Chapter 561: Annie's Secret Action

  ‘Let the cannon roar louder! ’
  ‘Xiao Li, I’ve said you many times... Our tank has two 90mm cannons. What do you mean by firing only one shot at a time? Faster! Shoot out all the shells. Do you keep the hundreds of shells for the New Year? ’
  ‘Or the girl you are thinking about the medical transport plane again? Lao Tzu tells you now that very few of our tank soldiers are injured, either dead or alive! You definitely won't see her when you die, and you won't see her even if you are alive. So, you'd better die early! ’
'and also! Next time you dare to cut corners and fire only one shot, I will withdraw you! ! ’
  ‘Hey! Mr. Captain! ’
   Boom! boom!
In the communications of the federal army command vehicle, some weird conversations were heard from time to time, and the officer in charge of the command was full of black lines. If it weren’t for being in a combat state, he would have cursed and shut down a certain morale. Some people are confined.
  ‘The big deal is here! Hurry up and switch the siege mode, I want to blow up that building! ! ’
   This prosperous city on Earth where the Star Alliance headquarters is located, is now being constantly raged by the monsters of the Reapers. Of course, there are also those unscrupulous legal demolition teams! Those siege tanks, who are not at home because they are not at all distressed when they are dismantled, are bombarding the city with their cannons.
After the roar of a huge shell, it directly and accurately destroyed the load-bearing part of a building's load-bearing column, instantly blasting a building full of Reaper soldiers to the ground... A large group of people are relying on the favorable terrain, and the enemies who fired at the windows of the Star Federation and the Union Marines directly buried under the rubble, and successfully won the cheers of countless Union and Star Union soldiers around. sound.
   It turned out that it was a good thing done by a piercing siege tank that was converted into a siege mode at the rear!
It did not wait for a tank in front to complete the conversion mode, and completely erased the civilian building from the map with one shot... At this time, the rails of its huge 180 mm magnetic rail gun were glowing red. And there was a slight heat, and it was still turning slowly.
   Maybe, it should be looking for a new bombing target?
   Boom boom boom...
The banshee fighters, who are hidden in the sky from time to time, are also roaring and rushing past. The air-to-ground recoil rockets with a large range of damage only need one round of salvo to blast a whole street. The Reaper monsters were directly submerged in the flames, explosions and billowing smoke.
   will be invisible, and they have high mobility, so that those reaper monsters really hate and fear!
  Because, no one knows where they are, and when will they suddenly pop up and shoot the recoil rocket with amazing explosive power?
  ‘Hahaha! ’
  ’Feel the horror of the Reaper, dare to contaminate the alien monsters of our ‘Reaper’, now your death has come! ! ’
   Boom! !
After a group of red flying mechas flew by at high speed, a huge mushroom cloud with a radius of about a dozen meters soared into the air... Then, the Reaper soldiers below who were shooting crazy in the air, just do it again. There was no movement.
   Those obviously flying criminals of the "Scythe of Death"!
   They relied on their advantages of high mobility and high firepower. Less than ten minutes after the start of the battle, the criminals who were originally unorganized and disciplined, they ran away without a trace...
   However, from the huge roar of individual nuclear weapons that is different from the explosion of missiles and artillery shells from all over the city, you can probably tell where they are going.
Da da!
  嗵! Huh! Huh! !
Many Viking fighters gave up flying and converted directly into human form. They are leading a large group of Federal Marines through the ruins cleaned by siege tanks and Banshee fighters. Mopping up. In fact, it’s not that they don’t want to follow those banshees to bombard, but after their large targets were besieged and shot down several, they had to be ordered by the higher-level military officers to clean up the streets that had been recovered and carried out this boring Cleaning up work.
   And behind the infantrymen, Goliath mechas and walking Viking fighters, there is the kind of giant humanoid mecha "Thunder" that shakes the ground every step of the way.
   It was then guarded by the infantry tanks, slowly approaching the Reaper spacecraft in the distance, preparing to deliver a fatal blow to those big guys parked on the ground within a suitable time and distance!
   Actually, not all battles are as lively as the surroundings of the teleportation field?
