Chapter 474: Angel and judgment

According to ancient legends, before the world was formed, after the fierce battle between the creation Anu and the seven-headed dragon Thamet, Anu's body formed the highest heaven, and the remains of The remaining part of the spine has become a crystal dome that is especially important for angels in the highest heaven!
That dome is the foundation of the existence of the entire high-level heaven. In this world, holy angels, other bright beings, and the sounds of light, etc., are all produced from that crystal dome! The location of the crystal dome is on the silver spine, at the top of the tallest tower of the high-level heaven. It has been buzzing and resonating and giving out the reverberation and breath of the creation Anu. At the same time, it is also the birthplace of all holy angels!
If one day does not have it, then all angels will be beaten back to mortal form and lose their infinite and immortal power.
The opposite is that the devil’s paradise and the burning were created by the remains of the seven-headed dragon Thamet! It is said that the three great demon gods and the four great demon kings were all born from the different heads of the seven-headed dragon Tasamete?
Of course, the authenticity of this matter is temporarily untestable, even the angels don't necessarily know.
For the mortals in the sanctuary world, angels and demons do exist, because they have all seen and contacted! In the same way, since angels and demons exist, in the legendary world of bliss, the highest heaven must also exist. This is the place of the demons of and the human beings in the sanctuary world (San Huyari continent). Known facts!
It is said that in a certain period of hundreds of years ago, there was an archangel of justice, a provincial existence named Tyrael who once came to the world. He guided and founded the organization of Master Horadim and made three The Soul Stone has launched the "hunting of the three demons" engraved in history books!
In the end, they finally succeeded in capturing and sealing the three demon gods of who arrived in the sanctuary world trying to carry out some kind of evil conspiracy!
Since then, the archangel Tyrael has become one of the few angels who have ever appeared in the belief and worship of mankind! This is the reason why a certain little girl stomped to death a certain ‘cricket’ bug named Archangel Tyrell, so other children would be so disgusted and hostile together!
Because the legends and beliefs of Archangel Tyrael are still very marketable among mortals! Especially, now that demons are rampant and helpless people need a spiritual sustenance...
In fact, what many mortals don't know is: those angels are not gods, they are also a kind of creatures, but they are bloodless, and they are not old and immortal.
Because they are composed of the pure sacred essence of light and sound, similar to the existence of a holy light creature, very similar to the Naaru in the world of Azeroth! Of course, the angels in the highest heaven are much more advanced than the Naaru. They have hands, feet and wings, and their shoulders can stretch out incomparably magnificent wings of light, which are the holy ones they represent. Sign...
And, more importantly, people can elope and have with devil girls, such as Lilith, the daughter of Mephisto, the worker model, and then naturally the first generation of powerful humans in this shelter world was born. Ancestor-Nephitian!
However, what many mortals don’t know is that in the highest heaven, there is not only one angel, but many, many others... even the archangel like Tyrael has There are as many as five!
And the five archangels are:
On behalf of the heroic angel-Impris!
He is the leader of the Supreme Heaven Angris Council, and also the military commander of all the angel warriors of the higher heaven. He has outstanding strategic and tactical skills and inherited all the characteristics of Anu about war. , For example, from marching battles to secret raids, what is it all-powerful anyway?
He is the "Flatheaded Brother" of the highest heaven. He doesn't say much harshly. He is either slashing demons or preparing to slash them!
Next, is the angel representing hopeAuriel!
This is a relatively rare female angel. Perhaps, the ratio of male to female angels in the highest heaven is also out of balance. Anyway, there are very few female angels with names... In short, she is also a powerful archangel. Yes, and at the same time the most cheerful one in the Angris Committee! Because ah, this Oriel believes that everything in the world has its true, good and beautiful side, including angels, demons, or new mortals!
In short, this female archangel is the kind that speaks super nicely, but she will never be polite and ambiguous with you when she starts a fight, saying that she will just copy a knife and hack someone!
Furthermore, the angel representing destiny-Isriel!
It's Israel, not Israel, read important things three times, don't make a mistake! He is a tall angel, or the of thunder and storm that Amazons believe in, but not a little white-faced explorer who likes to dig others' ancestral graves!
This guy is a rare member of the balanced sect. He stubbornly believes in the balance of everything in time. He believes that there is light only when there is darkness, and there are angels and demons. This is the law of time!
Although, Iserel’s loyalty to the Angel Angris Committee is beyond doubt, but he has some political views but is not gregarious, so he is relatively isolated. Apart from managing a library, he basically has no real power. The kind of neurosis described as somewhat mysterious or withdrawn?
Then there is the angel representing wisdom-Masaier!
