Chapter 456: 2 in 1

Make up for the power outage yesterday
When this little red sinker turned his head and looked around, and finally found the little girl mage who had just disappeared on one of the big white rocks a hundred yards away, he yelled again and held it high. His torch and axe rushed towards the enemy.
The brain is a bit awkward, but it doesn’t think too much about why the weak-looking girl mage has such powerful teleportation skills. Anyway, it only recognizes one point now, that is: hacking the opponent to death with its own axe. , And then secretly cooked it by himself!
In the recent period, their life in this small tribe of sinking demons is not so good!
Before last month, the few unlucky Roger archers hunted by them had already been cooked and eaten by them! Therefore, it will now be summoned by the sinking demon wizard who can only exploit them to find food in order to alleviate the food crisis of their little sinking demon tribe.
But it dared to swear to King Rakanisiu that after it killed the little human mage in front of it, it would never take the opponent back, but secretly eat it alone! Because, the little human girl, she is too skinny, she definitely doesn't have much meat, and it is probably not enough for her to eat.
Therefore, this sinking demon has already decided. After it has eaten enough, it will risk being nailed and stabbed. It is enough to catch a pair of wire-haired mice and go back to have a relationship. As for the wire-haired mouse, it is good to eat it. No matter it!
"People... but the most powerful teacher, you, a little demon, dare to be presumptuous in front of Queen Anne?"
"Huh! I will never forgive you!"
At this time, after the initial panic, Annie, the true teacher, quickly suppressed the panic in her heart with a cold face, and finally recovered.
Just now, it was just that she was out of her control because of the firebomb, and after her attack missed, the opponent rushed over too quickly, and in a hurry, she used a lot of familiar spells indiscriminately. Only when I found that I couldn't use one of them, I was stunned there! If it hadn’t been for Tibbers, the little bear, to remind her in time to let her know that she still has a flash technique to use, she might have just left the house and the projection would be cut back, right?
If that were the case, in order to maintain the image of the wise and courageous Anne, and to destroy the evidence, maybe she would have to find ways to destroy the world!
But now, since she has understood that the fire bomb can only be fired in a straight line and is not controlled by her mental power, then she will naturally have other ways to make the spell accurately hit her enemy!
After all, she is a very knowledgeable and veritable teacher, not one of those wild ways!
The Sinking Demon had already ran to the enemy who was still standing on the rock, and after it made a weird cry again, it raised its handle high, still carrying the hideous blood of the creature without knowing it. Stone axe.
clang! ! !
After the piercing sound of the impact, the Sinking Demon discovered that its own attack was only a futile smashing of a white mark on the hard rock and it shattered an intermediate position of the axe blade, and made a huge gap. That's it, the little girl who was standing upright on the rock was gone...
"Huh! I burned you to death!!"
However, before the Sinking Demon could react, another fireball hit the back of its head severely and accurately, burning its black demon hair into a paste, and the whole body staggered towards it. He threw himself on the rock, and in an instant he fell a dog to eat shit, and the hard rock surface broke its biggest tooth!
"Huh? He's not dead yet? Huh! I'll burn it again!"
It turned out that this was the moment when the enemy was about to cut herself, Xiao Anni directly flashed behind the opponent again with a flash technique, and then, at close range, instantly threw a fire towards the back of the enemy's head. bomb! Later, after blowing down the enemy, Anne had no intention to stop the attack. She was angry and found that the opponent was not dead, so she threw three more fireballs again and hit the enemy's back one after another. The exploded fire bomb scorched the enemy's back and head to black!
Knowing that the enemy was not far behind him, and feeling that his hard back and thick-skinned back were burned with severe pain by the enemy, the sinker did not want to escape immediately. Instead, he decided to try another counterattack!
So, after continuing to shout loudly the name of King Rakanisiu, the most powerful of their sinking demons, to give itself courage, it suddenly jumped up from the ground and moved back to the position of the little girl it felt. One chop!
Hearing this kind of sound, no matter how stupid the Sinking Demon is, he can know it. It is the sound of an axe directly cutting into the grass and mud, and it is definitely not the enemy's flesh and blood body!
Sure enough, when it looked up, it found that the cunning little human girl, the other party once again disappeared where it was attacking...
"Aha! Stupid devil, you can never hit me like this!"
After using the flash technique for the third time and successfully reached the right side of the red-skinned little demon silently, Annie sneered, and another flash of fire flashed on her body. After the mana began to surge, another fireball technique was fierce. The ground hit the little devil’s thin arm, making the other party scream, and at the same time, let the axe that threatened Annie the most from the other party’s small arm that had been burned down in darkness and carrying flames. It fell to the ground.
Then naturally, this demon that didn't know where it came from was left with a small torch for lighting.
This time, this Sinking Demon was finally afraid!
It is afraid that it will accidentally die here, in this unknown little corner...Because this situation is very serious, it will cause their sinking magic wizard to not find its body in time, then it may be true forever Dead!
Therefore, feeling that its life was seriously threatened, it subconsciously screamed again subconsciously with a loud scream of the name of the leader of their demon worship, King Rakanisiu, after being bolder, it hurriedly threw down the torch. Holding his injured right hand, he turned his head and ran madly towards the camp of their fallen demon tribe!
"Hmm! You badass, you still want to run!?"
Finding that the previous aggressive enemy wanted to run when he realized that he lost, how could Annie make the opponent do what he wanted? Today, no matter what, she must smash the head of that hateful red-skinned little demon! She must let it know that it provokes the sad end of Queen Anne!
Therefore, in the next instant, she appeared directly in front of the opponent with a flashing technique, and then her face was cold, and the corners of her mouth were curved with a clear curve and the pointed little tiger teeth were leaking out. At the same time, that one was already high. The raised short stick and staff slammed a stick at the head of the little red devil who just ran in front of him!
! !
A muffled sound...
Little Annie, who originally had a super-violent gene in her body, just grabbed one end of the stick and drew a big arc at the other end where the iron ring was tightly bound, and the devil's head was horrified. He stared at the black horned head with rounded eyes!
In terms of body shape, the small arms and legs of the Sinking Demon are obviously a little shorter than Annie... As far as strength, the physique of this projected body of Little Annie is obviously not worse than that of the other! After all, she still has a full strength value!
