Chapter 430: Kesuen

Finally, when a certain little girl was very impatient, she was about to explode the seal and forcibly break in, the bronze dragon Kromi cast a spell to open the powerful seal with the power of time, and Pushed open the two huge rock doors of this huge stone room.
Immediately afterwards, she tensed her little face of dwarf Lolita without saying a word, her whole body was tensed in preparation, and she firmly grasped her staff with both hands and followed the little girl carefully and vigilantly. Behind Annie, she slowly walked from the opened door of the stone room along the steps inside to the dimly huge stone room where the ancient C'Thun was sealed.
After the two came in, they saw that in this huge spacious stone room, the light seemed to be insufficient, it looked very dim, and very humid...There was still a strong lingering smell of rotten meat in the air. , But apart from these, it looks relatively clean here.
Because now here, except for the circle in the middle, which looks like a puddle of matter, there is nothing else for the time being! Even the little bugs, egg shells, worm eggs, mucus, etc. everywhere outside! Those bugs, they seem to be afraid of something, or are they blocked by a seal?
Anyway, here, neither Anne nor Chromie saw any living creatures or traces of living creatures.
"Kromi, the ancient named C'Thun, it hides under this dark pool of water, right?"
That big beach gathered and formed a circle of black water pool-like things. Of course Little Annie knew what it was. It was nothing more than corroding and distorted shadow energy condensates. Although they were not pure, they seemed to have been maliciously distorted and corroded. , If it is people who are not familiar with the energy of the shadow, even those shadow priests who pull their feet must not understand this energy.
But, of course, Little Annie is the exception!
For Little Annie, flame is flame, no matter what flame it is, as long as it is flame, she will always have an easy way to deal with it! The shadow is the same: as long as it is shadow energy, she also has a way to deal with each other. This is one of her talents. It has been like that since she was born, and no matter how she learns it, she will definitely not be able to learn it!
Otherwise, why do you think she could forcibly grab a certain shadow bear and hold it in her hand when she was two years old? Some things, if you work hard to learn to be useful, then what is the genius to do?
In short, flame is Anne’s favorite toy, there is no doubt that!
But, in Annie's hands, the manipulation of shadows is of course not worse than flame! However, the shadow energy is often misunderstood by the world, and her mother Amorim strictly forbids her to use it casually. For this, Annie herself has always been very incomprehensible. In her opinion, what is the difference between burning the bad guys with flames and killing them with shadows?
Anyway, she always feels that the world of adults is so weird, not fun at all!
"Yes! C'Thun is underneath... But, Annie, what are you going to do now?"
Chromie does not have the kind of carelessness like Anne’s. She doesn’t look at C'Thun's relaxed look at all. She is holding the staff tightly now, ready to shoot at any time. Once C'Thun shows up, she plans to Use your most powerful spell to attack fiercely!
She has already decided. Later, if things change and the queen of this powerful Flame Kingdom can't subdue C'Thun, then she will forcibly transform into a bronze dragon in this room, and then use her most powerful attack. To attack the ancient god, be sure to get enough time to close the seal again!
"How to do it? I didn't even think about how to do it, just shout it out, and then just kill it or grab it?!"
Annie is a bit inexplicable. This is just to catch or kill a bad guy. Where is the plan needed?
In fact, Annie never needed any plan to do things herself, and she didn't have the patience to make plans. In her opinion, the fireball with a big head directly on the enemy's face was more useful than any plan! With the time to plan, then she might as well go eat, drink, play and sleep, where can she have time to grind for a twisted shadow creature?
If she really wants to talk about a plan, then her plan is: come here, unearth the bad guy named C'Thun, beat him to death and maimed, and then pat the to go home. In fact, it's that simple!
"Wait... Didn't you make any comprehensive plans before coming here?!"
The bronze dragon Kromi suddenly had an ominous premonition... Could it be that she was accidentally pitted by this little girl herself? The other party didn't even make any necessary plans or necessary pre-plans, so he contacted himself and ran here out of interest?
