Chapter 445: ()

At the top of Icecrown Citadel, it was originally a huge ice tower, but now, it has been wrapped in layers by the huge fortress of Icecrown Citadel.
A huge tower of ice stands between the ice gap and the top of the fortress, and the new Lich King Arthas is now sitting on the Frozen Throne at the top of the central ice tower. He is using the powerful power of his helmet of dominance to radiate and control the entire Scourge in Northrend.
However, now he is not in the mood to dominate and control the undead natural disasters of the entire Northrend continent. Because two groups of extremely powerful enemies chose to raid his castle on the same day and almost at the same time. They were like a game, divided into two groups, each from the east and west gates at high speed towards his throne from two different directions. Raid!
In fact, at the beginning, Arthas, who didn't find the enemy army, didn't care much. He thought it was just some people who came to make trouble. But when he found that the two groups of enemies were abnormally strong and his own castle When the countless men in here couldn't resist it, it was too late to retreat and evade, and they couldn't run away.
Therefore, he can only sit on his throne alone and decadently and lonely, with his magic sword Frost Sorrow, staring silently at the huge ice platform under the throne, waiting With the arrival of a powerful enemy.
Now, besides himself, there is not even a ghoul here...
All the undead were sent by him to block the Burning Legion that rushed in from the east gate and the powerful demon Kil'jaeden... As opposed to the Azeroth coalition forces that steadily advanced from the west gate and charged in, The speed of the demons in the east will be faster, and the offensive will be more fierce, especially Kil'jaeden, no generals of natural disasters can stop the opponent!
Arthas saw from the undead vision provided by the Helm of Dominance: Professor Putrishid under his hand, his highly toxic agent had not had time to work, he was stomped by Kil'jaeden who led the team. It has become a pool of green meatloaf; and the three hapless vampires of the Blood Council, let alone... They can only deal with ordinary demons a little bit, and when they face Kil'jaeden, each other has a sword. , Just like swatting flies, just so cleanly patted them three into blood dregs; as for the floating gunboat of Icecrown Glacier, which was modified from the goblin gunboat, of course, it’s not much better. It hasn’t had time to fire a few shots. I was blown up with smoke by a spell of that great devil, and now I don’t know where it crashed...
Therefore, besides continuing to wait here and waiting for Alsace to use the power blessed by the Frozen Throne to harden the enemy, he really has no other better choice.
Of course, he doesn't do everything!
Just now, Alsace had used the power of the Helm of Dominance to mobilize urgently from the Dark Cathedral, from the evil castle of Marekaris, from the Gate of Fear, Coresa, the Court of Bones, and so on. A large number of undead legions, they are desperately coming towards Icecrown Citadel for emergency support. As long as they can withstand half an hourglass and persist until a large number of undead legions continue to flood into the icecrown fortress, then he Sass will still be the final winner!
As for the farther places, such as the Iron Wall Dam that was fighting with the Burning Legion demons in the Crystalsong Forest and the main force on the Echo Valley, because the distance was too far, he didn't even think about telling them.
Arthas believed that no matter how bad he was, he would be able to insist on returning to the garrison near Icecrown Citadel to support! Especially after gaining the power of the Lich King Ner'zhul, he has this confidence that he is now stronger than ever before!
But somehow, Arthas always felt... Maybe this time, it will be his most dangerous battle?
He has always had a strong instinct as if his life is threatened, that is very real...It is really like, when he was in Silvermoon City, he was blown up by an unknown magic device. It feels the same when you land on the beach in the North Sea of ​​Silver Moon City?
Although his fighting spirit was still high, Alsace found out with a bit of sorrow that... the guys who were rushing towards him, it seemed that he couldn't provoke him on either side?
Attacking from the east of Icecrown Citadel are Kil'jaeden the deceiver and his Burning Legion squad. Most of them are powerful, and the fighting power of the devil is beyond doubt! Especially the big devil... Arthas really didn't have much confidence in his heart, maybe he could only hold on for a little longer at most?
And those coalition forces from Azeroth who are rushing through the border from the west...
Among them, he himself knows a lot of guys... For example, when the scary little girl who wiped out his army of hundreds of thousands of undead with a special device? There are also a large group of powerful paladins, priests, warriors, rangers, wizards, druids, etc... They all seem to be the most powerful beings in the world of Azeroth. Hundreds of people seem to have made it clear not to make him feel better, and Alsace must kill him before he will give up?
