Chapter 47: Good luck, eat phoenix tonight

"Welcome to Hogwarts! Annie! And Miss Granger, welcome you two! Well, does any of you want to drink something?" Dumbledore, the principal's office at Hogwarts, invited him early today. Annie came to visit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and after graciously entertaining the two of them to sit down, Dumbledore took out some mess from the cabinet on the wall.
   Of course, Hermione was with Anne this time. As one of the parties involved in the Gringotts incident yesterday, she was also invited by Dumbledore. In fact, the reason why Hermione was invited was mainly because Dumbledore felt that she and Little Annie were more familiar with each other, and Hermione was her own student. With her present, the atmosphere might not be too embarrassing. Moreover, this two-going relationship can also shorten the distance between him and the little girl Annie, and then it will be easier to win over the feelings, or to brush up on the friendship.
   Dumbledore is cautious about this little girl named Annie but with a mysterious origin! He has no idea what kind of variables this girl will bring to the wizarding world! Fortunately, from yesterday's contact, he also learned from the exchanges at the time and the actions of the other party that the little girl was not actually a brutal and bloodthirsty person, nor did he have any extreme thoughts such as bullying! Of course, except for those who provoked her!
   In fact, Dumbledore didn't think it was too much of what Annie did in Gringotts yesterday! He could also tell that the little girl was already trying to exercise restraint! It seemed that the fight was fierce, but in the end a dragon and two fairies died! If Dumbledore had been pitted by a goblin for thousands of gold coins, he would probably kill him? It is definitely not just two fairies who will die by then!
"Or, do you need some cockroaches? This stuff is delicious! Come on?" After seeing that neither of them wanted to drink, Dumbledore took out a large glass jar and delivered it like a treasure. In front of the two girls, there was densely packed with hundreds of candy cockroaches.
   "No need!!!" Annie and Hermione refused without thinking about it!
   What's a joke, this old man invited two girls to eat this kind of moving cockroach candy? I have no appetite just looking at it! As long as people with a little normal EQ don't do this, right? He deserves Dumbledore bachelor for ten thousand years! Even two little girls can't coax! Do things without considering the feelings of other little girls! Even if something like a cockroach is made of candy, few girls dare to just put it in their mouths, right? How heavy is that flavor to taste?
"I don't need it? Oh! Okay! What a shame, maybe you should have a taste! It tastes pretty good! Really! I didn't absolutely lie to you!" Dumbledore stretched out his hand. I grabbed one from the glass jar and quickly threw it into my mouth. Before that cockroach wanted to crawl out of his mouth, he bit it in half, and then just shook it. Chew it! Before he swallowed, the half of the cockroach leg exposed at the corner of his mouth was still shaking!
Wow! Isn't there something wrong with this bad old man? Can you eat this kind of thing? It's disgusting!
   Seeing this terrible old man Dumbledore’s eating, Annie was so scared that she took a few steps back. She was not careful, she seemed to have touched a metal shelf, and then a crisp scream sounded behind her! Annie, who turned around, discovered that it was a bird with red feathers turning her to fly very dissatisfied.
   "Huh? What kind of bird is this?" After discovering that this bird had a little flame power, Annie couldn't help but be a little curious, a very strange bird! Is it this terrible old man's pet?
"Ah! That's Fox! It's actually a magical phoenix! Annie, it's saying that you accidentally touched its stand just now and disturbed it to sleep." Seeing the two girls neither drink nor drink. After not eating candies, Dumbledore could only hurriedly put away the bottles and jars.
   "Phoenix?" Annie tilted her head, blinked, looked at the red bird again, and then suddenly thought of something! She quickly reached out and took out an egg of the same fiery red color from her pocket.
   "So, this is a phoenix egg? It will be the same after hatching?" This was purchased by Annie from the pet store yesterday, and it cost five thousand gold! But this is not too expensive in Annie's eyes. After all, the fairies lost her a lot of gold coins on the spot, and she actually made a lot of money after all!
"It's really a phoenix egg? Can I take a look first?" Dumbledore was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Anne to have such a thing. He reached out and took the red egg, carefully placed it on the stone table, and then Holding his reading glasses, he leaned forward to observe carefully.
   "It should be right! The aura on it is very similar to that of Fox! Very similar!" After studying for a while, Dumbledore felt that it should be right! This is a phoenix egg!
   I didn’t expect someone to get Phoenix’s eggs! They bought it in a pet store? Is there such a good thing in the pet shop? Maybe, I can pick up the leak when I have time? But let's deal with this egg first! So Dumbledore started beckoning to his Phoenix Fox.
   "Fox! Come here." Since it is a Phoenix Egg, let his Phoenix Fox take a look! After all, they are human beings, they can't understand these magical bird eggs!
The Phoenix Fox, who had been flying on top of the three people's heads, folds down immediately after hearing Dumbledore’s call. It stops on the table, first curiously circling the red egg twice, then put it up again. He pecked the egg shell twice, and then yelled at Dumbledore.
