Chapter 48: school starts? school starts!

   Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it’s the beginning of September again, and now it’s time for schools to start in the fall! The teachers and students of Hogwarts also took the Hogwarts Express train at platform 9 and three-quarters today and returned to their school, Hogwarts Castle! They are going to continue their study and life here for a new semester.
   This is the Hogwarts Auditorium. At this time, all the teachers and students of the school gathered here, and it was bustling with excitement. The chandeliers on the ceiling have been lit, and the lights are dotted with lights, illuminating the hall very brightly! Today is a good day for the beginning of the new semester. The teachers and students of each college have been seated at the long table of their own college according to different grades.
   In the front of the auditorium hall, a small wooden chair is placed. On the chair is a shabby-looking wizard's hat. This thing is the characteristic of Hogwarts. It is said that freshmen must wear a sorting hat before entering school! It is said that it can divide students into different colleges according to their talents and qualities! And now, it is singing something in a whirlwind!
   The song sung by this hat made Annie in the teacher seat curl her lips in disdain! In her opinion, this is a constant enchantment for detecting thoughts! It's nothing more than spying on students' ideas and talents to classify them. Maybe there are some storage functions and a basic secondary wisdom technique? Choose talents and apprentices! Why is it so mysterious?
   The most important thing is: the song it sings is terrible! That's not music at all! That is noise! Annie doesn't like it very much! She has endured it for a long time, and it has been singing for so long, but it hasn't finished singing! It's not over yet! Annie felt that after a while her patience reached its limit, she might throw a permanent silence technique to it! The broken mouth that always seals it!
And now, Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal of Hogwarts School, is standing next to the wooden chair. She is busy arranging a group of smaller students to stand in line. These students are obviously Hogwarts this year. The first-year freshmen who are enrolled in Izaki, after a while after the hat has finished singing, they are about to prepare for the sorting ceremony in turn! This is very important! So Professor McGonagall was keeping order while whispering to these little guys.
"Hey! Harry! You should have read the newspaper I sent you? The big event that happened in our wizarding world recently! That's really big news!" At the second-grade long table, taking advantage of the sorting ceremony now Before it officially started, Ron tilted his body and got close to Harry's ear and whispered mysteriously.
   at the beginning of last month! The Gringotts Wizarding Bank incident, which shocked the wizarding world at home and abroad, went viral for a long time! For a long time, it has successfully attracted the attention of the entire British wizarding community, and all wizards have paid more or less attention to this matter! According to Ron's father, Mr. Arthur Weasley, even the Ministry of Magic in foreign countries sent official letters to try to inquire about the truth of the matter and some other specific circumstances.
  Thanks to this incident, many things that should have happened in the original work have changed a lot! Because Lucius Malfoy didn’t have much leisure time to contemplate any conspiracy against Harry Potter, then naturally there was no rebellious house-elf Dobby to make a fuss and make trouble, Ron and Harry also Naturally, there will be no more incidents of driving a flying car to school and bumping into the beating Liu!
"Newspaper? Where's the newspaper? I didn't see it! What's the big thing? Could it be that Voldemort was resurrected again?" Harry looked a little inexplicable, and he didn't think anything worthy of the wizarding world would happen except for Voldemort's resurrection. Big things! Moreover, the sorting hat in the middle was still singing the ugly sorting hat song loudly, and he didn't quite understand what Ron said.
He was just looking at the first-year freshmen in the middle of the hall with great interest. Last year, Harry was just like the freshmen in front of him. He was watched by his senior classmates, waiting nervously and miserably. Branch! Especially at that time, someone maliciously spread rumors among the new students that the sorting hat would eat people's brains! Don't mention how complicated Harry was at that time!
   And now, Feng Shui takes turns! Harry Potter has also sat in the second grade position, and finally he has changed to watch the freshmen being sorted out! This is a very novel experience! So, he also learned what the senior students did to him, staring at the new students, staring at who is more nervous, and when the person feels his sight, he will become more tension! The more nervous he is, the more he will watch! Looking at the embarrassed expressions of those freshmen, this is a very fun thing!
   "Don't tell me, you don't even know!!!" After discovering that Harry didn't seem to know, Ron screamed in unbelievable way! There are still people in the wizarding world who don’t know about it? Are you still a wizard? Surprised, he didn't even notice that Harry had just mentioned the mysterious person's name directly in front of him!
   He remembers it very clearly. Not long ago, he sent Harry a copy of the Daily Prophet newspaper to Harry! It is the one that sold the most! Of course, this newspaper was sent after his whole family had read it! And now, Harry actually said he didn't know? So, where did that newspaper go? For that newspaper, Ron originally wanted to keep it for his own collection! But afterwards, I thought and thought, and finally thought that he and Harry were friendly comrades, so I reluctantly sent it to him! However, now Harry actually told him that he didn't know? !
   Ron's huge voice immediately caused dissatisfaction among the surrounding Gryffindors! Looking at the threatening or warning gazes of those around him, he had to smile awkwardly and apologize to him, then lowered his voice to Harry again and whispered: "I didn't send it to you the other day. A daily prophet? Where is it now? Did you not receive it? It shouldn't be!"