So, after that, the panic-stricken Sinking Demon felt the darkness in front of him, and after a scream, he was brutally beaten to the ground by a little girl who had previously thought it was food!
However, this is only the first stick. Whether it is burning a bad egg or beating a devil, Little Annie has never been soft-hearted!
So soon, the thing called a staff called a short stick, which is actually a solid iron wooden stick, was held by one end of it by a little guy, and he kept squeezing it to death. The ground was hit by the red-skinned demon who was struggling to get up and was hit by her with a stick before...
"Let you just scare me!"
! !
"Make you stupid holding a torch to play a sneak attack!!"
! !
"Let you not learn how to use such a big axe to chop me!!"
! !
"Let you know to shout ‘Rakanisiu’ all day long!!"
! ! !
"Let you... make you look hot and ugly!!!"
Ding! ! !
Finally, after Xiao Anni hit her for the fifth time, a certain sinker who had been struggling to get up finally let out a sorrowful cry, and slumped face to the ground motionless and could no longer struggle and wailing. Not alive...
At the same time, the other party's body suddenly dinged, and a shiny gold coin popped out inexplicably, and it rolled and bounced twice before it fell on Annie's feet...this kind of weirdness The phenomenon caused Little Annie to stiffen in the air with the wooden stick that she originally held high and was stained with the filthy blood of the devil.
"Then what, Tibbers...what the is going on?!"
First, he vigilantly stabbed the little demon who stabbed to the ground with a short stick and staff, and found that this ugly monster was indeed completely dead, and would never jump up to scare her again, then Annie cautiously squatted onto the grass, wondering. He stretched out his hand puzzled and pinched the shiny gold coin with two fingers, and carefully brought it to his eyes.
This seems to be a very ordinary gold coin, but she doesn't understand, what is going on? She just killed an evil demon, how could she drop gold coins?
(It seems that many humans, demons, or monsters in this world generally have storage grids like yours, but they are large and small. Of course, some people don’t have any... It’s said that they are actually the creator. Gift?
Anyway, after they are killed, the storage space will collapse and annihilate with the death of the owner, and then the contents will fall out by themselves? That should be the case. You seemed to have explained it when you were doing the projection. Didn't you pay attention to it?
After hesitating for a while, Tibbers really vaguely remembered that there was such an explanation. After all, this world is incomplete and very strange. The rules are not the same as other real worlds. The great gods like to be willful. No one can change such a world. )
"So it looks like this..."
Nodded clearly, and after receiving this poor gold coin into her own space grid, Annie smashed the sinking demon with another stick on the head.
! !
"It makes you so spicy!!"
A demon with a tall name, with only one gold coin on his body, really deserves to be smashed to death by himself!
Look at Xiao Anni's previous body that stayed out of the world, in her half-plane space bag, if she didn't bring a few hundred tons of gold, she would be embarrassed to go out to meet people!
As for other gems, delicious food, or various good things of value, she doesn't even know how many there are! Anyway, whenever she enters a new world, she always stuffs some weird things in. If one day it is really exploded by others, then she must be smashed to death!
Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Little Annie herself doesn't think anyone will be able to explode her own space to grab her own things, that is absolutely impossible! Furthermore, her half-plane space will never annihilate and collapse on its own!
"Hey! Let's take a look, Tibbers, were they very powerful just now? You see, this can only measure a demon whose level is obviously higher than me. Wasn't I killed alive in the end?"
"Don't tell me, the feeling of smashing monsters with a stick seems pretty good. A thief can vent!"
A bit disgustedly, she was dragging the other end of the short stick on the grass, trying to wipe off the blood of the disgusting demon on it. At this time, she proudly showed off to Tibbers who was hung on her waist. .
Before that, the kind of thing that Xiao Xiong said that he would die when he went out and survived three chapters was absolutely impossible to achieve!
Look now, she easily killed a very powerful little demon!
Although at the beginning, I was forced to be a little embarrassed by the other party, just a little bit... But that was actually what happened when she was not familiar with the world and the rules of casting here. That's it. But now it's different. She probably understands a lot of the rules of this world. Next time, no matter what kind of enemy she faces, she will never be in a hurry anymore.
(Little master, don't be too happy! This is not a small blow to you. Now, I advise you to check your mana energy first...that is, that mana value?
There was silence for a while, although he didn't want to hit his little master now, but Tibbers dutifully brought up some important things. Faye uses flash to beat people to play although it seems a wonderful thing, but... this kind of method still requires certain premises...)
"Huh? Tibbers... This seems a bit wrong!"
"I just used so few tricks just now, why is there only so little mana energy left? This is not magic at all, there must be a problem!"
After feeling the mana vortex in her projected body that seemed to be a little empty, Xiao Annie was puzzled, and quickly began to check her mana surplus, and then she quickly discovered something and was shocked. Called!
You know, in the past, Little Annie herself never worried about mana!
As long as she wants to, with the abundant magic power in her own body and the extraordinary ability to manipulate those magic elements floating in the natural world, she can even use herself as a humanoid magic fort, and keep setting fire to the whole. Planet Azeroth!
But how could she have thought that after she came to this new world with weird rules, she just used a few small magics, and she would be no blue? At this level, I'm afraid it's really not as good as a magic apprentice, right?
That's why she felt that there was a problem, it was not magic at all!
(This is completely okay! The little one just counted carefully... From the time you just started to release the first fireball throwing demon to play, you played a total of six fireballs, and there are five in the period. There are two flashes, once they are overlapped... and each fireball requires 2.5 units of mana energy, each flash requires 3 units of mana energy, and your total mana is currently only 35 units. The energy value of... So now, you really should only have the last 5 units of mana energy... If another red-skinned demon appears, the probability of your death may be as high as 9% Nineteen...
It takes so much effort to fight a little devil now, and Tibbers can imagine that after the mana energy is gone, how can this bad little master of his family survive successfully in this world? Somehow, it always seems to have a sense of expectation of gloating, a bad one, the projection of its little master, really can't survive three chapters? )
"It turns out to be Jiangzi..."
"Tibbs... we might really be over! You may not know, I just felt it, the mana energy naturally recovers very, very slowly, even if I want to use my own means to search for the nearby magic energy No, they are very annoying, and they don't accept my mental traction at all!"
"Anyway, this world is not fun at all!"
