Chapter 631: Jiang He is easy to shake, and vows are like chisels???(???)ノ...

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It is reported that a few days ago, Li Gongfu, the demon hunter, moved from the heavens to the rescuers, invited the ancient flame goddess to go down, and burned the entire West Lake directly with a big fire, burning to death the evil that was only for disaster. Jiao, returned Qiantang and the area around Lin'an City for a peaceful and peaceful world. People no longer need to live like years in fear and panic.
Yes, this news is not a rumor, but a fact recognized and witnessed by everyone in the area around West Lake and Qiantang, including Lin'an City, which is more than thirty miles away!
That kind of blazing flames that burn the sky and boil the sea, the doomsday scene like a burning hell, at least millions of people of the Song Dynasty witnessed it burning and extinguishing...
The skyrocketing fire that lasted for three days and three nights in the sky, the red flame that would burn everything, even the sky and the earth, could not deceive people anyway! Moreover, the original location of the West Lake, the lake that was burned dry, still exudes hot air waves, and even a huge sinkhole of glazed material has been burned out, which is the naked evidence that is placed in front of everyone!
Who can fake such things?
If you change to a mortal, let alone a West Lake in Nuo Da, even a small pond is not so easy to dry! Therefore, as long as it is not the kind of lunatic who opens his eyes and speaks nonsense, or the kind who is really blind, then he will never deny the fact that sounds absurd.
However, facts are facts, no matter how incredible and unreasonable, they are facts that no one can deny!
Because of this, on the fourth day, Qiantang finally began to gain popularity again.
In this dilapidated city that has been poisoned by evildoers, in addition to the brightly armored Da Song Forbidden Army distributed among the broken walls inside and outside the city, helping the refugees maintain order and search for the ruins, it also has protection The idea of ​​a certain'big man' who insisted on coming here from the nearby Lin'an city to pay homage to the miracle.
Of course, big people or something has nothing to do with the people who have just suffered disaster!
Because ah, they are now immersed in the huge grief of their relatives who have been destroyed in their homes and separated from Yin and Yang...
Countless people in Qiantang County who fled their homes before and went to take refuge in Lin'an, Jinhua, Suzhou and other places finally started to return here one after another under the propaganda of the imperial government. They returned to their homes and began to clean up after the flood. The ruins are well prepared to rebuild their homes.
After all, now that the evil scorpion has been punished, and this treasure land of the Qiantang protected by the gods, it is certain that no monsters will dare to cause chaos... Therefore, the people who return to their homes can safely clean up the ruins. Trying to find traces of the existence of their own homes from the mud and the broken walls?
Of course, they also need to clean up the corpses hidden in every corner as soon as possible under the guidance of the government, and then find the ground to bury them to prevent any epidemics from happening! You know, it is the hottest summer season in the south of the year. If the bodies of those drowned are not cleaned up and buried, God knows what terrible disaster will happen? !
However, these things are off topic, so I won't repeat them here...
At this time, on the side of the original West Lake, a group of strong, well-equipped, and honorable Da Song imperial soldiers were guarding a small group of nobles on the side of the original lake. They did not squint, He glanced at the surrounding area with vigorous eyes, and was standing guard here.
The "nobles" who were protected in the middle were whispering, pointing and looking at the West Lake, which was originally rippling like a Xizi, and turned into this horrible appearance in front of you.
If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, these nobles of the Song Dynasty who usually have eyes above the top, I am afraid they would not believe that there are people who can reach this level, right?
This terrible power, even if it is said that a country is destroyed by one person, is not an exaggeration!
If their Great Song Dynasty accidentally provokes such a terrible existence, the other party will not need to do much, just go to a few important cities and set a few fires, and the whole country will collapse.
At this time, in the middle of the guards of the imperial army, an old sigh sounded.
"Li Gongfu, that Vulcan, is she still reluctant to come to see me?"
An old man with a long beard wearing a straight-footed head and a robe is facing the back of the back of the head of the Qiantang County chief catcher Li Gongfu, who is bowing his head respectfully. He did not turn around at this time, but let him go. I looked at the big pit in front of me that was still emitting a powerful heat wave and was still able to scorch the living... Then, after a long time, he slowly sighed and asked gently.
Yes, this old man, he is now the emperor of the Song Dynasty!
Of course, the emperor of the Song Dynasty now does not claim to be an emperor, but rather an official, or everyone, etc... He, only on very formal occasions, allows his subjects to call him his majesty! In general, the title "His Majesty the Emperor" was not easily used in the Song Dynasty.
In fact, this also has a lot to do with Song Taizu's birth and the process of ascending the throne...
As everyone knows, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin was originally the commander of the Hou Zhou. He succeeded in becoming the emperor after the "yellow robe added" of the Chen Qiao mutiny and replaced the Hou Zhou. It is precisely because of this that his proclaiming the emperor has always been unfair, and he cannot convince everyone... Therefore, in order to better manage the government and government officials and not to talk so much gossip, he thought There is such a method, not called "zhen", not easily called emperor, but self-proclaimed "official".
As the saying goes, ‘Three Emperors’ Official World, Five Emperors’ Family of the World’. His title of emperor is the virtue of both the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors, so it is called ‘Officials’. The background is very big!
"Enlighten the officials..."
"Anni, she said, she is very busy now (busy to sleep), she just came back from the heaven a few days ago (eat, drink and have fun before returning) really not free (what is so great about the emperor?), so... ...(Is he a gorilla in the zoo? Why should I visit him? No! No!