In short, the people on both sides, he, the newly promoted Lich King, seems to be temporarily unable to provoke him?
Therefore, now he can only stay here pretending to be calm, staying on his throne, while urging the troops under him to come to support, while waiting for the arrival of the enemy, besides that, he has already Nowhere to go...
coming! !
Suddenly, Arthas, the Lich King sitting on the throne, raised his head and looked to the west... There, a huge and tough ice wall was smashed by some kind of force, and then, a huge red The skinned demon rushed up here with a large group of elite soldiers of the Burning Legion, King Arthas.
The enemy finally came...
Arthas knew that the huge red devil must be Kil'jaeden the fraudster... the powerful and terrifying energy fluctuations in the opponent's body, the arrogant expression of watching everything, were enough to explain everything.
Just breaking through the last barrier, Kil'jaeden's fierce and cruel fel eyes met Arthas's eyes from a distance, and the two had a silent contest from a long distance.
So soon, in the sound of wild laughter, Kil'jaeden took huge steps into the air, and he didn't see any extra movements, so he floated out of thin air and walked to the huge frozen throne step by step. On the platform, he began to gloomily look down at Arthas, who was still sitting on the frost-covered throne for a while, and also glanced at him with icy blue indifferent magic flame eyes.
Maybe it’s because Kil'jaeden was forcibly helping to open the way, maybe because the coalition forces didn’t choose a good direction and encountered too many undead obstacles...Anyway, when the Burning Legion demons took the lead in attacking the Frozen Throne, The troops of the Azeroth Alliance are still nowhere to be seen. It must be a long time before they can get here?
"Hmph... You, are you the new Lich King Arthas? That's right, it's you..."
"I'm very curious... What gives you so much courage that not only dared to refuse and disobey my orders, but also dared to kill the envoy I sent before?"
"Is it Ner'zhul's poor power, or the little toy in your hand?"
After scanning the opponent again, Kil'jaeden sneered slightly disdainfully after seeing the details.
From his level and vision, it is not difficult to see: The power of the death knight's body in front of him is simply weak and pitiful! Perhaps, at best, it is only an ordinary hero level. Once you encounter the slightly more powerful and experienced doomsday guards in the legion, it is estimated that the opponent will not be able to beat it?
And the only thing the opponent can rely on is the ability of the weapon in his hand and the power of the remnants of Ner'zhul in the helmet of dominance! It was also because of these two things that the opponent's strength was raised to the level of a demigod abruptly... And without those two things, this Lich King called Arthas would be nothing!
It is ridiculous to think about that Ner'zhul who wants to get rid of his own control... That puppet tried so hard to betray the Legion, and then reluctantly found such a soul-holding stand-in, trying to get rid of the shackles of the Frozen Throne, but the result Well, actually let the double as a vehicle be eliminated?
Sure enough, things are gathered by kind, and people are divided by groups...
This is also the only idiot Ner'zhul who can find such a more stupid death knight who doesn't know the heights of the sky, still thinking about rebelling against him? The brain is really a good thing. Why doesn’t the other party think about it? Even when Ner'zhul was the strongest, he was subdued by himself, but now, the other party is stealing the remnants of Ner'zhul. After power, how dare you come to disobey yourself?
"You are Kil'jaeden the deceiver of the Burning Legion? You are really big and powerful... But I have killed a lot of storm giants about your size or those flying lizards... "
Arthas snorted coldly, stood up from his throne coldly, and slowly pulled out Frostmourne that was inserted in the icy ground in front of the throne, and prepared to force him to face him. The most powerful enemy ever!
As the saying goes, if you lose, you don’t lose, even if the opponent has successfully raided Icecrown Citadel and has been forced to the point where everything is exhausted, but... Alsace’s implication is that he still regards this great demon as being in Northum. The titan giants that can be seen everywhere in Delhi are on the same level. He felt that maybe he worked a little harder, or he could just slash each other with a single sword?
"So, I suddenly felt that you might be very similar to the ones I killed? After a while, maybe I can resurrect you into a powerful death behemoth?"
Although his mouth is still stubborn, in fact, Arthas also thought about retreating. However, there are two groups of enemies before him, one is the demon of the Burning Legion, and the other is the Azeroth Alliance. Heroes, he really has nowhere to run...
