Chapter 467: Tyrael vs. Pineapple

Of course, there are some more important things hidden in Akara’s heart. It’s just that after looking at Kasha’s stern face for a while, she can only sigh and shook her head in her heart. I don’t know at this time. , In the end should not give the other party more pressure.
Because she knows that, as Kasha who is responsible for the safety of the Rogge camp, the burden on the other's shoulders is already very heavy...Although Akara herself does not know much about military affairs, she probably knows that the blood wasteland is here. Although the strength of the demons is not too strong, they are surrounded by Tristram, the icy plain, the rocky wilderness, the monastery and the dark forest. This is actually a lonely place that is always under the eyes of the demons. , The defensive pressure is extremely severe!
"The devil's change... Heh! Who knows?!"
"Akara, you know, let alone the intelligence of other places outside. Under the ravages of the demons, if we don't get rid of the source of pollution in the evil cave, I'm afraid we won't even be able to stay in the blood wasteland! "
From the time that the dark wanderer walked through this land and caused countless demons to wreak havoc, their Roger warriors died, scattered, and of course a considerable number of them simply fell directly... to now , Not to mention controlling external intelligence, they even feel a bit difficult to conduct investigations in the wasteland!
Every time, the scouts sent out by her Kasha are less and less able to come back alive... Even after sending the sisters out, the whole army is wiped out soon, and things that have not been heard from now on abound. , So that now, except for her to keep the Rouge camp and send people to stare at Taniguchi in the cold plain, and often send people to change the guard, she can do everything the military chief can In fact, there are not too many things to do.
As for the large number of Roger Sisters who had been sent to Rocky Wilderness, Tristram, Dark Forest, Black Wasteland, Taimo Heights, etc., one or two months ago We, she has no expectations for the life and death of their people!
The current Kasha is actually more willing to pin their hopes on a certain little guy who is working on runes, especially the two experimental rune artifact suits in the other’s house. She is holding Great expectations!
At that time, even if they can't fully arm their Roger warriors, they only need to arm part of them, and they will gradually get rid of this predicament! Therefore, the current Kaxia has long lost the violent and aggressive temper that she used to have. Now, she just wants to stay in the Rouge camp and wait until she sees the variables she wants!
"Actually, I can't say that nothing happened..."
"The day before yesterday, the Rogg sisters who came back from the shift reported to me that they were the guys in the cold land who wandered about that land. You know, the fallen Rogg warriors, they... seem to be Gathering towards the Burial Ground, I don’t know what the depraved Morena is playing!"
"Anyway, that's probably the same thing. The strength of our Rogers is not what it used to be. It is good to be able to detect the enemy's movements. If you have to continue to investigate, I am afraid they will not be able to return... "
Speaking of this, Kaxia smiled bitterly and shook her head, and drank the steaming milk tea in the wooden cup with her head up.
Before, she also specially transferred that team of Flavio to Taniguchi in the Cold Plain to guard, and gave the opponent a lot of autonomy, hoping that the experienced Flavi could keep an eye on that Taniguchi and timely. Give back valuable information.
Although she knew that the depraved Morena herself, that in the deserted Heradric Monastery, which was later rebuilt in the underground of the Zakarram Cathedral, once defeated the King of Fear Diapo Luo's Roger hero, the current blood bird, the other party must be organizing some conspiracy!
Even, Kasha still has enough reason to suspect that the abnormal movement of their cold land is actually related to their plan to remove the pollution source of the evil cave in a few days! But, what can I do if I know... After weighing the strength of the current Rogg camp, Kasha will not naively think that they have the strength to stop or smash the conspiracy of the fallen man!
Now she really has no other better way than to guard the Rouge camp and watch the success or failure of the adventurers.
"Perhaps, we can send more Roger warriors to stare at the movement of the Burial Ground? Of course, if we can, it would be better to send someone to stare at the Sinking Demon Camp in Bisubosu..."
After pondering for a while, Akara finally opened his mouth and suggested with some difficulty.