Li Gongfu lowered his head in embarrassment, and quietly reached out his hand to wipe the sweat off his head. Of course, it was not scary, but hot... After all, the temperature here by the West Lake is still very high, even standing on the side is like standing It's usually near the grill. If you throw the fish into the endless pit, you can hardly see the side, it must be cooked directly.
Anyway, apart from feeling very hot, Li Gongfu is not too dare to look at the upright and negative hand standing in front of him, standing on the edge of the original ‘West Lake’, His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty! He also didn't dare to tell the original words of the little girl.
The big man in front had to vomit blood for three liters of anger and fell into the big pit in the West Lake!
Once upon a time, Li Gongfu, a small head catcher in Qiantang County, could now be summoned personally by the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he was also privileged not to bow down and pray? Sure enough, there is a saying that is right: only those with power will have privileges! This is indeed a lot! If his Li Gongfu could have the ability of Xiao Anni, then he could definitely follow the other side, and even the emperor's edict could be ignored, or directly rejected?
"Fine! Li Gongfu...I remember you, this year I heard of your reputation as a monster-catching head! I have seen all of your achievements. You are good at protecting the people and eliminating demons in Qiantang. This is an indisputable fact. ! Therefore, I decided to designate you as the Fumo general of my dynasty to take charge of the strange people and monsters in the Great Song Dynasty!"
"The reward for you and others will be communicated soon. You don't need to thank you anymore. Let's step back for the time being. I want to be quiet now..."
With a light wave of his hand behind him, the official ‘Emperor’ of the Song Dynasty finally did not dare to say anything, but sighed slightly.
Sure enough, just as the prime minister told him when he came, this kind of true who has great ability, can burn the sky and boil the sea with a wave of hands, can go to the sky and enter the earth, that is certainly not easy to take care of him, the emperor of the world. of! In front of those gods with great supernatural powers, his emperor's orders will definitely not work!
Now, look, it really looks like that...
However, he will not give up easily.
He must use his determination and perseverance to impress those gods who stay in Li Gongfu's house! As long as he persists, he feels that he can definitely get what he wants from them!
Now that he is an emperor, he does not seek immortality or learn Taoism, he only wants longevity! Seeing for a long time, enjoying the prosperity of the world, watching all over the world, waking up with wine, and sleeping beauty in his arms, that is what the emperor should enjoy!
As for the government...
If he can live forever, what else would he take care of? !
"Yes! Leave the humble job!"
Lifting his head and glanced at the old figure of his majesty in the Song Dynasty for the last time, Li Gongfu was very satisfied with the fact that he was named an Enchanted General.
From now on, his Li Gongfu is also a general!
Then, can you also take charge of the strange people and monsters in the world? This kind of right must be great, right? Sure enough, he defended the Qiantang desperately this time, and did not escape until the end, and he was sure to bet Dabao! After two days, he changed the plaque of his Li Mansion to the General Mansion?
Think about it or forget it. The court will definitely send someone to renovate the mansion and give him a plaque. He still doesn't worry about that.

Standing in the ruins of Jinshan Temple, before the Leifeng Pagoda ruins that was first soaked by floods and then burnt by fire, and now completely burnt down, leaving only pieces of bricks and shredded Leifeng Pagoda ruins, after Fahai pondered for a long time, Even if I had a thousand helplessness, all kinds of feelings, finally all turned into a deep Buddha sigh.
Three days ago, Fahai actually did another stupid thing...
At that time, he was clearly planning to come and subdue the demons, but he didn't think... He just arrived at the scene of the monster ravages. He thought that the white snake was an accomplice of the evil flood, and he also missed the white snake badly, so That kind of stupid thing about helping the evil-doer to abuse, good and evil happened!
However, fortunately, his words and deeds of Fahai at the time did not cause any substantial evil results! Now that the evil dragon has come down, and the Qiantang area has regained peace, I believe that the people of the Li people will soon be able to rebuild their homes.
Therefore, the guilt in his heart is not too heavy, it is just some emotion.
The collapsed Leifeng Pagoda and the West Lake, which had been completely burned by the devastating flames, wanted to restore it to its original state. It was not that simple.
First think about the kindness that I owe to the little Anne benefactor, the cause and effect between myself and the little girl, and then think about the grievances between myself and the white snake...
Finally, Fahai finally figured out something, and began to turn around and look in the direction of Qiantang County.
"Good, good!"
"White Snake, Bai Suzhen... Since the Leifeng Pagoda has fallen and the West Lake has dried up, then the hundreds of years of grievances between you and my Fahai will be wiped out! From now on, we will be on each side, you and I will have no trouble!"
In addition to the cause of Leifeng Pagoda and West Lake in front of him, there is also the idea of ​​repaying the kindness of the little girl Annie.
Since the other party did not want to see him fighting with the white snake, then Fahai would obey it!
After saying this, Fahai bowed his head and recited a few Bodhi Purifying Heart Mantras silently, and after completely discarding the depression in his heart, he suddenly felt that his thoughts were acquainted in an instant, his heart was clear, and the whole world seemed to become Is it a bit different?
In the past, when he first practiced in Fahai, he saw mountains as mountains and water as water. At that time, he was said by his master that he had already seen the path of Buddhism for the first time. Later, he had cultivated to the depths and he had a Buddha in his heart. He has turned into seeing mountains instead of mountains, seeing water instead of water, and has reached the supreme realm of Buddhism, which is only a step away from becoming a Buddha and an immortal!
However, from then until just before, he could not make a breakthrough in any way!
