Chapter 440: No time to think about the title

The ice crown of Icecrown Glacier. Here, on the top platform of this huge ice tower, the legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad, surrounded by chains and icy death energy, is now floating respectfully at the top of this frozen throne. Platform, waiting for Arthas sitting on the throne above this.
He knew that Arthas, who had just defeated or merged and swallowed Ner'zhul, seemed to be in an unstable state and needed some time to consolidate and digest, so when he got the news and sent it here, Waiting is all day!
Calculating the time, now three full days have passed since the day when the Lich King first awakened...
For Kel'Thuzad, whether it is the Lich King Ner'zhul's victory over Arthas and the invasion of the opponent's body, or Arthas defeating the Lich King to plunder the opponent's power, for him, there is actually not much. The difference! Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, he will unconditionally succumb to the strong and do his job as the deputy and chief steward of the undead natural disaster.
But anyway, if Alsace had won, it might be better for him?
Because, Kel'Thuzad shared the sorrow with Alsace, and at the same time, he was the confidant of the other party. Under normal circumstances, the other party would definitely not hold him accountable for two years ago. He used the Naxxramas floating castle fortress to attack the Flame Alliance And the thing that crashed miserably!
After all, they are already used to losing under the hands of the Flame Alliance, aren't they?
And if it was replaced by Ner'zhul... Once he knew that Kel'Thuzad had lost a floating fortress in vain, it would have been a painful soul torture and reprimand as punishment...
"My master……"
"My king... you finally woke up... congratulations... you finally defeated and gained the mighty power of Ner'zhul!"
I don't know how long it has been. Kel'Thuzad was floating with a motionless lich body, suddenly he raised his head and bowed respectfully.
Wearing the Helm of Dominance, it is possible to gain the power of the Lich King Ner'zhul. Kel'Thuzad knew about this... However, he didn't have the guts to do it! When Ner'zhul's soul was still inside, he was not sure that he could defeat the opponent... After all, soul-level battles were cruel and dangerous. If you were not careful, that would be the sad end of the soul's complete destruction and annihilation by the enemy!
In Kel'Thuzad, there are too many uncertainties, and he is a lich himself, with his own sense of independence and autonomy, to come and be happy?
You know, as a lich, as long as his soul phylactery is still there, as long as it is still hidden in a place he thinks is safe, then Kel'Thuzad will never die! Even if he is beaten to death and burned to ashes, he can easily resurrect with the phylogenetic!
Then, in that almost eternal time...As long as he himself continues to study necromancy spells and the secrets of death, then, one day, maybe Kel'Thuzad will have the Lich King, or even surpass the Lich. The power of the king?
And this is the ultimate goal for Kel'Thuzad to give up his status as a high-ranking member of the Dalaran Kirin Tor, resolutely leave and study spiritism!
"I still remember you...very good, since you have already come...then, you go dominate my army, our Scourge Legion, ready to cross the sea and go south to attack the Eastern Kingdom!"
After opening his eyes again, the icy blue frosty death magic flame burned in his eyes again, feeling that his power of death became stronger, and after digesting some of Ner'zhul's power again, Arthas decided: where they fell, they must stand up first!
Therefore, he is going to destroy the eastern kingdom of mankind first, and wait until he has completely occupied the place and destroyed the flame alliance, then turn around, cross the sea again to destroy Kalimdor on the other side of the endless sea, and destroy the orcs and night Elves.
"The great Lich master...we can't do that, at least not yet..."
Hearing the other party's words, the legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad was stunned for a while before reacting, and then quickly lowered his head and said.
Now this Alsace has just come from the dormant state of defeating Ner'zhul, and it is excusable to not know anything about the outside world, but for Kel'Thuzad, who knows everything, before yesterday , Only suffered a defeated undead natural disaster in the rift valley where the Crystalsong Forest entered the Dragonblight Wilderness, it is impossible to directly cross the sea and attack the eastern kingdom.
