suggestion! I have seen a great man in a great eastern country once said: Peace through struggle will survive, and peace will perish through compromise! I have always been very Convinced by this statement, this passage is very incisive!"
"You should also know that the earth is actually cruel. From this inference, the universe should be cruel, and the law of the dark jungle should also apply! So, I think, if we people on earth want to survive in the galaxy, then You can only fight! Only the peace that you have your own hands to fight for can stop more aliens who are peeping at the earth! Instead of stupidly trying to compromise!"
"We must firmly believe: the previous Cheritas and the evil Loki, they were not able to conquer our earth! Then, the current group of alien terrorists called Thanos absolutely cannot!"
At this time, General Ross, who had been at odds with Nick Fury before, stood up and expressed his own thoughts.
As a soldier, he has always believed in only what he obtained through struggle and force. This is why he was so in love with the super soldier plan and worked tirelessly with the original S.H.I. The reason for those advanced technologies and objects!
"Yes, we will never compromise!"
"Second! The general is too right!"
"I don't surrender anyway!"
When General Ross finished speaking, a large group of attendees applauded and echoed the other party's remarks. After a while, they set a tone for the meeting to resolutely resist the alien invasion.
"Stupid people on Earth, Thanos is not a terrorist, they are real universe emperors..."
The Rocket Raccoon sitting in the other corner muttered disdainfully after listening to the human general's speech.
There are only these ignorant earthlings. The rockets have told the director so clearly before, and the dark guy has no problem relaying it. Then how can they dare to treat Thanos as a group of alien horrors. molecular? Perhaps this is the so-called fearless ignorant?
The tentacles female alien Mantis looked worriedly at the earthlings who had begun to discuss passionately, then frowned and looked at the depressed rocket on one side, and then her two tentacles also drooped, obviously also a little low, it seems that Not very optimistic about the plans of these earthlings.
"Don't worry, Rocket..."
"No matter what, we always need to fight! Don't worry, I think the odds of victory for Thanos may not be too great by then!"
Thor, the of thunder, leaned on the back of his chair, holding his hands and looking at the people on Earth who were discussing in the distance. Because he faintly felt something was wrong.
Judging from the little girl's obsession with Infinite Gems, how could she inexplicably throw two stones on Saka without any reaction? Either there must be a problem with those two stones, or the kid has some kind of conspiracy!
Anyway, Thor would never believe that the little girl would throw two infinite gems on the star of Saka for no reason! However, it is a pity that now, there does not seem to be a little girl, otherwise, he will definitely come up and ask carefully.
"Coelson, what about little Annie? Why don't I seem to see her?"
After patrolling the surroundings again and confirming that there was no girl in sight, Thor asked the bear shield agent who was sitting on the other side of him.
This is an unspeakable question, Coulson doesn't know what to say now, so he had to send an apologetic smile to the Asgardian's Royal Highness Thunder.
Is it possible for him to say: A certain little girl is actually busy playing, so she doesn't want to participate in this kind of boring and boring meeting like a house-like meeting that adults like?
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