Of course, he had known Fahai a long time ago that he must have been dragged down by one of his previous oaths, and that was his demon!
If you don’t get rid of the demons, you will never become a Buddha! !
Until now, when he saw the Leifeng Pagoda fell and the West Lake was dry, and his heart had been completely let go of the grievances for various reasons, he suddenly felt that now... he sees the mountains or the mountains, and sees the water. Water, this world full of sentient beings, once again became alive and unfamiliar.
"Amitabha, good and good..."
That's it!
Fahai now has no Buddha in his heart and does not want to become a Buddha, but he has already become a Buddha...
Everything is a matter of course. Although there is no auspiciousness from the sky and golden lotus from the earth, he has no regrets. The whole person is calm, there is no joy or sorrow, even if he feels the whole world is cheering for himself, and he feels the Three Realms. Liu Dao was accepting himself, and he didn't have the slightest joy or gratitude on his face.
This thing seems to be the way it should be!
That's why Fahai finally understood why he asked his master before, but the other party has not explained to himself how to become a Buddha! It turns out that becoming a Buddha does not mean an increase in mana, or an increase in Taoism, but a mysterious and mysterious state of mind...
Becoming a Buddha can be just a self-liberation, or a thought of self-salvation, or even the moment of letting go of a certain obsession.
"I am the Buddha, and the Buddha is me. All living beings can become Buddhas, and Buddhas can also become all living beings..."
"So that's it..."
After clarifying his thoughts and allowing his mood to gradually stabilize in a Buddha's horn, Fahai raised his eyelids again and looked at the West Lake, which is still emitting strong heat.
Now, the entire West Lake has been burned and it has become a big pit of colored glaze!
With so much missing lake water, if you want to refill the West Lake again, at least it will take another few years of heavy rain, right? However, the southern Suzhou-Hangzhou side is close to the sea, and the air is humid and rainy. In addition, there is a huge Qiantang River in the south. Fahai doesn't have to worry about the West Lake disappearing!
However, in the future, West Lake may no longer be called West Lake...
Looking at the bottom of the whole West Lake, the rocks in the big pit that have been burned like a mirror, the colorful glaze...In the future, if the lake water fills up here again, it will be colorful under the sunlight. Isn't it gorgeous and breathtaking?
It is very likely that the West Lake will be renamed Liuli Lake, Colorful Lake or Flame Lake?
But no matter what, no matter what the West Lake is called in the future, it has nothing to do with Fahai now! He had completely let go of his knots, and now he would not be easily moved by external things.
After he stayed in this dilapidated Jinshan Temple for three full days, and now he has figured out everything, and has quietly become a Buddha, and feels that it is no longer useful to stay, Fahai plans to go back to his return Pack up your bags in the well-established small temple and leave this ruined temple that is no longer useful.
However, when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a group of Forbidden Army knights from the Great Song Dynasty, rushing towards Jinshan Temple, towards him?
"In front is Zen Master Fahai from Xiangguo Temple?"
"The Zen master is invited to stay. The Zen master possesses supernatural powers and has the power to reduce demons. The government specially invites the Zen master to come and answer, and there will be a reward!!"
After seeing the monk in front of him, the knight in the lead immediately stretched out his hand loudly and shouted to the old Zen master who was said to have fought a white snake three days ago. This is the will of His Majesty the Emperor Song Dynasty who came to Qiantang. He wanted to meet these capable people and strangers who took the initiative to help the court cast demons and slayers.
Reward? answer?
"Old Na has no merit, so don't pass it..."
Three days ago, Fahai was only here to help, where is there any face left?
But, now that he is well-informed, he has long since paid no attention to all the things in the past. No matter what he has done, he does not want to receive any rewards, and he does not want to meet the emperor in the world! Therefore, he just continued to walk forward slowly, before the knights ran to him, they turned into a little streamer and dissipated into the air.
To deal with mortals, practitioners like them have too many methods, and there is no need to do more entanglement.
"This... that, that Zen Master Fahai, where did he go?!"
Seeing such a weird sight, the few imperial soldiers of the Song Dynasty who ran over on horseback had to rein in the horse's rein, let the horse go around in a circle, and stared blankly at the surrounding quiet temple ruins .
"My lord! What shall we do now? The old Zen master ran away with magic techniques, where shall we go to find him?!"
After a knight looked around, he rode up to the front of the knight dressed as a general and asked aloud.
"Huh! What else can I do? Go back and return to life truthfully..."
Finally, after a glance around and found that there was indeed no figure here, the leading knight general only bowed his head and muttered, turning his head a little cursingly, preparing to go back and report to the official.
This is all right, those gods, Buddhas, monsters and strange men and strangers who participated in the battle against evil floods in Qiantang, except for the Li Gongfu, the other people just ignored them, His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty! Those guys were all a group of guys who relied on their power and didn't know what to do, and didn't give imperial power to their eyes!
However, even if he knew that was the case, he had no other way. After all, people’s abilities were there, and what could they do if they didn’t give the emperor’s face with the immortal means?
Is it possible to run to forcefully arrest those strong men? !
"Go! Withdraw!"

Three days ago, under the raging flood of the evil dragon, although Qiantang County has become a land of Zeeland, only a piece of ruins remained after the flood receded. However, there are still buildings that are strong and not collapsed in the flood. Many of them, such as the main hall of Li Gongfu’s residence and the two side rooms next to it, plus another two-story wooden building with attic are also well-preserved, especially the rooms on the second floor. It has been flooded, and you can live in with just a little cleaning.
