Chapter 629: Water Man Jinshan(.-ω-)..oO(·:*…

"No, the lake is rising so fast!"
"Master! The power of the demon dragon must have become stronger again. Are you sure that the great formation of demon descending in the city can really defeat the evil dragon?!"
Standing on the tower of the North Gate of Qiantang County, looking at the waters of the West Lake that are slowly spreading over the northwest, Mother Spring 30 is holding an unsheathed long sword in her hand. Anxiously, he looked back at his silent master Pansi Daxian.
To be honest, Spring Thirty Mother really had a little regret and guilt at this time.
A few days ago, she should actually compromise and agree to use her son Xiao Tang as a bait to lure the dragon ashore and then ambush the opponent...
It's a pity, it's too late to say anything now!
Everything was fine, but they thought they still had a lot of time? However, in just one night, the water of West Lake began to skyrocket, and now it is almost enclosing the entire Qiantang County town!
Presumably, soon, maybe half a day, maybe in the evening, the city and the outside of the city will definitely become a vast ocean, right? After all, this city is not waterproof!
Whether it is from the cracks of the city gates, the foundation of the city wall, or the drains, etc., you can let the turbulent lakes spread in and flood everything! At that time, everyone in the city, except for Li Gongfu who can escape by magic, I am afraid that no one will be spared! !
But fortunately, last night, their master Zixia Fairy had already set up the demon descending formation, and it was dangerously ahead of the enchantment's arrival today.
"No, our demon-reducing enchanting formation can't help it. It's too rushed. I can only defend a little bit of time... I only hope that after the heavens or other people of good manner find out, they can come together to drop the demon. Demon?"
Since the people here are all her own, Zixia didn't hide anything, let alone hurt morale or something, so she confessed their current predicament so generously.
That's right, the demon-reducing formation she deployed is actually just for defensive purposes!
And in the plan, after opening the big array, at most it can only maintain a protection time of three to five days! By the time the Great Array collapsed, if there was no turning point, if they didn't want to fight to death, they could only escape from Qiantang.
However, these things are actually not too bad, and the worst situation is not just that!
Because Zixia was also surprised to find out: her Ziqing sword and Zijin bell, the power of these two magic weapons, I don’t know why, the power has been slowly decreasing, and by now, it has almost fallen to the point. Is the level of the normal level magic weapon? !
Because of this, she originally thought that with the formation and her own magic weapons, even if the monster outside the city could not be defeated, she could at least use the protection against the stalemate of the big formation. Inexplicably, there was a reversal. Zi disrupted her plan, causing them to fall into the current embarrassment!
Therefore, she has no good way now, anyway, with people like them, she definitely can't eliminate the evil dragon outside, she can only take one step at a time!
"That evil dragon..."
"It's really weird! Could it be that the Dragons just leave it alone and let it raging and eat people here in Qiantang, will they be crazy for the Dragons of the Four Seas?!"
Looking at a place where the waves were very surging in the distance, Sha Wujing, who used to be a demon in Liusha River and once the Lord of Liusha River, asked this question with some doubt.
It stands to reason that the dragons are in charge of the water system of the world, but now, such an evil dragon is allowed to wreak havoc on the people here in Qiantang West Lake, and has eaten almost tens of thousands of people... This is a sin against the sky. Those dragons are just right. Are you afraid that the heavens will be blamed and let them sit down and be punished? !
"Hmph! Third Junior Brother, that is not a dragon, but a flood dragon!"
"That monster that didn’t know whether it was a water snake or a hairtail, or what chance it had, it almost succeeded in becoming a dragon! But luckily, it was still a little bit worse in the end... It was a congenital deficiency, so, for To make up for that lack, I can only run out to eat people crazy!"
The second brother, Zhu Bajie, who was once a marshal of Tianpeng, is obviously more knowledgeable than his third brother, Sha Wujing, so it is not difficult for him to guess the origin of the evil dragon and eat people here in Qiantang. The real purpose.
