Chapter 567: I want to bombard the castle of God! (*^?^*)

   "Tibbers, tell me what happened to Big Sister Shepard, she has a nightmare again?"
Early that morning, in Shepard’s captain’s room, Little Annie once again directly used teleportation spells to'swish' into the largest room above Normandy II of the other party, and began to hug her little bear. At the head of the other party's bed, he looked at someone with sweaty clothes and messy clothes, frowning on the bed, and frowning at the sleeping captain sister.
   Annie felt a little strange, how many days can she have nightmares together?
   (Little master, after a few days of research, she is two hundred percent sure that she was probably attacked by some mental ability!
  No one would have the same nightmare for several days in a row, so Tibbers is sure that the other party must have been attacked in close quarters, and it is still very hidden! )
   "I have studied for several days, and I have seen it in her dreams. There is no such strange thing..."
This is where Annie herself is more confused. If the other party is attacked by some monsters or ghosts, it is not easy for her or Tibbers to burn them. Maybe, they can be caught by Tibbers as snacks. Eat it?
However, she peeked for several days, and there were no strange things or the tentacles of a certain mighty person reaching here. Her mental power scanned the entire Normandy II flying in the universe, and there was nothing at all. Anything that shouldn't exist, everything is normal, and this is what makes her a little confused.
   She is already very powerful, but she can't find the reason. This is very interesting!
(Small thinks, it should be some kind of special mental fluctuation, not a part of magic or mystery, but science? Therefore, it is normal if you don’t notice the abnormality. The various radio waves and signals received by their spacecraft There are too many, and everywhere in the universe...)
   "If you say so..."
"Ha! I also remembered that every time Normandy 2 passed through that kind of mass effect repeater, this big sister Shepard had a particularly bad nightmare. When she got farther away, she got better... …Are those reapers trying to influence her through those things?"
   Soon, under Tibbers' reminder, Annie seemed to have figured out something, and finally figured out something.
   (It’s okay to know this kind of little thing, but, don’t you help her now? That special fluctuation is modifying her subconscious mind. If it is late, who knows what she will become...
  Seeing that a certain miserable little master was just screaming on one side, Tibbers could only helplessly remind him. )
   "Oh! I know, what are you urging, even if she becomes stupid, I can save her!"
   After finishing talking, Annie stretched out her finger impatiently. After two periods of light, she arrogantly nodded towards the forehead of the tossing sister Shepard with her eyes closed.
   mental shock!
"my Lord……"
She had just had a nightmare. She opened her eyes and saw another little girl holding the hideous plush toy bear, standing upright on the side of her bed and making faces at herself, making Xue After Pade was scared once in his dream, he was scared again when he woke up!
   So, she moaned a little bit dumbfounded...
   "If you didn't sleep well in your own room, why did you run into my room and mess around?"
   This terrible experience made her start complaining to this little guy who frequently haunted her captain's room these days. She remembered that when she went to bed last night, she obviously locked the door of the captain's room.
   "That's because the spacecraft was boring when sailing, so I went to bed early yesterday."
   "Didn't you say that, go to bed early and get up early for good health! But look at yourself, you adults always like to say one thing and do one thing, and you secretly sleep in?"
Seeing that the other party had been awakened by her own success, Annie looked bored, so she turned around and ran to the big sofa on the other side of Captain Shepard’s room, threw her little bear on top, and jumped up with cheers. , Pillowed its body, began to lie down beautifully and ate a box of chocolates.
   Shepard squinted half of his eyes, and stared at the man with a bit of annoyance and bitterness.
   "Sister Shepard, did you just have a nightmare and then you were scared?"
   casually used Shepard’s holographic communication station for communication as a TV, and opened channels in the galaxy, ready to find good-looking or interesting content, and asked Anne.
Now that holographic TV broadcasts all the news about the Reaper. She felt a little boring, so she just replaced it with a 3D holographic cartoon that she hadn’t watched before. The title is a story about the crooked star named Ashali and the seven little Waller people who are not ashamed or impatient?
   This makes Little Annie a little curious, why are an Asari and seven Wallers not ashamed? This thing is really strange...
   "Yes, I did have a nightmare!"
"But if you don't sneak into my room with your kind of power and make a face to scare me, that would be even better! Also, your teddy bear is too ugly, hurry up Change one, it scared me just now!"
   Shepard, who sat up from the bed, covered his head with a headache...
I don’t know why, she has nightmares every day in the past few days... Moreover, every time she dreamed that when a reaper attacked the earth, the kind of human beings she saw died under the reaper’s butcher knife, and countless people on earth. The reaper cuts into neat pieces of meat and makes things like jam, and then stuffs them into cans...