When the army of the Hero Federation cooperated with the remnants of the Star Alliance to slowly regain the city and fight the Reapers, dozens of ghost agents sent out were scattered and hidden in the streets far away from the combat area. Carefully search for something in a certain area.
   They didn't cause any unnecessary movement except when necessary, they took the cold to kill those Reaper monsters blocking the way! Except for Galen and others who sent them here to perform the mission, I am afraid that no one knows that there is such a troop in this block...Even the reapers who are walking by them, or The same goes for those citizens who are fleeing towards the warring area in panic and seeking refuge.
  噗嗵! Cang Dang!
A faint blue single-molecule light blade flashed by, and the two corpse puppets wandering on this platform, their metal skull-like heads were with a trace of incomprehension and consternation, and they were directly separated from their necks. Home, and rolled and fell to the dirty and dusty ground.
   After several seconds, their headless, skeleton-like bodies collapsed to the side of the wall together.
After a while, after finding that there were indeed no other enemies around, as the light distorted, the two wore black tights and fully enclosed helmets on their heads. Only the big and the small eyepieces were flashing. A faint green light soldier appeared beside the empty gate.
   "Sir! Look at these footprints, and these patterns... The mark above seems to be exactly the same as the one recorded in our database?"
   Two ghost agents are carefully investigating on the high-rise platform where a little girl had stayed for a while.
  Because they used special equipment to track the traces of the energy dissipation of the Nether Energy Stealth Device all the way, and then they came here and found that the ground was gradually being covered by ashes, but they could still easily identify the small footprints of human boots.
   For the average person, it’s not uncommon to see footprints or something?
   However, for their professional ghost agents who are searching for the target, the faint fluctuations of phantom energy escaping from the footprints give them a good indication of the existence of the target! This kind of thing was originally dedicated to tracking the defection ghost, but obviously, it can definitely be used to find someone, especially if the other party is also a ghost.
   "The remaining phantom energy detection shows..."
   "It shows... the PSI level is... the highest and highest level 12!?"
   "Sir! Confirmed! This must be the footprint of Target 0's ghost suit! Our little head, she should be nearby!"
   "Or you can say...she has been here at least?"
   "According to the degree of dust coverage, it should be half an hour ago?!"
   One of them canceled his invisibility, and the ghost agent who was showing his figure squatted on the ground, using a small instrument specializing in detecting phantom energy to carefully detect something above the footprint.
   The so-called phantom energy level in his mouth is actually a concept standard for phantom energy (psionic energy) formulated by a human in the Kepulu region, which is called ‘PsiIndex’!
This standard is the general standard used by the former Tyronnian Federation and the former Tyronn Empire of Mengsk to score and test those humans with superpowers, and this standard was originally formulated after Sarah Kerrigan appeared. , And then continue to use.
   And until now, the Hero Federation has never thought about changing it, and there is no need for it.
   "Half an hour..."
   If the goal is to be here half an hour ago, it may be a bit difficult to find...
   "Who is inside, come out!!!"
   Two ghost agents are squatting on the ground and studying those little footprints intently. Suddenly, they seem to have discovered something at the same time?
   Then, they first glanced at each other silently, and then, one of them took a few steps forward, pushed open the iron vent that was not so securely covered, and gave a cold drink to it!
   For ghost agents like them who specialize in concealment, tracking, detection and assassination, a guy hiding in a pipe is too easy to be spotted.
  咚! Boom!
   "Come out! We found you a long time ago!!!"
After waiting for a while, the somewhat impatient ghost agent used the hand armor of the fully enclosed special nanofiber combat uniform he was wearing to knock the wall of the metal pipe hard, and while making a loud noise, he made a cold sound. Urged to some trembling guy hiding inside.
   If it is changed to another place, maybe they just threw it in with a concussion bomb.
   "Uncle, are you here to save me?"
   Finally, when the ghost was about to turn around and leave, at the corner deep in the pipe, half of the boy's head was stretched out. The opponent first looked at the equipment and the fully enclosed helmet of the ghost agent timidly, as well as the immersive eyepiece with the dark green light on the helmet, and after confirming that the opponent should not be the kind of murderous monster, he hesitated and whispered. Asked.