In a few days, they are going to attack Blood Waste at Camp Rogge, but now, at such a critical time, the blood bird on the icy plain of the enemy has actually acted, if it is between the two If there is no connection, it is just a coincidence, she will not believe what she says!
The blood wasteland is flat. It can be said to be a low-lying basin, surrounded by high mountains. In the surrounding area, except for the narrow valley leading to the cold highlands, there is no way to enter here! And this is the fundamental reason why the remnants of their nuns fled to this place in embarrassment.
So, now that I heard that there is indeed an abnormal movement in the cold ground, Akara is a bit unable to sit still... She knows better than anyone, that the blood bird, the other party must be able to easily gather tens of thousands of undead and the huge size of the fallen Rog The troops, just like this, are not what they can resist in the wild by the strength of their Rouge camp!
In addition, if the demon tribe of Bisubosu also takes action, the evil army composed of demon wizards and thousands of small red demon can really easily take them The action that had been prepared for many days was ruined!
"In fact, if you can, I even hope that you can send people as far east as possible to stare at the demons in Taymo Heights!"
Akara lowered her head hesitantly and poured herself another cup of milk tea, then stared at the mist rising from the wooden cup. After staring at them for a long time, she finally gritted her teeth and said This seemingly absurd and stupid request came out.
"Check further east...Akara, are you crazy?!"
Kasha stared at the elder in front of him with an incredible expression, his face was full of shock, as if he had seen him for the first time.
If it is said that the adventure sent people to the cold land to stare at the blood bird's action, staring at the demon tribe of the sinking demon commanding Bisubosu, to ensure that the success or failure of the action in a few days is justified, then , For no reason to send Roger Warriors to carry out activities further east, it was purely dead...
Anyway, her Kasha would never let her few remaining fighters and her sisters sacrifice them for nothing!
To this day, they have sacrificed enough!
She has heard feedback from Flavy and other adventurers who often go out on missions. Whether in the wasteland or in the cold land where few adventurers dare to set foot, you can often see their sisters. Our miserable corpses who were tortured to death by demons...
And every time she thinks of their tragic situation that has been described by others, her heart hurts...
"No! Kasha, I'm not crazy..."
"I'm sober now, and my thinking is very clear! I know what I'm talking about now, and I know what the consequences of doing that will lead to, and I know that many Roger warriors might die as a result... But I still hope You can do what I just said."
There was silence again for a while, until the curling water mist at the mouth of the wooden cup gradually became scarce due to the lower temperature of the tea, Akara raised his head and stared at Kasha’s puzzled eyes. Writes.
Even knowing that there will be more people and more Rogers of the nuns will die, but there are some things that she has to do! Therefore, Akara still insisted on his opinions and did not make any concessions or compromises.
"No! I don't agree!"
"Akara, you know! We can no longer randomly send Loggers to further investigations. It really makes no sense to do that!"
"Look at our camp. Except for the civilians and a rabble of adventurers, there are probably more than 3,000 elite Roger warriors left. Even if we add those newly recruited recruits, we only have Only a few thousand people, just this little force, do you want to waste it?"
Compared to the tens of thousands of female Rogers soldiers in the heyday of the ‘Blind Eye’ Sisters, the current strength is really not worth mentioning! It's a pity that their so many sisters and so powerful troops will collapse in an instant after the demons descend... Until now, there is only the worst-equipped one under her Kasha. The archer was still lingering.
This matter can be seen from the equipment of the fallen Loggers wandering in the cold land. Those damned guys are equipped with the most exquisite armor and iron shields, steel guns, sharp blades and extremely long range. Warbow! But as for their Roger, most of them are leather armor and wooden bows...
Before the demon descended, the Logger warriors under her Kasha were actually just like reserve troops. The real elites were all on the monastery barracks at that time.
"Over the period of time, the sacrifices of our sisters Roger are really too great... The demons are constantly squeezing our living and activity space. Now, we really can't just let those brave sisters go out and die. Up..."
