Chapter 470: That 1 ray of sunshine

"Hold on! Sisters!"
"Keep on attacking! Don't uselessly shoot those undead skeletons, try to aim at the ugly head that crushed them first!"
"The flame shooters give priority to attacking the fallen Loggers. The sharpshooters pay attention to attacking the gaps in their armor! Their necks are unprotected. Don't be soft, don't hesitate. They are no longer our sisters!"
Here in the only Taniguchi where the cold land enters the blood wasteland, the elite-level Roger Captain Flavie is commanding her Roger sisters to stop the evil undead and demon army from the Burial Ground Our fierce attack!
In fact, it doesn't seem to be completely correct to say that they are demons?
Because, Flavy knew that among the endless enemies on the opposite side, in addition to the various undead skeletons, those wearing white front Rogue elite holy white armor and fully enclosed horns helmets , Holding up knives, guns and bows and arrows, accompanied by endless undead assaulting their second line of defensive defensive line consisting of thick logs inserted on the ground, are the same sisters in their Roger army. , Now the fallen Roger!
These fallen evil Rogs, these monsters whose souls seem to have been cursed and severely twisted, Flavie has not been rare in the past few months! Because they know all day long that they are wandering in the wilderness of the cold plain, patrolling and hunting all living creatures that are not part of the side, it is very difficult!
In the past, when Flavius ​​was ordered to investigate the dynamics of various places in the Cold Plain, they did not encounter such enemies, and many sisters died tragically at the hands of such former sisters! Flavie has a deep understanding of it, the kind of cruelty and ruthlessness they attacked, but they definitely didn't treat them as their sisters, these Roger warriors!
At that time, many sisters were confused by the appearance of the other party, and then died tragically in the hands of the other party, so that the current Rogers no longer dared to wear the fully enclosed old Rouge'sacred white armor'. Change to only wear an open-style pure leather suit, for fear of being unable to distinguish the enemy from ourselves, or frightening yourself...
However, now, the kind of existence that they are the least willing to face, actually followed them again, the evil leader, the same fallen Roger hero, the morena who was nicknamed the blood bird Woke up!
"Damn it!"
"Ice Arrow Archers, aim for the 30-yard area of ​​the second line of defense! Ready...start covering shooting!!!"
When seeing those evil skeleton warriors, those fallen ex-Roger warriors flying over at high speed, breaking their bodies, exploding their heads, or nailing feather arrows to their armor, Still desperately assaulting their second line of defense, and even trying to make the corpses piled up with those hard-to-cross woods to resist the front of the horse, Flavy, who understood the other party's plan a little bit, finally couldn't help it...
She knew that if they didn't delay the opponent's attack quickly, once they were rushed up by the enemy and entangled at close range, then they, the last Rogue elites, would really be over.
As a result, she immediately ordered that those archers who had not too much remaining mana energy and had the talent of Frostbolt, once again covered the second line of defense in front of them and shot out one. A icy sharp arrow with blue and white light!
In an instant, under the shooting of the Frostbolt, the second place where Taniguchi was not too spacious was immediately dyed white, and countless corpses, bones, and bones were broken. The enemies who broke into that zone were all dyed blue and greatly slowed their assault speed! And then, they suddenly lagging behind in attack speed, they were shot one by one on the speed bump formed by frozen arrows by Flavie and the more Logger shooters behind her.
"Quick! Don't stop, keep shooting!!!"
Taking advantage of the enemy’s decelerating stall, Flavy shot a flame arrow and directly smashed the three skeleton soldiers, then directly took out the long knife on his waist, and cut off one of them just now. Frozen had broken through the horse before, and successfully assaulted the head of the fallen Logger Pikeman in front!
After one, everyone in their vicinity, including Flavie, could see a burst of evil spirits like white gas, suddenly overflowing from the fracture of the neck and flying towards the sky, and then they could hear the whiteness. Before the smoke completely dissipated, the woman's horrible howling that could almost shake the soul...