   Yes, this is the little boy Nairn who has been hiding here! He felt that the other party was probably the uncle soldiers of their Star Alliance, and should they be searching for and rescuing him now?
   "I'm sorry! We don't have time to save you!"
   In the expectant gaze of the other party, the ghost agent jokingly used ruthless words to hit the other party hard.
   After all, the two parties are not relatives, and they are not members of the World Federation of Stars on this plane. Where can there be time or obligation to save people? If it wasn't for the little head of state who needed to search for them and had to come here, I'm afraid they wouldn't stay here for so long, let alone kill those two skeleton-like monsters.
   The little boy Nairn was so choked by the other party's words that he almost didn't cry. The half of his head he had just stretched out, silently retracted.
  咚! Boom!
   "Hey! Boy, don't retract yet, I have something to ask you!"
   "A little girl wearing a battle suit similar to ours but with red and white armor, have you ever seen it?!"
Although this ghost does not understand why more than ten years have passed since the Kepulu region, and their little head of state is still a little girl and feels a little unbelievable, but...the advanced knowledge of time and space is obviously not his kind. The big head soldier can understand, so he didn't get too entangled with this kind of problem.
   Therefore, when he saw that there were many small footprints under his own feet that were patrolling the opening of this ventilation duct, he had to ask more patiently.
   Fortunately, their little head of state was wearing a ghost suit, so many traces of phantom energy that could be detected by them escaped, allowing them to search and find targeted. Otherwise, in such a big city, they don't know where to find it?
   That Galen, their ghost army is obviously not under the control of his general, but that guy still has the authority to give them the most troublesome order to find someone! The little head of state whose twelfth-level phantom energy was detected is probably not much different from that Sarnagar Kerrigan. There is definitely no danger in this city, where they need to waste their energy. To search?
"she was……"
   "She jumped down..."
   After waiting for a long time, a little boy's grievance came from the dark pipe, and he said such a sentence without end.
   "Jump, jump down?!"
Frowning, the ghost agent found out that the kid inside was not the one they were looking for, and when he got the information he wanted, he turned his head ruthlessly and simply, and walked back to their chief. , Stood together in front of the broken French window, probed out and looked at the street ground under the building.
   However, below, there seems to be nothing but a messy street...
   "He shouldn't lie, the footprints disappeared here! After destroying the monsters here, she should have jumped directly from here."
"The fighting here didn't last long. She only fired a dozen shots and all the enemies were killed by one blow! She stayed for a while at the pipe mouth over there, and then jumped from us... well, too Maybe it's flying down?"
   The ghost agent who seemed to be the leader of the team finally turned around and took a look at the messy footprints on the ground with their special eyepieces. He probably confirmed the matter and reasoned out a reasonable process.
   It’s just that he is a little unsure whether he will jump from here or fly down...
  Although, in theory, as long as their ghost suit moves properly and has enough cushioning action, plus the ultra-high impact protection ability of the armor itself, shouldn't be injured when jumping from this height? However, it is not a last resort, or absolute confidence in your own abilities, otherwise, no ghost will do it casually!
   "Captain, is she going to the direction of the enemy warship in the distance?"
Looking at the ground and searching below for a while, after really finding nothing worthwhile, another ghost agent suddenly pointed his finger at the giant octopus of the Reaper in the distance, straight into the ground and clouds. The black spaceship asked.
   The monster spaceship with three huge arthropods and slightly smaller calves on both sides, they all feel like the Zerg’s ‘Leviathan’ class mother ship, not the so-called battleship!
   Judging from the Reaper monsters they saw and killed when they came along, it seems that the other party is not a Zerg, but more like some transformed monsters?
In short, this kind of alien called the Reaper is full of weirdness everywhere, making them feel like countless races are twisted together and twisted together. It's not like anything they have ever encountered. An alien race!
   "Should... No, I can only say that it is possible?!"
   Obviously, the captain of this ghost force is not too sure.
   After all, judging from the feedback and the information they have obtained, they only know that the other party has been active in this area. Who knows where their head of state has gone?
   The Admiral Galen only gave them one hour time limit, which made him feel very embarrassed...
   Looking for a powerful ghost is not an easy task!