With a heavy sigh, Kasha thought about the more and more fierce demons and monsters in the east and west directions during this period of time, and she couldn't help but hammer the tent floor hard.
In this period of more than half a month, she sent out to collect intelligence and the Rogge elites who were responsible for watching the devil's movements. At least more than two hundred people were lost, and more than one hundred were missing! If this continues, how long can they hold on to what is left in their camp?
"Kasha, I know everything you said, but..."
Staring at the other person for a while, Akara slowly spoke again:
"At least, this time we must ensure the success of this wasteland recovery operation! In any case, no matter what the cost, we must recover this land! Do you understand what I mean?"
"So... I hope that you will organize at least three thousand elites, and go to Taniguchi in the Cold Plain tomorrow! It should be Flavie presiding over there now? Let her lead the three that we sent. A thousand-man army, building fortifications over there, must block any enemies that might invade from the cold land!"
"If that fallen Morena really leads its undead army to attack, let Flavie block and delay those enemies at all costs! Even the last soldier in the fight must be guaranteed to persist until the evil The source of pollution in the cave was purified by us, and we persisted until the dark cloud of evil condensing began to dissipate, and insisted that the sun shines on the land again!
Akara just so calmly, in a hoarse and old tone, clearly speaking to Kaxia, who was sitting opposite to him in a daze, even the drink in the cup was getting cold.
Perhaps, her Akara today is indeed a bit different from before, but she still insists on her proposal! Therefore, after being silent for a while, Akara, a bit old and stubborn, resolutely rejected Kasha's objections.
"You must convince me now, Akara!"
After staring at his nominal chief for a while, Kaxia suddenly put down the cup, and then solemnly said:
"Otherwise, I think Kasha is the highest military commander of this Rouge camp! Since I am their commander, then I must be responsible for the Rouge soldiers under me!"
"You should have seen it too: They... are all our loveliest and most loyal warriors! Under the curse of the demons, they did not choose to fall like the others... Even though they have paid countless sacrifices, their The will is still very, I think they are our hope for the future of the Sisters of the Blind Eye!"
"If one day in the future, I can't hold this Rouge camp, then I would rather evacuate them all to the King's Port in the south, or retreat around the road to the West Journey to the west, so that they will survive and survive. I hope they all died here meaninglessly!"
During the period of resisting the devil, the Rogues have paid enough!
In this land, as well as the monastery’s barracks, the appearance of the Roger warriors being killed by demons still remembers Kasha, and is often awakened in nightmares... In many cases, on some nights, she often She can only gather with her men by the campfire in the camp, repeating the epic legend of the past time and time again...and try to make her forget the terrible loss of the monastery and the countless sisters of Roger fact……
Therefore, when she hears that Akara, who has always been gentle and does not advocate armed attacks against the devil, actually wants to send Rogue desperately to prepare to fight with the monsters and fallen ones from the cold original. , Finally made Kaxia feel that the other party seemed a bit unusual!
You know, in the past, the most impulsive and most wanted to take advantage of the devil's strength is not too strong, want to use force to attack when the monastery is in chaos, but she is Kaxia!
In the past, every time when she wanted to send troops to flatten the wasteland or kill back to the monastery, Akara was always the most opposed! This intelligent and kind Akara, who treats and raises most of the orphans like a mother, grew up. He never hardened his heart. To those who were tempted by Andariel, the queen of pain, his mind was occupied and controlled by evil. The nuns or the Roger warriors of
Kasha knew that the other party had always stubbornly believed that a way to purify those fallen Loggers could be found...Unfortunately, until today, until they are forced to this situation by the increasingly powerful demons, they still have nothing to do, for nothing. They have sacrificed countless sisters Roger... Maybe, besides directly killing Andariel and driving the Queen of Pain back to hell, they definitely have no other good way...
But now, the other side has to send out scouts and most of the army regardless of casualties, what exactly is it trying to do?
"You know what, Kasha..."
After lowering his head again and pouring a cup of steaming milk tea into the empty cup of the opponent, Akara said in an ethereal voice:
"Recently, I have been having a dream repeatedly..."
