Chapter 452: Cannonball

"You... little girl, who are you!?"
Just on the other side of the portal, Alleria Windrunner, who was pushed over by the night elf watcher Maiev Shadowsong, was staggering and finally kneeling on this big table. When she looked up, what she saw first was a little human girl who was blinking her big eyes curiously, her eyes full of curiosity and incomprehension, and she was staring at herself?
"My name is Annie! Elf sister, who are you?"
This matter, even Annie herself felt very strange!
You know, when she heard that Illidan said that she was going to bomb the Devil Planet in the dark temple in Outland, she not only gave the other party a big cannon battle, but she also could be in front of her no matter how far away. The portal opened by the side, because a copy of the space gem moved forward on the teleportation rune stone!
But things were very strange now. She obviously didn't know the big elven sister in front of her, and at this time, shouldn't it be Illidan and his group that popped out of the door?
After Alleria asked casually, she ignored the little girl in front of her.
Because, she felt that there seemed to be a lot of powerful people around her, and countless eyes of them were locked on her body, making her feel like a threat... Especially when she turned her head at the second glance, she saw a group of them. After the familiar guys with big mouths and fangs, she almost drew out long arrows and bows without being scared to give those green-skinned and brown-skinned orcs a cruel!
In an instant, she really thought that she had accidentally teleported to the orc den. If that were the case, I'm afraid it would be better to stay on the planet Argus, at least not to die too painful?
Fortunately, after she saw more of her familiar faces in time, she barely suppressed the irritable impulse in her heart!
When she was almost about to attack, she was here and saw those familiar with humans, dwarves, gnomes, draenei, night elves, etc., of course, as well as trolls, minotaurs, and goblins that she disliked. , Pig head monsters, undead, orcs. Finally, she also saw the red dragon queen with horns on her head and the high elves she was more familiar with, and among them was the second sister she recognized at a glance-Hill Vanas? Windrunner!
After that, she breathed a sigh of relief, slowly let go of her hand holding the war bow, and began to relax.
She still doesn't understand, what is going on? Why, as soon as I came back through this portal that was supposed to go straight to Azeroth, I was forcibly watched by such a group of people from all races in the entire Azeroth world?
"She is……"
Don't say Alleria doesn't understand at this time, even the bigwigs of the three major forces are in a daze! They didn't seem to understand, the little girl suddenly jumped onto the table, and then opened a portal to get a high elf ranger. What does this mean?
They were obviously holding a very important meeting, talking about the issue of the distribution of spoils here in Northrend and Outland after winning the Burning Legion, but this little girl allowed her temper to be so stubborn and called people out to make trouble. Is it really good?
"It seems familiar?"
King Varian of the Kingdom of Stormwind and Grand Duke Borvar Fortagan looked at each other in surprise with a trace of doubt. Because they seem to think that this high elf ranger looks a lot like a certain person, like a certain statue in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind?
Of course, now those statues, as early as the last time Defias rebels were bombarding the city, they were smashed to pieces by those shells... While they were resentful before, they were also a little relieved. , No need to think about the question of whether or not to overthrow the statues of enemy heroes.
"You are... you are Sister Alleria?!"
At this time, compared to other outsiders who were blind to the high elves, the difference was that the representatives on the high elves and several veteran generals who seemed to think of something were suddenly a little excited. Get up, especially Sylvanas, the leading queen, she exclaimed in ecstasy on the spot, and looked at the heroic figure standing on the round table with shock.
Although the eldest sister of the Windrunner has been in the Dark Portal for eight years, she has already followed the expedition force of the original Lordaeron Alliance through the Henan Gate to expedition to Outland. It has been nearly 20 years, although the appearance and shape of the opponent have all happened After some major changes, she became stronger, instead of being as slim as ordinary high elves, but Sylvanas still recognized each other at a glance!
"Heh! Little Hill..."
"I've heard many things about you from the high-level spiritualist Celvor and others! The great hero of Quel'Thalas... My Queen, I really feel for you proud……"
However, the surprised Alleria Windrunner jumped off the big round table in a little embarrassment. Before she could even finish her words, the other party rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. she was.
"Great sister, you are still alive..."
For a long time, Sylvanas and everyone thought that Alleria Windrunner, who was involved in the void when the Delano planet exploded in Outland, must be dead, everyone, including Sylvanas herself I think so!
