Chapter 499: Rui Ci is a tramp

Today, the weather in Fuyuki City is still as clear as yesterday. The blue sky, curling white clouds, and refreshing breeze are blowing from the north with a little smell of sea. Under the warm sunshine, it is located not far away. In the large mansion garden of Tosaka Mansion, west of Sichuan and close to the mountains, the early birds are screaming on the branches of the trees in the mansion, ready to catch those same early insects to eat... But butterflies and bees Wandering in the semi-artificially stocked flower clusters in the garden with some dewdrops, dotted with the golden morning sun that reflects the branches and leaves, the scenery here is particularly fresh and moving. ()
At this time, it was still at the stone table under the shade of yesterday, and three little girls were playing here.
Of course, strictly speaking, it should be two black little girls frolicking there and fiddling with some things on the table, and the other golden little girl, even some of her hair is not neatly combed, just so listless. He was lying on the stone table with his chin resting on his hands, his eyelids half drooped, two dull blue eyes turning as some two little girls were busy.
That's right, Her Majesty Queen Anne has no time to enjoy the early morning beauty of this exquisite garden, nor is she in the mood to play with the two little friends in front of her, but is complaining about herself.
Looking at the two sisters, Rin and Ying, who were playing happily in front of her, Annie sighed slightly, because she felt that she still miscalculated today...
Originally, when she was about to go to bed last night, she always thought that she herself had a large independent room, and also locked the thick door of the guest room and applied it to absorb sound waves that wouldn’t sound like a knock. After the mute spell, a little guy who had noisy his sleep history would no longer be able to disturb his sleep.
Then, this morning must be able to sleep lazily until after noon?
But that thought...
She counts as much as she can, but she can’t even count as a little kid who has returned to her home, and she quickly regained her character as a bear child who is even more bearish than her... and the other party is still instigated by a sister. Next, their tossing ability is not at all worse than her Queen Anne?
So, when she originally thought that she could have a good night's sleep, the two sisters who climbed the ladder and climbed in from the window sill on the second floor, so they pulled her up from the bed forcibly...
In this regard, Annie said she was very angry!
It's really outrageous. Are their two unscrupulous parents who sell children regardless of it?
Look, the two guys in front of you have done the task of taking a ladder to the second floor. What a dangerous thing, what if you accidentally fall and break it? Also, even if they are lucky enough to not fall, they can climb the ladder to the balcony today, and tomorrow they will dare to go directly to the house to uncover the tiles!
For these things, Annie herself has a deep understanding. I think she herself was... well, anyway, certain things must be eliminated as soon as possible and severely cut off before the signs are ready to emerge! Otherwise, she will definitely develop even more vigorously in the future, she herself is a living chestnut!
In short, sleep tomorrow from remembering to close the window...
"Teacher Anne, please have tea! Please show me more in the future!"
"Teacher Anne, please have tea! Please show me more in the future!"
Finally, when the two little sisters finally finished their tossing, Annie looked at each other in a sorrowful manner, lying on the opposite side of the stone table like this, and in unison handed herself two cups of green and steaming tea.
"I don't like this kind of tree leaf soup. It is bitter and astringent. It doesn't taste good at all!"
Just raised her eyes and looked at the contents of the two cups, and then curiously leaned over her nose and sniffed, Annie quickly remembered what these were, and she shrank her head back in disgust.
She doesn't like to drink such bitter and weird things, if it is cooked with milk and honey or white sugar, it is almost the same!
"This is a ceremony of apprenticeship, you must drink it!"
Hearing Annie's refusal, the sister with two pony tails, Rin, protested loudly, and then resolutely pushed the cup containing the green tea again. It's hard for them to soak this well, how can they not drink it?
In fact, the two sisters were not too clear about the ceremony of apprenticeship. Some of them were seen on TV, and some of them were inquired from her father Tosaka Toshimi last night. Although her father was busy thinking about certain things at the time, he still roughly told her some common apprenticeship etiquette...
As a result, Rin and his sister Sakura started to learn from each other. They woke up early in the morning and fiddled with these things, and now they are almost like this! Although they don't like these teas themselves, this is etiquette and the other party must drink it up!
"I don't like to drink these green tree leaf soup..."