   I think back then, when hunting down that Kerrigan, the ghost troops suffered heavy casualties! Although, they are not hunting now, but even if they are just looking for it, it will not be that easy.
  ‘Sir! ’
  ‘We found a large number of corpses of Reaper monsters. Most of them were killed by one blow, and most of their attack angles were on the head. It is estimated that the weapon diameter is about 20mm or more? ’
  ‘This kind of damage is really like our head of state’s special 20mm sniper rifle! ’
At this time, the leader of the ghost force, who had not waited for any specific information to be found on this high-rise platform, judged the specific whereabouts of their little head of state. On their ghost channel, they began to spread out to search. Reports from your subordinates.
  ‘We are looking for warheads, I believe we can get results soon! ’
Although their ghost troops use C-10 special shot rifles with a caliber of up to 25 mm, they can also use a series of special ammunition, such as the kind of EMP ammunition designed to deal with shields and consume target energy; it can make mechanical or The high-frequency lock-on bullets that biological targets lose the ability to move; and ordinary penetrating anti-personnel bullets, etc... However, in terms of weapon power alone, the 25mm rifle in their hands is not as good as the hands of their little head of state. Special weapons in the country.
   This is the evil privileged class...Even if the other party is a little girl who has made a great contribution to the constellation, it can't stop them from whispering in their hearts!
  ‘Report sir! ’
  ‘We have now reached the area of ​​Vault 63! ’
   ‘Just now we checked the giant ‘Reaper Robot Spider’ that was killed! It was discovered that it was shot and killed by a powerful electromagnetic rifle at close range! ’
  ’The bullet was very tricky and shot in from the weak point above the armor gap of the enemy's head, then rolled and penetrated in the enemy's head, shot out from the lower jaw, and killed it easily? ’
  ‘However, it may have been dead for a while, and we can’t tell the exact time to kill it. ’
   Before that team of ghosts finished reporting, the ghost agents searching for another team also began to upload the information they found and the location area they found to their captain.
  ‘Head! We found another valuable piece of information! ’
  ‘I just dug a projectile from a wall. Although it is a bit deformed, it is indeed a special 20mm bullet! It is the same as the ordinary penetrating anti-personnel projectiles we use, and they belong to the unique metallurgical process and cutting technology of our Federation! ’
  ‘There is another good news: Based on the residual heat above, we judge: It will not take more than ten minutes to be shot! ! ’
   At this time, another ghost agent reported a piece of valuable information, and the ghost captain, who had been marked on the battle holographic map in his mask, couldn't help but startled.
   "Brothers, get ready to work! I think...we should know which direction to look for."
   "Attention to all ghosts: Target 0 is found to be advancing towards the enemy warship in the northwest corner of the city. Everyone immediately speeds up, searches and advances and always pay attention to the surrounding situation!"
'Roger that! ’
   ‘On the move...’
  ‘Understood! ’
   In the next second, there was a short reply from the subordinates in the communication channel of this ghost force officer.
  ‘Sir! ’
  ‘I found that there are many Star Alliance soldiers and citizens outside of Vault 63. Do we need to ask about the situation? ’
   At this time, there was another hesitant report and question in Captain Ghost’s channel.
   "No need!"
   "We don't have time and need to contact them, continue to keep the formation forward, search and reconnaissance, other, let the Marines behind to ask!"
The captain of    Ghost categorically rejected the proposal of his subordinates, because now they have grasped the specific movement of the target, there must be no valuable information in the Vault 63 behind! Time is pressing. They will be no more than ten minutes away from the little head of state. They must hurry to find each other!
   Otherwise, once this interplanetary military operation is delayed and the Galen is asked to file a complaint with the leader of their ghost force, Nova, they will not be able to eat!
After all, everyone knows that in the federal army, Admiral Galen is the least angry and most insignificant guy. The other party can even do the outrageous thing that innocently shoots down a friendly spacecraft. Who knows that guy. Will it do anything more outrageous?
'Yes, sir! ’
  ‘But we may delay a little time because the bridge was blown up. We might have a little trouble crossing the river? ’
   There was another complaint in the communication, but it was a pity that none of the ghosts who were concentrating on their tasks wanted to bother with the meaningless calls.