   "My one is magic, not an ability!"
   "That's because you are timid, my Tibbers is not ugly, and it is not a teddy bear, it is a shadow bear, very powerful!"
   It’s impossible to change. Annie has been with her little bear for so long. She has bullied her for many years, and she has bullied her feelings. If she changes it casually, how embarrassed? Anyway, she felt that her little bear was quite good, and she had never encountered anything better than it so far.
   "Oh! God..."
"Annie, please stop watching those alien cartoons. It's not good at all! It's all dregs and weird thoughts! Damn it! It turns out to be an Asari woman and seven Waller people... …Damn it, what the story of Snow White of our people on Earth has been messed up by their aliens?"
As soon as she looked up, she saw that Xiao Annie was using her large holographic projection device to watch the 108-forbidden holographic cartoon that was only of interest to the Ashali girls. Shepard didn’t care about changing clothes, so she took two steps. Viciously shut down that unhealthy program.
Now the entire galaxy, especially after the cultural exchanges of the entire Divine Fort Council races have become more in-depth, something like this has emerged...Similarly, there are not a few aliens who remake classic fairy tales on the earth, but due to culture The difference in the above, and the logical angle that aliens look at and think is different from that of people on earth, so the kind of thing that is photographed is the existence that Shepard once hated!
   Such as this inexplicable: the story that the old lady Asari and the seven Wallers have to tell?
  I have seen her once, of course I know what it is!
   So, when she saw that a good girl like Little Annie wanted to see this kind of thing, she ignored her groggy head, and went straight forward barefoot and closed it in advance.
   "I just started to watch it, why did you turn it off?!"
   You can only know if you look good or not, and Annie hasn't had time to watch how many seconds now. The story of the strangely-looking aliens has not started yet, this bad guy turned it off?
   This kind of thing is really too much!
   "No way!"
"Don't use my communication station as a TV to watch! If you want to watch it, go back to your room and use your universal tool to watch it! However, you are not allowed to watch that kind of alien stuff again. I will let Iraq Di filter all the signals, let it filter out all the things that are not suitable for children!"
   Shepard breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly walked over to the edge of his bed with bare feet.
   "My room is too small, it's not as comfortable as your sofa..."
   "Moreover, the universal tool in hand is too small, not as big as the TV you have here!"
  ( ̄^ ̄)Huh!
   Petty Shepard, don’t give me a TV...
   So, Annie agitatedly wiped the sticky and dirty chocolate stain on the other side's sofa. Originally, she thought that she intended to wipe her bear.
   "My one is not a TV, oh! It's eight o'clock in the morning..."
   Normally, Shepard wakes up on time at around six o'clock, but she didn't expect it to be eight o'clock in the morning of Earth Standard Time when she looked at the time now, which made her wailed.
   It seems that she herself was a bit too tired during this period of time, and, judging from the repeated nightmares, may the things of the earth really have some shadows on herself? If this is the case, then she must find time to rest and adjust for two days!
   Now is the critical time for the Reaper to invade. Even if it is really necessary to adjust, it is estimated that she will have to wait until after the victory. Where can she find time now?
   "What's wrong, Annie, shouldn't you go to the cafeteria for breakfast at this time?"
   7:30-9:00 in the morning, but the breakfast time in Normandy No. 2 Canteen. At this time of the day, the crew will rotate on duty and go to dinner, and this little guy is no exception.
   Moreover, the other party will always be satisfied every time, and it will take almost two hours to finish eating! But now, the other party has finished eating so soon, and is running to her to make a fool of herself?
   "I have eaten a cup of hot milk and a few slices of bread..."
  ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
   Annie lying on the sofa eating chocolate and whispered a little bit arrogantly. She doesn't like the things in the cafeteria of Normandy No. 2 now. They didn't supply fresh food on the earth at all, so they hit a lot of military cans!
   So, she only ate a little bit today.
   "Eat more main meals and less snacks... Otherwise, it will be bad for your health?"
   Shepard began to take off his clothes, and walked straight to his closet to choose the Star Alliance officer uniform he was going to wear today. There was no taboo, and there was no need to avoid the little girl.
She has now resumed her post, plus she is going to the castle today, so, as a lieutenant colonel of the Star Alliance, she no longer has to wear plain clothes with no logo, and can wear two narrow ones on her shoulders. Officer uniform with golden bars.
   "My body is very good, it doesn't matter how much I eat!"
   Indeed, Annie doesn’t get fat even if she eats herself, and she won’t hurt her body no matter how much she eats! She can eat whatever she wants, as much as she wants. As long as the mother Amorim is not by her side, no one can control her!
