Chapter 414: Resurrect, warriors!

"Your Excellency Prophet Velen, the situation seems to be favorable to us now, can you continue to fight now?"
After seeing the changes on the battlefield, Marshal Reginald Windsor took his guard to leave the coalition camp for the first time. He trotted to the side of these draenei teams, using questioning The tone of voice asked the old priest who looked very powerful and surprised him.
Originally, whether to attack or not was something that the Marshal could decide by himself, but now, all the troops attacking the enemy's frontline have been defeated, and the enemy has a huge fierce flame demon blocking the way. If there is no such virtue With the help of the Lenny, they might not have enough soldiers to get up and kill the big guy!
Even if there are many powerful Paladins and warriors in their Stormwind Allied Forces, they really have no good way to deal with such huge monsters. They can only fill them with human lives. They must not be like these draenei. In general, more than a dozen or twenty people can beat the enemy into the present.
Although they died in the end, they almost killed the huge flame demon anyway, and now they are alive again, so now Reginald must respect each other’s opinions, if they don’t If you agree to the offense, then... it is estimated that it will only end in such a dismal situation today.
Velen didn't rush to talk, he just raised his head and slightly frowned to look at the flame demon who was burning with blazing flames and a wound in the distance, but still flaunting his might.
Just now, the elite Crescent Blade Guard of their draenei, except for a few Faria and Ainara who were lucky enough to meet the conditions and were resurrected by him and Kiru, the opponent at least brutally killed them. At least twenty players...While this made him feel sad, he hated the flame demon in the distance even more!
Then, he turned his head again, groaningly looking at the flame alliance that was willing to fall and was in the company of demons...
Behind the opponent’s line, the little girl mage seems to be communicating with a certain existence through a spell that can be contacted remotely. She doesn’t know what she will release in addition to this powerful flame demon in the future. monster?
The flame demon in front of them has already caused them heavy losses. If there is another more severe one later, then...
"Your Excellency Marshal Reginald, let's prepare to organize a general attack, we have no better choice..."
"Look at it... Now the morale of the other party is very low, and the flame demon has been successfully hit by us, so I don't think we can give them any more time to breathe and recover! Otherwise, if you continue like this, you must It will be a protracted consumption and tug-of-war, which is very unfavorable for our offensive side from afar!"
Of course, Weilun also knew the reason to kill him when he was sick!
After so many years of confrontation and war with the Burning Legion and the orcs in the world of Draenor, Velen has actually been very familiar with military operations. Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided to launch another general attack. Even if you can't successfully conquer the enemy's position, at least you must eliminate the huge flame demon to avoid future troubles!
Anyway, it must not be given any time or opportunity to recover from the injury, otherwise, next time, this flame demon may become more difficult to deal with!
"Your Excellency Vinyl, do you agree with the general attack?"
Marshal Reginald Windsor turned his head and looked at the troops on his side that were still cheering and cheering, and there was also the high-end combat power on his side, these powerful draenei priests. And the paladins, as well as the sacred creature Naaru who floats in mid-air here and constantly emits the powerful golden light energy.
"I understand, this is indeed an opportunity, I will arrange it now! However, it may take a while...Also, Your Excellency Velen, in a moment, the flame demon and the demigod mage, please continue to ask you!"
After speaking, Reginald, the old marshal, regardless of the opponent's reaction, once again rode his horse and led the guard to the main line. If it is to launch a general offensive, what they need to prepare is not comparable to the kind of batch attack just now. He has to arrange more things and organize more offensive troops and reserve teams.
In short, he estimated that this may take at least ten minutes!
"Faria... when the general offensive will start, are you sure to kill the flame demon alone?"
After watching Marshal Reginald Windsor leave, Velen turned to look at the captain of the guard Faria next to him. She was probably the only one who could deal with the behemoth. Now, the human marshal needs to arrange the soldiers to prepare for battle, and he, Weilun, naturally also arranges capable hands to deal with the flame demon, and must not allow it to cause too much interference to the general offensive force!
