Chapter 612: The war between women ( ̄^ ̄)~■□~( ̄^…

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"Lady Li, please here!"
In the city of Suzhou, a major commercial town, the post cheng of the Chengnan Post Station, that is, the friend of Li Gongfu’s acquaintance, who wrote an urgent letter back to Qiantang County to inform Xu Xian of the situation, Hao Jianghua Shizheng laughed with him, leading Xu Jiaorong, who was looking sad, to walk briskly in Suzhou.
"I'm also thinking that it may take at least two days for you to get to Suzhou. It's not that easy to get to Qiantang for more than three hundred miles! But I don't think you will be here today at noon. Malay?"
"Or, did you come down the canal by boat?!"
Yi Cheng Hao Jianghua was really surprised by the group of people who were able to wait for the head-catcher Li Gongfu's wife today in Qiantang County!
You know, he only wrote a letter four days ago, and used the government's express channel to send the messenger to Qiantang by the way. Generally speaking, waiting for the other party to receive his urgent letter before arranging a carriage and coming to Suzhou city three hundred miles away, it should be at least two days later!
But what do you think, the other party is here today?
To be honest, when the other party came to the door just now, he was taken aback! Because, at this distance and speed, Hao Jianghua feels a bit wrong no matter how he calculates it...
The other side is a woman, and unlike Li Gongfu's kind of strong and sturdy catcher, it is definitely not possible to go north on a fast horse and arrive overnight... Even in the case of a car, whether it is a bullock cart or a donkey. The cart or the mule carriage, why should it arrive the day after tomorrow at the earliest?
And if you go northward along the canal by boat, it will be a lot more comfortable, but it will take no less time than a carriage!
So, for the wife of Li Gongfu who has a little bit of sorrow on her face and a not-so-good look, Hao Jianghua feels very puzzled that Xu Xian's relatives can arrive in Suzhou so quickly. He feels that it is too soon.
"We are flying here in the clouds!"
"We flew directly in the sky, and then we ‘swish’ and we arrived. It’s not far away for three hundred miles, very soon!"
Actually, if Annie didn’t know the direction, she accidentally ran to the north of the Yangtze River, ran to the edge of the Yellow River, and then flew south to the top of Luzhou City, they should have arrived in Suzhou City an hour ago. Understand!
According to Aunt Li, although the two of them took more than half an hour to fly on the road, most of the time was spent wandering around and flying. If you find the right direction at the beginning, it can really be instantaneous. To.
Of course, Aunt Li has that troublesome fear of heights, which severely blocked Little Annie's own flight speed. Otherwise, she could have been faster!
"Thunder clouds and fog, just you?"
"Haha! Little guy, you can really make a joke! I guess you must be the little girl named Annie adopted by Li Gongfu's house? It's really good. Not only is she smart, she also speaks the official language of the Song Dynasty. It's amazing!"
Hao Jianghua himself certainly didn't believe the little girl's claim that the clouds were flying in the mist!
However, he said that for this little girl, did he have a little impression of himself? I think that when I was hosting the officials from Qiantang, I heard the arresters who escorted Xu Xianlai mentioned that there was such a little guy in Li Hutou’s house, so he knew the existence of the other party. , Not so surprised at this time.
It's just that he didn't expect that Xu Jiaorong, the lady of the Li family, would actually bring her to come here. In their Suzhou city, such a blond and blue-eyed child appeared to be quite rare.
"You love to believe it or not, and you won't believe it! Anyway, we just flew here!!"
Annie felt that these adults were so disgusted. They told lies and talked too much, so they took it for granted that others were also telling lies?
However, little Annie, who has now been attracted by this Suzhou city, which is bigger than Qiantang, doesn't care whether she believes or not!
She is now thinking: Where can I go to eat delicious food later?
As for a certain bad guy named Xu Xian, she doesn't care about the life and death of the other party! Anyway, the relationship between her and that strange girl is not very good, so she won't bother to talk about each other! Later, go and see if the other person is dead. If she is not dead, maybe she will be saved easily?
"Li Gongfu Li catching his head? Where is he now? Why didn't I seem to see him coming with you?!"