In spite of anger, Annie began to drag her short stick and staff a bit cursively, and walked towards the rock where she had just stood.
(After you just killed the little devil, did you feel any special changes in this projection? For example, upgrades or something?
Tibbers still remembers that this world can use the means of killing monsters and demons to plunder each other's energy, and then improve itself? Of course, it's okay to rely on his own exercise and study, but he doesn't think that the little master of his family will exercise or think hard. A guy who wakes up later than a pig can really not demand too much. )
"That kind of thing is useless! I count it... at least, I have to kill fifty such demons! But, you saw it, and I only hit one. My mana is only It's bottomed out!"
If there is unlimited mana energy to squander, let alone fifty demons, even five hundred just like that, she won't be persuaded! But now, if there is no flash and fireball that can be used casually, is she really asking her to pick up the stick every time to fight the monster?
You don't need to think about Annie. The sensitivity of this body is actually the same thing. If you really want to fight a monster like just now, if you are hacked to death first, it will definitely be her! That kind of little devil, although she may not be stronger than her, but they run fast and have a lot more agile movements...
(There are even fifty more...then you should figure out your own way, the little ones are no longer there...
In the absence of magic power, killing fifty such demons will become stronger. This kind of unrealistic thing, Tibbers does not need to think about it, it is absolutely impossible to happen! Rather than that, it's better to ask the little master to get up at six every day and go for a morning jog! )
"It's hateful!"
"I tell you Tibbers, don't try to be smug, I will never give up easily!"
At this time, Xiao Anni walked to the axe that the Sinking Demon had just dropped, and then felt that she seemed to have kicked something, so she leaned over in surprise and picked up the one that had just been dead from the grass. The weapon that the little devil dropped:
Broken Sinking Magic Stone Axe
unable to repair
One-handed axe
One-handed damage: 1-1
Durability: 2 of 5
Axe level: general attack speed
"Cut! What tattered thing is this!"
With her lips curled, Annie threw the tattered stone axe in her hand aside in a boring manner. You don't want to give this kind of thing to her for nothing.
"It turns out that the little red devil is called the Sinking Demon..."
After learning the type and name of the monster from the item information on the axe that was almost cut to her own axe, Little Annie began to think of other things.
Turning her head and looking around this desolate and lonely world, she felt that the sky seemed to be getting darker. After standing and hesitating for a while, Annie still had to summon her own little bear.
If you don't know what to do, ask Little Bear, this is a good habit she has cultivated long ago!
(What's wrong with you...)
"I seem to be hungry..."
"This thing is strange, isn't this body just a projection, but why do I still feel hungry?!"
When the excitement of fighting slowly subsided, Xiao Anni touched her flat belly a little worriedly. Now, now she is a little flat... No wonder she feels a little hungry, this body, It's as if I haven't eaten anything all day... Sure enough, fighters are the most stamina-consuming professions. Just now, she had just smashed that sinking magic stick.
(Compared to the projection and all the lives in this world, this world is real! So, isn’t it normal for you to be hungry? Okay, don’t turn around now, just move towards this Go in the direction, hoping to meet people or places where people live, otherwise, you are ready to be starved to death or ready to eat a little bark, grass roots, etc.?
After pondering for a while, Tibbers pointed out the direction for himself, the little master who basically became incapable of self-care after losing his powerful magic ability. It's impossible to let this little master eat turf roots or even wild vegetables. It's just mocking the other party. If that is the case, she might be more willing to quit the world directly, right? )
"Why are you going to go there? You see, it looks dark over there... Can't this side work?"
After looking at the direction Tibbers gave herself, Little Annie thought for a while, and then pointed to the direction in which the Sinking Demon had attacked and fled. She felt that the road here might be easier to walk, and it seemed that the far side was brighter?
(The Sinking Demon just came from over there, and when it ran away, it also subconsciously ran there. So, don’t you wonder why it did that?)
"Why? Is it safer over there?"
Annie herself is not a sinker, how does she know what the other party thinks?
Maybe the road over there is better, maybe it’s not too dark over there, or people ran around randomly, but no matter what, she herself thinks that it might be better to explore the direction of the demon escape, at least there. The environment is not too dark... Anyway, she is not afraid of the dark!
(Safe? That's right... It must be safer there, but that's for the Sinking Demon...)
(If you don’t want to hit the sinker’s lair, then be beaten to death by a group of sinkers and throw it into a pot for cooking or put it on a wooden rack for roasting, you’d better say something different. Go in one direction!
After sighing, Tibbers explained it dutifully.
This kind of thing, shouldn't it be taught? But now, it not only has to be the other’s pet, but also the other’s nanny. This kind of life is really impossible... Now it really hopes that this little master can't stand it soon and then finish the projection as soon as possible. If so, at least this little master can act arrogantly, even if she does something wrong, she will not be threatened to her own personal safety, and she doesn't need to be a nanny too much! )
"Wow! Tibbers, I never found out that you are so smart!"
Hearing what the bear said, Annie pondered for a while and felt that what the other party was saying was correct, and then gave a small praise to the other party, then reluctantly nodded, and continued to drag her dirty short stick and staff. Walk in the dark in the direction the bear just said.
(Little ones are always smart, OK?)
However, after walking less than a hundred steps in the dark, a little guy stopped again.
(Why are you not leaving? Please hurry up, if you don't want to eat grass or starve to death, then you can go ahead as soon as you have the strength!
It didn't take long until the other party had stopped, and Tibbers couldn't help but persuade him when he was curious. No way, this guy is a little ancestor, and you can only persuade you in all things, don't be anxious, she will go crazy in a hurry, and then do it with you! )
"Tibbers...I'm a little tired, you come out and carry me..."
With a bitter face, Little Annie said miserably to her little bear.
That's right, I just had a fight, and now Annie is really hungry and tired, and she doesn't want to leave after being pampered! So, when she threw the short stick in her hand to the ground, she was about to untie Tibbs the bear tied around her waist, and then let it out, letting it hug or carry herself.
Sure enough, her little bear is the best! Not only does he look fierce and can fight, but he can also be a bodyguard, a radar, a military division, a babysitter, a mount, a cushion, a bed, and a venting bag to beat himself up.
(My master, please open your skill tree, turn to the fire spell page, and then please tell me, what do you see in the third spell slot under the skill tree?