But even if he knew what to do, now his Pig Bajie himself is just a pig demon who barely got rid of the demon body and is no longer classified as a demon. He is no longer the marshal of the canopy back then, nor can he order the heavenly soldiers to come down. Clean up the monster outside... When he was still an official in the Heavenly Court, would the evil dragon outside dare to provoke him to Marshal Canopy?
"No matter what dragon it is, as long as it dares to come out, my grandson will kill it with a stick!!"
The Supreme Treasure, who was clamoring with a thick cooked iron rod in his hand, was gnawing his teeth and staring at the dark shadow under the lake in the distance! If it hadn't been for his lady Jingjing to stop him, he would have transformed the real body of the Great Sage Qitian and rushed forward to fight the monster for three hundred rounds!
And he firmly believes that as long as the fight starts, he will be the winner! Because he is Monkey King Monkey King! !
"Brother Monkey, you'd better do it, don't add to the chaos...If you were the Monkey King, the Monkey King, when you went crazy, you might actually kill him with a stick!"
"But now, you can't!"
A few days ago, he Zhu Bajie himself was beaten even by the guy who was eating, and even the nine-tooth rake was beaten by the monster! So far, that weapon is still in the West Lake and I dare not get it back... even he himself is not the opponent of that monster. This monkey head, who has just awakened a little bit of magical memory, is not qualified to fight that evil. Jiao challenged?
"You don't believe it? Look good, I'll go and kill it with a stick now!!"
As memories of the past life gradually emerged, self-confidence began to expand extremely, and a certain humanoid monkey who had not had time to shoot last time, with a golden light on his body, turned into a hairy monkey, and then held the cooked iron rod in his hand. He planned to go forward and fight the dragon that was still lurking in the water desperately.
"You stop me!"
At this time, due to another injury two days ago, Bai Jingjing, who was now pale and ugly, raised her eyebrows and directly stopped the monkey by drinking.
"You don't need to go, it's already here! If you want to die, I will definitely not save you!!"
After successfully screaming and stopping the monkey in a jealous manner, following her sight and the direction of her finger, everyone could easily see the distant lake swimming along the rising water and moving the surrounding area. The lake water was surging and agitated, and the shadow that broke the countless big trees that were submerged by the lake water, rushed over with a violent and mighty posture.
"It, it seems to have become bigger..."
Li Gongfu opened his mouth wide, his throat shook with difficulty, and it took a long time before he promised to spit out these half words.
Yes, just seeing the huge and terrifying figure under the other side's water, Li Gongfu knew that the other side had become stronger and bigger!
I don't know, can they survive today?
‘The monster is coming! Run! ! ’
‘Wow! The flood is coming in, everyone, hurry up! ! ’
‘Help, help me! I will not...water...’
Of course, the people who saw the monsters were not only Li Gongfu, who were standing on the top of the city’s gate, but also the countless people who volunteered to come to the city with kitchen knives, dung forks, wooden sticks, stones, bamboo sticks and so on. To help defend the city and resist the monsters of Qiantang people!
It's a pity that when they saw the behemoth swimming with the huge waves, they soon abandoned their weapons in terror and jumped directly off the city wall, dripping with the knees in the city and the water level is coming. The higher the lake, it was struggling, pushing, and screaming to the south of the city.
Thinking about it this way, except for a few of them who ran back to their homes separately, the others seemed to be planning to run out of the city in the chaos?
However, Li Gongfu and others knew that it was a bit late to run now!
When the water in the West Lake has been continuously spreading like a scourge, where can they go? I'm afraid, they haven't waited for them to run away, either they were drowned and trapped, or they were caught up and eaten by the dragon?
Instead of that, it would be better to stay in Qiantang City, praying for the monster to retreat by himself, or praying that the other party could not rush in?
Finally, without letting the people who were alert at the top of the city wait long, a huge, hideous dragon head with black scales all over the body slowly stretched out from under the water.
That huge black head, about the same size as the gates of Qiantang County, its head resembles a camel, eyes resembles a rabbit, its neck resembles a snake, its belly resembles a mirage, scales resemble fish, claws resemble eagles, palms resemble tigers, and ears resemble. The head of the ox's ferocious dragon, supported by the huge neck and the strong snake-shaped dragon body, raised the highlander, and looked down at the people above the gate.
