Chapter 503: The 4th Holy Grail War

‘Dear viewers, welcome to the Fuyuki TV Station! Today is Friday, March 5th...’
‘The following is a big news: Fuyuki City finally lived up to expectations, and another mysterious incident occurred again! Near the Tosaka family mansion in the southwest corner of the city, a large and mysterious enchantment emerged, and when it was broken, there were soaring fires and various magicians and monsters in the myth that were more mysterious! It's simply unbelievable...We people on earth have been concealed by some unpredictable existence for so many years with strange means...Who is in charge of all this, and how long are those people hiding from us? We still don’t know about this! ’
"Next, please watch the live broadcast for you by reporter Chiba..."
‘Today is Saturday, March 6th. The radio station here, FM xx.xx, welcomes listeners from all over the world to answer our channel! Yes, what we are talking about today is the big news that was born in Fuyuki City yesterday! ’
‘This announcement may be known to many listeners and friends, but what we are going to say today is different because we got a gossip! ’
'The great melee between the mythical monsters and the magicians born in the Tosaka family mansion in Fuyuki City ended with the disappearance of the Tosaka family and the annihilation of the magicians. This matter, I must be my audience and friends. I know... But there are still things you don't know! Here, we also got another piece of heavy news that was severely blocked by the government, that is: near the Tosaka family mansion, the houses are included in the magical barrier that can mislead us ordinary people. Those poor people who had just gotten up in the early morning of March 5th to have breakfast at home and then to go to work and school were all brutally killed! ’
‘Yes, listeners, you heard me right! ’
‘In the two residential apartment buildings and 36 private houses that were included, there were a total of 674 people, men, women and children, and none of them survived! Moreover, according to surveillance, it was the magicians who did this cruel thing, not the red monsters that we took for granted that were fighting with the magicians? ! ’
‘According to the outflow of traffic closed-circuit surveillance video, it is a group of western white faces...’
‘There is no doubt that it was a naked massacre! The behavior of those people is a ruthless trampling on human dignity and the right to life! ’
"You can never imagine how shocked I was when I just got the script... I even thought it was a mistake in the script. It was the monsters who killed humans, and the magicians who died in battle were all An unknown hero among humans? But where did you think that the truth of the matter turned out to be the other way around? ’
‘It’s hard to imagine, hundreds of living beings, hundreds of innocent citizens, how can their wicked people get it right? We call on the relevant government departments to investigate the truth as soon as possible. For such anti-human and anti-social behaviors, those organizers must be severely sanctioned! ’
‘This is Al Jazeera. Today is noon on March 8. Now please watch our reporter’s live broadcast for you in Fuyuki City! ’
"Dear viewers, you have all seen it. The ones in front are living miracles...the monsters that only exist in mythology in the rumors, they just appeared in front of us alive like that, as we all agree. Unexpected way! ’
'Oh! Look at that, they are really edible! ’
‘The content broadcast by other TV stations these days is really not false. Those things, they actually do not harm human beings? Of course, I’m talking about humans who don’t attack them. Maybe you don’t know. People in Fuyuki City have all heard of it. Yesterday, two Black Hawk helicopters crashed in the middle of the river in Weiyuanchuan! ’
‘Look! They came out...’
‘God is here, they are really tall...I think they are very much like those sea monsters in myths and legends! Look, their tails...Although they are snake-shaped, they don't look like fish tails suitable for living in the water, but maybe they are a species of 6 places? ’
In the three days from March 5th to March 8th, the Earth journalism of this world plane has once again entered the carnival!
Countless kinds of news and creatures with strange names such as mysterious monsters, aliens, legendary snakes, sea monsters, monsters, etc., their videos and photos taken at close range went crazy. The radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and TV stations of various countries on the earth, and the various news pages of the whole earth are once again occupied by keywords such as Fuyuki City, mysterious events, wizards, magic, and monsters!
Compared with these miraculous events that have subverted the imagination and cognition of the world, the news of politics, economy, celebrity scandals, and world disputes, etc., which have long been obsessed by the audience, seems a little insignificant.
In fact, things have been born on March 5th to the present. At the beginning, the citizens of Fuyuki City and visitors from all over the world were very scared of the red snake-shaped monsters that suddenly rushed into the city, because they were not only With a hideous appearance, evil horns, and a snake-like body, thick armor and huge swords, this kind of existence, in any case, seems to make people unable to believe that they are a group of kind creatures?
Afterwards, the huge monsters that stood upright close to three meters in height began to enter the city, scared away a large group of police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department, and destroyed a group of self-defense forces that opened fire without authorization, and then killed and wounded them. After a large group of Mi squad on the island tried to capture them and burned two Black Hawk helicopters flying in the air with magic, finally no one dared to attack their monsters without authorization.
One is that the Self-Defense Forces and the Mi Team have found that ordinary rifles, even large-power large-caliber machine guns, sniper rifles and other weapons are tough against those skins, and there will be a layer of alien monsters or magic like a light red shield. Creatures are not of much use, and once large weapons such as tanks and fighters are driven into the city, it will obviously cause greater panic and riots. Isn't it a good choice for the time being?
