Chapter 468: Assault on Rogg Camp

"Everyone! Rest in place!"
"Rest on the spot, pay attention!"
"Everyone takes the time to rest and pay attention to the surrounding situation!"
Orders were quickly conveyed, and then, the adventurers who had just fought a battle finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the beginning, they found a flat and clean place nearby and started to rest to ease the situation and lasted for half a morning. The intense fighting.
Now here is outside the evil cave in the blood wasteland. This huge hole located in a pile of rocky crevices that protrudes from the ground, like a wild beast, opens its hideous huge mouth to the people who come here. ! It was originally just a mine cave of an abandoned barren silver mine, but now it has long been used by demons as a lair for them to spread evil!
According to the various intelligence detected by the Loggers, most of the various monsters in the blood wasteland came from here, and inside, there must be something like a small portal connecting to hell!
Otherwise, the cruel sinking demons with red skin would not kill them, and they would kill them no matter how they cleaned them. They would be inexhaustible... just like endless...
Of course, there must be those evil auras floating in the air that will cause corpses to turn into zombies, as well as the thick dark clouds condensed above the land and sky, etc., which should be inseparable from the cave in front of us. !
If the Rogers of the Sisters of the Blind Eye intend to completely occupy this land and use it to fight against evil for a long time, then this cave and the evil in the cave must be the first object to be eliminated, and This matter must be urgent!
Because those evil existences that struck from will only become stronger and fierce day by day... But on the human side, if the tortoise stays in the camp and does nothing but passively defends it. , On the contrary, they will become weaker day by day...until the day when they are defeated and slaughtered by the demons!
So now, the chief military officer of Camp Rouge, Kasha, is leading the elite archers of Rouge with less than two hundred people, plus more than 2,000 adventurers from all over the world. These mobs have spent several days. After a period of time, finally set off from Rouge camp and encircled and strangled the demons to come here! At this time, they were besieging the abandoned mine dug along the gap of a huge boulder, repairing them, and waiting for the next action order.
At present, all the evil within a few miles of the evil cave has been wiped out by them in these two days!
Whether it is those large and small sinking demons, zombies that have been eroded by evil and resurrected, or various evil mutant beasts, etc., as long as they can be seen, they will be plundered by the adventurers organized by them. Kill them all, and you can guarantee that for a long period of time in the future, apart from the monsters in this cave, no enemies can threaten them!
Kasha was staring at this dark cave, and there seemed to be a faintly evil atmosphere inside, and at the same time, there were faint bursts of cruel neighs and howls of demons or beasts! Obviously, some demons in it should have been aware of their arrival? Therefore, they are probably already prepared in it.
Anyway, Kasha wouldn’t be so stupid to think that those demons would just stay in there waiting for them to kill them. Those monsters would always have a lot of defensive measures against their upcoming offensive actions! After all, demons are also intelligent creatures, no matter how evil and cruel they are, they will not be a bunch of idiots.
Besides, they have been undefeated after fighting the Supreme Heaven for countless years, which is enough!
"Well... it really is!"
Look at the top of this evil cave. The thick dark clouds condensed by evil spirits are now like a large vortex, rotating slightly above the cave thousands of yards... Obviously, the previous Akara Presumption is not wrong. There must be some evil ritual of demons in this cave. They are here now, they should be right!
This is exactly like what Flavie and the others said in the intelligence obtained by investigating, it is the key to whether they can expel the devil and completely take down the blood wasteland!
"Ma upload the order: Let the barbarian guards of the'Artifact Workshop' make preparations. In half an hour, we will launch a general attack on this evil cave!"
"Also, at the same time, notify those adventurers, so that they will be ready soon!"
Standing not far from the sloping entrance of the evil cave, staring at the impenetrable darkness and the evil atmosphere that almost condenses into mist for a while, Kaxia waved his hand when he was ruthless. Ansal, the elite Captain Roger who was acting as his deputy this time, was invited, and ordered coldly.
Now Kasha has made up her mind: within the next three hours, she will completely wipe out this abandoned silver mine cave, which is said to be not too big inside, and smooth out this place where the demons are entrenched!
Before launching this battle, Kashya also specifically sought out the refugees who had been living on this land, and specifically asked about this cave... Some people said that it was a gold mine, but was later It is hollowed out; some people say it is an iron ore, but the iron content is too low to be suitable for ironmaking; and most of the old people say that it should be a silver mine, but some evil things often happen inside , So it was abandoned?