After all, when the war breaks out again later, he and Kiru and a small number of wizards may need to join forces to guard the little girl, and the badly wounded flame demon, I am afraid they will continue to be handed over to Faria and the others to deal with. .
"Your Excellency Velen, please rest assured! This time, I only need the cooperation of Ainara and two or three Paladins to destroy it!"
Before, after her sacred war blade was smashed to pieces by the flame demon's last attack, she now replaced it with a sacred war halberd that was also shining with strong holy light energy. It's just that it is a little longer than her previous handle, and it is more handy when dealing with large creatures.
And this time, they only need three or five people with agility to deal with the flame demon with remnant blood. She is very confident about this!
"Then please, you can't be careless."
Nodded and figured it out. After realizing that there was nothing else left, Velen turned around and communicated with Naroom silently. They needed to discuss how they could contain the powerful little mage. As for the rest They might not care about other enemies of
In fact, if it weren’t for the Illidan of this Flame Alliance, the other party did whatever they wanted and colluded with the evil orcs, the Greytongue Deathsworn, and the various demons of the Burning Legion in the Outland. If it were not for the evil intentions, Velen himself would probably not be here with this flame. The alliance is embarrassed, right?
To be honest, when their giant draenei spaceship Exodar crash-landed on Azuremyst Isle, he once thought that they would get precious breathing time, disappear from the sight of the Burning Legion and gain a period of peace. What... But what do you think, in this Azeroth world, there are also traces of the Burning Legion, and there are also wars that may never end...

"That one……"
"Your Majesty Queen Anne, are you... planning to summon an army of fire elements from the land of flames?"
While the coalition forces of the Stormwind Alliance were sharpening their swords and preparing to carry out a general offensive that would determine the victory or defeat, on this side of the Flame Alliance, Marshal Garithus and other high-ranking generals also gathered together to a certain Next to a little girl who was opening a small portal and communicating with someone on the other side as a means of communication for members, she asked the other side expectantly.
In this situation, apart from summoning to retreat to the land of flames, those powerful fire elemental legions that have not been seen for a long time came out to sweep the enemy, Garithus and others, it is really impossible to imagine any better way to change The current dilemma.
Wars from time to time, from the insects of Ahn'Qiraj, the undead of Naxxramas, Illidan's Outland Expedition, and now the Northern Expedition of the Stormwind Alliance... This has greatly overdrawn the war potential of the three kingdoms of the Flame Alliance. !
After all, since the end of the Undead Scourge six years ago, they have not been able to recuperate for a few years before being dragged into the war. Now except for the Eagle’s Nest, the New Lordaeron Kingdom and the New Quel'Thalas Kingdom are both Very difficult, it really can't stand the toss.
At this time, the three kingdoms are very much looking forward to those fire elements who can solve the troubles of the Flame Land sooner, and then return, and lead them to sweep the Northern Expedition Army of the Stormwind Alliance just like when the natural disasters swept the undead six years ago. , Instead of just sending that little fire eagle to help...
"Fire Elemental Army? Oh! You mean Shanknox? It must not work, at least not yet!"
"You may not know that when the space of the Land of Flames was torn open by that big screw, it is still slowly being repaired. It is definitely not possible to open the large portal at will! Otherwise, the molten area will be If something goes wrong, the world of Azeroth may also suffer!"
That's right, because the molten field created by the Titans is too close to the world of Azeroth, once the space barrier of the demiplane has a problem, maybe the power of the violent flames will directly collapse and pour into Ai Coming from the world of Xerath, after that, maybe some unlucky continent will be burned directly to ashes!
Although it doesn’t matter whether you burn the Eastern Kingdom continent or the Kalimdor continent, it’s not too much of little Annie’s business, but because the Flame Land is now her private property, her own things must be a little more precious, so ah, Even if Azeroth exploded, she wouldn't let that molten field easily cause problems.
Probably the situation is like this, the Flame Legion or something, is in the process of editing, and it is temporarily impossible to come out.