"Hum hum……"
"A spider spirit, a pig demon, a monkey demon, a thief monk, and you, a bone spirit...very good, none of you are missing!"
"As for you..."
"Woman, I am the Dragon King here in the West Lake, who are you?!"
The above few Little Demon Kings, they were not in his eyes at all!
Only this woman who has met once and still looks at her silently now makes her feel a little bit jealous?
But just a little bit...
That's just because the aura on the opponent made it feel weird, not like a monster, but like the gods and Buddhas it had seen before?
"Huh! I am the Zixia Fairy under the Buddha Seat!"
"Wicked! As far as I know, there is no dragon king here in West Lake! As for you... Jiao, dragon, hornless horned Jiao! You don’t have a dragon horn on your head, you are clearly a dragon, not a dragon! Don’t you Want to pretend to be the Dragon King of West Lake in front of me!!!"
If counted based on her previous identity, she is a true of heaven! However, there is a formal immortal establishment, as well as high-end talents in the system with benefits and positions, and they are also the kind of hot posts that can often serve the Buddha and listen to the Buddha's personal chanting or commentary every day!
If it weren't for being burned with lamp oil every day and there was no freedom, the job would be really good...
But no matter what, the evil dragon in front of me is at best a thief who relied on his own little ability to seize the West Lake, and made waves and dominates here, waiting for the gods above the heavens to discover Or after the reaction is over, there will be absolutely no good fruits to eat!
Of course, Zixia wouldn't tell the other party that she actually escaped from the lower realms, and has been expelled from the immortal status. At best, she can only be regarded as an earth fairy or a loose fairy? When the other party does not know, so she can continue to show her identity as a fairy, hoping to scare away the other party.
"You? Fairy Zixia? That's how it is!"
Sure enough, the West Lake Dragon King knew that the breath of this woman was wrong, and her identity was definitely not simple!
Now, after hearing the other party say that, it finally solved the doubts it had before, and finally understood why this woman looked so different!
It turned out that the other party was actually an infernal fairy?
It's a pity that the opponent's strength is really too weak. It seems that the rumors are correct. Few female fairies in the sky can fight, and they can completely ignore the opponent!
But well...
No matter who the other party is, whether it’s a fairy or a monster, things have been caused by it anyway. After it is planning to eat up the 20,000 people in the city of Qiantang County, it ran to hide and digested slowly. Income?
And if, today, a fairy can be taken away as Mrs. Pressure Cave, maybe the days of cultivating in the cave will be much easier, right?
"Youkai, I am the reincarnated body of Marshal Tianpeng. This is the general of the rolling curtain. If you don't want to suffer from the thunderous body bite, and you don't want to go to the dragon-slashing platform and suffer the pain of the knife, then Uncle Susu retreat! Otherwise, after catching you, I will not forgive!"
Seeing the big skin that Zixia Fairy, who was no longer a fairy, seemed to be useful, Zhu Bajie on the side thought for a while, and quickly brought out the name of Marshal Peng and the Third Junior Brother's Rolling Blind General. This scares away the other party!
It's a pity that it may be the reason for the wrong birth, or it may be due to nature... At this moment, the second brother who suddenly became stupid, seems to have done something stupid? !
"Pig Bajie... Sha Wujing... Tang Monk Meat?!"
"Moo ha ha ha!"
"Good, good! I really can't find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort! It turns out that the legendary Tang monk who can live forever with just one bite is here in Qiantang?!"
After hearing the good news, its head was raised up high and laughed into the sky. The four claws and the dragon body underneath it involuntarily swayed happily in the lake.
"Moo woo~!!!"
After the laugh, the giant dragon head didn't continue to scream, and directly roared, using his head to viciously move towards the monsters and humans on the Qiantang gate and bite it!
