Chapter 527: Kill that undead

"If I was not careful, I ran into a big guy!"
   "I have fun watching it now!"
Annie looked at the huge white dragon flying south on the map, and then at the mighty army of more than a hundred griffons that certain Duan Mao had led to fly out. She thought about it, and she just thought about it. Jump up directly, stand on the chair and squat halfway, and lie down on the rock guardrail of the sand table, waiting for the great show to start inside!
According to her silent calculation of the direction of the two parties, and because both parties are flying units, plus this Camelot’s country is not very large, there are about ten minutes left between the two parties. Points into the battlefield?
   So as soon as Annie clapped her hands, she directly locked the map to a certain approximate location, and then sat down peacefully and waited for the show to begin.
(Little master, are you really going to help that brave dumb hairy? The little one thinks she will be the opponent of the white dragon with her current strength... Maybe, she might be given a bite later. Eaten it!
While watching my little master squatting on the side and waiting, he didn’t forget to browse and estimate the battle field casually on the sand table map, and he also took out a kind of farming snacks and began to pick and choose. There was no point at all. The nervousness of the ground made it clear that it was the idea of ​​just watching the excitement and not helping, which made Tibbers a little curious. Because according to its speculation, that silly Altria should definitely not be the opponent of the dragon, right? )
   "Um...Tibbers, when that Sister Mao Mao just went out, did she remember to bring that holy sword and scabbard?"
  Since Little Bear said that, Annie had to stop the tangled question of which snack she wanted to choose first, and began to waste a little time remembering the way the other party ran out.
   She didn't know what the other party brought, so she still needs to ask about this matter.
   (Of course I brought it!)
   (The guy is now sleeping with the holy sword and the useless scabbard beside him. When you ran to sleep with her the other day, didn’t you see it too?!
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
As far as Tyber knows, that foolish Altria is probably suffering from that kind of persecution delusion...According to its thinking, the other party may have eaten two because he did not remember the scabbard of the holy sword. After the second big loss, after being almost caught by a group of insurgents that day, she never let the holy sword and scabbard leave her a foot!
   Whether it's eating, taking a bath, or sleeping, the sword is always carried, and after sleeping in the same bed with the other party for a few days, it certainly pays attention to this matter and knows it very clearly. )
   "Since I bring it, it must be fine. With that scabbard, she will never die."
   After hearing the bear's confirmation, Annie nodded in satisfaction, and then began to peel off a roasted chestnut that was kept hot with time gems, and put it in her own mouth beautifully and ate it.
   A few days ago, when she first came here, she used to like to run to sleep with that dumb Mao.
However, after she discovered that the pesky guy always likes to get up before dawn, and repeatedly and severely hinder her from sleeping in, aroused her anger, she outrageously occupied the other party’s biggest and most comfortable queen. The bedroom, on the contrary, is overwhelming, let the other party find another place to sleep!
   "Tibbers, the Lun family has something for you to help..."
   Looking at the pile of snacks placed in front of her, Annie blinked, then lay back in the chair and lay down in a comfortable posture before saying something in a lazy tone.
   (please give your orders, respectable master...)
   "Now, help me peel the chestnuts..."
   (If it is necessary to fight, the little one must be the first time, like this kind of thing, the little one will resist!
  -Without thinking about it, Tibbers directly rejected this extremely unreasonable request!
Don’t think it doesn’t know that the sticky outside of those sugar-fried chestnuts is all sugar. If you really let it help peel it, once it gets its own bear skin dirty, it will inevitably be caught by some unscrupulous little master. It was stuffed into the water and rubbed vigorously...Anyway, it has suffered a loss, and it will definitely not suffer that sin! )
   "You just clearly said that although you ordered!"
   "Besides, those snacks are right by your side. You can peel them a little bit without dying the bear!"
   Annie got angry, and got up from her chair again, violently pointed her finger at a certain nasty little bear who was also thrown on the sand table.
   (Small ones can only do what the owner likes to do!)
   "That's right, I like to eat fried chestnuts now, so you hurry up and peel me a round!!"