"Anyway, you still don't think about the fire element in a short time. They can open the flame portal and come out by themselves after at least two...three months! Only then can you go to Shanknox for help!"
After thinking about it, Annie hurriedly added another after extending two white fingers, indicating that she probably needed so many things, and she would definitely not be in a hurry.
Besides, now Annie is not going to ask those fire elements for help! She, who is currently on the head, must be the first to find someone who also uses the holy light, and then go to the lower group of hoofs who use the holy light to beat the ring, which is more powerful than the Jin Cancan who is watching?
"Two or three months, it's not bad news at all..."
If it's only two or three months, with such a large area of ​​the Flame Alliance, no matter how badly you fight, you can always stick to it.
Therefore, the slightly disappointed Grand Marshal Garithus could only look at each other silently, and then continue to wait next to the little queen to see what kind of existence she will create this time? Is it the same monster as the huge fire element below, or some other novelty?
As for what the little girl said before, what to look for such as the goddess of light, they subconsciously thought it was her rhetoric in anger! After all, let’s not say whether there is such a thing as the Goddess of Light. Even if there is, it is probably not so easy to be called, right?
Besides, in their impression, the aesthetics of this little girl is a little different from that of ordinary people, whether it is the hideous plush teddy bear that can be summoned to grow bigger in her hand, or those who grow more than the other, sorry for the audience. The fire element, or the huge monster outside that is more cruel than the demon of the Burning Legion, all illustrate this point!
Because of this, they are ready to be frightened of what the noble little queen is preparing to get out! No matter how non-mainstream or non-human the other person is, as long as the other person is helping them, then people like them will try to stay calm.
"Crack? Sister Saint, are you not ready yet?"
"Oh! I said, don’t worry about Karazhan, just let it stay there! Don’t you see Medivh’s old cudgel, even he doesn’t want to care about it anymore. Yet?"
"Yes, let it stay there. Anyway, it's not something in our house. Even if it blows up, it will definitely not blow up to me. You don't have to worry about it easily! Yes, it should be like this! Then I have to prepare now. The portal is opened!"
Without too many choices, Annie now had no choice but to contact the silly Titan guardian who was far away in Karazhan, who was busy sweeping away demons and certain evil monsters.
Since the hapless Prince Mak'zar was tortured and killed by their team and blocked the space channel linking the Twisting Void, fewer and fewer demons have flowed into Karazhan... But inadvertently from other planes. There are still a lot of people in the Karazhan Tower. If you really need to clean them carefully, they will definitely not be cleaned in a short time.
Of course, the chastity saints actually want to clean up most, that is, those demons and those licentious undead who party all day long!
However, when she learned from the mouths of Little Annie and Medivh that those were actually just the time fragments left by the time when Medivh was young and the arrogant Stormwind aristocrats came here to have fun, she slowly It also extinguished the mind to thoroughly clean up Karazhan.
Although she is stupid, she is the same. In the infinite loop of time fragments, she can't clean up even if she is exhausted! After all, she is just a guardian of the Titan who uses the Holy Light, not a time manager. The meticulous work of sorting out time fragments may be done by the bronze dragons, but it is definitely not hers. The user can easily get in.
"OK then……"
"My lovely little Annie, as long as you are sure that the other party is really those evil Eredars, then I will do my best to help you! As a guardian, it is my duty to expel evil demons. Duty!"
Participating in mortal wars, the chaste saints were originally reluctant... But if the enemy were those Eredar demons and the guys from Stormwind that she hated, it would be a little different!
And this kind of thinking is actually caused by preconceived ideas!
The first time she came into contact with the outside world was Karazhan. It was easy for her from those Burning Legion demons and those licentious parties to generate deep hostility towards the Eredans and the nobles of Stormwind. Talking to the little girl who distorts the concept, then it is natural that her reputation for both sides is in a state of hostility.
Furthermore, she had promised a little girl before that she would spend some time to help each other in return if she had the opportunity. In the eyes of the chaste saint, it is only a few decades, which is nothing compared to the almost endless life span of the Titan Guardian.