As he walked forward, he showed the other party the way. Finally, Hao Jianghua suddenly realized one thing, that is: he didn't seem to see Li Gongfu from Qiantang County catching his head! Could it be that the other party has something important and didn't follow the Li family's lady into the city?
However, the other's heart is a bit too big, right?
You know, this is not a small Qiantang County, and this is not the other side's land in Suzhou City. How can Li catch the head so rest assured that such a woman and a little girl will come into the city alone, so are you not afraid of getting lost? Nowhere to find?
"The official of my family took a few days ago with the arresting brothers and escorted the prisoner to Jinhua County to the south. He is not at home at the moment, so this time, our wife came alone."
When talking about this, Xu Jiaorong was angry!
That unconscionable Li Gongfu, went on business by herself, and didn't care about everything at home. Now, she has caused her to go to the unfamiliar city of Suzhou by herself! And if it wasn't for the gods who could help in the family, and this little Annie who knows spells, she would really not see her brother Xu Xianxu Hanwen in her life.
"How did you two get here?"
Hao Jianghua couldn't believe it. How did they dare to go to Suzhou city three hundred miles away? !
"Forget it, no matter how you came here, as long as you can come here safely, this matter is not good for me as an outsider to ask more!"
"Lady Li, look, we're finally on the ground! The'Baoantang' is here, and your brother Xu Xian is in it at the moment! Look, the red cloth on this sign hasn't been revealed yet. I'm going to choose an auspicious day for the opening, but who would have thought that something unexpected happened at this time?"
While talking, Yi Cheng Hao Jianghua couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.
At the beginning, Li Gongfu Li Catcher entrusted his brother to give a talk, and wanted to take good care of him during the three years when Xu Xianfa was assigned to Suzhou... But as a result, the other party is now about to die, and Still scared, but not sick or other accidents?
Therefore, in this case, he, a post-independent entrusted by others, will inevitably end up with a bad reputation for being inefficient in doing things and being entrusted by others but not being loyal to others! It also made him feel unnaturally guilt now in his heart, especially when facing this Li family lady!
Seeing the front door closed and the new drug store facade painted with paint, Xu Jiaorong's eye sockets turned red again.
Her younger brother Xu Xian Xu Hanwen, but dreamed of having a drug store of his own!
When she was in Qiantang County, her brother was implicated in the case of Kuyin theft before the plan to open a drugstore could be implemented, and almost lost his life! But now, even though the other party finally got Zhang Luo up the drug store quickly here in Suzhou, but in the end... it didn't have time to open, instead, he quickly lost his life!
Thinking about it now, her younger brother Hanwen is really a pitiful... and everything must be all the fault of that vixie Bai Suzhen! After watching her younger brother Xu Xianhou later, if her younger brother really can't survive, she must go desperately with that Hu Meizi! !
"Yes, this is the'Baoantang'!"
"Lady Li, your brother Xu Xian is inside..."
"Oh! I've already hired some of the best doctors in Suzhou, and they all said...Forget it, you go to shoot the door now, I will go back first when I am busy with official duties. If you have anything embarrassing, Just come to the station at the South Gate to look for me. As long as Hao Jianghua can do it, there will be no difference, and it will be done properly for you!"
Hao Jianghua can now imagine that the scene when he meets later is definitely the kind of infiltrating scenes...So, with some guilt in his heart, after thinking about it, he decided to avoid this place earlier and save it later. He himself will be uncomfortable!
"If that's the case, then I'll trouble you, Brother Yicheng... This tea money is not a respect, so you can still send someone to send us a letter in your busy schedule, right?"
After looking at this street shop, and even the shops with the facade, the garden and the backyard where people live inside, Xu Jiaorong nodded inwardly, and stopped saying more, just took a little from the pocket of the sleeve of his skirt A piece of broken silver, about five or two or so, was out, and he planned to stuff it into the opponent's hand.
After all, if the other party took time out of his busy schedule to send himself here in person, it would always show one thing or two. These people are so sophisticated. However, due to the rush to go out, she didn't have much preparation, and she didn't have too much money with her, she could only be a little interesting.
"No, no! Don't do it! Madam Li, don't betray me!"
