Chapter 52: Little Annie's Adventures in the Forbidden Forest (1)

   In the forest outside Hogwarts in the evening, after eating dinner and leaving a notice of the specific class time of her public class at the exit of the auditorium, the restless little Annie couldn't be idle! So, under extreme boredom, she came to this place alone and wandered around indiscriminately.
   Because Annie, who has been here for three days, has discovered more than once that in this small forest outside Hogwarts School, there seems to be a lot of strange magic fluctuations! Driven by curiosity, she first checked the history of Hogwarts school and some school records in the school library, and learned that there are many magical creatures in this forbidden forest! Therefore, Annie came here alone after the meal, wanting to see what is magical about those magical creatures!
   It's already evening, and the forbidden forest seems to be a little dim due to the luxuriant trees and insufficient light!
   Annie just wandered around like this, while complaining bitterly! However, Annie didn't feel any fear because of the dimness. In her opinion, compared to the land of voodoo, it was simply too far behind! She just feels disgusted with the difficult forest path here! Those roadside thorns, weeds and thorny vines are really annoying! These plants always hooked the corners of her skirts, so angry that she wanted to put them on the fire!
I don’t know how long it took, after Annie had just turned a dense bush along a path that was inundated with weeds, and she had barely seen the path. The faint light! Then Annie seemed to remember something, and she couldn't help but lifted her spirits, and immediately speeded up and trot out.
   "Wow! So there really are unicorns here!!" After seeing what the glowing thing was, Annie's eyes were full of excitement! It seems that the school history is not just making up bragging rights, they really stocked unicorns here!
   That's right! The situation in front of us is indeed the same as Annie thought! In this dim forbidden forest, it can still emit silvery white light, and it really can only be a unicorn!
   In the past two days, when Annie was hanging around in the school library, a section of Hogwarts school history was roughly turned over by her! It is clearly recorded in the books that the school still stocks many magical animals in the Forbidden Forest, including unicorns! Sure enough, she bumped into one here today!
   "Little boy! Don't be afraid! What are you doing here? Do you want to come and play with me?" Annie walked forward, speaking to calm the unicorn in front of her.
   This unicorn has seen Annie a long time ago, but it did not react too violently, and it is precisely because it did not react too violently that Annie would try to use words to appease it. Otherwise, if it had any action to escape, Annie would have thrown two magics to tie it in the first place!
   Seeing Annie slowly walking towards it, the beautiful silver-white unicorn was not eager to escape. It didn't think this human little girl would be too threatening to it! Because the unicorn's perception is very sensitive, it can feel it, although the little girl has a terrifying aura, it does not seem to have any hostility to herself! Therefore, it didn't leave the first time, but just tightened the muscles of the whole body, tilted its head, and looked at the little girl who was slowly approaching with a little alert.
It is a female unicorn about to reach adulthood. It has a long, silver-white unicorn with a little golden unicorn on its forehead. The four hooves are strong and powerful. The mane and tail on the neck are like two lines. The silver streamer, glittering and shining, flowing down, the whole body is also covered with fur with a faint silvery white light, in the dim forbidden forest, it looks simply beautiful!
   Annie nodded inwardly, as it was written in the book! This is really a pure and magical creature, the most beautiful fairy in nature! Unfortunately, it is too weak! Except for the good magic resistance and power, the others are not very powerful, and more importantly, it does not fly! Otherwise, Annie really has the idea of ​​grabbing one to be her mount!
  Unicorns generally have good intelligence. With Anne's constant approach, it can finally be confirmed now that the little human girl in front of her has no malice towards it, she is just curious about herself, nothing more!
   Therefore, it did not rush to leave. After slowly relaxing its body, it also began to turn its head sideways, looking at the little human girl who was constantly approaching it. It doesn't know why at such a late hour, this little human girl would go to the forbidden forest alone? The forbidden forest at night is still very dangerous to humans! There are many ferocious monsters here!
"Wow! It's so beautiful!" After seeing that the unicorn didn't resist her too much, Annie walked carefully to its side, stretched out her little hand and touched its silver-white back. It was so long. So tall, even if Annie was on her toes, she couldn't reach her long neck with beautiful mane. The silver-white shimmering temples are so beautiful, Annie can't wait to touch one!
   "咴儿~!" Feeling Annie's touch and kindness, the unicorn hissed lightly, and then lowered her head and touched Annie's cheek affectionately.
   She likes this little girl a bit now! The breath of this little girl no longer had the horrible illusion when she first saw it, but began to become peaceful and natural, which made it feel very kind, fresh and comfortable.
   It was almost time to go back, but thinking of the danger in the Forbidden Forest at this time, it was a little uneasy that the little girl was here alone. Therefore, it made a temporary decision to accompany the little human girl for a while, if possible, perhaps to take her to a place patrolled by the rangers to prevent her from being harmed by other carnivores.
   "My name is Annie! Nice to meet you! Aha! Itchy! Don't make trouble!" The unicorn tickled Annie's cheeks with its dense temples, and she couldn't help but laugh happily.
Annie talked to the unicorn again. When she saw that the unicorn did not respond to her words, she finally came back to her senses, and then immediately raised her hand and performed a battle with the animal at the unicorn. The magic of soul communication!