"Can it be replaced by something else? It doesn't matter if it's milk, juice, cola, or plain water!"
In any case, Annie would not drink the weird tree leaf soup!
When in Bear Shield, Anne didn't like tea or coffee at all! These people on the earth are so weird, they like to drink this kind of messy things... She doesn't understand, how can they have so many people like spicy things like this kind of bitter and astringent?
Moreover, she also heard that these bitter things are very expensive. Are some of them only available to powerful people?
But in any case, Annie herself will definitely not buy those bitter leaves or roasted black beans to soak in water. There are so many delicious things in this world that are spicy, so why choose which ones to bring Drinking something with a trace of psychostimulants, isn’t that just for yourself!
If you want to be happy or mentally happy, just go and play. Why do you want to drink that strange thing?
"Change to something else? It should...seems to be ok?"
Rin and his sister Ying glanced at each other, then nodded and agreed to Miss Annie's request. After all, this kind of thing is said to be called green tea, they themselves don't like it very much, so just change it.
"Stop fiddling with these weird things. There is no such troublesome procedure to accept apprentices with us!"
As far as Annie could see, at the time in the gray order, when the grandfathers with long beards were taking apprentices, they were just letting those apprentices work non-stop! She still remembered that there was a stupid uncle who was just an ordinary apprentice for many years. He just ran errands for others every day, and then waited for the long-bearded mage who didn’t see how powerful he was to teach on time. You are stupid!
Many books in the Gray Order are free to watch. Wouldn't those dumb guys go to the library to study on their own? !
Anyway, the two apprentices Anne had to accept today, then absolutely cannot be like that stupid uncle!
"Then have the class officially started? I want to learn that flying magic!!"
Rin, who was still hesitating whether to carry out the ceremony to the end, after hearing the other party say so, the enthusiasm for playing with the ceremony quickly faded, and it immediately turned into an expectation for the content of today's class! Compared with other fighting magic, she is obviously more interested in magic that can fly freely.
After all, flying is a fatal attraction for humans, especially a little girl like her.
"Are you really going to go to class? Then I...I also want to learn the spell that summons the fire man, the one called the big screw!?"
Obviously, compared to her sister, Sakura is a more pragmatic sister. As soon as she speaks, she will learn the profound magic of the big and fierce copycat King Ragnaros that she has seen!
Actually, she wanted the little bear Tibbs more, but she also knew that Miss Anne would not give it to her anyway, so she set her back and wanted to learn the kind of monster summoning Spells.
Seeing these two guys in front of me suddenly ran in front of me, and after making outrageous demands, the two blue eyes stared at me so stubbornly, Annie had to stretch out her hands directly and forcefully. Pushing away the two pieces, they were about to get close to the very similar faces before him.
When I opened my mouth I wanted to learn the advanced flying technique of slow fall and floating technique, as well as the top fire element summoning and subtle deformation of flame magic... Sure enough, these two guys are even more unreliable than Annie thought. ! At first, when she was two years old and just started to learn spells, she didn't dare to think about it like that?
"Go away! You are wishful thinking! How can such a spell be learned so easily?!"
After the two sisters screamed and pushed each other out arbitrarily, Annie groaned.
"Then what are you going to teach us today?"
After being pushed away, the two sisters came up again shamelessly. If they can't learn the spells they just learned at once, then it's okay to just learn a fireball first, right?
"Teach nothing today!"
That's right, Annie herself doesn't know how to teach them now, so she didn't teach anything at all today. Who told them to turn the window to make them sleep?
Sakura felt disappointed when she heard this, and the excitement she had originally lost all at once. I'm sorry, but she finally hoped for the stars and the moon to learn that kind of magical magic today, but now, Miss Annie said she won't teach it today?
"Then we don't do anything today and just stay at home like this all day?!"
Tosaka Rin became angry and raised his tone. The little respectful look that he had just pretended to be his teacher disappeared immediately.
Finally, she put down her pride and worshipped this guy who was only one or two years older than herself as a teacher, but in the end, the other party actually said that she didn't teach anything? And if you think about the other party's stipulated day less than two hours of class time, if you don't teach now, then there will be nothing to do this whole day.