Here, it is a natural evil...
But no matter what, this evil cave is very strong, and after being abandoned for more than a hundred years, it can still be entrenched and used by demons. This is an indisputable fact!
Anyway, as far as Kasha knows, whether it is the description of the civilian elders or the terrain detected by Flavie and others before, it all shows one thing: the situation and the complexity of the terrain must exceed everyone. Beyond imagination! When they launch an offensive later, they must be extra careful.
"Sir! When we came here, we were fighting all the way to clean up. We have been fighting for a long time just now... This is only a half-hour break and the general attack will be launched. Wouldn't it seem too hasty?!"
Obviously, Captain Ansar, who can be said to be the third person behind Rogri after Kasha and Flavio, was a little hesitant about this order. So, after thinking about it, she hesitated to their leader. Ka Xia Ban persuades to ask generally, seems to want to confirm this order?
Because, she saw the temporary offensive camp being built around the evil cave. Here, those who are stumbling around are gathering a group on each side, and they are gathered together in a group to chat, brag and prepare lunch. The state of adventurers.
Although they have been working hard in the past two days, they are also brave and hard in purging demons, and even some of them are very powerful, but... they are not well-trained and disciplined Rouge elites. The army... Therefore, Captain Ansar is really a little worried. She is afraid that if she is not prepared enough, if she launches a general offensive like this, there will be a mess. The consequences of that are very disastrous!
"Ansal, you know, we have no other choice now!"
As soon as she raised her hand, after Kasha stopped interrupting the other party and wanted to persuade her, she walked forward two steps with a gloomy face, and stared at the cave with her sharp eyes, as if she wanted See through the darkness inside.
"In the morning, you should have seen the information from our sisters..."
"On the southeast side, at the Taniguchi leading to the cold plains, the fallen Logmorena... that is called the blood bird demon, she is leading at least ten thousand undead and those who are tortured by the curse. And Loggers, who have fallen and are controlled by the evil, they... are now attacking Flawy and their fragile line of defense!"
"Although Flavie's message is that she has the confidence to defend Taniguchi which is easy to defend and difficult to attack! But you must also know that Morena is powerful... Besides, Flavie's only Three thousand people, they only have a few days to prepare in advance, but they won't be able to build a tall wood and stone wall like our Luoge camp!"
Having said that, Kasha sighed quietly.
No matter how confident Flavie was, Kasha wouldn't believe how long it would take just three thousand Roger's last elites to successfully block or hold that fallen Morena!
You know, the other party and the former Prince Aidan killed the sealed Dear King Diablo's powerful existence...Even if it was Kasha herself, if he confronted the blood bird at this time, In a one-to-one situation, I'm afraid it is only 50-50 at most?
Therefore, she believes that Flavie will definitely not be able to hold that Taniguchi! At least, can't keep it for too long?
And if you think about the distance between Taniguchi and the evil cave here, and the marching speed of the undead and demons...Kasha has reason to believe that if they can’t take this place today, then at this time tomorrow, the enemy may be afraid Will appear behind them!
"Also, now there are less than a thousand guards in our Rogg camp... Those sisters are mostly just recruits. Our simple wooden fortress is now very empty... But Akara, she I have to preside over the ceremony and wait for the news from us...So, I am very worried..."
"Forget it! Let's not talk about it!"
"Hurry up and execute the order now! Remember, send down the simple topographic map of the cave that Flavie and the others exchanged with their lives before, arrange the tasks of the adventurers and assign the cleaning area, and let the eight The barbarian guards hurriedly rest and eat! After half an hour, we will let them be the pioneers and directly attack the cave!"
After looking at the evil cave viciously at last, Kasha gave his orders in an unquestionable tone.
In fact, if it weren’t for the now-disciplined guys and the rabble of adventurers that she needed to rely on, she would replace her with her own elite Rog, she would have directly ordered the attack, and there would be no more Give half an hour to prepare?
At this moment, now Flavy and the others, must be at the Taniguchi of the Cold Land, fighting fiercely with the enemy... It is very likely that some sisters will be injured or die every moment... and they are here. Every minute and every second, their brave Roger sisters traded their blood and lives for them! Therefore, they must not waste every bit of time!
"Yes, yes!"
Finally, Ansar was persuaded... She nodded, stopped saying anything, and after a salute, she turned around and left.
Oh, I hope everything goes well...
Finally, I glanced at this cave where the howls of monsters and evil forces were still faintly spreading. Kasha exhaled, then suddenly turned around, turned his head over the temporary campfires of the adventurers, and went directly to herself. Go to the position of the sisters Ge.