"Huh? Kel'Thuzad... are you... questioning my order?!"
As soon as he woke up, the first order was rejected by the legendary Lich, making Arthas furious after being surprised. He felt that his authority seemed to be seriously challenged!
Therefore, Arthas sneered and stood up from the Frozen Throne, and then he began to move his dead body, which became taller and taller due to increased strength, and then raised the price step by step towards K Erzugard forced to walk down.
His command of the newly promoted Lich King has not and will not allow any undead to question or violate it!
If the lich can't give himself a satisfactory answer, then he doesn't mind killing chickens and monkeys, using his Frostmourne to pierce the opponent's body fiercely, depriving him of the strength of immortality.
"My master... please calm down your anger first..."
"Because now... in the Dragonbone Wilderness to the south, new enemies have appeared... they are blocking our way to the south..."
Seeing that Arthas on the throne stood up directly under his anger, and while he was pushing towards him, holding Frostmourne in his hand, he was in a posture of doing nothing with a big disagreement, Kel'Thuzad cursed in his heart. After a sound, he quickly lowered his head and explained.
"Oh? Dragonbone Wilderness... I still remember there... It was a place full of snow and dragon bones..."
Before Kel'Thuzad had finished speaking, Arthas stopped arrogantly. Then, seemingly because of a long time of not speaking, the new high-ranking Lich King began to talk to himself.
"At the beginning... the Lich King Ner'zhul and the Dreadlords, they placed Frostmourne in a small cave in the northeast of Dragonblight. I still remember there until now..."
"But now...the dreadlords are almost dead...Even Ner'zhul, who was surrounded as chess pieces, was swallowed by me... Now, after all, it is Arthas who has the last laugh... Humph... !"
Arthas remembered it correctly. At the beginning, it was the wise Ner'zhul and the Dreadlords who tempted themselves to go to the cave and tempted themselves to pull out the artifact in their hands, Frostmourne... But in the end, let them work. After all, the final winner is Arthas himself!
After so many years, Arthas still remembered very clearly... His own ridiculous Warhammer of Holy Light, the ‘Vengeance of Holy Light’ that no longer responded to his call, must still be in that cave, right? Thinking about it now, at that time, I would naively pray for that kind of ridiculous light energy to respond to me. It was really stupid and ignorant!
By now, Arthas had completely understood: only the power that belongs to him...only the power that is completely controlled by the most real and reliable! And the kind of things that are obtained by prayer or belief are all flowers in the mist, worthless!
"You just said... the enemy of Dragonblight?"
"Hmph! It's those big lizards, right? Hmph... don't care about them! Under this land, there are our endless army buried, you can directly use our dead army to flatten them, Crush them!"
"I also heard that in and around them, there are many dragon bones in and around them... I think our Scourge may need those... I need more frost dragons, and even a whole frost. Dragon Legion!"
Looking at the huge ancient dragon hovering above his head, the mighty frost dragon named Sindragosa, Arthas didn't know what he thought of, and then suddenly sneered.
Now that his power has become extremely powerful, and he has an endless army of death, he will not be afraid of those guarding dragons! That kind of flying lizard, apart from the slightly stronger dragon kings, is actually nothing extraordinary! At the beginning, during the Second War, their queen was not captured by the beasts?
"My respected Master of the Lich King... I'm afraid this won't work..."
"Because, now that the Scourge Corps is blocking our way to the south...not just the Dragon Sleep Alliance, there are more other enemies..."
Thinking of the information he had obtained, the legendary Arch Lich Kel'Thuzad looked at Arthas, who defeated Ner'zhul and became the new Lich King...something, he didn’t know if he should now. It’s time to speak out and hit each other... After all, people have been fighting for the soul of Ner'zhul on the Frozen Throne for several years, and they finally regained their consciousness and prepared to do a big fight... Would the other party's blow be too cruel?
"Oh? There are other enemies..."