Furthermore, whether it is the citizens of Fuyuki City or the police, or the Self-Defense Forces and American soldiers who were ordered to block the city of Fuyuki to respond to the citizens' retreat, they were surprised to find out: Those monsters can speak the language of the earth? And whether it is English or Japanese, or any other language, they do not have any communication pressure?
What makes people even more shocked is that after the monsters entered the city, they did not perform evil acts like killing or destroying the city as they expected, but brandishing genuine gold coins. , To and from hotels, restaurants, and restaurants?
They... are really just going to the city for a meal? !
So, after feeling that those monsters seem to be creatures that can communicate, until now, those fiery red monsters and the army and police in Fuyuki City have fallen into a weird state of peace. Before new instructions are given, no more No armed forces will provoke them at will!
Similarly, they did not cause any harm to people, and the citizens have gradually changed from panic at the beginning to curiosity now, and gradually adapted to their existence. Because, if you know that those monsters do not eat or hurt people, then it seems that the other party's hideous appearance is not unacceptable? As for the shopkeepers, the customers who dropped a few gold coins after eating are obviously very happy to see them.
Up to now, although some citizens are barely accustomed to the existence of each other at the moment, if you want to get close to the terrifying-looking monster, in addition to the waiters in the restaurant, other ordinary citizens have to do it. Certainly not too dare.
Of course, in the end, some people who are not afraid of death and willing to try boldly dare to take the initiative to contact those terrifying monsters, such as a local reporter in Fuyuki City who is not afraid of death?
"Audience friends, this is the host Chiba Ichiro!"
"Welcome to watch today’s noon live news! Please look here, the monster next to me, but after I used a free meal to entertain, I reluctantly agreed to my interview and stood in front of our camera. ."
"Please relax your audience friends, and you don't need to worry about my safety, because I find that they are actually a very kind creature!"
When everyone in the world is curious and guessing about these new creatures, and when the military and government departments are arguing about how to deal with those aliens or mythological creatures, a certain genius host is again Once again refreshed people's perception of his boldness.
That's right, he became the first person to eat crabs again!
When other people have not yet dared to take the initiative to contact those monsters at close range, when countless reporters and other TV stations only dared to take pictures and video from a distance, the government or military departments have not yet discussed how to deal with these monsters. At that time, he had already taken the lead in using his own methods to conduct the first close face-to-face exclusive interviews with these creatures for the first time.
Maybe, after everything calms down, Chiba Ichiro will definitely become the assassination target of the Clock Tower Magic Association? But now, all he knows is that he won, and Chiba is once again at the forefront of the world!
"Audience friends, please look at their eyes, their teeth and the scales on their bodies... I'm sorry, I don't dare to touch them. It's not because they don't allow them, but because the temperature on their bodies is really high. It's too high... you may not be able to imagine that the surface of their bodies is at least two hundred degrees Celsius!"
"It's like... the high-temperature steam in a high-pressure boiler? If this were replaced by humans, it would have become a lump of overcooked meat, right?"
"Also, I can tell you that they are definitely not bluffing props!"
"I know, there are still some unintelligible side news in the world. They can't come here, and they just insist that they are botched excuses made by the government for the arson tragedy, or is it a trick of Winterwood City to attract tourism resources? "
"Now, those who don't believe me, please keep your eyes open!"
After speaking, reporter Chiba hurried to the side of the fiery red creature, and handed the sound-collecting microphone in his hand toward the other party.
"Mr. Monster, can I ask you some questions?"
"Oh please! No! This thing is not for eating, it is a microphone, it is used for recording sound, as long as you speak in front of it, people all over the world can hear it!"
Chiba, who was in a suit and leather shoes, just handed the microphone, and hurriedly exclaimed, because the monster-monger almost bit into the microphone, so scared that he shrank his hand and began to explain.
He had already served the other party with more than 100,000 rich food just now, why is the other party still thinking about eating now? After all, this black microphone, why doesn't it look like the kind of edible thing? Sure enough, these monster-like creatures are probably definitely not from here on earth!
"Then you can ask quickly, I will go back later."
After spending three days in a human city arrogantly and recklessly, and fighting with some soldiers who dared to attack them, now, their leader of the fire demon has issued an order to gather, and it must arrive within the specified time. Meeting point!
Presumably, they should return to the world of Azeroth through the portal, right?
Of course, it's still early, since it has eaten the food provided by this human, it doesn't matter to accompany them a few words.
"Okay, then...what is your name and race, and where do you come from?"
This question must be something people all over the world want to know, but today, he was asked by Chiba Ichiro first. From now on, in the press, his worth will definitely rise, and then he will soon rise. Get a salary increase, marry the president’s daughter, and finally reach the pinnacle of life?
"My name is Hestia, and I am a powerful fire demon!"
