Chapter 394: Battle for the Land of Fire (2)

"Continue to maintain energy output, don't interrupt it, must hold on!"
The chief master of the land of flames, the fire demon spellcaster troops led by the fire demon lord Shanknox, they are standing in a predetermined position, and the barrier repair rituals they are guiding are still facing the fire demon. The powerful pressure of King Ragnaros was underway.
In the square below, there are nearly two or three thousand Fire Demon Lava Scorching Walkers. These rare casters line up in an orderly formation. Together with the pure blood fire eagles in the air, they continuously remove the fire elements in their bodies. The power is transmitted to the air to enclose the large red magic circle in operation in front of the space rift torn out by Ragnaros, and it will provide power to the Titan's defense measures!
Then, the space barriers that were torn apart constantly began to squeeze the hands of the Balrog King, trying to repair the place that the opponent had torn apart by brute force.
Although the two sides are still in a stalemate, no matter how you look at it, it is the fire element that is more difficult here than Ragnaros outside!
This is actually to blame the Titans, when they built this elemental prison, they were defended from inside but not from outside!
They simply don't want the fire elements to go out casually, but they are not in place to prevent the actions of summoning the fire elements from the outside or breaking the prison from the outside. It is precisely because of this that they have caused this very bad situation in front of them! So that Ragnaros was able to use such a powerful force to tear such a big breach alive, allowing the fire demons inside to repair it slowly and passively.
"Quick! Attention to all spellcasters: Don't save the power of the fire element anymore, start outputting with all your strength, and be sure to block him back for me again!"
Shanknox was barely relieved after seeing that Shatulu in the distance had led a large number of elite fire elemental troops to intercept the Lord Leolis.
However, when he saw that Ragnaros in the sky was still stalemate and desperately tearing the gap in the space barrier, he was anxious, for fear that the old Leolis would break through to the ceremony site and destroy it later. He just kept doing it, intending to let the fire demon spellcasters and those lava scorching walkers start to burn their respective lava cores, and first try to plug the Balrog King back again!
Although doing so will reduce the strength of their fire elemental casters and take a long time to recover, no matter what, it is better than letting the Balrog Lord Ragnaros return to the land of flames! If you are blind, you should get through this difficulty first. As for the future, Shanknox doesn't dare to expect too much...

"I don't understand..."
"Fire invited me to come here, but... why are you here to stop us again?"
Lord Leolis, who was huge, looked at the little fire demon who had just notified him in advance to come to help. Now he led a large number of various elite fire elemental creatures to encircle him and his men. Just the urn sounded angrily from his new army of fire elements all over the mountains and walked out to the forefront of the team.
The number of the opposing army is not less than what he has brought, but on the contrary, it is stronger and more elite than the new elements that he has produced in the past few years! And among them, there are even those giant lava lords who reach their own shoulders and ancient core dogs almost as high as their own legs...
Therefore, the opponent's current lineup still makes Leolis feel very jealous.
"Leolis! Our Chief Shanknox said: If you want to help, you can just surrender the Molten Core by yourself! And these guys under yours, let them all turn now. Head back, they can't help here, and coming here will only add to the chaos!"
After calming down and carefully examining the more than 20,000 new fire elements led by this guy, Shatulu now knows that something is wrong no matter how stupid it is.
With regard to these newly born elements, the strength is low, not to mention, anyway, it is very weak and very unstable! In addition, they should be newly born, so there is no need to think about wisdom or something. But now, this Leolis had to bring them here. If the other party didn't have any thoughts, then Shatulu would not believe it anyway.
Leo Leolis, who was tall and looked far away, saw the distance, beside the red sky, at the gate square of the Palace of Earthly Tribulation, a large group of fire demon spellcasters lined up in a neat formation. Cooperating with the fire eagles flying all over the sky, together with all their strength to resist the Balrog King Ragnaros who has torn a gap.
If he can run over now and summon a large rock to drop it...
"Trouble... really troublesome..."
Perhaps it was because of his own plan that the little fire demon saw it through and became angry after seeing it through, perhaps because he felt that Ragnaros, the king of the flaming demon, was about to appear, and was eager to show himself so as to avoid liquidation afterwards. Not too long, he turned his face and raised his right foot, and stomped viciously in the direction of the little fire demon ahead!
boom! ! !
There was a loud noise. After the plains of the Land of Flames shook the mountains, the small black and red hellhounds who were standing next to Shatulu were caught off guard. Two unlucky guys were trampled into a pile of flat hot stones under the huge right foot of Leolis...
"Asshole! How dare you do it first?!"