However, cleaning up these seemingly troublesome things is not a big problem for the magical fairy and monsters of Li Gongfu's family. The left and right are just waving things! Therefore, now in the city, there is only Li Gongfu's house which is the cleanest and tidy place. Although it looks a bit dilapidated and many buildings have collapsed, it is much better than others.
At this time, in the backyard of Li Gongfu's house, Xiao Bailian Xu Xian was preparing to bid farewell to his nominal lady Bai Suzhen again:
"I haven't seen you in a year, you still look like this, how have you been recently?"
Looking at the solemn expression on the other party’s face, and then at those twinkling eyes that dared not look at him, Bai Suzhen probably knew that the other party still had the same attitude towards him as before, and still had a grudge... So, the original heart She was still expecting, she couldn't help but lowered her eyelids again, and sighed quietly in her heart.
In the end, the tens of thousands of words just turned into an insignificant greeting like a stranger.
"I'm fine, thank you for saving me and Tang Xiaoseng..."
He was supposed to be the person closest to him, but now, Xu Xian really doesn’t know what to say...I don’t know what to say...
Because he is still very afraid of her!
Being grateful, scared, and mixed with some inexplicable strange feelings, he has been very distressed these days.
"You...Do you want me to stay?"
After looking at the face that appeared in my dreams many times in my dreams, I remembered Bai Suzhen, who also had many monsters in this house, and finally made up his mind and stared with expectation. He asked softly while still hiding his own eyes.
Now, Xiaoqing’s injuries have been almost treated by the Zixia Fairy and the little girl, and even during the period they were lucky enough to eat and drink a lot of good things, such as those flat peaches and Xianluzhi Category……
However, the thing that made her most happy was that she was finally able to stay in the same house with her officials again for three full days...
But this is not enough, she also hopes to stay, and hope that the other party can accept herself from now on. If the other party accepts, then she doesn't have to leave.
"I...I don't know..."
Xu Xian just wanted to agree, but he thought of the huge white snake again, and he couldn't help trembling and hesitating.
After the Qiantang battle, although he also understood that monsters are also divided into good monsters and bad monsters, but... he still can't learn that Bai Jingjing and the official of the Spring 30's family, can accept a female fairy unconditionally .
Therefore, he still hesitated a little, not only wanted the other party to stay, but also a little scared...
Do not……
Not some, but still scared! !
"is it......"
From the other's expressions and words, Bai Suzhen probably understood the other's attitude.
After all, communication between people is not based on words most of the time... often a smile, a look, a gesture, or a slight expression of the other person can let the other person know that the other person is thinking. Something.
"Then... Then I will take Qing'er back first... Official, I will always wait for you, I believe that one day, you will remember me..."
The same did not say where to wait, nor how long to wait. White snake turned around and forcibly held back something that was almost dazzling. In the loss and regret, it turned into a white light and disappeared into the sky.
Sure enough, Xiaoqing was right, she shouldn't have any hope...
Therefore, she should go now and have had the foresight, and she has already waited for her youth association outside the city in advance to return to their cave to continue her cultivation.
Seeing the white snake flying away, Xu Jiaorong secretly turned out of the dilapidated corridor with a complicated expression.
Yes, she has just been eavesdropping there for a long time...
Actually, after a few days of getting along with each other, plus the good impression that the other party gave him during the Qiantang battle, Xu Jiaorong is now not too opposed to the marriage between his younger brother Xu Xian and the white snake. After all, Bai Jingjing and Chun Thirty Niang have a role model first, especially the Chun Thirty Niang. Although the other party is a spider spirit, she can still give birth to a son who is very serious. Therefore, for that white snake, she is of course There is no reason to interfere too much.
It's a pity that although she doesn't mind Xu Jiaorong anymore, her brother Xu Xian may still have a knot, so... she is not good at what she should say. This matter still needs her brother to figure it out by himself. She, an outsider, cannot persuade him.
Seeing his sister, Xu Xian didn't know what to say. He just nodded and shook his head lightly, then stood silently and bowed his head.
Just now, he almost wanted to reach out and call the other party...
But in the end, his fear defeated his sensibility and reason, and he had to watch the other party turn into a white light and disappear into the western sky.
"Huh? You are all here!"
"Aunt Li, where's the big sister of the white snake? Did she just leave?!"
After a while, when the two sisters and brothers who were silent here wanted to say something, Little Annie suddenly floated down from a second-story show that was intact.
As soon as she landed, she searched around, planning to find the big sister of the white snake!
Because, she has something to give to the other party. It was obtained after burning the black dragon. It has been stored in her bag for three full days. If she doesn't send it out again, maybe she will wait. Forgot again!
(Tibbers will not tell outsiders that the little master of his family has actually forgotten about this matter for three days... If it hadn’t been for the movement of the white snake just now when it flew away, he woke up and was sleeping. As for her, I am afraid she can continue to'forget' it!)
"It's been almost a quarter of an hour since she flew away...Why, Annie, what do you want her to do?"
Seeing that his younger brother was still entangled in the entangled look, and didn't know what comforting words to say, Xu Jiaorong could only turn back and explain to this little guy the whereabouts of the white snake Bai Suzhen.
If it's an important thing, go chase it now. With the other party's ability to ride the clouds, maybe you can still catch up?
"Huh? Go away?!"

"Forget it, let's go, this thing may belong to this Xu Xian, originally I wanted to deal with that sister Bai, now think about it, or just give it to him!"