It’s not that he didn’t want to let his subordinates cast teleportation spells to leave, but...the incompetent lich actually told him: The surrounding space of the Icecrown Citadel seems to be forcibly interfered by many people casting spells together, maybe ...Only Kel'Thuzad, a powerful existence like a legendary lich and a real mage who has been transferred, can he use a short-distance portal in such a place and leave, right?
Needless to think about it, this situation is definitely inseparable from Kil'jaeden and those from the Azeroth Alliance! Perhaps, one of them cast a spell that hinders space magic, or all of them participated in the cast?
It's a pity that Kel'Thuzad is now far from the front line of the undead at the border of Crystalsong Forest. Under the circumstances of being disturbed here, the opponent may not be able to make it back. It must be hopeless.
"Then I will look forward to it very much. I hope you will not disappoint me too much..."
Glancing at the opponent contemptuously, the little guy in front of him was far less powerful than himself in terms of strength or size, so Kil'jaeden did not understand, what made the other person so confident? Is it ignorance? Or...the little toys on the other party?
Just when Kil'jaeden wanted to waste a little time to tease the opponent, first give the opponent a little hope, and then squeeze it fiercely, let this little bug experience the pain from hope to despair, just like a When bed bugs are generally struggling on the verge of death, a figure that suddenly appeared at their feet interrupted his upcoming performance very rudely.
"My master... the heroes of the Azeroth Alliance are coming soon. They are now in the east, in the last hall, there are only two doors away from here!"
At this time, Fel Mage Kael'thas flashed a short distance and came to Kil'jaeden's feet to report.
Kael'thas is very contradictory now, he himself, in fact, really hoped that Arthas would be killed by Kil'jaeden sooner! Because, their Kingdom of the Sunstrider, his country, his father Anastrian? Sunstrider, and even himself, were all directly or indirectly destroyed by the opponent's hand...this unshakable hatred, But he won't die because of his own death and resurrection!
However, Kael'thas was a little worried. He was afraid that Kil'jaeden would successfully grab the helmet and ruin the world...
"Huh? It's them... Send our legionaries to stop them first!"
In any case, Kil'jaeden wanted to play with this little bug called Arthas first, and then humiliate the opponent, in order to avenge his previous humiliation by beheading the envoy and despising himself!
"Master, I have already sent it!"
"But...they are very small in number, but all of them are elite! The power of assault is very powerful. I am afraid that the remaining high-level demons of less than a thousand will not be able to stop them for long..."
After taking a look at Arthas standing in front of the Frozen Throne with a bit of resentment, Kyle continued to report.
Now he doesn’t know what to do. If you delay time here, I’m afraid it won’t be long... Before, in order to buy time for those in the Azeroth Alliance, he even ordered the demons from behind. Attack the undead with all your strength, and then block the way of those in the Azeroth Alliance. So, ready, hope to consume more demons and undead so that the opponent can rush over faster?
In addition to these, other things, he really can't be too obvious.
"A bunch of rubbish! All useless things!"
"Okay... Then let me kill this little bug directly now... Dealing with such ants, I only need one trick, and I won't waste too much time!"
Roaring dissatisfiedly, Kil'jaeden turned around coldly.
Now that the people of the Azeroth coalition will arrive here soon, Kil'jaeden, who doesn’t want to fight with the opponent, is annoyed, so he can only stop his previous plan to play with his opponent and start to be a little impatient. He looked at Arthas, the little bug who dared to wield a weapon at him.
With such a fool, Kil'jaeden believed that he would definitely not waste too much time.
"Really? Devil, when I cut off your ridiculous head, I hope you will remember what you said now after being resurrected by me!"
Although since becoming a death knight, there is only a piece of cold Arthas in the soul and body, there is rarely any more emotional fluctuations, especially after the elimination of Ner'zhul! He had long felt that his heart was completely cold, and he had gradually adapted to his new identity.
But now, after hearing this demon's words, seeing that the other party dared to despise himself in this way, he would inevitably have another kind of anger on his head, wanting to desperately smash the other party alive.
He is the Lich King-Arthas Menethil! In this life, it exists only to conquer the world!
"Ignorant fool!!"