Anyway, they must now clean up the cave as soon as possible, kill all the monsters in it, and destroy any suspected magic circle or portals or space rifts that can connect to hell! Then, Akara can activate the ancient purification circle that has been passed down from the highest heaven in the Rouge camp, so that the sun’s rays can penetrate the dark clouds and shine on the land, and the source of evil here is thoroughly purified and Expelled!
Although it is a bit hasty to launch the general attack now, Kaxia believes that they are at least 80% sure!
Because, after two days of careful observation, she found that the eight well-equipped barbarian guards seemed very powerful! Especially when they gathered together to launch an offensive... Just yesterday, with just eight people, without the help of anybody, they were as if a descended to the world, charging directly and overturning. A large-scale demon camp with close to a thousand Sinking Demons, killing those Sinking Demons fleeing everywhere in panic and defeating them!
It is precisely because of this that Kaxia will have high hopes for them!
Moreover, especially the luminous weapons in their hands, as well as the extremely high damage power, powerful enchanting power, and increased illuminating range... In general, there is simply no better way to be a forward. That's it! She firmly believes that they will play a pivotal role in the next attack on the cave!
Therefore, the only expectation of Kasha now is: I hope that Flavie and the others can really hold on to that Taniguchi, and it is best that the casualties are not too high, because the three thousand Rogge elites are really their last Strength...
As long as they can persist until they finish purifying the cave, it represents victory!
"Come on!"
"Send those'torches' to everyone! When we will be inside, we must insert one at least every ten yards to ensure that we will not be attacked and hunted in the dark by those demons in the hole. Kill us!"
When he came to the temporary tent area of ​​his sisters Roger, Kasha saw the various materials piled aside at first glance, especially the bundles of tiny wooden sticks that were emitting a ray of light. Then, without thinking about it, she directly instructed the Roger soldiers who were planning to take a break.
After a successful attack, they and those adventurers will definitely need to slowly disperse and sweep away the evil ones in the cave! Therefore, these lighting items should also be distributed at this time.
Small stick
One-handed attack: 0-1
Durability: 1 of 1
Weapon level: fast attack speed
Demand level: 0
+15 Illumination range (lasts for a whole day after excitation)
That's right, this bundle is only about a foot long of small wooden sticks. They are indeed the temporary enchanted items ‘torches’ that a little guy prepared for Kasha and the others for this raid on the evil cave!
Although they look high-end, high-end, and shiny like a magic wand, in fact, they are just the most common enchanted items for lighting!
These things, apart from being able to emit super-strong illuminating light to illuminate the surroundings when activated, they don’t actually have much other effect. They are really just small sticks that break when they are broken, and, Enchanting is only temporary, and it won't take long, it will expire and become invalid soon!
Therefore, they really can’t expect too much of the effects of these things...Because a super lazy little guy knows all day long to hang around in the camp, cockfighting, walking the dog, and bullying other children. I found some good things in the land, and also funded a lot of free enchanted weapons for Rogers, which is already very good, really can't ask for too much...
"La la la..."
"I caught a few happy little frogs..."
At this time, in the Logger camp, when a large number of adventurers, a large number of Logger women warriors, and the ferocious Sister Kasha have all gone out to fight, Little Annie is now staying with Chaxi belonging to them. The two people were busy chatting and chatting in the lobby on the first floor of this'artifact workshop'.
In fact, it’s not just chatting, but: Chasi, a hard-working barbarian blacksmith, is working hard, checking the pieces of weapons and equipment blanks, and from time to time, she asks Little Annie about sketching enchanting slots. Things to pay attention to when going online, etc.
In fact, Chaxi is the only one busy!
"One cook, one roast..."
And a certain lazy little guy just hugged her plush toy bear and sat on the railing edge of the stairs on the second floor, humming an unknown nursery rhyme, and carefully supervising the bottom. One of the barbarian female blacksmiths who would be uncomfortable if she didn't work, still dangled her legs continuously, indicating how good she was now.
"Can you not sit on the railing and play like that? If you accidentally fall down later, it will be very dangerous! Also, although the song you sing is not very good, the lyrics and tunes sound very novel, can you Write it down to me?"
After instructing the other party to be careful not to do the dangerous action of sitting on the railing and swaying his feet, Chaxi changed his tone and asked for the lyrics of the strange tune ballad that the little guy sang.