Arthas didn't ask who the other enemies would be, but stood on the bottom step of the throne, and then looked directly at Kel'Thuzad with his eyes burning with the faint blue death flames. He didn’t think there were any enemies in Northrend that could stop his army. Those dragons could not sleep, they were too few in number. Others like frost trolls, walruses, furbolgs, etc., then Even worse!
At the beginning, the mighty and powerful underground Azur Nerub Spider Kingdom was defeated by the Lich King Ner'zhul who had just arrived here at that time and slaughtered those Nerubians? It is also those Nerubians who constitute the main force of the natural disasters, the crypt demons!
"Master...In addition to the Dragon Sleep Alliance, there are also the army of the Orc tribe, the army of the Stormwind Alliance, and the guys of the Flame Alliance..."
"So far, their three great forces have set up camps in front of the Red Jade Dragon Holy Land, the Bronze Dragon Holy Land, and the Temple of Wyrmrest... It was those dragons who opened the portal for them. Their army, Zhengyuanyuan It keeps sending over, and the number cannot be counted temporarily..."
Having said this, Kel'Thuzad looked at Arthas carefully, wondering how the opponent reacted.
In fact, the number he said is temporarily unavailable, and that is already a relatively euphemism! According to their investigations by their gargoyles, undead stalkers, and cursed cultists, he discovered that the army of the three Azeroth world powers will eventually reach the scale of fear of hundreds of thousands... Don't say anything else, The Icecrown Citadel used to capture their undead is probably enough, right?
Therefore, Kel'Thuzad felt that just the armies of the three alliance forces would almost be able to kill their Scourge army to attack the heart of the Eastern Kingdom. Not to mention, the opponent has the help of the Dragon Sleep Alliance.
"So it's those guys!"
"Huh! How can they predict that I will wake up at this time? Is it the kind of so-called prophet who notified them in advance?"
Naturally, Arthas remembered that when he was a prince who used the Holy Light himself, he remembered that before Lordaeron was completely fallen under the threat of the Scourge, the old man who had run out many times to pretend to be a ghost Guys.
"Since they have come early, that's just right! So we don't have to eliminate them one by one, let us be here in Northrend, in this place where we have the advantage, and completely eliminate them!"
Although I was a little surprised, Arthas, who had gained the power of the Lich King Ner'zhul, would not be afraid of those enemies! Now, his self-confidence is extremely expanded, and he firmly believes that he can defeat any enemy!
Therefore, Alsace sent a ruthless heart, planning to fight those people to the death on the continent of Northrend! Wait until you win, then revive those guys, and then think about crossing the sea to attack Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms! At that time, the three major alliances that were defeated by him, lost a large number of elite troops and were greatly injured, will surely become a lot easier against the Scourge, which has become more powerful?
"My master……"
" fact...the forces of the three alliances are not actually here to prepare to fight you, and maybe they won't even know the news of your return now?"
"Because, in fact... they are confronting the demons of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden the deceiver and the opponent's demon army..."
"And some of the undead outposts in the Dragonbone Wilderness to the south of us have now been beaten back to the north of Crystalsong Forest by the demons..."
"That Kil'jaeden, he is very strong, very strong... it seems, not weaker than Archimonde..."
With a sigh, Kel'Thuzad reluctantly said these things bit by bit.
He remembered the battle between Kil'jaeden and the ancient C'Thun that their undead had observed a few days ago, and he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. The opponent's strength far exceeded Kel'Thuzad's expectations. He was a little worried, wondering if the Lich King was the opponent's opponent.
Moreover, there is the little girl who can rush into the enemy camp with a single rider, and can attack and cast spells with Kil'jaeden without falling into the wind. The girl who bombed their 400,000 undead army in Silvermoon City at the beginning, almost killed them both The leader of the flame alliance, the queen of the flame kingdom, the powerful demigod mage Anne Hasta...