   "Head! What should I do with the little boy in the pipe?"
  Before he was about to leave, the ghost agent who had been to the pipeline to inquire about it subconsciously asked.
   He felt that he could send someone to him to a safer place?
   "Leave him alone, let him continue to hide there, that's what the Marines should worry about, anyway, they are getting back here too!"
   "Hey! That said!"
   "Let's go, our time is running out!"
Finally, after the last two brief conversations between the two humans came from outside the platform, the place quickly fell into calm... Only the rumbling of distant shells and the faint gunfire continued to come. , Indicating that the city is not safe and still in a state of fierce fighting.
   Those people, how can they be like that?
In the corner of the dark ventilation duct, the little boy Nairn was sobbing aggrievedly and clinging to his knees tightly. After choking, he continued to hide inside, motionless, but put his chin on his knees, quietly. He was vigilant for all the movement coming in from outside.
   A low gunshot sounded, and one of the two Reaper soldiers patrolling in the abandoned building, its ugly big head and the ugly poison sac on its back burst into an instant!
  ’! ! ’
However, the other monster who was patrolling nearby had just had time to turn around, and before responding or sounding an alarm, a small red blade of light slashed from top to bottom, making its preparation to shoot directly froze. In situ.
   Then, after a second or two...
The Reaper monster, along with the weapon in its hand, slowly split into two and slowly fell to the ground, exposing the ugly gray-blue energy circuit-like track inside its body and some This kind of inexplicable fluid has no biological blood or internal organs at all.
   Obviously, they are not normal creatures at all, they are just a group of monster war weapons transformed by the Reapers!
   (Master! The last four corpse puppets and a somewhat powerful Reaper soldier remain in the hall below. Kill them and you are ready to enter the enemy's big spaceship!)
  (● ̄(??) ̄●)
   "Isn't that the useless ‘banshee’ that I’ve seen before? It’s said to have been transformed by the kind of Asari alien?"
   Seeing the unclothed monster outside, with a shriveled body, a billowing ugly belly, sharp claws and a hideous head, Annie suddenly remembered. She seemed to have killed several such monsters before?
   Annie thought for a while, and suddenly made up her mind!
Anyway, it’s here now, and the hall below doesn’t seem to be seen by the enemies outside, so it’s better to play with the guy who looks very good and see how she has just developed melee combat skills. not very cool?
   " with it?"
   After talking to herself, as the light distorted, Annie's small figure in a red and white ghost suit appeared in front of the reaper monsters.
  ‘Wow! ! ’
'Roar! ! ’
   The four corpse puppets saw the little girl appear, they all roared, and they rushed at the enemy!
   噗嗤! !
   There was a low gunshot, and the four corpses almost aligned in a straight line, directly shattered into a pool of semi-metallic bones flashing with blue strange energy directly under the shooting of the powerful Gauss rifle.
   "Now, to you!!"
Annie carried her rifle in her left hand, and magically activated the red single-molecule light blade on her arm with her right hand. She looked provocatively at the movement in front of her and seemed to move slowly. The'banshee' monster with a layer of supernatural barrier.
   There was a roar first, and after showing a ferocious roar at the enemy, the Reaper’s ‘banshee’ monster disappeared.
  唰! !
   A pair of sharp claws rushed down behind the little girl!
   It turned out that the other party just used some means, and he immediately moved behind Xiao Annie. He also planned to cut her into several pieces with a pair of claws that can shred the alloy?
With a cold snort, in the astonishment of the'banshee', the enemy in front of it didn't know when there was only an afterimage left, and then, at the same time, its shield instantly shattered, a red blade of light It swept past its shriveled neck!
   "This bad guy, people wanted to fight him well and fairly, but he actually wanted to cheat with me?!"
Taking a step forward, before the opponent's body fell down, Annie kicked the opponent's ugly monster head like a soccer ball, and kicked it directly into a dark room in the distance. A not very loud'cang bang'.
   Don’t think that such a bad guy will flash up!
  On the means of cheating, who is her Queen Anne afraid of? !
   "Okay! Now it's finally here!"
   "Tibbers, the front is the entrance of their badass monsters spacecraft. Tell me, are we going to kill them directly now, or kill them directly?!"