For this reason, after the establishment of the new Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, when the country gradually stabilized and a new national cemetery was built to commemorate the elves who died tragically under Arthas, Sylvanas also specially killed Austria at the same time. Lelia's statue and name are put inside... but who would have thought that the other party is now popping up alive?
"Sister, do you know..."
"Venresa and I even thought that you must be dead... I even sent someone to retrieve your son Alator from Outland..."
At this moment, Sylvanas' voice seemed a little sobbing. From her closed eyes and slightly twitching shoulders, one could see her mood swings.
"I also thought a long time ago that I would never come back... By the way, Alator... Is he here?"
After hugging each other, Alleria quickly pushed away her second sister, and then began to crane her neck, her sharp eyes searching among the high elves not far away.
She herself stayed in Outland for a few years, and then she stayed in the world of Argus for at least a year... and now, she finally returned to the world of Azeroth, and again heard the familiar name that made her dream come true. She instantly didn't want to look at the sister who hadn't seen her for many years, she just wanted to find her half-elf son in the crowd earlier.
"This is Northrend, the Arctic continent in the world of Azeroth, and I ordered both Aatol and Wenresa to stay in the new Silvermoon City in Quel'Thalas. I didn't let those two people Come here in Northrend."
Seeing the anxious and expectant actions of her sister, Sylvanas was taken aback for a moment, and then she explained with a little dumbfounded smile.
They came to Dragonbone Wilderness to expedition before, but they are ready to fight the Burning Legion to the death! With such an extremely dangerous thing, how could her Sylvanas let her sister and nephew come to this dangerous place? Therefore, at that time, she used the queen's power to order the other party to stay in Silvermoon City so arrogantly, there was no room for negotiation!
"So it's like this..."
"Well... Now, there are some things waiting for us to go back! Now I just want to know, what's going on here?"
"These orcs and animals, why are they here?!"
After renewing her relationship with her sister, Alleria glanced at the Eredars whom she didn’t know, and then looked at the pig-heads and tauren on the other side. A team of beasts like, trolls and orcs.
Although more than a thousand years have passed, she can be remembered very clearly now! In the Second Orc War, the border area of ​​Quel'Thalas was burned to ashes by the Horde... Those violent beasts killed her parents, brother, and almost all of her relatives and friends. Only their three Windrunner sisters are left!
Outsiders think that the name of the Three Windrunner Sisters is very good, but only the insider knows that this represents, indeed the orcs have committed blood debts to their Windrunner family! It was the beasts who killed her relatives and ruined everything about their three sisters!
Therefore, even after more than a thousand years, Alleria will never forgive these beasts in front of her, absolutely not!
"Please keep your mouth clean, elves with long ears! Otherwise, I wouldn't mind cutting off your head and grinding it into a cup!"
Hearing that the high elf ranger who appeared inexplicably, after acknowledging his relatives, turned his head for the first time and scolded himself these orcs. That sky is not afraid, and he thinks he is the boss, Garrosh? Squeezing away the other orcs, directly carrying the battle axe, Gorehowl rushed out angrily.
In the chase battle against Kil'jaeden, the devil deceiver, ten days ago, he had been aggrieved by the fact that the enemy died without being able to slash Kil'jaeden with his gorehowl once. Embracing and holding a group of fire! Fortunately now, an elf who didn't know and had no name dared to curse the orc. How could Garrosh hold his breath? !
"Huh! Really, just because you want to cut off my head?"
"Maybe you don't know... When I was in Outland, before the world of Draenor was blown up, I killed at least a thousand brown beasts like you!"
This is not a bluff. During the expedition to Outland, she did kill countless orcs, whether they were red or brown! Therefore, Alleria pressed the bow in one hand, and the other hand slightly pressed the quiver slanted around her waist. While sneering at the opponent, she also secretly prepared herself to fight at any time.
On the more dangerous planet of Argus, how could she be afraid of the ignorant orc in front of her, what kind of wind and waves she has never seen?
"Let go of me, I will kill her!!!"
After Garrosh Hellscream roared furiously, he planned to rush forward to do it.
However, in the first time, he was tacitly grasped by the two half-brothers of Varok Saurfang, who had been prepared for it, and Brock Siga Saurfang. His left and right hands stood still and couldn't move.