Counting this up, the troops they have to face with the Undead Scourge are: Wyrmrest Alliance, Flame Alliance, Orc Horde, Stormwind Alliance, and Burning Legion... And when facing the strong, Kel'Thuzad guessed that he would be able to Better than the Lich King Arthas, there are the Fire Queen and Kil'jaeden, and there are countless other powerful beings!
"So... my master, I suggest you don't rush to attack, it's better to observe for a while?"
In this way, the prospects of the Scourge seemed to become a little bleak...
Fortunately, those coalition forces and the Burning Legion in the world of Azeroth are not dealing with them? Therefore, in Northrend mainland, the top of the sky is a three-way melee situation, and their Scourge has a natural advantage in terms of defensive numbers!
Because their Scourge has a huge ice-crown castle that can be attacked and retreated!
Hearing this, Lich King Arthas was silent... He didn't understand, why was the situation so bad when he was about to launch his revenge and the offensive to rule the world?
Look... This is the Burning Legion again, the Allied Forces of the Azeroth World, and the Dragon Legion... Can this allow him to play well? You know, he was in the world of souls, fighting the former Lich King Ner'zhul for a long time before he barely fought the opponent. Can't he keep the joy of defeating the enemy and gaining powerful energy for a while?
"Kel'Thuzad... the Burning Legion... how many troops do they have?"
With a trace of luck, Arthas felt that if the opponent is not many people, maybe, their undead natural disasters have a higher winning rate? After all, in Northrend, there are hundreds of thousands of powerful undead forces, and they are still the most powerful kind, and there are countless giant creatures that can be resurrected, so you won't be afraid of those Burning Legions!
"Now the exact number is not clear, but at least there should be more than one hundred thousand? Now they have gathered at the tomb of Galakrond and built a large number of magic casting camps, all of which are about to be connected..."
"With the continuous operation of those legion portals, their number is still growing... It is expected that in the next month, they will exceed 300,000 to 500,000 in size... Moreover, most of them are still possessed. Powerful and powerful elite high-level demon!"
If it were not for the Burning Legion to be too powerful, the living people of the three major forces of Azeroth would not desperately unite quickly and send troops to Northrend on a large scale and at any cost!
Therefore, what Kel'Thuzad can foresee now is: The Scourge of their undead will face hundreds of thousands of Burning Legion demons plus hundreds of thousands of Azeroth living coalition forces! The terrible thing is that it seems that those enemies, no matter which side they are, will not be weaker than their natural disasters.
"My master...actually, what worries me the most is the distribution of the Azeroth coalition forces..."
"The camp of the tribal army from Kalimdor is now set up to the north of the Red Jade Dragon Holy Land. They have blocked the way of the Burning Legion to the west; and the elite army from the Flame Alliance is also north of the Temple of Wyrmrest Several camps were built, and together with the Wyrmrest Alliance, they firmly blocked the Burning Legion’s southward temptation. Finally, the troops from the Stormwind Alliance, the humans, dwarves, Night Terrorist, and Draenei, were directly in To the northwest of the Bronze Dragon Holy Land, fortifications began to be built at the mouth of the Grand Canyon that leads to the Grizzly Hills to the east, stubbornly blocking the route of the Burning Legion to the east to the Grizzly Hills."
"So, the Burning Legion don't have much choice except going north...because they will definitely not be able to defeat the Azeroth coalition forces in a short time! Just yesterday, our natural disaster was in the Crystal Rift Canyon. The sentry camp has been destroyed by a part of the Burning Legion, and now those demons may have entered the Crystalsong Forest."
Thinking of this, Kel'Thuzad lowered his head deeply. If he could still sigh, he would definitely sigh deeply at this time, right?
He is no stranger to the military, and of course he can easily guess the purpose of the opponent from the actions of the demons in the Burning Legion! Those demons didn't take the lead in fighting Azeroth's coalition forces, but went north first. That would definitely be unkind to the Scourge!