   (Respected little master, the little ones are not mistaken! You yourself like to eat, but... you absolutely don’t like peeling, so the little ones will definitely not do things that the master doesn’t like to do!
  It is clear that the pit has been dug. How could Tibbers, who has been on the wrong side for countless times, just jumped down by himself? Today it said nothing to do this kind of bear abuse, absolutely not, it will not kill it! )
   "Bad bear, I ask you one last time, will you help me peel it?"
   (Don't even think about it, say nothing!)
   "Finally, I will give you a chance to go back, really don't strip it?!"
   (Never strip 10,000 chances, never strip it!!)
  嗖! !
  ? (//?Д/?/)?
Finally, Xiao Anni's face turned dark, and when she reached out her hand, a mage's hand directly grabbed the whole paper bag of chestnuts into her hand, and then grabbed the biggest one, and then viciously turned towards a certain person. The bad bear who was placed not far away smashed it hard!
   (Haha! Little master, you are too bad at your head, so you can’t hit it!
Tibbers suddenly stood up and turned his head to the side, and successfully avoided the knowing blow of the little master Anne, and then simply jumped up and stood up to play with the chubby body, and ran a few steps aside, just like that Standing not far away, confronting myself and my little master. )
   "Damn it! Who made you move?"
   glared at the other person again, Annie was holding the paper bag, peeling it and eating, and at the same time angrily threw the empty shells towards the opposite bear! Just now when she was angry, she accidentally dropped the biggest one, which made her feel distressed for several seconds.
   However, it is a pity that the weight of the empty shell is not enough, and the resistance and interference from the air are too large, and none of them are lost!
In fact, the main reason is that the other party is too able to hide. The stuffy body that looks a little fat, although the small arms and legs look a little awkward before it gets bigger, but in the case of Annie not being too serious, the guy is still Can barely escape.
(Little master, you can’t be a little reserved and plan to be a human lady like yours? Look at you, you are not standing, sitting and not sitting, not only wasting food, but also picking and choosing, but also full of chaos. Throwing away trash, this kind of thing is very immoral!
   (幛? 乛)
  -After hiding for a while, Tibbers began to protest! This horrible little master is thrown everywhere now, and it will be very hard to clean up those beautiful palace maids later! )
   "You mean a lady..."
   "But... bear, you don't know, that Amoryn's mother at home didn't seriously teach the Lun family how to be a lady. She only taught me how to identify bad people and how to burn people!"
   That’s right, Amoryn’s mother didn’t teach anything except some basic etiquette lessons! Perhaps it is, did not have time to teach?
But anyway, in Annie's own character attribute version, there are a variety of powerful treasures, skills, endless magic, super physical fitness, super high physical attributes, and all kinds of things. The title is still the kind that can be written over several pages... But ah, there is no such attribute as a lady!
  On the contrary, the titles such as bear kid, mischief, lawless, do whatever they want, brazen girl, set fire to a young man if they don’t agree, and Pepi ghost, etc., can be a little closer to her.
   (She doesn't teach, can't you learn it by yourself, haven't you learned a lot of knowledge by yourself? What's the difficulty of learning more etiquette?
  (?????)っ! !
  -Tibbers was a little surprised. This kind of excuse is too good. It turns out that everything is the fault of that Amoryn's mother? If next time it goes back, Tibbers ran to sue Amoryn, a certain shadow witch, wondering if someone who is triumphant will be spanked and bloomed? ! )
   "Why should I learn that kind of troublesome stuff, and what is a lady, that thing is not fun and can't be eaten!!"
   It’s good for Annie to learn the etiquette for a while. How could she still learn some ladies? She is still a child, anyway, what a child is, no matter what she does is right! Even if you accidentally do something bad, no one will take it seriously!
   So, it's good to be so carefree now, she won't change anything indiscriminately!
   "Tibbers, let me tell you... People have given up being a lady a long time ago, and they want to be a super devil!"
   "Whoever dares to say bad things about me, I will...burn him!!"
  ( ̄^ ̄)Huh!
   While chewing the chestnuts in her mouth vigorously, Annie made an unreasonable announcement while waving her small fist that was sticky with sugar.
