Chapter 6: Even if it is a disaster, someone will always get rich!

New York in this world is plagued by disasters. Let’s not talk about the invisible evil at the bottom, or the army of aliens that will appear in the future. Just say that the two green monsters on the street are now beating each other. The New Yorkers in the nearby streets have suffered!
Cars grabbed by monsters and littered, as well as the flames of automobile fuel explosions, and the high-speed flying bricks and stones can cause fatal injuries to ordinary and fragile New Yorkers. They will die if touched. It hurts!
   In the midst of danger, the citizens can only rush out of the cars on the street in a panic, even without the door being closed!
   When faced with two green monsters who were fighting each other, they had no way other than escape! Even if it is to escape, from time to time, some unlucky ones are smashed into strange shapes by street light poles or broken parts of cars flying from there! Or it was passed through by the steel fragments of a certain car after the explosion, or it was crushed into meatloaf by a certain building fragment that was depressurized from the sky! There was even a big fat guy who was running a little slower was grabbed by the gray-green skinny monster giant, and then thrown into the sky, after a panic scream, bang! The ground fell to the concrete floor and twitched for a while, and then there was no response...
   Now no one wants to stay longer in the battlefield of these two monsters. Even the police and the army have begun to organize retreats!
   Obviously, the pistols or rifles in their hands cannot cause any harm to these two monsters! And the powerful weapons dare not use them in urban areas, unless some of them are willing to take the responsibility of razing large areas of New York to the ground. Otherwise, in such a situation, the police and soldiers have no better way except to evacuate the crowd and follow them for their lives! What is happening here is not a problem that ordinary humans or the army can solve!
   But compared to the other people on the street who are afraid of not escaping fast enough, there is a wretched man hiding behind a steel trash can behaves a little differently! He did not retreat in the direction in which the crowd fled. Instead, he hid behind the steel trash can and looked nervously at the two monsters that were fighting not far away, still muttering something in his mouth.
  Paul is a Mexican taxi driver who has been driving taxis in New York for many years! However, because he smuggled over from Mexico in his early years, he suffered for many years! Because of his hard work and no criminal record, he barely got a green card until recently.
   For so many years, Paul got up early and greeted the dark as he paid off the debts of the taxi company nine out of ten! In addition to paying off his debts, he now has a taxi of his own! Although there is still no deposit and no house, but the days seem to have some hope! When he wants to come, maybe one day in the future he can bring his family to the United States to enjoy the happiness.
  His taxi looks a bit worn out, and he may still be able to drive it for another year and a half to spend money on repairs and maintenance! But how does this money come from? Paul is a little worried. If he doesn't have the money to repair the car, is he going back to the company to drive for the group of vampires? Oh! Do not! Paul swears that he never wants to face those evil capitalists again! Those vampires!
   Maybe God really favors Paul, and now there may be an opportunity to solve his problem!
   When Paul just came out of the small hamburger shop holding two paper bags filled with burgers and potato chips, he saw two green monsters fighting! What made Paul almost stare at is: They are still smashing things! They can throw the car like a ball! And it just so happened that Paul's dilapidated taxi was parked beside two fighting monsters!
   "Oh! God! Praise you!"
   Paul opened his eyes wide and hid behind a tin bin to observe the battle in the distance! The eyes are full of excitement! There are only two words left in my mind: insurance! Insurance! Insurance! As long as these two monsters smashed his car, he definitely hopes to receive a large sum of money, enough for him to buy a brand new taxi! In his opinion, as long as the insurance can be reported, let this broken car without air-conditioning go to hell! Still overhauled? I bother!
   "Oh, boy! You stepped on it!!"
   Paul's car is right next to two scrambled green monsters! But it's amazing, it's still unscathed until now!
   The skinny Hulk pulled a car and threw it at another muscle Hulk, and the muscle Hulk smashed the car into the air! The auto insurance passed over Paul's taxi and hit the floor glass of an ice cream shop in the distance-it was scrapped.
Upon seeing this, the skinny Hulk pulled up another car next to Paul’s taxi and threw it at the Muscle Hulk again, but was blown away again by a punch, and also smashed into the same spot of the car that just got on. And it caused an explosion! The flames and smoke in that place began to raging! It seems that some of the people in it are more ill-fortuned!
   But Paul doesn’t care about this! After the Skinny Hulk lost its car twice and was knocked into the air, when it tried to try its best and reached out to grab Paul’s car again, it was caught by the muscular Hulk rushing up with rage and hit it into flight. The two monsters rolled into the distance together, broke several street light poles, crushed and scrapped several cars.
   "Oh! No! God! No! You can't do this to me!!!"
   Paul knelt down in pain with his head in both hands, watching the two monsters fighting farther and farther, but his car still stopped there! It was unscathed, maybe not even a scratch!
   Paul knows that he still wants to apply for insurance in such a situation? Dream it! Do not make jokes! There is no insurance for a penny! Maybe those insidious insurers will let him pay next year's insurance premiums by the way!
This is just great! The insurance claims that Paul is about to get are gone! The money for the new car is gone! I don’t know where the money for the overhaul of the car is!
   "God! What did I do wrong! Why are you doing this to me!"
  Paul is desperate! Two big hands full of dirt covered his face! There used to be a large amount of insurance money in front of him, and he thought that the money was about to be paid, but he did not expect that this was a bad joke made by God and him!
   There was a huge roar! As soon as he looked up in despair, Paul saw a huge teddy bear that was half a height taller than the two green monsters and was covered in flames? It fell from the sky and trampled Paul's taxi into a pile of scrap iron. The flames from the cracks in the teddy bear even ignited several nearby cars. The high temperature caused the air to boil and twist the light. UU Reading www. even Paul in the distance can clearly feel it! After the car burned, a violent gasoline explosion sounded immediately after a while.
"Roar~!!" After the explosion, the huge flame teddy bear that landed on the ground roared again, and then it looked at the two Hulks who had stopped fighting in the distance, but were still twisted together, with their two green faces. Shizheng looked at the flame monster teddy bear falling from the sky. Their minds filled with anger were a little confused for a while, wondering what this new giant flame bear was so easy to mess with?
   Paul, who was hiding behind the trash can, first glanced at the flaming teddy bear in a daze, then blinked at the taxi that had been stepped on by it and burned to scrap metal. Apart from anything else, he got up and turned his head and ran! While running, he muttered: "Praise God!!!"
   Now Paul feels that God is still loving! I didn't treat it differently because I almost never went to worship! Paul swears that after receiving the money to buy a new car, he will go to church once a week! Well, if it can't be done once a week, at least once a month!
   "Fuck me!! Tibbers! Kill them!!"
   A crisp little girl's voice sounded behind her! It is particularly clear on this chaotic and fearful battlefield, but no one has noticed this, including Paul! They are more anxious to leave this Shura early! Stay here for a second, then there will be a second more dangerous! Life is very precious to the citizens of New York! Two monsters fighting or three monsters fighting does not make much difference to them!
   After the voice of the little girl mixed in the explosion sounded, the giant flame bear began to roar angrily!
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