"Very good! Then I am going to open a portal! By the way, how are you going to introduce yourself later?"
Because Annie had already praised Haikou before, and wanted to let those ignorant guys see what the true Goddess of Light is, so, ah, for some things, she has to ventilate with the elder sister of the saint in advance. It’s about unifying the caliber or colluding in advance, anyway.
In short, in any case, they can't reveal themselves first, lest those guys will be underestimated!
"Introduce yourself? It's very simple..."
"Hmm... I am a chaste saint, the incarnation of holiness, a guardian made by the creators of the Pantheon Titans?"
This is indeed the true identity of her chaste saint. If she changed to the previous one, she would generally not leave her place of residence casually, and more just act as an observer.
For example, observe the movement of the ancient gods, guard against and evaluate the corruption of the ancient gods on the world of Azeroth, etc...
However, due to the characteristics of her own Holy Light, after she inadvertently discovered Karazhan's abnormality, she resolutely passed through the space rift to reach somewhere, and then she was trapped in that room for many years. Maybe she didn't even know that after being trapped by Karazhan for a long time and contacting a little girl, she became different from ordinary indifferent Titan guardians.
Generally speaking, the guardians of the Titans mainly act as observers in the world of Azeroth. They do not need to do anything except to observe the ancient gods! In fact, they have only two options given by the Titans of the Temples: Either, send a signal to the people above to destroy and reset the world of Azeroth; or, it has been okay, everyone continues to be in a daze, or all day Stay at home and do nothing!
These countless thousands of years, they are actually here. From the ancient times, when the eastern kingdom mainland and the western Kalimdor, Pandaria in the south, Northrend in the north, etc., when the whole world was still one, these Titan guardians already existed.
"No, no! What you said is actually wrong, it's not like this!"
"Sister Saint, you may not know. On my side, there is a corrupted jigsaw puzzle of the Holy Light creature. Even it dares to directly pretend to be the God of Holy Light, and if you still say that, it would be a shame. At that time, you will definitely not be able to compare to it, and there are not enough believers to grab it!"
Annie herself likes the honest people the most, and of course, the honest people who hate the most!
This is actually not a contradiction, because if the honest person is an enemy or a guy who can be used by her, then she likes it very much! But... if the honest person is on your side, it's a bit uncomfortable, like this one?
"Then I don't quite understand, how do you want me to introduce myself?"
Although it is not clear what happened to Annie, the chaste saint thought about it for a moment, and asked the other person suspiciously. In her opinion, just introduce your name, just say what you have, and then start the fight after you finish, she has always done this.
"Well, this queen will teach you generously!"
"You should say this: I am a chaste saint, the incarnation of justice, a holy existence, the goddess of light created by the creator Titan, the guardian of the world of Azeroth!"
Biting her finger, Annie moved her brain a little bit, and soon thought of a more reliable and powerful statement, and it sounded very tall, it would definitely be able to fool a lot of people.
"But Annie..."
"Although most of what you said are correct, I can indeed be said to be the incarnation of justice, the existence of holy...I am indeed the creator. Those powerful Titans created me and let us protect the world of Azeroth... However, the great creators did not say that they would appoint me as a goddess..."
As for the little girl, the chaste saint seems to think that most of what the other party said is right, but after connecting, she always feels something is wrong. The other party seems to have misunderstood something?
"Oh! Why are you so stubborn?"
"Do you still want thousands of believers in the Knights of the Silver Hand? They are all believers in the Holy Light. As long as you flicker...No, as long as you guide them, they will definitely convert to you. ! And, in this world of Azeroth, you also know that there are so many humans and high elves or dwarves who believe in the Holy Light, don't you want to let your converts spread all over the world, and then help you eliminate those evil demons and Fight against the pesky ancient god?"
This is what the honest people hate. Annie has always hated this kind of confessional guy. They don’t know how to work and don’t have too many opinions. If you say it better, it’s an honest duty, but if you say it badly, then Just stupid!