Already faintly heard those shouting and killing noises coming from the west behind him, Kil'jaeden knew that he must not delay any longer! Once entangled, it will be very troublesome! Therefore, he decided that it was time to take care of this little bug, and leave here as soon as he got what he wanted, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble!
After all, although he is not afraid of the natives of Azeroth, but...a certain little girl still makes him very jealous...If he is entangled here by the opponent and a group of powerful helpers, plus those who will come back to support A large number of undead will be unpredictable at that time.
Therefore, he didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, and as soon as he raised his foot, he stomped on the Frozen Throne where the opponent was standing!
"Come on! Kil'jaeden!!"
Seeing that the other party dared to despise himself in such a way, without any spell, he stepped on it unsuspectingly, Arthas was angry at the same time, instantly aroused all his strength, and his whole body began to cover. A layer of thick frost death flame like a shield, and at the same time, the sword body of Frostmourne was also covered with a layer of blue death frost energy!
In the next instant, before the opponent’s big foot was about to step on the ice-bound throne, he dexterously twisted his body to avoid the opponent’s trampling, moved forward in three or two steps, and dexterously pointed the opponent’s instep and knees, just as high. The ground jumped up, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity of the opponent to lean over, and directly cut a sword towards the opponent's red neck without any armor protection!
Alsace was already very experienced in dealing with such large-sized creatures!
He knows that no matter how strong the opponent's power and mana are, once he gets close, with the agility and determination to go all out, he must have a way to slowly clean up the opponent! And this is the price of the other's carelessness!
He believed that it would not be too long before he cut off the opponent's huge head.
"Huh! Stupid!"
The red demon smiled so coldly. In the next moment, he didn't know what Kil'jaeden had done. He was waving Frostmourne with a thunderous force, planning to take advantage of the ugly head of Arthas. Suddenly it stiffened, and then the frost-covered death power on the body and the icy blue energy shining on the body of the Frostmourne sword held by both hands would disappear in an instant?
Then, in consternation and puzzlement, Kil'jaeden shot him on the ground like a fly.
" could...what did you do to me?!"
Arthas couldn't believe it. What did Kil'jaeden do to make the powerful power he grabbed from Ner'zhul disappear in an instant? What's more terrifying is that now even Frostmourne has become extremely heavy, and it seems that even it is resisting its own command?
This kind of thing has never happened before! It's as if...everything he had had abandoned him at the same time.
"Huh! An idiot is an idiot!"
"Listen well, ridiculous little bug: I imprisoned Ner'zhul's soul in the ice and threw it to Azeroth. It was I who gave him the power and I made the Ice Throne. And the Helm of Dominance... In fact, even the Frostmourne in your hand was forged by the dreadlord Nathrezim of our Legion. I know it better than you think..."
"However, what is even more ridiculous is..."
"Little bug, the power you inherited from Ner'zhul's plundering, in fact, also has the power of my contract... and I, of course, can deprive it at any time! So, what do you use to fight me?!"
This is actually a bit watery... In fact, it is absolutely impossible for Kil'jaeden to be deprived at any time, otherwise, he had done that long ago! Because, at least he has to stay as close as he is now! And this is the fundamental reason why Kil'jaeden needs to come here personally and have absolute certainty to clean up the opponent.
Everything that the other party is proud of comes from Kil'jaeden's charity, and the other party still wants to defeat him by his charity. Isn't this funny and what is it? !
"Damn it! I will never forgive you!"
Even without the power of the Lich King, Arthas was still brave enough to be frightened and frightened, relying only on the brute force of his death knight body, brandishing Frostmourne, and facing again. The enemy rushed madly.
Feeling that the armor on his body and the magic sword in his hand have become extremely heavy, he can only reluctantly brandish the weapon and launch a heavy slash towards the opponent's calf... However, except for a futile sound of metal Except for the blasting sound at the time of the collision, he didn't get any results.
Bang! !
With another kick, Kil'jaeden kicked the opponent again, and while letting his weapon take off his hand, he also slammed into the piece of ice above the frozen throne, causing the opponent to make a loud impact. After that, he rolled again down the steps toward the platform in embarrassment.
"Little bug, do you naively think that this kind of gadget made by the Nathrezim clan can hurt me?"
After a sharp cracking sound, Arthas, who was almost unable to stand up, saw with horror: The Kil'jaeden, the other party could easily break his handle that once made the whole Ai with only two fingers. The humans in the world of Xerath rushed to the magic sword of fear. He had to pull it up even if he would destroy everything with his own hands-Frostmourne? !