Seeing that his two pets were trampled to death by the other party, Shatulu, a hunter, became angry:
"Hurry up, everyone will join together! Kill them all without leaving any of them!!!"
The other party had no signs at all, and even said to fight and fight. As expected, General Manager Shanknox guessed: This Lord Leolis must be ill-intentioned, and he must also want to go to the ceremony venue to make trouble!
Just now, if Shatulu hadn't turned on the guardian of the cheetah and escaped in the first time, I'm afraid he would really let the other party squash! After all, the battle between the fire element and the fire element nowadays is mostly won by hand-to-hand combat. Whoever has greater strength and size, or faster speed, has an advantage!
The phenomenon of setting fire to each other is generally rare in the confrontation between fire elements! In any case, both sides are Fire Yuan beings, and no one will be foolish and waste energy to burn each other with flames.
Following the furious command of the commander Shatulu, countless elite lava walkers, hellhounds, lava rushers, ancient lava dogs and lava lords roared and rushed toward the opponent's fiercely!
Numerous new-born ember lords and smoldering elements, all kinds of lava dogs and other elite fire elements that were rushed into their formations were slaughtered efficiently. Those agile hellhounds can often bite after a few flutter Drop the heads of several enemies!
With the sharp flame rune blade of the Lava Walker team, several new elements can be easily chopped down with a single slash! As for those large lava giants or double-headed molten core dogs, they can attack more efficiently. They only clash back and forth in the enemy's formation, and everything they pass is full of fragments of fire. Elemental pieces...
And those high-level fire demon royal guards are even more remarkable: they often form a small team of several members, and they just pat the neat formation and wave their swords and push them flat. The speed is neither fast nor slow, but those The fragmented head and body fragments of the new elements that shattered and danced proved their strength and martial skills!
In fact, this is also a normal phenomenon.
Because of those fire elements that were newly created by Lord Leolis in a few years, they are weaker than their opponents by several grades! If it were put in the world of Azeroth, with the power of their flames, it would still be considered a powerful army that should not be underestimated. However, in the land of flames, they are still a bit too young. They were just born a few years ago, in fact, they can only be regarded as inferior fire elemental beings.
In addition, Shanknox has been in charge of the Fireland for so many years, let alone anything else, he is still very concerned about the army alone!
In the past few years, only those fire elements that are the most powerful and elite and obey orders can be selected and get the opportunity to travel to the world of Azeroth! And these flame legions, the most elite part is in the hands of Shatulu, and they are also fighting against these new fire elements under Lord Leolis.
Therefore, the ending of their new elements is actually doomed...
"Hold him!"
"Quick! The large lava lord and the lava dog drag the Leolis! Others, quickly eliminate those new elements, move faster!"
"The Royal Guard cooperates with me. Today we must do him anyway, let alone let him rush over here!"
Using two hot spears to throw them in a row, they plunged deeply into Leolis's shoulders at once, only to find that the opponent was clinging to the rough skin and huge body without minding, and Shatulu became angry. Drinking and directing those big guys, intending to come to contain this big guy first, anyway, the new elements brought by the other party are not enough to kill the elites under him.
The only thing they need to pay attention to is that they can't let them rush past here.
Therefore, during this period of time, he stayed in the land of flames all day long, and Shatulu, who had been holding his breath for a long time, decided: Do nothing today, and directly take Leoli, who dared to come out at this critical time, to make trouble. Lord Si kills him, grabs his Molten Heart and assigns it to himself, such as the elite lava lord Otuk who has always been very obedient?
"Trouble... It's really trouble..."
I saw several tall lava lords and strong ancient core dogs approaching me, and then I looked at the fire demon royal guards who were constantly projecting flame rune spears and another frost rune spear at the periphery. Leolis is really a little confused now...
Although relying on his size and strength, the opponent could not help himself in a short period of time, but... after a long time, if Ragnaros, the king of the Balrog, still cannot break through the space barrier and enter the land of flames, then He might be planted here today? !
"The mountains... move on..."
Lord Leolis launched a big move, and with his cast, a large protruding stone thorn suddenly disrupted the formation of the royal guards and embarrassed Shatulu and others who were commanding the attack from a distance. Hiding around embarrassingly.
He intends to resist for a while, if the situation does not improve, then he ran away directly, ran back west to nest on the flaming mountains, and would never come down after guarding the intersection.
"Come on! Don't attack his body. This is the land of flames. He can continuously draw the power of the fire source to recover his injuries!"
No one cares about the spells released by the opponent, such as flames or magma spewing from the ground! However, Shatulu knew that those protruding stone thorns should be watched out! If one is accidentally smashed through the body, it will be deadly.
