Chapter 524: Melly sauce

After the ship of Orkney County passed a concentrated attack by the sun knight Gawain with the "rotating sword of victory", it was finally free from the attacks of those annoying harpies and was able to calm down on the sea. We sailed south for two days.
   However, now they finally have a little trouble again.
   That is actually because the weather on the sea today is a bit bad, and there seems to be some harbinger before the storm...
At this time, the dark clouds in the sky are thick and thick, and they are constantly rolling. They directly block the sun shining down. Moreover, the sea breeze is very strong and the waves are a little big, but they have not yet reached the point where the ship must be docked to find a place. To the point of sheltering from the wind. Therefore, this medium-sized warship of Orkney County, this lone boat on the sea still swiftly cuts through the wind and waves, still stubbornly driving on the turbulent sea.
   When the weather started to be different, Gao Wen had been worried that it would rain!
  Because he knows that when the ship encounters heavy winds and heavy rains at sea, it is simply a disaster...At that time, everyone on the ship will not want to rest!
When it started to rain heavily, not only did the sailors on the deck need to constantly check the sails and cables, but under the deck, everyone in the cabins also needed to constantly use various tools to drain the water outside. Whether it's pots and pans or wooden buckets and spoons... Otherwise, if you keep pouring water into the cabin along various hatches or deck gaps, you will sink when it reaches a certain level.
  Although wood can float on the surface of the sea, this does not include this sea ship full of people, horses and various supplies!
  Of course, that kind of bad situation is not happening now...
Because Gawain saw that there seems to be no other situation besides cloudy skies and strong winds and waves. Although the sky looks like it will rain soon, it hasn’t happened in life or death... The dark clouds have always been so strong that the daylight cannot shine, but they just roll around in the wind so willfully.
   So, with some confusion in his heart, he had to stagger to the bow of the ship and found the middle-aged man who could stand firm without holding the ship's edge or other things.
Although almost everyone in Orkney County in the archipelago is proficient in water, they are not unfamiliar with wind and waves, let alone seasickness, but Gao Wen, who rarely goes to sea all year round, speaks of his skills when he is on a sea boat. It's no better than these fast and busy sailors and the captain.
   "Captain, is this about to start a storm?"
   "Will the ship have an accident? Do we need to find a place to dock to shelter from the wind, or avoid the coming heavy rain?!"
   After grabbing a rope, Gawain turned to the captain who was standing on the bow, staring at the front, and from time to time he inquired loudly with various orders to the helmsman behind the ship.
   Now they are not very far from the coastline on the right. If possible, he hopes to find a suitable place to moor a boat to shelter from the wind, so as to avoid the coming or possible storm! After all, in this ship right now, there are still his three brothers and sisters, Gao Wen, and fifty powerful heavy-armored knights and cavalry, don't accidentally turn them all into the sea!
   When the time comes, although the entire army may not be annihilated directly, it is for sure that the casualties are heavy, and he will never take that risk!
   "No, there is no rain now!"
   "Your Majesty! Here, these clouds are just like this, these are just ordinary sea breeze, they are not storms!"
Yuan himself is the captain. He doesn’t need to stay at the bow of the ship to check the sea conditions ahead. However, one of their ships is the most experienced and has the best eyes. The watcher who is also known as the
Eagle Eye
, the day before yesterday Was caught by those harpies!
   Now, it is estimated that the hapless guy is about to become the dung of monsters, right?
Because of this, it is precisely because they have now lost the eye that claims to be able to see the farthest point, and the useless clever ghost who just replaced the lookout position at the top of the mast was shaken by the strong wind in the current hull. Under the circumstances, it is estimated that you have already been stunned and turned to tremble in the observation deck, right?
   Therefore, as the captain, he must not entrust the life of the entire ship to the stupid guy above, so he can only run to the bow by himself, intending to personally guide the helmsman behind to walk out of this dangerous sea. He is not actually afraid of storms, but he has to be afraid of those rocks!
   "But Captain, the wind is so strong now, even if it doesn't rain, it should be a good choice for us to find a place to shelter from the wind?"
   "Look! The front, in the distance...the waves there are bigger than here!"
Gao Wen looked at the sails bulged by the strong wind, and then looked at the captain who could stand firmly on the bow with only two legs. After thinking about it, he still loudly suggested to the other party. .
In his opinion, people like them don’t have to hurry up to fight. It doesn’t seem to matter if they arrive at Camelot two days earlier and two days later. It is better to find a place to avoid the wind and rest until tomorrow is calm. No matter how comfortable setting sail is, it’s not the same?
   "Your Highness, you think too much!"
"We don't need shelter for the time being. Now we are driving down the wind, and then we go a little bit ahead of the sea, which is about half a day, after passing a small place called Eding, and then to another sea area in front, the wind will naturally gradually decrease! We call this ruined place Howling Fjord. It was originally like this, but today did not catch up with the good weather, and the wind was slightly stronger!"
   "So, please don't worry!"
   "Believe me, it's still dangerous to be here on the shore!"
   After hearing what the prince said, the captain unceremoniously refuted the other party's proposal.
   Now in a place like this, he won't change his course and leaned over! Because the shore is the site of the barbarian Saxons, and it is still a densely populated area, where do they stop?
   In case they were accidentally discovered by those crazy guys, they would sneak up on them, and they would be the ship with hundreds of people, maybe no one would get away! Regarding sailing matters, he would not listen to this terrible question, even if the opponent is powerful and polite and loved by them!
  He would rather fight the storm in this Howling Fjord, would rather be swayed for a long time by strong winds and waves, than be taken by the barbarians as a slave or just cut off his head with a ‘click’!
   "Also! Your Majesty, you should hurry up and stay in the cabin. If you fall into the sea later, we don't have the ability to catch you again in this big wave!"
   Seeing the other party holding the rope and staggering from time to time, the captain frowned and half roared and pointed in the direction of the hatch.
   This is not his nonsense. In this environment, no matter who falls into the sea, he has to resign to his fate and pray for God's blessing. No one can help, and there is no way to stop the boat!
  In front of this violent sea, all living things are equal!
  Here, there are no princes and civilians, and there is no distinction between noble and inferior, only life and death... Either, overcome these small storms and gain a life; or, sink in this sea and then... die! And this is the status quo of navigation in this world. People who go to sea, especially long-distance voyages, are dangerous by no means less than a battle.
   "Okay, you have the final say, Captain!!"
Panting and looking at the surrounding situation, although he felt a little helpless, since the other party was sure that there would be no torrential rain and there would be no bigger storms, Gao Wen had no choice but to nod. Turning around and holding on to the ropes and mast guardrails, etc., they groaned as the violent wood twists and swayed with the waves, almost as if they were going to fall apart at any time on the deck of a ship, carefully touched it back again. In the cabin.
   Soon, there were only sailors who were still busy outside, as well as strong winds, big waves, and an old captain whose legs were standing on the bow of the ship.
  The countries and territories in southern Britain, I don’t know why, and suddenly they start to be tricky...The lords who were originally a group of amiable lords have begun to fight hard in the same way. I don’t know what they are doing for that?
  The farmers in those places only knew that the lords ordered them to turn in more food and demanded that they be prepared with weapons, armor and other... Obviously, this must be ready for war!
   However, there is basically nothing happening here in the Camelot Kingdom.
   Acting as the queen's daughter, Altria who governs Camelot
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