Because ah, it is said that some bad guys want to disadvantage their Tosaka family, so her father strictly forbids them to go out, so they can only stay at home or in the garden honestly, but originally... she was with her sister Sakura We planned a night together, and today we must work hard to learn the other's powerful magic tricks!
"Well then, I will give you a magic book today to read for yourself, if you don't understand, ask tomorrow?"
After thinking about it, Annie quickly made up her mind.
In this case, I gave the other party a magic book, let them learn it by themselves, and then ask themselves if they don't understand, then, ah, I can't say that I can't teach, but they can only blame them for being too stupid! In this case, if you take a nap or something, you can definitely have a good rest, right?
In this way, this idea is very good!
"I still don't recognize many characters, and this guy can't even recognize a hundred characters. How can we understand?"
Rin put one hand on his hips, and said angrily at his sister Sakura.
Now she herself was enlightened by her father and mother, and she still didn’t recognize all the characters. And her sister Ying, let alone a hundred words, even fifty words. Don't recognize it! Just like this, still want them to learn by themselves?
Although she is still young, she is not stupid as a young adult!
"It doesn't matter, my magic book is not written in the words of your earthlings, that is the language of magic!"
"Forget it, you don't understand after I've said it, wait and see!"
Having thought of a good way to be lazy, Annie stretched out her hands with a grin, and then two small blue magic circles began to appear in her hands... Then, the lawn courtyard of the Tosaka family seemed to be scratched for a while. Like small tornadoes, the surroundings are like being raged by a strong wind. Under the action of the bursts of tearing force, the dead leaves, branches or weeds that fell on the ground are directly collected and gathered in Annie's two. In the magic circle in the palm of your hand, let them turn into liquid and burn like a candle melted by high temperature...
Soon, among the shocked expressions of the two little girls, Sakura and Rin, and the magical glare that was almost close at hand, they just watched the withered branches, the leaves and the weeds at each other. Decomposed, burned and reorganized in his hands, and soon turned into two brand new... thick books? !
"this is……"
You can make paper out of things like grass and leaves. Smart Rin has seen this kind of thing on the TV’s science and education channel, but, like the other party, it’s directly transformed into a book. I’m afraid her Isn't that the most powerful place, Tosaka Tokimi's father, can't do it?
Therefore, when the magic circle and light in the opponent's hand disappeared, and when two new thick books were so suspended in the air, she just stared at each other in a daze... Yesterday, when I saw it on TV , She still doesn't think the other party is so powerful, but now that she sees the other party casting spells up close, she finally feels a little different feeling, but she can't tell how it is.
"Oh... this is amazing!"
"Shichen, what do you think of that little girl Annie? I think our daughters seem to find a good teacher for themselves..."
At this time, in the distance, Tosaka Tosaka and Tosaka Aoi were slowly enjoying their early meals in the Tosaka’s restaurant. Naturally, Tosaka Aoi was attracted by the magical movement of Annie in the distance. After watching the whole process of making books through the window, she, who didn't know much about magic, just smiled with emotion.
She doesn't know if the other party is powerful, but she knows that that kind of magic is amazing, and that the other party also has real skills! If your daughters can really learn a little bit from each other's hands, that's also great.
The opponent's magic, Tosaka Tokimi was naturally in his eyes.
However, the well-informed him did not take it too seriously. He admired the opponent's battle with the two performers yesterday even more! Because, now he looked at it from a distance, and only felt that it seemed to be only the dual application of alchemy and magic, or within the scope that he could understand, at most, he was just surprised by the amazing subtle manipulation ability of the little girl. ?
As for the specifics, wait until another day to secretly find his daughters to ask about the situation, if the time comes, their family is still alive?
Thinking of this, he sighed helplessly, and even the delicious breakfast became a little tasteless.
"I, I, I... I'm going to learn the magic you just cast!"
After being shocked for a while, Rin finally took his gaze back from the two books, and eagerly pleaded to their little teacher Anne.
She doesn't know if this kind of magic is powerful, but the magic that can turn leaves and branches into books, in her opinion, is very fun! After all, she is only a six-year-old girl now. Seeing funny things will soon occupy most of her mind!
"Want to learn this? It's impossible!"