This...what a joke!
You know, the last time she Chromie contacted the heroes of Azeroth’s countries and alliances when they came to Silithus for the Battle of Angela, it was also after thorough planning and contacted countless great abilities and various The dragon also worked out various plans, which lasted several months and made countless sacrifices before finally successfully defeating the Ahn'Qiraj worms and successfully sealing the ancient C'Thun.
But now...she Chromie actually came here sneakily and opened the seal for this stubborn little girl? God, what did she do by herself?
"The plan...what plan do you want, just to fight a bad guy, what else do you want? What a hassle!"
"Don't worry, dwarf Chromie, it must be okay. With this queen here, ten C'Thun can only be held by me to play!"
When she walked to this dark and huge shadow pool, Annie first stood on tiptoe and looked inside, then turned around and walked back and waved to Chromie.
She thinks it, this waterhole in front of her looks dirty and smelly, and she doesn't know how deep it is. If she rushes in, it might be a bit bad? Moreover, those who don't know whether it is mucus or secretions, look slimy, so she shouldn't let them get infected!
So, she has already decided secretly, or it might be more convenient to call the other party out and beat her?
"Ann, Annie...I think, taking advantage of the fact that the other party is not alarmed now, let's go out and close the seal again, right?"
"Or, let's wait for the next time, and come back when we have a thorough preparation?"
Chromie didn't understand, there was no plan at all, how could this little guy dare to be so confident? Therefore, after seeing that there was no movement in the dark water pool and C'Thun was not disturbed, she quickly persuaded the little girl.
Now that the seal was opened and the stone gate opened, until they walked in, they didn't alarm the terrifying ancient god, the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun, then this might be their last chance to regret! While now, the two of them went out quietly, closed the stone gate, and restarted the seal, as if they had never been here before, then there shouldn't be any major problems.
"Well, if Chromie has to have any plan, it's not without it, and my plan is... let's wake it up first!"
After finishing talking, Annie blinked slyly at the stunned little Chromie and made a grimace. Then, before the other party did not react, she directly caught a small fireball, directly He slammed into the middle of the dark shadow pool.
"Aha! Come out quickly!"
Fire of Fracture!
boom! ! !
A huge sound suddenly blew up in the dark area like a black water pool, and then, after a while, the entire stone room even started to vibrate slightly under the explosion! This kind of big movement, let alone C'Thun who is sleeping here, I'm afraid, the night elves or the bronze dragon guardians outside at this time have been alarmed?
"It's over, it's over..."
Little Annie's practice made the bronze dragon Cromi feel a little bit regretful while she was terrified! Thinking about it, she shouldn’t have brought the other party here by chance, but now it’s fine, when Anaclos outside ran in and found out that she had opened the seal, then she would definitely become Azeroth. Isn't it the sin dragon referred to by the world?
She can now imagine that if the action fails, in the future, in the impression of outsiders, she will definitely be a bronze dragon that is worse than the black dragon...If that's the case, it would be better to fight directly afterwards. Just die here!
"Hey! The bad guy named C'Thun inside! Don't sleep, get up quickly, the sun is going to be ass, how can you be lazy than me!"
(╬ ̄絲 ̄) "If you don't get up again, be careful I burn your home!"
Even Annie herself can't sleep lately, how can she let the other party stay here to sleep well?
Anyway, the treatment that Annie can't enjoy now, she would never let this bad guy named C'Thun enjoy it! Moreover, not only did she not allow the other party to continue to have a chance to sleep in, but later, she would catch it out and beat it severely!
What should I say? By the way, that's it: people sit at home and disaster comes from heaven!
Finally, after Annie's threatening words were over, the entire huge stone chamber began to tremble like an earthquake, and at the same time, the dark shadow pool was boiling violently like boiling water. Obviously, one of the big guys inside must have been awakened by Annie's just a moment ago. Judging from the current reaction, he must come out soon, right?