   "I don't eat too much breakfast, that's because I want to go to the castle on an empty stomach to eat a big meal, so I have to keep my stomach before!"
  ( ̄?? ̄)ノ~~マ☆’.??.??:★
   Anne had planned this matter for several days, otherwise, she wouldn’t have only eaten so much today.
   "Do you still want to sell those arms?!"
   Shepard, who was putting on clothes, remembered something not so good, and the hand that was buttoned on his chest froze in place, and then quickly turned his head and asked a little guy.
   "No need, I'm rich now. When I left the earth a few days ago, that old Anderson gave me a lot of money, saying he asked me to buy some snacks?"
  Anne is not short of money at all, she has already decided that when she arrives at the castle, she will buy all the delicious things! Otherwise, I don’t know when I go to that place next time.
   "Admiral Anderson gave you money? How many stars do you have?"
  Although Shepard doesn't need much action funds now, and she doesn't need to give the little girl pocket money, but she still subconsciously asked.
   " seems wait a moment, let me count how many zeros it has?"
   "One, two, three... Four, five, six... Seven... Um..."
   Annie started to finger, she seemed to be thinking, how many stars does this consensus have?
   "Okay! I see, you don't have to count anymore!"
   The real and evil Star Alliance corrupt bureaucrat...
  Although, Shepard knew that Admiral Anderson did this because he definitely wanted to please this little guy! However, it is not so obvious, right?
   used so much military expenses to buy snacks for a little girl, it was really a loss for him to figure it out!
   "You still want to ask me for money, do you? I can only give you the rest of my purchases!"
   Annie decided, as long as she fancy the delicious food, she will buy them all, and definitely don’t leave too much for the other party to worry about!
   "As long as you don't go to the castle to sell those weapons indiscriminately, I won't care about you!"
   waved his hand, Shepard began to bend over the pants on the boat and took out a pair of boots from the closet.
   "I don't care about you!"
  (ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~
   "By the way, Annie... What are you going to eat when you go to the castle this time? You won't go to the expensive place again, right?"
   Thinking of the high-end hotels the other party had been to, Shepard couldn't help but ask.
   If her journey goes smoothly, maybe she can follow along and relax herself?
   "Maybe I went to the last one, right? Because, I didn't have enough money last time, so I didn't dare to order a lot of people who wanted to eat!"
   Last time I sold so many things to make so little money, Annie has always been brooding! At that time, she almost wanted to eat Bawang's meal or even thought about running away after eating!
However, the cameras in those places monitored too much, and Annie felt that it was not good to do that, so she only ordered some dishes that she could afford, and did not dare to ask for the super delicious things. .
   "Which one was last time? Oh, I remember!"
   "Haha! Little guy, then you must be disappointed, because they have closed down! Although the building is still there, it is no longer a hotel building!"
   After thinking of something, Shepard smiled gleefully, sat on a metal stool and put on his boots.
   "Why closed down? The food they cook is delicious and the business is very good, how could they close down?!"
  Σ(っ°Д°;)っ! !
   Things that I have already planned, how can such an outrageous accident happen, how can this be, this sentence is right!
"Thanks to you, the weapons you sold allowed the Krogan to successfully occupy the third guard area. Now there is chaos. All the buildings, including the shop, have become the mob’s. !"
   "So, it's all your fault!"
   After dressing neatly, Shepard smiled and stood up, clutching his dizzy head, and then went to the bathroom.
   "How could this happen, I didn't mean it!"
   Annie swears, she really didn't mean it, and she didn't know that the toad spirit bought her weapon to do that kind of bad thing! If she had known it, she would have sold it to another crooked star.
Shepard, who was dressed and hurriedly washed up, was about to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. When she ignored a stubborn little girl, she just walked a few steps, and she couldn't help but stand in pain. He tightly covered his faintly painful head.
   "You have too many nightmares these days, and you are overwhelmed. You'd better rest for a while before going to dinner?"
   "Of course, it is okay to come back to rest after eating first!"
  ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
   Annie continued to lie on the sofa, and then turned on the ‘big TV’ to start the interesting show on the browser.
   However, it is a pity...
The one I just saw is gone. Obviously, the artificial intelligence EDI must obey Shepard’s instructions to filter and block all the signals, leaving only some boring earth news and very little boring. program.
   "Wait! Strange, how did you know I had a nightmare?"
   Shepard was stunned. She remembered that she didn't seem to tell anyone that she had nightmares for several days in a row. Then the question came, how did this little guy know? Is it possible that the other party is doing the ghost again?
   "Because I saw it... you're always fighting with those reaper bad guys."
   "You saw the Reaper..."
   "That's not right! You still know what dream I have? Can you see what dream I have?!"