After being silent for two or three seconds, Tibbers finally managed to calm down his urge to curse, and then spoke word by word without a trace of emotion. )
"Skill tree? Why should I look at it at this time? I don't have any extra skill points."
Although Little Bear's words were a bit inexplicable, Annie still opened the skill tree in her projected mind with kindness, and quickly found the column of fire spells, and then looked at the third spell slot...
Skill: Tibbers' Fury
Summon a fierce shadow flame bear to join the battle and burn the enemy
Need level: 6
Mana cost: 25
Health value: 150-180
Physical damage: 10-15
Fire damage: 1-6 per second
Hit rate: +66%
Defense rate: +66%
Health: +66%
Current level: 0
You have not learned the skill
Tibbers’ Wrath gets additional bonuses from the following skills
Shattering Fire: +16% fire damage per skill level!
Lava Shield: +16% fire damage per skill level!
Flame burning: +16% fire damage per skill level!
"Wow! Tibbers, you are so bored, come out quickly! You will be the only one who will fight in the future! Sure enough, my bear is the best and the best!"
After seeing the description of this skill, Little Annie suddenly exclaimed!
Because, she found out that Tibbs, the bear cub in her family, was even better than herself? After that, let Tibbers help her fight in the front, and then she paddled the water and soy sauce to throw spells in the back. How easy and pleasant is that?
(My little master, this is not the point, okay? The point now is: Have you learned this skill? Do you have level 6? If not, then just drive me honestly, now I'm completely out No! And, even if your level is enough, you don't have enough mana energy to summon right now!
Finally, after she couldn't stand this inattentive little master, Tibbers was a little frantic and half roared hysterically. )
"Wow! dare to be aggressive with me, you wait for me, I remember you!"
After discovering that she had indeed made some mistakes, little Annie suddenly gave a cold snort while embarrassed, stopped her movements to untie the little bear that was hanging from her waist, and then turned her face black and furiously. He leaned over and picked it up and continued to drag the tattered wand, swiftly walking in the dark direction that he had identified before.
Anyway, she never made mistakes herself, and it was Little Bear who made mistakes. Who didn't make it clear earlier and let herself notice it earlier?
On the muddy road to Camp Rogge, in this wasteland, there is no concrete road, no asphalt or slabs, only a deep and shallow pit, and various mud pools and mud with sewage. Bar...Of course, there must be the footprints of walking humans and horses, and the deep, freshly pierced wagon wheels.
However, on such a small country road, a team of about dozens of large and small carriages was transporting their goods on such a potholes and difficult road, and they were rushing to Romania. On the way to the grid camp.
At this time, guarding on both sides of the carriage is a large team of Roger elite! They are following the team, and while guarding the team, they also keep shooting and killing any sinkers, zombies, wire mice, and those who can cast magic and resurrect the sinkers Wizard and so on.
Any monster that appeared within their vision and attack range and dared to approach it would not be able to escape the end of being pierced and killed by the sharp arrows they shot!
At this moment, besides an old man in a blue dress and cotton hood, a little girl in a red dress and a golden mink coat were sitting on the carriage. , A fat rich businessman wearing a white cloth cap. It's just that the wealthy businessman was sleeping on the piles of goods behind the carriage with his own arm very ruinously, making loud noises once or twice.
Obviously, this little girl sitting on the cowl not far from the old man driving the carriage is definitely Little Annie.
Before, after listening to her little bear’s suggestion, she wandered around in one direction on this desolate grassland, avoiding the disgusting zombies, the big rats that would launch hard spines, and it is not uncommon. After the kind of sinking demon, she finally discovered a path with traces of human walking until she was hungry and cold and couldn't help but want to give up.
Then, it didn't take long for her to run into such a group of caravans, and successfully relied on her cuteness to prepare to go to the camp of the Roger mercenaries that the other party said.
At this time, it is said that the camp of the Roger mercenaries had already become a concentrated refuge camp for nearby refugees. Under the ravages of the monsters that suddenly appeared, almost all the people who were still alive ran there to seek and accept the protection of the Loggers, hoping that this difficult day would end soon... …
"Grandpa Varif, your bread is dry and hard...the beef jerky is also smelly and salty...they are not delicious at all!"
After eating and drinking and having a full hiccup, Xiao Annie naturally began to express serious dissatisfaction with the food she received before! After all, compared to Pandaria’s strict requirements on ingredients, knives, seasonings, heat and cooking methods, and the foods made are all pandamen feasts that are delicious, the ones she just ate are completely Some pig food!
If she hadn't just seen the other person's people eating these, Annie would have almost thought that the other person was abusing her, a cute and cute child! Therefore, after filling up my own smiling belly, some things that should be commented and corrected, it is definitely indispensable.
"Little Annie, you are really..."
"Oh... let me tell you this: Now in the Rouge camp, many people don't say it's beef jerky, they can even eat bread!"
"Anyway, I'm sure I can't support a pampered noble girl like you... When you get to the Rouge camp, I will send you to the lady Akara. I tell you, she is from the Sisters of the Blind Eye. High priestess, and one of the leaders of Camp Rogge! I think, for you, a little guy who claims to be a mage, she will be happy to keep you!"
After watching the little girl turn her face in denial after she ate, and still face the disgusting expression of the food she just ate, Varif shook his head dumbfoundedly, and then reluctantly said a few words before turning his head. Gently shake the reins on his hands, so that their lead horse carriage can go faster, and don't block the way of the caravan behind, so as to slow down the whole caravan.
After all, this wasteland is not safe here, they must hurry to the inside of Rouge camp! But, in terms of time, Varif felt that in about an hour at most, they should be able to see the tall walls made of giant trees and rocks in the Loge camp.
"I was originally a mage, so I didn't call myself! I am a mage, a very powerful mage!"
Waving the short stick and staff in her hand, Annie retorted the other side with dissatisfaction.
Strictly speaking, in fact, Annie is still the most powerful arcanist! Moreover, it is still a powerful existence that can burn this shelter world directly when it is provoked! But right now, the equivalent level of her projection is still level one, and she might not be convinced by saying certain words? Furthermore, for these strangers, she didn't have to say everything, so she didn't say much.
"Good good, you are a powerful master mage!"