"By the way, Little Cromi, I have to explain to you one last time!"
"Wait a moment, no matter what incredible things you see later, you are not allowed to make a fuss! Of course, it is best not to go out and talk to irrelevant people!"
Squinting, watching the pitch-black pool of water boil more and more intensely, the tremor in this huge stone room gradually increased. After realizing that a bad guy was about to appear soon, Annie finally turned her head to the side. The little dwarf Cromi, who was looking pale, reminded him of this.
Opening his mouth, Chromie still couldn't say much, and didn't know what to say.
Because, she discovered that the current C'Thun was about to appear, and the opponent's power fluctuations were unexpectedly strong, and she was definitely not able to deal with it! Even with the little girl next to her, even if the opponent's flame magic is very powerful, but... against this almost indestructible existence, I am afraid there is no good way.
If C'Thun took the opportunity to slip out, or stretched his tentacles to other places in Kalimdor, he would definitely be a catastrophe, right?
The last time the ancient was sealed by their Azeroth coalition forces for various reasons, and this time, he would definitely not make the same mistake again!
"Finally...woke up again..."
"Stupid mortals... fear... wailing... I'm glad to eat you..."
"Your death date... is here..."
Before the figure appeared, bursts of anger and chaotic thought waves that directly rushed into the hearts of the two began to violently attack, so that both Chromie and Little Annie could clearly understand the fierce and violent thought waves. What a vicious, chaotic, and vicious existence the master is!
However, compared to the bronze dragon Kromi, whose face has become more and more unsightly, the little Annie standing on the side still has that smile, and doesn't take the evil ancient that is about to appear seriously. .
In the next moment, a monster almost the size of the dark shadow pool in the huge stone room, with a huge body like an octopus, countless tentacles with large and small spikes and purple eyeballs, and countless inlaid on the body. There are all kinds of eyeballs and sharp fangs, and there is a huge eyeball on top of the big mouth full of bones and fangs.
Anyway, in Xiao Anni's opinion, it must be true that the other party is a disgusting and unloved ugly!
"Why... this time... is it the only two of you?"
As soon as he came out, the eyes of C'Thun, the thousand-eyed demon, began to scan around the entire huge stone room. Originally, it thought it was those mortals who came to trouble it and wanted to gang up on it, so , I have made some psychological preparations and plans, and plan to find a way to kill some enemies even if I struggle to get injured again and fall asleep!
But it had thought that after its eyes swept around, only two enemies would be found? One of them seems to be the bronze dragon that came to make trouble last time, while the other one seems to be a human little mage? So soon, the eyes on its body, including the giant eye with huge pupils on its head, were all locked onto the two tiny bodies.
Compared with the gorgeous lineup of Dragon King and various heroes last time, these two, in the eyes of C'Thun, are simply not worth mentioning. So, it doesn't quite understand why these two little guys dare to open the seal and wake up themselves?
"Hi! Hello, big bad guy, I heard that you are called C'Thun, right?"
First, I tentatively asked the other person, but soon, Annie nodded her head again. She remembered this bad guy, she couldn't be wrong, even if she was wrong, don't care!
" should be correct, it's you, the bad guy, with eyes and tentacles all over, looks disgusting! I still remember you, I recognize it at a glance!"
Little Annie didn't quite understand, this bad guy named C'Thun, what did he want to do with so many spicy eyes?
You know, for normal animals or human beings, it is enough to have two eyes. This is the most scientific and magical golden combination, and it looks the most pleasing to the eye!
And anyone with only one eye or many eyes is either a freak or a monster! As for the guy who has countless eyes and seems to be about to commit her dense phobia, that is the freak among the freaks! Or, it must be that this monster must think that it has more eyes and it is great, and more eyes can see clearly, and more eyes represent strength?
"Well...who are you...?"