After breathing heavily and stunned for a while, Flavie turned viciously to the Rogg sisters who heard the sound around him and screamed:
"You can see it! They have no blood now! Under their familiar and gorgeous armor is just a dried-up body and a soul twisted by the evil curse!"
"Killing them is the best relief for them!!"
After kicking away the headless and fallen Roger's corpse, who was kneeling in front of him, Flavie screamed in so grief and angrily at the Roger archers who were a little panicked just because the enemy broke through.
Think about it, this is just a few short months. The Rog sisters who fell under the curse of the devil and were controlled by Andariel are now distorted to such an extent... …
Looking at the corpse of a former sister who was slashed by her, I saw that there was no fresh human blood flowing out of the fracture in the neck. Some were just dark and dirty demon blood and skinny fractures. Plus the twisted soul that just wailed and flew out like an entity and dissipated in the air!
"Keep on attacking, don't stop!"
Flavie decided that after returning to the Rouge camp, if they can go back, they must talk to Akara about this matter! The cursed and fallen Roger, they are no longer their sisters! Now they are just a group of monsters twisted by demons and still wearing their Rogue-style armor.
"Don't worry about the enemies in the distance, unless they will shoot arrows at you!"
"Now attack those near the line of defense first, remember to save your energy, even if the hand that draws the bow is numb, we must stick to it!"
"This battle will not end soon. We must continue to stay here firmly, for our Rouge camp, for our family and sisters, please hold on!"
Now, they should only have more than two thousand soldiers left here...
In this morning against the enemy, they lost at least a few hundred elites on the front two lines of defense! Although most of them were killed by the sharp arrows fired by the fallen Roger archers and skeleton soldiers, many of them were chopped down in the team by the broadswords or spears of the melee enemies that just charged up. of.
Looking at the sisters who fell in a pool of blood, convulsing and slowly losing their lives, even if the blood was dripping in his heart, Flavie had to continue to work hard and command the soldiers to continue fighting and try to block the enemy in this pair. For them Taniguchi is easy to defend and hard to attack! Otherwise, once they are rushed out across the board by the enemy, they have only two options: defeat or annihilation.
In fact, Flavie thinks that if they can have a group of elite melee heavy-armored professions to help them get ahead, they will definitely be more handy in defense, right? But it's a pity that their Roger warriors are now almost exclusively archers. In the face of demons with greater physical fitness and strength, they have no other good way except to use bows and arrows to take dexterous routes.
However, this was only a short while, and after the magical effect of the wave of Frostbolt gradually disappeared, a large number of skeletons and fallen Loggers rushed forward again!
At the same time, as the Roggs’ suppression of the distance gradually slowed down, when they focused more on the enemies that were constantly impacting the frozen zone, the long-range forces that had been suppressed by the enemy finally returned. I caught the opportunity, and let more sharp arrows fly over here, piercing the bright blood flowers in the formation of Loggers...
Fortunately, this Taniguchi was very narrow, and there were not too many archers that the enemy could deploy, and it was soon suppressed by the Roger Archers who had a favorable position!
"Frozen Arrow and Frozen Arrow, hurry up and continue covering!"
It didn’t take long until after seeing those monsters once again desperately flattening the second line of defense with their corpses, Flavie could only sigh and once again ordered the Rogue Archers who practiced the Ice Element to re-establish Add a new layer of speed bumps!
Apart from continuing to consume like this, she has no other better way, because now, the enemy is relying on such a large number and fearless to die, just like this, they have been attacking their defenses, and they are exhausted to death. The trend of exhaustion!
However, fortunately, this dangerous Taniguchi is not too big, and this is not the place where countless dead people are buried, so Flavie is not worried that the blood bird can summon more undead to besiege them! At least, the other party now has one dead or one less, and at least several times the casualties are to them!
"Asshole! What the is going on, why don't you attack?!"