"Our powerful Rogge army has even wiped out the entire hell... They wiped out Mephisto in the prison of hatred, defeated Diablo in the Sanctuary of Chaos, and wiped out the destruction in the World Stone Hall. King Baal, in one fell swoop established our world forever and peace..."
"Our church has become the greatest sect in the sanctuary world and is praised by the world. Just as the blind eye predicted to us, our nuns fulfilled our epic destiny..."
Actually, Akara did not see so many in her dreams, she only saw a small part of the specious scenes.
Even she didn’t even know if the dream she had repeated for several days was a sign of the future...
And now, what she was talking about with empty and sacred syllables was more of her own guesses about dreams and her words of persuasion to Kasha.
In fact, what she saw repeatedly in her dreams was only a short-lived picture: in a monastery far larger than theirs, far larger than the Zakarum Church, and even larger than the church or temple of any other church. A place, in the cathedral that is tall and majestic, carved with beams, magnificent, magnificent, or magnificent, etc., she is leading a group of five-year-old girls into the cathedral, where the musicians Under our melodious accompaniment, we sang the epic eulogy loudly...
She still vaguely remembered that in the dream, they should be singing like this:
Hell is collapsing,
The warriors of the slaughter are triumphant,
Even the angels lowered their noble heads,
The eternal miracle is hanging high above the seat enshrined in the temple...
It’s just such a picture. In the last few days, it has repeatedly and intermittently appeared in her dream of Akala. It’s a pity that in the dream, those lyrics have given the title of Akala. The old woman of the Prophet did not hear too clearly...
However, there is one thing she firmly believes: Although the picture is broken, it is extremely real...
Although, Akara herself did not know what this picture meant, nor could she see what the miracle looked like, because every time, when she tried to look up at the hall in a dream that was not under her control When it is above, you can only see a dazzling and blazing light...
However, she firmly believes that she has indeed seen a certain segment of the future, or some omen...
And more importantly, the cathedral, it seems to be located in the Rouge camp now!
It is precisely because of this that Akara decided that she must follow a certain prophecy in the dark, and regardless of all costs, she must take this blood wasteland as soon as possible, and even fight to the last soldier. Their'Blind Eyes' monastic society will also firmly guard here, and will never shrink back!
Kasha did not rush to speak or refute, but closed her eyes, silently digesting the content that Akara had just told her and the unrealistic dream.
"Heh... flatten the hell..."
"Akara, although I don’t know what your nonsense dreams are all about, but you should also know that the dispute between the highest heaven and has been going on for countless years, but even their angels have not succeeded. You dare to think about things..."
At this point, Kasha suddenly laughed at herself, and then stopped.
"Forget it, since you have decided, then I will obey your orders!"
"But one thing, I still want to make it clear to you: Our Rouge's blood is about to stain the ground around here... Whether it's this blood wasteland or our monastery, or other places..."
"So I hope that your decision and the sacrifice of our sisters Roger are not meaningless..."
In fact, Kasha did not believe too much about the dreams or future predictions that Akara just said!
This funny thing about flattening and destroying the three demon gods of is probably the only one who still has an obsession with artifacts and intends to make the kind of equipment that "hangs the sky" as soon as possible, and then uses it to catch the "big pineapple" to beat him. Girls dare to think about it, right?
Of course, I don’t know why, Kaxia also has a little extravagant hope in her heart...
She felt that if that little guy could really mass-produce the two sets of rune artifacts displayed in that wooden house, and equip them with 8,000 Rogue archers, then her Kasha seems to be true. The kind of thing that can be done to pacify the is something that is exciting just thinking about it?
However, if you want to obtain something that can change the strength of the enemy and ourselves, you must find a complete set of runes for the little guy, and this thing is obviously not too easy! Or, to rescue the Kane who is said to be the descendant of the Master Horadim from Tristram? However, if you want to rescue an old thing that doesn't know the life or death, you must first recover the blood wasteland and defeat the demon in the cold plain and the stone wilderness! Therefore, this matter seems to be turned back to the inevitable option of taking down the blood wasteland first...