"I feel a little guilty about this matter today...Think about the little brother Li who asked me to look after you, but it turned out... Forget it, anyway, what am I talking about with your money? I didn't dare to take it, and I didn't have the face to take it! You should take it back now, and then go in quickly to see Brother Ling!"
"As the new year is approaching, I am busy with three official duties, so I will leave first!"
After finishing talking, Hao Jianghua, the post Cheng, didn't give the other party too much time to react, so he hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted, then turned and left! He was afraid that the other party would really squeeze the money over unwillingly, in that case, he would really be upset.
Speaking of breaking the sky, this stall is breaking things right now, what Hao Jianghua did by himself is really not very beautiful!
That Xu Xian can be regarded as half his own, but the result? The other party came to his own subordinates to accept his own supervision. Let alone three years, it hasn't been half a month, and such a major event happened. His responsibility for ineffective supervision is definitely not gone!
"Then thank you Master Yi Cheng..."
Seeing that the other party quickly turned and left, Xu Jiaorong did not chase him.
After all, her current heart is very confused, and her mind is still mainly focused on the'Baoantang' drugstore in front of her, because ah, her brother Xu Xianxu Hanwen should be in it now, and she doesn’t know what the situation is like. Up?
But no matter what, what the other party's specific situation is like, then she can only know after she sees it. I believe that soon, she will be able to see her brother Xu Xian.
"Lady Li, don't be polite to me!"
"Li Cattou and I can also be said to be our own brothers. From now on, in Suzhou City, if you have anything difficult to do, just send someone to find me! As long as I can do it, I will definitely go all out, never decline!!"
"That's it, you should hurry in!"
Finally, after turning around and talking to the two women, one large and one small, standing in front of the unopened medicine store whose door was closed, Hao Jianghua, the post-cheng, shook his head and walked away.
That Xu Xian was diagnosed jointly by several famous doctors from the Suzhou Three Emperors Patriarch Association a few days ago, and they all concluded that Xu Xian’s heart pulse has been broken, his eyes are dead, and his fetal light is no longer. I'm afraid that time is running out, the medicine stone is unable to return to heaven, etc...
In short, what the famous doctor who diagnosed at the time said all specified a meaning, that is: that Xu Xian, he is dead, he is hopeless! !
Therefore, after the diagnosis, he hurriedly wrote to Qiantang and did his best to inform Li Gongfu of Qiantang County’s first family.
"Come on, Annie, let's knock on the door now!!"
After watching the Yi Cheng leave and walk away, Xu Jiaorong closed his red eyes and breathed heavily before opening it again suddenly.
Now, she is ready to go and see her younger brother Xu Xian, and for a while, she will meet some of the foxes Bai Suzhen who has harmed her younger brother! !
"Huh? Oh, yes..."
(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
Originally, Xiao Anni wanted to find a place to eat first, because she smelled the smell of food that seemed to float in the distance?
After seeing Aunt Li's terrifying look that she didn't know who was going to be aimed at, she had to decide with regret: Put yourself a little bit behind when you eat?
Xiao Anni had heard that the old man selling steamed fish in Qiantang said that it was the three-white or white fish from Taihu Lake. Whitebait and white shrimp seemed delicious? Of course, there are crabs from Chengyang Lake and Taihu Lake, which are more delicious than those from West Lake?
As for Xu Xian, Little Annie doesn't want to care about that guy now!
She brought Aunt Li to Suzhou, and it was a serious matter to find delicious food. As for the Xu Xian and so on, it was just incidental! That's right, by the way, it is not the main purpose!
Bang! Bang!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
With a cold face, Xu Jiaorong stretched out his hand and slapped hard outside the closed wooden vertical door of the medicine store!
Smelling a certain pungent smell, she felt that the post Cheng Hao Jianghua just now did not talk nonsense.
This pharmacy should indeed be newly renovated. Not only is the plaque brand new, but even the wooden slatted vertical doors are brand new, still exuding bursts of new wood exclusive wood smell, but Xu Jiaorong doesn’t know. The thing is, what happened to her younger brother Xu Xian?
Her brother is here in Suzhou alone and helpless, so surely the vixie Bai, who caused him to fall here, will definitely not take care of him? !