Soon, Flavie was shocked to discover: With her just another order, the large number of frozen arrows that she expected to freeze the enemy or even the frozen arrows that can directly freeze the ground and multiple enemies merged It didn't appear, but just shot dozens of arrows with sparse ice-cold power? This made her curse a little bit angrily.
Then of course, after there is no important freezing zone to slow down the enemy, more monsters, those hideous skeletons, foul-smelling zombies and fallen Loggers, quickly crossed the front line of defense again. Then they wielded their weapons with teeth and claws, advancing against the dense arrow rain of Loggers.
Even if they are shot into hedgehogs, they can sometimes rush several steps away before falling slowly, and gain more opportunities and time for the monsters behind to cross the defense line.
"Asshole! Assault with all your strength, you must resist!"
Flavizi felt the pressure on his side increased, and ignored the slightly sore right hand, grabbed three arrows again, and shot three flaming flame arrows at once, and at the same time also inspired The enchanted fireballs on the hunting bow make them instantly shoot towards the densely packed enemies diagonally below!
"What the is going on with you?!"
Soon, after a multitude of arrows strung together several undead who had rushed over from the pile of dead bodies that had submerged the second line of defense, and instantly crushed them, Flavie hurriedly turned around and moved behind him again. The hundreds of ice archers in the distance asked harshly.
However, even if it was her Flavie questioning, the hundreds of them just gritted their teeth and shot out a few sparse frozen arrows and more ordinary long arrows again.
"Captain Flavie, we don't have any mana energy anymore!!!"
At this time, the young female Roger Mecco, who was also an ice shooter, was originally a recruit from Flavie’s team. She ran over and faced Flavie who is now the commander. Reported loudly.
In fact, after a whole morning of fierce battle, most of the Loge Archers now, whether they are mana or physical, are already close to the bottom line...Even if they have the large amount of magic potions and physical potions provided by Akara, they are now They are all exhausted, and they can no longer launch the buffer zone that just delays the enemy's ability to freeze on a large scale.
Because, in these two lines of defense, in this morning, they have used this trick many times!
"May be careful!!!"
Suddenly, when Flavie was about to say something, from the corner of her eye, she unexpectedly found a red light coming from the enemy's direction toward her at high speed? After that, she could only subconsciously jump forward suddenly, and directly threw the young little Roger May who came to want to continue reporting to the ground!
In the next instant, a long arrow with flames was severely nailed to a wooden stake behind the two of them, and it disappeared deeply. Only a section of tail feathers remained exposed and trembling... soon, In the next instant, the flame magic carried on the long arrow made the entire wooden pile burn violently!
After getting up swiftly, the young little Roger May looked at the flaming stake, and his face turned pale...Just now, if Captain Flavy hadn't thrown herself down in time, she might have been scared. That long arrow burned to ashes in an instant, right?
She knows better than anyone what the poor bugs that are shot by the flame magic arrow will end up!
"Blood Bird...Morena!!"
When Flavie’s long arrow was throwing a bow and was about to look for an opportunity to counterattack, she saw the distance at first glance. The one who was standing on a rock was watching them with evil red eyes, and she was wearing a white elite Rogge. Light armor, but underneath is a red and blood-colored Roger Archer in a leather jacket!
Obviously, at such a distance, there will never be anyone other than the blood bird who can shoot the powerful arrow from bottom to top! And with this arrow alone, Flavie can see the gap between himself and the opponent! She felt that even though she was in the direction of the exit of the valley, and the terrain was still condescending, but above this distance, with the geographical advantage, she should not be able to shoot the arrow that was as powerful as the enemy's arrow. .
Therefore, Flavie did not choose to fight back against the blood bird, because she knew that she might really be helpless!
So, she looked up at the sky and found that it was still pitch black... Obviously, the offensive of the evil cave should have not been completed, and Akara had not begun to purify the evil on this land, so they would still pay You cannot leave or evacuate here, you must block the enemy!
"Attention everyone!"