"Now, may I ask this omnipotent Lich King, have you thought about how to die?!"
Just throwing the broken weapon on the platform at will, Kil'jaeden grinned and possessed again, grabbing the opponent's body and lifting it all at once. Then, after he stretched out his hand directly and arbitrarily tore off the opponent's helmet of dominance, and began to stare at the opponent's pale dead face and withered white hair for the last time, he snorted triumphantly again.
Kil'jaeden was already thinking, what exactly should he do to torture the other party well, let the other party wailing in pain, to vent his hatred?
Kil'jaeden, who was about to do his hand, suddenly heard the door knocking from the west. Then, when he looked under the Frozen Throne, he only seemed to see the last group of demons working hard. There was a trembling door against the ground.
In this way, those coalition forces of Azeroth are now separated from them by those two doors in the distance? If this is the case, then...
"Huh! Kael'thas, my loyal servant... Now, your enemy is here, do you?"
"But... I advise you to be a bit more dignified!"
Kil'jaeden, the deceiver who was about to squeeze the opponent into a meatloaf and burn it to ashes with fel energy, when he saw his feet, after Kael'thas, who was staring at the enemy in his hand , He thought for a while, and took the seriously injured Alsace to the opponent's body, then took a step back with a wicked smile, indicating that the opponent has revenge and resentment.
He is never stingy with his subordinates who satisfy himself! And this is the generosity of Kil'jaeden!
"Thank you for your generosity, great host..."
Suddenly, he was stunned for a while. After reacting, Kael'thas first saluted respectfully, then quickly turned around and looked a bit sullenly at some big enemy who was lying on the ground and still trying to get up. .
"Unexpectedly, Arthas Menethil... You may never think that you have today?"
Walking towards each other step by step, Kael'thas thought of the glorious Demon Kingdom in the past, the resplendent Silvermoon City, bathed in the rays of the Sunwell, Yongsong Forest, Qingfeng Village, Sunshine Island, and... he The father who died in battle and the entire Silvermoon Council...
His country, everything about him, was destroyed by this butcher in front of him...
"Hahaha...Kael'thas! Ahem..."
"Do you think you won? No... I'm going to tell you, from start to finish, you have completely lost! The woman you like was robbed by me... Your country was also destroyed by me... Yours Countless people, your Sun Well, all have been destroyed by me!"
"Although...I may have failed today...but, I did not lose to you, you poor worm!"
Holding on to his broken body, Arthas stood up tremblingly with such a frantic laugh, and then looked at the same dead prince opposite him savagely! Just as he said, even if he has lost Alsace now, he himself has beaten the opponent in all aspects, all!
"Really? Then, accept the trial of a high elf soul..."
With a black face, Kael'thas instantly slammed a large group of evil energy directly into the opponent's chest. Under a certain grief and anger, he even knocked it into the air with one punch. He got up, and then let the opponent fall heavily to the broken Frostmourne.
Arthas was still struggling. A sword hilt grabbing Frostmourne in two pieces, trying to prop up his body, but... the gradually expanding fel energy in his chest was Constantly devouring his twisted life.
"Huh! Now, I'll take this helmet of dominance!"
"Little bug, slowly enjoy the last time of fear! Your humble life is leaving you bit by bit, and now no one can save you, hahahaha..."
I was very satisfied with the way Kael'thas tortured the enemy, watching Arthas, who was half kneeling on the platform before the Ice Throne with his short sword, his body was gradually eroded by evil energy, and his soul would soon be devoured. After Kil'jaeden laughed loudly, he turned around and left with the remaining demons.
Now he has to go! Because, those coalition hero groups in the world of Azeroth are coming here soon, they have consumed a lot of strength along the way, and coupled with the loss of the demon army, he dare not ask him to stay here alone. Waiting for others to come and fight, so as not to accidentally overturn the boat in the gutter.

The platform of the Frozen Throne, when the coalition forces attacked, Kil'jaeden the deceiver had already walked far to see any shadow... He took away the helmet of dominance originally worn on Arthas, leaving only The next ex-Lich King who is dying-Arthas...and, the magic sword that he broke easily, Frostmourne...