"Sister... we are currently having a meeting at the Dragon Sleep Temple of the Five Colored Dragons. If we want to deal with these orcs, it's not impossible, but it can't be now!"
Sylvanas also hurriedly stepped forward, holding down the bow in her elder sister's left hand and shook her head firmly towards the opponent.
This is just as she said, now they are in this Dragon Sleep Temple of the Dragon, holding the Azeroth Spoils Conference after defeating the Burning Legion, if they can get together, it would be best! And if you don’t agree, then it’s a big deal to wait until the meeting is over, leave Dragonblight Wilderness, the territory of the dragons, and go to other places where Northrend learns of Azeroth and fight again. There is no need to fight here. , Bai lost the face of the dragons.
"Garrosh, step back first! This is not a place for a duel!"
The warchief of the orc tribe was taking two steps forward. After taking a deep look at the rumored Alleria, he nodded at Garrosh with a look that could not be resisted, and then motioned to Saurfang. The two brothers let go of each other temporarily.
At this time, Warchief Thrall had already seen the hostility of the Flame Alliance towards their tribe from the attitude of these long-eared high elves, so while he was secretly vigilant, he began to make some preparations. Now, their orcs can be said that the Azeroth forces here are not dealing with them, and they are still in a hostile state. He must be vigilant!
Fortunately, the Flame Alliance also fought fiercely with the Stormwind Alliance. One side invaded the other side’s Arathi Highlands, and the other side simply built a new kingdom in the backyard of someone else’s house, and surrounded and shelled Stormwind City. , It is said that even the fortress inhabited by the kings and nobles has been smashed. It must be a short while before the two sides will fight again, right?
Therefore, with the three major forces opposing each other and attacking each other, the situation of their tribe is actually not too bad, and they can always continue to survive in this world of Azeroth.
After hearing the words of her second sister and seeing that the other orcs were also trying to suppress the conflict, Alleria, who did not understand the situation, barely suppressed the anger in her heart, and slowly stood up straight and touched the body she had just bowed Now that I am fighting, I plan to look at the situation first.
She was also a little curious, what kind of meeting are these people going to hold in this so-called Dragon Sleep Temple? Is it possible that during her absence, the world of Azeroth has been in harmony to this point, and the resolution of conflicts depends on meetings, not wars?
"Wait! Please don't close that portal! Behind me, there should be someone who wants to teleport back from the opposite world!"
At this time, Alleria, who was temporarily calmed down under the persuasion of her second sister Sylvanas, turned her head and saw the strange little girl still standing on the table. The other party seemed to be about to turn it off. The portal she rushed out just now?
Seeing such irresponsible actions by the other party, she quickly exclaimed and wanted to stop the other party.
You know, she was with her before, but there was also Maiev, the watcher of the night elves! If the little girl closed the portal now, that Maiev would definitely not be able to escape, and in a place so close to the device, wouldn't the other party be dead? !
"Don't talk nonsense, no one is coming over!"
Hearing that Elf sister said that there was no one on the other side, Annie subconsciously stopped, and then started testing again, and then soon after confirming that there was no one, she glared at the other person.
She herself is the most powerful mage in the world of Azeroth. Does anyone have to go through such a portal or on the way to teleport? Would she not know? A ranger with void and shadow energy, would he still want to lie to her, a genuine arcane archmage?
"But, that Maiev Shadow Ge clearly follows me, in that Argus World!"
Alleria couldn't believe it, how could there be no one behind her?
At that time, after she pressed the strange purification device, the night elf opened and activated the portal for the first time, and then the other party pushed herself in for the first time, in the kind that was about to start purifying the planet. In this case, if the opponent is so close, if you don't enter this portal, then you will die!
"Let me tell you, there is no one on the portal side!"
"Maybe you don't know, the portal from the Argus world you mentioned is very energy-consuming! It's been a long time, the energy on that runestone will be used up, if there are people, it is impossible to stay there Stay still!"
With a very careful wave of her hand, she canceled the space door that was about to annihilate on its own, so as not to cause space turbulence and affect the safety here, so Xiao Annie retorted confidently.
Is there anyone on the other side that she doesn't know? She had waited so long just now, and if someone ran in early, how could she wait until now? If there are people who are chatting or fighting and don’t come in, that’s what it deserves. Little Annie herself told the guy called an egg before about something that needs attention. They wanted to kill her but she wouldn’t Stop.