"Retreat! We will immediately withdraw to the third line of defense!"
After watching those wanton evil spirits and fallen Loggers become more ferocious under the cries of the blood bird, Flavie did not continue to fight hard, because she knew that now this second line of defense, they are They can't wait any longer, they must withdraw to the back!
"Quick! Carry out the order and prepare to set fire!"
Originally, when Flavie received the support of 3,000 elite Rogue fighters, he promised to hold on for many days! But how can I ever think... It's only one morning. There are three lines of defense. They have already lost the first two, and how long can the last one last?
Their group of Loge archers have been fighting for the whole morning. In the fierce battle and continuous shooting, I believe their bows and arms have reached their limits and are almost overdrawn, right?
"Everyone immediately retreat! Go to the third line of defense and prepare to defend!"
"Attention! Get out of the battle immediately, set fire to this place, don't get entangled with their monsters!"
Soon, after the Loggers set fire to their original line of defense, the undead and fallen ones who rushed forward like life were finally blocked again! Before the fire here diminished, they temporarily lost the ability to continue to rush forward, which gave Flavie and the others a precious breathing time.
"I hope we have done nothing wrong, and may the great'blind eye' continue to guide us..."
Akara, who was in the military camp at Camp Rouge, of course also saw the terrifying lightning that fell from the sky just now, and now in the distance, in the northwest corner of the camp, in the direction of the blacksmith shop of Chasi and Anni. And riots.
She knew that over there, something must be happening now!
However, she can only hold her magic wand tightly now, and apart from being in a hurry, she has no intention of leaving here at all! Because, in this military zone, there is a large purification circle that they have set up for several days before they are ready. She must not leave here, otherwise, once they are destroyed by the devil's sound, they will fall short and lose their blood forever. Of opportunity!
Therefore, now not only she Akara can’t leave here, but even the three hundred Logger archers who are the most elite defending in the entire Logger camp, she doesn’t have anything to ask them to support. intend!
Because, she must be here waiting for the signal from Kaxia!
Then, she must start this ritual at the moment of receiving the signal, so as to completely purify the source of evil pollution in the blood wasteland!
And once she leaves her post without authorization and misses the best time to purify the source of evil, then... when that happens, the evil entrenched in this land will not be easily eradicated, and those demons will still be returned. It is possible that more demons and monsters will come to this shelter world through that cave!
If that is the case, all the efforts made by Kaxia and the others will fall short!
What’s even more terrifying is: once her and Kasha’s joint operation to purify the blood wasteland fails... Then, on Flavi’s side, their battles and sacrifices against demons in the cold plains of Taniguchi will also become Meaningless……
Therefore, in the entire operation now, she Akara knew that she was here, this position, is the most critical node, and there is no room for the slightest failure! In fact, as long as Rogg Camp is not in danger of being captured by a large-scale demon assault, she will never leave here easily!
"Did you say you came from the northwest? Great!"
"Quickly tell me what happened over there, did demons break in? What is going on now, how many are they?!"
"Also! Annie and Chaxi, how are they now?!"
Finally, while Akara was waiting for the tardy Kasha and the others, while looking anxiously towards the northwest corner of the camp, a Rogge, who had been with the team to check the situation before, was in a hurry. Running towards here at high speed! After seeing the other party, Akara's eyes lit up, and then he hurried forward to ask a series of questions.
On weekdays, Akara, who has the image of a kind old man who doesn’t panic, can’t take care of that much now... So, she directly asked in a harsh and hasty tone, scaring this Rouge. All of them are only a promise.
Actually, Akara really wanted to run over to check the situation in person, and use her own sacred spells to expel the evil demons, so as to protect their last Rouge camp and their last hope. !
But she can't do that! Now she can't go anywhere except staying here, and she dare not go.
"Priest Akara, it is indeed... a demon!"
After a long while, after a few breaths, the female Logger barely recovered from Akara's stern gaze, and then stammered what she had seen:
"But there aren't many. What we just saw, there should be only one fallen Roger!"