"Also, let me correct you one last time. I use magic, not the kind of deceitful magic. These are two concepts at all!"
One in one hand, holding two large, thick and heavy magic books for a while, and after finding that there were no errors, Annie nodded in satisfaction. In fact, she made it so big and thick deliberately, and then, the two guys in front of her would have to hug them hard and run around!
Yes, this is the evil taste of her Queen Anne!
Think of these two little guys. They want to hold a large magic book that is one foot long, a little bit wide and almost one foot wide, and then several inches thick. She is full of mischievous success. A sense of pride!
Who told them to wake up today? Who made them feel fat enough to climb the ladder and turn the window into her room? From now on, let the two of them hug such a thick and heavy book every day, as a punishment!
"Why is it impossible?!"
Seeing that the other party rejected her request again, Lin became angry again.
This little teacher Annie is not good at all! Look, this hateful guy doesn't want to teach it, and he can't learn it. What's the point of being an apprentice of the other party?
"Because this involves many things! For example: the advanced application of the hand of the wizard, the subtle and multiple manipulation of magic, the microscopic decomposition and reshaping of matter, the advanced practice of advanced alchemy, the advanced practice of shaping magic, and the writing of magical memories, And inscriptions with recognizable magic words, advanced enchants and runes, etc..."
"Anyway, when I made these two books, I didn't just use one magic, it was actually a compound magic that can only be performed after multiple combinations!"
If you can create something with just one thought, it is the realm of the God of Creation. In the world of other people's homes, Annie definitely can't do that.
In fact, so far, she was only able to barely do that in that shelter world, because the creation of that world hiccuped himself, and then she successfully stolen the authority of the world to let that world. It becomes her private property, and she can do whatever she wants in it!
Of course, she had just been run off by those Loggers in that world, and she didn't want to go back for the time being.
"Although it sounds complicated..."
Frowning and thinking for a while, Rin's spirit became a little languid... She just wanted to learn the beautiful and fun book-changing magic that was at that level just now, so why did she pull out this bunch of things? Isn't it an excuse?
"Of course, none of the magic that needs to be learned to perform is simple!"
After finishing talking, Annie looked down at the two books at the end. After finding that there were no problems, she only squeezed each one into the hands of these two little friends and students.
Sure enough, it was a heavy thing, and Annie could tell from the other's blushing face! Then, when I remembered that they would move here every day for class, that would be enough for them. These two books are definitely much heavier than the schoolbags of earthling elementary school students!
"Then how long will we have to learn to do what you just did?"
Rin was still a little unwilling to give up, so after curiously rubbing the cover of the big and heavy magic book in her arms, she asked unwillingly again.
"I was like that just now? That would probably... take so long!"
Annie thought for a while, first stretched out a hand and spread out a slap with five fingers, then she hesitated for a while, and she felt that she might be a little inaccurate, so she spread out her hand again, so it should be about there.
"Ten days?"
If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem too difficult?
Rin expressed his satisfaction with this! You can learn the beautiful magic just now in ten days. After that, there is no need for servants to clean the garden. Can she turn all the dead branches into a beautiful new book to play with?
"It's not ten days!!"
Hearing that the other party dared to think so and wanted to learn the spell she had just given in ten days, Annie almost staggered and fell off the stone bench.
This guy really thought that she could be the same as Queen Anne, a genius who could learn everything at a glance?
"That was... ten weeks?"
"Couldn't it be ten months, it would take that long?"
"It really takes so long. What's the use of learning? Why don't you just go to the bookstore and buy a copy?"
If it takes so long to learn that kind of spell, Rin feels that it is really better to go to the bookstore to buy it! After all, she has a lot of pocket money for a year, plus the new year's money at the end of the year, which is enough for her to buy countless books!
In that case, it's better not to learn.
"In fact, if you want to learn, it takes at least ten earth years!"
Maybe, there could be more?
However, Annie herself is not quite sure how long it will take. It depends on the other's savvy... Smart people learn quickly, if they are stupid, they will never learn.
"Why is it so long? How long did you use it when you were studying?"
Rin yelled again in surprise.