"From the Flame Kingdom under the Azeroth World United Empire, it belongs to the third column of the first team of the Fire Demon Royal Guard. I am a powerful royal guard!"
Regarding the other party's question, Hesty, the fire demon, didn't mind telling the sound of his name and origin. Anyway, they are going back soon, these people on earth will definitely not be able to find the world of Azeroth, nor can they reach their big six.
Originally, they thought they would be able to play for ten and a half more days, but how did they know that the food here is really too expensive for the people of the earth, and the salaries allocated by the bosses were squandered before long. In addition, it seems that the Queen is very dissatisfied that they are making trouble in the city all day, so the leader decided to gather back today in advance?
"Have you heard, he can speak the words of our people on earth! In fact, they can speak the languages ​​of all countries!"
Chiba suddenly leaned in front of the camera and explained in an exaggerated tone, without forgetting to brush up on his sense of existence.
"Mr. Hesty, may I ask, why do you fire demon speak the language of our earthlings?"
"We are very suspicious, are you like those thugs who can use magic, lurking around us, silently learning everything in our world?"
An alien or a mythical monster can speak the language of a human being on earth, this kind of thing is an incredible thing for everyone. Therefore, they are more willing to believe that there must be another mysterious world lurking in places that ordinary earth people can't see, such as those strange barriers that can shield ordinary people from sight?
The enchantment thing appeared on the TV screen twice in a row, so he has enough reason to believe that where they can't see, there must be a world they don't know! Perhaps it is that in a deep mountain and old forest, or a place off the beaten track, there is actually a mystery hidden by ordinary people?
"Our country is in the world of Azeroth! As long as we know the language spells, we can speak and understand the language of any race!"
Hestia denied that they are the hidden creatures hidden here on earth. After all, they are now appearing in human cities with great care. Where do they seem to be hidden?
People on this earth may not know that in the world of Azeroth, there are countless elves, humans, goblins, dwarves, dark nights, draenei, trolls, orcs, tauren, wild boars, pandamen, murlocs, etc. Races, except for a few who can speak Azeroth, basically have their own unique language, and if they don't know the magic spell of language, how can they communicate?
"It's amazing! Is that a kind of magic, like you set fire to airplanes?"
Reporter Chiba began to exclaim that a spell can understand the language of any race. If that's the case, what else are there so many foreign language training schools for?
"Of course it's magic... However, those helicopters hit us first before we burn them!"
"You also know that it is a helicopter?!"
"Our world of Azeroth not only has gyrocopters, but also jets, steam robots, magic puppets, airships, rockets and various types of space warships!"
"It's amazing... Then why did you come to our earth?"
"Of course it is because of our Queen's order!"
"Queen...Excuse me, who is your queen?"
Chiba Ichiro imagined a huge monster, like the one in front of him, dragging a fat body, like the queen of a bee colony or the queen of an ant colony that lays eggs?
"Sorry, I can't tell you this question!"
The fire demon arbitrarily rejected this question. This kind of question related to Her Majesty, it dare not talk about it casually, but it will be punished if it is not careful. If it is thrown back to the Fire Land to guard the door, it will be finished. !
"Then why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately? Although there is a lot of evidence that you did not kill the citizens who died tragically, there are still many people who insist that they were at the Tosaka Mansion that day, which is the fire scene where you appeared. The people in the surrounding houses must have been killed by you. Do you have any reasonable explanation for this?"
"Also, who are those people who fought with you?!"
Seeing that the other party seemed to become a little impatient, Chiba quickly asked these most important things. You know, these problems, even government departments or the military, have not been clarified now, right? But now, Chiba will be the first to ask.
"We are not killing innocent people indiscriminately..."
"Those human beings were killed by your own magicians on Earth... Our Queen said, those people, they are members of the Clock Tower Magic Association from London, England, and our Queen told us, Their magicians are actually trying to protect the mysterious thing called magic and prevent you ordinary people from discovering the existence of those mundane spells, so they killed all the witnesses and want to create a big fire accident to perfunct you? "
"And their idiots wanted to capture our queen, so we were have seen it too. We are not afraid of being seen by you. Therefore, those ordinary earth people really weren't killed by us. !"
"We are just... ordered to kill the magicians who disturbed our queen!"
Squinting, the fire demon Hesty cautiously said these things.
Anyway, the pots that kill innocent people indiscriminately do not recite them. As for the human soldiers who are killed by them, it doesn't matter. They deserve it. Who told them to attack their Fire Demon Guards at the time?
The gunpowder weapons that are capable of ejecting warheads of human beings on Earth are actually quite powerful. They are too small in caliber, too small in kinetic energy, and have no magical enchantment power. Even their scales cannot be broken, let alone Their fire demon will have a little fire elemental shield!
If it is a large-caliber gun like the dwarf, they may not be able to withstand it.
"London's Clock Tower, Magic Association?!"
"Haha! This is another big news, it turned out that things would be like this..."