He is the most mysterious member of the Angris Committee. It is said that he is wise and noble, mysterious all day long, no matter what, no work...all day long holding a urinal-like bottle, just look at it For many years... considered by angels to be the strangest one!
Finally, it is the angel who represents justice-Tyrael!
This guy is known to many mortals in the sanctuary world, and there are many others who believe in each other, have appeared on the earth many times, and have helped mortals many times, an archangel closest to mortals!
Anyway, he was the one who thought he was a righteous existence, and then he could do whatever he wanted, disregarding discipline all day long, and often fled to the mortal world, and especially recruited Impris to bear his hatred.
And these five archangels form the highest ruling institution of the highest heaven-the Angris Council!
This council, its existence, symbolizes the visualization of the virtues of the creation Anu and the most sacred axiom in the world! The angels are here to make rules and execute all rulings, including all creatures in the highest heaven, even, at the same time, it also includes the mortal shelter world, such as the voting conference on whether to destroy the shelter world. ?
For example, these five winged guys are now in a meeting again, and they are discussing what is happening in the world of the shelter, and are preparing to make some kind of final resolution.
"I'm afraid you all know it now? During this time, our testing agency has been watching the mortal world..."
"The world of mortals, the world of sanctuary created by the traitor Inaris, in that Saint Huari, now there are new energy fluctuations... If we are not mistaken, of which... that one succeeds. Escaped the seal from Tristram the mortal, and now heading west, I am afraid it is one of the evil three demon gods of hell, the most powerful king of fear-Diablo!"
"Please believe me, everyone, his purpose is obvious, that is: he wants to rescue those two Baal and Mephisto who are still in a sealed state!"
"Especially that King of Destruction, Baal... Once the opponent is successfully unsealed and released, I am afraid that the mortal world will be uncontrollable..."
"As for whether the mortal world is invaded by demons, we don't really need to care too much, because we still have the last insurance!"
"So, now everyone, please tell me, what kind of action do we have to take to deal with the activities of the demons in San Huari?"
Here in the hall of the Angris Council, the five thrones are seated on the five angels of the highest heaven, and now on the largest throne, the first to speak is the leader of the Angris Council, the heroic angel Yingpu Reese!
After speaking, Impress, who was sitting above his throne, glanced thoughtfully at the so-called angel of justice Tyrael... When he discovered that the other party didn't seem to have any special actions, and didn't intend to After speaking now, he turned his head to look at the other three archangels present.
Just like what he said just now, the highest heaven has never given up on the surveillance of the world of mortal shelters! Especially after more than two hundred years ago, when the archangel Tyrael began to make small moves, blatantly violated the laws of the highest heaven, went down to the earth and interfered in the world without authorization, the heroic angel Inpress has been very dissatisfied with Tyrael. Always keep dedicated angels paying close attention to everything in the world!
Because, he always felt that the archangel Tyrael... the other party must have some conspiracy, and it is very likely that it is some big conspiracy!
He Imprison carefully analyzed the three demon gods from hell, when the three Diablo, Mephisto and Baal secretly descended to the world and was led by Tyrael to create the Hera. After the Dim Magic Organization successfully sealed it, at that time, Tyrael could actually take the soul stone that sealed the Pierce-level demon back to the heaven and seal it!
As long as it does so, Impris believes that losing the dark power of the Three Devils will never break the balance and threaten heaven!
But... that Tyrael, he chose to seal the demon in place at the beginning, and the mortal world that would limit the power of the demon but also the ability of the angel was sealed off... This matter, as an archangel Tyrael, it is impossible not to know what it means and what consequences it causes!
However, the other party did that...
Facts have proved that relying on the power of mortals can never completely seal the existence of the Three Devil Gods, and of course it is also impossible to kill the other party! Especially in that year, the creation angel Inaris restricted those mortals in the entire world through the power of the World Stone, suppressing and weakening the power of the descendants of Nephitian for generations, suppressing the power of the opponent’s bloodline. After awakening!
Now as expected, Diablo, the king of fear, the leader of the three demon kings of hell, the opponent has successfully broken through the seal... Judging from the situation where the opponent leaves Tristram and heads east, it is determined to unlock the other two. The seal of a god!
This is all right, the way Tyrael and those stupid humans took it for granted to separate and seal the three devil gods, now it has proven to be so stupid! I believe that soon, the three demons will stir the wind and rain in the mortal world again... Then, immediately, the opposite Tyrael, is he also ready to start acting?
In response, Imprison said that he would definitely stare at the guy on the opposite side secretly, he would definitely!
"It might sound a little strange..."
At this time, after Imperius finished his speech, the angel of fate Isriel was the first to stand up from his seat, and then began to speak softly:
"Talus\'ar, Tarusal, my scroll of destiny, I believe you all know... Although it's just a single scroll... But when I need it, it always shows what I want What you need to know and give me a proper interpretation..."