"Listen to my order: Lava Lord and Ancient Core Dog, you can hold him first! Royal guards, immediately change to the Ice Rune Gun, don’t save it now, and wait until you return to Azeroth. The high elves can help supplement it!"
"Now, hit his left and right feet and hands first, and then hit his head at the end. Anyway, we must do him today!"
Shatulu saw that the other Fire Elemental soldiers had already fetched the opponent's new elements and rushed to the distance, and it was only a matter of time before he was slaughtered, so he began to concentrate on directing the battle here.
Now the area around this battlefield is vacated. Although no one will be the opponent of Leolis alone, there are countless Shield Tanks and elite royal guards here, even if the rocks are cut off. It can also chop the guy in front of you into pieces!

"Damn it! You guys don't want to expel me, don't think about it!!!"
Seeing that his strength is getting weaker and weaker, and seeing the torn space barriers being gradually repaired by the traitor fire monsters, Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrog, is finally anxious!
He knows that once he fails today, he will never have the chance to return to the land of flames in the next few hundred years... At that time, he will only be awkwardly nestled in the bottom of the molten heart and linger. , I pray that it won’t happen one day when the powerhouses in the world of Azeroth block the door and kill them.
Therefore, he who was forced to have no choice but to take care of other things, he could only take out the one thing that the mysterious old black dragon who came to negotiate with him gave him a year ago.
It is said that that thing can easily tear apart space barriers? In fact, Ragnaros didn't want to do that, because he knew that the old black dragon was uneasy and kind, and if he used the opponent's power, he could not predict what would happen.
"You can't stop me, ah..."
Seeing that the space barrier was about to close, Ragnaros, who was ruthless in his heart, directly used a certain assassin. In the next instant, a huge and crazy power burst out of Ragnaros!
They are a kind of violent, chaotic and distorted earth power. Although this power is short-lived, it seems to disappear at any time... But this is enough for Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrog!
"This is... the land of flames... the long-lost power... I, the Balrog King is back!!"
After an explosive roar, the fire demon spellcasters or fire eagles who were still in the square using rituals to urgently repair the space barriers only saw a violent force burst out of Ragnaros. Then they discovered to their horror: Ragnaros tore a huge gap in an instant, and then rushed in with a big laugh!
The King of Flame Demon, the previous master of the Land of Flames, finally returned to the land of the Land of Flames.
Then, seeing the failure of repairing the space barrier, countless fire eagles were frightened, and they made a panicked flapping of their wings, and fled in all directions, rushing into the dim sky above at high speed, away from the one who was taking out A huge war hammer, and slowly stood to the Balrog King in the middle of the square.
As the opponent reached the place of flames, his strength began to recover continuously, his sanity, even his body size became bigger and bigger, and the scars in the originally dim locations on his body became bright and dazzling again.
Unlike the flying fire eagles, they can fly high into the sky. What makes Ragnaros Hunai different is that thousands of fire demon spellcasters and other troops can only be in the opposing force. Next, he kept backing up and quickly shrank into the corner of the square.
"The King of the Flame Demon... Ragnaros has returned... You have lost... The Fire Demon... You have already lost..."
Seeing the changes in the distance, Lord Leolis, the ancient stone man who was good at speculation, finally laughed rare.
At this time, his body, head, arms and thighs were all densely pierced into hedgehogs by the various enchanted spears of the fire demon! If the Balrog King breaks through the barrier a little later, maybe he will really be dead!
It's just that this time, for Ragnaros's arrival, he deliberately took a risk and turned his face against the Fire Demon clan, and he did it right.
He believed that in the next great purge of the Flame Demon King, he would definitely be able to escape! From now on, he can continue to be his lord on the Alessis plateau above the blazing mountains, continue to pinch his various fire elements unfettered, and no longer need to be controlled by these majestic fire demon clan!
Shatulu didn’t know what to do now. He and his troops had to stop their hands after discovering the changes in the rear. They did not continue to slaughter Leolis’s men, nor continued to besiege the dying. The ancient lava giant who was lost, but stared into the distance blankly: There, the huge flame figure, the familiar Flame Demon King...
It seems that they remembered the horror when the other party ruled the Land of Fire...
"I... Lord of the Balrog... I finally came back Ragnaros!"
"Now... Traitor Shane Knox... and you guys... have you figured out how to enjoy my punishment?"
"I believe...that must be a wonderful thing...I can't wait..."
Ragnaros laughed proudly and arrogantly, in the land of flames, he has his arrogant capital! Because, as long as he stands on this land and is still in the land of flames, none of the small bits and pieces in front of him can challenge his authority, none of them!