   Annie has seen that there are many monsters under the huge octopus-like tentacles of the Reaper spacecraft! And hiding behind a broken window on the first floor of this building, she was staring at the incredible spaceship in the distance, and asked her little bear.
  Originally, the at least one hundred-story building where Annie is now hiding is already high enough... But what do you think, this building is only half the height of a large octopus arthropod tentacles, and one-third the size?
   It's the first time Annie has seen such a thick thigh!
   (Respected little master...According to small mental power scans and statistics, there are at least tens of thousands of enemies in that spaceship. Are you really going to force it in?
  -Hearing the kind of witty remarks that the other party asks is equivalent to not asking, Tibbers sighed in his heart, and then prepared to explain and persuade the other party, what else could it do? With such a little master on the stall, it is also very desperate...)
   "Can't it be like that?"
   "Look at it, come along this way, the number of Reaper monsters I killed was not ten thousand or several thousand, right? So, it shouldn't matter if there are more now!"
   "I will wait..."
"Let’s rush in, find its control center, and directly burn its control core so that it can’t fly or control it! In that case, it should not suddenly explode or fall down and hit someone else. Up!"
   "That's right! That's how it should be done!!!"
   This is a better way that Annie can think of now!
In any case, like big guys, they are too troublesome to deal with, and they can’t be like ordinary reaper monsters, or those big spiders that are only dozens of stories high, as long as they are killed. Go ahead!
   And for big things like this, after killing them, whether they fall down or explode directly, it is a catastrophic thing and it will definitely be serious.
   Therefore, Little Annie came up with such a brilliant idea! That is: try to paralyze the enemy's spaceship, paralyze its energy, circuit and control center, so that it can no longer be controlled by the enemy!
   In that case, she doesn't have to worry about it flying away, falling down, or exploding, just let it stay on the ground in this city!
   As for what to do in the future...
Well! That kind of troublesome thing, that's the guys like Starlink or Galen that need to worry about, she doesn't care about that much!
   (That, little master...)
   "What are you doing again?!"
In fact, that idea was first thought of by her little bear Tibbers. She originally just wanted to sneak in, and then directly install a time bomb on the other’s ammunition depot or engine, and then
directly. A big spaceship that looks like an octopus and a prawn will blow it up and listen to it to play?
   It's a pity that that kind of fun thing was ruined by Tibbers. After thinking about it, she felt that it was really not good, so she generously followed the other's advice.
(Little master......the little one advises you not to rush out and be spotted by their monsters...or else, even if they can’t beat you, they will be frightened and fly away! At that time, if If it accidentally falls from the sky and blows up...
  Actually, the enemy was so scared that he flew away, that’s pretty good!
  Think about it carefully, if you are invaded by a foreign enemy, when the other party thinks that it is impossible to resist, who knows what frantic things their reapers will do? Who knows if the other party will blew himself up? If so, once such a volume is exploded, it is estimated that it will definitely not be much smaller than the big Ivan? )
drop down? Blow up?
   "Well then! Bear, what you said seems to have a little bit of truth, just a little bit, and I just thought of it!"
"and so……"
   "Let's start now, Queen Anne's secret sneak operation is about to officially begin!"
After that, Little Annie, who was sneakingly hiding in the helmet behind the building window, began to use magic power slightly, and directly injected the power of simulating phantom energy into the hostile environment of her ghost suit to adapt to the combat uniform. Under the catalysis of psychic energy, the ghost suit began to appear from the armor parts of her feet to simulate the environment of hexagonal psychic mirrors that refract light, and then under the interaction, her whole person Starting from the feet, after the light distorted for a while, it gradually disappeared...
   It's not that she cheated with magic, but she has positioned herself as a powerful ghost agent. As long as the enemy does not cheat first, she will definitely not cheat!
   (Little master, if you go out like this, you will definitely be found...
When a certain horrible little master had become invisible and was about to run out on the broken window sill, and then mixed into the enemy spacecraft, Tibbers finally couldn’t help it, and had to remind him again. . )
   "Discovered? Ha! I tell you, it is absolutely impossible!"