Although it does not know that it is Tang Seng, but... as long as it controls the power of the water spirit of the West Lake, it uses the flood to trap the city to the death, and does not let any man or woman leave. It would rather kill the mistake than let the city go. If people eat it all in their stomachs, there will always be nothing wrong.
Rumble~! ! !
A violent impact sounded, and what surprised the'West Lake Dragon King' was that its sudden and heavy attack was blocked by a transparent, pale golden light shield?
"Master Zixia, it, it can't come in, right?"
"It should be at least able to resist for a while..."
"How long is it for a while?"
"do not know……"
Seeing that the other party is not only huge, but also the intimidating power and strength seems to be very strong, but the collision just now almost didn't knock Li Gongfu's heart out! Therefore, after seeing the other party slowly lifting up the huge head again, and that pair of cruel eyes were staring at himself and others in the protective circle, he quickly asked the Pansi Immortal next to him. Tao.
What disappointed him was that the answer he got from the other side didn't seem to reassure him too much?
"Hmph! A small fragile circle, dare to make an axe in front of this king?!"
After discovering that this city was actually protected by a huge shielding circle to Tuan Tuan, so that after his attack was firmly blocked outside, the West Lake Dragon King sneered, and slowly hovered upright again. stand up.
Suddenly, a dragon wobbled its tail, and slapped its huge and thick tail against the outer wall of the entire shield fiercely and viciously! !
boom! ! !
With a louder sound than the previous impact, the entire formation, and even the town of Qiantang County, was shaken and surging slightly under the influence of the opponent's huge force, as if an earthquake had occurred. stand up!
But fortunately, although the opponent caused a great momentum, the so-called West Lake Dragon King outside could not successfully defeat their defensive formation.
"Hey! West Lake Dragon King, let me tell you that Tang Monk meat is useless. I have eaten it many times. It is of no use except for filling my stomach! Or else, would you go somewhere else to find something to eat?"
Seeing that the opponent’s attack could create such a mighty power, Sha Wujing knew that their temporary formation, transformed from the mountain guard formation, was definitely not as capable as previously imagined. Hold on for several days!
If the other party continues to attack like that, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold on! !
However, the West Lake Dragon King outside did not pay attention to his words, but raised the other's thick and powerful tail again, and swooped down again!
"No! It's going to rush in!!"
"I want to lay down the Leijue Great Formation and use Pansi Dafa to deal with it! Hurry up, you four help me step on the Formation Eyes, and you will lend me your mana first!!"
Rumble! ! !
Zixia had just finished speaking, and the whole county shook again!
And that pale golden, semi-spherical transparent array that directly enveloped the entire city also began to falter, cracked inch by inch, and was about to be destroyed? Therefore, she can only hurriedly ask her two apprentices plus Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to help herself.
In this situation, there are only four of them who can help her with cultivation bases and mana.
"Yes! Master!!"
"Don't borrow too much, old pig, I will save a little bit later to prepare to run away!"
"Okay, Brother Second, you should just say a few words..."
Seeing that the situation was urgent, Bai Jingjing, Spring Thirty Niang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing did not dare to procrastinate. As Fairy Zixia took the lead in flying into the mid-air in the center of the city, a light appeared under her feet. After the round eyes of Lei Jue formation, the four of them also cast spells and flew over, and flew to the four positions in front of each other one by one, standing in the air according to the auxiliary formation eyes of the formation.
"Lei Jue Formation, get up!!"
Accompanied by a crisp scream, the next moment, the four of them also lit up the eyes of different colors at the same time, and connected the main eye under the feet of Zixia Fairy, making the whole Lei Jue array Under the auspices of the two thousand-year-old demon kings, two learners and a former fairy, they radiated a dazzling light above the city and started to operate quickly.
"The mere ants, still want to continue to disobey the king?!!!"
If the other party did its utmost to deal with itself before the West Lake Dragon King hadn't eaten people, then it would definitely not dare to confront these people easily!
But now, after it has eaten tens of thousands of people and gained their flesh and blood, and his strength has skyrocketed, relying on the few people inside, it is definitely not his opponent! However, to be on the safe side, it still decided to slash the mess and kill all these man-arms as cars, and then eat all the people in the city, so as not to have extra troubles?