"Argus World!?"
At this time, the draenei in the Stormwind Alliance team, especially the prophet Velen, apparently paid attention to hearing some important keywords, and then stepped out first, silently mentioning those few. Words that make him very concerned. For these wandering draenei people, the world of Argus has a special meaning!
Because, that world, that planet... it is not only the hometown of their draenei people for so many years, but also the lair of the Burning Legion! But now, when Velen heard someone mentioning the world again, and it seemed that he had just teleported back from there, the prophet Velen really wanted to go forward and catch the other person desperately, and to catch the high elf and ask carefully!
"Excuse me, this high elf lady..."
"Sorry to disturb you, but we just seemed to hear that you were talking about Maiev Shadowsong? She is the warden of our night elves. According to our information, she should have disappeared in Outland... But she Why did you get to the Argus world you just mentioned?"
At this time, the two elders of the night elves, Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Yufeng looked at each other in surprise, and then the green-headed antlers Marfa in the mouth of a little girl Leo stepped out and asked.
Actually, their night elves are very unwelcome to Maiev, who has been singing against the higher-ups, is rebellious and does not listen to orders, and is not yet able to be an elf? Shadowsong!
But as far as they know, the stubborn female elf should have gone to Outland to hunt down Illidan, and then, the other party has no news, and they don't know whether it is dead or alive... But how is it now? , But the other party went to the world of Argus again? You know, those draenei are now members of their Stormwind Alliance, and since ancient times, the Burning Legion has attacked the world of Azeroth twice and three times. For those demons and the world of Argus, they They don’t know much less than the draenei.
However, Alleria is now frowning and staring at the disappearing portal and is in a daze. She is wondering in her heart, she doesn't understand why Maiev didn't walk into the portal with her...So, she is not free now. Go and answer the night elf she doesn't know across the big round table.
Now she couldn't figure it out. Why didn't Maiev enter the portal in time after pushing herself in? Could it be that Maiev ran back to meet the demon hunter?
"Ms. Alleria..."
"I think you should be able to confuse us a little bit, about Argus?"
"The world of Argus, how is it now? Also, did he succeed in the plan of the demon hunter Illidan? Now where are they, including the warriors who expedition to Argus?"
Seeing that the high elves did not respond, when the green-headed monster Malfurion wanted to ask again, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the blue dragon king Malygos walked forward together. A few steps, he came directly to Alleria's side.
For these two guardians of the world of Azeroth, everything else can be temporarily set aside. They only care about what happened to the Burning Legion that threatened to destroy the world of Azeroth all the time. Lao Lao, the world of Argus, was it really destroyed by the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage, as the queen of the high elves told them before?
And this is the top priority, the top priority for the entire Azeroth world! As long as they can be sure that the world of Argus has been destroyed, they can rest assured! As for asking about the whereabouts of that Illidan and those expeditionary warriors, it was just incidental. After all, as a leader, sometimes they have to express a little care when they say what the Dragon King said, really don't take it too seriously!
Whether it is Illidan or the Maiev, or other warriors who are expeditioning to the world of Argus, the life and death of those mortals is actually only secondary.
"Ilidan's plan? What did he do?!"
After Malfurion and Tyrande looked at each other in shock again, they hurriedly looked at the Red Dragon Queen and the Alleria, and asked anxiously together.
Obviously, these people in front of them must know something, but they have been hiding it from them all! Regarding that brother Illidan, who has always been able to make trouble, although they have announced that he has been expelled, he no longer belongs to the night elves, but there are some things they still have to ask about.
After all, that Illidan can really cause trouble. For example, the summoning of the fraudster Kil'jaeden this time, after their various races paid a huge loss of nearly 100,000, they finally eliminated all the demons and That Kil'jaeden, otherwise, if something happens, this world of Azeroth might really be destroyed by that demon hunter!
"You are... Queen Alexstrasza? That's right, I saw you during the Second Orc War!"
Alleria did not care about the two night elves across the round table, but first looked at the Red Dragon Queen walking towards her and another high elf who also had horns on her head.
"Of course, I also recognize you, Alleria Windrunner... I also recognize your Windrunner's little girl, that Verresa? Back then... Thanks to their warriors who rescued them from the Dragonmaw clan. I!"
