Chapter 627: On the correct usage of Tang monk meat?

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At the end of the Xu time, night fell.
At this time, after half a day of chaos in this county town of Qiantang County, it was dead silent...
At this time, except for the four somewhat dilapidated city gates that were bolted, they were firmly pushed from the inside with huge woods, as if they were facing the enemy and guarding every lively street in the city. Among them, there have been no human figures long ago, and every family has closed their doors, and even the lights and noises from the windows of those people's windows are much less than usual!
Yes, because now the men, women, young and old in Qiantang County are in great fear!
Even the guards who came out to call the guards as usual, and those who were responsible for patrolling the streets to maintain the city's order and deterrence, were no longer there.
The reason why the guards who played the guards did not dare to take to the streets was because they were afraid of the big demon who was eating living people outside the city! At the moment, the whole Qiantang County has long been spread: the monsters entrenched in the West Lake, only one night plus half a day, ate about more than two thousand people, the whole family on the side of the West Lake, It's all gone!
According to the rumors and the descriptions of the survivors who ran back, at noon, the government officials who went to investigate and the large number of people and merchants who were onlookers were able to come back alive. At that time, even the magistrate of the county Yang and Li Gongfu were almost eaten by the monster! And if it hadn't been for that powerful girl Bai Jingjingbai who had come forward to save her in time, none of the more than a hundred people who were brought back in the afternoon would want to live! !
Therefore, the government arresters have suffered heavy losses today. The remaining number is less than 20, and most of them have been frightened. They can't take care of them right now. Where else will they take care of the city's security? !
Besides, there is no need to patrol the streets to maintain law and order in the city now... Every family has already hid in their own homes, closed doors and windows, shivering, and even the refugees and beggars don’t know where to hide, so why should they worry about someone? Come out to make trouble?
Therefore, the situation in Qiantang County is now like this, quietly...
Perhaps, after the dawn of tomorrow, there may be greater panic and riots, or more people may abandon their homes and flee to the nearby Lin'an city to seek refuge, right?
The night is dark, the moon is like a hook...
Of course, in the main hall of Li Gongfu’s Li Family Courtyard, everyone, including Li Gongfu, who was rushing back from the yamen with a dejected expression on his head after finishing all the horrible chores, was in a dull meal. After dinner, they gathered here with solemn expressions, ready to discuss with the poisoned people outside the city, and the countless evildoers are suitable.
Now here in Qiantang County, I’m afraid I know that their Li family’s monsters, ghosts and gods and Buddhas are capable of discussing and dealing with monsters outside the city...
Because, now the magistrate of the county, Yang, has been anxious, "vomiting blood and three liters" fell ill at his home in the backyard of Yamen and was going to die, the other party definitely couldn't count on it! So now, after the prefect of the county is ill and unable to govern, and the other counties and officials are basically eaten by the monsters, everything in Qiantang County has been in charge of Li Gongfu, including dealing with the monster in the West Lake outside the city. thing!
"What? Jingjing, you are still injured today?!"
Then, naturally, after Li Gongfu and Bai Jingjing had elaborated on the whole story, a certain person, who had eaten flat peaches, increased his strength, and practiced so fast, he was able to transform himself into his previous life Qitian Great Sage Sun Wukong in just one year. The real master of the axe gang, that is, the supreme treasure, was furious on the spot!
Was her own lady Jingjing actually bullied by a monster?
He was hurt by the opponent and vomited blood, and was almost eaten by one bite, killing him?
How can he just give up this kind of hatred of ‘not sharing the sky’? !
Therefore, before others could express their opinions, he changed into the Monkey King of a big horse monkey dressed in human clothes on the spot. He picked up a large cooked iron rod, turned around, and planned to rush out to find the West Lake outside the city. The big demon in here goes desperately!
Unfortunately, before he had time to rush out, he was forcibly held by the fat-eared second senior brother Zhu Bajie Zhu Gang with one hand.
"Let go, don't stop me!"
"My old grandson is the Monkey King, the great sage of Monkey King. Five hundred years ago, the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals of the Heavenly Court couldn't help my grandson! You wait, relying on the monster in the West Lake outside the city, my grandson can be a stick You can kill it!"
While struggling desperately, Sun Wukong, who has become a monkey, shouted loudly to find the enemy desperately!
"Stop it for a while, big brother..."
"Just what you can do right now, you can't even learn the 72 changes, you haven't learned the somersault cloud, and you don't know where you lost the golden hoop... You can't even beat me and the third junior brother, you How can you find that monster desperately?"
Yes, Zhu Bajie, who is now in charge of teaching each other's cultivation, knows the heels and skills of this monkey brother better than anyone else!
Since the other party has already reincarnated, it must be slowly re-cultivation to come back!
And it has only been a short year. With this kind of comprehension and magic power of the other party, even if they have eaten flat peaches, even if the memories of previous lives have gradually appeared, there is no more than ten or twenty years, so don’t think about it. Easily return to the peak of the real Monkey King Monkey King in his previous life!