C'Thun didn't do anything. It was quietly using its abilities, planning to stretch out its clone tentacles from the ground slowly along those previous veins. In this case, no matter how these two guys came here, they woke up. What purpose does it have? It has some preventive means. Even if the subject is sealed again, it can continue to slowly implement all its plans outside.
"Ha! You don't even recognize me?"
"Do you remember? Last time, while I was sleeping, you ran to my ears and babbled. I told you that I would definitely come to trouble you!"
Two steps forward, Annie just stood beside the opponent's huge pile of tentacles, which were almost filled with half of the huge stone room space, and didn't worry about the other party's sudden explosion.
Because now, she had already figured out how to concoct this disgusting big guy, it couldn't resist.
"Stupid mortals... I want to eat your souls..."
After the angry roar, a huge tentacle rose up high and started to accumulate energy.
"Fear...scream...Darkness has fallen..."
Where would C'Thun remember such a common-looking human little girl mage?
Besides, it has more objects to tempt to whisper. It almost encompasses all races in the entire Azeroth world. Among them, there are successful ones, some failing ones, and even those who can't hold on and have their brains broken. Where is it? Feeling to remember the specific appearance of a mortal?
In the eyes of ancient gods like them, whether it is the various races that are corroded by them, or the Ahn'Qiraj people under them, they are just a group of ants! And the only difference is that the useful ants and the useless ants are noble and once the king of the dark empire. How can it pay attention to this little person who seems to have little impression?
Therefore, C'Thun decided that it would be better to get rid of these two guys quickly, and then make their bodies and souls into their own toys to do things for themselves.
"Darkness? Okay, I get it."
"It seems that you might be the kind of bad guy who won't remember pain after eating and hitting? Hey! Then if I become like this now, you will definitely remember who I am, right?"
Seeing the big tentacle that the other party waved and smashed down at any time, the corners of Annie's mouth suddenly split and she laughed badly.
The next moment...
It seems that the time in the entire huge stone room has suddenly stagnated, whether it's those raised tentacles, the ancient C'Thun who is about to attack the two, or is nervously holding the staff in both hands, thinking With the spell, the bronze dragon Kromi, who was ready to attack and defend at any time, was only surprised to see that the little girl standing in front of them began to undergo amazing changes!
Some kind of permeating and dark and terrifying aura began to violently rush out of the other person, so that the space around the little girl gradually became distorted... No, this should not be a distortion, but a pure and extremely pure The dark energy, that kind of extremely evil shadow power began to madly escape from the opponent’s body...
Under the influence of that powerful shadow power energy fluctuation, whether it was the bronze dragon Chromie next to him, or the ancient C'Thun who was about to attack, could not help but froze.
Because they all saw: Under the influence of the power of darkness, the little girl’s originally golden hair and blue pupils became pitch black and deep... and even the other party’s originally red dress was in the dark Under the entanglement of energy, it also became as dark as dyed with ink...
"Introduce you! My name is Annie, Annie Hasta!"
"Most of the time, I usually only like to use flames, so... others like to call me the daughter of flames... But, in fact, what people are best at is the shadow! And this is my shadow Form... You can call me Anne of Darkness now!"
Smiling evilly, even the bloodthirsty and flushed eyes of Little Annie, with terrible shadow energy surging in, just like this, the stunned bronze dragon Kromi directly carried the shadow that was constantly escaping around her body. The energy, allowing them to spread toward the entire stone chamber like a dark tide, and dissipate from the wide open stone gate behind, at the same time, it walked towards the ancient C'Thun step by step.
"You are... wrong! Are you... you?!"
C'Thun seemed to have finally remembered who the other party was. Then, its raised tentacles did not dare to attack downwards, and the countless eyeballs aimed at the two of them did not have any plans to release lightning. Then after a scream, it was as if a fish dived back into the water, and directly shrank under the pitch-black shadow pool at the fastest speed. After a bang, its huge body disappeared in an instant. A trace...
This kind of change made Chromie on the side stare blankly.