"If there is nothing to do, then I will prepare now!"
After speaking, after drinking the last drink in one sip, Kasha nodded and stood up and walked to the outside of the tent.
Tomorrow, she needs to select a total of 3,000 elite Rogue warriors and send them to Flavy who is guarding the valley mouth that connects to the cold plain... This is not an easy job, she must go and order now. And do the relevant preparations and logistics work. If they move fast enough, they can set off at noon, and then they can arrive in a day or two?
In fact, Kasha was not persuaded by Akara’s assumptions, she was just persuaded by herself... You know, expelling demons and regaining the fortress of their nuns can be said to be her strongest right now. Wish!
And now, they are preparing to regain the blood wasteland. If they can't even do this, what hope do they have? She didn't want to be in this Rouge camp, with the only remaining people who were loyal to the monastic order, just like pigs and dogs, forced to live under the devil's help, and enjoy the day after day here. Day, the suffering that affects their body and soul at the same time...
Little Annie is angry, trying to avoid certain disgusting things and after having lunch hastily, she is now with a group of children between five and eight years old in the Rouge camp, just like this. On the slightly cleaner lawn between the refugee zone and the military zone.
In the middle of this lawn, a group of small children gathered around in a pit the size of a washbasin that was dug out and wiped smoothly, and they seemed to be whispering something.
"My archangel Tyrael is the best, none of you can beat me!"
In this small group of people, the little fat boy who had just won a duel with snot trailing on his nose was sucking his nose while proudly holding up his small wooden cage and cheering loudly. Also enjoy the admiration of other friends.
Among a group of yellow-faced and muscled children, it is rare for him to be so fat after months of refugee life, and the body fat is still so thick! It can be imagined from this that before the devil descended, at the time of the disaster, this little kid was definitely a bit fatter than now, right?
Otherwise, he wouldn't have not used up the energy stored in fat in the body...
"What a archangel, let me tell you that the fear king Diablo I just caught is the most powerful!"
"Get out, get out, don't get in the way!"
At this time, without waiting for the little fat man in the crowd to be surrounded by everyone to leave, he was wearing a neat and tidy dress with a plush toy bear tied around his waist, and he also held a small wooden nail in his hand. The little Annie in the small cage arbitrarily pushed away the children who were in the way, walked up to the little fat man aggressively, and then glared at him fiercely.
And in that small cage of hers, there was a cricket similar to the earth world, and it looked like a small bug the size of a thumb.
It turns out that this group of children are fighting insects here!
And the bug in Little Annie's hand was just when she ran to the gate of Loge camp, enchanted a bribe with a bow and arrow with a cotton suit, and made the gatekeeper Captain Ansal Logg rush out to help her get it back.
Because now, these little kids in the camp are full of food and nothing to do all day long. Apart from gathering people to play, there is nothing serious about them to do, so that they look like crickets and are very combative. All of the boys are almost extinct in the camp!
And if you want to get a good grasp, you can only find it in the grass outside the high wall of the dangerous camp, but ordinary people absolutely dare not go out, not even Annie herself!
"You are the bad girl of a rich man again!"
"It's useless, you definitely can't beat my archangel! The day before yesterday, your hatred king Mephisto died after being bitten by my Tyrael! Yesterday, your second king of destruction, Baal My Tyrael also bit his head off. Do you dare to come today? If it loses again, your three demons will be all dead!"
Seeing this unrelenting bad girl who still wants to challenge her archangel every day, the little fat man sniffed his snot trail, then raised his fat chin and glanced at the little girl's hand. After the bug, he sneered in disdain.
This little girl can't play with them, and people like them don't like this rich little girl! However, the other party continued for two or three days. Every day, he caught a bug who wanted to challenge his archangel. He also took the names of the terrible three devil kings of hell. This made him, a fat man who worships angels, feel very dissatisfied.
