Chapter 556: Earth Defense War (2)

Hum! !
However, without waiting for Shepard and Anderson to recover from the shock of the Earth and the current Star Alliance command center being attacked by the Reapers, outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window that had been shattered, there was a permeating sound from far away. When they looked up, they only found another red "color", almost as thick as a bucket of continuous energy particle beams that "fired", still being moved by the huge Reaper Cuttlefish in the distance. Bian violently "shot" and attacked.
It is already obvious that the wisdom of those reapers may be the same as Shepard said before. Although they look a little shabby, they are not quite worthy of the audience when they run out, but there is no doubt that the IQ of others is absolutely Not too low!
No, people will not only take advantage of the Star Alliance’s unpreparedness to attack the earth directly, and blatantly attack the home planet of the human race that has made trouble for their harvesters and collectors in the past two years, but also know that Shepard and others This large building is the command center of Star Alliance!
So, the reaper just hit it and didn’t think it was enough. Another bunch of particle beams don’t cost money, so they "shoot" towards this side. They are determined to continue to make up the knife, and connect the Star Alliance with all the high-levels of the earth. Were all killed and all killed?
"not good!!"
Did this trick happen again?
Seeing the enemy's warship attacking precisely toward the command center of the earth human beings once again, Galen could only spit secretly, once again inspiring the golden "color" light on his body, moving his body wearing heavy power armor, He forced his hands forward to do a wall-pushing motion, tightly guarding the Shepard that he knew behind him and a certain high-ranking earth official who was protecting him behind him.
Originally, Galen himself could avoid the enemy’s way in time, but
The chick named Shepard behind him seems to know their little head Anne very well, and seems to have a good relationship? Therefore, he had to continue to fight hard now, intending to help the other party to resist such a meal, so as not to accidentally be directly killed by the enemy's naval gun.
As for the dark-skinned old general named Anderson next to the opponent, that was really just incidental.
Maximize your physical fitness!
Activate the sacred power of Demacia throughout his body, forming a protective shield in front of or all over his body to reduce or completely resist any upcoming damage.
Fight! !
"Protect the home and the country!!!"
The enemy’s attack was fierce, and it was still a battleship-level energy "fire". Although it was not a scary thing like the battleship’s main gun, but now, at a glance, it can at least be said to be a high-end secondary gun. Now, he looked a little confused!
Therefore, Galen, who was a little apprehensive in his heart, had no choice but to shout his habitual slogan, which strengthened his spiritual will and stimulated his whole body strength, forming a layer in front of himself and his body. Thick, gold "color" shield about three meters square.
At this time, in order to protect the two guys behind, he had to waste a lot of sacred power to open the shield wall!
Rumble! !
The red "color" particle beam swept across Galen's shield of courage, and then violent explosions, flames, and damage fragments that broke the ground and other objects, instantly raged in this spacious Star Federation headquarters command center. Come on!
This alone made many Star Alliance middle- and high-level officers who were still groaning and planning to stand up again screamed again. They were hit by fragments and fell down, or they were blown up by flames. He flew out directly, followed in the footsteps of the members and committee members of the Star Federation, fell to a distant wall and fell heavily, and there was no sound anymore.
"Damn it! Shepard, are you okay?"
After the second explosion, dust soon filled the Star Alliance command center, and when Admiral Anderson finally recovered from the fire and explosion, except for the mess, smoke and fire in this hall. Besides, there is nothing left except those ruins with broken walls.
Those Star Federation members, defense commissioners and a large number of other senior Star Federation leaders who have just attended the meeting are probably now more ill-fortuned.
He never thought that those harvesters would come so quickly?
Thanks to them, I was grateful that those monsters would take the lead in attacking the more powerful Turians and Asari territories, so how many days could Star Alliance have to deal with?
But the result? Before they could say a few more words with the messenger from the alien plane, and even the conditions were not settled, the other party had already raided the earth itself directly and landed on the ground for a landing battle? !
Anderson also didn't know how the Reaper battleships got here, why didn't the Arcturus space station or the Charon repeater sound any alarm? What happened there now, what kind of enemies are Admiral Steven Hackett, who commanded the fleet near the Star Alliance Cosmos headquarters at the Arcturus Space Station of the Star Alliance?
Also, where are the second, third, and fifth main fleets? Have they been wiped out by the enemy?