"Here... how could this be? Wait! That person... he is Arthas?!"
The first to lead the team was King Varian of the Kingdom of Stormwind, and then, at the first sight, he saw the figure that made him a little familiar and strange.
Subsequently, countless elite warriors and generals of the coalition flocked to this legendary platform of the Frozen Throne. Naturally, they began to look at the middle of the platform in amazement, the one holding the broken sword with one hand and the other. The death knight holding his chest...No, should it be the Lich King Arthas?
The heroes of Azeroth began to look at each other, some of them didn't know what to do! After all, the existence they once hated so much is now obviously dying! This also shows that the conspiracy of the fraudster Kil'jaeden has succeeded, and they are still a step late!
"Oh! It seems that there is a good show to watch!"
Unreasonably pushing away the crowd of onlookers, Annie blinked and glanced at a certain death knight kneeling in the middle of the platform with a broken sword. After confirming that the other party was someone she hated at the beginning, she clicked Head, shook his head again, then turned around, ran to the top of the Frozen Throne, sat directly on the icy throne, and began to watch the next good show with interest.
(For this heartless little master of his own family, Tibbers doesn't want to vomit anymore, and he doesn't bother to vomit something, so let her go...)
"Get out! Get out of here! He is dying now. Let our queen talk to him first!"
Old Forddin, Mograine and Dathrohan, who carried the huge silver warhammer, began to arbitrarily push away the orcs, humans, dwarves, elves and draenei who were onlookers, protecting their Kalia The queen squeezed directly to the middle of the throne platform and stood in front of Arthas.
They let Kalia slowly walk to each other's body alone, and didn't want to protect anything, because they all could see that that person...he was indeed going to die soon... .... Moreover, it may be the kind that will be burned to death by evil energy, and will no longer exist!
" brother..."
Whispering the other party's name softly, Kalia walked up to the other side unsuspectingly.
Although the other party has done countless evil things, countless unforgivable evil things... But now, seeing the other party like this, Kalia still can only squat on the cold rock with red eyes. On the floor, staring blankly at the opponent's pale, grim and painful face.
"Ahem...Are you here to see my joke?"
"My sister Kalia...yes, I still fact, I have been failing..."
"From Hearthglen...from Northrend...I have always failed...I have never been able to Successfully saved my people... It was my first despair when I could not summon the Holy Light..."
"I naively thought... as long as there is power... as long as there is strong power... I can change everything, and I can save everything... Therefore, I have no hesitation. The earth pulled up Frostmourne and returned with death... I swear that I will bring everyone into the eternal kingdom of death... Because I firmly believe that I can rule the entire world... "
" sister, you know, I failed again then..."
After a pause, Arthas remembered his fiasco in Silvermoon City, the fiasco in Mount Hyjal, the fiasco in Lordaeron... It seems that he has been failing from beginning to end?
"Wait until I put on the Helm of Dominance...When I win the battle against the remnant soul of the Lich King Ner'zhul, that endless power makes me think...I should still have a chance. ....."
"So, once again, I want to destroy all enemies blocking me...including you, including the Burning Legion..."
"However... Fate still made a big joke with me... I finally... still failed..."
Just shrugging his shoulders so sadly, Arthas began to laugh a little desperately.
"In fact, you don't need to do so much... You are too demanding of yourself..."
At this time, when Kaliya wanted to move forward and stretched out her hand to touch the other's thin face, Old Buddha came over in time and grabbed her trembling hand:
"Your Majesty, don't touch him, he is... very dangerous..."
Shaking his head firmly, the old Buddha refused the balloon-like look of the other party. The other party will burn at any time, their queen's ability to protect herself is not strong, that's not something she can touch casually!
"Fate makes people...I never thought that when we met again, it would turn out to be like the should listen to us... "
At this time, Frost Archmage Jaina Proudmoore also walked out gently and came to Arthas, looking at the end of the opponent with a bit of bitterness.
Once... the other party was a handsome blond prince, once... she also expected the other party to make herself his queen... However, now, everything in the past has disappeared...
"Jaina...hehe...maybe, you are right..."
"I...maybe I really shouldn't have done something to Stratholme...but...that was my destiny...even if I retreated... I can't escape in the end...They...still use various methods to force me to submit..."
"There is no power... after all, it is just an ant... and finally cannot control my own destiny..."