"Why don't it be like this, if you encounter a monster again later, please Master Master, you can put a fireball for us to see?"
After turning his head and smiling at the naughty little girl next to him, Varif shook his head helplessly, and joked at him casually.
He doesn't think this little guy will be a genuine mage. In fact, everyone here doesn't think so. They all think that this may be just a little girl from a noble family who has gone away?
"Fireball? That won't work! I don't have much mana energy now, so I can't waste it here!"
After hesitating, Annie shook her head firmly.
In this world, she herself can't rely on her ability to absorb the magical energy floating in the air, she can only rely on the projected mana vortex to automatically recover in proportion to it, at least it takes a whole day to recover to full value! And now, she is still in this dangerous blood wasteland, she will not waste her mana casually!
Maybe at some point, she will run away by flashing! For example, what if the caravan is attacked by a powerful monster?
Therefore, Annie now has to use every bit of mana energy with caution, and must not waste a little bit of extravagance! Besides, now she is in the team and doesn't have to do anything. Just watching those Rogers take action, she can also plunder a little bit of free energy. Although each monster has only a little experience, she can't stand it. So much and comfortable!
Now that there is an advantage, why does she want to make a move?
You know, although her level is still the lowest level 1, but her experience is already 425! Maybe she doesn't have to do anything later, so she can get to level 2 directly? This kind of lying and rubbing experience is simply nothing better, she wouldn't say it!
And the only thing that made her feel a little pity was that after killing the monster, the valuables and gold coins that fell out, as long as they were in a safe area, were quickly looted by the Loggers, and they did not give Any opportunity she can miss, makes her this little guy with some horrible ideas always angry!
"The respectable Master Anne, you can tell, how is the master Kelly who is leading the way on horseback?"
Seeing the little girl still wanting to play tricks, Varif smiled and pointed to the ‘Iron Wolf’ mercenary Kelly, who was riding in the front, said.
"He? It's alright, so so..."
Just casually glanced at the strange uncle riding a horse, and Annie curled her lips in disdain, without commenting too much.
At such a close distance, she certainly felt the cold spell energy on the opponent, but she still believed that the opponent was not just a 30-odd-level specializing in the freezing system, and it seemed that there was nothing remarkable. If you give her a little time, her projection can surpass each other in minutes!
"Hey, I really can't help you..."
"Let me introduce to you... That Lord Kelly, he is from the Far East Continent, from the port of Kurast, the powerful'Iron Wolf' elite under the command of Ms. Ashila! And, Kelly Lord Er is still an ice mage, knowing three powerful spells: ice spire, ice storm, and frozen armor!"
Having said that, Varif looked at the mercenary captain who led the team again with fascination.
Just now, it was the opponent's ice storm that directly frozen a small team, including a dozen demons including the Sinking Demon! Then, the female archers of Roger easily shot the enemies one by one into a pile of scattered blood-red frozen fragments.
This kind of powerful strength, although I can't say that I can walk sideways here in the blood wasteland, but it should be more than enough to protect their caravan! After all, those powerful monsters and demons would generally not easily set foot in this land that has not been completely infested by evil, and they would even look down on their small caravan.
"A mage of such a high level can only have three spells, but you still have the face to say it!"
After blinking, and taking another look at the mage riding a horse in front, Annie muttered to Varif disdainfully.
She felt that the other party was obviously not an orthodox mage, otherwise it wouldn't be too hot, so he would have three spells! Anyway, she didn't look down on the other side's wandering mage who was born in a wild, without any inheritance! There is also no need to envy the other person, but she is too lazy to explain too much, even if she speaks it out, this old man Varif can't understand.
Opening his mouth, before Varif had time to say something, the mage in front who had been eavesdropping and whose self-esteem seemed to have received 10,000 critical hits finally couldn't help it.
Then, after his body stiffened for a while, he secretly slowed down the speed of his horse, and gradually controlled it to be parallel to Varif's horse.
"You little fellow, I can hear you!"
"Yes, I really only have three ice spells, but this is enough! To deal with the demons from hell, ice spells have great restraint on them, because most of them are used Fire!"
"On the contrary, it's you, little girl...Who is your teacher? You are definitely an apprentice at your age? A man stole your teacher's wand and ran out and wandered around. You were there when he was caught. It feels good!"
Kelly said bitterly, he only had three spells and who was he in the way?
That's right, although he himself is not good enough, he has not been able to learn more spells, nor has he fully comprehended the three core skill trees of this world mage... However, even if there are only three spells and a small number of skill points, It’s also a little slower to grow up than those proud of heaven, but it’s enough to make him proud and become the master of this world!
"I'm not an apprentice, and I don't have any teacher. I was originally a serious arcanist!"
Annie stared back at the opponent without hesitation! Anyway, she didn't say anything wrong just now. The other party is really just a foot-scraping ice mage who only knows three spells. What's so awkward, isn't she allowed to say it?
"Haha! Very good, then you can tell me, do you know those spells again?"
"Wait first, don't talk about the +1 fireball technique that comes with the tattered apprentice apprentice staff. I understand that stuff better than you!"
There is nothing left or right now. Looking at the surrounding terrain, it is estimated that he will arrive at Rogge's camp soon. Therefore, the mercenary leader Kelly barely had time to argue with the little girl and said.
"In addition to this useless fire bomb, I can also flash technique! I can appear behind you with a flash, and then smash your skull with a stick!"
Even daring to underestimate herself, Annie raised her head relentlessly and showed off.
If her mana energy is not enough and she can't use spells as she pleases, where does Anne need to come to this caravan to cheekily eat and drink experience? She alone can pick out all the monsters in this wasteland within a radius of thirty miles!
As for the skin, what, when she was in the Pandaren's Mid-Levels Bazaar, she didn't need that strange thing long ago!
"Hahaha! Flash technique..."
"I think what you are talking about is the teleportation skill of lightning spells? Of course I know that spell! It's just that you can only learn it at the eighteenth energy level, and you..."
"Forget it... I'm so confused, how can I compare with such a little girl like you?"
After staring at the little girl in amazement and seeing through the energy level of the opponent at a glance, the ice mage mercenary captain Kelly turned around and slapped his horse forward, no longer caring about a certain one. Little girl with energy level.
He felt that he was an old guy who had been fighting for half his life, there was no need to brag and play with a whimsical little girl here!