"Quick! The protective array will definitely not be able to hold on anymore, immediately transfer the mana from you to me!!"
Seeing the demon dragon outside the city was preparing to launch a third attack, Zixia, standing in front of the main line, hurriedly shouted to the four helpers in front of her!
Because she knew that the hurried moat formation would definitely not be able to hold on to the opponent's next attack.
As Zixia’s words just fell, Bai Jingjing, Chun Thirty Niang and Zhu Ba Jie's two brothers suddenly stirred up mana whirlpools, and then began to slowly condense along the eyes of their feet. On Zixia of Lei Jue Array's main array, she gathered in her hands.
Now, ordinary attacks on the terrifying big monster outside the upper city are definitely useless. When her powerful magic weapon, the purple sword and purple bell are almost ineffective, they have no choice. too much!
Anyway, you can't always copy the guy out to play melee with the opponent like the previous two days! It is an impossible task to go close and beat up such a huge monster in strong armor! Moreover, they had used a fiasco a few days ago to prove that close-close attacks are indeed ineffective when the strength gap is huge!
As for the Five Elements spells, let alone!
The opponent is a flood dragon, even if it is not a real dragon, nor is it a Sihailong clan, but its strong body's huge spell resistance is not what they can release with such spells as thunder and lightning, freezing and burning.
Rumble rumbling~! ! !
Finally, after the third bombardment of the tail of the ‘West Lake Dragon King’, this great defense formation, which was originally thought to last for several days, failed to last for just three breaths, and was declared shattered!
Immediately afterwards, the countless waters of the West Lake that were spreading that were originally isolated by the formation began to madly cross the more than ten feet of the city wall, and rushed toward the city violently!
Finally, the flood broke out in Qiantang County...
"No! Let's withdraw first!!"
"Brother Monkey, what do you want?!"
Seeing this kind of apocalyptic scene, Li Gongfu could only stare bitterly at the huge and majestic giant flood dragon outside the city while he was heartbroken and full of grief and anger, and he planned to greet the one beside him. It has become the supreme treasure of the so-called Monkey King Monkey King. He intends to let the other party and himself go back to see the mother-in-law, Nie Xiaoqian and the little Tang monk at home to see how they are going.
If possible, he will take them out first!
After all, the strength of the two of them is really too bad. Staying here will probably only add to the chaos... It's better to stay away early, to see the situation at home, and then to rescue the old folks in the city who are beginning to be flooded!
In this terrible situation now, one can save one, otherwise, if the five people who are forming an enemy can't resist the dragon, he would not be able to save it.
But what made Li Gongfu feel astonished and puzzled is that the monkey, instead of evacuating him in advance, instead flew straight up, raising the wrought iron rod in his hand high and just one stick. He smashed the dragon's nose viciously?
"Eat my old grandson!"
puff! !
And what made Li Gongfu even more shocked happened: that monkey, that strength is not necessarily so powerful so far, even if he can play a few tricks with the other party, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, turned out to be successful with an iron rod. The enemy's nose went down and hit him strictly?
That evil flood... really made him hit the bridge of his nose with a stick? !
However, unlike Li Gongfu’s astonishment and a little excitement, the reincarnated Monkey King'Monkey King' does not understand at this time... He himself, obviously hit the opponent, but why this dragon No reaction at all, staring at yourself with those huge orange glasses?
He just used his full strength, shouldn't the opponent be bleeding and even the bridge of his nose? You know, his blow can directly interrupt a big tree!
"Huh! Fool!"
After a cold snort, the giant water dragon flicked its predecessor's dragon claws slightly, and a ‘finger’ directly flicked a certain overweight monkey, Bi Mawen!
"Hmm...Do you really think that you are still the Great Sage of the Monkey King five hundred years ago?!"
A feather-headed monkey without mana, power, morality, and even golden hoop, dare to come and fight it against the Dragon King of West Lake?
