Chapter 49: Remember the leader who spoke in the winter playground?

   The opening banquet has been going on for nearly half an hour, and now the dinner dishes on the tables of the deans of the major colleges have long been replaced, replaced by various drinks, fruits and desserts after the meal!
The students who still had some leeway in their stomachs began to sip these delicious sweets, but Ron and Harry, who had already eaten their stomachs, could only collapse on their seats and stare at the table full of desserts. ! They really ate too much for the dinner just now, and now they can't fit any extra stuff in their stomachs!
Dumbledore in the teacher's seat was discussing something with Professor McGonagall next to him in a low voice. Due to their older age, the two of them didn't eat too much. They had used up each of them long before the dessert came. Dinner! After a meal, sweets are not something they can afford!
"Um! Cough! Classmates! Gentlemen and ladies? Please keep quiet! Listen to me! Please..." Dumbledore stood up from the bench after seeing everyone eating almost the same. , Signaled the students to be quiet for a while, now it is time for his principal to speak.
   At this time, after a full meal. The students of the four colleges were bragging about their respective positions in the auditorium, or chatting about some interesting things, without noticing that their principal was about to make an important speech.
   For example, the Veles twin brothers of Gryffindor were molesting their little Ginny across the table, and soon made their little sister blushing, without knowing what they were talking about. Harry and Ron continued the original topic, whispering to each other in a low voice, turning their heads and glancing at Hermione who was tasting dessert from time to time. As for the students in other colleges, they are basically the same, each talking loudly or quietly about what they like.
   Look at the reactions of the students below, which makes Dumbledore as the principal more embarrassed! The students below, except for some prefects who are trying to restrain the students of their colleges, the others did not notice Dumbledore at all, and they were still talking about certain things!
   After each semester's opening party, it is a routine time for the principal to speak. Generally speaking, Dumbledore never likes to talk too much. He just says something nonsense every time and declares the end! I remember last school year, when he just hummed a few irrelevant words and announced the dissolution!
  Because Dumbledore met the leaders of certain schools in the Muggle world during his early travels, those people actually caught a group of students giving a long speech on the playground in the cold winter morning! They continued to talk endlessly, until they blushed and their necks were thick, and until the sun rose, they didn't even think about stopping. They didn't care about the trembling students' resentment and cannibalism on the playground. Eyes! Those people thought that the longer they spoke, the more they would show their presence! As everyone knows, the students on the playground wanted to pull them off the platform for a long time and give them a beating!
Therefore, Dumbledore has always taken this as a warning since he became the principal. Every time he talks to the students for a long time, as long as it is not too important, he doesn't want to say too much. sentence! Whenever he speaks, he usually just squeaks a few words and pats his to leave!
   And now the situation is a bit special. He Dumbledore has to say a few more words, but it's just a few sentences, he promises it won't take more than five minutes! It doesn't even take five minutes! Unexpectedly, when he wanted to talk now, the students below would not sell him face like this! Simply outrageous! Then I can't blame him! So, he took out the old magic wand from his cuff, and tapped it on his throat.
   "Please be quiet!!" A huge sound wave swept the entire auditorium. After the sound wave that shook the eardrums of the students passed, they finally removed the hands covering their ears and quieted down! Qi Qi looked at their principal!
Dumbledore looked at the effect of the loud spells, nodded in satisfaction, and then slowly removed the old wand from his throat. The old guy was satisfied with his spells. In his opinion, his own prestige was still It's pretty good, look, it's quiet, right? The students still wear it with love and respect him as always!
"Ahem! Classmates! I want to say a few more words today, old man, first of all, a new school year! Welcome everyone back to Hogwarts!!" Dumbledore had just finished his first sentence without time to pause. Suddenly, violent applause sounded suddenly, and it continued for a long time.
   Dumbledore pressed his hand many times before stopping these messy applause! This made him feel upset! The old man hasn't finished speaking, what kind of master do you drum? Are you deliberately making trouble? Oh! See it! Are the Weasley twins taking the lead? well! I remember you two brothers! Huh? What did the old man just say next? bad! Fragmented! Forgot the word!
   After a few seconds, Dumbledore just looked at the students under the auditorium in embarrassment, and did not continue to say! Because he has forgotten what to say next! After a while, Professor McGonagall on the side saw the principal's dilemma, then he coughed and reminded the principal to look at the little Annie next to him. That was what they were discussing just now.
Oh! correct! That's it! That's right! It's about Little Annie! Dumbledore finally recovered after McGonagall's prompt reminder, remembering what he was about to say next!
"Ahem! Gentlemen and ladies! I think everyone should know that something happened in the magical world some time ago. I believe that everyone knows about the Gringotts incident too! So... "Once again, Dumbledore didn't finish speaking, and there was a clamor again! The students ignored the principal's speech and began to whisper to each other.
   "Wow! I know this! I know! I have read every issue of the relevant newspaper!" A Slytherin student said triumphantly to a student next to him who didn't know the truth.
"Cut! I know! Of course! It's the Gringotts Wizarding Bank thing, right?" Another Slytherin student replied disdainfully. In her opinion, the Gringotts incident is probably in the wizarding world. No one here will not know, right?