He thinks that in this world, those who are gifted and favored by the gods and successfully promoted to the whole line of professionals are really rare... And like him, you can only learn slowly, and then When you fully understand that the spell can be used by yourself, you can barely touch and obtain the incomplete skill tree using powerful and extraordinary spells from the rules of the world!
He who has studied hard before, of course knows the difficulty and difficulty of learning spells, but that is not at all opportunistic! So, he actually didn't have to worry about too much with a little girl who would just be full of laughter, spells or something, the other party might not understand what it was at all, right?
"Damn fellow, what are you so proud of?!"
Seeing that the other party despised herself and turned to leave, after Xiao Anni cursed viciously, she finally managed to suppress her use of flash to perform well. After all, she has only recovered to six standard mana energy now, which is really a bit of a waste.
"Don't be angry...Little Annie, you still tell me, how did you get here?"
After seeing the Kelil mercenary captain finally riding his horse away, Varif hurriedly pulled the little girl's sleeve, ready to divert the other's attention.
He didn't want this little girl to have a conflict with those big people, and then cause bad things. In short, he still hurriedly sent this little guy to Rogge's camp, and then personally handed it to Chief Kasha or Master Akara, so that they could find a way to get this little girl's family to take her back.
Although this world is a bit chaotic now, demons and monsters are beginning to rampage, but this little girl who is rich and noble can be seen from her dress, should still be able to get some special treatment... No matter how bad, people are still better than him. The groom leader is much stronger.
"I don't know, probably... Maybe it fell from the sky, should it be like this?"
Anyway, this projection of Annie was to be swallowed by red light after opening the door, and then opening her eyes, she was here in the blood wasteland! It should be correct to say that it fell from the sky, it's the same thing anyway.
"Well, do you have any plans now?"
Falling from the sky...How could there be such an outrageous claim?
Anyway, his Varif would rather believe that this little guy was using those teleporting scrolls or something, so he accidentally ran here near Tristram! Looking at the other party's clothes and decent words and deeds, the kind of lofty and proud posture that was inadvertently revealed, plus the other party's repeated claims that she is a mage, then I want to come, teleport scrolls, such expensive magic items, should also be used Can you afford it?
"I don't have any plans for the time being, I just plan to have a good time in this world!"
If it weren't for fun, how could she rush to this world?
Of course, now there may be a little bit of competition with the bear and the meaning of proving oneself in it. Who makes the bear always say that he will go out to die and survive three chapters? Then she would just show it to him alive, and she must do her best to finish the world well!
"Play? The angel is on..."
"Little Annie, do you know what terrible things are happening here? Even if you really want to play, you should choose a slightly safer place. Why did you go to Tristram's side? ?"
"For example, the West Expedition in the west, or Duncree in the south, or the King’s Port will do. Anyway, don’t be near Tristram or the defense line to the east. This direction is really unsafe. !"
After a sigh, Varif told the little girl.
Seeing the innocent look of the other party now, he can almost determine: This little girl is probably from a noble family in a safe and peaceful city-state, and he certainly doesn't know the king of horror as Diablo. Stepping into this world again...Presumably, the other party's parents are looking for her all over the world now, right? It's just not arrogant, can they find this way.
"Why, I think it's a lot of fun here! Those monsters and other things are quite fun."
Annie doesn't think there is anything wrong here. Anyway, except for some monsters, she thinks this world is really strange. Her own projection practice can become stronger, and the energy can be strengthened by killing demons and plundering. The things between reality and illusion made her want to take this opportunity to study slowly.
In short, she will definitely not leave this world easily without thorough research or being killed by a monster. It's useless to persuade anyone, she is so stern.
"Let me see……"
"Now there should be some time to get to Camp Rogge, then I will tell you well, anyway, you don’t have to take it to heart. This is not something a little guy of your age needs to bear, but you can also take it as Let’s hear the story..."
After looking at the little girl's pure eyes for a while, Varif turned his head to look at the surrounding terrain, and after judging his current position, while driving the carriage, he began to speak to the little girl slowly:
"Recently, it was said in a rumor... that Diablo, that King of Terror,... He set foot on this world again... It is said that a few months ago, he descended on Tritsim Special, and ruined everything there...the people there, all died, and nothing left..."
"That dark wanderer...It is said that he had been here several weeks ago..."
"He seems to be heading eastward, heading to the mountainous area guarded by Roger of the monastery. He doesn't know what he is looking for... You probably haven't heard of the news before, right? It’s not new news...but, the evil power has indeed started to recover and become stronger and stronger along his footsteps! On the way, Xiao Annie should have seen this blood wasteland, this way, Our guards have killed countless demons and monsters, but they are only a small part of them..."
When he said this, Varif became silent... He had been traveling and traveling this piece of land for many years. This was the first time he saw such a terrible sight! It is conceivable that if there is no change, this place may really become a paradise for the devil in the near future!
At that time, what will be the end of waiting for people like them? Although he Varif is old and used to seeing strong winds and waves, he doesn't have many years to live, but where is the way for children like this little girl next to him?
"Not long after the evil wanderer passed here, the gate of the monastery to the mountain area was closed, and more evil creatures appeared here and began to destroy this land... Our road to the east was blocked. It was blocked, so I bought things west..."
"Look, this is probably the case. I said it's not fun here, do you believe it?"
"Don't worry, Little Annie... Akara is the highest priestess of the Loggers and the spiritual leader in the camp. She is very kind and has great wisdom. She will definitely know that you, this little fellow, comes from inside. And will send you home!"
"And Kasha...she is different, she is the commander of the grumpy Roger archers...even I have only barely talked to her a few times. I feel that she doesn't seem to be How do you like people from outside? In fact, she doesn't seem to want to see any of them except for Roger! Especially a little guy like Annie, who has run away from home and is of unknown origin!?"
When people are old, they like to chatter, so Varif, the leader of the caravan, turned his head ignorantly while maneuvering the carriage like this, jokingly and scared the little girl.
It's a pity that he found that what he said didn't seem to be able to scare this little guy, but the other party still listened with gusto and his eyes were full of excitement? Sure enough, this is indeed a weird little girl!