   (It's over, little master, you, you are completely hopeless!)
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
   "Tibbers, bother...I'll hit you!"
   A thing that is not big or small, not only dared to go against the will of the owner, but also to teach yourself by committing disorder? This is really the opposite! When you are free, or when you are bored, you have to beat it hard to get rid of a layer of skin!
   This doesn't seem right...
   That hateful guy has no skin at all, just a layer of enchanted demonized bear skin shell. He accidentally broke its skin. Isn't it going to be stitched and repaired? In that case, it hurts and hurts to accidentally get stuck with a needle!
   (Little master, in shouldn't help those guys so much! There are so many worlds, and the same and similar planes are endless, you must not be able to help.
Seeing that his owner was busy eating, and he didn't seem to want to attack him anymore, Tibbers thought about it, and jumped directly into the arms of his Master Anne, and then directly climbed onto the other's shoulder and sat down. .
Usually, it’s Uncle Tibbers holding this bad-hearted little guy, or letting her sit on her shoulders and take it away, but now that it’s changed, it can finally move and run to itself when there is no one. Sitting on the shoulders of the little master, this feeling is quite good.
   If the identity can fall over, maybe it can say: ‘Hey! Come out, Annie, burn them to me’? This matter is very interesting just thinking about it! )
   "Tibbers, what do you say about this weird thing, who can I help?"
   Annie is a bit inexplicable, where does she help others indiscriminately?
   (You go to almost every world to help others indiscriminately, don’t you? And, it’s easy to lose yourself like this!)
   "Not at all! I'm just playing, and helping is only incidental!"
   Help or something, that doesn't exist at all. Queen Anne just helped some guys to make herself a little happier, so that she can explore the world and play easily!
In some worlds, she can get incredible big gains, such as Azeroth, Middle-earth, the world of Bear Shield, etc., while in others, she just strayed into it, except for a round of play, basically nothing What too much gain.
   Of course, it can't be said that there is no gain at all.
As she comes into contact with more and more worlds, while allowing Annie to play as she wants, she also knows how big the endless world is. The more things she sees and the more knowledge she accumulates, she I know how shallow I am... After going back and forth again and again, Annie sees some things differently, and the criteria for judging many things are not the same as before. It is definitely not possible to lose yourself, at most, it is just not to go around like that!
It’s just that there’s a prerequisite for not being nonsense, that is, there should be no bad guys to provoke her, or nothing she is fond of... Otherwise, she has to do whatever she wants, she is so willful, just doing whatever she wants, not I will change myself for any reason!
   (Sure enough, the younger one knew it would be like this, that’s for sure!)
   "Tibbers, were you kidding me just now?"
   (No! The little one was just doing a test just now! Congratulations, little master, you got 100 points!)
   "Tibbers, you are just kidding me!!"
Annie looked sideways at the bear sitting on her shoulder, and then Annie curled her lips. She didn't want to worry about it now. She planned to fill her stomach first. Only after she was full, she would have the strength to look at it. Others fight!
   In a few minutes, a certain dumb hair is about to fly in front of the giant dragon. When the time comes, he will definitely hit his head, right?
However, just as Annie peeled off a chestnut and threw it in front of her, she was stunned to find that her hairy mouth stretched out from her shoulder, and one mouth ate her. Something to catch with your mouth open?
   Chew chew...
   (Little master, this thing doesn't seem to be very good... It's delicious without meat! Although it's a bit sweet, it's too dry and not chewy, bad review!
  After chewing twice, Tibbers just swallowed it!
  Although it is an omnivorous shadow creature, it can eat whatever it is, even the soul or the divine! Of course, it can also eat nothing! But compared to the seeds of this strange plant called chestnuts, it still prefers to eat those meats! Big chunks of beef and mutton can be full and chewy. )
   "Tibbers, did I say I let you eat it?!"
   The chestnuts that I have peeled hard, but before they reach my mouth, let a certain little bear intercept them? This matter is serious!
   (It doesn't seem to be there? But what's wrong, there are still so many, why don't you just dial one more by yourself?)
   "Every chestnut tastes different, I haven't tasted the one just now!"