   Shepard's voice became sharp, full of shock and incredible! That kind of thing, only the most advanced equipment can know a little bit, but how did the other party do it?
   "Yes, I was still watching it just now!"
   "God... No wonder I always feel a little weird, every time I am about to be overwhelmed by monsters in my dream, you always jump out... Is that what you did?"
Shepard suddenly remembered something. She was puzzled at first. She didn't know why this little girl jumped out of her dream every time. She thought it was because she was too impressed after saving the earth. What else...
  That can be imagined, this little guy can take the initiative to stir up the storm in Shepard’s own dream?
"Of course!"
   "But let me tell you, it's actually not a nightmare, but the spirit of the reaper who wants to attack you!"
   "Psychic attack!"
   "I see, you mean, that kind of education?!"
   It turned out to be like this. No wonder she has always felt something is wrong these days, but she can't figure out what's wrong. It can only be attributed to her being too tired or what happened to the earth left her too deep feelings?
   But now, after the little guy's reminder, she was only agitated, thinking of some reports!
  (╯▽╰) It smells so good~~
   Annie answered casually while chewing the chocolate in her hand.
   "It turned out to be like this, but Annie, how did you do it? Entering into a dreamland is even more incredible than the spiritual link of an Asari!"
   Asari’s nerve link, Shepard had experienced it on the 100-year-old little Lori Liyala. It was a very magical experience that once made her obsessed...
   It's a pity that she and Liyala have been avoiding this little devil recently, and no one dared to mention that thing, for fear of being run into by this little devil.
   "That's because of magic... Don't worry, I just helped you, they won't come to you again in the future!"
  ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
   "Well, Annie... Although I don't know how you did it, I still have to thank you!"
   Some doubtful Shepard pondered for a while, but decided: No matter whether it is true or not, always thank the other party! Because, in the dream, the other party does suddenly jump out to relieve himself at critical moments, and this thing is always right.
  ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
   "By the way, other people, are they also affected by the harvesters?"
   Shepard thought of other people who had been in contact with the Reaper, such as Anderson and the others on Normandy Two?
   Once they are also enlightened, then things will be troublesome!
   "No! All I found is you, the hapless guy..."
   Anyway, Anne discovered that the only thing affected on this Normandy No. 2 was indeed Shepard. Other people, it's delicious, it's very good!
   "Well, I'll let someone bring breakfast. Let's take a rest for the morning..."
   Shepard, who felt a bit of headache, slowly lay back on his bed, closed his eyes and started talking with the kid.
   "Anne, is your magic... really that magical? What can it do besides the ones I saw?"
   Humans are always curious about the unknown, and Shepard is no exception.
   "Anything can be done!"
   Shepard tilted his head, feeling a little weird.
"of course it's true!"
  ≪( ̄︶ ̄)>
   "Ha! Annie, you little guy can really joke..."
   Shepard thinks that is at best a magical ability...
   Although I have seen a lot of unbelievable things about the other person, can some of them be called miracles? However, the Haikou that the little guy exaggerated was a bit too exaggerated. In her opinion, no matter how magical magic is, it is impossible to do everything.
   "I'm not kidding!"
  ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ
   Annie, who is busy eating, is too lazy to explain too much. Magic is her toy, it is used to facilitate her play and beat bad guys, so she won't use it to show off!
   In that case, what is the difference between her and the magic tricks on Earth? She doesn't want to perform magic tricks like a clown in a circus to show others! Magic or something, if you can, you can, if you don't, you can't deceive people.
   "By the way, I never remembered to ask, how exactly did you take down the heroic federation? I heard what General Galen said. It seems that you only took a very short time?"
   A stellar region and a federal state as big as that, in Shepard’s view, even if it takes hundreds or several generations to work hard for unification, it is possible!
   can result...
   What Admiral Galen said, it seems that it only took one quarter? This kind of thing, just thinking about it, knows that it must be impossible to happen!
"That one……"
   "It's actually very simple too!"
   "How simple is it?"
Anyway, I am planning to take a morning break, and now the time is good, so Shepard will continue to ask, otherwise, if I miss this opportunity, I want to catch this little guy to ask this kind of thing, the other party may not be serious. she says.
"Control the heads and brains of the Tyrann Empire and the Great Mengsk, all those who oppose me, and then... his country will belong to me! Then again, I will control the stars. The strange thing of the spirit called Kara, and then fulfilled the contract signed with Kerrigan, and then the Zerg belonged to me!"
   "Look, a star area is easily unified. Isn't this super simple?"
  ?? (????????)