   In the empty air, there was little Annie's indifferent laughter.
   Now, her whole body has been hidden by the ghost suit, even with weapons, how could she be discovered by the enemy? Besides, after playing for a long time, it was not the first time that she appeared invisible in front of the reaper monsters. He wouldn't believe that the reaper monsters could find her!
   (You forgot to hide the little one too...)
  Yes, here in the lobby on the first floor of this dilapidated building, no one can find any trace of existence now no matter who looks at it!
   Tibbers, a fluffy teddy bear, has been dangling in the air. If its owner ran out like this, how stupid would the Reaper monsters be to ignore its existence?
After all, people have harvested countless reincarnations. If there is really such a silly thing, I am afraid that you don’t have to wait for the people in the Kepulu region to come to this plane and the universe to be nosy. The race is cleaned up! )
   "I almost forgot...this matter, isn't it because you are so useless, bear?!"
   It's obviously that it won't be invisible, so blame her? !
As soon as the words were finished, the little bear who was dangling around her waist with a small furry arm tied by Annie suddenly disappeared... Then, in the lobby of this building, except for the burning ashes. Outside the walls and the ground where gunpowder smoke and bullets and cannonballs hit the walls and the ground, there are no more movable objects.
  (●`????????●) Protest!
(How could it be that Tibbers is useless? At this distance, if you let it go out, it will be able to tear down the huge Reaper battleship alive and burn all the Reaper soldiers! It's just that it will be Destroying the fallen Reaper battleship will accidentally injure or kill how many people on earth will accidentally injure or kill, then it’s not about it, Mr. Bear.)
(It’s just an evil shadow bear. Do you still want it to save the world? Don’t even think about it! If it weren’t restrained by its wicked little master, it might join the Reaper. On the other side of the galaxy, then burn, kill, loot and do whatever you want in the outer planets of the galaxy?)
   (That kind of thing is much more interesting than being the nanny of an evil little girl and then going to save the world!)
"All right!"
   "Now I announce: The secret sneak operation officially begins!!"
As a little girl whispered and whispered, then there was a faint voice, only to see the upper part of the broken window sill, the glass that was broken into small pieces, there were bursts of rustling. There was a rustling sound, and then soon they were calm again.
  Like that kind of tiny movement, in this chaotic battlefield, obviously no instrument or any Reaper soldiers can detect it.
   (Master, what's wrong with you?)
(After discovering that a certain difficult little master had only taken a few steps, and then stopped and stopped moving forward, Tibbers, who didn't know why, couldn't help asking in confusion. After walking around like this, I guess After finishing all the Reaper battleships in this city, the earthlings in this city should be almost dead, right?)
   (Of course, Tibbers wouldn't care about this kind of thing, let alone remind the big-hearted little master.)
   "Tell me, which big foot of that monster should we sneak in now?"
In the distance, the three huge limbs of the Reaper battleship are deeply inserted into the concrete ground of the city, and then, on the three limbs, which are much thicker than those buildings, all are open. Hatch! At this time, many Reaper soldier monsters were coming and going in and out.
  In this situation, Annie is a little confused about what to do. She is a little silly, thinking about which battleship's big feet should get in?
   (Which foot does it get in from? Does it make any difference?)
   "Huh? Isn't it?"
   (Of course not! Just choose the nearest one! Then mix in and find the enemy's control center, you can destroy it, burn it or blow it up at will!!
   (????????)! !
  Tibbers is a little crazy...Is there any need to entangle this little thing? )
   "It turned out to be Jiangzi..."
   said this to her earlier, and it ended. It also made her think about spicy for a long time, and she was always worried that she might get lost in it accidentally!
   (Little master, if you don’t hurry up, the army of Galen under your hand will soon clean up this Reaper battleship! And, there is an army of thousands of people who are planning to come over and you!
  (● ̄(??) ̄●)
  -Tibbers knew the movements of the Hero Federation's army a long time ago, and now, in order to urge a troublesome little girl who only cares about playing, he can only kindly remind him again. )
"I got it!"
   "You know the reminder!!"
  (乂`д??) hum
   "Hey! Gil..."
   "Is it your Star Alliance troops over there? It's strange, why do I never seem to have seen anything like that before?"