This made Tosaka Tokimori and Tosaka Aoi, who were still sitting in the restaurant far away and did not go out to steal the teacher, could not help turning their heads and looking out the window, looking at their yelling eldest daughter, no Know what happened to those little guys.
"You ask me? I think... it's probably that long..."
After thinking about it, Annie stretched out a finger seriously. After counting, she should have spent so much time at the time and then learned it.
"One year?"
If this is the case, Rin feels that the opponent seems to be not much different from himself, and if he works a little bit, he might still be able to catch up. When the time comes, my apprentice's ability has passed this teacher, and he will be mad at the other party?
However, it is a pity that Annie just blinked innocently, and then shook her head firmly.
"Is it a month?!"
Rin's voice has become louder. It takes ten years to learn something that the other party can learn in a month? This is absolutely impossible!
She is so smart, and her father Tosaka Toshimi has always said that she is a great genius out of a million, and has a magic circuit with all attributes, and has passed most of the magicians in the world!
Therefore, she herself is absolutely impossible to be worse than this guy!
"It's not..."
It's a pity that Annie still shook her head firmly in Tosaka Rin's eyes widened with surprise.
"Haha! Are you bragging to say that you can learn it on a planet or in a day?"
Rin finally became a little uncomfortable. She didn't think that Miss Anne, who was one or two years older than herself, could be better than herself, so the other party must be lying to herself and bragging!
"Of course not!"
Annie still shook her head.
"Let me just say, how can such a thick book be understood in a week or a day?"
Rin breathed a sigh of relief and generally patted her chest. She was really scared just now... It is by no means a genius to read this kind of book in one day, it can only be a monster! Fortunately, the other party can't finish it in a day, and he certainly won't be any better than the genius himself.
"Actually...I actually just learned it in less than a minute..."
For one minute, it took twenty seconds to read the memory, and forty seconds to turn the book. That's about it, it can't be more.
"It's absolutely impossible!!!"
The shrill voice came up again, causing you and me in the house. The Tosaka and his wife, who planned to make the last kiss before some storm, were soon frightened and returned to embarrassment again. Sit in their respective seats.
"Um, Rin and the others seem to have a lot of fun..."
After finishing his clothes a little bit, Tosaka Aoi smiled and poured his husband a cup of hot coffee to ease the embarrassment just now.
"Let them play for two days. We don't know what the future holds."
After picking up the cup and pondering for a while, Tosaka Tokimi closed his eyes and smelled the fascinating fragrance from the mouth of the cup, and then took a sip.
Speaking of it, there is no guarantee that he will be able to sit at home and drink morning tea in peace like this in the future, right?
"Don't you have any confidence?"
Of course Tosaka Aoi knew what the other party was talking about, so she frowned and tried to ask her husband.
"It's like the saying of the Great Eastern Country: Do your best and obey the destiny..."
Shaking his head with a wry smile, Tosaka Tokimi showed his wife a very reluctant smile before turning his head awkwardly and looking out the window. There, there are his two daughters, and the little girl who can be said to be the last hope of their Tosaka family...
However, he himself knew that they were almost abandoned by the entire magic world. They are probably not lucky... However, he has tried his best these days, and even calculated a little girl. There is really no other way.
"Nothing is impossible, I am your teacher, I am a genius, I am so strong!"
Annie lifted her small chin proudly, anyway, she didn't lie! In fact, the most important thing is that this kind of paper book is too troublesome to read. For a disc arcane storage device like the Titan Device in the world of Azeroth, she uses a special mode to read and memorize it. Even faster!
Of course, in that case, it's just a matter of copying the massive knowledge of other Titans first, and then reading and understanding when you have time. But even in that case, reading and comprehension is extremely fast, and with preparation, the comprehension of a million words per second is not a problem.
It's just that the knowledge storage method of other Titans is a higher level, it is the inheritance of arcane knowledge that directly affects the memory of the soul, and it is not the least effective and primitive method printed on books.
"Then...then I can too...I can finish watching it at least within a week!"
Originally, Rin wanted to brag that he could read it in at least one day. Just thinking about it, this book with the first page written on the first page is so thick, it’s still a little looser, one week Is it reasonable to read it roughly in time?
"Also, can I do what you just did after reading it?"