In short, Anderson wants to know everything!
"Bah! Admiral, don't worry, I'll be fine!"
"Thank you for your protection, powerful General Galen!!"
After spitting out the dirty blood that seemed to be choked by something in his mouth, Shepard sighed, and while talking to Anderson next to him, he talked to the one in front of him like an iron tower, standing on top of her and Anderson. Jiang was two steps away, and the five-star general of the Federation who had blocked two fatal injuries just now thanked them.
She was really a little surprised. The admiral of the Hero Federation in front of her, the opponent's individual combat power, could be so terrifying? Not only is it powerful, but it also seems to have some magical ability? But what she doesn't know now is: Does the opponent's power come from the thick power armor on her body, or from the kind of ability that is almost the same as her own?
"You're welcome, these are just tricks! Ms. Shepard, it's not that I'm telling you. There are so many big scenes that I have seen in Galen over the years! Think about the past, when the Great Mengsk When we stepped down, we were under the leadership of the great head Anne, but even the dark and depraved Sarnagar, even that kind of evil gods were hacked and killed!"
"So, now this kind of energy level attack may be easy to help me!"
Finding that the enemy didn't seem to have any plans to continue attacking this place for the time being, Galen was relieved in his heart, but he was also a little bragging. He clenched his fist and slapped his cmc armor on the chest, and made a bang to show himself. Powerful.
But actually
As long as the enemy continues to attack once or twice, maybe he will have to run away! After all, no matter how strong he is, he would not dare to fight the enemy's warships for energy consumption. That is not brave, it is foolishness and death!
"Call the Defense Command Center!"
"This is Admiral Anderson! Please answer when you hear! Please answer when you hear!"
"Is anyone? This is Anderson, please answer when you hear!!"
Finding that Shepard was okay, Anderson ignored the greetings with the opponent and the general named Galen, and quickly used his universal tool to contact the Star Alliance's defense command center on the earth.
‘Admiral Anderson? "
"How is the headquarters here? We are raided by those powerful enemies and we are about to be unable to withstand it. We can't contact the fleet in space. We need support!"
Soon, the voice of a commander came from Anderson's universal tool.
Fortunately, this is the earth’s native land, and the Reapers seem to have only interrupted the connection between the earth and outer space, and have not been able to completely cut off the cables and multi-point short-distance communications on the ground, so that he can barely connect. The troops in the earth's atmosphere barely maintained the military system and command.
"You ask the headquarters"
"The situation at the headquarters is a bit bad now, and we have been attacked too! You don't use it here to support, do what you should do first!"
Scanning the surrounding flames and the motionless corpses, Anderson could not help sighing.
Obviously, the most important characters here are almost all dead now, and the guys who have not died outside will save themselves and reorganize themselves. After all, they are all Star Alliance soldiers, not those who only panic. Civilians who are at a loss seeking protection.
"Are you Commander William?"
"Very good! I am General Anderson. Now I declare: All ground defense forces belonging to the Star Alliance here on the earth are under my command. You immediately send all the troops you can send to fight the Reapers and the emergency evacuation of the people!"
"If possible, immediately distribute the weapons and arm those brave citizens! Also, immediately activate all war machines, including which robots, floating guns, and all automatic weapons!"
"At the same time, a global emergency mobilization order is issued, so that all reserves and militias will be armed at the nearest ordnance station!"
"Send the worst war warning to all countries on the planet!"
"You tell them: we are now facing a race war of life and death! Those enemies, they are the reapers. If we humans don't go all out, it won't be long before we all have to die!!"
Taking advantage of the chaos here, before the Reapers continued to attack here, and when the communication was still good, Anderson said all the instructions he could think of now!
However, he did not issue too specific combat orders so as not to hinder those commanders who went back to fight on their own.
‘We don’t have enough manpower, we need support’
A certain commander's cry for help soon came from the universal tool. Obviously, the other party's situation is not too optimistic?
"No support!"
"First do what you should do, all units will immediately enter the fighting state, I will go to meet you as soon as possible, the call is over!!"
Finally, he glanced sadly at the Star Alliance councillors, committee members, prime ministers, and senior generals who fell to the ground motionless, and Anderson sighed. He did not try to rescue or check the life and death of the other party, but in the first time. Began to perform his duties, as the command of ground forces defense operations.