"What are you talking about? What the is it?" This is a third-year Slytherin student with a bewildered look. Seeing the people around them talking cheerfully, she has no idea what they are talking about. ! She was just taking a vacation during her vacation. Why has she become so uncomfortable now? Could it be that she missed something?
   "What did you say?! You really don't know?" The surrounding crowd looked at her in surprise! Doesn't this guy come from a Muggle family? But it's not right! Slytherin has never heard of a wizard from a Muggle family? How could she not know?
"I! I went to the countryside grandfather's castle for a holiday! It is very remote, the location is kept secret, and owls can't get in, so of course I don't know!" Her grandfather's house is actually kept secret by the Scary Loyalty Curse. Without the permission of the grandfather as the secret, no human or animal can be found there! And she never left the confidential scope of the castle during her entire vacation, and her grandfather didn't want to be disturbed by mundane things outside, so it's excusable not to know about Gringotts!
   "Oh! It turned out to be so, then I'll tell you now, the fairies in Gringotts are out of luck this time! They..."
   Dumbledore looked at the students who were quarreling in a heated discussion below with a black line. This time he pressed his hand several times to get the attention of the students in the heated quarrel back.
Ok! Dumbledore took a deep breath, this is what you forced the old man! The old man is going to make a big move! So he pointed the wand to his throat again. The professors on the side hurriedly covered their ears when they saw it, and some of the more elegant professors nodded their heads with their magic wands. It seems that they should have used some magic to block noise.
"Please be quiet!!!"
   A louder roar than before swept out, and the whole hall seemed to tremble! Then, buzzing~! ! After a sound of violent echoing tinnitus oscillated in the students' ears.
   Dumbledore put away his wand again, looked at the dizzy students in the audience, and nodded in satisfaction. It's all right now, and finally you are willing to quiet down? You really have no temper, right? When the old man gets crazy, the old man is afraid!
"Classmates! This semester, our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will add a special public class! The class schedule will be sent to your prefect! This course will teach you something that the magic world does not have, a brand new one Knowledge! And the most important thing is: this course is not counted in grades, everyone can voluntarily choose to go or not! However, as the principal, I must remind you here that if you can go, it is better to It's good to listen!" Dumbledore nodded satisfied with the students who looked curious but didn't dare to discuss without permission.
"Okay, now, everyone welcomes your new open class teacher! Annie! Professor Anne Hasta!" Dumbledore took the lead in applauding, but he was a little embarrassed to discover that, besides him and a few professors, It seems that few students below responded to him, and the students just stared at the little girl who stood up from the teacher's seat.
"Hello everyone! My name is Annie, I am glad to see you all!" Annie slowly floated from the teacher's seat, standing in mid-air at the same height as Dumbledore, she set a standard to the students of the four colleges Ladies ceremony.
   This semester, she will serve as a distinguished professor at Hogwarts, specializing in teaching students some magic knowledge in the Valoran world! This was the result of negotiations in the last meeting with Dumbledore. In return, Dumbledore will prepare all the magic materials needed to activate the space gem magic circle for her within a year! Because after passing through a failed space gate, this time Annie plans to prepare a more accurate and perfect circle to activate the space gems during the time of stone charging!
   "Wow!" After Annie finished speaking, the whole auditorium became lively again, and some of them only discovered the little girl Annie sitting in the teacher's seat!
   is that little girl! She directed the entire Gringotts Wizarding Bank incident! This matter has passed for so long, even now, nearly half of the pages of the Daily Prophet continue to ferment the Gringotts incident! People are also happy to see any new news about this incident!
   Now, the different opinions of different people are still being discussed fiercely in the Daily Prophet! Everyone has different opinions on this incident, but the only thing in common is the affirmation of Annie's strength! Although some assessments are still very controversial, the whole magical world basically agrees with one point, that is: this little girl named Annie is a powerful wizard with a strength not inferior to Dumbledore and the mysterious man! !
  After the party was over and everyone started to leave, on the way back to the Gryffindor Academy lounge, UU reading www.uuká Ron was still a little dizzy! He had never thought that the powerful little girl would even teach them magic! Is that an eight-year-old girl? Turned out to be their distinguished professor at Hogwarts! This is too...., okay! The strength of others is there, and it should be natural for a wizard who is not inferior to Dumbledore to act as a professor!
   And think about when I was eight years old? What were you doing? Are you still playing in the mud? Or are you going to steal those delicious things that your mother locked in the cupboard at home? Ron shook his head after thinking about it for a while, so don't compare it? The damage value is too big! There will be a crit!
   "Hi! Hermione! You said, Anne...well, what exactly will Professor Anne teach us?" Ron is still a little unnatural to call a little girl much younger than himself a professor! But still very interested in what she wants to teach! Anyway, it is not counted in grades, no exams, and no homework! It's okay to listen to it!
   "Huh! No comment!"
   Of course Hermione knew what Annie would teach! These were finalized with Dumbledore when he was in the principal's office! But she won't tell Ron and Harry now!
  Who told them to arrange themselves in private just now? What is it like Hermione who relied on the strength of a little girl to rob the bank? Hermione is fake? Look at them! What are all these talking about? Still not a friend? Don't think she can't hear them if they say so quietly! There is another thing in this world, it is called: wiretapping spells! Hermione didn't want to bother, she glanced at the two of them for nothing, and then speeded up to her!
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