"We only found out after we arrived and rescued Chasi. It turned out that it was a demon called the Countess. She came from the Black Wasteland. She was said to have broken into our camp by Andariel's order and wanted to capture our little one. Sister Anne? That's right! The scary lightning just now was caused by Chaxi's use of a very powerful enchanted item!"
Speaking of this, this Rouge turned his head with lingering fear and looked at the noon sun shining straight down in the sky... Just now, that bolt of lightning struck straight down, and they just happened to be there. Then the exaggerated lightning blasted down, which scared her.
Fortunately, the lightning didn't seem to be directed at them, nor was it directed at the demon called the countess... Instead, it directed at the attacker, directed at their barbarian female blacksmith Chaxi?
Until now, she still feels a little bit weird...How stupid this person must be to attract thunder and lightning to smash him? Such a powerful artifact-like equipment has been ruined like this...
It turned out to be the Mary in the black wasteland? !
Hearing this, Akara was shocked. Of course she knew about the countess!
In ancient books, the evil woman who once wanted to use the blood of a virgin to initiate an evil ritual and then rejuvenate, but was burned to death and buried alive in the fire.
It is said that many years ago, the Countess, her castle and her army, after committing those cruel and evil deeds, were defeated by the church that came to crusade against her...and soon, she herself and that The castle and all the soldiers who committed the evil deeds were all stuffed into their own fortresses by the victors and set on fire... The fire lasted for many days, and finally, the Countess’s castle was burned and collapsed, and in the end there was nothing left. Under a large ruin.
Since then, no one is willing to set foot on the land cursed by evil.
With the passage of time, an inaccessible tower just stands above the wilderness forgotten by the gods. It is like some kind of evil monument, telling the past of an evil woman...
And many people believe that the vast wealth of the countless country is rumored to be rich and rival, it must have been divided up and taken away by the clergy! But there are still a lot of rumors, saying that there should be some wealth that has not yet been found, maybe it is still buried in the tall towers beside the rotten skeletons or in the secret tunnels that are not known? But no matter what, for countless years, the greedy people who have been attracted by legends and explored in search of the countless gold and silver treasures have never come out after entering!
At this time, in another piece of ruins in the rocky wilderness, there should still be an ancient book protected by the magic of the church at that time and said to never be damaged. It clearly says the evil The story of the countess being burned alive... That is the'honour' evidence left by the victors!
Today, under the scourge of time, in that desolate land, many castles and houses have collapsed, but I don’t know why, but only the castle of the countess still stands... Maybe, yes Because of the protection of evil spells?
Thinking about it this way, it is normal that an evil person like that countess would be targeted by the devil and resurrected to continue working for hell, right?
However, after learning about the resurrection of the Countess in the past, some people also said...These legends are all fictitious, and many people think that the Countess was just like countless fallen female Rogers, who was killed by demons The evil woman who fell after temptation is nothing more than that! Or maybe, that woman was not tempted at all, but fell herself? She led the demons to occupy the tower, resurrected the monsters inside with evil spells, and then took the countess's name as a matter of course, nothing more?
But in any case, whether the other party is the evil countess described in the history books, or just posing as a fallen person, there is one thing Akara can confirm now, that is: the other party has come. When they arrived at their Rogge camp, not only were they making trouble in the northwest corner, but they were also planning to take away the little girl Annie who is now regarded by her Akara and has high hopes?
"Then what is going on now, has the Countess been defeated by Chasi?"
Akara recalled the terrifying thunder power that had just been hacked down. She thought, that uncle, should she have been beaten to death by Chaxi? An attack of that level, even the legendary Countess, should be easily unstoppable, right?
"That's not..."
"Because Chaxi's attack seems... as if it hit her directly?"
"Of course, Chasi is fine now. Several of our sisters have already rescued her!"
After being embarrassed for a while, the female Roger said in a slightly awkward tone.