"Oh, God"
How could such a thing happen?
Why do they come so fast and so suddenly?
When Shepard contacted the army urgently and gave orders to Anderson, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window that was broken by the Reaper battleship alone, leaving only the floor-to-ceiling glass window shattered into small squares. Looking at the terrible sight like the end of the day outside the window:
A huge, flashing blue "color" of Reaper battleships are constantly breaking through the earth's atmosphere, they swept through the atmosphere of fire, billowing smoke produced by rubbing the atmosphere, and circling lightning forcibly into the atmosphere. They are piercing their arthropods, which are like the lower limbs of an octopus, but larger than skyscrapers, into the earth’s ground, steadily stopping in the streets, parks, and streets of distant cities. Between the buildings, fire and gunpowder smoke directly fill the entire city block
Da da da! !
Boom boom boom! ! !
Whoosh! Whoosh!
The anti-aircraft artillery solid shells of the planetary defense turrets, pulse energy "shoots", anti-aircraft missiles and other attacks, dragging a long trajectory visible to the naked eye, violently bombarded the shields formed by the outer walls of the Reaper’s battleships. Constantly blasted up rounds of fire, and made a bang after the explosion!
The large and small high-speed fighters, small spaceships, and other mass effect aircraft used in the atmosphere of human beings are just like a swarm of bees, in groups of three to five, lined up in a neat formation, whizzing and landing towards those Reaper warships. The place whizzed and rushed, and from time to time they "fired" energy attacks and missiles, constantly attacking enemy warships or ground forces that the enemy had begun to land.
Shepard found that those attacks, except for some results on the ground targets, did not seem to hurt the huge Reaper warships at all? !
No one knows how many Reaper battleships have landed on Earth, and no one knows how many Reaper battleships are still in space. Anyway, Shepard only saw: Where she enters the eye, this is resounding. There are at least ten or more Reaper battleships in the city with the sound of air defense sirens, the roar of artillery shells, and the roar of fighters. They are all huge octopus-shaped monsters that look exactly like the overlord!
At the same time, the sky began to fall into meteorite-like masses with fire and smoke.
"That is"
If Shepard is not wrong, it is estimated that the wreckage of the Earth Defense Fleet battleship above the earth is obvious. They must be engaged in a fierce battle with the Reapers in the universe, and they cannot effectively resist the harvest. Such a terrifying enemy that the enemy succeeded in a surprise attack on the earth, and he almost succeeded in bringing the senior leaders of the Star Alliance to the end?
Perhaps, what method did the enemy use to raid the earth? Maybe even the fleet above the earth doesn't know it? Otherwise, it is impossible for them to not even issue a warning, and before all of them have time to react, the enemy's attack has already arrived.
Galen took down the C-14 improved Gauss rifle he was carrying, and after checking the ammunition, he took heavy steps and walked to Shepard who was staring at the scenery outside the window. .
"It seems that there is no need for our negotiations to continue. You should first prepare to fight a ground war!"
"Here! I will lend you this weapon for now!"
Galen didn't feel too unfamiliar with the apocalyptic chaos outside, nor was he surprised. After all, anyway, in the past few years, their Hero Federation has fought a lot of fierce battles with other alien races and ueds, and he has seen more cruel things!
As the saying goes: Life is endless, fighting is endless!
This is the main theme in this cruel galactic universe!
He Galen has actually seen it through early in the morning, no matter where it is, it is not so easy to want peace! Whether it is humans or other alien races, as long as they have wisdom, they have selfish desires, and there will be disputes if they have selfish desires! Therefore, he cherishes every second and every moment of peace, and is always ready to fight, to fight for those who cannot fight!
Only by fighting can we exchange for peace!
Only by fighting can we protect what we want to protect and cherish!
Only the powerful strength of one's own side, the ferocious giant cannon, and the big sword in his hand can always make those evil people who peep at other people's wealth and land withdraw their greedy hands forever! Regardless of whether they are humans or other alien races, this will always apply!
Therefore, for the apocalyptic scenes of outside the window, Galen did not feel too sad, except that he sighed with emotion and sighed that the earthlings in this world are also plagued by disasters.
To this day, the nerves of their soldiers have been tempered as tough as steel!
"Thank you, but what kind of weapon are you?!"