   (Or, the little one will spit it out for you now?)
"I am going to kill you!"
   "Don't run, who made you move?"
   (There is no one here, the little one will stretch out!)
   "Where do you come from? Didn't you say that you don't even have the skin last time?!"
   "Let you strip me of your laziness, but you are lazy! I stripped it myself, do you dare to it?!"
   Annie is angry, she is obviously the master, and a certain bear cub now dares to shake the sky and can't beat it to death! Therefore, when she stretched out her hand and was about to catch the opponent, the slippery guy jumped directly into the sand table in the distance, standing among the models wantonly destroying and provoking her.
   "Damn it!"
   Without even thinking about it, Annie flashed, appeared directly in front of the opponent, and stepped on it hard...
   (Protest, how can I use magic...)
   "Huh! Just like you, you still want to escape under this queen?!"
   Possessed and grabbed the opponent, Annie began to grasp the opponent's head like twisting, twisting it fiercely several times.
   (Mage or something is the most annoying...)
   "Who will let you learn spells!"
   (Small, small can use spells, set fires, set shadow flames, and lava shields!)
   "That is obviously my talent, without me, where would you set fire and shield?!"
   "I can't spare you today!!"
   The North Sea, a quiet sea area close to the eastern coastline of Britain about a day away, another unknown battle will soon begin.
"what is that!"
   "That's the devil... the undead?!"
"How to do?"
   "What else can I do, get ready to fight!"
   "Damn! What a bad luck these days!"
  As the opponent's ship approached gradually and removed the transparent dark curtain that enveloped the ship, everyone on the Orkney County Sea Ship saw the terrifying scene above:
The hull of that ship is full of holes and decay, the skeleton of the hull is exposed, pieces of the hull planks, even black and broken, or full of worm-eyes and masts drilled by ship-borers. The long-broken, thick cable is black and full of unknown seaweed, not to mention the sails, there are just pieces of specious black and green rags...
Even worse, through the cracks and decks of the gradually approaching ship that may break and collapse by itself almost at any time, they can clearly see the densely packed skeletons hung on the deck and in the'cabin'. Or other evil undead monsters!
   Actually, that’s a bit wrong...
They are not so much "staying" in the cabin, but rather they are hung in the completely broken wood gap and semi-inlaid crowded frame of the hull, and then the others are densely attached like coral insects... Just like opening and closing the evil and hideous mandibles, the eyes of the green soul fire on the ugly skulls are staring at this side, and their bodies are half-soaked by the sea. At this time, they are so crazy. Wielding the various rusty scimitars, long swords, battle axes or bone blades in their hands, as if they could not wait to pounce on them and start fighting.
   "Brother! Okay, so many skeletons!!"
Seeing this evil and terrifying sight, I was still holding a shield and wanted to see what Gareth was on the ghost ship, so he screamed in surprise and shrank directly behind her two brothers. They stand in front of themselves.
   "Oops! We might be finished now..."
Seeing at least hundreds of undead hanging on the ship of the other party, the scimitar held in his hand was almost not scared to fall into the sea, while the empty left hand just grabbed the edge of the ship firmly, and He also grabbed his fingers white, as if trying to get rid of the discomfort when the boundless fear struck in front of him, and forced himself to use his already pale face to maintain a fierce look.
   It's just that his trembling, messy beard and the utterly self-defeating and sullen words in his mouth have directly betrayed his true thoughts.
Obviously, after seeing the horror appearance and number of the enemy, think about the rumors and add the skeleton standing on the bow of the opponent holding a staff. He knew that it was not a simple stuff. , This time they probably have no hope.
   knew this a long time ago, they shouldn't have been so far from the coast before.
Gao Wen didn't speak, he just held his unsheathed holy sword with both hands, staring at the one on the bow of the opponent, whether it was worn or the evil green fire in his eyes, or even the surging body. A large skull whose energy fluctuations are not the same as other skulls.
   Gao Wen is different from his Morgan mother. He is not familiar with the evil creatures that only appear in these myths, and he does not know that the other party is actually a powerful lich! All he knew was that the skeleton should be the most difficult to deal with!