What kind of Monkey King, after reincarnating and rebuilding, he didn't go to bed honestly, and dare to come out easily? Therefore, after the West Lake Dragon King flew the opponent with a bullet in one claw, he ignored it. It was too lazy to take a look, and he turned to look at the five people in the sky in the city that is more threatening to it. Looking at the lake, knocking over the city wall and rushing forward!
Boom! !
At this time, the sound of falling into the water finally sounded!
A certain Monkey King, who was flew by a claw, fell into the lake in the city that almost spread to the roof in the form of a parabola very sadly without saying a word, amidst the turbulent flood After a ripple, there was no more sound...
"It's really messing up with me!!"
"The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law, is anxious like a law-disease!!"
After complaining in grief and indignation, Li Gongfu had to transport his weak mana and used a Dao method taught to him by Yan Chixia. After temporarily accumulating his strength and agility, he jumped out dozens of times in an instant. At a distance of meters, he hurried to the location where a certain monkey fell into the water, planning to pick up the other party first and then go home.
Otherwise, the other party might be drowned alive!
"Tsk! Damn it!"
"The demon dragon suffers death! Pansi Dafa-Heaven and Earth! Let go!!"
Seeing that the cunning dragon was not prepared to give herself and the others a chance, and was taking the opportunity to rampage and rush towards them violently, Zixia was frightened, she had to grit her teeth, she just condensed. The spells that cost four people less than one-third of their mana were thrown out hastily!
Although the strength has fallen a lot, but if you don't let it go now, then there will be no chance.
The next moment!
A huge and dazzling golden giant net fell from the sky, and suddenly lit up and enlarged above the dragon ground. Then, like a fishing net, it fell directly and quickly and was rushing towards them in the water in the city. The Jiaolong covered Tuantuan.
Actually...really caught? !
"All around the world! Close!!"
Although the energy of the big net did not reach the highest level, after seeing the dragon failing to break free all at once, Zixia was a little bit happy, so she hurriedly used the mana advantage brought by Lei Jue formation again to forcefully control the already The'Heaven and Earth Net' that trapped the giant dragon in it slowly shrank, planning to subdue the opponent or hang it directly?
"Moo! Don't think about it!!!"
The West Lake Dragon King was suddenly trapped and lost the ability to move... Then, after the initial surprise and panic, it quickly calmed down and began to use its powerful strength and mana to break through. Zhang is trapped by its own broken net! !
"Quick! Keep transmitting mana to me, don't stop!!!"
Fight alone, no one will be the opponent of that evil flood!
Therefore, besides uniting the power of the five people to try to subdue each other with magic techniques, they really have no other better way! Otherwise, once the giant net is broken free by the opponent, they really have no other way except to escape.
"Moo woo woo ooh!!!"
"Asshole! I can't spare you!!"
Soon, the huge flood dragon, trapped in the net by the giant energy net, began to twist its huge and powerful body, twisting and fluttering frantically in this county town of Qiantang County that was gradually flooded by the spread of the lake!
Its movements are so big, coupled with the huge advantage in size, that under the flutter, countless nearby houses are easily destroyed and crushed by it, and the surrounding waves have become a bit bigger. , And caused countless people hiding in their homes to die tragically under its ravages...
However, at this time, Zixia and the others who were confronting the fighting technique, no one can care too much, so they can only continue fighting with the monsters in the city, and strive to subdue the monsters early, so that there will be fewer casualties...otherwise , Once the other party breaks free, the ordinary people in Qiantang County don't want to live!
Although they all know that under the raging flood, there are probably not many 20,000 people left in the city.
Even if they can defeat this dragon now, it is still unknown whether there will be 10,000 people left in the entire Qiantang.

In the former Jinshan Temple, when Zixia and others were fighting the dragon, Fahai flew here with a spell!
However, the temple built on the hill by the West Lake now has nothing left except for the desolation and rundown, and the lake that has been submerged in half of the ancient temple...There is no one here. Even the Leifeng Tower by the lake was submerged to the fifth floor.
The water of the West Lake almost passed the Jinshan Temple, which is not too high!