"I want to...but..."
These things, as early as in Karazhan, Annie described to her the benefits, so the chaste saints are not disgusted with guiding the paladins! But, let her pretend to be the Goddess of Light or something, she seems a bit unable to pass the hurdle in her heart?
"If you think you have to listen to me!"
"Think about it, the creator is a titan. They created you and asked you to guard the world. Then you must be a secondary god! And you use the holy light, so if you say it is a goddess, you must not It will be wrong, we decided so happily!"
With such an upright background, this stone head is still cowering, not at all!
Anyway, if it wasn't for the other party's help this time, if it wasn't for Annie to look at the other party and be pleasing to the eye, Annie would not help this kind of elm head! The other party deserves to be locked in Karazhan by a small undead, and may never escape! It's silly, I don't know how to work it out, and I deserve to be mixed with the Titans for thousands of years and still look like this miserable, not even a subordinate, what a dumb guy with no future!
Honestly, the chaste saint still doesn't dare to do this, she always thinks it doesn't seem very good.
"Stop it! Now, tell me about it. When you come out, how can you introduce yourself to everyone?"
Looking at the distance below, the huge troops of the Stormwind Alliance have begun to regroup, lined up in a neat formation, shouting various slogans, it seems that they are about to attack? Therefore, Annie is really a little anxious now, but she can't keep entangled with this stone man for too long.
She has been discussing with this elm head for so long. If she doesn't hurry up, she may be over after a while, maybe the other party will come out to help?
"I am a chaste saint... the embodiment of justice... a holy existence... the guardian created by the creators of the Pantheon Titans..."
The name of this self-introduction seems a bit long, and the chaste saint is still a bit unaccustomed to introducing herself like this, so it's a bit bumpy.
"No! I didn't say that just now, you missed one of the most important things!"
When the other party arbitrarily deducted the important content that she added specially, Annie was so angry that she almost didn't jump up on the spot.
"I am... the goddess of light created by the creator Titan... the guardian of the world of Azeroth..."
The General Marshal Garithus and the others next to them watched the little girl in shock and muttering with an existence, as if they were discussing something. This made them watch the movement of the coalition forces in the distance while secretly acting. The little queen who was still communicating squeezed a sweat.
They are a little worried, if they lose the chain later...
"Okay, it's right now, it's like this!"
"Remember, Big Sister Saint, don't miss your mouth later, I am optimistic about you! Maybe you will do better than those Star Soul Titans in the future! Now, I have to prepare The door is open, you should prepare quickly. Remember, when you come out, you have to be a little shocked. While you must scare the enemy, you must also make your own people have a little confidence in you!"
"Yes, it's the kind of golden light, the more exaggerated the better! Oh, don't ask why, listen to me, it's not wrong!"
Finally, after somehow, after flicking a certain guardian and confessing, Anne was relieved and generally closed the window similar to the small portal for contact, and directly stood up from the stone crenel with confidence and began to watch The evil Stormwind coalition forces below.
The Grand Marshal Garithus and the old Fording and the others at the back looked at each other face to face, wondering where the little queen was mumbling for a long time, what the did she do? !
"I always think it seems a bit unreliable?"
Old Fording admitted that this little girl is powerful, and even the powerful Holy Light creature underneath can fight as soon as she talks, and she won't give a little bit of face! Moreover, it can also summon such a powerful fire creature, these alone are enough to prove her power!
However, this little girl's approach seems to be a bit unpretentious, carefree, even when the two sides were fighting just now, she didn't really help seriously...
"Fording, then you are wrong...Anyway, although Queen Anne is a little messy sometimes, she is always more reliable most of the time! Otherwise, how do you think our flame alliance came from? of?"
"Oh, sorry... I forgot, you only returned to Lordaeron two years ago... Forget it, let’s not talk about it, watch it, and see if Her Majesty Queen Anne brought us again this time What surprise?"