That's because, since those demons appeared, he has no more good food. He eats hard and dark bread every day, and then occasionally has a bit of salted fish and bean soup. Therefore, he hates those demons very much, especially those three kings who are cursed by adults every day!
And this little girl even gave the insect the name of the devil and wanted to defeat his archangel Tyrael, which made him very dissatisfied! In fact, the men and women around him are all jealous of this little girl who wears a beautiful red dress and has a ruddy face. It seems that she has good food every day, and she doesn't like to play with each other.
"Dirty little fat man, the big pineapple I caught today is different. Look, it's fatter than yesterday's. It will definitely kill your archangel!"
After staring bitterly at the insect hidden in the cage in the other hand, Annie gritted her teeth and said:
"Anyway, I only know that today, it must be me who wins in the end. Do you dare to fight my big pineapple? Or... your archangel is scared?!"
Squinting her eyes, Little Annie used the same arrogant attitude, pointing at the little mud pit surrounded by the crowd, the little bug arena, and agitated at the little fat guy in front of her.
(Little master, why are you so confident? If you lose again, your face will be really lost! Also, look at the worm in your hand, and then look at the opposite person, although the size The minions also look the same, but obviously the opponent's has more experience... You don't know, the other one has beaten more than a dozen opponents...
After sighing, Tibbers was a little bit dumbfounded to persuade his little master, wanting to prepare the other party a little bit, so as not to be sulking after losing. Anyway, Tibbers also agrees a bit with the little fat man opposite, the Diablo just caught by its little owner may really be unable to beat the archangel Tyrell...
If you lose again today, what will be the name of the bug tomorrow? Is it Rakanisiu... or Bisubosu? If that were the case, it would have been a loss just from the momentum of the name...)
"Little fat man, just say whether you dare to compare?!"
Annie didn't pay attention to Tibbs's thoughts, but still holding the wooden bug cage in her hand and continuing to invite the enemy to fight. Anyway, she will definitely win today!
It's a pity that her projection can't cheat with clever little spells, otherwise, she will definitely let this little fat man who dare to beat herself for two days and still ridicule him a good-looking!
"Compared! Whoever loses will learn how to bark three times!"
The child was most uninspired. After hearing the opponent's two consecutive excitement, the little fat man ran to the mud pit arena on the spot, opened the lid of the wooden cage, and released his archangel Tyrell first. Go in.
The cricket bug named Archangel Tyrell just entered the arena, just like a battle-tested veteran. After shaking his wings vigorously and screaming twice, he began to move his hands and feet inside. Generally, he turned around the small mud pit without any haste, as if waiting for the enemy to arrive?
"Humph! I will definitely not lose today anyway!"
In Little Annie's world, the word counseling has never been recognized! So, she just sneered like that, and also quickly walked to the mud pit, glanced at the opponent's Tyrell, and secretly cursed a few words before letting Captain Roger grab the new big pineapple and put it in.
Now, apart from praying that the big pineapple in her house can compete for a little bit and kill the archangel earlier, she seems to have no good way.
Diablo, the King of Fear of Annie, just entered the arena and found that he was free from the restraint of the cage, before he had time to scream happily. The archangel Tyrael, who had been waiting for the enemy to come, jumped vigorously towards it Pounced fiercely, and began to entangle and bite!
"Come on the big pineapple, bite me to death!"
After seeing the two little bugs fight quickly, Annie clenched her fists in excitement, cheering at the bugs in the pit arena.
Her insects were just caught from the grass outside, and there was a protective green grass on her back, which proved that she had just escaped from nature and entered the ranks of gladiators! The archangel of the other party is black all over, and it seems to have long since gotten rid of the characteristics of mud legs, and the reflection of the metal glow on the back of the other party looks like an elite war veteran. Generally calm and fierce.
"The archangel killed that demon!"
"Master Tyrael, hurry up and kill that Diablo!"
"Kill it! Justice will prevail!"
"Kill it, kill the big demon!"
"Go on, archangel! Yes, just bite his neck like that!"