Shepard did not refuse the other party's kindness, and subconsciously reached out and took the weapon handed over by the other party.
Since she came to the Star Alliance command center for a meeting this time, she did not carry it, nor did she dare to carry any weapons! Even, she didn't even wear the n7 armor, just wearing a tight-fitting casual clothes, not even the Star Alliance mark!
Because, she and her Normandy II still belong to Cerberus in name.
However, looking at the hideous and heavy weapon that the other party handed to her, which was about the size of an anti-material heavy sniper rifle, she weighed it up, and felt that it seemed a bit too heavy, and it was as light and short as they were used to. The difference in mass effect weapons is too big.
Sharp-eyed, she discovered that the magazines still hung on the gun body seemed to be modified by the other party?
For this matter, Shepard didn’t know what to say. This approach not only increased the weight of the gun itself, but also seriously affected the flexibility and aiming. Therefore, she was a little rusty with those who had never seen it. The huge magazine that had passed broke off, and "plugged" it into the tactical buckle of his low waist casual clothes.
Three white hairs in a magazine? !
She didn't know what this weapon was. It seemed to have a large caliber, and she didn't know how many millimeters it was. In short, it was obviously different from the small-caliber rifle of Mass Effect! Moreover, this kind of thing is even more outrageous. It even has a larger grenade launcher mounted on it, plus a bayonet that can be ejected? !
Are these guys from the Hero Federation always ready to fight bayonet in close combat?
What age is this? There is an antique like a bayonet on the weapon? Compared to this non-essential configuration that affects the longitude of the "shoot" and increases the weight of the gun, she obviously prefers to use the energy blade on her left-handed universal tool!
"Its name is ‘C-14 Gauss Rifle’, and it is the standard weapon of the Marine Corps of the Heroic Federation of our Kepru District!"
"Of course, this handle of mine is a little different, it is a special improved model!"
"It uses an 8mm'stab nail' depleted uranium shell, known as the'u-38 shell' or'hot grab'! Trust me, Ms. Shepard, it is especially effective against heavy armored targets and shields. ! Moreover, in order to increase the firepower, I also mounted a laser sight, a high-explosive grenade launcher, and a high-strength bayonet for close combat. When it comes to fighting, it feels very refreshing, and you are satisfied!
Turning around and grinning at the other party, Galen introduced his weapon with a smug look.
Fortunately, he has long developed the habit of always being fully armed when leaving a safe place, otherwise, now he will have to be caught blind! In the face of enemies that look like insects and other monsters outside, bare hands are not a good choice.
"You give it to me now, what do you use yourself?!"
To be honest, Shepard doesn't like this heavy weapon that is heavy and affects his actions! Compared to the cumbersome thing she is holding now, she obviously prefers the m-6 ‘executioner’ automatic pistol that Admiral Anderson found on the dead guards!
If possible, she might be able to return the big iron block in her hand to the other party and find a more suitable automatic pistol for herself?
"Ha! Don't be polite with me, because I still have this!!"
Galen took the huge sword he had been carrying on his back directly from his back, held it imposingly with one hand, and swiped it twice at random, the terrifying power when it stroked the air. , It looks terrifying!
"By the way, the fellow Little Annie doesn't know where he is going again, don't you care about your little head of state?"
In desperation, Shepard could only continue to carry this rifle, which was too large for her, and by the way mentioned the little guy who had just disappeared and disappeared.
That mysterious method that suddenly disappeared must be so-called magic, right?
It's just that Shepard is a little anxious now, because the situation outside is so "chaotic", the reapers are starting to attack their cities on the earth, and they don't know how to find that little guy! This time, I'm afraid she's going to break her promise again. The little guy helped them so much, but she didn't have time to take the other party to play on earth for a few days.
In this terrible situation, I am afraid that there is no way to want to play. Even if they get lucky to defeat the Reaper, for a long period of time in the future, the almost never-ending battle is inevitable.
"Sorry! Ms. Shepard, let's worry about ourselves now! The strength of our little head is definitely far beyond your imagination! This is really not my bragging!"
Although Galen himself is not too clear about the specific strength of which of their little heads of state, and there are not too many opportunities to see the opponent with his own eyes, whether it is the opponent's own abilities or those in the StarCraft The terrifying record and the titles, as well as the inhuman zero casualties, are definitely not what they can compare, let alone worry about it!