"But today..."
"Before I came here, I opened it deliberately... However, the angel hermits in the Destiny Library, even they did not give me the answer... On Tarusal, it was blank... it There is no answer to me, and no way to answer my doubts. This is something that has never happened in countless years..."
"So, I don't know what this actually means?"
"But I still have to warn everyone here, this thing must be unusual... Maybe, some major conspiracy by the demons? Or... something else? So, I think we must improve from now on. alert!"
After speaking, Isriel, the angel of destiny, no longer cared about the reactions of the other archangels, so he sat back and sat quietly in his seat, without saying anything.
This incident really surprised the brave angel Impris. Even he didn't expect that today, after him, the first person to stand up and express his opinions, would be Isriel, the angel of destiny who was a little withdrawn and even indecisive in the past?
What made him even more puzzled was that the other party suddenly jumped out to say what information, what did he want to say? The scroll of destiny cannot be read, what does it mean?
Although the Scroll of Destiny Talus\'ar has occasional flaws and the interpretation is often inaccurate, it has used facts in general, especially in the battle against demons for thousands of years. Prove that it is actually very useful.
"If you say this to Israel, I'll remember it..."
"Recently, my Chalad\'ar, my Holy Grail of Wisdom... No matter how I gaze into the deepest part of the Holy Grail, I don’t have a clear enough insight into the closely connected network of all things in the world... It’s like there is a The big invisible hand directly covers my eyes?"
"in fact……"
"From the creation of the sanctuary world by Inaris, I have faintly felt that I have a certain connection with that world... Because, unlike the eternal angels and demons, the life of a mortal is limited. The...The boundary between life and death, the fate of the soul, and other causal connections have kept me involved. Originally, I already understood something..."
"However, not long ago..."
"That should involve me, step by step, pushing me into the hand of a certain destiny, and I don’t know why I stopped again... So now I am also very confused, and I don’t know what is going on. Mortal Things, maybe there will be big variables?"
After speaking, Marsaier sighed and shook his head.
Originally, he seemed to have seen everything from the Holy Grail, and also faintly felt a certain fate that he had to bear, and was ready to accept it gladly...
However, I don't know why. One day not long ago, the connection in the dark suddenly became uncertain... He seemed to have changed back to the way it was before the world of the sanctuary was created? Anyway, that kind of mysterious feeling, unclear, unreasonable... is something mysterious and mysterious.
"Auriel, what do you have to say?"
After being silent for a while, Impress didn’t know what he thought of, so he turned to look at Auriel, the only female angel in this council, and wanted to see who was always cheerful. Does your lady want to say anything?
"Recently, I have actually been in my garden of hope..."
"The difference from the worries or changes you all feel is that when I was in the quiet garden, I did not feel any anxiety... My spirit and soul are in harmony, and my heart is always clear and peaceful. , I don’t feel any signs of danger...So, I think you all are a little too worried?
"Actually, you should know that no matter what the demons have, or what will happen then, this world, whether it is our angel’s supreme heaven, or the devil’s burning hell, or the protection of human beings. The whole world...the whole world has been automatically adjusting its balance...especially after the sanctuary world was created by Inaris, the harmony between the three has finally reached a near-perfect level..."
"Speaking of which, we haven't had a conflict with the demons of Burning Hell for many years..."
"So, I don’t think... we don’t have to worry too much. This world is now tending towards a harmonious balance and is gradually improving... Maybe we should look at what is about to happen as a bystander. Things? I think there will be unexpected gains by then!"
Although Aurel is not a good-natured activist and has never been willing to be a queen after fighting, she believes that everything has a good side. Victory and failure are just like the rising and setting of the sun. The conspiracy to smash the devil does not actually mean anything.
"For so many years, our angels have not been able to defeat the evil demons, and the demons have also failed to defeat our angels... The existence of all things in the world always has its own reason! Whether it is our angels, demons or humans, since it has been Existence, then it must be Anu’s will... Therefore, our heavens only need to look at the development of things with a calm mind. I don’t think those demons in the world can break the balance. After all, those humans, those Naifei Heavens are not too weak..."
That's right, what Oriel actually wants is to do nothing!
As long as the demons have not invaded the highest heaven of the angels, or as long as they have not shown that they can occupy the sanctuary world and break the balance, then their angels should not do too much, they should follow their higher heavens. The ancient law does not interfere with any mortal affairs.
"I object!"
"Now Diablo, the King of Fear, one of the three demon gods of hell, has broken through the seal, and the omen has come... He is about to go to the Tomb of Tarasha to release the King of Destruction, Baal! And the evil demon minions are in mortals The world is rampant, they are now being burned and killed, unscrupulous..."