  Magic: Communication with animals!
   Seeing the light that suddenly penetrated into his body, the unicorn was so scared that he almost didn't jump up. Seeing the spell, it thought it was the little girl who was going to attack him! However, when he felt it carefully, he found that his body did not seem to have suffered any harm in the light just now! This made it a little confused again. It didn't know what the little girl did just now, so it carefully stepped back away from Annie, and looked at her vigilantly again.
   "Don't worry! This is actually just a small spell! A spell that allows us to communicate smoothly!" Seeing the unicorn's nervousness, Annie hurriedly explained! Finally came across a funny unicorn, but don't run away! Annie really doesn't want to use any attack spells to hurt it!
   "Spells? Communication? Huh! Wait, how can I understand what you are saying?" The unicorn became more panicked! He took a few steps back quickly! Just now it completely understood what the little girl said! How could such a thing happen? Generally speaking, they can at most sense the kindness or maliciousness of other creatures towards them!
"This is just a spiritual communication spell that facilitates communication! Don't be afraid! It's okay!" Annie continued to calm down. She was really afraid that the unicorn would run away because of fright, so she wouldn't have fun. !
"Spiritual communication? Spell? I remembered, are you a wizard? Outside the Forbidden Forest, the student in the human school?" The unicorn who understood the reason was finally no longer afraid, so it slowly paced to Annie. come.
   "Huh! I'm not a student! I'm a professor in the school! They all call me Anne? Professor Hasta!" Annie raised her head proudly, very proud! Then she couldn't help but stepped forward and touched the unicorn's mane! The hair feels so smooth! Shiny! It feels so comfortable!
   "That's right! What's your name?" Annie didn't know its name yet!
   "Name? We don't have a name..." The unicorn looked a little confused. It seemed that it had never thought about this question. Does it really need a name?
Generally, they only have the simplest concepts in the unicorn group, such as you, me, him, the leader, parents and brothers and sisters, and there are not too many exchanges. Everyone is carefree in the forest. In life, the name shouldn’t be too important, right?
   "How can there be no name! Or, let me give you a name? Let me think about it, um..." Annie turned to the unicorn happily and met its eyes.
   "So, how about calling you Anna? My name is Annie, and your name is Anna! I used to have a very, very good friend, and she is also called Anna!" Annie suddenly thought of Angelina in the New York Juilliard School! That little Angelina who loves to cry! Don't know how she is doing now? She should have learned to play the piano by herself now, right? Suddenly it's a little weird to miss her!
Annie still has the specific coordinates of the world in New York. If the space gems are fully charged, it is not impossible to go back to New York, but... Annie is just a little worried, if she goes back there again. By the way, the uncle who holds the hammer will definitely not let him go easily! In case it breaks out and really fights, their Asgard is so powerful!
   And Annie and Tibbers are only two! No matter how she breaks her fingers, she has a high chance of winning! So... forget it! Don't go back there yet! Mainly because the uncle holding the hammer is too troublesome! It's not that Annie is afraid of him!
"Anna? My name? Although it feels weird, I'll call it Anna from now on!" The unicorn blinked, looked at Annie, tilted his head and snorted after thinking for a while, then nodded in agreement. .
   It found that it liked this little human girl named Annie more and more! Not only can she talk to her soul, she can also give herself a name! It also thinks the name is pretty good, anyway, there is a strange feeling that it has never had before, it is very novel!
"Great! Anna! Can you allow me to ride on your back? Can you take me to the forest to play?" Annie looked at it expectantly, she actually had long ago. Want to do it! Are they friends now? So, her request shouldn't be too much, right?
   "Okay! Come on, then." Unicorn Anna quickly agreed, and then her front hoofs knelt down so that Annie could climb on its back.
"I'm seated! Let's go! Go ahead! Go!" Anne flicked to the unicorn's back and sat down, then grabbed its beautiful mane with her left hand, and pointed her right at the forest path in front of Jiao Jiao. Shouted.
   After seeing Annie sitting firmly, the unicorn Anna splayed her majestic and powerful hoofs and started running in the forbidden forest! They are like a silver streamer, shuttled at high speed in the slightly dark forbidden forest, sometimes smoothly rounding a certain tree, sometimes lightly crossing a certain stream, and sometimes jumping on the rugged rock wall. Accompanied by Anna, a native of the Forbidden Forest, the magical creature unicorn, Annie quickly walked through the half of the Forbidden Forest. She also saw a lot of beautiful scenery and some magical animals. This experience was strolling around by herself. In comparison, it's so much better!
"Aha~! I'm so happy today! Anna! How about you?" Annie waved the teddy bear Tibbers on her hand, and smiled comfortably on the back of the unicorn, still humming some unexplained ballads. , The crisp childish voice floats in the forbidden forest, just like countless elves are singing non-stop among the trees...
   "咴er~! 咴er~!" The unicorn Anna did not answer her directly, but after tweeting twice, she continued to run at high speed! It is also very happy today, because it has made Annie, a very good human friend!
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   There will be one more in a while~ Surprise, right?
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