At that time, Annie asked the Tosh and Nova to control the human beings. The control of the Protoss was done by her, Kerrigan and Zeratul, the second and fifth son of the Protoss... Anyway, at that time. She just messed up, and looking back, there were not many people who dared to oppose her in the entire Kepulu district.
   Those winking guys have ‘voluntarily’ announced to join her hero confederation unconditionally... but the winking guys are probably being ‘convinced’ by Galen by now?
"and many more!"
   "What is the difference between doing this and the evil cultivation of the Reaper?"
   Shepard was stunned for a while, then suddenly sat up from the bed, looking at the naughty kid lying on her sofa in shock.
   "Of course there is!"
"The cultivation of the reaper bad guys can be forcibly resisted as long as there is no flaw in the spirit or the will? But mine is different. I will directly pull out the other party’s soul to stamp a stamp, or use a forced contract item, Those who are weaker than me, or who don’t understand soul and magic, can’t resist!"
  ≪( ̄︶ ̄)>
   Her Queen Anne’s methods are at least 10,000 times more efficient than the Reaper’s enlightenment, and the current success rate is 100%! Of course, like that method, Annie hasn't used it for a long time, because she has long been tired of symmetrical king dominance, which is not fun at all.
   "Annie, that's not good..."
   "Forget it, I don't have the right to judge this kind of thing. I'd better go to the cafeteria to eat first. Staying with you, this little guy, my head seems to hurt even more..."
   Shepard, who was holding his head and his face a little ugly, cheered up a bit, took a breath, and walked straight out.
   "You go to the cafeteria..."
   "Then help me bring back a cake and let Sergeant Gardner, the chef, make one, don't take the one from the cabinet directly!"
  ...( ̄0 ̄)ノ[Remember...]
   Annie, who felt a little tired of eating chocolate, stretched out her hand on the sofa and shook Shepard, who was about to go out, while her body was still hiding in the sofa, and she didn't even show her head.
   "Is there any difference between letting Sergeant Garnard cook it and holding it in the cafeteria?"
"Of course there are! The cakes in the cabinet are regular editions. They use regular cream and white sugar. They don’t taste very good! But Uncle Sergeant Gardner’s is now making a limited edition, with all the best ingredients. Yes. There are honey and that kind of special-grade cream mixed with dried fruits, ordinary people never make it if you ask him!"
   "But, as long as you say that the lovely Queen Anne asked him to do it, he will promise you!"
   "Damn it! I have never eaten that kind of thing myself!"
   Shepard is a little messy...
   She never knew about this kind of thing... After all, she was not the captain of Normandy II, and the treatment was not as good as that of a newcomer? Moreover, it seems that this little guy is definitely not the first time he has received that kind of special treatment. Maybe it hasn't been long since he rescued him from that planet, he already enjoyed that kind of discrimination, right?
   "Go and come back soon! I'm waiting for you!"
   Damn privileged class...
   Shepard turned to go out bitterly, with a dark face, some curses and went away.
   (Little master, didn’t you say that you want to save your stomach and go to the Fortress Space Station for a big meal?)
  (● ̄(??) ̄●)
   "I want you to control!!"
   Time flies quickly, one morning passed while driving on No. 2 Normandy...
   A beautiful white spaceship in black and white jumped to the outside of the Fort God space station.
At this time, the sight of the spacecraft Xuan's window, let the people of Normandy Bridge II see: There are various large and small ships of the Divine Fort Fleet, and they closely connect the Divine Fort Space Station, the core of the galaxy. The place is tightly enclosed!
  ‘Stop now! ’
   And when they found that Normandy II had jumped over and successfully identified the opponent's spacecraft code, they sent a message and asked two small frigates to greet them, faintly blocking the opponent's passage.
  ‘Normandy Two! Please stop immediately, report your intention and accept the security check! ’
   After having a headache all morning, Shepard, who was barely recovering, saw the instructions from the other side and the two Turks that came up on the bridge, and couldn't help but go wild on the spot:
   "Damn news!"
   "I am Shepard, the ghost of the Castle of God, and the plenipotentiary special envoy of the Star Alliance! I have very important things to meet with the council members of the Castle of God immediately, please get out of here!"
   Shepard’s Normandy II is so highly recognizable that the entire galaxy cannot find a second one, and it has access to port! Those guys, it is necessary to stop themselves so far outside the Fortress Space Station?
   They rushed for several days to get to the castle of God, where can they waste time here again? Wouldn’t it be the same if you have to check after you enter the port?
  ‘Then I’m sorry! Shepard, it is a special time now. I have ordered the fleet not to approach the castles until they are inspected, otherwise I have the right to directly order them to be destroyed! ’
  ‘This includes you too! ’
   Soon, a holographic image of the upper body of a Turian appeared in the communication interface of the Shepard bridge.