She just listened very carefully for a while, although the little guy above did not sing very well, but the strange tune and singing way made her feel very novel! Anyway, she had never heard anyone sing in the shelter world.
"I'm not afraid! I will flash, even if I accidentally fall, it doesn't matter, I will definitely not kill me!"
"As for the tunes... just the few sentences just now, the others are gone, do you like to listen to them!"
It was so hard for Annie to get in a good mood, and then she hummed a few words so happily... But what to think of, the hateful sister Chaxi below, she dare to say that she sings badly, this is really unreasonable!
You know, her voice is super good, although the tone is a bit so...well! Anyway, she was sure that she was actually very good at singing, but some guys would not appreciate it.
"By the way! Annie... why don't you go out to play today, aren't you very popular with children?"
After busying for a while, when Chaxi raised his head and wiped his sweat, he saw the little guy still sitting on the railing of the wooden stairs with his feet dangling like that, just holding the toy and holding his chin in a daze. After knowing what she was thinking, she asked suspiciously.
After all, children should go out to play more. Although there are demons outside the Rouge camp, it’s not safe, but there are some guarantees in the camp. Therefore, you should go out and play more with other children instead of all day long. Like a smart little adult, it made her even a little suspicious of life...
Moreover, Chaxi still remembers that a few days ago, didn't this little guy still play well with other children in the camp?
For example: the archangel they played against the Three Demon Gods or something... At that time, she heard what the little guy said, although the loss was a bit miserable at the beginning, so that a little guy was always very angry at night. I still thought about it when I ate... But, after winning, that guy was happy all day!
In Chaxi's view, this is the nature that children should have!
It’s just too normal for everyone to get together to play, bumping, or winning or losing, just like when Chasi was a child, relying on the strength of her size and blood, to fight and fight with her sisters. ?
You know, at that time, when both Chasi and Kasha were just a few years old, the current chief Rogge, the Kasha had never been able to beat her, and she was often beaten by her. Xi Ge was bullied on the ground, at that time, let alone how happy he was!
It's a pity that later... after the opponent participated in the training of Roger Warriors and learned a lot of skills and combat maneuvers, she gradually became no match for the opponent... In addition, she had great strength and agility. But he was born inadequate and clumsy, and later slowly faded out of the sight of the Roger sisters, and began to learn the crafting skills with the legendary blacksmith Mr. Grace Wald for several years.
Then, I went back to work in the monastery, and fled to the Rouge camp with Akara and the others during the upheaval...
"Annie, listen to me, you should really go and play with your little friends."
Think about myself now, the ability to deal with building weapons and enchanting is growing, Chaxi couldn’t help but look a little gratefully at the little guy who still sits on the railing and swings his legs on his own...that’s a stubborn little adult. , Almost no one can easily change the other's mind.
It's like studying the knowledge of enchantments and runes, if the other party doesn't listen to anyone's words, the research is really researched, and it really makes an opportunity that almost everyone can't match in a lifetime!
Chaxi also knew that her own current enchanting skills were almost entirely the result of the other party's intentional and unintentional mention of herself!
In some cases, she herself did not understand certain enchanting structures or magic circles, or when she went to Akara and still couldn’t figure it out, it was the little guy above, but the other party could always use it for her The way of understanding smoothly, with the way of playing like a child, in a few words, she can easily comprehend some indescribable truth in a simple sketch...
Anyway, Chaxi felt that Little Annie's talent for enchanting was really amazing! Even her teacher who was rumored to have been ‘dead’, the legendary blacksmith Mr. Grace Wald, is far beyond the reach!
And to this day, in this short period of time when she was in contact with Little Annie, she has also achieved a high level of achievement!
If you let her spend a whole day, then she can also have the confidence to directly create a rare (bright gold) level weapon or equipment! And if you give her a week or more, then she is also half confident that she can create a more powerful dark metal magic equipment!
Of course, it is a piece of dark gold equipment to draw a picture with a little guy. After working for an hour or two, you can even come up with a complete set of artifacts, which is obviously not at all. Up!
Therefore, Chaxi is still learning with a humility, and doing his best to learn all the skills of that little guy!
And she who likes to strike iron, in fact, does not expect to be able to reach the super high level that she may not be able to achieve in her life. She only hopes that she can achieve mass production of dark gold level equipment! Then, if possible, try to learn from the other party's research results on runes...By then, she will be satisfied with a little bit of understanding.