   And the others, although they seem to be numerous and terrifying in appearance, are actually just a bunch of bones.
   He believes that whether it is the holy sword in his hand or other knights who can use weak sacred energy, they can easily deal with them.
   "What's the matter, stupid living people, why don't you run away now?!"
When the two ships were slowly approaching, Sandro took a step forward, holding up his staff, and mocking the living people not far in front of him with a wicked smile. Said with a smile.
  If those living people can see that he is smiling?
   "The existence of evil, we won't be afraid of you!"
   "Under the sun, justice will surely defeat you evil scum!"
   found that the morale on his side was a bit unpleasant, and even after his knights and cavalry were agitated, Gao Wen was the first to stand up and shouted at the opponent.
   "Where is there justice and where is evil?!"
"Justice, it's just a nickname for victory... If you don't be a winner, there is only one dead end! Tsk! Let's not talk about this, first introduce yourself... I am Lich Mountain Drew, of course, you can also call me The other name I used to remember, I used to be Tanatos..."
  Since these people stayed where they were not going to run, Sandro decided to give them some privileges. Before they were about to destroy and transform them, first inform them of their identities, and then let them join themselves ‘willingly’?
"Who is he?"
"do not know!"
   "Don't look at me, I have never heard of it either!"
   Obviously, most of the knights and sailors, including the captain and Gawain, did not know this person.
   "His Royal Highness, Tower, Tanatos... The name seems to have been heard before. He is... is, is a of death in ancient Greece. According to legend, he is responsible for bringing the souls of the dead to the underworld..."
   Hearing Gao Wen's doubts, at this moment, a sailor said weakly towards the bow of the ship.
  His grandfather came from the Roman Empire, very close to Greece. Since childhood, I have heard many myths from his grandfather, including this Tanathos! Therefore, he remembered a little bit clearly.
"Not bad……"
"Even I did not expect that in the wild places far away from Greece, there are still people who can know my story? That living person, I admire you very much... I will give you some preferential treatment later and make you die. Very comfortable, and... transform you into one of my little corpses?"
   Tanatos, or Sandro’s bleak green eyes, directly aimed at the sailor who had just revealed his true origins in one bite. A like him in the past likes someone to tell his story... and the guy just now, he really appreciates it!
   Maybe one day, he himself can return to his own seat, instead of lingering on as a lich?
   However, no one understood the kindness of a certain lich, because the sailor was about to be scared to the ground!
   Seriously, no living person wants to ask for this so-called preferential treatment! Whether it is a painful death or a comfortable death... What is the difference between the two? Obviously, the sailor just wanted to live well and would never want to be transformed into that kind of evil and terrifying monster.
   "It's a pity, now that I am no longer the Tanatos I used to be... Nether God and the underworld no longer exist, and I will also go to the mysterious resurrection land to find the world of our dead."
   "All of you here should be grateful...Because, even if you die today, you will still live forever in another posture. Look at us, and this is the mercy and reward I give you."
   "Endless life, but something that is beyond the reach of many people..."
Tanatos, or Sandreu, still used that kind of non-living tone to speak in a gloomy manner... As if it were just a normal thing that he pronounced that all the people here were dead... …Perhaps, because in the age of ancient mythology, he was already used to death for a long time?
   "Evil! You will certainly not get what you want today!"
   "Knights, line up, get ready to fight!!"
   Gao Wen once again used his calm and serious tone to refute the other party's words loudly when everyone was frightened a little at a loss! Then, he finally reluctantly boosted the morale of the knights and cavalry. As for the sailors who were still trembling and terrified, the guys who weren't warriors, he didn't ask too much.
   "The pedestrian knight with a shield, in the first column!"
   "Hurry up! Hurry up!"
And with Gawain’s order, almost at the moment the enemy’s tattered wooden boat approached, in less than ten seconds, almost all fifty knights and cavalry quickly raised their shields. And weapons, all stood on the side of the ghost ship! Fifty of them were almost here, standing directly on two thick steel walls, directly squeezing the sailors onto the deck behind them.
   A total of fifty-three knights and cavalry, plus dozens of armed sailors, this is all the strength of their living side.