What he just said is correct, Akara is indeed the spiritual leader of Rouge camp, this is beyond doubt! And Kasha is the real military commander in Rouge camp, because almost all Rouge archers listen to her!
"I've told you many times. I'm from the outside world. It's not that I don't know the origin! Forget it, you don't understand it! And, Old Man Varif, people won't be afraid of what you say. What about the devil and the ferocious big sister!"
"Because I have seen more fierce big sisters!"
Seeing that the other party had brought up the matter of her origin, Xiao Anni was very dissatisfied with her sullen face and glared at the other party. What she just said was all the truth. She really came from the outside world. These people Can you blame her if you don't understand this?
If it wasn't for anger, or she wanted to explore this weird world, she wouldn't be rare to project in and fight with monsters! As for the Dark Destroyer God, how powerful can he be? Are there Titans or Ancient Gods that are powerful?
" really are a hard-mouthed little guy!"
"Don't worry, little guy, I just teased you! Although Kasha has a bad temper, she will definitely treat a cute girl like you very much..."
After laughing cheerfully for a while, Varif shook his head, and quickly relieved the little girl who actually didn't even understand the origin.
In fact, what makes him feel a little strange is that from the other party's clothing and strange grammatical accent, he can't tell where the other party comes from! You know, Varif has done business on both the East and the West. He has seen all kinds of people and heard countless words, but he has never encountered anything like this little girl or similar. .
What surprised him even more was that when he was talking quietly with the guards and cargo owners from various places in the caravan, this little girl, apart from responding to Tristram’s local dialect , Seems to be able to understand the dialects of Branwell, Westerman, King Port, and even Lugoin?
Because, when they used the accented slang words in those places, the little guy seemed to be listening carefully every time, and he could have different reactions. It really seemed to understand, absolutely not That kind of ignorant expression when you don't understand!
This matter, when you think about it seriously, is really amazing, you know, she looks only seven or eight years old...
Even, he even wondered for a time whether this little girl was transformed into a monster like a demon? But soon, he gave up this idea!
Because the appearance of the other party couldn't let her connect with those evil and cruel monsters.
Therefore, he has not told anyone about this discovery so far! Anyway, he himself is just the leader of a caravan. To put it awkwardly, he is actually a horseman who leads the team. Whether the opponent is an angel or a devil, he is not someone like him who can intervene casually!
After arriving at the Rouge camp, he believed that the wise Master Akara would be able to properly solve the little girl’s affairs, as long as he was sure that the little guy was not a demon from hell, and other things, he himself was an old man. Guys, it's better not to participate too much.
"But, Annie, I have to explain one thing to you..."
"Now that dragons and snakes are mixed in Camp Rogge, after you go there, it's best not to run around. Some people...maybe they will catch you and sell them!"
"Especially those mysterious and weird characters from the southern swamps who like to wear black cloaks. They are evil. They are also dedicated to the power of corpses and death. Even their weapons are human heads soaked in bottles... In short, they I definitely don't agree with that kind of evil means. You can stay away from them when the time comes..."
"There are also those impenetrable barbarians from the edge of the world. Their barbarians have a very bad temper. They seem to be here for experience and money. You'd better not provoke them at that time!"
"As for the others..."
"Forget it, I'm sure you will be properly settled when the time comes, then I won't bother..."
Seeing the faintly black walls of tall giant trees and big rocks appeared in front of him, as the leader of the caravan, Varif got a good spirit, then stopped talking and started shaking his hands. With the reins of screaming, the horse began to accelerate, trying to get to the Rouge camp, where the outline had been vaguely seen, as soon as possible. Once there, they were completely safe.
It took more than four weeks for their caravan to go back and forth, and they don't know what the situation is in the camp now. But no matter what, they brought back a lot of goods and materials, surely they can relieve a lot of pressure?
"Wow, there is a big camp? But finally I saw a place where people live..."
When somehow, Little Annie pouted her lips with regret.
Because she knows that after arriving in this Rouge camp, there will be no free thugs to help herself harvest those monsters in large quantities... Now the strange energies she can get are only 495/500, which is so close. It’s a shame to get to the next level!
When Annie was thinking about some messy things, she suddenly noticed something wrong, and then looked up in surprise, and she saw that in the distance, on the simple wood and stone wall made of huge woods and rocks, there was someone facing away. Their caravan shot three magical arrows with firelight?
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Three sharp arrows sounded with flames rubbing against the air, and they were getting closer!
Seeing the three flaming arrows shot from the city wall, the leader of the caravan, Varif, didn’t panic too much. He just chuckled gently on the reins of the horse that had been in harmony with himself, and ordered them to stop in time. Down.
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
In the next instant, three magical arrows with fire plunged deeply into the place about three yards in front of the wagon of the wagon that Varif was driving. After they plunged into the muddy ground of the path, they burst into flames. ! In this situation, these strong horses who were pulling the cart were a little disturbed and started struggling with their horses' hooves and sniffing their noses, causing Varif to lose a lot of energy before calming them.
At this time, the three magical long arrows that ignited, like three torches, directly illuminate the area of ​​more than ten yards, so that the people on the wall can clearly see the carriages and personnel in front of the caravan. The composition of the situation.
"If you stop, please report your name and history immediately!"
"Otherwise, we will attack!"
The voice of a fierce woman began to ring above the city gate. It was obvious that the three flame arrows she shot just now must be a great Rouge elite.
"Hey! Captain Ansar, don't do it!"
"Look at my face carefully first, it's me, I'm Gide! Your favorite big businessman, this time, I have made a lot of good things back!"
At this time, the potbellied man in the golden mink coat and white hat who had been lying on the carriage cargo behind Annie and Varif finally got up and was just like that on the carriage. After bowing slightly and saluting, he shouted funnyly toward the top of the city wall.
Strictly speaking, this Gide should be the employer of this caravan! Because, except for a small number of things here are private goods carried by other people, most of the goods are the property of a person in his Gide.
"It turned out to be you greedy guy..."
In fact, Rouge’s elite shooter Ansar had already seen the guy on the carriage clearly at a glance, and the reason she asked this was only because the situation nearby became more and more severe recently, and the scary monsters appeared. More and more, she can't help but treat it carelessly and use her best efforts to guard and guard.
"What are the good things on the carriages behind you?"