Because, if you want to attack Icecrown Citadel, from the back of Echo Valley in Crystalsong Forest, breaking through the gates of their Scourge Legion becomes the best choice! Of course, if the Burning Legion has enough air forces, it seems that they can also raid their fortress directly?
"Go! Kel'Thuzad, you immediately wake up our other armies, let them guard everywhere, ready to fight at any time!!"
Feeling the deep malice of the world towards him, he just woke up and found that two groups of terrorists who were more violent than himself were gathering the same number of troops to fight. In addition to him, Arthas hurriedly pulled up his team to do it. What else can I do besides preparation?
I don’t know why, Alsace always feels like he is not with me...
He didn't understand, why did so many things happen to get together? Think about it before, their Scourge had betrayed the Burning Legion, and had abused the world of the living. Then, the two groups in the Dragonblight Wilderness in the south, I am afraid that they are not too much to see themselves, right?
In case, when the two groups unite to deal with themselves... But in any case, this is the end of the matter, he, the newly appointed Lich King, seems to have no good way except for actively expanding his arms and preparing for war.
"It's... my master, I'll make arrangements right away!"
Kel'Thuzad was already very satisfied with successfully persuading the new Lich King Arthas to give up the idea of ​​attacking! Therefore, he didn't say much, and after answering the order, he turned his head and left.
"Burning Legion...and those living people...huh! I, Arthas, won't be afraid of you!"
With a fierce wave of Frostmourne, an icicle on the throne platform was neatly cut in half.
"Hey! Little Annie... are you really sure, from now on, you will give me this big pet completely?!"
Sylvanas stretched out her hand in a little surprise, and gently stroked this huge natural spirit creature, which is said to be a soul beast. She could tell at a glance that the opponent's body is very strong, and his height is even taller than herself. Not only can she be her own mount, ride on her to gallop on the battlefield, and make assaults...but it is also very powerful and its strength is absolute. Not inferior to oneself, definitely can serve as a powerful helper to cooperate with oneself to fight, for her former ranger general, there is simply no better and more suitable partner than this creature!
You know, her sister Alleria, who still has no one to see a dead body, had only an eagle partner at the beginning. How could she compare to such a good thing in front of her?
Little Annie, the slippery guy, actually... really gave it to herself for nothing? !
"Yes! Starting today, it will mix with you!"
"Its name is Locanaha! It is a very powerful spirit of nature, and it is also a piebald leopard! Moreover, it can also understand human words and understand commands! Anyway, from now on, it It's yours. If you have time, you can communicate with it yourself."
Looking at the rare appearance of Big Sister Sylvanas, Annie curled her lips a little boringly. After the piebald leopard, after the initial freshness, she herself was very impatient!
Because... the opponent ran too bumpy, didn't run very fast, and still couldn't fly. It was far less fun and bullying than Little Chromie!
What’s even worse is that the other party not only has to eat, drink and sleep, but also can’t be like Er Heizi, so he can put them directly into his demiplane and don’t worry about it... So, after playing with them for three days, Annie is very unhappy. I was impatient, and I quickly opened a portal and ran back to the Flame Alliance camp north of the Dragon Sleep Temple. I planned to transfer this messy thing that I didn’t want to leave directly to a hunter who has no reliable pet. Sylvanas.
Then, as Annie thought, only hunters would like this stuff. As a mage herself, she really couldn't bring much interest. Not only is the other party not fierce enough, but also not big enough, she has to take care of food and drink, so she doesn't want to accept this kind of pet like a grandfather!
"You are so kind? Okay... Tell me, are there any additional conditions?"
I turned around and looked at this big leopard, who was also staring at him curiously. The more I looked at it, the more satisfied Sylvanas nodded, turned around and asked a little girl who hadn’t been seen for many days. Guys.
She likes this natural spirit piebald leopard very much, but there are some things she must ask clearly!
"Conditions? There are no conditions..."
In the blink of an eye, Annie's eyes flickered a little, and she didn't dare to look at each other's beautiful sharp eyes.