Compared to the old Fording who returned to Lordaeron in the later period, Dathrohan obviously trusted a little girl more. After all, it was the existence that led them to a great victory during the War of the Undead and Scourge.
"Hey! You bad guys listen to me!"
"I tell you, the God of Light under you is actually a fake. It is just a creature of Light, just like that water element. Don’t be fooled by it! But we are different, here we are. There is a big guy who has a good relationship with me, she is the true God of Light!"
The clear voice of the familiar little girl once again spread throughout the battlefield, and the soldiers who bluffed the enemy and us were all dumbfounded, wondering what she wanted to do.
They don't understand, at this moment, what is the use of saying this? Is it true or not, can you just pull the helper out to fight?
"Huh! Don't worry about her, the whole army lined up, get ready!"
Marshal Reginald Windsor of course also heard the other party's words, and then he just sneered and continued to pat his horse through the battle formation of his Stormwind Allied forces.
Looking at these tough-faced and vigorous infantrymen, the Stormwind Legion flags erected in each phalanx, and then at their neat phalanx, heavy plate armor, shields, and sharp combat weapons. Marshal Genard Windsor nodded with satisfaction.
He firmly believes that this time, the victory will belong to him, uncle Stormwind Alliance!
"Soldiers! The Northern Expedition that has lasted for a long time will surely achieve a satisfactory result today!"
Looking at the handsome, tall, burly, and towering figures of the Legionnaires of the Stormwind Alliance, and looking at the armor and spears that reflected the rays of the sun, Marshal Reginald suddenly pulled out The long sword at his waist!
Now, we are going to make the final pre-war mobilization for these brave soldiers who are about to go to the front and fight the enemy.
"Now, we finally have reached the critical time to destroy the evil Flame Alliance, destroy the accomplices of the Burning Legion, destroy all the enemies blocking us and protect our Azeroth world!"
"Did you see it? The evil enemies, they are right ahead!"
"And this time, we will be fearless! Because we have the powerful God of Light Naaru, and the powerful Saint Velen, under their unparalleled power of light, we will have no fear of death! Even, you just saw that we can still defeat death!!"
"Today, I believe that the Holy Light will fool us, and victory will definitely belong to us, to our Stormwind Alliance!!!"
"Justice will prevail! Warriors of the Stormwind Alliance, go forward!!"
After finishing all the pre-war mobilization speeches in one breath, the old Marshal Reginald Windsor suddenly reined his horse, causing the elite warhorse under his crotch to stand up and turn around, and at the same time he took his long sword. Severely pointed to the front direction of the Flame Alliance.
"Justice will prevail!"
"Long live the Stormwind Alliance!!"
"Drink! Drink!!! Drink!!!"
Soon, with the order of the old marshal, a group of dwarves from the Legion phalanx of the Stormwind Alliance, human plate soldiers, draenei paladins, and night elf archers all walked neatly and shouted deafeningly. , The earth-shattering slogan, slowly pressed toward the enemy line of defense a few hundred meters away.
Seeing the other party’s actions and war mobilization, Annie, a very unsettled little guy, became enthusiastic. Then, she turned her head expectantly to look at the Grand Marshal Garithos next to her, hoping that the other party could also figure out what it didn’t belong to. Is the opposing momentum coming out?
"Fording! You go to the front with Mograine and Dathrohan, and stabilize the three lines of defense, left, right and middle, respectively!
"Lor'themar, you continue to command the archer troops and all the artillery and catapults. When the enemy is in range, you will attack me fiercely. Don't stop for a moment!"
"Liadlin, you are in charge of the pastor team, ready to rescue the wounded at any time!"
"Roning... I know that your Dalaran wizards do not like to intervene in wars, but now, since your Dalaran joined our alliance, then you have no retreat! Go, command Quel'Thalas The magister forces and your mages in Dalaran are ready to support the battlefield at any time!"
"Finally, if there is no task assigned, go to the reserve team immediately and be ready to fight at any time!"