Soon, after tangling whether he could be comparable to this teacher, Rin returned to what he had been thinking about just now, that is: Is it possible to perform that kind of fun magic after reading the book?
"You are dreaming!!"
Annie curled her lips. After reading this book about arcane magic, she wanted to use the magic she just did? Don't say it's like that. After reading it, even the most basic mage's hand or making a feather float can't do it!
Because the current content of this book is just to explain to the apprentice what arcane uses are. It is not a magic book at all, but an enlightenment book! Just like the other party, who didn't understand anything, how could Annie teach the right method so quickly?
If you mess up like that, there will be problems, and not everyone is as strong as her.
"Then how can I learn?"
"There are at least dozens of books like this! After reading it, it should be almost the same."
At that time, it took Anne for almost an hour to read them all in one go in the library of the gray order, and then she could almost do the spells just now.
Of course, Annie was not proficient at the beginning, but when she was spotted by her mother Amoryn, the bad mother asked her to pinch all kinds of things and utensils to that nasty alchemy laboratory all day long. And after being punished to pinch those large and small planets and astrological instruments, Anne's technique finally became more and more proficient, and her subtle control over magic reached an astonishing level.
"Dozens of these..."
I don't know why, Rin suddenly felt that this arcane mage... doesn't seem to be anything fun? She clamored to learn this thing yesterday, was it a wrong decision?
"Dozens of books are just basic, and there are junior mages, intermediate mages, and high-level mages, and then arcane mages..."
"Adding up the books of each level, probably can fill your house?"
Looking at the other party's big house, and then thinking about the big library in the gray order, Annie hit the other party again.
But in fact, arcane is a never-ending road. Once you walk on this road, you have to go on the path of pursuing the truth until you die! And this is why there are so many archmages whose lives have come to an end to have to transform themselves into Liches!
It's not that they are afraid of death, nor that they are evil, but that there are so many tidying up in the world, but the life span of human beings is so short. If they don't do that, what else can they do? It's just that... those who transformed into a lich, in the end, mostly lost themselves in eternal time, and those who can hold their heart, then too few and too few...
Of course, these things were told by Anne’s mystery warlock father Gregory’s father. She didn’t pay attention to these things because she had unlimited time to pursue the truth. She was not in a hurry at all. Enough is enough, just collect the interesting knowledge.
"Then...what about the archmage?"
Although what the other party said was a bit scary, Rin was still very curious about the achievements that this arcane mage could achieve. Is there any better rank in her father Tosaka Tokimi?
"The archmage goes up...then it's gone, only the arcane archmage!"
Annie was a little inexplicable by the other party's question. Anyone who can be called an archmage is very powerful, what else do you want?
"Didn't you divide it carefully?"
"Why divide?"
"Why can't we divide?!"
"Because it is unnecessary!"
"Why is it unnecessary?!"
Rin insisted on this!
Because, like their Magic Association, it is divided into seven levels and various color levels. This is very important. Everyone with a level is a great magician!
"It's useless to divide those... After becoming an archmage, it's just pure knowledge accumulation!"
"Knowing a lot is not necessarily good, but a powerful archmage must know a lot and accumulate a lot of knowledge wealth, knowledge is power! So, why subdivide the level? That is not playing computer games and always upgrading to cheat others Krypton money! Besides, knowledge is knowledge, and there is no high or low level between different knowledge systems!"
Anne has always sneered at the rhetoric of subdividing the mage and other ranks, and then using the level to judge whether a person is strong or not!
Isn’t it great? A fireball hits it, or a knife cuts it over. You’ll know whoever wins. If you can’t beat it, you must run. What's the use of scoring those levels? It’s not playing those low-level games. ? !
"Sister Annie, is there really no level at the top of the Archmage?"
At this moment, Sakura, who had been listening, suddenly asked. Anyway, she suddenly felt that Arcane Mage seemed to be very powerful...because that had to learn a lot of things, then it must be very powerful!
"Go up? It's probably gods or something..."
That’s right, some arcane mages’ pursuit is to steal the god’s theocratic power and realm, and replace them with a part of the rules of the world, seeking to achieve eternity of life... However, Annie would not choose this troublesome path, because that so boring!
And once she is trapped in a world, then she must be crazy!