   "There is good news! Annie! Fox said, this is indeed a Phoenix egg, and it should be able to hatch it for you!" Dumbledore understood the meaning of Foxmi's voice and smiled at Annie. "Do you need to hatch it now?"
   "Huh? Can it be hatched? Okay! Hurry up!" Annie was worried about what to do after getting this egg!
   She even thought about whether to put it on the fire and try it, but she was afraid that it would be cooked accidentally! If she can't think of a way for a while, she might really fry it in anger, maybe! How can I think that now I just happened to run into a phoenix and could help her hatch this egg? This is awesome!
   "Well, let's get away a little bit now, don't get in the way of Fox!" Dumbledore pulled Annie and Hermione away from the table a little bit, and then signaled that Fox could start.
   Fox looked sideways at the three people far away from the table. It didn't spread its wings and flew again until the three of them left a long enough distance. After flying around the red egg twice, it swooped down suddenly.
   With a crisp chirp, a ball of flames spurted from Fox’s mouth and directly onto the red egg. The entire stone table top began to be enveloped in flames, as if the eggs had been burnt. But Fox, who spit out the flame, flew back to its tripod quickly, with a look a little wilted. It seemed that the fire did not consume much of it, and it needed a good rest for a while.
When the flames were gradually extinguished, Anne and Hermione could not wait to surround themselves, only to see a wrinkled chick with sparse feathers and few hairs was lying on the stone table with its head drooping, it did not even open its eyes. .
   "Huh? How ugly! I suddenly don't want it!" Sure enough! A hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken! Annie's first glance is: Disgust! The second glance is: even more disgusting!
   See how ugly Phoenix chicks are now, and look at Fox, who is already an adult! Annie feels that it is not a wise choice to use this phoenix as her pet? Neither look good! Poor strength! Even if it grows for a hundred years, Tibbers can pinch it to death with a single paw, right? It's really terrible!
   "Annie, chicks are like this! Maybe you can be like Fox when you grow up?" Compared to Annie's disappointment, Hermione looked very interested! This is a phoenix! She had heard of Dumbledore before! Now this one is probably the second phoenix pet in the magic world, right? Of course, the wild ones don't count! If there are any in the wild!
"Yes! Annie, after letting Fox take care of it for a while, you can come and take it back! It will become as beautiful as Fox in the future! And there are many special abilities! You may not know that Phoenix is ​​actually a Kind of sacred birds! They can be reborn after death, tears can detoxify and heal injuries, and they have superb weight-bearing ability and so on!" After having Fox, Dumbledore is a wizard who is more familiar with the qualities and abilities of the phoenix.
"Of course, according to the legend, the environment is also very important to the growth of the phoenix. If, during the growth process, the young bird after being separated from the nestling swallows different flames, or grows in the secret realm full of magical flame power, it will become For the fire phoenix with extraordinary power! It is said to be very, very beautiful! Beautiful!" After speaking, Dumbledore looked at Fox who was dozing helplessly. This phoenix had been crippled by him, and the formed Fox was no longer saved. Up! Ugh! I regret it! Now that I think of it, there are still tears!
"Is it so powerful? But I still don't want it! Sister Hermione, if you want it, then it's yours now!" I heard that when she grows up, she will be like Fox. The disgust on Anne's face is even greater. It's heavy! Even if it looks like Fox, it's ugly! Looks like a big red turkey! She doesn't want to raise such things! Small and ugly!
   "Send? Give it to me? But, but I already have Crookshanks!" Hermione was surprised when she heard that Annie was going to give herself the Phoenix in front of her! After all, this is the Phoenix of Five Thousand Golden Galleons! So casual, just give it away?
"If you don't want it, then I'll roast it and eat it!" Annie looked at the hairless phoenix on the stone table with disgust, and UU reading seemed to be thinking about how to eat it. , What seasoning is better! She really hasn't eaten Phoenix yet!
   "Don't! Then, I can always accept it, right? Thank you, Annie!" Hermione was anxious when she heard that Annie was about to roast the little Phoenix, and immediately agreed to accept it!
  Although she already has a big-faced cat, Crookshanks, if she keeps a phoenix, she must be okay? It seems that the school has no regulations not to bring two pets, right? The thought that she was about to have a magical phoenix like Principal Dumbledore, Hermione became excited! I can't wait to take away the little things on the stone table!
   "Then it's a deal!" This is actually a small compensation that Annie made to Hermione. After all, her behavior did scare her yesterday!
   Besides, Annie really doesn't want to raise such an ugly creature called Phoenix! It is neither big, nor has a ferocious appearance! What's the use of raising it? Detoxification and healing, flying with heavy loads, Anne's own spells are enough! I don’t need it to help! Annie only wants the kind of pet that can help her fight! And the bigger the better!
   Hearing that Hermione agreed to accept the little Phoenix, Headmaster Dumbledore and his Phoenix Fox breathed a sigh of relief! This little girl is so unreasonable! Even if he didn't agree, he would roast the phoenix! That's a phoenix! Can you eat it casually? Just now, Fox was so scared that he almost wanted to go up and grab the chicks and ran away! That's its kind! It will never be eaten by humans just like that!
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