After that, Annie didn't explain much, she took out a shiny object from her pocket and threw it into Xu Xian's head before waiting for any reaction from the other party!
That's right, that thing should be something Xu Xian lacks!
But ah, Annie doesn't like to be spicy with Xu Xian, so she wants to give the white snake directly to let the other party decide what to do or eat something? But now, since the opponent ran away, she had no choice but to take advantage of the bad guy in front of her.
Following the movements of Xiao Annie, Xu Xian yelled in exclamation, then rolled his eyes white and closed again, and then fell to the ground unconsciously.
"Chinese, Chinese?!"
Although I don't know what the little guy Annie did, Xu Jiaorong still rushed up for the first time, held her brother in a hand, and wanted to wake him up.
"Don't worry, Aunt Li, he will wake up by himself about night, and there must be nothing wrong with it!"
After speaking, Annie turned around and jogged in the direction of the hall. Now, everything is done, and the Qiantang County has become tattered. After feeling that there is nothing fun to do, she guessed that she was about to leave.
I heard that a guy called the emperor brought a delicious meal in the evening. Can she still barely eat a full meal before going to other worlds to play?
Looking at the little guy who left, and then at his comatose brother Xu Xian, Xu Jiaorong opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, so he leaned down in a dumbfounded manner, lifted the opponent forcefully, and planned to take him First help back to the side room, as for other things, you can only wait for the other party to wake up at night.
Now her brother looks really good, breathing evenly and vigorously. I only hope that, as the guy Annie said, she really didn't mess around.

"That's probably the way it is!"
"My Li Gongfu was named General Fumo by the official family, and Master Zixia, your Pansidong was also canonized by the official family. You can open mountain gates and receive disciples in the Song Dynasty. Every year, there are related financial expenses provided by the court, and ice charcoal filial piety. and many more!"
In the evening, after everyone enjoyed a meal prepared by the royal chef from the emperor of the Song Dynasty, Li Gongfu finally talked about the relevant matters that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty asked him to tell him, and took out a copy of it by the court. The Great Song Dynasty Jin Cedu Sui.
It can be said that everyone who fought against the evil dragon in Qiantang County has a canonization, but they are different in severity.
"Li Gongfu..."
"I've said that many times, I am not your master... I only accept female disciples under the Pansi school. You are a talented person. I just simply gave you some superficial legal decisions. It really is not your master. I can't teach you anything!"
After receiving the Pansidong golden album enshrined by the court, Zixia just glanced at it and threw it to the curious Bai Jingjing and Chun 30 Niang.
Now she hasn’t decided whether to accept the canonization or not, because it’s not easy. Once she accepts it, she will be with the national destiny of the Song Dynasty. If one day the Song Dynasty is destroyed by foreign enemies, she I also feel uncomfortable!
Therefore, she has to continue to think slowly and take a look at the situation before making a decision.
"Yes! We are all women in Pansidong. Don't try to get close to you, officials!"
"But well, if our Pansi Cave really opens up the hill to build the Shimen Dongfu, it seems that there is still a lack of a sweeping gate. Would you like to consider it?"
After Xu Jiaorong heard what his master said, before leaning over to read the golden book, he also started to tease his newly promoted general Li Gongfu.
The opponent is now able to endure, and they have all become officials of the court directly from a small head-catcher! However, what Xu Jiaorong didn't know was... what kind of official was that General Fumo? Is there a magistrate in Qiantang County?
"Annie, this one belongs to you, the official master of the Song Dynasty who was stamped and canonized by the official!"
Li Gongfu respectfully handed to the little girl the golden book of the Song Dynasty national teacher canonization with the heaviest gold content, and the heavy golden seal of the national teacher!
As for the specific origins of this little guy, Li Gongfu is still unclear. Therefore, when the officials ask questions, he can only say that he is infinitely powerful, can go to heaven and earth, and was invited to go to heaven by the virgin of Yaochi. The banquet and the fire that burned the entire West Lake, plus the evil dragons that everyone couldn't beat, etc., were all elaborated one by one.
Then, with a swipe of the official brush, the name of the national teacher of the Song Dynasty fell on the little girl's head, and the text was notified to various places in the Song Dynasty, which became an established fact.
"What kind of messy national teacher can't eat, I don't want it!!"
(? ̄?^ ̄??) Dislike...
After looking at the gold book and the gold seal for a while, Annie threw it directly into the arms of Tang Xiaoseng who was curious about the baby, and directly used it as a toy.
During the three days at home, she really liked this little guy. In addition to giving the other party some delicious food, and squeezing each other's cheeks, bullying the other party and crying several times, she also gave this ignorant and curious person. The guy instilled some quirky knowledge.
Anyway, it's probably the kind that will definitely mislead people's children!
"This is canonized by the court, but no one else can envy it!"
Seeing that the little girl didn't appreciate it, Li Gongfu explained it to the other party with a little bit of laughter or cry.
After all, that was the national teacher of the Great Song Dynasty. It can be said to be a more noble existence than the emperor. At most, it just has no power. He Li Gongfu can't be it!
"I don't care what it is about me!!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"This was given to me by the old grandfather of Zhen Yuanzi before. It seems that there are many Taoisms in it, but I don't need those things. It is useless to keep them. Now give them to you!"
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~?
Yes, this was given to Annie by the grandfather Yuanzi of the town five hundred years ago. It is said that there is a complete inheritance of the five villages inside?
It's a pity that after reading it again and referring to it a little bit, Annie left it in her space pocket and never touched it again! And now, he is about to leave this world and venture into another new world. This kind of thing should be given to this Uncle Li as a gift. As for whether the other party can learn it well, it doesn't matter to her.