In the human defensive position outside Refuge No. 63, the skin on the back has been scorched, but now the injured area has been sprayed with medical glue and bandaged, Wesker is talking to the female police officer. Jill and the dozens of military police and citizens armed with Avengers rifles looked at the strange and horrifying troops that were sweeping towards them in the distance!
   Others are not too strange, but for those large numbers of armored soldiers, Wesker can guarantee that: the races in the entire galaxy have absolutely no such infantry equipment!
   What’s even more strange is that in addition to wearing those heavy power armor, the other party also holds a thick weird shield in his hand? In short, this situation makes Wesker feel very strange! In comparison, the big and small robots around the opponent and the tank chariot with two turrets are much more normal.
   "Don't ask me, I'm just a police officer, not a Star Alliance officer!"
  Jill didn't know what the origin of those people in the distance came from.
  Because she observed for a long time and found that the other party did not have the Star Alliance badge and military rank at all, but only another kind of bear head emblem that she could not understand? If it weren't for the faces of people from the earth in each of the other's masks, and if there were humans in the cabin of that kind of war machine, she might have mistaken it for the enemies of those reapers.
   Anyway, those guys are definitely not from the Star Alliance, maybe, maybe they belong to a certain mercenary group? However, she had never heard of a mercenary group or private armed forces of that size in a well-secured solar system!
Because neither Star Alliance nor other countries will allow each other to have any living space, just like the terrorist organization Cerberus, they only dare to be active outside the control area of ​​Star Alliance. Once you enter the star zone of the Star Alliance, you have to be honest.
   But, no matter what the opponent is, as long as the opponent is helping them fight the Reaper monsters, that's it! Although there are now fewer and fewer monsters here near them, it is always good to have more people to help defend or clean up the scattered enemies that appear from time to time in the distance, and she will definitely not refuse.
   "Don't you have a grandfather who is an Admiral of the Star Alliance, why don't you know?"
   Wesker asked suddenly. He felt that it was impossible for such a second-generation official Bai Fumi to be ignorant of the situation of the Star Alliance's army.
   "He is him, I am me!"
   Jill glared at each other fiercely. Even if these people are really Star Alliance troops, how could her grandfather, who is often away from home, tell her this kind of military secret matter?
   Besides, she dislikes the other person's eyes!
   There are some hateful guys, they don’t work hard, they always think bad things about others! You know, her position as a police officer was earned by her own efforts to get into the police academy. What is it about her grandpa? The guy wanted to put her into the Star Alliance army, but she refused!
   "It seems that you did a good job, how are you all right?"
A group of Star Alliance and soldiers wearing heavy armor that Wesker and Jill didn’t know about came over. After repelling and clearing some scattered Reaper soldiers, one of them had an armored soldier with a scary bear head on his chest. He opened his visor and asked with a smile.
   "Are we doing nothing right now?!"
   Gil pointed angrily at the wounded and corpses on the ground, and asked with a cold face.
   They fought blood for about an hour and sacrificed countless comrades before they could barely defend this refuge. Where can they be in the mood to smile with each other?
   "You killed this monster?"
   The armored soldier shrugged his shoulders, and ignored the opponent's attitude. Instead, he pointed to the huge hill-like Reaper monster on the ground and asked.
   On the other side of their teleportation field, the siege tanks also killed exactly the same.
   "No, it seems to be shot to death by a stealthy little girl..."
   Jill frowned and thought about Somewhat uncertainly, she was still a little puzzled about this matter, and she didn't know what was going on.
"Is it this one?"
   A strange soldier came over and used the device to project a small figure. The other party was wearing a red and white ghost suit with a long and large weapon in his hand.
   "Yes, that's her!"
   "Where is she now, do you know?"
"do not know……"
   "She appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly..."
   Wesker and Jill looked at each other and shook their heads tacitly.
"When did this happen?"
   "About half an hour ago?"
   "It should be 48 minutes ago!"
   "General Galen, we seem to have found the trail of the Führer, in the area of ​​Refuge 63, about half an hour ago?"
"Roger that!"
   "I will let Nova's troops find her, and you will continue to clean up!"
   "Yes, General!"
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