   Watching the knights and cavalry unswervingly execute their orders, Gawain nodded and felt satisfied, but also a little helpless and lamented.
   For the current situation, he himself has no good solution.
  If it’s on the plains, with horses, heavy armor, and the bonus of a fast charge, the power of their fifty knights is almost ten times more powerful than standing on the deck now! How can it be compared with the time when you can only walk and only wear a mountain half-length breastplate and prepare to smash the enemy?
   They are just a bunch of heavy infantry now.
   "It really is a group of elite knights, I really like it!"
   "So, I will destroy you first!"
Sandro didn’t say much. He waved his hand. At the moment when the two ships slowly collided together, countless ropes that could move without being controlled automatically clung to them and tied the two ships firmly together. , And then... a large number of skeletons screamed frantically, crowded together, and jumped toward each other's boat!
   They just used an absolute number of advantages, and they rushed towards their opponents like death!
"start fighting!"
   "Attack! Break them!"
The hammer in a knight’s hand smashed a skeleton’s head through a big hole. However, the other side used the rusty axe in his hand in the knight’s stunned time. Come here!
   Clang! !
   Fortunately, he moved quickly and blocked the opponent's attack!
However, more skeletons continue to squeeze over... all kinds of hideous and terrifying heads, pale bones and arms, and all kinds of weapons or force, or weakly hit his shield and On the exposed armor...If he hadn't had many comrades around him to help maintain the battle line, so that the enemy could only be pressed from the junction of the two ships, I am afraid he would have been submerged by these monsters long ago?
Snapped! !
   Finally, after he twisted the hammer hard and tore the other's skull directly from the fragile cervical vertebrae, the monster fell apart and fell.
   The knights and cavalry in other places are in a similar situation at this time.
Even if they tried their best to push the enemy, chop their bodies, and break their arms, the monsters still attacked frantically... Several cavalry and sailors were just attacked by each other in the first round. Break through the line of defense, and then be quickly pushed to the ground!
   Soon, when a large group of skeletons surrounded them, under the frenzied killing of various weapons, the blood belonging to the living people gradually stained the deck of this kind of ship and the bones that were fragmented...
   "Cut off their heads! Or smash their skulls with divine energy!"
   "Don't attack their bodies, it's useless!"
   At this time, a knight seemed to have found a way to deal with the skeletons, and he quickly reminded the other companions loudly.
He was fighting alone at the stern of the ship and cut off the heads of several undead with a fierce sword, letting their bodies shatter into disgusting bones, and then stepped forward and crushed one of them. A head, when inlaid assault, just a vicious slap of the shield can smash the bodies of three or two skeletons.
   "As for them, if it's on the plain, I can hit a few hundred at least!"
  At this time, another knight who was taller was also waving his heavy two-handed battle axe.
With a wave of his hand, a large number of skeletons shattered around him, and then sharply cut, several skulls burning with the fire of evil souls were smashed and flew by the huge force, and he opened and closed the attack. Within a large area, no evil enemy can get close to him!
   Of course, at this time, no one even dared to lean towards him casually.
   Soon, this knight was like a high-speed agitated bone crushing machine. While others were still struggling to resist, he killed at least thirty or fifty evil skeletons alone.
"Ah ah!!"
   At this time, Gareth, who was attacking and defending against each other with his brother Jaholis at the bow position, suddenly exclaimed!
Because, several skeletons swayed towards them with a rope, and jumped directly from the sky to attack her. If she hadn't subconsciously blocked it with a shield, I'm afraid they would be cut directly to herself. Is his head on?
   Her strength is a little insufficient, she can't break away from the other party's entanglement anyway, she has been in danger several times, she can only defend passively, without the slightest strength to fight back.
However, even if she dodges the fatal blow in time, there are still two skeletons lying on her big shield, and slashing at her with teeth and claws, there are more surrounding them, if not If she put on a full set of armor when the ship was escaping south, it is estimated that she has been hacked to death, right now?
   But, if this continues, she may not be able to hold on for long...
Because more undead surrounded her, and the situation of Jaholis behind her was not much better than her. She was resisting from the left and the right, and the other party could guarantee that there was no enemy attacking behind her, which was pretty good. Understand.