"However, due to Inaris' unauthorized use of the power of the World Stone, those Nephitian talents in the sanctuary world have been reduced generation by generation, causing them to forget their own abilities, and most of the people gradually become After ordinary humans, they actually no longer have the strength to fight demons!"
"Therefore, our highest heaven can never stand idly by!"
Auriel’s words just fell, and Tyrael, the angel of justice who had been silent, finally couldn’t sit still. He suddenly stood up from his seat and protested loudly, opposing Auriel’s suggestion to do nothing. the opinion of.
It should be his own thought, just the opposite of Oriel's!
Tyrael felt that the angels must actively participate in resisting the demons and expelling them, especially when the demons in the world are not too powerful! Instead of sitting high on their thrones like this, watching mortals being bullied by demons but doing nothing! Otherwise, one day, the demons will cross the shelter world of the buffer zone and directly attack the highest heaven!
More than two hundred years have passed. Diablo, the King of Fear, really broke through the seal and ran out again just as he thought. Therefore, Tyrael felt that it was necessary for him to go to the world again. , To sit down the unfinished business to perfection.
"No, Tyrael..."
Without waiting for the other party to continue to deliver that clichéd justice speech, the heroic angel Impris once again interrupted the other party's speech.
"If i remember correctly……"
"About three hundred and seventy years ago, you arbitrarily violated the ancient laws of the highest heaven, violated the agreement between us and the devil not to violate San Huari, and rushed forward San Huari and formed your Horadim. When the mage was organized, I didn’t punish you for it..."
"When you successfully captured the three demon gods of and sealed them in an insecure mortal world without asking for instructions, I didn't criticize you... because I think you should think of today's situation?"
"However, now you want to go to the mortal world again, what do you want to do?"
"Should you continue to make soul stones to seal the Three Devil Gods, and then cycle endlessly, or do you want to completely eliminate them?"
"Unless you can break into or be in heaven, you will never be able to kill a powerful demon. They will continue to regenerate in the burning hell!"
Speaking of this, Imperius slowly stopped, and using his golden armor helmet, staring at Tyrael in the distance:
"You arbitrarily ran into the world, you have already destroyed the terms of the transaction between us and the devil that both parties will no longer infringe on San Huari...At the same time, you have violated the ancient laws of our heaven many times!"
"So Tyrael, please stop at enough!!"
Speaking of this, Imperius stood up with a roar, just across the space in the middle hall, staring at the archangel Tyrael who repeatedly violated the law by virtue of his identity.
He has endured the act of knowing and breaking the law for a long time!
Now, the reason why the demons will aggressively invade St. Huary is because the archangel Tyrael sabotaged the agreement without authorization! After all, even if the Three Demon Gods wanted to invade the mortal world and perform conspiracies, they went in the name of being exiled by their subordinates. There were only three polished commanders, but unlike Tyrael, they didn’t discuss it. He went down without authorization, and organized humans to fight against the demons who were'exiled', but made them the first party to betray the agreement!
Is this really outrageous? Every time I think of this, every time I think of demons mocking them at the highest heaven, Imperius suffocates the fire!
"Just enough? No, never!!"
"Imperius, you have seen it too! The army of demons is slaughtering humans in the mortal world, and tens of thousands of creatures in the world are suffering endless disasters... And I, since I am the archangel Tyrael, since I am It is the incarnation of justice, so I can never turn a blind eye!"
"And if you plan to do nothing, then I will protect the land by myself!"
"Because, I firmly believe: Only human nature is the hope of the existence of this world! As an angel of justice, I will swear to protect it from the devil!"
Even if the heroic angel Imperius is the leader of the Angris Council, they are a few archangels and the nominal leader of all the angels in the highest heaven, but Tyrael is not at all intimidating, and does not need to give each other Face, just like that refuted the other party's questioning face to face.
Knew it……
Now, Impris could see it: that Tyrael was either stunned or had a conspiracy...
But obviously, he himself is more inclined to the latter...
However, Imperius didn't understand it a bit. The other party was so diligent and diligent in the world, what exactly did he want to do, and what ulterior motives did he have?
That mortal Saint Huari must not be as good as the highest heaven. It is just a buffer zone between the highest heaven and the burning hell. Therefore, simply for justice or something, can’t make him guilty. Price is convinced!
It's just that what Impris can't even understand is, what exactly does Tyrael want?
Is it right? Or strength?
If it is right, he already has the archangel as a member of the parliament. Take a look. Even the other party now has the qualifications to refute himself face to face! As for power, no one can help the angels except to make themselves stronger! However, over the years, Imprison doesn’t seem to see that the other party has more demand for power?
So, what does Tyrael want... In the annoying world, is there anything that the highest heaven does not have?