"Dear viewers, did you hear that? Behind our world, there is an illegal organization called the Magic Association? And they did not hesitate to brutally kill hundreds of Fuyuki City citizens in order to keep secrets?"
"That makes sense. No wonder the monitors we get show such content..."
"Sorry, Mr. Hesty Fire Demon, I just lost my mind. Yes, I am willing to believe you now. From your current behavior, you can see that you are a kind of kind... alien creatures?"
After making an exaggerated expression in front of the camera and explaining it for a while, Chiba quickly turned his head and quickly explained to the increasingly impatient Fire Demon behind him.
"Okay, do whatever you want, I'm leaving now, your meal is worthy of me to say so much..."
Waving his hand casually, the fire demon simply turned around, and slowly snaked towards the direction of the distant street waiting for his other companions. This allowed the cars and pedestrians on both sides of the street to join in the entertainment. Had to stop and noisily make way for it.
"Hey, Mr. Fire Demon, please wait! Excuse me, can I interview your royal guard leader or queen again?"
The reporter from Chiba, who wanted news to death, caught up again, desperately wanting to interview the high-levels of these fire monsters, because there would definitely be more fierce news and more news!
Before, they had obtained the first-hand news materials from the live broadcast on the plane, but it was too high at that time, and they were not holding high-definition cameras. In addition, due to fear, there was fire and smoke underground. Therefore, the driver did not dare to get too close. Therefore, for some people who appeared on the scene, they were not very clear.
"Don't ask me, I'm just an ordinary guard!"
"Hey, wait a minute! Excuse me, what does the burnt Tosaka family have to do with you?"
"No comment..."
"Also, why do you conflict with those'magicians'?"
"We are just executing orders..."
"That's it, then, is the Magic Association really the clock tower in London? Do you know their specific location? For example, house number, street?"
"Stupid! You guys pushed the camera over, and so did the recording equipment!"
"Please get out, I'm going back..."
"Mr. Fire Demon, please wait!"
Snapped! !
In a quiet flat mountain col in the mountains west of Fuyuki City, in this small mountain manor building of the original Edfeldt family that had been vacant for decades, Annie, who was sitting crookedly on the sand, waved her hand to let her A fresh cherry pit accurately hit the button switch of the TV set, and the funny scene of the reporter chasing her to continue the interview quickly disappeared due to the power off.
That's right, now Xiao Anni and the mother and daughter of the Tosaka family, plus a large number of servants, have all moved here three days ago!
After people purchased a batch of daily necessities urgently, they soon settled down again in this fairly well-maintained place. Especially after Anne cast a spell to make a miniature protective circle protect the surroundings of the manor, and cast the Muggle expulsion spell, it can basically protect it from the intrusion of magicians or ordinary people.
In Fuyuki City, due to the special climate of this place, the cherry blossoms are now full of mountains and plains, especially the deep mountain manor of the former Edfeldt family where Annie lives. The owner who originally lived here is even more so. Many cherry blossom trees have been planted around, so that when Annie sees out the window, she sees the sea of ​​pink flowers everywhere. The trees and the ground are everywhere...
So, now Tosaka Rin, Tosaka Sakura, and Tosaka Aoi, the mother and daughter, are playing happily outside. The children are very forgetful. Some bad guy named Tosaka Toshin has probably been caught by them. Leave it alone for now, right?
Of course, the cherries Annie is eating right now are not the ones growing on the cherry tree!
In fact, the fruits of the cherry tree are not edible, and the cherries in Annie’s hand were born in other places, behind the manor, on a cherry tree next to a hot spring. In that particular climate It makes it as if it grows in a greenhouse, and it bears fruit a month earlier. Although it is not yet fully ripe, it tastes sweet and sour.
In any case, they have settled here again anyhow. As for the noise of the outside world, it must not affect the deep mountain.
And due to the temptation of several chefs who were half-forced and modified their memories, and a hotel owner who regularly delivered delicious ingredients and snacks, Annie didn’t even think about leaving here for the time being, and had that kind of meal every day. The days when I opened my mouth and stretched out my hands.
For three days, she didn’t do anything. Except for training her two pupils Rin Tosaka and Sakura Tosaka every day, watching TV or watching those backward animes like she is lying in the sand in the living room now. daily. Of course, there are those backward TV games, but they are not very fun, and Annie’s opponents are the two weak sisters Sakura and Rin. After being beaten by her several times, she no longer dared to play with her. . It's just that things today are a bit different from the past.
Because, today, here comes a strange old man again, a magician named Kisho Yazirrichshbein Ogu, and little Annie still looks a bit nodded, one can be said to be a teacher Level person?
As for strength...
It can only be said to be so-so, except for some special abilities, it seems that there is nothing remarkable?
And if it weren’t for the other party’s claim to have a relationship with the Tosaka family, and he came here after receiving a letter from Tosaka’s Tosaka for help a few days ago, I’m afraid that the other party might have been beaten to death by Annie as a dog leg of the Magic Association. Right?