Soon, in less than twenty seconds, Grand Marshal Garithus gave all orders directly when the army formation on the opposite side of Stormwind had moved forward less than twenty meters. Then, as his subordinates left, leaving only a small number of guards to protect him, he turned to look at Little Annie who was looking at him a little sluggishly.
Obviously, as the defender, he did not intend to mobilize anymore, so that a little girl who wanted to watch the excitement was so disappointed!
" are so boring!"
He curled his lips and found that Annie was not watching. With a wave of his hand, in the surprised eyes of Garithus, the two Balrog sunspots disappeared into a group of rotating and gradually shrinking flames, directly Put it away.
Actually, there is no way. That Er Heizi looks too like a demon, even though it is a demon... But, no matter what, the other party is also his own subordinate, maybe it will be useful sometime, so if she doesn’t want to stay If a certain stone slab that will come out makes a noise after seeing it, it is better to put it away!
Otherwise, the chaste leftover girl who will come out later will definitely be killed first!
"Now, you just look at me!"
After the Erheizi Balrog was put away by Annie, a large cloud of blue arcane light suddenly burst out in front of its own front where it had just stood. Then, Annie was reaching out to guide the space magic. With a scream, a huge blue portal that was at the height of the Dark Portal appeared in front of the Flame Alliance army!
"Who... summoned me?!"
"I...I am a chaste saint...representing the incarnation of justice...extremely holy existence...I am also the goddess of light created by the creator Titan...the only guardian of the light in the world of Azeroth!!!"
After the space gate became stable, the soldiers in the Stormwind Alliance were surprised and couldn't help but slow down a beat. Suddenly, bursts of powerful golden holy light erupted from the portal. It was so It was so dazzling that all the soldiers of the Stormwind Alliance, even the Paladins, had to subconsciously stretch their hands to block the dazzling light.
Then, the soldiers of their Stormwind City saw an incredible existence, a huge white Titan who was also nearly a hundred feet tall. She was wearing a golden armor and a green robe, and she exuded the light of powerful holy light energy. Then walked out of the portal and looked at the people of their Stormwind Alliance with a ruthless look.
"Will you really summon the Goddess of Light?"
Marshal Reginald Windsor of the Stormwind Alliance also stared blankly at the huge golden Titan standing in the distance. As a human, they are certainly no strangers to the legend of Titan!
So, now here, seeing such a living existence, although he doesn't want to admit that the other party is the goddess of light, but he already believes a little bit in his own heart.
After all, people's looks are high... Just looking at the image can fool people, and it is more in line with the aesthetics of the Azeroth world than those jigsaw puzzles. After all, this Azeroth is also the world created by the Titans...
"I, the goddess of light appointed by the Titans, the incarnation of justice! I have been ordered to guard our world of Azeroth! So, Naaru who invaded the world of Azeroth, and the evil Eredar! Get out of us The world guarded!"
Soon, the chaste saint was in the enemy's formation and saw the same dazzling jigsaw puzzle Naaru and those guys who really looked exactly like Eredar's demons! And they still use the Holy Light? This is simply unforgivable!
She felt that those evil existences had already desecrated her holy light and desecrated the world, so they must be purified!
So, in the next moment, when she saw countless Flame Alliance soldiers lying on the ground on her side, she thought for a while, and directly stretched out her right hand, letting the endless golden light on her own body. It burst out, that kind of intensity, even faintly overwhelming the strength of the Naaru and Velen union before?
"Resurrect, warriors!"
"Follow me to kill the enemy and eliminate the evil existence in front of me!!!"
Originally, these lines of the chaste saint were taught by Xiao Anni, but she can insist until now that she hasn't revealed her stuff, it's already very good! So, when she saw Ereda, Naaru, and countless Stormwind banners in the formation on the opposite side, without even thinking about it, she directly threw out a mass resurrection technique, ready to greet more helpers. , Kill those demons, invaders and the evil and fallen Stormwind soldiers on the opposite side!

Launch an offense▄︻┻┳══━一づ╭~
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