   "You guys are looking for death!!"
Finding his younger sister and third brother in danger, Gawain, who was smashing more than a dozen skeletons with a sword, after hearing his sister's exclamation and turning his head to see that the situation of the two was already precarious, he punched one on the spot. The head of the skeleton that stood in the way shattered its pale skull into a large number of fragments and directly extinguished the soul fire inside. Then, the whole body collapsed instantly and was crushed into bones by the violent high temperature.
   In the next instant, when Gao Wen rushed to his little sister, the holy sword in his hand rose and fell sharply, just swiping a few swords at will, completely emptied the more than 30 evil monsters around the two.
   "Ah! Brother Gao Wen, be careful!!"
   At this time, Gareth breathed a sigh of relief before he could wipe his sweat, and suddenly exclaimed!
   In fact, Gawain himself has long discovered that something is wrong behind him.
   So he didn't even think about it, he turned around and hit, and a blue sword light flashed away! Then, a certain black, the ripple that was launched by the lich on the opposite side to attack him, was immediately annihilated, and he could no longer hurt himself any more.
   "Oh? Interesting!"
   Seeing that the living knight who seemed to be the leader was able to resist his advanced magical attack-Death Ripple, Sandro looked up and down with interest.
   After a while, after seeing something, he felt that if such a powerful knight turned into an undead, at least it would be a powerful existence of the level of a ghost reaper, right? Sure enough, this time I gave up those more barbarians and turned to stare at this ship.
   After discovering that the opponent hadn't thought about rushing over, or continuing to use evil magic to attack his own intention, Gawain, apart from being secretly wary of the opponent, took time to look at the battlefield along the ship.
Wherever, the knights' battles were fairly smooth. Almost several times their enemies were beheaded around them. After a while, wherever they entered the eyes, the ground was full of those motionless bone fragments. Or the still writhing arms and the struggling monster body... At the same time, there were almost a dozen to twenty crew members and several unskilled foot cavalry fell on the deck, watching Those bright red blood, the corpse in the end, made Gao Wen feel distressed!
   You know, she picked it out by herself, the most elite heavy cavalry in Orkney County...
   If this is fighting on the plains, even if they charge more than ten times the number of skeletons, they can’t kill them! No one can stop the reloaded knight charging up! But now, they were besieged by evil without honor and were damaged here, instead of letting them die on the way to charge horses!
   "Foul evil, let go!"
Although he was willing to help and relieve the knights a little bit of pressure, but...think of the younger brother and sister behind him, he can only grit his teeth and continue to stand in place, hacking and killing each one desperately. The skeletons who came up did not dare to leave those two people too far.
   Sure enough, it was right to refuse these two people to keep up. If it weren’t for these two little guys to get on the boat, now I can deal with those enemies more calmly, right?
"Hum hum……"
   "I have seen your bravery and strength, but all of this is meaningless!"
   At this time, the great Lich Sandreu, who was smiling surly, raised the staff in his own hand and began his performance.
  Gathering thaumaturgy!
   Three-level auxiliary magic, resurrect your own undead troops!
   This is also the reason why Sandro wouldn't care about the death of the lowest-level skeletons! Because, they are not only consumables, but also bone frames controlled by him with the support of necromantic magic. They will be resurrected when they die. As long as the bone scum as the material does not fall into the sea, how much is it? There are as many as you can stand up as you die!
   Like... now?
As the dark green magic light flashed by, something that shocked and horrified the knights and sailors of Orkney County occurred: the evil skeletons that had died at least three to five hundred were actually re-bonded into One by one, the skeleton soldiers stood up again, and immediately surrounded them? !
"damn it!"
   "Evil, accept justice!"
   Gao Wen knew that he could not wait any longer, otherwise, it would only be a matter of time before the entire army was wiped out!
   Therefore, he intends to use most of the energy stored in his holy sword to directly deter and destroy the enemy! Otherwise, it would be meaningless for them to continue fighting like this today! As for the idea of ​​jumping over and beheading the lich, he didn't think about it, but he just gave up soon...because the tattered ship might not be able to support his body and armor. The weight of the decayed floor planks, he felt permeated.