‘Who, this medicine shop hasn’t opened yet, what’s the knock? ! ’
Bang! Bang! Bang!
After hearing a man's grumpy voice inside, Xu Jiao couldn't help but frowned, but in the end, she knocked harder!
Bang! Bang!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
'coming! coming! Don't knock! You knocked on the door! ! ’
Finally, a very impatient voice and the sound of hurried footsteps gradually came out from inside and outside. Obviously, under Xu Jiaorong's efforts, someone had already ran out to open the door for her.
"Huh? This... who are you looking for, this aunt?!"
Those strips of door panels were first taken by a man wearing a brown Jiadingge robe and Jiading cap to leave enough space before the other side poked his head out, looking up and down curiously at the person who was patting the door. Xu Jiaorong, and the blond and blue-eyed Panbang girl next to him.
This writer Ding is dressed up as Baifu, one of Xiaoqing's five ghosts, and the head of the five ghosts!
Of course, now he is the helper and housekeeper of "Baoantang"! It's just that, now the Baoantang will probably not be open for a while. After all, the officials of Xu Xianxu are dead by a thread. Where can they still want to open a medicine shop?
You know, this Baoantang was not originally for making money, and it's useless for people like them to make money. If they don’t have any money, they just go to the government’s treasury and steal it... Well, don’t think about those things, anyway, if it’s not for nothing. In order to repay the gratitude, why would they toss this thankless drug shop?
∑(′△`)? !
At this moment, seeing the strange crocodile protruding from the door, Xiao Annie couldn't help but exclaimed.
Because she could tell at a glance, the guy in front of her turned out to be a pretty good one, at least an elite-level undead lich or evil spirit mage? Then, could it be that Xu Xian was killed by this monster? !
What? What?
The things in front of me seem to be getting more and more interesting!
But ah, Annie is not going to talk about this kind of thing now, she is ready to take a look, observe, observe, research... By the way, where was she going to eat just now?
Oh, accidentally, I lost my mind again...
"You should be from the White House? I'm here to find Xu Xian and Xu Hanwen. I'm his sister Xu Jiaorong. Now I'm coming to see my younger brother. You should let me go!"
Looking up and down at the other party, Xu Jiaorong quickly guessed the approximate identity of the other party. Then, under the house of hate and Wu, unhappy in her heart, she stretched out her hand and pushed the other party a little unreasonably. Ready to step into the security hall forcibly to find her brother who doesn't know his life or death.
Now that the sky and the sky are bright, she is not worried that these ‘strangers’ here will be against her! After all, she herself was led by the post-cheng master just now, and the people in the White House here in Liang didn't dare to do anything to her! !
"Sister Xu Daguanren?"
Being pushed aside arbitrarily and unreasonably by the other party, Bai Fu unconsciously stepped aside, allowing him to squeeze in from the two door panels he had removed.
"No, young girl, Xu Daguanren's sister is here to kill!!"
Finally, Bai Fu, who recovered his senses, exclaimed directly, and no longer had to worry about whether the door was not closed properly. He sprinkled his feet directly and headed towards the back door of the pharmacy lobby. He shouted towards the backyard and ran quickly. !
Even if Bai Fu is a ghost, he also knows: Now that the official Xu is in trouble, and the other's sister is killing the door at this moment, then there is definitely no good thing! Therefore, at this moment the white lady is not at home, how to deal with this matter will only make the left-behind young girl have a headache.
"It's all this time, it's useless to call anyone, just give me my brother back!!"
After looking around the empty medicine store lobby for a while, Xu Jiaorong snorted coldly, and followed the panic from the small door to the back hall to report the news and chased him with a frosty face.
First, she caused her brother to be implicated in the case, and was also committed to Suzhou for three years. Now her brother’s life is hanging by a thread. No, she Xu Jiaorong, who is a sister, must be fair to him today. Look at that Bai's heart, is it black? !
"Aha, there seems to be a good show to watch now!!"
(? ̄?? ̄??)?
Now there is no one in the pharmacy lobby, it looks quiet, and there is really no fun, so Xiao Annie naturally followed the aggressive aunt Li, and planned to see what will happen later. Thing?