Rin and Ying couldn't help but exclaimed in unison, this kind of arcane archmage they had never heard of, turned out to be a legendary god, is it really that powerful?
At this time, Tosaka Tomomi, who had been listening in silence in the house, also slightly shrank, and the cup of coffee in his hand accidentally spilled out, causing Tosaka Aoi, who was opposite him, to look at himself a little strangely. The husband took both eyes and took a rag and carefully wiped it clean.
Tosaka Aoi didn't know why his husband was like this, and he didn't even know that the other party was actually using magic to amplify the voice silently and eavesdropping on the conversation between their daughter and the little girl.
"I'll tell you, a true arcane archmage should pursue endless exploration of knowledge! As for gods and so on, they are actually just like that, so what's so fun?"
"Arcane wizards who are pursuing will not be complacent and will be bewildered by those so-called theocracies!"
That’s right, Annie herself is almost like this, but she just accumulates knowledge and explores the unknown while playing. Play is the most important thing. Exploring the unknown is incidental...interested knowledge or something. , You can get it, if you can't get it...then you can get it too!
If you can't get it by kidnapping, then... Then grab it! !
"How long does it take to learn something like you?"
What is Arcane Archmage Rin still doesn't know, so she can only use the ready-made little girl in front of her for comparison.
"Maybe, probably... a long time?"
"How long is it?"
"It's been a long time anyway!"
Actually, Annie feels that the other party will never reach the point where she is now, but she suddenly doesn't want to hit the other party anymore. It is important to give people a little hope of catching up.
"Well, sister Rin, if you continue to fight like this, today's class will be over soon..."
At this time, Ying stretched out her hand in a grievance and pulled her sister's arm. Their Miss Annie teacher had said that she only taught for two hours a day, and now it's almost an hour!
"By the way, I almost forgot to ask, why is her book different from mine?!"
After a cold snort, Rin remembered that although the two books were the same size, her sister Sakura’s magic book had a black and white cover, while hers was sky blue. It was obviously not the same book!
"Of course it's not the same. You learned arcane arts, and she learned shadows. Can this be the same?!"
Annie hadn't planned to teach them arcane arts, but she taught them in accordance with their different aptitudes! Although, in the end, I don’t know if I can teach it well, but she still has a little confidence in which one of them is suitable for learning.
"Then does she have to learn countless books like me?"
Rin leaned over to read the page of the other party's [Light and Shadow's Opinions] signed by Anne Hasta, which is not the same as the one in her hand, because hers has the outer cover of [Anne's Arcane Art] Magic Book], but after opening the [Arcane Basics Preface], the signature is a name she doesn't recognize, it seems to be-Wandering Mage Ryze?
Is this going to let her dignified Toosaka eldest lady study a book written by a tramp?
"No! She only needs to finish reading that book!"
Because Sakura learns shadows, after learning shadows, you can study from the holy light, then hold the shadows in your hand, embrace the holy light in your heart, and explore the truth and the unknown of the world in the entanglement of light and shadow. Although it seems much simpler than arcane art, it is not easy to study at all, and it may even be more difficult!
Because it is not as down-to-earth as arcane research, step by step towards the distance, you can see the end, but there will be no less steps! If you study light and shadow, most of it can only rely on understanding, one step to heaven, one step to hell, etc., is very interesting, isn't it?
"It's not fair!!!"
Ying was so wronged, why does her sister have so many books, and she only has one?
"Yes! Why does she only need to learn one book and I have to learn countless books?"
Lin was also a little uncomfortable, she felt that the other party must be making things difficult for herself!
"Because she is born with the shadow physique, she can only learn the shadow!"
"That shadow and arcane are so powerful?"
"Whoever wins is the best!"
Annie felt that this matter was not comparable at all. She herself never felt that her shadow was more powerful than arcane, or arcane was more powerful than shadow! Anyway, she just doesn't need power in different situations, as long as she can achieve the goal, she doesn't want to care about other things!
"Forget it, it seems there are still ten minutes, I will show you it!"
The more you talk about it, the more chaotic you are. A lot of knowledge and abilities are played out by Annie herself, but she doesn't understand it herself! So, if you don’t understand, just practice! In this case, if you perform two spells at random, nothing will be taught today, and one day will pass again!