   "You are... General Tu Rui... how could it be you?"
Seeing that the other party turned out to be the Tury general she had seen before, Shepard couldn't help being a little surprised... She clearly remembered that the other party should have been replaced by Turian and returned to the country, why is it still there? God fort here?
  ‘Are you surprised, Ms. Shepard? ’
General Tu Rui laughed, and at the same time, a few more frigates about the size of Normandy II left the queue of the Fortress fleet and greeted them, directly besieging the Normandy II regiment, which was gradually stopped, in the middle, and also brought the ship The gun was aimed at Normandy II, which was surrounded.
   "What do you mean?"
   After seeing the compound not only not letting go, but also deliberately making things difficult, Shepard’s face immediately changed! She didn't know the meaning of the other party doing this kind of thing now, even if it was an inspection, there was no need for such a big battle, right?
   This kind of naked hostility is already obvious.
  ‘Shepard! ’
  ‘I now have enough evidence to prove that you are connected to the thugs in the third guard zone! We all know what happened on earth! ’
  ‘You humans on Earth are in collusion with the heroic federation in the Kepulu region! Therefore, I am very sure that the last rebellion in the third guard area of ​​the castle was yours! And now, you are back... Do you think we will let you in easily? ! ’
   General Tu Rui stared at Shepard with gritted teeth, his eyes full of undisguised hatred.
After the people on Earth drove away the Reapers and resumed communication in the past few days, whether it is the staff dispatched by the God’s Castle Council to the earth, or the spy agents of their God’s fortresses, they will be the first time they have happened on the earth. The incident was fed back to the upper echelons of the God Fort and the various races, so he knew everything, including the "Kepulus Zone", "Hero Federation" and the "C-14 Gauss Rifle" that he was very familiar with. 'and many more!
Obviously, they have brought huge losses to the castle before, and they have also destroyed a large fleet of their Turians and the group of insurgents in the third guard area of ​​the space base. The weapon in their hands is the'hero federation'. Provided! And now, the people on earth are mingled with the
hero federation
of unknown origin. It is not difficult to imagine. At that time, it must be Shepard and others who brought those weapons to the castle and managed to hand over the rebels’ money. In hand!
   He felt that it was the earthlings and Shepard who wanted to conspiracy to overthrow the castle, or to deal with their dominance of the Turians! Regarding this, he is very sure!
   And now, the culprit he has been waiting for for so long has finally come again. He has been waiting for days!
   "Sir! We are surrounded by eight Turian frigates, we can't rush out!"
   The helmsman clown in the bridge carefully stared at the information on the interface for a long time, and then said helplessly to Shepard.
Now their Normandy II is surrounded by enemy groups, and there are eight Turian warships staring at each other. In the distance, there are thousands of warships from the entire Divine Fort fleet waiting, even if his clown's control skills are superb, there is no The way to run out in this situation.
   So, he hopes his commander can think of a good way.
   "General Tu Rui, what exactly do you want to do? Anyway, things in the third guard area are now over. You shouldn't and can't use these things to make things difficult for us!"
   Shepard did not deny or admit what happened the last time he came to the castle.
  Because, although it was indeed not her Shepard did, it seems to be related to their Normandy II. It can also be said that her ship accidentally ‘carried’ the arms to the castle of God?
But, now that the Castle of God has negotiated with the Krogans, making the'revolution' in the third guard area legal, it is unreasonable for the Turian general to use this kind of thing to make things difficult for himself. Thing!
   Besides, when is it now, the Reapers are staring outside, and the territories of all races are being attacked and endangered. He is still in the mood to make things difficult for himself, the messenger who came to the castle with an important mission?
'Humph! Yes! ’
  ‘The third guard area is indeed over, but it’s only temporary! Also, your business is not over, Shepard! ’
   The Turui in the communication spoke with a grim face, and slowly approached him, as if he wanted to bite Shepard directly?
   "General Turui! What do you want?!"
   Shepard also supported the communication console, and leaned forward viciously and stared at the opponent's eyes.
  ‘I don’t want anything! ’
  ‘It’s just that, I think I have the right to detain your spacecraft directly and arrest everyone on your ship, including you? ’
   Turui sneered, not minding his hostility.
   Obviously, the space station that was bombed by a certain Krogan with nuclear weapons and the Turians who were killed are all counted on Normandy II and the woman Shepard.
Now, those thugs in the third guard area have weapons that can threaten the castle, so he can’t help the opponent for the time being, but... intercepting and detaining this Shepard outside the castle, he can still do this simple thing Did it.
   As long as the opponent falls into his hands, the matter will be easy to handle. He has a way to get the opponent to confess the crime!