What's more, the scenes from the expedition to the dark Sarnagar Amon are still vivid in purpose.
In fact, Galen felt that even if they were all dead, their little head of state would not have trouble easily! The various methods of that little head of state were beyond their imagination.
"That's it"
"But, this, this is a bayonet and a big sword, do your Federation troops like to play close combat?"
Although I don’t know much about the strength of that little guy, after a few battles, Shepard is more at ease about the little guy’s survivability. In addition, now, even the generals of the opponent's federal state are not too worried. , She had no choice but to temporarily let go of some of the anxiety and worries in her heart, and began to look curiously again at this weird man wearing power armor but holding cold weapons in her hand.
In close combat with the enemy, Shepard is not in conflict or unfamiliar! When needed, she would do it herself. But for the other party, directly carrying an epee, ready to go to the enemy for close combat at any time, then she would appreciate it!
"No, Ms. Shepard! I think you might have misunderstood something? We were once glorious Marines who liked to use rifles to destroy the enemy at long range!"
"One day, we accidentally got crooked by a little guy"
Before picking up the two-handed sword of ‘De Marcia Justice’ in his hand, Galen was originally a member of the Marine Corps! However, since they were successfully fooled by a little guy, they started to get more and more crooked in the battle.
By now, in the human marines of their heroic federation, a large number of people like him are carrying a giant axe or a big sword behind their backs, holding a c-14 Gauss rifle in their right hand, and holding a huge huge shield in their left hand. New force!
Not long ago, in the war with Ued, they caused a strong psychological shadow and pressure on the enemies. In the later stage of the war, even those Ued guys had to help their own Marines. Equipped with a large shield that can protect against bullets and slashes.
After that, they lined up to be shot, and the shield and shield were thicker than anyone else's. They reappeared in the war between the two sides. Fortunately, their Federation still has the power of sacred justice and anger. Those UED guys didn't understand, so in the battle, their federation will always have the upper hand, and those UEDs who are so learned can only shoot with their shields.
"So, your assault must be very powerful, right?"
After thinking about it, Shepard felt that maybe the opponent, like the Krogan or Turian lunatic pioneers with abilities, likes to charge into the enemy's crowd at every turn to play collisions and use mass effect energy fists and battles. Blade to attack the enemy?
"No, my offensive ability is average, I am actually a justice knight who pays more attention to defense!"
"Forget it, wait for another day. When our federation is finished, I will summon those Protoss, especially the guys named Artanis and Zeratul. Their melee assault ability is terrible. !"
"Those bastards, Protoss, are all crazy people who like close combat! Those guys!"
When talking about Protoss, Galen gritted his teeth with hatred!
Those hateful guys, didn't he accidentally destroy a mothership they passed by with a big move when he was experimenting? But in the end, those guys turned out to be like those shameless and scumbags who like to touch porcelain, they just came to ruin him for a lot of repairs?
This, this is really unreasonable!
He Galen is a pedestrian, and the Protoss mothership flies in the sky. It is a giant mobile unit. There is an accident and dispute between the two sides. Then he Galen obviously belongs to that kind of absolutely weak party. How can he let him go in turn Losing money? !
Also, there must be a problem with the judgment of the Federal Court. It must be the Protoss who stuffed money into the tribal jury! He Galen was injured and bleed for the Federation, and he has done a lot to the country. How can those guys deduct his salary and bonus directly and unreasonably? This kind of accident should not be paid for by military logistics. Is it? !
"Are you aliens on Earth so strange?"
Shepard almost choked on this cursing human general. She didn't know what to say, and she was a little bit inexplicable. She didn't know what the other party's unprovoked anger was all about.
"No! Strictly speaking, we can't be regarded as human beings on earth, but human beings in the region called Kepulu! We have actually left the earth for many years!"
Although for the second batch of prisoners like Galen who were exiled by UPL, leaving the earth is just a waking up and more than ten years have passed? However, for their universe, they have indeed left the earth for more than a hundred years. Even the upl has been integrated into ued, and they have come to the Kepulu region and they were exiled and persecuted. The'criminal' and the offspring of the'criminal' fought two big fights!
He believes that in about one hundred and eighty years, the third heroic federation duel Ued will definitely continue to unfold, right?
"I'm sorry, I still don't understand, is there any difference?"