"Wait, when will you give me the next magic book?!"
Rin patted the thick and heavy book she put on the stone table. Since the other party said that there are countless books, let's just give it to her, saving time when the other party shirks or something.
"No, just this one!!"
"Huh? But, you just said there are many, many more!"
"It is! Only after you have read and understood the contents of this book, it will automatically update the next or several books so that you can understand! Of course, you can also query at will. This is A magic book with magic power, you can't buy it in ordinary places!"
"Is it so amazing?"
"It's so amazing!"
In this regard, Annie is very sure!
Because, in that arcane magic book, there is indeed a lot of knowledge that she thinks is suitable for the other party, enough for this guy to study it!
"Then sister Annie mine is the same?"
After flipping through her own book, Sakura leaned over and asked.
"No! That's the only thing you have, it will never change!"
Ying suddenly retracted back, tears gleaming in her eyes, she was extremely wronged! Sure enough, no matter what the sister does, she will be better than her own! In the past, the other party could learn magic and could not learn it by herself. Now the other party's book is equivalent to countless books, and she herself has only this poor one!
"Strange! How can I recognize the words on them?"
"Of course, I said, this is a magical magic book. It is written in special magical characters and directly affects the soul. Of course you can understand it!"
Otherwise, wouldn't Annie still teach them these two dumb guys to read or give each other an overnight language or something? But that would be too troublesome... Besides, the language fluent is also recorded in the magic book of Lin, so let that guy learn it by himself in the future! Moreover, magic words can be more memorable than literal content!
"Sister Anne... Then why is there only one book of mine..."
In line with the principle that more is good, Sakura expressed resentment for the treatment of only one book.
"Because this is the most suitable for you! I tell you, you will definitely learn much faster than your sister in the future!"
Annie is a bit annoying now...
This book of Holy Light and Shadow is not bad! Because this Sakura has a good shadow physique, Annie arranged for the other party to learn the use of shadows, which is the most powerful magical power of Annie herself! Moreover, in the book she obtained, there are some special understandings of her own about the shadows, which ordinary people will never get, and only Sakura who holds this book in person can care about her. Kind of deep insight!
If learning arcane is the process of studying the world, it is the materialism of magic, then learning the light or shadow is an ideal subject, and there is no need to study much, just faith! This belief can be a god, it can be the light or the shadow itself, or even yourself!
As long as the faith is firm, it will be awesome! Think of how powerful you are, then you can be as powerful. For example, those Paladins shouted "Holy Light, did you see that enemy?" Then the Holy Light came. It's that simple!
Of course, this is relative, probably related to the floor area ratio of its own energy, anyway, it's very complicated.
"What do you mean by crying like this? You will finish learning after reading this book, how good is this?!"
"This book is definitely better than your sister's one!"
Seeing the other party's reluctant look, Annie was a little mad... She clearly kindly wrote her most powerful shadow perception into the book in the other's hands, but now, this little guy is like this What does the expression mean, is it disgusting?
Her Queen Anne's ultimate perception of the shadow reaching the core is manifested like the truth of existence under that outstanding dark talent, and this little guy is still reluctantly disgusted? !
If she knew this was the case, she wouldn't give him such a good thing!
"Sure enough...I'm worse than my sister..."
"Not bad at all!"
"But why do I only have one book?"

[Annie's Arcane Magic Book]
Soul binding after pickup
Cannot be discarded, cannot be damaged
+1oo wisdom (increase understanding and memory)
Other abilities unknown? ?
This book is the book of apprenticeship specially made by Arcane Archmage Anne Hasta for her apprentice Rin Tosaka. It contains most of the arcane knowledge and spells and so on. UU reading However, only reach The corresponding knowledge can be viewed at the corresponding level.
[The opinion of light and shadow]
Soul binding after pickup
Cannot be discarded, cannot be damaged
+1oo wisdom (increase understanding and memory)
Other abilities unknown? ?
This book is an apprentice book made by Annie Hasta for her apprentice Tosaka Sakura. It records part of the understanding of the core of the power of shadow and most of the light and shadow spells in the world of Azeroth.

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