How do you say that, people who are too familiar are a little uncomfortable to pit, or are they a little uneasy to pit? Look, the two sides know each other's roots, and Little Annie hasn't said anything yet, so she is generally seen through by the other side, and she is a little embarrassed to stare at it.
"Huh! I don't believe it..."
Seeing this little guy's performance, Sylvanas knew that there must be a problem! This kind of powerful natural spirit is certainly not so easy to take down! Maybe... there must be something difficult to do, or an additional condition that makes Little Annie feel a little troublesome, so she wants to quickly get rid of this burden to herself?
"Okay! It's actually like this..."
"It, this Locanaha, actually has a female piebald leopard. Like it, it is also the spirit of nature! Moreover, that one is its spouse. If it is named, it seems to be called Hakya? Save it too, then you will have two pets! How about it, this buy one get one free, is it great value?"
In Xiao Annie's opinion, the shooting hunter with two powerful soul beasts asked the enemy if he was afraid! One is used to ride a kite, the other is used to fight the enemy, this is simply going to blow up!
With such ridiculously good conditions, as long as a shooter who likes to bring pets, he will never refuse, right?
"There is one more... how do we save it, and where is it?"
Sure enough, Sylvanas' intuition is right, this matter, it is definitely not simple!
Otherwise, this little guy would not be so kind, nor would he send himself such a powerful pet in a leisurely manner! Presumably, the other female leopard to be rescued would not be too easy or too easy, right?
"That one……"
"Lokanaha said, it seems that not long ago... was captured by a group of Drakkari frost trolls who like to eat human flesh? Anyway, when you go to attack that Zuldak, if you fight those trolls , You can definitely find it!"
Annie had heard from Little Chromie, Zuldak was the gathering place of the Drakkari frost trolls, and it was also a huge city, bigger than Stormwind, and bigger than Lordaeron!
It is actually in Northrend, north of Grizzly Hills, bordering Storm Cliffs, Crystalsong Forest and Dragonblight!
However, this huge Kingdom of Zul'Drak is protected by the same huge Dak'Tharon fortress. If you walk east along the road from the Grand Canyon in the north of the Bronze Dragon Holy Land, you will reach the huge Dak'Mal Lake. When you are with the fast-flowing Longji River, you can see the towering and huge stone fortress wall and the Drakkari frost troll patrolling on it when you look north.
Anyway, Xiao Anni felt that it would not be too easy to find a natural spirit captured from a big city and fortress, from an entire troll kingdom! So, this kind of troublesome thing, let's leave it to the big sister Sylvanas who likes to fight and hates trolls!
"Zuldak! Drakkari Frost Troll... You mean the kingdom of Zul'Drak?!"
After thinking about it, Sylvanas quickly thought of the ancient troll country in the east from the intelligence that the Dragonhawk Ranger troops found.
"Annie, do you know how many people there are? That's a whole kingdom of trolls! What method do you want me to use to rescue another spirit of nature from those dirty troll nations? Do you want me to wage war against those trolls?!"
Apart from forcibly starting a battle, directly smashing the opponent's huge fortress, and then destroying the opponent's country, Sylvanas really couldn't think of any good way to rescue the other female leopard!
In this case, perhaps, she can only regretfully reject this strong Lokanah...
"Don't worry! I don't want you to fight now. You can wait until the Burning Legion has nothing to do before you can think of a solution!"
"Anyway, in a little while, Shanknox and the others will come out of the land of flames. At that time, you can just let them help you burn the trolls?"
It is precisely because of this additional condition that Annie thought about sending this super troublesome one, and she kept talking about it, thinking about fooling herself to help it save the mother and leopard.
Besides, Annie also knows that the senior leaders of the Flame Alliance, including Sylvanas, have been planning to grab two sites in Northrend or something! It just so happened that Zudak has a city and a fortress, as long as it is shot down, it will save time for construction!
Of course, this matter must wait until the Burning Legion is finished, and then the Azeroth coalition forces once again turned against each other and began to split and engage in infighting.