Shepard is even more puzzled, can't human beings who leave the earth be called earth people? What kind of weird logic is this?
You know, in their world, no matter where they humans go to colonize, other aliens can call them ‘Humans of Starlink’ or ‘Earth’!
Especially the special title of ‘earth people’, for this, I believe no human being will refuse.
"Hey! That's different!"
"With us, the humans in our Kepru region are not very good at dealing with the from the earth, and they will fight when they meet!"
It's true that they are all humans, but there are huge differences in ideology!
Especially now, their hero federation is a united federation country that integrates the humans, protoss, and zergs in the Kepulu region, which is extremely hostile to ued! Coupled with the friction between the army of their federation and the army of ued, and after the two large-scale expeditions that smashed ued back and forth, the two sides are now very bitter and hated!
Whether it is ued who failed the expedition or the hero federation who has been repeatedly invaded, they are all thinking of looking for opportunities to give the opponent a bit of cruelty!
But now, the two sides have temporarily died down because of the boundaries and distance.
Her cheek twitched, and Shepard didn't know what the other party was all about. She didn't know the situation, so she shrugged her shoulders with a smile and didn't intend to discuss this topic.
"Two! Hurry up, if you are ready, we will leave here first!"
While the two were talking, Anderson had already contacted the commanders who could be found, and after briefly explaining all the combat tasks, he took the m-6'executionman' automatic pistol and walked over. Beside the two. After taking a look at the tragic scene of the city outside, he sighed slightly, and said anxiously to Shepard and the heroic Federation general wearing tall and heavy power armor.
Their Star Union headquarters is definitely the primary target of those Reaper enemies. If they don't want to continue to be attacked by enemy artillery or ground landing forces, they'd better leave here temporarily.
"Quick, follow me, let's go to the tarmac to evacuate to the emergency headquarters!"
After speaking, Anderson took the lead and jumped down a narrow corridor outside the window sill.
Although he is now an admiral of the Star Alliance, he also relied on his combat exploits to kill step by step. Whether it is fleet command or individual combat capability, he is not ambiguous at all, and his skills look vigorous. very!
"Yes, sir!"
Shepard checked the unfamiliar weapon in his hand for the last time, and used the universal tool in his left hand to set himself a simple mass effect shield, and then jumped down.
"Hey! Guys, I don't think this would be a good idea"
"I think you may not know that this outfit on me is three or four tons. You are sure that your building is not the kind of tofu dregs, and it is not the kind of project that can collapse with a few people standing on the balcony?!"
When he walked to the edge of the window sill and looked at the narrow maintenance passage outside the tall and large building, Galen hesitated.
If he jumps down and the other party's engineering quality is not good enough, then he can't say that the five-star general of the federation will have to suffocate his life on this alien earth! Above such a height of hundreds of meters, he would not dare to use a high-altitude jet to force landing!
If it really falls, the slow-down and buffer system are useless! He is wearing cmc Marine Corps armor, not a Reaper's flying and jumping backpack! Of course, it's not the'reapers' who are raging outside, they are just the same name.
"Well, you're ruthless!"
However, the two people below had already run more than ten meters away, and they had no idea about taking care of him as a friend! This made Galen tangled on the window sill for a while, watching that the enemies in the distance were indeed pouring here, and the particle beam had been bombarding this huge steel building as usual without money. He finally I had to gritted my teeth and jumped down
Boom! !
"Fortunately! The quality of your building is good. It's not the kind of tofu project where the wind blows the wall!"
After finding that he was standing steadily on the maintenance corridor on the outer edge of the building, and did not collapse due to the huge weight of his armor, Galen had to breathe a sigh of relief and hurried to stride to follow the two thieves in front of them. The guy chased it up.
boom! !
Da da da
The whole city was "chaotic". In the distance, the humans on the street or the crooked stars of other races were fleeing frantically. They were evacuated by the desperate police and Star Alliance soldiers, taking refuge one by one. The channel went crazy!
However, the number of enemies is really too much, plus the huge Reaper ships in the distance are constantly bombing, so that many people are affected by the terrible red "color" energy particles. In the screaming, then dismembered or annihilated in the screams
"Are those bad guys called Reapers? But why do they come so fast?!"