However, from the bloodstains left on the walls in the temples, the coats, hats and shoes in the lake, it is not difficult for Fahai to guess what the monks here have experienced!
"Monster, Lao Na can't spare you today!!"
Therefore, after proclaiming the Buddha's horn loudly, Fahai turned bitterly and looked towards Qiantang County in the distance!
Because he knows that right now, that evildoer should be raging over there, and if his Fahai wants to cast down demons, it must be today! !
That evildoer acted so recklessly, not only flooding the golden mountains, eating the monks alive, but also poisoning the people of the Qiantang... He committed such monstrous things, it can’t be said that today, he will be a angry King Kong by Fahai. His thunderous means completely suppressed the opponent so that he would never be overborn!
Presumably, Fahai no longer looked at the tragic situation of the empty Jinshan Temple. After hitting the bowl in the other hand with the Zen stick in his hand and stirring up his Buddhist mana, he waved his robes and directly turned into a golden color. The Buddha's light quickly flew towards the direction of Qiantang County!
Now the monsters in the city are in chaos, and the people within a radius of tens of miles are not living, so Fahai must act for the sky and surrender the monster dragon! Yes, today, his Zen Master Fahai will use thunder means to make a full shot, and he will never die with that evildoer! !
"Hey! Sister, don't fly so fast! Wait for me first!!"
And almost at the same time, in a different direction opposite to Fahai, there are two streams of light, one green and one white, and they are also rushing to the city of Qiantang County at high speed! If nothing happens, they can run into the chaotic city center after half an hour.
In half a quarter of an hour at most, immortals, gods, Buddhas, demons, humans, ghosts, dragons and other different existences will begin a vigorous drama here in Qiantang! !

"Big Sister Bodhisattva, do you have anything else to eat and drink? If so, please take it out quickly. I will definitely not mind. I can eat as much as you want!!"
Above the heavenly court, the Bodhisattva is still talking with a little girl in this fairy family hall. Of course, most of the time, it is the Bodhisattva looking for the head of the conversation and chatting, and a certain little girl does nothing but eat and drink, at most, she answers twice from time to time.
No, after consuming all the things in her hands, she stretched out her hand to ask the Bodhisattva again!
I don't know why, the Bodhisattva always felt that something was wrong with the little girl in front of her eyes, but...there seemed to be nothing wrong, this strange feeling in the dark made her very puzzled.
Therefore, after entangled and hesitated for a while, she still didn't say much, but silently took out the other good things in her hand, intending to continue to delay the little girl for a while.
Now, she can only do this, because the matter of the lower realm has reached a critical time, only need to delay for a while, then the dust will settle!
At that time, it doesn't matter whether the little girl is leaving or staying.
"Wow! What is this, um...It's delicious! Do you have any more, I want more!!"
After Xiao Anni took what was in the opponent's hand, she ate a clean meal in just a couple of bites, and then licked her lips while staring at the opponent eagerly.
She thinks, this is called a Bodhisattva. There are many good things on his body, and they are delicious, but the amount is too small? Every time, the other party only took out a little bit, which was not enough for her to eat two or two. This kind of practice is very bad, and it is not straightforward at all. She wants to give a bad review! !
After seeing the ugly eating behavior of the other party and continuing to finish eating what he gave in an instant, the doubts in the Bodhisattva's heart became heavier and he finally realized that something was wrong.
This little girl...
The other party obviously ate a lot just now, why is it now... And, it seems that this little girl is a bit different from just now? However, where the specifics are different, she will know it for a while and can't tell.
"Annie... are you okay now?"
Anyway, I am familiar with this little girl. Therefore, the Bodhisattva has become a little more easy-going now. Under doubt, she simply walked up to the other person and began to look up and down carefully with doubts. other side:
This little guy, whether it’s breath, taste, body shape, movements or anything else, doesn’t seem to have any problems, it’s what the little girl just now should be... But because it’s so similar, some movements Repeated many times, finally made her doubt it.
"Big Sister Bodhisattva, what are you looking at? Is there any problem with others?!"