At that time, maybe she herself can use extremely fast speed and low cost to create a new set of standard suits for her Rogge sisters? Of course, it was definitely not the two sets of things that were used as decorations in this hall that she might not reach the kind of level in a lifetime.
"Huh? Go and play with other small pot friends?"
"Well...then, let's forget it! Those people are so enthusiastic, and those guys are still dirty, dragging slugs, and not paying attention to hygiene at all. Suddenly, I don't want to go with They are playing!"
That's right, probably the reason is like this, it's definitely not because she's a handsome rascal who trampled on other people's toys that she has been cautiously avoiding others...Anyway, she won't be afraid of them!
Those guys, if they dare to trouble her, they must look good!
(Dear little master... Did you forget yesterday... Did you forget that you were almost caught and beaten up by the gang? If it wasn't for the situation at the time, you should use the flash If you run...
Tibbers still clearly remembered that just yesterday, the little lord of his family went out to wander around after dinner, and then... accidentally was seen by a little girl in the camp who knew her, and then... when the other party pulled away After roaring so loudly, a large group of children held up various'weapons' vigorously, and charged toward the grand occasion of the little master with crazy slogans...
Anyway, if she hadn't run fast then, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to get out easily, right? )
"Huh! Tibbers, let me tell you, I'm not afraid of those guys, I just don't want to bully them!"
"You hateful fellow, don't be too smug!"
When I remembered that I was out for a walk yesterday, I was yelled by a group of little kids yelling "Down with the big devil Annie" and surrounded and "chasing and killing" herself. The triumphant expression on Little Annie's face was rarely stiff. Then he bitterly grabbed his own little bear, and began to pull the other's ears to warn him.
(Your strength at that time yesterday... seems to be only ten o'clock, right? So... if you hadn't used the flash technique to escape then, you would definitely not say that now...
Anyway, Tibbers insisted that yesterday, if only the individual's strength and level of force were used, if he didn't use spells, the horrible little master of his family would definitely be blocked by those little ghosts in the corner. Had you a big meal?
To be honest, it was a pity that I didn't succeed in seeing that novel scene at that time! Tibbers, who dreamed of seeing him, was bullied by other children! Otherwise, she knows all day long to rely on her own temperament to behave and do whatever she wants...Sometimes, it is too tickling, she has to teach her a little lesson! )
"Huh! I might not be able to beat yesterday, but today is different, I am very tired today!"
( ̄^ ̄)……
"Look at my little amulet. It took me a lot of thought to make it urgently last night... Anyway, it won't happen yesterday when the kids were surrounded by sticks and mud. Thing!"
After speaking, Little Annie took out a small object about half the size of a slap from her space grid and shook it, then quickly put it away.
But... thinking of the children's ambush actions against her yesterday, her face couldn't help but go dark... Didn't she just trample their archangel Tyrell to death? As for holding the mud and animals like that The came and couldn't live with me
At that time, she was really frightened. At any rate, after she ran out of all mana, she finally managed to escape from the enemy's chase and interception, and with a fierce attack, she directly made a life-saving talisman.
Amulet of the Flame Queen
Small amulet
Staying in the inventory has additional benefits
Demand level: 0
+100 Skills to Tibbers Wrath
+100 points for all attributes
+80% to all resistances
Mana regeneration +50%
That's right, this small amulet is that Annie was chased by a group of little kids last night and fled in embarrassment. She felt that it would not be too safe in the Rouge camp. After learning from the pain, it took a half of the night. Having made such a small piece of rune and enchantment, it doesn't need to be used like a troublesome stick like a wand.
Although, it is not very powerful, and it is far from reaching the level of a certain artifact she thinks, but she also feels that with it, her mana and safety are finally lost. Guarantee?
Most importantly, she no longer needs to worry about being ambushed and besieged by those nasty little kids! At that time, she can flash casually, or can she play with them fiercely?
For example... grabbed a toy that a kid likes so much, and flashed it on the roof or something?
"Annie, are you arguing with other children?"
Seeing that the little girl's face was uncertain, and talking to the toy bear in her hand again, Chaxi smiled, shook her head and continued to do her own work, not planning to pay attention to that little bear. Guys.
Since the other party doesn't like to go out to play, then don't go...Anyway, I'm working now. It's not bad to have such a small joke next to me humming a song to myself, even if the other party's humming is incomplete?
"Uncomfortable? Where is it? Don't talk nonsense!"
"They are very popular! In the past few days, every time they go out and be seen by those little kids, they are crying and chasing to play with them, not to mention how popular it is...Anyway, I still worry about these troublesome things!"