Wearing a red "color" skirt, Annie still dangling her legs in a luxurious gourmet shop, sitting on a chair and eating, Annie watched the boats in the distance falling to the ground. The giant octopus monster spaceship that was raging and attacking stopped, and then looked at her surroundings, this small shop that had run clean and even no one was gone, she was a little unhappy and threw it open. That silver spoon.
It's really hateful!
Finally, she took advantage of the time between the meeting between Galen and Shepard and the bad old men, and she ran out to play happily by herself, but the result was
Those bad reapers, how hot are they? Can't wait for her to have a good meal first, and then play happily for a few days? Now, they actually came to the earth so quickly to make trouble, and even kill people and set fires, so much so that now she wants to call the waiter to get her another delicious thing!
(Dear little master, the enemy still has 30 seconds to enter your current battlefield. There are about three to five thousand mobs. There are two large steel spider monsters. If you don’t count the huge octopus ship in the distance, Probably only these are there now?
( ̄ ̄)
Tibbers doesn’t care what his little master’s mood is now, he first sensed it for a while, and after roughly counting the enemies within a mile radius, he kindly reminded his little master. One sentence. )
"Humph! Can't spare them!"
Bang! !
Annie directly took out her 0mm caliber, code-named ‘Flame Goddess’, SS01 type I, and a specially made super-strong special electromagnetic Gauss sniper rifle directly from her pocket!
Now, since those reaper monsters dare to slap her Queen Anne's tiger beard, have they seen a sniper rifle with a full 20mm caliber? !
"Wait and see! Later, there will be some of them!"
Annie turned her head and looked. After seeing an automatic door marked with a bathroom sign in the distance, she carried her own Gauss rifle, which was the size of a barrel thief, jumped out of the chair, and squatted on the floor. Ran towards the place at a short pace.
She needs to find a place to change into her beautiful red and white tight-fitting ghost combat uniform!
Then, she wants to let those bad guys called the Reapers know how powerful she is, the most powerful ghost agent in the Hero Federation! She also wants to let them know what a terrible end it will be to disturb her Queen Anne eating!
Those bad guys, she must want them to look good! As long as they appear in her sight, she will kill and burn them all, leaving none!
(Little master, there are so many reaper monsters, and they must have covered the entire earth. Can you kill them alone? The little one thinks it's better for you to summon the army quickly?
? ?
Seeing that his little master wanted to play in person, Tibbers couldn't help but ask. But now the Reaper is fighting the whole earth war, not to mention that this bad little master has copied the guy himself, even if the opponent uses magic, it is estimated that she will be exhausted?
Unless, she recklessly burns the entire planet, along with humans and reapers. In that case, it might be easier? )
"Summon an army?"
"But isn't that kind of thing handed over to that guy Galen?!"
Annie felt it, and now that guy from Galen is happily running with Shepard on the edge of the big building in the distance! She believes that if he needs to summon the army, he will definitely do it. That guy has the space gem she gave him. It will be okay to open the portal to summon the ground troops, so she doesn't have to worry about it!
(Well, I wish you a good time)
"I'm not playing, but I really want to help!"
In the face of this kind of interstellar war that spreads to the entire planet and even the entire solar system, Annie’s power alone is limited. In the case of not daring to cast spells indiscriminately, there is nothing wrong with her using a rifle to help, anyway. It is much more reliable than using spells in this chaotic battlefield!
After all, if her spell is not careful, it may cause accidental injury, which is very bad! Besides, now there are more relaxed and pleasant ways, why should she choose the difficult one? You only need to pull the trigger to shoot. If you want to cast a spell, you still need to read the bar or guide, which is too much trouble!
"Be careful! There are enemies!"
"Hurry up and kill them first!!"
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
When Admiral Anderson came to the balcony of the Star Alliance headquarters that seemed to be an air-conditioning unit, he suddenly noticed the same thing. There are dozens of corpse puppets with blue light and metallic luster that climbed up the wall!
In this situation, he had to stop and use his own ‘executioner’ automatic pistol, while at the same time making Shepard and himself "shoot" at the enemies who had climbed to the balcony in front.
Shepard didn’t say much. She had seen many corpse puppets a long time ago, so she directly raised the c-14 Gauss rifle in her hand, and after a little aiming, she started as usual. He pulled the trigger at the hideous puppets who rushed towards them frantically.
Da da da! ! !