"Ha! Are you thinking about running now? Unfortunately, it's too late now!!"
I came here to toss for so much time, if I let the other party run away, then where is her Queen Anne's face?
Therefore, Little Annie, who still had the power of the horrible shadow, walked to the side of the black shadow pool with a sneer, and then coldly stretched out her little hand that was also surrounded by the power of shadow.
"Don't rush to run... Come and play with me, it's fun!"
Under the gaze of Chromie, who was still a bit horrified, little Annie smiled so evilly, not knowing what means she used, and then, in the dark pool of C'Thun’s lair, that endless shadow The power began to be madly absorbed by Little Annie into her hand, and a high-speed swirling vortex was formed in the palm of her hand, continuously extracting the evil shadow energy from under this shadow pool.
If it is said that the little Annie just now radiated the power of the shadow towards the surroundings, then now, it is just the other way round, but she is constantly absorbing and plundering this power.
"Do not!!!"
With a loud cry of C'Thun's scream from below, the entire rocky hall began to tremble violently...
If C'Thun just came out, it was just an ordinary magnitude two or three earthquake, then now, here is like a magnitude ten earthquake, causing the entire world and the entire stone chamber to violently shake up and down. As if it will crash directly in the next second?
"No! It's going to collapse!"
Seeing this situation, Chromie was so scared that he couldn’t take care of other things. He quickly cast a spell, opened a magic shield with the power of time, and directly used time to solidify the stone room, letting it be under the interference of time, no matter what There is no risk of collapse no matter how much it shakes.
However, she can no longer take care of the two huge stone gates that collapsed and blocked the gate before.
Actually, now not only the stone chamber that holds and seals C'Thun is shaking, but the entire Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, the entire Silithus Desert, and even the entire Kalimdor continent that is touched by C'Thun's tentacles. Because of C'Thun's desperate struggle, the earthquake started.
The difference is just the magnitude of the vibration!
In the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Silithus, the level of the earthquake is the most terrifying! Countless ancient megalithic palaces began to collapse, and countless insects madly escaped from the underground lair caves and ran wildly for their lives. This situation made the Cenarion Circle and the bronze dragon guardians who had discovered abnormal movements outside want to go in and check the situation. Not! Because, those undesirable bugs or collapsed building boulders will definitely kill those who dare to approach those palaces!
"Don't resist, dear, who made you choose the wrong talent... So, resisting is useless! Don't worry, I don't want to kill you so soon."
At this time, as Annie continued to absorb the power of the shadows, the original power of the other party, the power of corroding and distorting darkness, and the manifestation of the power of the Void Lord's corrosive power, have been entrenched under the earth. The body of the ancient C'Thun broke apart, and after a trace of pure shadow power soon formed, it was continuously absorbed by Little Annie from this dark pool of place.
It's just that Annie didn't rush to absorb the other party's strength, but just let it gather and compress it in her palm.
"Do not……"
After a while, in the perception of the stunned Chromie behind, she only found that the voice of the ancient C'Thun and the shock of the life-saving struggle became weaker and weaker. The weaker and weaker... Finally, after more than ten minutes, everything gradually returned to calm...
Even the original dark shadow pool is gone, leaving only the old and cracked rock floor.
"Aha! I finally caught you!"
Anyway, the stunned bronze dragon Kromi only heard. When the so-called "Daughter of Darkness" Annie finally cheered so suddenly, the whole world finally recovered slowly again, and there was no more. Any changes.
After the little girl slowly reduced the terrible shadow power on her body, Chromie discovered at this moment that he seemed to be holding a dark shadow ball in the opponent's hand?
"Ann, Annie?"
"Now this...should be considered okay? Also! That...where is that C'Thun now? Shouldn't it be eliminated by you?"
It was not until the terrible aura on the other party disappeared, and after the dark hair and black pupils of the "dark girl" turned into a cute little blonde loli again, Chromie took a few steps forward timidly, watching Looking at the stone room floor that had become calm and there was no dark water pool, then he turned to ask a little girl triumphantly clutching a black crystal ball.