The high elf in front of him was not only the sister of Queen Sylvanas, but also the eldest sister of her benefactor, Wenresa, so the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza smiled and talked with each other.
"Ms. Alleria! I am Malygos, the king of the blue dragon. Please forgive me for being impatient, but I wonder if you should explain to us about the world of Argus earlier? Especially... the demon hunter Illidan Has his plan succeeded?!"
The magic weaver Malygos did not have much friendship with these mortals, and he did not accept the favor of the other party. Therefore, he did not hesitate to interrupt the stranger who seemed to want to talk about it. Asked what they most want to know now.
"Yes! I also want to know, that Illidan, did he succeed in bombing the planet called Argus?"
At this time, Xiao Anni also ran to the edge of the round table here expectantly, and just sat on the edge, and she hooked her head with great interest, wanting to know the big cannonball she gave to the other party, the second Did the kick break the hometown of those villains and demons?
"Blow up the planet? I haven't heard of..."
Seeing this little girl come over to ask about such inexplicable things, Alleria expressed her wonder! She just knew that Illidan and the others were going to purify the world of Argus. As for blowing up the planet, she didn't talk about it at all.
It's just... I don't know why. Seeing these people's reactions, she always has a bad feeling?
"Well, then I will talk about it carefully..."
After watching these big and small, young and old in silence for a while, everyone who knew and did not know seemed to be very interested in the affairs of Argus, although Alleria was still a little confused, she thought about it. , She decided to tell the other things that the other party wanted to know first, and then she went to straighten out other things that she cared about.
"Actually, it was three years ago. If you change to the time in your Azeroth world, it should be more than ten days ago?"
"At that time, the first time I met that Illidan and their group was in the Abyss of Aggona... At that time, they were with Turalyon, and I almost beat that Illidan as a demon! You may not know that his appearance, especially when the devil is transformed, is exactly the same as the devil... It is really unimaginable that his kind of guy who can use magic and fel proficiently will turn out to be a legend. That kind of night elves who hate demons?!"
Having said this, Alleria paused, and then subconsciously turned her head and glanced at the group of green-haired and violet-skinned relatives on the opposite side of the dark night. It was obvious that the other party was a typical representative of the devilish law. Guys!
"Then, with our help, they began to contact the Holy Light Legion, and started a solid and hard battle against the planet Argus for three years..."
Just standing silently at the round table surrounded by everyone, Alleria slowly led the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage to invade the world of Argus, the Lair of the Burning Legion, and met her near the incursion point. Husband Turalyon, then met himself in the Fall of Aggona, and the cruel battles in Krokuun, Mac'Aree and Antoran Wasteland for the next three years...
In these three years, all the things, to Alleria, are still vivid...
Because, during this period of time, they have paid heavy casualties, and there have been many evocative heroes during this period... There are countless warriors buried under the sword of the devil, and countless Illidari expeditionary legions have been organized one by one. Cancellation, all of them have become a string of cold and dazzling symbols on the list of deaths...
Anyway, as far as Alleria knows, those of them who finally successfully withdrew through the intrusion point to withdraw to the outer dark temple, are they probably less than one-third of the time when they invaded?
After all, compared to the almost infinite number of demons in the world of Argus, whether it is the Holy Light Legion or the expeditionary forces gathered by Illidan by all means, their strength is too weak... If it wasn't for unknown reasons, the command of the Burning Legion had been chaotic, and even because of Kil'jaeden's absence, it was impossible to have a unified command, maybe their troops had been wiped out by the demons long ago?
And then, at the last moment, it was her Alleria, Maiev, and Illidan. After they captured the Burning Throne, after they ordered all the troops to retreat, the three of them rushed into Agu. The deepest part of the planet!
She herself didn’t know how long they had been entangled with the demons there, anyway, in the end, as far as she remembered, only the mighty Titan she met, and the cylindrical object that Illidan gave them and After the portal rune stone, he should face the enemy's back alone...
In the end, she and Maiev were lucky enough to not encounter too many obstacles and reached the deepest point. After installing the strange equipment, the night elf directly pushed the unprepared self into the portal, and then she Appeared here.
"At that time, according to the other party's order, I placed the special device that is said to be able to purify the devil in the core of the world of Argus... You also know the next thing: we opened the portal through the runestone, and then the dark night The fairy Ms. Maiev pushed me in... I really don't know why she did that, and I don't know that she didn't come in..."