After staring at the still beautiful figure blankly for a while, Arthas shook his head firmly after being stunned for a while as he missed him.
After speaking, he turned his head and looked at a certain little girl. The other party...seems to be stronger than before...If he could also have that kind of talent for Arthas, yes With the kind of power that can rival Kil'jaeden and Akmundi...Where would he come to where he is today?
After all, it was a weak mistake... so, what he did was not wrong...
" are still obsessed with it after all..."
Frowning, Jaina didn't understand, why is he still like this now?
"No! Jaina..."
"I'm not obsessed with not comprehending...cough cough... I think it may be you who are obsessed with comprehension... and myself, just a poor worm who failed..."
He covered his chest, coughed twice, and after coughing up some fel fragments directly from his mouth, he seemed to feel a little better. It's strange to say that Alsace has been dead for a long time, so he still coughs?
"Jaina...if it can be done again...I might still pull up this Frostmourne without hesitation..."
That's right, if everything can be done again, Arthas will still pull up this magic sword...
"Your Majesty, be careful!"
Seeing that there seemed to be some bad changes in the situation, Old Fording's eyesight was quick and he immediately pulled their queen behind him and began to protect it tightly.
Because they saw that the broken Frostmourne had begun to release white souls? They started flying towards the sky one by one, and then gradually disappeared into the invisible...
However, one of them did not seem to be in a hurry to leave, but condensed into a complete human form by Alsace's side, which made almost all Lordaeron generals and many people in the Stormwind Kingdom including King Varian. They were all stunned in horror!
Because, that was-Terenas Menethil, the former king of Lordaeron!
"My father, everything is... over... I messed up everything..."
After seeing his father finally appeared, Arthas lowered his Jiao Tao's head in shame for the first time. The only thing he is ashamed of right now is perhaps the father who had high hopes of him in front of him? However... he himself failed shamefully...
"Yes, it's over... Alsace, my son... Our time is over..."
"Don't be sad, kingship has no eternity..."
Terenas Menethil leaned down and gently stroked the opponent's face. The other party is his son of Terenas, and he knows everything the other party has done, everything is not important anymore. In fact, Terenas Menethil felt that he and his son were actually losers...
"Father...I tried my best to fight against fate...I never compromised..."
"But now..... in front of me... there is only... darkness..."
At last, Arthas, who was finally willing to let go of Frostmourne's grip, fell directly to the ground, allowing the fel flames to corrode his body and burn it into green ashes... .
Terenas Menethil stared blankly at his complete demise, and even his son, who no longer had a soul, lowered his head a little lonely.
He felt that in the end of Alsace, his own father seemed to have an inescapable responsibility...because he did not teach him well... In fact, he might not educate and train his children at all?
"Alsace... Farewell... my love..."
A drop of teardrops slipped off her delicate cheeks quietly. After a faint sigh, Jaina slowly raised her hand, hiding her face in the mage's hood.
Letting the tears on her face begin to fall, Kalia trembled a little, her teary eyes walked to the other side, looking at the father Terenas Menethil with only soul left.
"My did a good job...very good...I am honored for you..."
With a sigh, Terenas Menethil gazed at his grown-up daughter with satisfaction, who was still as beautiful as before...except that the childishness of that time was gone.
Unable to imagine what he and his son could not do well, his stupid daughter who he thought was worthless, but did the best... Now, what else can he say, Terenas? Menethil What? Sure enough, he is actually a father who has no eyes and doesn't know how to teach his children...
"Father... can you come back?"
"I think, I can beg the Goddess of Light of our Flame Alliance, that powerful Titan of Light, can definitely save you... New Lordaeron needs you... I still have everything now. will not……"
Seeing the pale soul state of the other party, Kalia's tears began to fall again.
She has a kind of intuition, and soon, she will really have no relatives left in the world...
"No...Frostmourne hurts my door too much...I have to go..."
"Kalia... don't cry... don't hesitate... bravely assume the heavy responsibilities on your shoulders... use your kind heart to treat your son kindly people......"
"I will bless you in heaven..."
Two steps forward, after gently stroking each other's face and wiping those teardrops that seemed to be unstoppable, Terenas Menethil sighed softly at last, just like before. Those souls are ordinary, slowly rising, and dissipating between heaven and earth...
"Do not......"