However, what struck her unexpectedly was that as she opened fire, the heavy rifle in her hand burst into flames, and the dozens of puppets opposite her who had required at least several shots to kill in the past unexpectedly hit The child was torn to pieces by the violent bullet?
Looking at the weapon in her hand, Shepard was a little bit incredulous for a while. She felt that with such a power, I am afraid that when confronted with the kind of shielded Reaper soldiers or other monsters, I am afraid that it can be all at once. You broke the opponent's mass effect shield and ability barrier, right?
"Good job, Shepard!"
"This is really a good weapon! But where did I seem to see it?"
I just had time to fire a few shots, but in the end, the enemy was killed by Shepard alone, and the kind of quick death that was beaten to pieces, which made Anderson very satisfied!
However, I don't know why, Anderson seems to be a little impressed with this thing, but he has been busy worrying about the Reaper recently, and he can't remember where he has seen it.
"Of course it's amazing!"
"U-38 shells are not blown! But, Shepard, you just was too wasteful. You knocked out dozens of bullets at once. I advise you to save a little bit and keep a little bit to deal with valuable heavy armor. aims."
At this time, Galen caught up with the two of them, and carefully climbed onto the balcony-like platform, finally he was not worried about accidentally falling down.
"It's so exciting!"
"However, General Galen, while this c-14 Gauss rifle is powerful, it has too much recoil, and it shook my shoulders a bit!"
Shepard fell in love with a big guy just this time of "shooting"!
It's just that she still feels that after the n7 protective gear with protection and buffering capabilities on her ship, it will be more comfortable to use, instead of just hitting the shuttle like now, the shoulders will be a bit too large.
After all, she is a veteran who has been battle-tested. Such a terrible situation is not conducive to a long battle!
"Don't worry, your physical fitness is OK!"
"That may be because you didn't wear our cmc armor, otherwise, you would just dislike its power is not strong enough! You may not know that our Federal Marine Corps likes to use this weapon to attack on the ground. It may even be able to directly lay down the enemy's heavy battleship!"
The general c-14 Gauss rifle is not as powerful as the one in Shepard's hands. After all, it is a special weapon of General Galen. It is at least 50% more powerful than the standard one, and its recoil is about the same. The same value has been added!
And now this woman, she can directly use it to perform precise "shooting" without wearing a protective gear, which also made Galen look at the other side slightly.
"It would be perfect if the weight could be smaller!"
Shepard still felt that it was a bit too bulky, and fighting with it was very physical, which was not conducive to long-term, high-intensity fighting.
"Let's do it, I will give you a set of our best cmc armor when I have time another day, and I will satisfy you!"
Seeing that the other party liked his weapon, Galen simply promised another set of cmc armored power suit.
"Thank you then!"
Shepard will definitely not refuse the good things about fighting!
"You're welcome, it's the military reimbursement anyway!"
You don't have to pay for yourself, Galen is very generous!
Shepard twitched his cheeks and said nothing.
"You may not know that I have just paid off the Protoss money recently. That is the sky-high maintenance cost of a Protoss mothership that was smashed by my sword. Think about it over the past few years, but it keeps my life They are all living tightly, go to the cafeteria all day to eat free meals, and now I am waiting to earn some military exploits for some bonuses!"
Galen smashed the head of a corpse puppet with one foot. It was the first time he saw such a monster that looked like a robot and a human skeleton.
Shepard is a little unbelievable, how could a general be short of money? Moreover, how expensive can something be chopped off by the other party?
"and many more!"
"I seem to remember, the Hero Federation, and that kind of weapon, General Galen, the God Fort, did you do it?"
Suddenly, Anderson on one side exclaimed, he seemed to think of something extraordinary.
"All right!"
"Sir Anderson, now we are almost out of the earth, what do you want to do in the castle?"
Shepard quickly stopped Admiral Anderson's doubts and questions. UU Reading www.uukā didn't care about the more troubled Galen, so he opened up the round.
She knows who did the things in the castle of God than anyone else!
So, it is better not to mention this matter again? If she is free in the future, she will explain clearly to her senior officer.
Anderson nodded, knowing the priority, he didn't continue to ask about this matter.
"What dumb riddle are you playing? What kind of castle?"
Galen didn't know what was going on. Why did he seem to be a little confused about what these two people said?
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