This matter is really hard to tell! After all, Chasi is considered one of their Rogge, if this matter is spread out in the future, it will definitely be embarrassing, right?
"Then what the is going on with the fire over there now? Who is fighting the countess now, is there any chance of winning?!"
Hearing that the Thunder was made by Chasi, Akara had already faintly guessed, and as for why it was so powerful, she had some insights in her own mind, but this matter is not important now. What she wants to know is: What is going on with the flames over there?
Then, who will resist the female devil now? That little guy Annie should be fine, right? Akara knew that if the slippery little guy had a flash technique, he should not be caught by the enemy so easily.
If possible, she really wants to rush over regardless, and then cast a spell to directly purify the evil existence that dared to break into their Rouge camp, and use the divine power to completely burn the enemy to ashes!
"The fire was set by the Countess... She released a wall of fire..."
"There is also our little nun, Annie, who also summoned a huge flame bear! It can be almost as tall as two Chaxis and looks amazing!"
"Because it's fighting the countess right now, we didn't intervene in, so the instructor asked me to come back and report the letter..."
After that, this Roger looked at Akara a little eagerly, hoping that the other party would let him go early, and then ran back to see the shocking scene of the flame giant against the female devil?
She only hopes that the female devil will not die too fast?
Anyway, all of them felt that the female devil would definitely not be the opponent of the giant flame bear, no matter its size or that kind of scary power, there was a lot of gap between the two sides. And when she ran back to report the news, she clearly saw the giant bear grabbing the countess's feet and waving them left and right and hitting the ground to play, not to mention how fierce it was!
"It should be almost now, where is the source of that evil?!"
Kasha looked at the parchment map spread on a huge boulder. On it was a map of evil caves that was getting more and more perfect. When each team of adventurers completed their mission or walked to the dead corner of the cave and returned to report, She would draw lines on the map that was not at night.
Now, the basic situation of this cave has begun to take shape, except for an area to the north, almost all directions have been wiped out by them! Although there have indeed been a lot of casualties so far, on the whole, it has been smooth. Their efforts have achieved the desired result. The cave is not far from being completely purified.
At this time, in the evil cave, the team of adventurers and Loggers has emptied most of the demons here, and glowing wooden sticks are inserted into the cave’s rock wall like that. The day is normal, eliminating the possibility of the devil suddenly rushing out to scare people or sneak attacks.
And now, more than two hours have passed since they started to clean the cave. Although their progress is proceeding very fast, adventurers continue to return and give back to what they encountered and the area that was cleared. , Kasha is still a little worried...
Because the time she estimated is getting closer and closer, the longer this matter is delayed, the more disturbed she will be.
"Chief Kasha! We just cleaned this place, and here it is!"
"Report! Just now Centurion Verche and their Amazon team have cleaned up all the areas in the east, and are now continuing to sweep and check the fish that slipped through the net!"
"Master Kasha..."
Soon, the map of the evil cave was continuously improved in the hands of Kasha and others, and the dead spots and tunnels were rediscovered, and then countless zombies, skeletons, sinkers, or that kind of huge violent beasts, etc. Be wiped out one by one!
All the Rogers here now believe that it is only a matter of time before they achieve a complete victory!
"Your Excellency Kasha! In front, we finally found the source of the pollution! You will never imagine that it will be a group of powerful zombies!"
"Furthermore, we also found some evil magic circle in the cave of that group of zombies. It should be the source, so that's right!"
At this time, a Paladin adventurer rushed to the middle of the evil cave and happily reported loudly to Kasha.
The area at the source of evil is their direction, and the group of zombies and magic circles were also discovered by their team! Now, he was already thinking about how would Rouge Camp reward them after he made such a great achievement? Maybe...A certain little nun can enchant a weapon or equipment for them alone?
"Oh? Where is it?!"
After hearing the news she most wanted to hear, Kaxia suddenly got a shock!