Annie firmly believes that arguing with the little friends is definitely non-existent, but she has an ‘unshareable enemy’ with them! Because the ‘Archangel Tyrael’ whom they enshrined as a god, died tragically at the feet of her Great Demon King Anne about ten days ago!
However, Annie didn't regret it. Who made their archangel so hot and killed her own three demon gods of for three consecutive days?
(Yes, it's very popular! If... those little kids, they are not crying with sticks and mud to chase you, maybe they would be more convincing?
This kind of nonsense can only deceive the honest and honest female idiot below. It is absolutely impossible to deceive Tibbers! Okay... Tibbers suddenly felt his neck tightened...)
"Is what you said is true? It seems...I have indeed heard of children chasing you to play?"
Just as Chaxi continued to work with her head, while planning to continue chatting with the little girl, she suddenly discovered that the door of their'artifact workshop' was pushed open by a woman wearing a cloak. ?
Moreover, looking at each other's dress, it seems to be an adventurer?
But if they were adventurers, didn't they all go to encircle and suppress the evil cave with Kasha? And what is going on with this person? Could it be that the other party is new here? If that is the case, it would be a pity, because the other side missed a grand battle.
"Guest, do you have any needs?"
Subconsciously, Chaxi thought that the other party was here to buy something, so after she put aside the work at hand, while wiping the sweat from her forehead, she calmed down and asked directly. Since this is a weapon and equipment store they opened, and since everyone has come in, they should always receive it.
However, the woman who came in did not pay attention to Chasi, and did not say anything. She still twisted her waist so much. She stepped into the hall and walked in, and she consciously or unconsciously scanned the arms and equipment racks on both sides. s things.
"Hey! The guy below, I'm in a bad mood today, so I don't want to enchant equipment... Go out by yourself, wait a few days for me to get better!"
Unlike Chaxi’s smiling face, Xiao Anni stared curiously at the woman below for a while, then she straightened her face and coldly moved towards the woman below who was walking towards her. Talking. Because, she doesn't like the nasty breath that exudes from the other party!
Therefore, she planned to start chasing people directly, not wanting to see each other!
"Annie, this doesn't seem very good..."
Chaxi was a little puzzled. Didn't this little guy say that he was in a good mood just now? Why is he suddenly turning his face now? Besides, they have been idle for many days... Now that a guest comes with great difficulty, I receive a little bit of reception, and then reluctantly make a piece of enchanting equipment for the other party. It should be considered as a practice, there shouldn't be any major problems. ?
Chaxi is a little worried. If this little guy is lazy like this, she won't be able to learn more from it, which is very bad! Because only by constantly enchanting equipment, the opponent will ask certain details and explain when they need to build the blanks by themselves.
"Hmph! "Artifact Workshop" is so big..."
"I heard about it not long ago. It is said that you have a lot of good things here? But now, tusk... I don't seem to have seen any of them?"
As the woman continued to walk forward like that, she casually looked at both sides of the hall of the house. When she saw the common equipment blanks without any enchantment attributes, she was stunned, and then she sneered and sneered in disdain. .
After watching for a while, when she found that everything seemed to be the same, she withdrew her gaze, did not look any more, just glanced contemptuously at the tall barbarian blacksmith who stood aside and looked a little bewildered. , He directly looked up at the little guy sitting on the railing on the second floor!
The little girl above is her main purpose for coming here today.
"I have said... we are not working or opening today, you go by yourself!"
Seeing that the other party was so shameless, Annie stretched her intonation a little bit madly and repeated.
She obviously said that she didn't want to take up the enchanting business today, and she didn't want to see that nasty woman, but how could that guy be so stubborn? Moreover, the other person's smile, that kind of body breath, made her feel really annoying!
Sure enough...If it weren’t for the doglegs that she had recruited on the ship that had become very powerful, and they were all transferred away by the fierce Kasha sister, where would they let this kind of people come in casually and cheating. Not going?
If there were one or two dogleg barbarians guarding here, she would have told them to grab the woman below and throw it out, so that she wouldn't be given preferential treatment because of her beauty!
"I heard that it is fifty thousand gold coins, right?"
"It just so happens that I don't need money! Why don't you try to make me an axe and a shield? I have heard that you seem to be able to make it live? If there is no problem, please hurry One point? It's not easy for me to come here, I'm in a hurry..."