Anyway, at the beginning, this old man was actually quite stubborn, but when he was beaten by Annie, he quickly became honest and he didn’t dare to pose that'I am No one in the world, I don’t need a bird's arrogant appearance...
"I have sent the order to the fire demon who caused trouble. They will soon open the portal and return to the world of Azeroth. Now, you don't have to bother me again, right?"
After turning off the TV, Annie simply picked up a basket of cherries and retracted back onto the soft new sand. Then she dropped the peach pits all over the floor at will, and uninterestedly told someone standing behind her. The old white beard hurriedly said.
The old guy who is standing not far behind her sand is said to be one of the ‘magicians’ of only five people in this world! At the same time, he was also a witness when the Royal Sanjia made the Great Holy Grail and created it, as well as the "Marshal of the Magic Road", "Jewel Weng", "Wanhua Mirror", "Wang of Time", etc., holding many chaotic titles. The nosy old man!
Yes, this is not only a magician, but also the highest peak that a magician can reach nowadays, "Marshal of the Magic Way". When he was walking and traveling in a parallel world, suddenly Just noticed the change in the main world and hurried back.
Then, he naturally learned from various channels about the drastic changes in the world in the past few days, and at the same time received a letter for help sent to him by a certain Tosaka Tokio who had disappeared long ago... So, After learning some information from the Magic Association, he came to Fuyuki City, and found three Tosaka mother and daughter and...this difficult little girl in front of him!
Originally, when he came here, he wanted to intercede with the Tosaka family. He planned to pay some conditions to force the Magic Association to let the Tosaka family's women and children go?
But where did he think that after he came to Fuyuki City, he was shocked to realize: In fact, he should even more need to intercede for the hapless Clock Tower Magic Association, so that the Tosaka family should not care about the clock since this time. Those wrong decisions made by the tower?
Otherwise, it may not be long before the clock tower was overthrown by mortal national forces, or it was destroyed by this little girl? That kind of situation is what he didn't want to see, and didn't want to see it!
After all, strictly speaking, Kishua himself is also a member of the Magic Association, and at the same time he still has a lot of right to speak in the Association? And if you count it seriously, it seems that he is really the veteran of the clock tower? Therefore, in the end, he had to bite the bullet and came here under the identity of the master of the Tosaka family, "Grandpa" and other identities, and kept begging the little girl in front of him about the troubles of the Magic Association.
Of course, in these three days, he also coordinated the clock tower side and got the authority to handle it!
Some of the guys who caused the chaos, after knowing that the Tosaka family is not easy to bully, and even there are a lot of powerful helpers, they will definitely be able to completely destroy their clock tower, and they can reveal the mystery unscrupulously, they finally met When the seriousness of the problem was reached, I hurriedly entrusted Jewel Weng, the demon marshal of the clock tower, to mediate as much as possible, so that the matter would calm down as soon as possible before it got out of hand?
Now, the guys on the clock tower are really scared. They found that what they went to smash was not an egg, but an iron lump! So that, while they are now breaking their blood, they still have to worry about preventing each other's revenge all day long?
"But... Your Majesty, why did you let them reveal the existence of the Clock Tower and the Magic Association?!"
Watching the dark TV screen that was turned off for a long time, Kisho Yazerrich Shibain Ogu had to sigh and asked helplessly.
Obviously, Her Majesty Queen Anne, who is said to be the Flame Kingdom of Azeroth, is a master who can't see herself suffer! No, even if the other party has agreed to withdraw those lawless fire monsters who have been eating, drinking and having fun in Fuyuki City all day, and still dangling in front of ordinary people... But before leaving, the other party still played for him. ?
I am afraid that now, when the location of the clock tower is exposed, the magic associations there are already in a mess, are they preparing to discuss the matter of changing their locations?
"I don't have it. They said it themselves, it's none of my business!"
How could Annie admit to such a thing?
Think about it, she hasn't gone anywhere in the past few days, just staying in this mountain villa on her stomach, eating and drinking and sleeping, so she will definitely not admit this kind of unnecessarily slander! If you have something to look for the nonsense fire demon, if this old guy who claims to be able to walk freely on parallel planes can find the world of Azeroth.
Kisho Yazerrichshbein Ogu sighed again, he didn't need to think about this kind of thing, he knew it must be the other party's ghost!
However, he dare not say anything, because the little girl is countless times stronger than him in terms of strength. In terms of power, a group of Fire Demon Royal Guards can be used to defeat almost all the armed forces of the Magic Association... …If the opponent is ruthless and once again pulls in the high-level Fire Elemental Legion that the opponent has said about tens of millions, then he will not use this main plane anymore.
Now, the situation is better than people, and everything is up to this little guy!
Fortunately, this little girl queen doesn't seem to be the kind of unreasonable existence, she also hates troublesome things, otherwise, his mediation work is probably not easy to do, right? And if it wasn't for this world to be the most important main plane, and it wasn't for those parallel moon worlds, I'm afraid he would have left it a long time ago and would completely give up this place, right?