Kalia collapsed, just slumped to the ground, and started crying loudly regardless of manners.
"Let's go, Your Majesty..."
"More undead will rush here soon. They are crazy now... and Kil'jaeden got the Helm of Domination. No one knows what he is going to do. It is dangerous now!"
After looking at each other with Mograine, Old Fording, together with the opponent, stepped forward and forcibly erected the opponent, ready to evacuate at any time.
Blinking and looking at the other person's sad look, although Annie looks like a rescue of the old man, but the boundary between life and death is a very profound knowledge. Her instinct tells her that it is best not to intervene easily. The eternal law of nature.
Of course, the life and death boundary in her own body is definitely not dominated by any outsider, even if it is true death!
"Alright! The renewal is over, right? Hurry up, I will open the portal to let you leave!"
Little Annie looked at the hot people in front of her. In addition, the space here has become very chaotic. She has been messed up many times by the dragon, Kil'jaeden, and herself. After she couldn't recover for a short time, she After thinking about it, he barely took out a copy of the space gem from his pocket.
Since it is a space door, there is definitely nothing better than this kind of thing!
Soon, a huge portal appeared on the top ice-bound throne platform of Icecrown Citadel. Then, the heroes of the Azeroth coalition forces saw the iconic Dragon Sleep Temple for the first time. tower! Afterwards, a bunch of dragons or dragons gathered around to guard against the sudden appearance of this portal. It wasn't until they also saw that they were the people who had raided Icecrown Citadel, they put down their vigilance and let go of the exit of the portal.
"Well, you hurry up, this door has limited energy and can only be opened for one minute! If anyone is late, just wait here to be eaten by the undead for lunch!"
"Anyway, I will never come back to save you!"
Hearing the faint roar of countless undead anger and the sound of countless footsteps approaching in the distance, Annie, who could not bear the smell of this stinky carrion here, was the first to rush into the portal.
"The undead has come! Everyone quickly retreat!"
Hearing that Little Annie said that it was only a minute, Sylvanas quickly led her own people to rush in...
Soon, in front of the main entrance of the Dragon Sleep Tower, countless Azeroth warriors passed through the portal and returned here. When they set off, there were 501 people in total, but now, there are fewer than 400 people. Now... Nearly one-fifth of the warriors sleep forever in Icecrown Citadel... Maybe, one day, they will appear in front of everyone in another posture?
By then, it is estimated that there will be more than a hundred powerful death knights or liches, right?
"Annie? Great, you are finally back...wait, where's Malygos?"
Until the portal was closed, Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen who was welcoming the triumphant triumph, didn't see the blue dragon or the brother of the elf transformed into the blue dragon, so she couldn't help but hurriedly asked.
"Blue dragon? Ao... he grabbed a beautiful female dragon and ran away early! Don't worry, he is not dead anyway!"
"What about Arthas and the Helm of Domination?"
Now that the King of Blue Dragon is okay, Alexstrasza, who was relieved, didn't want to ask too much, so he quickly asked about another very important thing.
"You said that Demon King... he is dead!"
Glancing at the big sister Kalia, whose eyes were still red and swollen, Annie explained honestly.
"Great! What about the Helm of Domination?"
"I don't know! Anyway, we didn't see anything like a helmet. UU read When we got there, the Demon King was almost dead, maybe... it was snatched by Kil'jaeden Right?"
Annie curled her lips indifferently, and went to work hard, but she didn't even see the shadow of the helmet.
"This is terrible..."
The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza sighed in her heart. She never expected that they had put in so much effort. In the end, Kil'jaeden of the Burning Legion robbed the Helm of Domination...presumably both the demon and the undead. The day of confluence will not be too long, will it?
And once they unite and go south, the situation...
"You guys! I have to go to Ulduar to beat the bad guys. Little Chromie and the bearded boy must be waiting!"
"So, see you tomorrow, everyone!"
Seeing everyone rushed back and stayed in the big castle of the undead without being stupid, Annie hurriedly said hello to the Sylvanas whom she knew well, and then she teleported and disappeared. In situ.
"and many more......"
Sylvanas just wanted to call the other person, and also wanted the little guy to bring some people from here to help. It can be imagined that the other person disappeared after just such a casual greeting.. .... Can this kind of carefree look really prevent that Algalon from resetting and destroying the world of Azeroth?
I hope... the other party can really?
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