Finally, now the final moment is about to come! Eliminate a source of pollution and destroy the evil magic circle, then their mission will be a complete success! As long as they open the portal later and go back to report to Akara, then the blood wasteland will truly become their logistics base for Roger to counter the devil!
At that time, countless people who have survived the devil's claws will come here, and under their leadership and the church, they will launch a new round of counterattack against the devil's power!
"You see, it should be here, probably in this area! Inside is a huge cave hall"
"It's just that we don't know if there is a fork in the road. After all, we don't dare to go in casually. As soon as several daredevils who wanted to make a contribution entered, they were beaten to death by those terrifyingly fast zombies!
"That group of zombies, especially the zombie leader with fire-like energy on his body, is not easy to deal with! And it is also guarded by seven equally powerful zombies like entourage or evil circle eyes, it is terrible!"
"But fortunately, because they are restrained by something, they can't leave the devil's circle casually? Anyway, they are just guarding inside, except for instinctively attacking any enemy that enters. I don’t have much wisdom either. That's probably the case..."
After looking at the map paved on a stone by Kasha for a while, the adventurer quickly pointed to a place that was not marked on the map and drew a big circle, and roughly clarified some things.
At this time, on this map of Kashya, it seems that this area is left! Many of their adventurers now surround the cave just like that, watching the evil zombies and demon circle inside, and those who dare to invent casually are all shot to death by the zombies! Therefore, after they saw that the situation was not so good, they asked him to run here and report to this Kaxia.
"Um... zombies with fire-like energy... are they overflowing with too much energy?"
"Very good! Whether it is a zombie or a corpse, we are all going to destroy it! You guys, go and find the eight barbarians for me right away. Don't let them wander around, and when you find them Take it here! Then, send someone to notify the group of Amazons to the east, we will now go to destroy the last monsters!"
After looking at the map and realizing that there was indeed only the last place where the magic circle was found, Kasha nodded, picked up something from the stone and lifted his spear, and just followed. The adventurer who came to report the news, greeted his subordinates and walked quickly towards the last area.
The source of the pollution is just a few zombies that are unconscious and will not run around randomly, so what else do they have to worry about? Those hateful demons actually instill evil power into the zombie's body, and then use the zombies that can't run around and are intelligent and chaotic to keep the circle running?
This is a smarter idea! But unfortunately, after they have cleaned up this evil cave, it has become a stupid thing!
Kasha believes that with her skill, with the eight powerful barbarian guards and the Amazon warriors and countless adventurers, Akara will be able to receive the message she sent back within a few minutes!
Now, it is a foregone conclusion that they can recover this wasteland!
"Hula la..."
"La Karaka..."
When Kasha and the others were preparing to kill a certain zombie who was burning with flames, at the third Taniguchi line of defense into the wasteland in the cold land, Flaviy and the others finally reached the most embarrassing time!
Because, when they killed at least thousands of zombies, skeletons and fallen Roger, and exhausted the last trace of their body's potential, they finally killed the demons that were not too different from theirs. Huge variables have appeared...
In Taniguchi, the endless army of Sinking Demons finally began to appear. Those endless red Sinking Demons began to rush forward wildly and quickly under the orders of their wizards, even if they were nailed by sharp arrows The ground is also not hesitating! Because, they were quickly resurrected one by one by those cunning sinking wizards! Then, when Flavie ordered his best efforts to kill the sinking wizard at the back, those wizards who were shot were brought back to life by a powerful tawny sinking wizard. ...
As the sinking demons continued to attack their last line of defense, Flavie commanded the exhausted Roger archers to retreat, while lamenting in his heart.
She knew that their last line of defense could no longer be held... Now, after the enemy came with new support, their exhausted sisters, some of them couldn't even draw a bow and shoot an arrow... In such a situation, how can she keep here?
Therefore, she intends to use the last resort, but there is no other way!
"Everyone, retreat!"