Seriously, the kind of breath on this little girl just scared her Chromie! Had it not been for the other party twice before telling her not to make a fuss and to remain calm, and if she had seen the changes in the other party with her own eyes, she might have run away long ago!
That kind of extremely evil existence, that kind of power like absolute darkness, is unprecedented in Cromi's life... Maybe, the shadow priests and priests of Twilight in the world of Azeroth, it is estimated that they can't help it. Compare with the other party, right? Because, whether it was the intensity of energy or the pure level, she almost thought that the existence of the level of Void Lord had arrived!
"You said C'Thun? Look, it's now locked here by me!"
Sure enough, as Little Annie presented the treasure, when she handed the ball with a radius of about two inches to Chromie's, the bronze dragon Lori discovered that the ball exuding terrifying shadow energy Here, there is indeed a mini C'Thun?
The other party... seems to be trapped inside and is still trying to keep struggling?
"This...what is this ball? And how did you do it?!"
Under the influence of the powerful shadow energy, plus the remaining power of the ancient C'Thun, who looked extremely hideous even though it had shrunk countless times, the bronze dragon Kromi couldn't help but retreat two big with his wand. step.
She didn't expect that the little girl, the other party... actually just like a joke, directly grabbing one of the ancient gods, C'Thun, the thousand-eyed demon, and shutting it down after getting smaller. Confined in a small black ball?
This...what kind of method is this?
"Oh... you said this... You can call it the Shadow Orb! I used the shadow power here and the shadow power on C'Thun himself to condense it!"
"But in fact, you don’t need to be afraid. You can only blame the bad guy C'Thun for his own bad luck. It has a bad attribute, but it is a kind of distorted shadow energy manifestation? So, I just made it all into it. All the power of the shadow was drawn out, and then, it was naturally compressed by me and turned into this weird appearance!"
"How about it, am I super awesome?!"
And this is why Annie dared to pack a ticket to Azeroth's Star Soul to ensure that the ancient gods were cleaned up!
Because, what she is most afraid of is actually those creatures composed of pure flame or shadow power! Whether it is a big screw or this C'Thun, they are not wronged when they are caught or killed. The blame is only for choosing the wrong talent! If it is replaced by several other major elements or demons, such as the great demon Archimonde that Little Annie encountered before, then she can only fight honestly, and she may not be able to fight. Over.
"It turned out to be like this... Then this C'Thun, will it run out again in the future?"
Nodded in general, and then, Chromie began to ask this question she was most concerned about.
Now that she succeeded in catching the other party, then she can not worry too much about the dark state of the little girl in front of her, as long as the other party can communicate and is willing to do something useful for the world of Azeroth, then, K Romi would not be willing to be nosy.
She only hopes that this ancient C'Thun, who has finally been completely eradicated, must not be released to cause trouble... If it is possible, it is best to completely eliminate it? After all, it's not always safe to lock it up.
"Don't worry! As long as I don't let it come out, it will never come out!"
What was caught by Annie herself, still think of it, dream it!
It's just that Annie hasn't figured out how to make this guy. She is a little hesitant. Should she slowly slice and torture it for fun, or slowly roast it with flames? Or, while cutting and burning, and then letting it recover slowly by itself? For example, when you are in a bad mood, stabbing it twice or burning all its tentacles?
But no matter what, after this bad thing is caught by himself, it must be tortured severely! Who made it look hot and ugly? It's not wrong to be ugly, but if you are ugly, you dare to come and disturb her to sleep, and you dare to come out to scare your little friends.
Don't think that Annie can't remember after such a long time. You know, she is very vengeful and very careful! Anyway, don't think about this guy!
Here in Annie, the ugly guy has no human rights!
It doesn't matter where C'Thun goes to complain, anyway, no one dares to accept it! If the opponent looks like his own two black flame demon, he can still barely enjoy the basic inferior second-class national treatment, but C'Thun is covered with tentacles, fangs and eyes. The weird guy, she is not rare!