"At the time, there were no demons there anymore. She didn't need to do that to protect me... I thought, she might have gone back to find that Illidan? I really don't know how they are now, I hope they Everything is fine..."
Finally, after spending about a big hourglass, almost an hour later, Alleria finally finished saying everything and began to be somewhat silent.
After sorting out the bits and pieces of the past three years, she suddenly discovered something strange: She felt that the Illidan and the Maiev, although the two of them often verbally ridiculed each other, but... now When I think about it carefully, the subtle relationship between them seems to be a bit obvious...If this is the case, the Maiev, the reason why the other party didn't follow him back at the time, must have gone back to find the demon hunter, right?
"Don't guess, they must all be dead!"
Just sitting on the table, Little Annie dangled her feet and listened to the long story for more than an hour. Finally, she heard that she was a little bit more energetic after the second kicking cannon was started. Suddenly she lost her heart. Summarizing.
Annie’s concluding speech like a bolt from the blue caused everyone including Alleria to gather all their eyes on her. It seemed that they all wanted to know what the device was. Start it. What will happen in the future to make this little girl such an alarmist talk?
"It's all dead..... Why, how do you know?!"
Alleria was puzzled and didn't know what was going on with this little girl. The other party seemed to be just human children, not those dwarfs, but it was a bit strange to be able to appear here.
Is it possible that the opponent is the leader of the Flame Alliance that those Argus expeditionary forces often talk about, the queen of the Flame Kingdom? !
"Because, that device, it's called Super Ivan!"
"It's actually a nuclear weapon. Just one can blow up the planet of Azeroth to tatters! If you really put it inside the core of the planet Argus that you said and detonate, the power may be even greater! Anyway, once it hits it, the entire planet will be blown to pieces in an instant, don't even want to live!"
There are also many heavy nuclear elements inside the planet. Then, what will happen under a tens of billion-ton equivalent of a large Ivan fusion? Only the scientists of the Hero Federation who specialize in this kind of thing will do. Got it... Little Annie herself only knows a little about this. She herself studies magic, and science is a bit biased. It's just an aid, and she knows a little.
"Wait! This is not right, Annie... Didn't you say that that thing can purify the devil?"
After Sylvanas was stunned for a while, she suddenly remembered that when projecting to the Outland to find Illidan's trouble, this little guy didn't say that at the time!
"Yeah! Blow up the planet directly and kill all the demons on it. Haven't those demons been purified?"
Little Annie has a natural expression. In her opinion,'purification' is equivalent to'killing'! And ‘clean all’ is of course equivalent to ‘kill all’! These two words probably mean this, and there is nothing wrong with it! Wouldn't they be incomprehensible to something so simple and easy to understand? In that case, it would be too stupid. I deserve to be unable to transfer to Master Fa, and I deserve to fight the enemy with swords, hammers and bows and arrows!
And like that Illidan is very good, she just said that at the time, blinked, and then the bad guy understood!
It's just a pity...
Little Annie felt that Illidan had a very bad appetite for her, and should have become a friend who had some fun with her, but now the other party seems to be dead! As long as that guy doesn't have time to escape, as long as he is still on the planet, he will definitely be hopeless!
"This is impossible!!"
"That thing, its appearance, is only so long and so thick... such a small thing, it doesn't have much energy fluctuation at all, how can it blow up an entire planet?!"
Alleria was still a little unbelievable in shock, she didn't believe that such a small thing could blow up the whole Argus! Therefore, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to make gestures. At that time, she carried the thing behind her back. It was very light, lighter than ordinary plate armor, not heavy at all, and it did not look like a high-end one. Horror weapon!
How could such a small thing blow up the entire planet of Argus?
"Sister Sylvanas, do you remember the undead that I bombed in the Silvermoon City before?"
Little Annie didn't explain much, just suddenly turned slyly and asked Sylvanas on the other side with a smile.
Some things are too troublesome to explain, so it's better to compare them directly!
"When, of course remember..."
Sylvanas' face suddenly shrank, she seemed to vaguely think of something bad.
"The thing I lost in Silvermoon City at the time was called a tactical nuclear missile! What might it be... It was about 100,000 tons of TNT equivalent? But, the one I gave to Illidan, it was called'Super Da Yi' Wan' is a strategic-level star-killing weapon in the Kepulu zone! As for the equivalent... but it is a full 10 billion tons!"