"Daily Prophet? I didn’t see any newspapers during the holidays! Alas! Ron! Didn’t I tell you? Don’t use an owl to send anything to my Uncle Vernon’s house! He bought it again last year. With a double-barreled shotgun, he does not welcome anything from the wizarding world to step into his house! He might actually shoot down your owl!" Harry was stunned. He was stunned throughout the holiday. I really haven't received anything from the wizarding world!
  Even his pet owl, Hedwig, has been kept in a cage by him throughout the holiday, and there is no chance to let it go! If Ron really sent him a newspaper, it must have been confiscated by his Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia! It seems that I have missed a lot of interesting things this holiday!
"Of course I remember what you said! Don't worry! I actually asked my father to send you with their special owl from the Ministry of Magic! Even if it was shot down by your uncle, it's okay! Anyway, it's not mine. I don’t feel bad when I die!" Ron waved his hand, not minding what he encouraged his dad to use his own tools! Anyway, it is the owl of the Ministry of Magic! Right? If you die, you die! Don't need him Ron to lose money!
"That's right! I almost forgot to ask! What big thing happened? You are so mysterious! Is it really Voldemort resurrected?" Harry remembered that before the holiday, Voldemort was just a ghost of! Could it be that he really came back to life in this short summer vacation? Isn't he too capable of making trouble? It really deserves to be the villain Voldemort!
   "Well, it seems that you really don't know! Also! Don't mention the mysterious person's name in front of me again!" Hearing the name that couldn't be said, Ron's face was shocked! He shook his head helplessly at Harry, then carefully glanced at Hermione, who was sitting next to her, before reaching Harry’s ear again and whispering: "It’s actually like this...! Then ......"
   "It's impossible, isn't it? Rob, grab the Gringotts Wizarding Bank? How could such a thing happen?!" After listening, Harry's eyes widened behind his myopia glasses, and his face was incredible! This is much more explosive than Voldemort's resurrection! Then he hurriedly turned to Hermione on the other side and asked aloud, "How is this possible?! Hermione! Is it true that Ron said just now? Are you really involved in the Gringotts incident?"
   "Huh!" Hermione snorted coldly and turned her head to the other side. She didn't even care about the two people who were whispering on the side!
   She naturally knew what they were muttering just now! He must be saying something bad about her again! Since the incident at the Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Hermione has become accustomed to the strange gazes of the people around him and the questioning of those who do good things! She was actually annoying!
   More importantly, some rumors are getting more and more unreliable! Listen now! Listen! Ron already said that it was her Hermione who participated in the bank robbery! In fact, it should be the bank fairy who robbed her of the money, OK? If they want to know, won't they read the newspaper by themselves? Why do you even ask her?
  Hermione wanted to understand it a long time ago! The more she said and explained about that, the more those who are good would want to ask! Finally, the more outrageous it spread! So, she has learned the best way to deal with it! That is: indifference! Ignore! As long as she doesn't talk to them and ignores them, those good things will naturally go away! Her indifference and ignorance are the best counter-attack weapons for those rumors! Love to talk, love to ask, hermione just ignores her anyway! Humph!
   Originally, Hermione just wanted to reveal to her two little friends in advance a little bit of novel things that will happen at Hogwarts this year. This is the first-hand news she heard in the principal's office last month! No one knows more than double digits now! But now she suddenly changed her mind! She would never tell them two who like to gossip! Never reveal to them any bit of news in advance! Who made them just mumble and arrange themselves?
   One thing, Ron is right! Hermione is one of the important participants in the Gringotts Wizarding Bank incident. She has indeed witnessed the whole story! But she really hates anyone coming to ask her any questions about this matter! After all, she was terrified! This incident can be said to be her inverse scale! No one can touch it! And Harry and Ron were discussing this in front of her, and the boat of friendship was about to turn over!
   But everything that goes wrong must be gained! After Hermione got to know Annie and was terribly frightened, she also got a huge gain that was not known to outsiders! Because the next day, at the end of the Hogwarts trip, especially after knowing that little Annie was temporarily homeless and wandering around, Hermione strongly requested and invited Annie to stay at her house for a month! In this month, Hermione not only learned about Anne's life experience, that she was not actually in this world, but also learned a lot of magic knowledge from Anne! These knowledges are all good things that the current wizarding world does not possess! I can't buy it for much money!
   But in fact, after Anne stayed at Hermione's house for a month, Hermione was not the happiest person! Not even Annie! But Hermione's irresponsible father: Mr. Granger! Because, now Mr. Granger is still worried about the big box full of him hidden under the bed, and the tens of thousands of Jin Jialong! That is happy to worry!
   Of course these gold coins were given to him by Annie! Said it was a meeting ceremony at their house! I don’t want to charge it! So, since then, Mr. and Mr. Granger and his wife have been wondering whether it is worthwhile to exchange them directly into Gringotts for British pounds? Or is it more cost-effective to just melt into gold ingots and go to the banks of the Muggle World outside? This is a big question worth exploring! They have been studying for a long time and have not been able to make up their minds!