After scanning the vicinity of the first carriages for a while, Ansar looked at the more cars behind. It was a pity that the distance was too far, and in such a terrible dark environment, she really couldn't see more people and goods in the distance.
"What else can there be? It's nothing more than the various grains, meat, and fish that your leader Kasha specially ordered me to get back. There are also many good bows and arrows using yew sticks, deer tendon, beef tendon, and Lots of iron arrows and so on!"
"Anyway, it's all the non-profitable things you asked for!"
"Anything else, there are a few carts of all kinds of strange medicinal materials that Ms. Akara asked me to get, as well as my favorite equipment, weapons and some interesting little things! That... Captain Thrall, I can actually tell you secretly: I got a dozen of good unidentified longbows, how about it? Are you interested in gamble with me at a later date?"
"Please rest assured, I will definitely give you a fair price!"
After introducing the approximate composition of the goods in his convoy, Gide suddenly changed his tone, and then mysteriously shouted at the unclear figure on the wooden wall.
Although, he kept saying that he wanted to secretly tell the other party, but with his loud voice, it is estimated that all the Roger archers on duty near the city gate have heard it. Maybe this is the purpose of his profiteer?
"Humph! You should use such inferior methods to deceive those outsiders!"
Obviously, Ansar is not very interested in the unidentified longbow in the opponent's mouth! Because she knows that Gide’s cunning temperament, even if it is an unidentified item, he has selected many times, and the rest is good or not, but the outrageous price will obviously not be hers. This kind of goalkeeper Roger's elite captain can bear it.
Also, things like gambling are even more undesirable in this increasingly dangerous world!
Under Gide's men, basically, ten gambles and nine losses are considered normal... After one fails and the family bankrupts, it is too late to regret it! And as far as she knows, this named Gide has been cheating a lot of people this time, and Assal will not be fooled by the other party!
"What about the people in your team? I seem to have found a lot of new faces?"
After observing the opponent's carriage team for a while, Ansar asked again with a cold drink.
She saw that the middle-aged man who was standing at the front of the team on horseback did not know him, and there were a few others. Anyway, besides those Roger Archer mercenaries, there seemed to be many people who were not from this camp before. Out.
Now that there are so many outsiders, she can't help Ansar treat it carelessly, otherwise, if something goes wrong, Master Kaxia will punish herself severely!
"You said raw faces? Ha! Of course!"
"You also know that recently this wasteland is becoming more and more insecure. Various monsters and demons frequently appear, and even mice have mutated... If I don't get more guards, who will protect my person and property? Safe? How dare I cross such a long distance to deliver goods from Brewell?"
Hearing the other party's inquiry, the businessman Gide didn't mind waving his hand to deal with it.
Now, he is already a little impatient. Anyway, most of this business is to take care of the security and defense of Rouge camp and solve the food problem. He can't make too much by himself! This is actually equivalent to voluntary business, but they still make things difficult for themselves, it's not interesting...
"By the way, in addition to my newly hired groom and some mercenaries, our team also contained a strange guy of unknown origin on the way!"
"Look, it's this little girl, I think you'd better try her carefully later!"
Finally, after the Gide's eyes rolled around, he didn't know what was thinking, he smiled and deliberately pointed at the little girl sitting next to Varif and said loudly.
This little girl looks like a thief, and it's very difficult to deal with anyway!
On this road, the opponent embarrassed himself a lot at the beginning, and almost made himself the laughing stock of the caravan, so Kidd must play with each other well, even if he adds some blockage to the opponent. A little trouble is fine.
Even if halfway through this hateful little guy, his head was suffocated and he fell asleep, but until now, he got itchy when he saw the other's face! Anyway, he just doesn't like this little guy in front of him, especially after the other party has exposed many of his own tricks on the spot... Maybe, this is the inconsistency, the incompatible character?
"Nonsense! You bad talent is a weird guy of unknown origin!!"
Little Annie got up from her seat with a squeeze, and then hit the opponent's feet with a stick. The fat profiteer staggered in fright and fell on the carriage again. It was so dangerous that she didn't turn over to the carriage. below.
Then, seeing this antics of the other party made many grooms and guards laugh loudly.
"I tell you, profiteers, I am not afraid of you!"
Now, since she has found the gathering place for humans in this world, little Annie, who crossed the river and broke the bridge, doesn't need to continue to follow this bad guy's caravan. She has seen this cunning and treacherous businessmen not pleasing her eyes for a long time!
Because, when he wanted to hitchhike in the beginning, this bad guy actually wanted to ask her to collect money? This is really outrageous! You know, Annie worked hard by herself, and finally got the only gold coin from the Sinking Demon who was beaten to death by her arbitrarily stick. How could she give it to him casually?
Fortunately, at that time, the old man Varif next to her relieved her, saying that his carriage could be provided to her for free, otherwise, she would have to find the opportunity to beat the fat man severely!
"No noise!"
"Order: open the gates of the camp, all personnel and goods entering must undergo the strictest inspection in turn!"
Looking at the big and small below who were about to make a fuss, after Rouge Elite Ansal twitched his cheeks, he waved his hand, and at the same time he ordered the door to be opened, he turned away and disappeared.
It seems that she is also going to step down the city wall and personally check all the incoming personnel and goods?
"Ah! Lord Kasha, why are you here too?"
After just a few vertical jumps along the wooden ladder and dexterously ran to the back of the city gate, Roger Elite Ansar almost hit Kasha's body, and then hurriedly saluted somewhat crampedly and asked carefully.
"Ansal, don't be nervous, I'm just here to check our goods."
In fact, Kashya had just passed by, and then happened to hear the noise of someone outside the city laughing loudly, and then turned around from behind a tent under doubt.
"Well, UU reading open the city gate!"
Seeing that the other party seemed to want to say something, Kaxia quickly reached out and stopped the other party.
After all, the huge caravan is still outside, and the blood wasteland is not very safe now. If something happens to cause losses, the material and food problems in their camp will be even more serious! This kind of risk is something Kaxia is unwilling to take.
"Yes! What are you doing in a daze, open the city gate!"
After a salute, Ansar hurriedly shouted at the Roger's men by the gate.
There was a harsh rubbing sound when the wood turned, and then, as the two huge wooden doors slowly opened, a small town like a military camp full of simple tents and small wooden houses finally appeared in the small Anne. In curious sight.
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