How many gourd-like golden pills of the rank nine refined by the old man that he would eat as a jelly bean?
"Dead fat pig, let go!!"
"My old grandson is Monkey King, the great sage of Monkey King, and that kind of little demon will be my opponent. You quickly let go, or you will fight with you later!!!"
If you can't fight, you have to go to fight first to know, this must be expressed!
Therefore, he turned into the appearance of the Monkey King, dressed in a strong suit of cloth, and looked a little nondescript and self-confidence inflated, so he insisted on going out of the city to meet the evildoer in the West Lake, and see if the other party really has crystals. Jing said so powerfully?
Furthermore, he himself wanted to give it a try, whether his previous life, Monkey King Sun Wukong, was really so powerful, and he could beat one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, the heavenly generals could not fight back, and even made a fuss in the heavenly palace. Sit on the throne of the Jade Emperor?
"Dead monkey, shut up, come back and sit down immediately, and quickly change back to that person!!"
Seeing the two people pulling and entangled there, Bai Jingjing raised her eyebrows, staring at a certain monkey with warning eyes and whispered.
The lady is dead, he has to follow...
Therefore, a certain monkey who thought he was invincible in the world, who had been entangled with that fat-headed human form, the second brother, Zhu Ganglu, soon changed back to human form and walked to his chair honestly. Sit up.
This is not because he is afraid of his wife, but because this is the white lady that his supreme treasure has successfully chased after ‘500 years’ hard work. It is always necessary to take good care of and ‘respect’ the other party’s opinions.
"Master Zixia, tell me, what should we do now?"
"The evildoer in the West Lake outside the city killed so many lives. If we don't find a way to surrender it sooner, if it comes directly to the city on a whim, the matter will be very serious!"
Thinking of the terrifying scene that the monster imperial envoy directly submerged thousands of 800 people in an instant, he was still a little bit frightened, and he was terrified...
You know, there are still tens of thousands of people in the county seat of Qiantang County. In addition, the county seat is not far from the West Lake and the city wall is not high. Once the other party rides the waves and floods the county seat directly, it will be a day. Great disaster! !
Even if the other party may not be able to directly control the lake to flood the Qiantang, if the other party leaves the West Lake and runs directly into the city to eat people and destroy it, it will cause heavy casualties! And this is the main reason why the little official who had arranged the gatekeeper before directly blocked the four gates with a huge wooden lock!
Although he himself did not think that the low wall and wooden gate might be able to stop the big monster, but now there is no way. The lives of the people in the city are all tied to his Li Gongfu. There is only so much to do... The rest, I'm afraid I can only look at the skill of this fairy Zixia who is Pansi Great Immortal.
The little guy Annie, she seems to have forgotten their family since she went to the heavenly court, and she hasn't seen any sign of the other party coming back until now.
Otherwise, relying on the little guy’s performance in Lanruo Temple, the terrifying method that a fire can burn several miles and countless demons and monsters, and burn a West Lake and a big demon hidden in it. Isn't it the same as playing?
It's a pity that the little guy hasn't been seen so far, so all he can count on, Li Gongfu, is the only fairy who ran down from the heaven in front of him.
"All right!"
"Li Gongfu, I am not your master, and I do not accept male disciples under Pansi Cave! Although I have also taught you some superficial methods, you must understand, your lady Xu Jiaorong, she is my rightful place. The fourth apprentice!"
After rectifying this problem and stopping Li Gongfu who still wanted to say something, Zixia, the strongest here, looked at the second apprentice Bai Jingjing.
"That monster, what is its origin, probably its strength, and what is its body? Did you see Jingjing clearly at that time?"
Since Bai Jingjing, his second disciple, had been defeated and escaped after several moves with the monster at that time, then, in Zixia's view, the other party must have figured out the other party's details and strength!
For this kind of question, I can only ask myself the chief of the martial art who has been in the sect for more than a thousand years. An incompetent guy like Li Gongfu would definitely not be able to ask any valuable information.
"Master, I guess..."
"It is either a water snake or an evil flood! Only their aquatic evildoer can control the water system energy of the entire West Lake!"
"Also! Master, I found that its power is very violent, and its body is also very big. It just gives me the feeling from the momentum, like... like facing several bull demon kings?"
It was just a bull demon king. At first, the three masters and apprentices plus Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha helped, but in the end they just forced the other side back! But now, facing a great demon who surpassed the Bull Demon King in power, she Bai Jingjing didn't know what to do.
After all, the other party didn't use the power of the body at all at the time, and simply defeated her with three simple methods!
"Your samādhi bone fire... is also invalid for it?"
The samadhi bone fire power of my second apprentice is very impressive, and ordinary water monsters must be unable to withstand the burning and die in ecstasy!
"Yes, its water system energy protects it, and my flame can't burn its body at all, so he extinguished it!"
"Then I used the bone innocence again, but it turned out..."