   "Wow! That's cool! Okay! Ron, can you tell me more carefully?" After Harry saw Hermione ignored him, he had to turn his head awkwardly and continue to ask Ron.
   Since Hermione neither denies nor admits this, the eight achievements of this matter are true! He didn't even know about such a big event! This is really a pity! So he still wants to continue to ask questions, want to know more specific content!
"Okay! It was said to be like this..." Ron just thought about continuing to speak to Harry, only to find that all the Gryffindor students around him suddenly stood up and applauded warmly. Now, especially his two twin brothers, they whistled loudly and waved and cheered.
   It turned out that the branching ceremony had already begun when they were talking! Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley, was assigned her dream Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat as she wished! Because she was fascinated by someone in Gryffindor day and night! In fact, it is not too strange that she can be assigned here! After all, all the children in the Weasley family seem to belong to Gryffindor! This is about to become genetic inheritance!
"Harry! Let's not talk about it yet! I'll give you a copy of the newspaper of the day when I go back to the dormitory! But when my father and I went to the Ministry of Magic, I finally hid a copy!" Now that the sorting has begun! , Ron doesn’t want to miss any details. Besides, it’s about to start a great dinner in a while! He didn't want to waste time on this topic.
"Okay! You have to remember!" Since the original newspaper of the day was available after the party, Harry also decided not to worry about the matter for the time being, and hurriedly stood up and applauded Ron’s sister Ginny. With.
The sorting ceremony continued in an orderly manner. The four colleges of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw were each assigned a different number of first-year freshmen. As the freshmen took their seats, Professor McGonagall finally removed the chair and sorting cap, and the school banquet was about to officially begin!
   After receiving a certain instruction, the house elves of Hogwarts School began to cast spells, spreading a dazzling array of high-quality foods across the long tables of each college in an instant! You know, the opening party dinner of each semester is the most abundant of the year! So Ron from a poor family and Harry, who was abused by his uncle's family for a summer vacation, these two difficult brothers immediately picked up their knife and fork and started to eat!
   In fact, it cannot be said that it is not usually rich, but you have to know that all kinds of meat have different prices and tastes! Today I can eat beef and lamb shanks with seafood, but usually, pork chops, potatoes and bread are good! School funding is not unlimited! That all requires the selfless sponsorship of shareholders! Where can you eat big fish and meat for free every day? This is just a magic school, not a free lunch restaurant for officials of the Ministry of Magic! What kind of treatment do you want?
   And the first day of school is definitely to give the freshmen a good impression! and so! It will definitely be a little more rich on this day or during the holidays! This is about the face of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Can't be sloppy! As for usual words? Cough! Eat whatever you have! Anyway, it’s enough to ensure nutrition and never starve people!
  In the process of feasting, some attentive students also found that today’s teacher seats seem to be a bit different from usual! Because they discovered that there are not only Hogwarts professors but also a particularly eye-catching little girl with blond hair on the teacher's long table! And it looks familiar!
   Looking closely, that little girl was the protagonist of the Gringotts Wizarding Bank incident a while ago! That is said to be the most powerful wizard in the history of the magic world! It is said that even Dumbledore or the mysterious man is not her opponent! And this statement seems to be justified!
   Because according to the analysis of the follow-up events in the Daily Prophet, this little girl's record is terrifying! In less than an hour, she continuously released 20 or 30 fairy employees, captured or stunned hundreds of Auror and Gringotts guards alive, and finally killed an ancient dragon! Even the Mysterious Man or Dumbledore can't get such a record, right? So the inference about the strength of the little girl came out from this!
   For this, quite a few students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are still reluctant to believe it! In their opinion, how could a few-year-old girl be more powerful than their most admired and most powerful Headmaster Dumbledore? This is obviously an unlikely thing! It must be the editors of those newspapers who deliberately scribbled in order to gain! It must be so!
"Harry, help, pass me that leg of lamb over there!" On Gryffindor's long table, Ron was still holding a large lobster in his hand, his eyes fixed on Harry. The roast leg of lamb on the side.
   "Oh! Okay! Here you are! Could you please help me get the crab over there too!" Harry was no better than Ron! He is also gnawing on a big chicken leg!
   "Thank you!"
And beside them, Hermione, who was talking quietly about something with a female classmate, silently squinted at the two of them from the corner of her eye, and then carefully moved her position calmly so as to stay further away from them. a little. After smiling crampedly with the classmates who just talked to, he pretended not to know them, and continued to move gracefully, eating the food on his plate slowly.
   Fortunately, it’s so ugly that the college score will not be deducted! Hermione felt that if there was a requirement for food in the school regulations, I am afraid that Harry and Ron would definitely be able to deduct Gryffindor's base points! Is there no place for the word shame in their heads?
   I am afraid that many people have noticed them now, right? The two of them now have a leg of lamb and a lobster! And the other one is chicken legs and crabs with both hands! It's just for dinner, can't you just converge a bit and behave a little more reserved? No one wants to fight them! Look at the first-year freshman Ginny sitting opposite. She probably doesn't want to recognize her brother now, right?
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