Anyway, as far as Impress knows, in the wild world of Saint Xiuarui, where, apart from humans, there seems to be nothing special, right? Is it possible that Tyrael still wants to go to the leader class?
and many more!
Indigenous humans...No, humans are not indigenous. They are the existence of justice and evil created by the rebellion of the angels and demons that year. They are-Nafiday! ?
Thinking of this, Impress once again looked at the righteous and awe-inspiring Tyrael on the opposite side, and finally couldn't help but breathe in air!
If this is the case, then the reason why the other party has been diligent in the mortal camp over the years, and has left countless good reputations and legends in the mortal world, and has gained the practice of countless believers. These things are combined one by one. When you get up, it seems that the other party's purpose is obvious...
If it is really what you think, is the next step for the other party to lead mankind and destroy the world stone at the right time?
At that time, those human beings suppressed by the World Stone, those mortals, and those descendants of Nephitian, once they are used and led by the other party, will they be able to take advantage of their powerful talent to eat away and burn step by step? Hell or even the highest heaven? !
Sure enough, this conspiracy is not an ordinary one... the opponent's game has been set for hundreds of years, right? From the angelic betrayal of his subordinates, to the ridiculously pretending to be exiled by the four demon kings by the three demon gods of hell, to the fact that Tyrael descended to the world to organize the Horadim wizard...
For countless years, how could his Impress never discover that this dumb person who has always been foolish and likes to shout for justice is so deep? Had it not been for this accident that the energy of the mortal world had fluctuated many times, and the power of the world had been concentrated in one place, I am afraid that he would really be sold by this guy in front of him?
"Okay, since the opinions cannot be unified now, then we still follow our previous practices!"
"I announce: We will officially vote now! If you support me, choose to wait and see that Saint Xiuarui for the time being. If you don't take action before the demon becomes uncontrollable, please raise your hand with me!"
Soon, Impress, who wanted to understand some things, didn't plan to argue with the other party. He now intends to observe it carefully, and want to see if the other party does what he thinks!
Therefore, he didn't want to waste time, he announced the start of the voting on the spot and made the final decision!
It's a pity that besides Impris himself, only the angel of hope, Auriel, who just said that he intends to wait and see, also raised his hand. As for the other archangels, they never agreed!
This situation caused Impress’s heart to sink sharply, and the secret path was a bit unpleasant... Now there are only two of them. This situation really caught him off guard. Originally, he thought that following the ancient laws and continuing to wait and see, he would get Supported by at least two archangels.
"Then, please raise your hands if you support me actively interfering in the world!!"
At this time, the archangel Tyrell saw that the situation seemed to be beneficial to him, so he quickly shouted aloud and then raised his right hand high.
It's a pity that, except for the wise angel Marsaier hesitatingly raised his hand to support him, the first expressed concern just now, Isriel did not make any response.
"Israel...what is your attitude? Is it abstaining or opposing?"
Seeing the other party sitting still makes Impress a little strange. According to the situation just now, the other party should be more supportive, right? Therefore, when he moved his heart, he tentatively asked and guided the other party, wanting the other party to vote that key objection!
"I remember, there should be another strange energy fluctuation in the world, it should be, this is it?"
Israel did not say support, nor did he oppose, nor did he abstain, but reached out a little, and pointed out a red dot on the map of the shelter world in the middle of the hall.
There, there is a basin plain between Tristram and the monastery-the blood wasteland!
"Yes! But this place that caused the energy turbulence in the world, it quickly subsided, and we all agreed that it was not caused by the forces. Doesn't it look like their style?"
After groaning for a while, the heroic angel Impris nodded and explained these two sentences to the other party. In fact, he didn't intend to go into this matter, he just mentioned it casually. Because he was even more worried about the three devil gods of and the evil justice angel Tyrael opposite...
In any case, his Imprison must figure out the true purpose of Tyrael, he must!
"So, I abstain! I don't plan to interfere with demons or humans now. I just want to send angels here to have a look. I want to see what these mortals are all about..."
Because the crystal in the Destiny Library also faintly pointed to this place, he wanted to see it! However, he did not say clearly.
"Since the opinions cannot be unified, then I declare that the resolution is invalid! Now, please do your own things!"
After a cold snort, the leader of the parliament, Imperius, stood up a little angrily, and said bitterly that none of their parliamentary resolutions seemed to be passed normally. They all failed in voting, including the previous ones. The resolutions he initiated when he wanted to destroy the world of the sanctuary!
"But, let me reiterate one last thing: once things get worse, I reserve the right to restart the meeting and vote on whether to destroy the shelter world!"
"Now, the meeting is over!"
Finally, after taking a deep look at the opposite Tyrael, Impress turned into a white light and disappeared.