"If this is the case, then there should be no problem!"
After listening to Little Annie's words, Sylvanas nodded in relief. As long as there is no time limit, then she seems to have no problem accepting this buy one get one free soul beast? In the future, the Flame Alliance should definitely be slowly attacking this land. The little guy in the west said that the super fun Solacha Basin. Their Alliance Command has secretly sent a team of 1,000 people to build a camp!
And as for the troll...
Humph! No matter what troll, all trolls must die! The hatred of their high elves and trolls is so inhuman. When that happens, Sylvanas will avenge her personal revenge and lead the alliance's army to destroy those trolls!
"You guys play well! Oh... you guys from the Flame Alliance are here? That's easy, and I don't need to go to your command department to inform!"
Just as Little Annie was about to talk to Sylvanas about the soul beast in detail, and then handed it over to the other party, a familiar voice suddenly came from the sky, and then a strong wind fluttered its wings, just like that. The crowd blew it down.
"Everyone, now I think you should stop thinking about how to fight those Drakkari frost trolls, because now we have a new group of powerful enemies!"
At this time, Xiao Annie looked up and saw the bronze dragon Kromi slowly flew down from the sky with huge wings, and soon, she changed in bursts of bronze time sand spells. Become a dwarf little loli.
Soon, the other party just stepped away from the pair of short legs, and ran to the top generals and marshals of the Flame Alliance who were watching the fresh and rare soul beasts. After scanning around, they found almost all important people. After being here, I quickly said:
"Just now the Dragon Sleep Alliance got news: The Scourge, which has been huddled in Icecrown Citadel and Icecrown Glacier, is moving again! Moreover, the young dragon spying also saw the escape from Lordaeron a few years ago. Alsace!"
"So now, Queen Alexstrasza of the Temple of Wyrmrest is asking me to tell you that our new enemy, the Scourge, will probably also participate in the upcoming battle. We must be vigilant and prepared! "
Although this is very bad news, and it is likely to hurt morale, Chromie also had to say to the marshals, generals and queens of the Flame Alliance who had a little unsightly face.
Okay... Not good looking is just relative...
Compared to other senior Flame Alliance seniors with solemn faces, a certain little girl is still foolishly teasing the piebald leopard over there, seeming to want to pull off her beard?
"Scourge...and that Arthas!!!"
With a cold face, Sylvanas, the queen of the high elves, almost gnashed her teeth and called out the name... She will never forget what the other party committed in the kingdom of the high elves in Quel'Thalas. Such a heinous sin has caused them what kind of suffering!
If it is said that the high elves are feuds against the trolls, then, for the undead natural disasters under Arthas and the opponents, it is a feud, an unending existence!
"It's not easy... The Scourge actually jumped out to join in the fun..."
"I remember, the Undead Scourge seems to be the servants of the Burning Legion? If this is the case, then it makes sense for them to wake up now!"
"Hey! The original Burning Legion's demonic forces were not much less than our temporary coalition forces in Azeroth, but now, with those undead natural disasters, how can this fight?"
"If you don't fight, you have to fight! You still have a chance to fight. If you don't fight... our planet will be over!"
"Your Excellency Grand Marshal, what do you think?"
"There is nothing to entangle, let's fight! This is not the first time that we and the undead have fought...Fortunately, we only need to persist for more than a month, and we can mobilize more powerful reinforcements!"
Looking at Old Fording, Dathrohan, Mograine and other humans or dwarves and the high elf generals after discussing and looking at him, General Marshal Garithos also shrugged, pretending to speak lightly .
That's right, this is indeed the case for the Flame Alliance now! As long as you can persist for a month, the Land of Fire will continue to reinforce the powerful Fire Elemental Legion. At that time, you will not necessarily be afraid of the demons of the Burning Legion and the undead of the Scourge!
"Cromi, have the Scourge and the Burning Legion united? What is the situation of their army transfer...probably, when will they launch an attack on our door?"