The strange woman still looked at Little Annie who was sitting on the guardrail with that smile, and then spoke with the condescending and arrogant tone that she had used when dealing with her servant.
As everyone knows, her current attitude seems to have angered a careful little girl, but she still doesn't care, just standing so arrogantly, as if she is the master here.
Chaxi suddenly didn't know what to do, because she could see that this woman seemed to be very simple...The other party's aggressive and commanding attitude was a bit like the nobles of the kingdoms she had seen before. ?
"Very! We are not short of money now, hurry up and go by yourself!"
That's right, now Annie still has a lot of gold coins!
Besides, what she is studying now is the advanced enchantment of runes, and she doesn't need too many gold coins to buy that expensive material! Now, she only needs Chasi to create some excellent blanks and some devil blood that casually carries magic power for herself, so the demand for gold coins is really reduced to the lowest point now!
"Oh? So, do you want this?"
"On the outside plaque, it clearly says...The rune can be exchanged for equipment, and two rare ones can be exchanged. If... I have a complete set of rune language?"
Ignoring the little girl's rushing attitude, with a wave of her hand, the woman smiled and placed three beautiful white runes on Annie's newly replaced mahogany table, and lined them up.
Those are Shael Shire on the 13th, Koko on the 18th, and Nef Naf on the 4th!
"This is the elegant melody of the legendary Rune Language!"
"How about it, little guy... I heard that, your enchanting talent is amazing! Now, the rune you want most is here, still a complete set, then, can you give me a live demonstration? ?!"
The other party is still the kind of arrogant attitude that is not smiling, and when Xiao Anni's heart is trembling, she is a bit hateful! Anne really wanted those three runes, because there were two of them that she didn't have yet, plus a complete set of rune language, it was even more rare!
"Still not! Since I said that I won't work today, I won't do it! Anyway, I like to be idle! So let's write down your name and request, and then come pick it up in a few days?"
After hesitating and entangled for a while, Little Annie still resolutely refused!
She has rune Shire on the 13th, although the eighteenth and the fourth are not yet available, but only two runes or something, will not make her take back what she just said, and wronged herself for this. Women who feel annoying go enchant equipment!
Anyway, she just doesn't like the attitude when the other person talks and looks at herself! Very annoying!
"I'm afraid you still don't know who I am, so you dare to refuse me many times?!"
Finally, the woman put away the smiling expression, and after cooling her face, she started to stare at the little the second floor for a while, and at the same time, her eyes began to glow with fierce and cruel red light.
The breath radiating at that moment even made Chaxi, who was extremely sensitive to danger, almost jumped up.
"Guest, you...?"
Chaxi, who had been standing behind her staring stare, wanted to persuade her a little bit, but she suddenly found that the aura on this woman had become terrifying, making her a little bit afraid to interrupt.
Chaxi felt that it was Little Annie's attitude that angered this woman, and that she should not be wrong.
"Very! I refused you, what do you do!"
When the other party dared to say so, and even dared to turn his face, Xiao Anni was on the spot!
Regarding the speed of turning her face, who was Queen Anne afraid of? Moreover, she also decided: Later, she will not only forcibly accept the other party’s three runes, but also keep delaying the construction period of the other party’s equipment. It’s best to delay for half a year and a few months, and see if the other party can get it. How about yourself? !
(Master is careful, although the little one doesn't have the ability to perceive, she still feels... the guy below, she seems to be very difficult!
After observing for a while, Tibbers hurriedly reminded his little master to avoid being accidentally calculated by others later. )
"It seems that you really don't know who I am..."
Nodded, the woman who had been cold-headed suddenly laughed again, not knowing why.
It's just that the smile of the other party, whether it is Annie or Tibbers, can see that the other party, now like a cruel beast, seems to be ready to choose someone to eat?
"Why should I know who you are? Are you famous?!"
After seeing the other person's face changing, Annie also sneered and sneered.
The other party thought that just saying a few specious and ruthless words would scare her, and that was a big mistake! If her Queen Anne is provoked, then she won't buy anyone's account, and won't give anyone a face! If she is really instigated, even she herself will be afraid. This is not a joke!
After staring at the other person threateningly for the last time, the woman finally reached out and took off the hood on her head, revealing that beautiful and sulky face.
"My name is Mary..."
"Of course, maybe you can call me the countess, or... the countess?"
When the woman finished speaking, she suddenly began to laugh and trembled, and she became even more unscrupulous. It's a pity that her performance was not very successful, because no matter it was the little the second floor, or the barbarian female blacksmith standing not far behind her, they didn't seem to know the name?