Also, the fairy in white clothes tried to test herself before, so if she meets that guy later, will she continue to pretend that she doesn't understand anything?
(Report to the little master, the little one thinks you'd better follow up and protect that Aunt Li? Because there are now five evil spirits in this house plus a blue humanoid Naga! Of course, there is also the corpse lying on the bed, it seems Xu Xian who is dying?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Seeing that his little master still followed far behind without a rush, Tibbers kindly reminded him! After all, the monsters inside, although they are not threatening, but if they are launched ruthlessly, they are more than enough to hurt Xu Jiaorong! )
"Don't worry, they will definitely not dare to do it!!"
Because Annie could feel that the people inside, apart from panic and fluttering, seemed to have no malice...So, she didn't worry about the kind of things Tibbles said!
Because if you look at it in terms of relationship, Xiao Anni thinks that Aunt Li should be regarded as the older sister of those people inside, right? This belongs to relatives. Where can relatives come to the door and be beaten?
"Let's go, Tibbers, let's watch the show now!"
Carrying her own bear Tibbs's arm, while walking in hops and bounds, Little Annie also has a little regret in her heart! Because, she knew that the big Naga named Bai Suzhen, the beautiful big sister who was particularly hated by Aunt Li, didn't seem to be here now?
(If you want to gloat over misfortune, it should be enough. Now the situation may not be very good...
Tibbers is really oversight, people are bleak here, how can she do this? )
"What are you afraid of, isn't Xu Xian still dead?"
"Baifu, what are you talking about?!"
Xiaoqing, who was waiting anxiously for her sister to go to the heavenly court to ask for the elixir, heard what Baifu was saying in a frantic manner, she couldn't help but raised her brows and scolded. .
It has only been a few days since the official Xu Xianxu had an accident. Even if someone secretly informed the news, I am afraid that the news has just reached Qiantang! So, how could the sister of Xu Xian's family arrive in Suzhou so soon? You know, Suzhou and Qiantang are separated by at least three to four hundred miles, and most of them are mountain streams. When Xu Xian Xu's sister receives the news and prepares to leave, I am afraid that Xu Xian would have been caught. Her sister Bai was rescued again!
Of course, it could be dead?
Anyway, her Xiaoqing would never believe that Xu Xian's sister would come to Suzhou in time at this time and come to the teacher to ask her guilt. She is not worried about this!
"Little green girl, she's here, you should watch it yourself!!"
Bai Fu glanced at the door of the hall, then shrank his head. He didn't intend to explain any more. He just bit his scalp, pointed at the door and said vigorously at Xiaoqing.
He Baifu doesn't know if the other party is Xu Daguanren's sister!
However, their young girl must have known it! Besides, this thing can't be true, and false can't be true... He looked at the other party's inquisitive spirit, and thought it was probably true?
"Ah! It's really Xu Xian's sister, how could it be..."
Now, it's Xiaoqing's turn to panic a little!
Because at the beginning, when they were outside the court of Qiantang County’s trial, they had the privilege of seeing Xu Jiaorong, the sister of Xu Xian’s family who came into the inner hall with a cold face and a cold face!
Although they used the spell to hide themselves and couldn't greet each other face to face, Xiaoqing was sure that the woman who walked in in front seemed to be Xu Xian's relatives? !
But how is it possible...
That is a mountain road several hundred miles away. They came to Suzhou with Xu Xian, who was given out, and they all walked for three days and nights. But how could Xu Jiaorong come so soon? here? After all, it took only a few days for the official Xu Xianxu to have an accident. How could the news reach Qiantang so quickly!
"Young girl, what should we do?"
Bai Fu looked at the face of Xu Jiaorong who walked in and said nothing. Knowing that something might go wrong, he quickly pulled Xiaoqing's sleeve and asked anxiously to the other party's ear.
"How do I know what to do?"
"Humph! We haven't done anything bad, and we're trying our best to save that Xu Xian. What are we afraid of her?!"
It was originally not afraid of the sky, and Xiaoqing, who is not afraid of her own sister now, pulled out an ugly smile without fear, and greeted the official Xu Xianxu who walked in the back hall of her house. Ren's sister Xu Jiaorong.