She doesn't know that kind of Taoism herself, so don't expect her to teach him!
"Who is Zhen Yuanzi, what is the use of this thing?!"
Seeing the little girl handing Yu Jue to her hand, Li Gongfu was a little confused.
Like him, Li Gongfu, who is a mortal man and doesn't read much, he obviously doesn't know the ancestor of the earth immortal, Daohao Zhen Yuanzi, also known as the great immortal of the world!
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were both surprised. After they looked at each other, they greedily stared at the piece of jade in their opponent's hand.
"Li Gongfu, you have made a lot of money!"
"If you don't want it, I can exchange my Tiangang thirty-six changes with you!"
"I, Sha Wujing, is also willing to exchange all my unique skills with you, as well as the magical power to control water!!"
That's really a good thing, and it's the complete inheritance of Wuzhuang Taoism, that kind of thing, whether it is Zhu Bajie or Sha Wujing, is very desirable! Of course, if the other party is not willing to change, they will not force it. After all, the thing may not be the right one for them.
Because their cultivation direction has long been fixed, and now they practice the Taoism of the Wuzhuang View again, that is definitely not good.
"Is it so good?"
Li Gongfu became immersed in his mind, and began to look at the Taoism in Yujue...
It's a pity that he, with a shallow cultivation base, completely'sees' and doesn't understand what the knowledge in it means, the more he looks at it, the more confused he becomes.
"Hanwen, are you okay? Great, come over and eat something quickly while it's still warm!"
When everyone was frolicking and arguing about the canonized articles of the imperial court, the silly Xu Xian finally appeared.
"It turns out that I really am Xu Xuan...I remember everything..."
What surprised Xu Jiaorong and the others was that Xu Xian didn't pay attention to everyone, but just wanted to go out directly?
"Hey! Hanwen, where are you going?!"
Seeing that the other party's condition was wrong, Li Gongfu put Yu Jue away of course, grabbed Xu Xian by the collar, and pulled him back.
"Sister, brother-in-law..."
"I remember... I really am Xu Xuan... She... I am going to find her now, she is really my wife, I want to find her..."
Because of the thing that Xiao Anni stuffed into his head, Xu Xian now has gradually remembered her previous life, especially the memory of her encounter with the lady Xiaobai!
Although it is still intermittently incomplete, he can't wait! Because, knowing that he seemed to hurt Xiaobai, he just wanted to find her quickly, and ask for forgiveness from the other party, forgive him for his ignorance and cowardice before.
"Your lady? Ah! You mean that white snake, do you know where they are?!"
Li Gongfu was taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly recovered and knew who the other party was talking about.
How could he forget Xu Xian?
That place was where he and her first met 500 years ago... There were small woods, sea of ​​flowers, mountains, and the waterfall where he met her...
"That would be great if you know the way!"
"This is simple. After I have been busy for a while, I will go with you another day! The court also has a canonization for her. I was worried about how to find her before!"
Now that his brother-in-law Xu Xian knew where the white snake was, Li Gongfu was overjoyed immediately!
He is now the newly promoted general of the Song Dynasty court, specializing in these things and taking in strange people and strangers, let them serve the court! And the white snake that was able to fight the evil flood for a long time without falling wind, since the other side is willing to be kind to others, the court will definitely not forget the other side.
"Brother-in-law, I want to go now..."
Xu Xian couldn't wait for a moment, so after breaking free of Li Gongfu's hand, he planned to go out.
"You come back to me!"
"With your ability, you will definitely be eaten by monsters if you leave the Qiantang. Why can you find her?"
As soon as Li Gongfu stretched out his hand, he brought the other party back again. If the other party were not his brother-in-law, how would he care about the other party's life and death?
Many things happened on this night.
In the early morning of the next day, when a certain Song Dynasty emperor couldn't wait to come to visit him, the little guy Annie was gone in this mansion of Li Gongfu.
It turned out that Annie quietly left at night, leaving only a letter that everyone should not read. From then on, she completely disappeared into this world, saying she was traveling to another plane... …
Because, Qiantang County is gone, and the homes of Li Gongfu and Aunt Li were almost destroyed by floods. There is really nothing fun in the messy Qiantang County!
So, with countless flat peaches, plus some native products from the heavens, she happily opened a plane portal in the dead of night, in Li Gongfu, Xu Jiaorong, and the Zixia Fairy, Bai Jingjing, Spring Thirty Niang, Nie Xiaoqian, a little white face Xu Xian, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and a certain resentful monkey completely disappeared into this world without knowing it.
Almost forgot, there is another Tang Xiaoseng who seems to have been taught by Xiao Anni? !
Anyway, apart from leaving a letter, Annie did not say goodbye to these people, because she did not like the kind of crying occasions. Every time she went through a world, she had to say goodbye to her. It was really too much trouble for her. .
The night is quiet, beside the West Lake...
"Huh! Useless things, I wasted my old lady's good baby!!"
On the night of the fourth day after the West Lake was burned, a beautiful face, but a fox head was growing behind his head, and a coquettish woman in exposed clothing appeared in the moonlight on the edge of the West Lake.
She looked at the whole West Lake that was burnt to a terrifying appearance for a long time, and then she cursed in a low voice!
"Finally, what's going on, let's talk about it later..."
In the end, she looked towards Qiantang County with great fear, and finally sighed faintly, turned around and twisted her and the fox's tail, and gradually disappeared between the mountains and forests.