Annie touched her face innocently. She thought there was something dirty on her face! However, it is a pity that my face has always been clean and there is nothing dirty!
"You are not Annie, are you... a substitute or a substitute puppet? A soulless puppet? Or a pale paper man? How is this possible, in front of me, when did you put this substitute?!"
The Bodhisattva was really surprised this time!
If it weren’t for her feeling that the situation in the lower realm seemed to have changed, and the little girl’s movements were a bit wrong, maybe she still hadn’t been able to find out that the cunning little girl in front of her didn’t know when she had released it. Got a substitute, and then the real body escaped quietly, right? !
"What kind of substitute technique, I don't know what Big Sister Bodhisattva is talking about!"
Obviously it is a true mirror image technique, where is the substitute technique? Of course, Annie would not take the initiative to say this matter, so let the other party slowly guess it! However, even if you guess right, there is no reward!
The Bodhisattva sighed slightly, she did not speak, but still stared at the other side.
Because she really wants to see, if she doesn't rely on other information as a reference, can she see that the other party is wrong and see the other party's heels and feet with her eyes alone?
But it's a pity, even if she quietly used the magical powers of the Sky Eye Technique, she still couldn't see the slightest clue about the other party? This little girl is just like a real person!
But she is pretty sure now that the other party is a fake! !
"Sure enough, you are not Annie..."
Yes, the Bodhisattva is finally determined now, the other party is definitely not real! Before, the little girl I met, I didn't know when she had sneaked into the lower realm!
Thinking about it this way, the other party must have discovered his purpose! It's just that that end of land is a good method, and even I almost lied to it! Of course, it can also be said that I have lied to it...because I can't keep that little girl, everything has no meaning.
∑(′△`)? !
"Tibbs! Tell me, am I the real one?!"
After blinking and looking at this big sister Bodhisattva standing in front of her for a while, Annie suddenly raised her little bear, and then Mengmengda asked.
"of course not!"
Tibbers spoke, and everyone in the audience heard its strange accent!
( ̄ω ̄;)
"The little bear can speak, then this little bear must be fake! Since the little bear is fake, then I should be a fake Annie too, what a shame..."
Yes, Annie's little bear Tibbers, if it is true, it will never speak to anyone except herself!
It also has no ability to speak!
However, now the one in Annie's own hand still opened her mouth to speak, and the big sister Bodhisattva heard it... What was not said, the little bear must be fake, and her own'Anne' must of course be fake. Up!
The Bodhisattva took a deep breath, and this double is too real!
That kind of expression, that kind of little movement...
Even if it's a real person, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that, right?
So, to what extent can that little guy's true strength reach? What's more terrifying is that the other party can actually do this kind of tricks in front of him, and he hasn't noticed it until now? !
"How about it, big sister, is my mirror image superb?!"
(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
"I'm telling you, my mirror image can not only talk, it is like a real person, it can cast spells, it can also burn people, and sometimes it will fight with itself, so that no one can recognize the truth!"
Annie remembered the time when the assassins came to assassinate herself in the City of Flame, but as a result, they spent a long time, and none of them could guess who was the real one among the many mirror images. I was thrown into those magma pools and drowned alive!
"Sometimes, even I think I am the real ontology, how about it, am I very powerful?"
The little girl continued to show off, completely disregarding the embarrassment and helpless expression of the Bodhisattva in front of her.
"Then, goodbye, thank you elder sister for your hospitality, I had a great meal today!!"
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
Maybe I can’t bear to hit the opponent again. UU Reading may be really full of food and drink. Therefore, after the little girl waved her hand at the Bodhisattva sister, her whole body suddenly exploded and turned into an instant. Pieces of the essence of energy, and quickly dissipated in the aura of heaven.
"Fine! Human affairs, that's it, let's watch the changes first!"
Since the other party has shown himself the tip of the iceberg of strength and has already left the lower realm by himself, after weighing it up, the Bodhisattva has no choice but to come to a conclusion, that is: human affairs, When the little girl intervened, they could no longer intervene casually.
As for what the final development will look like, it can only depend on the will of God...
"Good, good..."

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