After speaking, Xiao Annie quickly took off her white fingers and counted from one hundred thousand to ten billion. Then she quickly discovered that it was about five zeros?
"Anyway, the thing that exploded on the planet Argus is as powerful as the 10,000 that I had thrown in Silvermoon, it should be 100,000 times more powerful!"
After struggling for a while, Xiao Annie quickly figured it out: if there are five zeros, it should be one hundred thousand times, that's right!
When I think of the 100,000 firecrackers that bombed Silvermoon City in the core of Argus World, Little Annie felt excited! It's a pity that she can only think about it, now she must have finished the bombing, there must be no way to see it in person.
And if you can watch it up close, that kind of picture must be very emotional, right?
"Ten, hundred thousand times? is this possible?!"
Sylvanas' face suddenly turned pale...
She still remembers that kind of cylindrical thing. At that time, this little kid took it out from the Flame Palace so casually, and kept bumping it, and finally threw it into the portal. Outland to go to that Illidan.
Thinking about it now, in case it accidentally explodes at that time... the power that is enough to explode 100,000 Silvermoon City, let alone the continent of Lordaeron, I am afraid the entire world of Azeroth will be completely finished. ? That kind of dangerous thing, how could this little guy dare to mess around like that?
"All, all dead?!"
Hearing this and seeing the pale expression of her second sister, Alleria seemed to have finally figured out something, one hundred thousand Silver Moon City, of course she knew what it meant!
It’s just that she still couldn’t believe it, that she personally detonated such a terrible weapon, not only destroying all the Argus demons, but also destroying the Holy Light Legion and other Eredar who survived on the planet Argus. People, naru and all living things...
Perhaps the only thing that makes Alleria less worried is that her husband Turalyon has led a part of the Light Legion and Illidan’s Illidari expeditionary force to withdraw to the dark temple in the Outland, right? If the relatives you care about are not dead, it is more or less a bit of comfort?
"Yes! They are all dead, and the planet has become scum. It must be hopeless!"
Although the other party looked sad and her mind was a little unsure, Xiao Annie still reconfirmed the matter without mercy!
Those guys on the planet Argus, unless they have the ability to survive in the Twisting Nether, and then teleport to the cosmic space far away from the explosion range in advance, otherwise, after the planet explodes, then the truth can only wait for death, absolutely nothing Lucky reason!
"and many more……"
"I still don't understand... That Illidan, the reason why he used to make big moves in Outland before, he did not hesitate to cooperate with the devil, and let the new Lich King Kael'thas? Sunstrider be in Galak Ryu’s Tomb summoned Kil'jaeden, the great demon deceiver, in order to enable him to successfully expedition to the world of Argus and destroy the Burning Legion’s lair?!"
After listening for a while, Malfurion, the green-headed archdruid druid, who was a little shaken, finally felt a little restless.
What they had always thought was that a certain night elf traitor and exile who cooperated with the Burning Legion was actually to destroy the Burning Legion and at the same time to save the world of Azeroth? !
This plot is too sudden and funny, right?
What Malfurion couldn’t accept was his brother who was considered by him and Tyrande to be the most untenable and disappointed the couple the most, the criminal who was tried by them and imprisoned for ten thousand years, who was After being released, the sinner who was tried and permanently expelled by him, the demon who suffered countless eyes and verbal abuse, and was burdened with countless crimes, in the end, turned out to be the one who saved Azeroth and even saved countless people in the universe. The hero of the world?
What made him even more unacceptable to Malfurion was: his younger brother, in order to destroy the planet Argus, he might have died with countless demons? !
"Huh! What do you think?"
"Otherwise, why do you think that our Flame Alliance will tolerate those actions of Illidan again and again? Unlike your night elves, we are not like your night elves, who have received endless benefits from others, but still have to imprison and expel each other for nothing!"
Never let go of Sylvanas, who was a sarcasm and attack on the enemy, after calming down, she mercilessly attacked the night elves on the opposite side.
She knew that in ancient times, the demon hunter Illidan secretly rebuilt a new well of eternity, but was convicted by these ignorant night elves and scored a full ten thousand years... and then, With the Well of Eternity and the World Tree, these guys have obtained almost eternal life out of thin air?