Immediately afterwards, the archangel Tyrael and Massaier also disappeared following the teleportation.
"Please wait, Lord Israel!"
At this moment, Isriel, who was about to stand up and teleport away, was screamed by the hope angel Auriel.
"Do you have any questions, Ms. Auriel?"
"of course!"
"You just said that you want to send an angel to the world to check the energy abnormality there?"
Auriel flicked his light wings so softly, and flew towards the opposite angel of Destiny, and then floated in the air in front of him beautifully.
"Yes, you want to..."
Israel is still a little puzzled, he doesn't understand, is there any connection between this matter and the other party?
"That's right, I'm also a bit curious about the changes in the world recently, so why don't you let me go to the world for you?"
"You know, I am not weak in strength!"
In fact, Auriel was a little puzzled, because she knew a female angel named Lycander... the other party had always been obsessed with a certain mortal, so she wanted to take this opportunity to look down. If you can, maybe you can bring back what the other party has left in the mortal world, so as not to be punished by the archangel Impris?
"All right, then please!"

In the hall on the first floor of Annie’s wooden house, today, Akara, Kashya, Flavi, and the group of Amazon leaders, Centurion Velche and others, are now looking at them with a stunned look. Twenty sets of exactly the same gorgeous lightweight armor and the same number of refined steel combined bows lined up in this hall!
And the most important thing is: these equipment, in the eyes of people like them, are all proper artifacts undoubtedly! Even, they are all far beyond the original blind eye artifact of their nuns!
Maybe even better?
The twenty-one ‘Solidar, Wrath of the Stars’ almost blinded the group of them!
Then, there is more than that, there are also those 21 sets of defensive artifacts exuding golden light that are also good:

Lightweight female plate armor
Total defense: 14034
Need level: 0
Durability: 100 to 100
+280 points for all attributes
+180 extra agility
+25 skill level (only Amazon and Roger occupations)
+300% defense enhancement
+60% quick re-attack
+80% high-speed running/walking
+80% to all resistances
+40% extra fire resistance
+120 accuracy
All damage reduced by 300
+15 Illumination range
+50 maximum stamina
+10000 life limit
When being attacked, there is an 80% chance to cast a level 25 lava shield for ten seconds
Wearing demand -100%
Can't freeze
Can not be bound
Active Skill-Judgment: The ability attributes of characters and equipment are doubled, which is only effective when playing against specific creatures.
‘The rune artifact made by Anne Hasta, the energy of the sanctuary world maintains the operation of the gods on the full skirt, and can only be equipped by strictly tested Roger or Amazon warriors. When wearing it against a demon or an angel, you can activate the active judgment skill! ’

Looking at the 21 sets of extremely gorgeous gold-red female armors lined up by Chaxi neatly placed on the ground, and the 21 gold-blue weapons that look like works of art, they also exude mystery. Large battle bow with blue magic light.
Seriously, now, Akara suddenly doubts the origin of that little guy...
Being able to make such things in batches is definitely not justified by talent... and she feels that neither angels nor demons should have the ability to easily make these rune artifacts in batches. That's why humans will not have it!
So, that little guy, who is she and where does she come from? And what the other world was referring to when the other party kept saying from the outside world? These things, Akara wants to know now!
Anyway, now, this little guy is on their side, that's enough! As for other things, now Akara doesn't want to struggle too much, she decided to let the flow go, believing that time will tell her everything.
"This...what the is this?!"
After being silent for a while, Kashya grabbed an anger from the stars, and his breathing became thicker, and then asked in a trembling tone.
"Of course it is the equipment I mentioned, then what else do you think it could be!"
This armor was worn by the paladins of Lordaeron when Annie was in the world of Azeroth. She thought it was very beautiful and then wrote it down... Then, this time, she followed this. It looked like Chaxi and the others modified it again.
Maybe the attributes are different from the original, but the look is definitely correct. Anyway, if it looks the same on the outside, it’s fine if it’s a copycat or something, but the quality can’t be too much.
"Is it true that there are only twenty sets, or is it all the other way?!"
Kasha still has some illusory and unreality... She always feels that she is now dreaming, afraid of turning over, she woke up, and then, the handle she hung on the tent was still used by herself. Dark gold longbow that has been used for many years?
Once she got this kind of good thing in her hands, she would never want to put it down again! In any case, she is going to take one handle... No, she must take a set, including the skirt!
"Of course it's all like this!"
In the future, Annie will no longer do these troublesome things for them, except for the present, there is nothing more! Because, she herself came to play in this world, not to save the sanctuary human beings ravaged by the devil, nor to be a coolie!