   "Asshole! Do you know what you are doing? Now the reapers are staring at you, and countless people die under their fire at every moment. You still stop me?!"
   "I am the plenipotentiary ambassador of the Star Alliance. I have very important things to meet with the councillors of the Castle of God. You immediately let go!"
   has reached the front of the castle of God, and was blocked by this hateful Turian general. If possible, Shepard really wants to hit him directly regardless!
  ‘Of course I know what I’m doing! ’
  ‘Soon... Shepard, you will be tried by our Turian court. For the hundreds of thousands of Turians who died innocently, you must pay the price! ’
  ‘Of course, and your accomplices, I won’t let them go! ’
   Although no conclusive evidence has been found so far, after reasoning based on various intelligence and facts, the spearhead of the matter is directed at Shepard and her Normandy II! So, just like the people on earth said: the wrongdoer is the owner... Since it was Shepard who transported the weapons used by the mobs to the fortress, then he would definitely not be wrong if he was looking for trouble!
   In any case, the Turians who died tragically in the God fort incident and the ruined Turians should have an explanation! This Shepard, as long as it falls into his hands and waits for her, it can only be the fastest and most ruthless sentence! !
   "The God fort matter has nothing to do with me, it's just a coincidence!!!"
   Shepard really wants to say, is it just a scandal that a little guy just sold weapons because he didn’t have money? Then, by chance, the weapons were bought by the poor in the "foundation" world of the fort, and then riots broke out...
   All this is really just a coincidence. Whether it is Shepard or the little guy who started the war, they never expected that things would develop into the way it is now, it was just an accident!
  Furthermore, there are more weapons and armors sold in the castle of God. The guy, Xiao Annie, just accidentally found the wrong person (right), and the weapon inventory cleared is a little bit more?
  ‘Does it matter? I’ll get you all caught up for a trial! ’
  ‘So, Shepard, I advise you to surrender now, otherwise, I will destroy you directly with the charges of conspiring to subvert the castle of God, with unknown intentions! ’
   The somewhat impatient general Turian sneered and gave his final notice:
  ‘You still have three minutes to consider, I will let my warships warm up the main guns! You have no other choice but to surrender unconditionally! ’
"you dare?!"
  ‘Dare you know soon, earthling...’
  The Turian general began to look at Shepard hostilely in the communication. Now he has the initiative, so he is not in a hurry! Because, whether it is destroying the opponent's spacecraft, or quickly trying and shooting the opponent after capturing, it is a very simple matter.
   Shepard squeezed her fist fiercely, and now, she didn't know what to do! What can she do when she encounters such a hostile and unreasonable Turian?
  ‘Hello, two, I’m Bailey! ’
   Suddenly, a communication was inserted into the conversation between the confronting Turian General and Shepard, and then the officer of the Earthman God Fort who was familiar to Shepard appeared in another holographic projection device.
   "Captain Bailey, how could it be you?"
   Shepard was a little surprised. The Captain Bailey of the Customs Department has the right to forcibly insert their communications at this time? This thing is very rare!
  ‘Shepard, great, it’s you! ’
  ‘It’s nice to meet you, I heard about you on earth! Because of you, my family was wiped out by you before the reapers were hurt. What a beautiful job! However, I am also a captain now. Maybe you can call me Commander Bailey? ’
   After seeing Shepard, Bailey didn't care about the Turks, but started talking.
  ‘It’s just that, half of my task is to handle government affairs and important officials. I don’t have any military tasks. Even if I want to fight with those harvesters, I don’t have any chance...’
   "Congratulations, Commander Bailey!"
   Seeing that this old friend who had given him convenience was promoted, Shepard was also a little relieved. So, it seems that Udine did a good job in the castle of God?
  ‘Have you talked enough? Earthlings, don't hinder me from arresting criminals! ’
   At this time, General Tu Rui arbitrarily interrupted the two who wanted to continue the conversation. He was very impatient now! Because he felt that things might be worse?
  ‘Prisoner? who is it? General Tu mean Ambassador Shepard, do you? ’
   Bailey asked with some surprise, he finally knew why the other party's face was so ugly when he first saw Shepard.
'Humph! I already have enough evidence to show that the culprit of the God Fort incident was this Shepard and her Normandy II! ! ’
   Shepard didn't go to refute this stubborn Turian, but looked at this sudden emergence of Commander Pele, hoping that the other party could relieve himself or inform the members of the castle?
   She really didn't know what happened to the castle! However, it seemed that it was indeed related to her... So, she didn't want to explain it too much.
  ‘General Tu Rui, I’m afraid you have to let it go unconditionally. ’
   Bailey manipulated the universal tool in his hand, and then said blankly to the aggressive Turian.