Although, she deliberately wanted to get something back... But the big man who can create the terrible sight of the West Lake in front of her with a wave of her hand is not something she can provoke!
So, since the business has been messed up now, let's go back to her Baoqingfang as soon as possible.

Time flies like arrows, time flies!
In the eighteenth year after the West Lake was burned, the West Lake finally gradually gathered a large amount of lake water and turned into a rippling lake that will emit alluring colorful light! The people of the Song Dynasty said that this is a treasure given to the world by the ancient flame goddess, attracting countless people to come and watch, so that the surrounding Qiantang County and Lin'an City have become countless times more prosperous.
And this West Lake has become a blessed place for ascetics to comprehend Taoism and practice fire spells!
Of course, these things will not be explained in detail.
Since eighteen years have passed, of course, the son of the Spring Thirty Mother, that Tang Xiaoseng has grown up, and has to start fulfilling his responsibilities and obligations, that is-learning from the West! !
That is the request of the gods and Buddhas, he must go if he goes, or if he doesn't! !
So, with his monkey uncle Sun Wukong, second uncle Zhu Bajie, third uncle Sha Wujing, the little donkey that has already been in the big fairy, four people and one donkey, they set off from Qiantang so freely and set foot on it. The long journey to the west to learn from.
"Junior Brother Sha, we haven't been able to drink or eat meat for half a year, so I miss it..."
"I heard that Li Gongfu started to send troops again, leading a group of demons, ghosts, and Taoists to fight the Mongolian sweat! That guy, after destroying the Kingdom of Jin and regaining the Sixteenth State of Yanyun, he didn't want to go to the Taoism. All day long to steal the elixir of Pansidong to renew the emperor's life... But now, I still want to learn from that guy named Huo Qubing and go to seal the wolf to live in Xu?"
"He's crazy, does he still want to become a fairy?"
"If this continues, he will drive Mongolia to Europe to the west as the little Annie said before!"
While boringly following the donkey leading the way ahead and the handsome little bald head riding on the donkey, who confuses a lot of female fairies, Zhu Bajie dragged his nine-tooth rake, muttering a little bit thoughtfully.
Fairy Zixia was once a wick in the sun and moon magic lamp of the Buddha, so her donkey naturally knew the way to the west! Therefore, it is more appropriate to let that little donkey carry Tang Xiaoseng to the west to learn the scriptures!
Anyway, she didn't ride the little donkey of Pansi Great Immortal. She was also idle, and couldn't kill and eat donkey meat. Now she just used the waste and took them to Xitian, so she didn't have to explore the way.
"What about becoming a fairy or not?"
"He has eaten several flat peaches, Li Gongfu has the same life as the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon. He has become an immortal but is bound everywhere, he is more free in the world!"
Sha Wujing, who was holding the salute, said indifferently, and then hurriedly followed the thief-running little donkey in front of him... Now, but they have gone to fetch the Western Classics for the second time, so they can't let them go. That master died accidentally, otherwise, they might have to wait more than ten or twenty years!
"Still free, you want to be beautiful!"
"I'm telling you that Heavenly Court will definitely intervene after a while! His Li Gongfu will either go back to the Pansi Cave of Qiantang, or he will be sealed from heaven. There is absolutely no other way out! The world must not allow long-term intervention by the longevity species. The emperor who has been taking jujube pills for twenty years will be taken to reincarnation sooner or later!!"
Zhu Bajie felt that the current Great Song Dynasty must be prosperous and reaching its peak.
With the guns and cannons they are building now, regardless of the Mongolian iron cavalry, the prairie wolf, or the mountain monsters, the platoons of guns and cannons are all over, and it will be over. There is no need for the Li Gongfu to lead the soldiers. !
He was obviously just a general, a miscellaneous general who manages strange people, monsters and ghosts, but it's better now. He doesn't do business all day, but instead ran to open up the territory? !
And the emperor did not want to deal with government affairs properly, but wanted to steal medicine from Pansidong for longevity...Look, this emperor is not like the emperor, and the courtiers are not like courtiers. This is nothing. what?
What's even more outrageous is that those great Song dynasties have never been finished, completely disrupting the secrets, and even created a ruling parliament, a constitutional monarchy, and enlarged the territory several times, and it seems that it will surpass the previous great Han dynasties. ?
I don’t know what books the little guy Annie left for Li Gongfu. Anyway, the Song Dynasty is very powerful now... Although the emperor knew all day to eat, drink and have fun, indulge in female sex, but now it’s good, such a lewd one. The emperor of Tao will soon become the first emperor of Zhongxing Huaxia? !
"Shut up! You dead pig, don't bother me with such things all day long, listen upset!"
At this time, a dissatisfied monkey who was following the three in frustration suddenly scolded the fat pig who had been talking non-stop in the broken thoughts.
"Brother Monkey, you don't know that this road to the west is still long! How can you pass this long time without talking?"
"Oh! I see, don't you think of Girl Bai Jingjing again?"
"But didn't she tell me: If you don't retrieve the Western Classics, and if you don't settle the cause and effect, she won't see you! What's more, let me sing the song "Eight Precepts" to you. You won’t think about it anymore! This is what the little guy Annie taught me specially 18 years ago. Listen!"
After looking for Zhu Bajie, who was talking, he fell to the back with a certain monkey, then cleared his throat, and sang slowly:
‘Master’s principles are too much...’
‘Before saving the common people, Master first save me...’
"You said you can become a Buddha right away by putting down the butcher knife"
"What's wrong with being cute..."