A huge pure-blooded fire eagle took advantage of the moment when Ragnaros was laughing up to the sky and venting his dissatisfaction, suddenly rushed down, and landed directly while the Balrog King was still far away. Arrived by the fire demon master Shan Knox, and gently touched Shan Knox's arm with his sharp beak, indicating that he was ready to take him away from here before the Balrog King came over. .
"It's useless……"
"Thank you for your kindness, fire eagle can always fly in the sky, so naturally you don't have to be afraid of the king of the fire demon, but...we fire demon can't..."
"Moreover, I can't just leave my people behind...So, you should fly away quickly!"
Looking at the Lord of the Flames, who was approaching with a cold expression, Shanknox shook his head and rejected the kindness of Firehawk Lord Celia after sighing. Instead, he directly pushed away those who wanted to resist and protect himself. The fire demon tribe resolutely greeted the distant Ragnaros who was constantly recovering his strength and looked at him jokingly.
"Lord of the Flames, Your Majesty Ragnaros..."
"Everything here is my fault... I was the first to lead those fire elements to betray you... Therefore, I am willing to be punished..."
"However, the other fire elements are innocent...I intimidated them in the first place... So, I hope you can let them be kindly..."
The situation is stronger than that of human beings. After knowing that he is absolutely impossible to be spared, Shanknox directly pleaded with the huge Balrog King in front of him, hoping to use his own life in exchange for his people. The right to continue to survive in the land of flames.
However, Shanknox always feels a little unwilling...
In the past few years, watching the flame alliance slowly decline, all kinds of things are coming... Then think about the fact that the Fire Elemental Legion was forced to retreat step by step to the land of flames... Look at all of this In his eyes, Shanknox, who was anxious in his heart, knew: in the dark, there must be some invisible black hands that are secretly dealing with their Flame Alliance, or, dealing with the entire Azeroth world?
However, after today, he may no longer have to think about so many things.
"Ha ha ha..."
"Shaan Knox...your idea will not come true! Because...all of your scum...all have to die!!"
"Now, accept the anger of the Balrog King!!!"
Ragnaros raised his warhammer high, grinning grinningly, from now on, he will kill in the land of flames until he completely kills the traitors and the anger in his heart is completely calmed down!
Ragnaros, the King of the Fire Demon, wants to let all the fire elements know what will happen to the guy who dared to resist! He will also use the heads of those traitors to build a high tower next to the bridge of his Saffron Castle and light the eternal flames so that the fire elements of the entire flame land can be seen, and those who have bad intentions Since then dare not disobey the majesty of the Balrog King!
Click! ! !
Just as Ragnaros was about to swing his warhammer, he suddenly discovered that it seemed that a creature’s egg had cracked on his head, and then the spoiled foul fluid inside was blazing on his head. After roasting, began to emit a strange and unpleasant smell?
Who the is it? !
Being smashed on the head with a biological stink, this extremely humiliating thing made Ragnaros' anger start to rise...He couldn't bear this tone, and he didn't care about killing the traitor. Shanknox, the fire demon, started looking around, planning to find the guy who just offended him!
"Hey! Big guy, who are you? Why did you come to the land of flames in my house and tore such a big hole in the air?"
"Don't you know, is this my home? So... I want you... to lose money!!!"
At this time, when Ragnaros looked around but still couldn't find the instigator, and was about to go crazy, a little girl's crisp and delicate voice rang!
When Ragnaros stopped his attack and followed the direction of the voice carefully, he only saw a tiny little human the other party was so pretty. Standing at the top of a stone spire by the side of the Sulfuron Bridge, looking at him with shining eyes...No, the other person seems to be looking at the flame artifact warhammer in his hand-Sufferas?
"I'll tell you..."
"My Tibbers is fond of the flame hammer in your hand! So, as long as you give it to me free of charge, I won't be able to kill you or pursue you for breaking the space barriers in the land of flames. You’re guilty! What do you think of this compensation plan? Is it very worthwhile?!"
Just now, Little Annie has understood. This big guy should be the bad guy called Big Screw, the former owner of the Land of Fire...
Nonsence! There is no former owner!
The Land of Flames has always belonged to Annie. She didn't know who Ragnaros was!
Moreover, isn't it just a super fire element? If it were other elemental kings, she might be a little bit afraid, but who made this guy a fire?
In short, this guy called Big Screw, he had better get to know him, honestly surrender the weapon that bears favors, and then earnestly apologize and promise that he will never come back to be naughty and troublesome, then, Annie The Queen reluctantly spared him.
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