  ‘Why, I don’t obey your orders, earthling! ’
   The Turian general looked at that Commander Pele with disdain, his level far surpassed the opponent.
  ‘Look! This is the authorization of the latest command! ’
  ‘This is the order that members of Parliament have just given me: Ask me to Shepard to the Human Councillor’s office in the circle as soon as possible! Now all the MPs are waiting there, including your Turian MP! ’
  ‘Now I’m waiting for Normandy No. 2 at the port in the circle area. The authorization code has been sent to you. Do you have any objections? ! ’
   Commander Bailey in the holographic image sent a group of authorization commands to the other party, and then waited for the other party's reply with his arms.
   Even if there is no authorization, now Shepard, as the ambassador representing the Star Alliance, should not make things difficult for the other party at this time. Therefore, Bailey has no fear! If the other party really dares, I am afraid that Congressman Tunui will also interfere in the first place.
  ‘You bastards! ! ’
   General Turui glanced at a certain authorization code, hung up the communication and disappeared in front of the two.
   Everyone can see that he must be in a bad mood right now. If it weren’t for the thick bones on the other’s face and no skin, he must have flushed now, right?
Soon, shortly after General Turian interrupted communication rudely, the Turian frigates that stood in front of Shepard’s Normandy II slowly stepped aside and closed the main artillery doors after the heat was over... …Obviously, under the compulsory order of the members of the parliament, a certain Turian general who became angry and embarrassed had to choose to submit.
   "Thank you for your help, Commander Bailey!"
   Seeing that the big trouble was solved by the other party in a few words, Shepard was greatly relieved. At this critical time, it is always good to be less troublesome and less arguing.
'you are welcome! This was originally my duty! ’
  ‘But... Shepard, I also want to ask, don’t worry, I won’t record it... That, the third guard area, is it really you or us on earth? ’
  Since the Turian has run away now, Bailey thought for a while, but hesitantly asked.
   Because of this incident, there have been many disturbances in the castle of God these days! Other races are fine, but those Turians are very hostile to their earthlings, and are targeting them everywhere, so there is nothing to do!
  Even, the other party deliberately sent more Touareg soldiers to garrison the human residence and outside the parliamentarian's office. They also called it "protect" humanity? But everyone knows that the Turians are guarding or monitoring their Earthlings, which can be seen from the eyes of the soldiers on the other side.
"of course not!"
   Shepard spoke aloud, answered righteously, and stared at Commander Bailey’s doubtful eyes without hesitation!
   That incident was actually only caused by the little guy Annie who accidentally sold the weapons. How could they throw the scapegoat on them? ! She dare to be 100% sure that it was definitely not done by her or the people on Earth, it was just an unintentional mistake by a little guy from the Kepulu region, and it has nothing to do with anyone!
   It was just an accident, nothing more, she Shepard dared to swear to God!
  ‘I believe in you, Shepard! But, you better prepare a little first? If I am not mistaken, during the meeting, members of Congress will definitely mention this! Moreover, that might have an impact on your mission to God Fort? ’
   Thinking of Udine's confession, Bailey carefully confessed it while Normandy 2 was slowly approaching the port.
   "Thank you! I know what to do!"
   nodded, Shepard understood the other party's meaning, and once again expressed his gratitude.
  ‘Then, the call is over! I am waiting for you at the port in the circle! ’
   After speaking, the two hung up the communication, and Normandy 2 also slowly entered the main channel in the middle of the Five David District, preparing to dock in the circle area.
"I heard, are we going to fight? Where is the main gun? Hurry up, let me do it, I can shoot the guns. One shot can kill a dreadnought ship, and one shot can blow up the castle! "
At this time, when Shepard and the others on the bridge just breathed a sigh of relief a cheerful voice from a little guy came in, and then, without waiting for everyone to look back, the other party jumped to Xue Next to Pade, he began to stare out curiously.
   "Who told you to fight?!"
   Shepard's mouth twitched. In the situation just now, if the fight really started, then their Normandy II would be finished in an instant. There is no other possibility. What's so happy about this?
   Fleet battles in space are not like battles on the ground, relying on their own ability to dodge, the enemy will come over, maybe Normandy II will sink!
   "Sister Miranda said..."
   "What's wrong, don't you stop fighting now? How can that work?!"
   After hearing what Miranda sister said, Annie hurriedly changed her clothes and ran over! But now, you don't even have to play?
   "Okay, prepare to enter the port, I don't care about you!"
   Seeing that the little guy was still reluctant, Shepard, who had important things to deal with, sighed and turned back and left.
  ?? Ask for a ticket??
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