These idiots, wouldn't it be possible to think about it, even if there is really no well of eternity, the demons of the Burning Legion will give up invading this world? If you don’t use magic well, you learn what Druidic way, but the result? Their forest demigod was hacked to death by an orc with an axe, and I didn't see how powerful it was!
In contrast to these night elves, their high elves will use the power of the Sunwell in an open and fair manner, and will directly cover all the land of the Flame Alliance, so that all Alliance citizens can enjoy it. That kind of magical energy!
And this is just as a little girl said, magic itself is not wrong, it can only be that the power of the person who uses magic is not strong enough! If there are foreign enemies who dare to look at the Sunwell, then just destroy it!
Hearing the high elf queen opposite her taunting herself, Malfurion opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.
After all, now that Illidan has probably been bombed to death...
The opponent is undoubtedly the hero who destroyed the Burning Legion and saved the world of Azeroth! As the elder brother, he repeatedly suppressed and misunderstood the other party. In the face of this naked reality, facts speak louder than words. He has been embarrassed, and there really is no good excuse to refute him. other side.
Even if time can come back again, relying on the other party's outrageous method of using fel magic, collaborating with demons, and even actively summoning Kil'jaeden to the world of Azeroth, even if they are informed of the overall plan, it will definitely not Will you get any approval?
Malfurion believed that if Illidan dared to tell the night elves this plan, he would definitely end up being caught and locked up for another ten thousand years, right?
The Moon God High Priest Tyrande? Yufeng next to Malfurion also didn't mean to speak, she just frowned and lowered her head in contemplation, not knowing what she was thinking.
In the end, she just shook her head slightly, still standing aside with that expressionless face.
"Oh... Argus... it was destroyed..."
"But that's good, it was blown up in the Twisting Void, and I believe that those Burning Legions are also destroyed! The endless threat is finally eliminated!"
I lowered my head to cherish the memory of the original hometown of the Eredans, and missed the beautiful world of Argus for a while before being destroyed by the fel energy. After sighing for a while, Velen the Draenei nodded and returned. In the queue of the Stormwind Alliance, his Exodar Life Staff stood aside with his eyes closed, no longer expressing any personal opinions.
After now, he has to digest the things he has obtained today and think about how the draenei will thrive on this planet of Azeroth next. For example, there is no doubt about such things as dominance and the construction of Secret Blue Island well!
That huge island, that rich place, their draenei will never allow anyone to set foot on it easily!
"Although we have always been hostile to that Illidan, I have to say that he is indeed a great hero! My Magni admires him!"
At this time, Magni Bronzebeard, the king of Dwarf Ironforge, who has never spoken easily, stood up and smashed his chest with his hand, expressing his admiration. For a warrior who died in order to destroy the Burning Legion, his praise is not stingy!
"Yes, that Illidan is indeed a fearless warrior!"
"If it is possible, our tribe can accept the evil blood orcs who returned from the world of Argus to Outland, because they are all heroes of the world of Azeroth!"
After raising his warhammer and saluting a dead fellow Orc Chief Thrall, he began to strike up the idea of ​​the evil blood orcs who had retreated from the world of Argus.
In any case, from the words of the previous Alleria, he knew that those orcs participated in the expedition to the world of Argus, and that can be said to be the glory of the orcs! So, of course their new tribe can accept them, and can also help them get rid of the imprisonment of demon blood?
"Everyone! Since the threat of the Burning Legion is no longer there, I now declare: The Azeroth Alliance Army is now officially disbanded!"
"From now on, unless there is a new threat to the existence of the world of Azeroth, our Dragon Sleep Alliance will no longer participate in your mortal battles! As for the post-war benefit distribution you discussed before, You can negotiate by yourself!"
"But there is one thing you should pay attention to!"
"Our Dragonbone Wilderness is the sacred place of our five-color dragon. The Dragon Sleep Alliance does not allow any races to fight here! As for other places, you can figure it out..."
After the red dragon queen Alexstrasza looked at each other with the blue dragon king Malygos, she decisively announced certain conclusions that had not been resolved in the previous morning's meeting! Now that the Burning Legion had been destroyed, their dragons didn't want to get involved in the disputes between these mortals. Anyway, some disputes can't be discussed, so let these guys fight!
After all, the giant dragon clan now seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and they can't control it if they want to. The era of mortals is about to come...
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