Just as Annie wanted to show off again, she suddenly discovered something, and then quickly shrank her hands, and instantly put away the shadow ball that held C'Thun.
Bang! ! !
A crash sounded violently, and then, among the broken and splashing stones, the head of a huge golden yellow dragon, after smashing the two stone doors that were crooked by the earthquake, The huge and hideous head and body rushed in directly against the rock door frame.
Fortunately, this stone room was protected by the bronze dragon Cromi's curing time. Otherwise, its arrogant behavior would have to crush the stone room!
And along with this bronze dragon rushed in, there were countless human-shaped bronze dragons, as well as the night elf druids such as the Quicksand Watcher Barristers of the Cenarion Circle.
"Kronom! It turned out to be you? You... why are you here? And, what happened here?"
"By the way, what about the ancient C'Thun? The entire Silithus Desert Earthquake lasted for a whole month, and the desert was cracked, and now I can't feel the slightest breath of C'Thun, could it? ...It broke the seal and ran away?!"
The huge golden vertical pupil stayed on Little Annie's body for less than a second, feeling that she didn't know each other, Nozdormu's heir, Anaclos's eyes soon returned to its cooked dragon Kromi Little Lori's body. He now desperately wants to know what happened in C'Thun's cage in this month?
Also, the most important thing is: the ancient god, the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun, where did it go?
"Uh...that C'Thun...that C'Thun has been wiped out by us!"
"As for the's not easy to say for the time being. Anyway, Anaclos, as long as you know: C'Thun was indeed killed by the two of us! As for other specific things, I will talk to you when I have time next time. Speak slowly!"
After looking at a large group of night elves and quicksand watchers of other races, Chromie thought about it seriously, and decided to follow the instructions of the flame queen Anne just now, her dark form and the matter of capturing C'Thun alive. Just don't leak it out for now.
"It was wiped out... Great! Is this true?!"
Anaclos felt a little unbelievable, that the ancient who had plagued the world of Azeroth for thousands of years was actually destroyed? This clock is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. How did this Kronom do it?
However, compared to a certain bronze dragon who did not know Little Annie, some Quicksand Watchers who had seen a portrait or statue of a certain little girl peeped at a certain little girl who was careless with doubts and fears. They don't quite understand why this little guy is here?
In addition, the previous major earthquake and the destroyed C'Thun that the bronze dragon Cromi said was also related to the other party?
"Hey! Wait a minute!"
"We just stayed here for less than 20 minutes, right? Why did I hear you saying that outside... the earthquake has been shaking for a month?!"
Suddenly, Annie seemed to have caught some key information from the conversation between the two bronze dragons. She dared to be 100% sure, from the time she started to deal with C'Thun, to successfully grabbing the opponent, it only took ten minutes! And if you count the time that you have come in, you can't go wrong if it doesn't exceed twenty minutes!
And now, that big lizard is actually saying that outside, the earthquake has been shaken for a month, and even the desert has been cracked. How is this possible?
"Uh... Well, Annie, it's actually like this..."
"At that time, in order to be able to detain C'Thun as much as possible, we imposed a time cage in its stone room... The flow of time inside is a bit different from the outside, so... sorry, I just did it. I forgot to tell you about this..."
The bronze dragon Cromi felt that this shouldn't be a big deal. After all, as far as she knew, this little girl was already an immortal! In addition, the opponent's body is not affected by the force of time at all, so no matter how long you stay here, and no matter how long outside, it will not cause any threat or bad influence to the opponent.
Therefore, she never talked about it.
In addition, Chromie felt that dealing with C'Thun was much more important than this kind of little thing, so she subconsciously ignored this little thing directly.
"It's over, it's been a full month!"
"Little Chromie, this time, you have pitted me! You don’t know, but I promised Sister Sylvanas, this time I only came out to play for a day or two, and now, you What should I do?"