I didn’t eat well all day, I didn’t wear well, and then I couldn’t catch one fish. I was so angry that she had blown up half of the river with a cracking fire at the time. Now she would have to eat fresh fish. Now, without enough condiments and a qualified Pandaren chef, those incompetent chefs in the camp made her mouth full of the disgusting fishy smell!
In comparison, it seems that salted fish and bacon are more acceptable? !
"Great! Annie, where are the rest now?"
Hearing this exciting thing, Kasha tightly held the Wrath of the Stars in his hand, and then asked about other equipment.
When she thinks that she can equip a group of extremely elite Rogers immediately, she can't help feeling excited! She decided, and later, she led fifty people to pick the place where the bones were buried! Of course, it's the camp of the desolate Demon Bisu Bosu in the Cold Land!
"There is nothing left! I blame Chaxi and the others for being too lazy. It took them a whole week to make such a set of 21 things! Look at how lazy they are, three sets a day!"
After blinking, Little Annie stretched out her three fingers slyly. In the past week, her working hours have been so good that she has been suppressed by herself within two hours. With three bows and three armors a day, it is not too much trouble to get them, and it is barely a tiring job.
There are only three sets a day, how can this low output be possible?
Therefore, Kasha turned her head and glared at the barbarian sister who thought she was the most diligent barbarian in the entire Rouge camp! You know, she has always treated Chasi very preferentially and distressed, because she knows how hard the other party is, so she has never urged the other party to create tasks.
But now, she decided that she must talk to each other well! Anyway, she absolutely cannot tolerate the fact that the other party's laziness leads to low output of such good things! Who knows if this little guy will change his mind someday?
"Kasha! You can't blame us!"
"Akara, you have also seen: these things, whether they are bows and arrows or armors, are so gorgeous in workmanship and complicated in processes, especially those armors! Look at it, the golden ones are all plated with gold and outlines. The beautiful patterns have greatly reduced our production speed and greatly increased the cost!"
Speaking of those armors, Chaxi was out of anger.
"In one month, we will definitely not be able to make up three hundred sets...Even if I continue to expand the staff, it will take at least three months!"
"Moreover, we need more resources, more gold coins and silverware..."
This matter, Chaxi has been troubled for many days!
Originally, the little guy Annie said that the armor did not need to be changed, but when the matter came, the other party regretted it again... and also strongly demanded that the original set of simple and lightweight plate armor be changed to the present one. This strange look!
Although, they are indeed very beautiful... But, what do you want to do to attract the attention of the devil with the things for fighting? Chaxi felt that the enchantment that illuminates the surrounding fifteen yards is simply unbearable! Think of the barbarian guards outside, they can insert the broad sword into the scabbard to block the light of the slapstick. do you hide the armor? Do you still have to wear a tight black cloak?
Therefore, under the complicated craftsmanship, until now, even if she has increased the number of blacksmiths, helpers, gold and silversmiths, and engravers in the workshop to more than 100 people and worked overtime, these few days have only been done. That's only 21 sets!
If it is said that the fury of the stars adds decoration because it needs a large area of ​​rune enchantment and it is barely reasonable, then most of the decorations added to these armors are actually meaningless! They are just for the little girl to look good!
Of course, the attributes are also very good... and this is the reason why Chasi has been compromising.
"I will arrange it, because it is worth it!"
Akara finally spoke, because, in her opinion, these 21 sets of equipment are totally worth their patience! Let alone a month, even if it is a year or three years, she can wait!
With them, as long as you equip dozens of sets, the monastery is just around the corner!
Of course, they also have to follow more troops. A team of only fifty people can't defend against it! This matter, when she turned around, she went to discuss with Kasha to deal with it, nothing more than a large-scale recruitment of Roger recruits and servants of adventurers!
The big deal, it's okay to hire directly, just like those barbarians guarding outside?
"Forget it, don't talk nonsense. I'll divide it first before talking. I declare: This set belongs to me now!"
Seeing that there were good things to pick up, Kasya stepped forward without any refusal. She first looked at it for a while, and when she found that all the weapons and equipment were exactly the same, and there was no need for any choice, she chose directly. One of them.
He bowed his head and hugged and pulled to the side, indicating that he had already taken possession of this set of armor and weapons. Whoever dared to steal her would turn his face!
"Then I will divide the remaining half!"
Amazon Wilche's eyes were half-squinted, flashing with strange light, and then stepped forward with a certain excitement, waved his hand, pointed directly at the ten armors and weapons in a row and spoke.
Including herself, they have a total of 101 people, and this is just less than one-tenth of the equipment, she wants more!
"Don't you Amazon prefer to use shields and short spears?"
Seeing the other party directly halfway away, Kaxia was a bit dissatisfied! You know, there are so many of them, Roger, where is this thing enough?