   After all, the goblin Maglingrett has told him many times. He Gaowen is actually a gorilla with unusual muscle density!
   "Sword of Cycling Victory"
   "The sacred sunshine listens to my orders and drives me out of the evil here!"
As Gawain held up the big sword in his hand, after a red light shone on it, a huge energy hit the clouds in the sky, and then quickly smashed the dark clouds in a small area above. And saw the blue sky above and the afternoon sun shining diagonally down!
And then, with the guidance of the sun knight Gawain holding the holy sword, a dazzling afternoon sun began to gather, and directly radiated to the junction of the two ships, and after shining on their ship for a while , And then swept toward the opponent's black ship!
In the next moment, the concentrated eyes screamed the hundreds of skeletons who had stood up again, and the green light in the skeletons was quickly annihilated by the concentrated sunlight and shattered into a pile again. Rotten bones braving white air.
   Obviously, they have been purified, I am afraid they can no longer be resurrected!
   At the same time, the black cables that had just been tied to the two ships burned and broke apart at the same time, allowing the two ships to finally disperse. At least half of the skeletons on the black ghost ship were lost!
Seeing that the enemy would use such tricks, Sandro was shocked and angry. He wanted to counterattack with powerful magic, but when he stared at some kind of aura on the three male and female knights on the bow of the enemy ahead. , He hesitated again... he didn't directly issue a plan to continue to attack and guide the follow-up troops to support.
   "What do you have to do with those witches of Avalon?"
   Yes, he Sandru is no stranger to the Celtic gods. After all, they could be regarded as competitors at the beginning, and they must have a little bit of intersection and research.
   "Is our mother called Morgan? She is one of the fairies and chiefs of Avalon!"
   "You badass undead, if she knew that you were bullying us with a guy, you would be dead!"
   At this time, Gareth seemed to think of something, and just before his brother had said anything, he preemptively said it! At this moment, it was the first time that she felt that her evil witch mother seemed to have a little bit of benefit?
   "Well, then the three of you can go, and they... all have to stay!!"
   The Undead Lich glanced at Gawain, Gareth, and Jaholis with his hollow, dry eye sockets, and then nodded. The name of a certain witch here is quite resounding. He has heard that although he is not afraid, he does not want to cause trouble to make enemies at this time.
After all, he is no longer a god, and the twilight of the gods is not a joke... He doesn't want to provoke the native gods of the Celtic gods. Anyway, people are the home court advantage, and there is a powerful presence in Avalon. There are also quite a few, if you provoke it, it's not a joke.
   "No! Our entire ship must go!"
   Gao Wen refused. He stepped forward with his sword and stared coldly at the Lich in the distance.
   "Don't challenge my patience, kid!"
   "You can try it!"
   raised the "Sword of Cycling Victory" in his hand.
   His holy sword, its own energy can also send out an attack that is not too strong.
It’s already afternoon, although it’s daytime, and it’s starting to shine, his holy sword energy has begun to gather energy slowly, he must fight it, otherwise, it will be dusk soon. When the sun fell below the sea level, then he was just an ordinary knight, and there was no way to deal with those evils!
   "Never mind, just look at the face of Avalon God's Domain, this time I will let you go!"
Finally, Sandro didn’t know what he thought of, he looked at the knight holding the holy sword, and then thought about a Celtic system that should be about the same as his fate... Finally, he didn’t want to make enemies at this time. , Finally shook his head helplessly, and raised his staff, causing the ghost ship that was half dead and wounded to slowly retreat towards the northwest...
   "Brother! Don't let their evil run away, and use the same moves you did just now to kill them!!!"
  Gales came over again at this time, and fiercely pointed his dagger at the black ship in the distance, hoping that his brother would attack the opponent with sunlight. She could see, those ordinary skeletons, they are afraid of sunlight!
   However, Gao Wen didn't dare to do that, but just let the opponent leave.
  Because he has less than half of the power left in his holy sword. Now he can scare the opponent away. If there is chaos, maybe they will all die here! I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~
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