"Dead pig! You shut up my grandson!"
The monkey ran in front of Ba Jie, picked up the other's clothes and picked it up, pretending to be a vicious threat!
"The Buddha Ami!"
"Uncle Pig, please shut up!"
At this time, Tang Xiaoseng Sanzang, who had been leading the way, also spoke.
Because, that Uncle Pig, the other party sang, and he thought of his mother in Qiantang again, and of course, and that Uncle Li’s daughter Li Bilian!
That Li Bilian was born a year after the Qiantang War, only two years younger than Tang Xiaoseng, and now she is twenty-eight years old, at the same age...
The other party and his Tang Xiaoseng are childhood sweethearts, two little widows... and over the years, he has been watching how the other party grew from a snotty little Nizi to a slim and big girl! It's a pity that the other party was betrothed to Xu Shilin, and Tang Xiaoseng now has to go to the West to learn the scriptures. When he returns, I am afraid that other people's children can make soy sauce...
It's it!
Don’t those feudal parents know that if they are married within three generations, they will give birth to freaks and mentally retarded children? It is too irresponsible. A girl's house is going to be ruined by Xu Shilin. Is there any reason?
This is really a tragedy in the world...
That Xu Shilin, he didn’t have to do anything, he could get the top prize and get a beautiful girl, but Tang Xiaoseng brought three uncles and apprentices who couldn’t afford it, plus a donkey to learn the scriptures. Being molested by those female fairies makes him want to kill him.
Therefore, he can only leave contact information and addresses with the fairies, and plan to learn about them and then plan slowly, and save them for later?
"Hurry up, my mother is still waiting for me to get the scriptures and go back to marry me Zhang Luo a wife!!"
Regardless of the reaction of the three people behind him, Tang Xiaoseng, who was upset, patted the little donkey under his crotch, speeding up his journey, wanting to go to Xitian early.
"But Master, there are a lot of monsters in the west, especially after they have left the territory of the Great Song Dynasty!"
"It's okay!"
"Second Uncle, didn't we say that? As for the female elves, we have to act as the master and kill them as the supplement!"
"As for the commons monster..."
"So what?"
"Kill it!"
The murderous words suddenly came out of Tang Xiaoseng's mouth.
"Master...Before you were reincarnated, you often told the little ones, that you put down your butcher knife and became a Buddha?"
"Uncle Pig..."
"Excuse me, is my Tang Xiaoseng a Buddha now?"
"Uh, shouldn't be..."
"So, those monsters who dare to make trouble or block our way should be killed directly! Don't be polite with your teacher! Let's kill one by one, kill the other two by one, and I would rather kill the wrong one!"
"After the killing, when he went to the west to worship the Buddha, the little monk just put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha! Look, isn't this just right?!"
These messy things were sorted out by Tang Xiaoseng from the messy knowledge taught by sister Annie, and he also felt very reasonable!
"Dighead, you said that I hated our master before I was reincarnated. Isn't that nonsense? The Great Sage really likes him now, sincerely!"
At this time, when Monkey King and Zhu Bajie were standing in place to digest the teachings of their master, Tang Xiaoseng ran forward alone.
"Brother Monkey, I told you not to be in front of children with your Jingjing Qingqing, mine, you see, did you teach our master?"
"Dead pig head, do you still rely on me for this?"
"Don't blame you, don't you still rely on me?!"
"Big Brother! Second Brother, it's not good! Master, Master is again, he is..."
At this time, before stopping to stop, the pig monkey with big eyes and small eyes came out. Sha Wujing, who was carrying a burden, panted down and dragged the Demon-Changing Rod and ran back to report to the two of them. I don't know what happened before.
"Master was captured by the monster again?!"
"Master was captured by the monster again?!"
After looking at each other, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie asked in unison in surprise.
"No! No!"
"He, he took up the Zen stick again and killed a mountain patrol little demon alive! Just because the little demon looked at him a few more times, he thought the other party wanted to eat him!!"
"Amitabha Buddha, good and good..."
"Brother Monkey! You are afraid that you will lose your job. I suddenly felt that without you... Junior Brother Sha and I could successfully obtain the Western Classics with Master?!"
"Fuck me! Dead't bother me!!"
"Hey! What do you three whispering in the back?"
"Hurry up, there is a tiger spirit, uncle monkey, and second uncle pig in this realm. Go and kill them. By the way, take the tiger skin off. When you get back the scriptures, you can sew it for my mother. A blanket, I'm still a few tiger skins away, and I don't know if there is any tiger spirit in front of me?"
"Master... It didn't provoke us, don't you need to kill them like this?"
"Huh! Second Uncle Pig, it provoke me just now! The little demon looked at my eyes and wanted to eat me! So, Miss Annie taught: No matter what the other person thinks, as long as I think they have Wrong, then they are wrong, right and wrong!"
"Amitabha, good and good..."
"Brother Monkey, come, the old rules, open the fist, whoever loses will go and kill the demon!"
"Come on!"
"You foul, what do you mean by giving a finger?!"
"This is my fist, you lose!"
"Monkey, don't think I'm afraid of you, old pig!"
"Why, want to fight?!"
"Brother Brother, Brother Second Brother, stop arguing, the master will rush into the cave in front of him, one person and one donkey!
"I'll settle accounts with you dude later!!"
"Youkai! Don't hurt my master, my grandson will come too!!"
A certain monkey gave up a certain fat pig and flew into the cave of the tiger demon in the distance.

O(╯□╰)o White Snake has a perfect ending!
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