"Come on!"
"Ah, Tyrael be careful..."
"Quick! Kill it!"
Seeing that the fun battle started soon, a group of children cheered loudly on Tyrael, the archangel representing the righteous side, and asked Tyrael to quickly kill the last three demons! As for the little Annie, who represented the forces of evil hell, her voice was soon overwhelmed by the cheering of a dozen children, and she could only stare at the two little insects who were fighting.
"Hey! What are their little guys doing? And why is our little Annie here too?!"
Kashya, who just came out of the Akara tent in the northeast corner and planned to stroll in the middle of the camp, of course saw the group of noisy children and the conspicuous red figure among the children of the poor.
Then, after hearing the jokes of children shouting to bring down the devil and cheering on the archangel Tyrael, Kasha asked a little inexplicably about the next one who was looking at the children from a distance. The Roger Warrior, want to know what those guys and what little Annie is playing.
"Report to Master Kaxia!"
"That's because they are fighting insects! And our little nun, Anne, has lost two days in a row! Her Baal and Mephisto were caught by the archangel Tai in the hands of another little boy yesterday and the day before yesterday. Riel was killed alive! And today, it is her third pet, King of Fear, Diablo!"
The female Roger who was in charge of the guard in this area every day, of course knew what the little ghosts over there were playing, so she laughed and reported it to her chief.
Although, strictly speaking, the little nun Anne was on the side with them, but... Since the name given to the insect by a certain little girl is too domineering and hateful, so this Luo Ge herself hoped that Diablo would be killed by the righteous archangel earlier, so that she would not hear the evil and terrifying name when she came to stand guard another day?
"Ha! This is really interesting!"
Fighting insects or something, Kasha also played when she was a child, so she was a little bit dumbfounded after listening to her sister Rouge’s report, she stood aside with her arms so interested and looked at it from a distance. Planning to wait for the archangel and the king of fear over there to decide the outcome?
However, her thoughts seem to be the same as the Roger warrior next to her, and she hopes that the archangel can defeat the evil demon sooner!
"Come on! Tyrael!"
"Kill that demon! Tyrael, you are the strongest!"
"Down with evil, justice will prevail!"
"Yes! That's it, Tyrael, bite off Diablo's neck and kill it!"
The children were still leaning over to Tyrael in excitement, and none of them cheered the King of Fear!
Finally, it turns out that the children’s cheering seems to have played a role. Their archangel Tyrael, who represents justice and axiom, seized an opportunity and bit down Diablo the King of Fear. The exposed neck was vital, and after the two sides rolled over and faced each other violently for a while, it bit off the Diablo's head cleanly and licked the other side's neck.
"Aha! You lose, my archangel Tyrell has won! Hurry up and learn how to bark!"
After seeing his bugs defeating the evil demon from hell, the little fat man dragged his long nose and pointed at the little girl and cheered loudly.
Today, his invincible archangel Tyrell really won again, and then he left it to enjoy the delicious trophy slowly, and was not eager to take it back, which was eating to replenish its strength. This kind of bug is like this. After two males fight, the victorious party will enjoy the body of the loser, and then can grow stronger and look for the female bug.
After smashing the small wooden cage in her hand, Annie stared at the pit Tyrell who was eating her big pineapple for a long time. , And then looked up at the triumphant fat man and the kids around waiting for her to learn how to bark.
"I didn't lose! Look, I said, I must win today!"
Having lost three days in a row, the anger started from the side of her heart, and the guilty little Annie suddenly slammed her foot into the pit before everyone had time to react!
That’s right, Diablo, the little bug she caught today, did lose, but, as I said before, she didn’t lose herself. She just squashed the damned archangel Tai with just one foot. Riel, she will win in the end! Therefore, she is not considered a breach of contract, she does not need to learn how to bark, and she generously prevents the other party from learning to bark!
"Then, goodbye~!"
After finishing speaking, she suddenly flashed while the other party was still petrified and disappeared instantly. When her figure appeared again a hundred yards away, she took advantage of those stupid guys. Before he could react, he turned around and ran towards his little wooden building in the northwest.