As a result, Bai Jingjing lost her third move, completely defeated, and completely defeated! If she hadn't used the master spell to escape at the time when the opportunity was not good, she would have been eaten now.
"Master, what should we do?"
"Or, let's just go together, don't worry about bullying too much, just suppress it!!"
Since she gave birth to the son of Little Tang Monk, Spring Thirty Mother has become more dependent on and likes to enjoy her current peaceful life... Therefore, now there are monsters outside the city that harm her surroundings. She is a thousand-year spider spirit. Very disgusting.
If possible, she is also willing to work with her masters and sisters to eliminate the evildoer who dares to disturb their lives!
"Hmph! If Bai Jingjing is right, we are not necessarily its opponents together! Moreover, it is hiding in the water, and its Taoism is very good, I don't think we can beat it only by us! "
After Zhu Bajie hummed twice in his nose, he looked at the Spring Thirty Niang who was holding their master Xiao Tang Seng with a bit of irritation.
I don’t know what’s going on. Today, when he just came back from the outside, he didn’t know where he angered the crazy lady. The other party had a good beating at him with a broom, which made him wonder !
"By the way, Third Junior Brother, aren't you a monster in the Liusha River, you must be very good at fighting in the water, or... you should try it yourself first?"
Suddenly thinking of some Zhu Bajie, he turned his head and suggested to a certain third junior brother who had been closing his eyes and pretending to be a stone statue, and said nothing.
"Second elder brother, you don’t know my abilities... On my own, I’m afraid I can’t even beat Miss Jingjing, so you even let me die?!"
Monk Sha's own abilities, of course, he knows himself, he must have no problem with such things as lay hands, wave the flag and shout and pick and salute!
But if he needs to fight and fight for strength, he is too powerful...
Otherwise, when they went to learn the scriptures five hundred years ago, whenever their master had an accident, he wouldn't always call Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother! Anyway, he would never go to the West Lake to fight that monster! Moreover, according to what Bai Jingjing just described, the other party may have gained control of the waters of the West Lake, and has even become the "Shuijun" of the West Lake!
So now, if Monk Hesha dared to go to the opponent's territory to play a water battle with the opponent, that would be a deadly death!
"Why don't we go to gang fight it together?"
"Then it has to come out!"
"A mess with the lake water, don't believe it won't come out!!"
"Your gang is just a broken iron rod, not a wishful golden hoop, the West Lake is so big, where did you drop it?"
"In the water, its power must at least double!"
"The second brother is right! When I was in the Liusha River, my strength was at least three times what I am now!!"
"Then tell me, what should I do?!"
"do not know……"
"Anyway, old pig, I can't help it, you think about it slowly!"
"Look at what I do, if I can beat it, I won't escape back!!"
Soon, except for the silent Pansi Daxian, everyone else started discussing it in a loud voice...but, none of them can convince anyone...a powerful monster. , And still hiding in the huge West Lake, this is indeed a big challenge for them!
If they can, they don’t even want to confront each other. However, the other side is on the edge of Qiantang County. If they don’t care, they can only leave the place where they have lived for a year. That is why all of them are unwilling. Accepted.
After all, they are used to enjoying themselves in the world, and then ran back to the mountains and old forests to suffer. How could they stand it?
"We have to find a way to lead it to land, and then besieged it!!"
Finally, when everyone was arguing, Zixia, who had been groaning without opening, finally said such a murderously.
"Master, how could it come out of the lake honestly?"
After thinking about it, Bai Jingjing shook her head with She didn't think about this method, but from the perspective of her fighting with the opponent, the monster was very cautious. In the end, I never left the lake! Therefore, they want to booby each other, I am afraid it will not be too easy... That guy, that big demon, he is not a stupid character!
"If it were me, I would definitely not leave Liusha River easily!"
Monk Sha nodded and agreed with Bai Jingjing's words, because if he replaced him with Sha Wujing himself, no matter whether the enemy was strong or not, he would definitely not leave the waters that benefited him casually!
Back then, in the Liusha River, he was alone in Sha Wujing, but didn't he fight with his big brother and second brother in the water for a long time with one enemy and two?
At that time, in the water, neither of them could do anything about him! If it were not for the Bodhisattva to come and order him to surrender Sha Wujing, I am afraid that he might actually be able to eat the tenth Tang monk?
But now?
After he landed ashore, he was a third-rate demon king...
"Normally not!"
"However, what if we use Tang Seng meat, which can live forever with one bite, as bait?!"
After speaking, Zixia cast her eyes on a little boy who was sleeping soundly, lying in the arms of the spring thirty mother, and still talking in sleep...
‘San Zang will cut off the small ╰ ひ ╯ to learn spells...’
The sound of milk and milk whispered from a certain little boy's mouth. Although it is very quiet, none of the people here are ordinary people, so they all heard it!
"Really a role model for my generation...Ah! Jingjing, I didn't mean that, don't hit me..."

O(╥﹏╥)o Ms. Mu You are celebrating the festival together, stop writing, go to bed! !
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