After thinking about it, Sylvanas asked the question she was most concerned about now. The Flame Alliance itself also has its own Dragonhawk and Griffin scouts, but it is clear that in Northrend, there is definitely no news of the Dragon Sleep Alliance to come in time and effectively.
Although there are blue dragons and red dragons that open the portals and are vigorously teleporting troops to the three forces of Azeroth day and night, so far, there are three contiguous camps of the Flame Alliance north of the Dragon Sleep Temple. , There are only less than 80,000 troops!
At present, at least half of the army and most of the supplies will take about ten and a half months to complete the transmission. If the demons start to attack after receiving strong support at this time, they are not sure that they can hold here! In this case, she believes that the Stormwind Alliance and the Orcs are the same!
Anyway, it now seems that the situation has suddenly become bad...
"Union? It's not...On the contrary, our young dragon scout also saw that they were fighting on both sides first!"
"An elite unit of the Burning Legion yesterday directly captured an outpost camp of the Scourge Corps near the Crystal Rift Canyon in the north of Dragonblight. They chased the undead until they hit the Crystalsong Forest further north!"
"Furthermore, we also found out: The Burning Legion has mobilized tens of thousands of demons, and they are now going north, seeming to want to attack the undead natural disasters?"
Chromie must pass this important information to these people too, otherwise, they will be suspicious again! And at this time, I believe that the camps of the Stormwind Alliance and the orc tribe must have received the reminder from the dragons, right?
"Why did they fight first by themselves? I remember... the undead natural disasters are not the minions of the Burning Legion?"
Hearing that the other party started fighting first, Sylvanas and the others couldn't help but froze first, wondering what the undead and the demons of the Burning Legion were doing!
In fact, including Sylvanas, almost all coalition forces in Azeroth did not know that the natural disaster had betrayed the Burning Legion! After all, this matter has never been publicized everywhere. The undead of the Scourge will not, and the Burning Legion will certainly not!
"Don't you know? Well, I forgot to tell you!"
"Actually, the Scourge had already betrayed the Burning Legion when Archimonde was defeated! Then, a series of things would happen later. For example, at that time, Illidan was ordered to hold a ceremony in Dalaran and planned to shake The matter of breaking the ice to seal the throne."
As a bronze dragon, Chromie is a true prophet! Therefore, she would not be surprised at all about why the Burning Legion would fight the undead natural disasters!
As she had previously guessed The Burning Legion came to Northrend, and that would definitely not let the undead natural disasters close at hand! One is to teach the traitor to the Lich King; second, presumably, the Burning Legion also wants to regain control of the elite troops with hundreds of thousands, and can also resurrect the natural disaster cannon fodder from the dead who fought for the Legion?
Therefore, this matter actually requires the Azeroth coalition forces to pay attention and always be vigilant! Otherwise, once the Burning Legion really defeats the undead natural disasters, and then enslaves the opponent again, then it will really be a disaster for Azeroth...
"So that's it! Okay, I think, we know how to do it."
Sylvanas finally nodded when he heard Chromie tell this secret.
If so, then it makes sense why the Burning Legion would fight the undead first... As long as the opponent is not united, it will be much easier! Moreover, if you make good use of it, it is likely to make their resistance to the invasion of the Burning Legion much easier?
When Sylvanas looked at General Marshal Garithos, the other party also nodded at her. Obviously, the veteran who was proficient in commanding battles knew what she was thinking.
"Hey! Are you finished? When we are finished, we shall have dinner!"
Finally, everyone who was thinking about things was quickly interrupted by a little girl's voice.
"I'm telling you, I found a lot of dragon eggs, look at them, are they big... Huh? Why do you look like this?"
"I tell you, this is the Devil's Tyrannosaurus egg, not their five-colored giant dragon's eggs! Although I also wanted to get some giant dragon eggs to taste, but the petty Chromie didn't tell me what they were hiding in. where……"
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
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