Originally, when Annie saw the seals outside the stone room before, she discovered the power of time above. However, she felt that since this was a seal made by the bronze dragons, it was normal to have time, so she didn't ask too much.
But who ever thought, these big lizards, they would use this method to change the flow of time inside and outside?
She just came in and caught an ugly monster like an octopus. In a blink of an eye, it's actually been a month outside? This... How did Anne go back and explain to the brutal Sylvanas? At that time, the other party will definitely hold on to him again, and then let himself go to non-stop meetings and order documents, surely he will?
No matter what, she won't go back to the boring life of going to work and meetings, which is not fun at all!
"Cromi, I don't care! Anyway, you must pay for my time! Ten, you must pay me a hundred times!!!"
The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had suffered a great loss. Little Annie simply did nothing, and ignored the surprised eyes of the other bronze dragons and green-headed night elves. Romi's cheeks were pulled directly to one side.
"Hmm! Let the beasts go first... let go of the mud first... what if you are too tired... Let's discuss it..."
Little Loli Kromi, who was pulling her own face by the other party, couldn't even speak clearly, so she could only hurriedly cover her cheek, while trying to break the other party's finger, and hurriedly compromised.

"Annie... shall we have a discussion?"
"I know that there is a flying dragon mount that is bigger than me and looks more mighty and beautiful, and she is still beautiful black and can breathe fire..."
"Or, I'll take you to find her, how about we catch her as a mount for you together? I can guarantee that if you catch her, absolutely no other dragon will embarrass you, we guard the dragon clan I hate her very much!"
At this time, a giant dragon was flying over the Silithus Desert, slowly flying eastward.
After leaving the even more broken ruins of Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus, Kromi, who became a dragon, just pleased me, flying and sitting cross-legged on her dragon's head while flying. And said the little girl who was holding her two huge curved horns.
That's right, now, her bronze dragon Kromi, because she wants to make up for the month that the little girl wasted, she wants to be the opponent's mount unconditionally...
Moreover, since the compensation is a hundredfold, the time is tentatively set for five years! Chromie didn't know how the opponent calculated the odds, anyway, that's it, there is no room for negotiation!
Otherwise, the other party would threaten to release that C'Thun again and throw it directly to the Cavern of Time... Therefore, in desperation, Chromie could only temporarily respond to this force that she could not refuse. Claim.
But, it is impossible not to resist! No, after she remembered something, she started to flicker about the little girl sitting on her head again, planning to let the other party catch other dragons as mounts. After all, it’s better to sacrifice others to be a mount than to let yourself be a mount, right?
Besides, she is going to sacrifice Chromie, but the public enemy of Azeroth, even if he is captured by humans as a mount, there is definitely no other dragon who will stand for the other side.
"Oh? Who do I want to catch? Let me talk about it first!"
Facing the cool gale, sitting on this golden (or feces yellow?) dragon head, Annie now expresses that she is in a good mood! Because, for the first time in many years, she has finally fulfilled her dream of a dragon knight and found a giant dragon as her mount. There is nothing better than this!
"Her name is Onyxia... it's a beautiful adult female black dragon..."
"And She can also become a beautiful black-haired human being. You can always enslave her. You can use it as a slave girl. When you want to go out, you can ride it. It's definitely faster than me. fast!"
While slowly flapping his wings and flying, Chromie spoke slowly to the little girl.
She Chromie is very busy, busy maintaining world peace and stability, busy coordinating the relationship between the various races of Azeroth, and also busy staring at all the characters or bad guys that endanger the world of Azeroth. Where are they? Kong is with her little girl all day? Therefore, in line with the idea of ​​dead black dragon and not dead bronze dragon, she would not have any psychological barriers at all when she sold a certain black dragon.
So, now, as long as the little girl can fool this little girl to find the trouble of a certain black dragon princess, then, her Chromie can be freed from the sad fate of being mounted.
"let me tell you"
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