It is foreseeable that the mystery of this main world will inevitably begin to gradually dissipate...
The strength of those magicians was naturally hit hard! In contrast, when the magicians’ power gradually weakened, the world’s power began to increase in exchange for it... So, this kind of thing, whether it is for the vortex of the root or for some higher Existentially, it's all happy to see it happen!
Therefore, in Fuyuki City, even if hundreds of powerful alien invading monsters appeared, they were not restrained at all, but were still faintly added to the flames?
Think about it, too, their magicians, who steal the power of the world, have actually been distracted by certain existences for a long time, right? If the fire monsters plan to destroy the Clock Tower, maybe someone will come out on the ferry to London and get ready?
"If you are not leaving now, what do you want to stand behind me like that? I tell you, I don't need an old and ugly guard like you, you are not like the fire monsters in my house. We are strong!"
After eating a few fresh sweet and sour cherries, Annie began to look sideways at the back of the sand, the still standing still Kisho Yazerrich Shibein Ogu. The other party asked her to remove the troublesome fire monsters as soon as possible. After weighing them repeatedly, she also found them to be troublesome. It was not good to be surrounded by ignorant earthlings in the city all day, so she ordered them to leave today.
Anyway, can she continue to call out when needed?
But now, that old guy is still staying behind her, which makes her feel a little unhappy...Could it be that the other party wants to peek at the basket of wild cherries that she is holding? Humph, this was something she finally picked up for herself, but she wouldn't give him one and a half!
"Well, Her Majesty Queen Anne, it's actually like this, and it's also related to the Holy Grail War..."
Seeing that the little girl was already a little impatient and wanted to drive herself away, Kisho Yazer Ritchiein Ogu could only bite the bullet and stated his important mission here this time, which is to mediate between the two parties. The contradiction between the two, and plan for the fourth Holy Grail war that came in advance?
After all, now, whether it is the Magic Association or the Church, I am afraid that I am afraid to set foot in Fuyuki City easily, right?
Not to mention the magicians and executors who were killed without leaving a piece of armor, I am afraid that even the temple churches of demonism are already scared, right? This can be seen from the fact that the monsters are swaying on the market in the past three days, but the church has closed the door of the church and cannot come out and let people in.
"Holy Grail War...what is that, and what does it matter to me?"
Obviously, it seems that this is the first time Annie has heard the word ‘Holy Grail War’!
However, she doesn't like ‘war’ or anything, and doesn’t want to participate, let alone what this old guy wants to do when he brings up this matter in front of her. In short, her Queen Anne didn't want to fight with people casually, unless some bad guys provoke her for no reason.
"Ah! The Holy Grail War next year?"
"I know this! I once heard my father talk about it, as if... as long as you win, you can achieve any wish?!"
At this time, sisters Rin Tosaka and Sakura Tosaka, who were each running in with a thick magic book, when they heard this, sister Rin hurriedly shouted aloud and ran over.
They just played and read under the cherry blossom trees outside, and now they have to run in with this heavy object, so that in this spring, they will sweat and wet their foreheads, just so close. On the cheeks.
The Holy Grail War or something, from a very early time, the father of Tosaka Tosaka had been secretly preparing. Even he had prepared the special things and magic circle for summoning followers, and he was waiting for the Fourth Holy Grail War to begin next year!
Because, that ceremony is about once every sixty years? And when the spiritual power in the veins of Winterwood City has accumulated enough to support the coming of the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail will appear in Winterwood City if it has the power that can be realized immediately no matter what aspirations are.
However, now the Tosaka family has been burned, the magic circle is gone, and even Tosaka Tosaka’s father is gone. The Holy Grail War or something, it seems that the Tosaka family no longer has the qualifications to participate...
"Sakura! Bad children who don't wash their hands can't eat!"
First, after reprimanding the little bastard, who was not big or small, ran to her and grabbed a handful of cherries, Annie turned her head and continued to ask the strange old man:
"It's called the Holy Grail, it can really realize any wish? It's not a lie, right? What kind of wish can it achieve?!"
For this, Annie was slightly interested, but she didn't believe in the realization of any wish. After all, she is no longer the kind of kid who is easy to be deceived. She is well-informed and immediately heard that this is not very reliable.
"Achieving a wish or something is probably right...because it can indeed achieve some ordinary magicians' desires that are difficult to achieve in their lives, such as: traveling through time and space to change the past, gain eternal life, gain powerful power, or Is it to resurrect an important person? But obviously, Her Majesty Queen Anne, you definitely don't need these..."
After taking a look at the little girl, Chishua could only continue to explain with a wry smile:
"This holy grail is essentially nothing more than the former Einzbern family, the Tosaka family, and the Macchiri family...that is, the Matsumoto family that you burned. The three of them planned together in order to reach the roots. 'It's just a huge ritual system constructed."