"Throw out all the explosive potions and explosive potions, and we will directly burn this Taniguchi!"
This is why when they arranged their defense, they deliberately piled up the extra branches and leaves of the felled trees at the valley exit of the third line of defense, for it is this time!
Burst Potion
Damage range: 6
Fire damage: 5-15
Item level: 0
Item requirement level: none
Damage range: 3
Fire damage: 16-30
Item level: 12
Item requirement level: none
Soon, as the fierce fire ignited, when many sinking demons were burned to ashes and could no longer be resurrected, the army of demons and the last Roger warriors were finally blocked on both sides of Taniguchi. Then confronted each other across the soaring fire field.
"Captain Flavie, what should we do now, this fire may only be delayed for an hour or two at most..."
A senior officer of Roger wiped the dark dirt on his face, and walked to the silent Flavie with a little worry.
Flavie raised his head and looked at the sky. The thick, evil dark cloud still showed no signs of dispersing... However, looking at his side again, from the beginning, there were a total of three thousand and dozens of people. Now, I am afraid. There are only less than a thousand people left, right?
They, at least a thousand brave and fearless sisters fell in this valley...
If you count those who are injured and unable to fight and have already been escorted away first, I am afraid that they have really lost more than half now, right?
Now, Flavie didn't know what to do. After the fire was extinguished, what would be the ending awaiting them? She did not dare to think, nor to order a retreat...because she knew that they had no place to retreat! Once you ran back to the Rouge camp, that place and the remaining people would probably not be able to guard it!
And once the devil is allowed to copy Captain Kasha and the others, the situation will not be any better than the devil's contribution to the Roger camp.
"Wait... Captain Flavie, look over there!?"
Suddenly, several female soldiers excitedly pointed to the direction of Rouge camp and cheered loudly!
It turned out that at this time, a ray of light was shining in the direction of the Rouge camp, and it shot straight into the sky like a huge beam of light. It was so bright that even the people at the entrance of the cold plain could be clearly seen. !
Soon, they discovered at the same time that the dark clouds above everyone's heads finally began to roll and change and gradually became thinner. Soon afterwards, a ray of sunlight was rarely seen from the crevices of the dark clouds that had been shrouded in the blood wasteland for several months. The radiant rays came down, so that the almost dead trees and broad-leaved weeds on this land finally ushered in that rare ray of vitality!
As the dark clouds gradually dissipated and large expanses of warm sunlight came down directly, Flavie finally breathed a sigh of relief and slumped directly on a rock.
Of course she knows what this is, because the leader of their sister land, their Master Kasha has successfully purified the evil cave, and then Master Akara also launched the purification ritual in time to slow down the evil that enveloped this land. Dissipate slowly.
"Look! The demons on the opposite side seem to have retreated!?"
At this time the female Rogue who saw her crossed the skyrocketing fire and saw the scene in Taniguchi! Before, the sinking demons who were screaming and unwilling to leave after the fire, the undead army and the fallen Loggers, now began to slowly retreat?
"Sisters... we won today!"
Seeing the scene in front of him, when the sun finally shone on their group of elites, who were less than a thousand people, Flavie reluctantly used his last physical strength, afraid of reaching a tall boulder, and then high. He raised his bow, which was almost out of tension, and shouted at the Rouges who were bathing in golden sunlight!
"We have won!"
"Long live the nuns!"
"Great! We won!"
"We have defeated evil!"
"Sister! We won! We won!"
Soon, one by one young Roger, these beings whose average age was less than 20 years old, cheered and hugged each other. They cheered loudly, cried with joy, or simply lay down on the grass. , Letting the sun shine on their pale skin that they haven't seen for several months, just look at the blazing white noon sun that has been so long-lost...
On this day, the wasteland that had been ravaged and poisoned by the devil for several months, and finally in the "Blind Eye" Sisters' Rogue female warrior, thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of countless adventurers, they finally recovered from In the hands of the devil, this piece of land was recovered!
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