(^^`) How could her Queen Anne lose? That is absolutely impossible!
(Surely it will be like this... Actually, Tibbers guessed yesterday or the day before yesterday that this bad little master of his family would do it like this, but what he didn't expect was that the other party had tolerated it completely. Three full days is considered very good. Is this a huge improvement?)
"Wow oooooo!!"
"Wow! Archangel Tyrael is dead!"
"The bad girl trampled our archangel to death!"
Soon, after a group of children reacted thoroughly, they started crying loudly! Especially the little fat guy, he cried so hard that he could not even notice the lump of his nose and tears into his mouth, so he knelt beside the mud puddle arena, and looked at the flat archangel energetically. Tyrael howled miserably...
Seeing that it turned out to be such a situation in the end, the female soldier Rodger opened her mouth, turned her neck stiffly a little dumbfounded, and looked at the leader of Kaxia who also had the same expression next to her.
"That little bastard, this is really... alas!!"
With a sigh, Kaxia shook her head dumbfoundingly, and walked towards the children who were lying on the grass.
How could that little guy do such a shameless thing? If you don’t agree, you trample on someone else’s archangel to death. No wonder the kids here don’t like playing with her! I'm afraid that during this period of time, those hapless little ghosts over there have been bullied by a little guy in a different way, right?
Fortunately, when Kasha was with Akara just now, she hoped that the other party could work harder to get those rune artifacts earlier, and then they could turn things around and defeat the devil and take back the'blind eye'. The monastery fortress!
"Hey! Children, don't cry!"
Coming to the children's side, Kasha rubbed a little girl's messy hair vigorously, and then smiled and comforted the group of kids who were crying more strongly.
Unfortunately, it seems that she is not as suitable for comforting children as Akara's professional nanny! Anyway, after she came to the crowd and began to persuade her, especially after seeing adults coming to preside over justice, these little kids cried more vigorously!
Because that archangel Tyrell has been with them for almost a month, and it has been invincible all over the Rouge camp. It has beaten up the bugs of other gangs and the children. ! Originally, it could be made stronger, but now, it was trampled to death by a bad girl. Can they not feel sad?
Seeing this group of little boys who would not stop their posture without crying, Kasha also felt a little tricky. Originally, she could ignore it, after all, it was just a children's game, she was not suitable for mixing too much.
But... after all, it was their little nun Annie who stepped on their pet to death. If they are not comforted, if these guys go back and cry and complain with their adults, it will ruin the reputation of their nuns. That's not good, not even games between children!
After all, what the little guy did just now was really too much.
"Okay! You don't stop, do you? Then, don't blame me for making a trick!"
After continuously persuading several little girls who seemed to be bullied found that her comfort had no effect at all except for making them cry harder!
So, she is now ready to make a trick!
If it is used to deal with a little guy who just ran away, her move may not have any effect. However, if it is used to deal with the current group of little kids, she believes that she Shouldn't the trick be easy to use?
"Look! What is this? A gold coin!!!"
"Okay, little guys, don't cry! Although your archangel Tyrael has been gloriously killed at the feet of a big demon even more evil than the three demon gods, I have now helped that big demon compensate you. !"
"Now, who of you can take this gold coin and go to the food supply of our Log Camp to buy some food to share with you?"
That's right! To deal with this kind of little kid, although she doesn't know how to coax children, she has money, and money can be exchanged for a lot of food!
So she believed that this gold coin would definitely relieve the sadness of these little guys! After all, refugees and non-combatants are generally not full of food in the entire Rouge camp now, let alone these greedy little ghosts!
"I am I!"
"I'm going! The archangel is mine, so I should go!"
"I bought it for my adult, let me go!"
Soon, under the temptation of the food, the children finally stopped crying and swarmed to Kashya's side, all wanting to get the shiny gold coin that represented delicious food!
"Okay! Don't grab it, here it is, you guys go together!"
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