"You may also know that due to that powerful power that reaches the root cause, speaking of it, it is indeed possible to realize certain wishes that cannot be achieved in ordinary times under the rules of this world..."
Regarding this, Kisho Yazerrichshbein Ogu is still very clear, after all, he was the witness of this ceremony back then! It's just that things that he doesn't even need, think about it, this little girl from the outside world, who can be called a god, will not need it!
And speaking of the Holy Grail War, he himself could only shake his head helplessly.
Originally, the magic of "Spiritual Spirit Summoning" was used to save the primordial world. It was used to summon the seven heroes who were dead and stood at the top of the seven attributes. {grand} servants , Letting them show up will directly eliminate the catastrophe that hinders the primate world exhibition.
However, for the sake of their own selfish desires, human beings have tried their best to degrade this magic into this strange summoning system, and have developed a holy grail war to reach the root cause or satisfy their selfish desires...
Then, when this method was announced to the magic world around the world, it was quickly imitated by magicians around the world, and many copycat versions of the subspecies holy grail war were born... It must be said that human beings are a kind of It’s a very strange creature. It’s a decisive great magician dedicated to salvation, but it’s abruptly downgraded by greedy magicians and used for personal selfishness. Selfish creatures like humans are probably like this. ?
This is no wonder, it's no wonder that magicians are not seen by the incarnations of the will of the two worlds, so that even foreign demons invade others are unwilling to take action, maybe they still want to use external force to completely eliminate those magicians, right?
Sure enough, the idiots of the clock tower deserve to be beaten like this.
"It's like this... it sounds really boring..."
Nodded, Annie is really not very interested in something that sounds boring!
Because, in terms of strength, she is so tired now, she doesn't need to ask for someone else's, and never wants to ask for someone else's! As for immortality, she who has the gem of time, how can she care about time?
As for the wishes... what she wants most is to play happily and never finish eating food!
However, after she got the gem of reality and the gem that can be called the realization of desire, after many practices, the taste will never change, and it will always be a delicious delicacy. Let her see through the essence of this changed thing! After all, no matter how delicious something is, if the texture and taste are always the same, what is the difference from magic bread?
Therefore, wishes and so on are all deceptive, and she does not need to realize any wishes! What she lacks, or what she wants to do, can be done with her own strength, so she doesn't need any messy Holy Grail!
"But...what's the use of this kind of thing that will only start next year?"
Annie is a little curious. Rin said just now that it is next year, and she might not stay until next year, right? You know, it's only March 8th, 1993, and there are still nine months left next year, so she won't stay in this world for that long!
In her own arrangement, the most is to play for a month or two. After the sisters Rin Tosaka and Sakura have learned a little bit, she should have almost finished enjoying some of the food in this world. I'm about to change places to play again, so I won't stay here forever.
Therefore, the Holy Grail War or something should have nothing to do with her, whoever loves to it will it!
"Yes indeed!"
"Grandpa, shouldn't the Holy Grail War only start next year?"
Tosaka Rin was also very curious. For such an important matter, her father Tosaka Toshimi should not have counted the time wrong.
Once in sixty years, her father had calculated that the Holy Grail War will begin next year! Even her father had already made arrangements. When the time comes, once the Holy Grail War officially begins, she and her mother Tosaka Aoi must be sent to the grandmother’s house for refuge, away from the Tosaka family mansion. This vortex?
"Originally it started next year. That's right..."
"But it's different now!"
Looking at the two lucky little guys, Jewel Weng smacked his lips with emotion. Originally, he was thinking of accepting these two talented guys as disciples, but he didn't think he wanted to accept them in a more powerful existence. They have become apprentices, maybe they don't even know how lucky they are?
It’s just that what the gem Onkisiu Yazer Ritchiein Ogu doesn’t understand is why those two books are attached with immortal magic that makes people not grow up. Could it be that this little queen wanted the two little guys to gain immortality? Sure enough, they are really lucky!
"It's actually like this, Honorable Her Majesty Queen Anne..."
"After you summoned those fire monsters, released a lot of magic power, and at the same time, let those monsters under your slaughter more than one hundred powerful magicians, and let the spirit veins absorb a lot of dissipated magic power, this winter wood The city’s magic reserves have already reached the standard for the Holy Grail to come to the world."
"So, now... the Holy Grail War has advanced!"
"And if I didn't calculate it wrong, the time... should be at the beginning of the next month?"
Kisho Azelrichshibein Ogu said slowly, since more than a hundred powerful magicians were burned to death in Fuyuki City, they can be said to have been sacrificed. Lost their power! As for the masterless magic power that escaped, it would of course be captured by the spirit veins here in Winterwood City.
In addition to the fact that the other side has opened so many portals in different worlds, under the huge magic power of connecting the two worlds, a lot of extra pure power is leaked out. Therefore, under such unexpected circumstances, the Holy Grail It is only natural that the war should be advanced.