"Um...this Countess, which country do you come from? Is it the Xizheng Nation in the west... or a certain tribe in the south?"
Hearing that the other party turned out to be a countess, of course, Chaxi didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried forward a few steps and asked with some kindness. Although she herself didn't like this woman, she didn't really want Little Annie to have with a noble earl, because it was very bad and it would always be a little troublesome.
However, she did not consider the earl of a certain country to the east, because she knew that when the monastery was controlled by Andariel, Queen of Pain, no one could go east, or anyone from the east came to the west!
"I'm afraid neither?"
The countess looked a little embarrassed suddenly, because she also seemed to find that her performance seemed to be shown to dogs? With one big and one small in front of him, no one seems to know his name?
"Where did you come from? If possible, I would ask Master Akara to inform you?"
Since it is not west or south, is it north? But... Didn’t Chasi have heard of that famous kingdom or earl in the north? Therefore, Chasi felt very puzzled about this.
"Me? Hehe... I actually come from the black wasteland..."
Finally, the countess finally slowly told her specific origins.
"Black wasteland? But, isn't it already fallen? Is there someone somewhere?"
Of course Chaxi knew that the black wasteland had been invaded by demons a long time ago! It is said that the whole place was destroyed by demons, including a certain originally magnificent fortress tower!
There shouldn't be any forces that can survive the devil's claws right now! Over there, crazy demons and countless alienated beasts are far more terrifying than the blood wasteland! Anyway, it was a terrifying place, and Chasi couldn't believe it. How did this countess survive?
"Of course there are people! And there are many...because I actually came from the Forgotten Tower!"
The black wasteland...The Forgotten Tower...The Countess? !
No, Chaxi was shocked suddenly, and then she shook her hind legs for several steps. She looked at each other in shock. She seemed to... finally remembered who this grace, known as Countess Mary, was. Up!
"Forget it! I won't play with you idiots, it's better to just grab it back!"
After sighing and putting away her runes, the Countess named Mary looked at the little the second floor cruelly. The other party was her main goal here today!
You know, her Countess Mary finally caught this opportunity, and she could easily take advantage of the emptiness of the defense of the Rouge camp to climb over the high wall and get in! Now, there seems to be no strong person here, the troublesome Kasha is not there, and another more troublesome Akara must preside over some powerful ceremony, and the warrior can't take care of it!
Therefore, she can act blatantly now, without tabooing anyone at all!
"Annie! Danger, run away!!!"
As Chaxi stepped back, he quickly picked up a shield without any enchantments and a huge axe, and then shouted anxiously at the little Annie who was still sitting on the railing and looking curiously.
She couldn't believe that this demon had actually come to Rogge camp at this time? !
"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with her?"
Annie is still a little puzzled. Is this Countess some badass? However, the other party is not Andariel, Queen of Pain, so what is Sister Chasi doing so nervously? !
Anyway, unless the female devil comes in person, or else, now Annie is not afraid of anyone!
"She is the countess, that powerful female demon in the Forgotten Tower in the Black Wasteland!!!"
If there is only one person here, maybe Chaxi ran out and called for help long ago! But now, there is still Akara here who asks her to protect the little guy at all So, she dare not leave easily.
"No wonder... Sister Chaxi, let me tell you: When she came in, I thought she was not a good person!"
Nodding clearly, little Annie ignored Chaxi's anxiety and her gaze, still sitting on the wooden railing carelessly, clapping her palms and talking.
Now, she finally knew, for Tibbers to say to be careful with each other, and why she felt a little annoying when she saw him!
"Heh! Are you finished? Then please follow me obediently...little guy! You are so lucky, Lord Andariel said, she wants to see you in person, and she wants to live... …"
At this time, the countess cruelly took out a machete with green poisonous light. If Andariel hadn't explained it, I'm afraid she would have killed the opponent directly and brought back the body, right?
However, the enemy here is just a little girl of level one and a barbarian of level thirty or so. She doesn't think there is anything difficult to deal with! In a moment, as long as you kill the barbarian who doesn't even have any equipment behind, and then capture the kid above, it will definitely not be difficult.
In this regard, the countess is very confident! And this is why she dared to come here today! Because now the defense of Camp Rogge is extremely weak, the troublesome adventurers are not there, the nasty Kasha ran away, and the elite Rogge who were not tempted by the curse also ran away, leaving three or two big cats and kittens. , She singled them out with confidence!
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