In any case, she is the master here, and she, who has a clear conscience, doesn't have to be afraid of each other!
In fact, Bai Fu really wanted to remind this little green girl that Xu Xian was accidentally scared to death by her! However, he thought for a while, and after that Xu Jiaorong came in, he stood aside conscientiously and did not dare to say anything.
In any case, as far as Baifu knows, their white lady seems to value Xu Xian very much, and this Xu Jiaorong is the only sister of Xu Daguan, so they should maintain basic respect and courtesy. of.
If you are not careful, the young girl is likely to mess things up? !
"Huh! I think you are the fox of the White House, right? Let's say, where is my brother Xu Xian now, is he killed by you?!"
After looking up and down Xiaoqing with cold eyes, he felt that although the other party was very beautiful, but there was a breath of evil in his bones, Xu Jiaorong thought that the other party was Bai Suzhen, so he sneered and snorted coldly with his nose. Then he sat on the main seat of the hall very unceremoniously, and looked at the other side proudly and asked such a sentence.
Xu Jiaorong became more and more certain, and her younger brother Xu Xian must have been seduced by this kind of humeizi, so he has fallen to where he is today!
Now, even if she didn’t see her brother and didn’t figure out the whole story, but based on the appearance and demeanor of the Tsing Yi Hu Meizi in front of her, she had ten thousand reasons to give the other party a prestige and suppress the other party’s arrogance. ! !
"You nonsense!"
"You're a vixen! What's the matter with Xu Xian!?"
Unexpectedly, the first time I met with the other party was indeed such a situation. Some Xiaoqing who couldn't figure out his head, after hearing the tone of the other party's speech and the words calling himself a vixen, he bluntly slammed back!
She Xiaoqing is obviously a snake spirit, where are the fox-meizi vixen who run far away when they see them snakes?
It's not that she Xiaoqing brags, but with their snake and fox skills, under the same cultivation level, whether it is fighting or changing the original form to fight, she Xiaoqing can casually twist those foxes. Die and eat it!
Besides, that Xu Xian did the crime by himself, and he was scared to death by his own courage, and had nothing to do with her Xiaoqing and her sister Bai! Who left him to have trouble looking for trouble, so he wanted to believe that toad king Daoling? Look now, it doesn't count that the other party is so scared that she is about to die. She is so tired that her sister Bai goes into the sky to save him, and also eats the other party's sister, eating this Xu Jiaorong's death?
This thing is really unreasonable!
Anyway, she Xiaoqing would not suffer from this kind of frustration! And if it wasn't for Xu Xian's relatives, someone else would dare to talk to her Xiaoqing like She would have slapped and slapped her.
Seeing the other party's attitude turned out to be, Xu Jiaorong became a little frustrated after being choked, so she started to bluff and stare at the other party angrily!
Sure enough, she finally figured out the reason why her brother has fallen to where she is today! Obviously, it was all because of the fault of the Hu Meizi from the White House!
Interesting, Aunt Li seems to have admitted the wrong person?
Originally, the little Annie who followed up wanted to remind Aunt Li that the other party was not Bai Suzhen, but Bai Suzhen, who seemed to be the sister of this young lady in Tsing Yi?
However, after thinking about it seriously, Annie still didn’t say anything. She just sat down on one of the chairs for herself, ready to watch the excitement here, watching that Aunt Li and the young lady in Tsing Yi were getting together. Staring small eyes, no one is convinced.
Anyway, at most it was just a quarrel, and the two sides wouldn't fight, so she wasn't in a hurry!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Good, good! This is really good!!"
Xu Jiaorong's full chest undulated violently. Obviously, she was off by the other's attitude!
Therefore, at this time, she could only stare fiercely at the Hu Meizi in Tsing Yi, causing the eyes of the two to smash into the air with fierce sparks, and let the silent depressive breath begin in this somewhat dim inner hall. Brewing up.
In the absence of his sister and Xu Xian is half-dead, Xiaoqing, who is uninhibited and somewhat lawless, will not give Xu Jiaorong a good-looking face when he meets him, but just stands coldly in the hall. In, staring at each other coldly.
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