In the same way, if the Fifth Holy Grail War also wants to advance, then if a large number of magicians are captured again and executed and sacrificed here in Fuyuki City, then theoretically the fifth Holy Grail War will also be advanced. ! Even... As long as there are enough, the Great Holy Grail is possible?
"Oh, it turned out to be like this..."
"Sorry, I'm not interested!"
Yes, Anne is not interested in the Holy Grail War or something! Because, whether she snatched the cup or not, it seemed to be of no use to her!
If you think about it seriously, giving others powerful strength, traveling through time and space, granting others eternal life, or resurrecting a hapless soul who is still alive, she can easily do it herself, and where does she need the holy grail of Laoszi so troublesome? ? Rather than grab some holy grail, why not come and beg her Queen Ann?
If someone pleads with a lot of good things she hasn't eaten, she will definitely satisfy the other party's wishes generously, right?
"That's not the case!"
"Sister Annie, do you imagine, if we get the Holy Grail, will we know where the father Tosaka Tomomi is exiled? Or, we can just make a wish and let the Holy Grail give my father Change back?!"
Suddenly, Rin Tosaka, who was listening to the conversation between the two, seemed to have thought of something important, and hurriedly spoke up and shouted.
That's right, it looks like this! Since neither grandfather nor sister Annie can help them find their father, the holy grail should always be possible, right?
But whether it works or not, you have to try it before you know it. If you grab it and try it, there will be no problem.
"Huh? Is that Holy Grail really that powerful?"
Annie, who didn't know much about the Holy Grail, turned her head and looked at Kishoyazerrich Shibein Ogu. She really didn't believe that the broken cup could do things that she couldn't even do.
"This one……"
"The Holy Grail system has a certain connection with the root cause. The will of the world should record the changes when Tosaka Toshiomi disappeared, so... should it be feasible?"
"Of course, I can't guarantee."
The disappearance of Tosaka Tosaka, Kisho Azelrich Shibein Ogu naturally knew about it, but he also couldn’t do anything about it. This is just like what Queen Anne said before, the workload is too big, go to one Looking for a big living person in a parallel plane, and there may be another Tokimin in that parallel plane, he can't find the original one when he is exhausted!
However, the Holy Grail, which has a certain connection with the root of the world, may be really possible or not necessarily? He feels that this probability has at least two levels! Compared with finding them on their own, the probability of infinitely approaching zero is already remarkable!
"That's it, then let's grab it at that time!"
After looking at the two sisters who were looking at her with big eyes that are so cute and reckless, Annie curled her lips and said indifferently.
Since the broken cup is useful, grab it and try it, it's not a big deal anyway!
Sisters Rin and Ying cheered when their teacher was willing to help grab the cup.
In their opinion, as long as their teacher, as long as their Miss Anne is willing to help, the cup must be theirs, and no one can take it away!
"Things are not like this... If you want the Holy Grail to come, you must go to the Holy Grail War... However, the only one who gets the right to make a wish is the winning group of master and servant... And if there is no engraving and no Those who have won, even if they grab it, are probably unable to make a wish, right?"
"To conduct the Holy Grail War, you need followers and engraving. That must be selected by the Holy Grail!"
Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, watching the two sisters of the Tosaka family rushing to his teacher and being pushed away by their cheeks by their two little feet, Kisho Yazerrich Xibein Ogu just With a dry smile, he explained a few sentences.
However, even though it is said in theory, but the Yusanjia has a back door that directly obtains the engraving. After all, the Holy Grail War was facilitated by the Yusanjia together. How could it not be possible not to arrange special rights for one's descendants? Why should the empires of the three families have worked so hard to give them to outsiders to enjoy?
However, UU reading was not prepared to talk to these little guys until the matter was discussed.
"It's simple. When the time comes, I will grab their engravings directly, and whoever dares not to give me will kill anyone, whoever dares to rob us, I will kill anyone!"
Annie raised her fist and said, in her turf, how could someone something to win her, and want to what she likes? There are no doors!
"Okay! Long live sister Annie!"
"Long live Teacher Annie!!"
The two little girls started cheering again, and then they wanted to pounce on their teacher, and they were pushed away by the two bare feet stepping on their faces again.
The other party was sweaty and muddy, so Annie wouldn't let them jump on it!
"No, this time, we can't do this..."
Kisho Yazerrichshbein Ogu hurriedly spoke, and if he really asked the other party to do this, then it would be meaningless for him to come here today! Today, he came here to mediate in order to completely reconcile the Magic Concord and the Tosaka family over the Holy Grail War. It is absolutely impossible for the three little guys to decide the destiny of the Holy Grail so brutally!
"Why, do you have any comments?"
Annie felt that if she wanted the broken cup, she could afford it, and this weird old man wanted to obstruct herself and want to beg? !
"Well, it's like this, please listen to me patiently explain..."
Seeing that the other party was angry, Kisho Yazerrichshbein Ogu had to wipe his sweat again, and slowly said about the plan for the Fourth Holy Grail War that he had brewed before... …
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