"I have changed my mind now! I think it might be better for us to use bows and arrows in the future?"
She had an agreement with the little girl, and Wilcher was not at all afraid of the hostility of a certain Roger leader and the cannibalistic eyes. Anyway, it wasn't their Roger's thing, so she took it, what can the other party do?
Flavie didn't speak, she just walked up silently and stood beside the remaining ten sets. The meaning was obvious. The other half here belongs to her!
Because, now her subordinates have a total of two hundred of the most elite Rogers, all of whom have experienced the test of blood and fire!
"It's weird! Annie... Where's the helmet of this outfit?"
After getting her set of equipment, Kaxia didn't shy away from it, and immediately took off her coat and coat to reveal her fiercely toned figure, she greeted Flavie on the spot to help herself start putting it on. Anyway, there are women of all ages, and she is not afraid of being seen by others.
Soon after, with Flavie's help, she just picked up the weapon after she was put on it. She was surprised to find that this set of equipment did not seem to have a helmet? !
"What helmet do you want, if you put it on, how do you shoot arrows?!"
In fact, the trial suit or something will look better without a helmet!
In addition, now that they wear plate armor to shoot bows and arrows are a bit nondescript, if they wear a plate armor helmet that obstructs the line of sight, it would be a bit stupid! Therefore, Annie deleted the option of the helmet with a big wave of her hand, which made the blacksmith and Chaxi breathe a sigh of relief.
"That said, so be it!"
Nodding, Kasha seemed to agree with this.
In fact, no matter it was herself or all the Roger warriors, none of them was wearing a helmet! So, don’t you stop obstructing your good shooting sight?
"It's really amazing..."
"It's obviously plate armor, but it's so light to wear... I actually think it looks the same as when wearing leather armor? Also, the seam between the skirt armor and the arm plate does not seem to affect all the movements?"
After moving around for a while, Kaxia quickly discovered that whether it was running, twisting, jumping, or doing any of the standard and difficult movements of Rogers, there would be no obstacle at all!
And this is really amazing!
"Of course!"
Annie straightened her chest proudly. Nothing she made by herself was bad!
"This kind of thing...must be kept well, once it spreads out, it will be disastrous!"
After trying for a while, Kasha frowned and started thinking, and looked thoughtfully at Verche who was preparing to wear it. Suddenly, she felt that this thing cannot be sent casually, let alone to outsiders, such as …Those Amazons, these people, should be regarded as outsiders, right?
"Don't be afraid, only those who pass the Will check can wear it!"
"What kind of check is that?"
"Probably... just a good person or something?"
"What is a good person?"
"A good person is a good person..."
Kaxia suddenly felt that this little girl's behavior was a bit too trivial?
Perhaps, she can’t expect this kind of mischief such as equipment self-checking. When she goes back, she has to discuss it with Akara. It’s best to ask Akara to go to Naflavi’s elite again. Go to class?
That's right, that's it!
Anyway, Akara is particularly good at educating (flickering) others. All the Rog sisters who are about to equip these artifact suits must take the nuns' courses, and in the future, can they be used as the core force of the renewal of the nuns?
"Kasha, I suddenly felt...maybe our schedule to rescue Kane could be advanced?"
Looking at these equipment, after hesitating for a long time, Akara still asked Kasha, who was proficient in military affairs.
Even if Akara doesn't know much about military matters, but seeing this kind of attention to break the balance, she also feels that since Annie this little guy is eager to get more knowledge about runes, then. It should also be time for them to pick up that old friend early...
And She is also a little worried, for fear that the other party's old arms and legs will accidentally die under the torture of the devil... At that time, they want to collect a complete set of runes, which is really not one. A thing that can be done in a short time.
"Of course, no problem!"
"However, wait for me to kill that Morena tomorrow first!"
Holding a war bow in one hand, while watching the Amazon in the distance wearing armor excitedly, Kasha secretly made up her mind: early tomorrow morning, she will set off with the ten people dressed up by Flavie and the others. The Taniguchi of Zhiyuan went straight to the buried place and directly killed the scum traitor of Roger!
She has been struggling with the blood bird for many days, from the time when she heard that the other party had fallen to the present! Of course, if those Amazons can go together, that would be great!
"Make your own decision, but Kane needs to be done as soon as possible!"
Nodded, Akara didn't say any more, she believed that with Kasha's ability, she would definitely be able to manage time and measure.
After talking with Akara, Kasha turned his head and looked at the man who was also wearing a skirt and armor over there, who was already wearing his armor and boots without any help.
"Tomorrow, all those under your staff who have not changed clothes will be transferred here to guard this workshop, and irrelevant personnel are strictly prohibited from entering or leaving!"
"Yes! Guarantee to complete the task!"
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