Chapter 637: The Queen of King's Landing. ?? (?O`)??.

In the face of the screaming north wind and the ice-cold snowflakes that slapped the face with scum from time to time, more than a dozen soldiers from Winterfell, marching northward in the snow along a long invisible road in the snow The speed is still very slow, even slower than normal people walking on flat ground.
Originally they traveled on horseback, but when they went to the outpost, because the snow on the road was too thick, they saw that riding was slower than walking, and they even had to be distracted to take care of the horses. Instead of giving up on them, they walked all over, trying to continue north and reach their destination.
In the gray sky and white snowfields, they were covered with gray-black cloaks, fur coats, heavy hats, leather boots and other warm clothing to wrap their bodies tightly, revealing only one. Double eyebrows, beards and other parts are covered with icy scum...
At the same time, after they passed, the thick snow behind them that had fallen into the knees naturally left a long series of deep and crooked footprints.
Based on their footprints and the direction they are heading now, it is not difficult to guess that they are heading north of Winterfell, towards the direction of Long Lake...
"Hey! Knight Galen, what is the kind of golden light from your body? Is it... because of which old or seven gods' favor?"
The journey was difficult and boring, so Arya Ben O'Shea who came with her asked curiously.
"Neither! My golden light is called Demacia's righteous power!"
In fact, that kind of thing, their little head of state Anne once said that it was actually something called the Holy Light, but Galen still felt that it would be better to call it Demacian Justice. ?
Anyway, that's just a name!
Whether it's the Holy Light or Demacia's justice, as long as there is justice in the heart and courage, that's fine.
"Then... can you teach me?"
She is beautiful with golden light on her body, not only invulnerable, but also greatly improved in strength, speed, reaction ability, etc., Arya has been staring at this incredible secret for several days, just wait Looking for a chance to speak!
Although, she also felt that it was impossible for the other party to easily teach herself this powerful ‘Demacia’s Righteous Power’, but it didn’t matter if it was just a question or not.
"I'm afraid not!"
"I won't teach others this kind of thing. At that time, it was our Annie Yuan who first gave me the seed of justice... Besides, Arya, your character may not be suitable for learning this, you assassin. The murderous spirit is too heavy."
He silently led the crowd to see the road long ago, and could only distinguish the approximate location and direction based on the woods on both sides. After hesitating for a while, he turned his head and looked at this small and tightly wrapped one like himself. The girl glanced, then shook her head.
The Holy Light, the power of Demacia's righteousness, is not something that everyone can learn!
At least, in Galen's opinion, this Arya is not qualified in any aspect... Because she is a little girl who is selfish and self-centered. She only sees her family, but no one. The heart of the brave who dares to fight for those who cannot fight, and the faith that is willing to fight for justice!
Anyway, in Galen’s view, these are necessary if you want to learn this kind of power. Only by possessing these can you learn the power of Demacia’s righteousness, and it’s definitely not like what a bad little head said. So, it's actually'It's over, you are all fooled and lame? In any case, Galen will not shake his belief!
and so……
This Arya, this so-called faceless female assassin, female assassin, she is definitely not qualified.
Thinking that the other party was perfunctory to herself, Arya lowered her head, snorted fiercely, and then continued to move forward step by step.
"I really can't teach..."
"Well, if there is a chance in the future, I recommend you to go to our Noxus Rage Academy in Haven Star. You might be able to learn that then?"
There is no need to think about the power of justice. After all, until now, there are very few Marines or ghost agents who can successfully comprehend the power of justice in the Demacia Justice Academy! However, Noxus's Rage Academy is different, basically everyone can learn it, but the talent is different, and the degree of achievement is different.
Anyway, just as Dreyus saw him unhappy with Galen, he also despised those angry warriors who could be learned by individuals! In his opinion, it is the elites who can learn the righteous power of Demacia, and those angry fighters are just a bunch of common people.
"Anger? What is that, stronger than your golden sparkle?!"
"That's not glittering, it's the power of Demacia's righteousness, which can only be learned by people with justice! But anger is different. As long as your killing intent is strong enough, as long as you can control your anger, you can !"
"Knight Galen, you don't have to doubt the killing intent of our faceless man, let alone my ability to control my anger! I am a killer, these are just basic skills!"
"I hope, but I can't go back now. When I can go back someday, I will definitely nominate you."
"Knight Galen, I've always wanted to ask... We are only a few people going north now, is it really possible?!"
Among the strong soldiers, Arya asked with a slightly petite stature.
Although they said that they went north this time mainly to gather and dispatch refugees, soldiers who had been evacuated from the Great Wall, Black Castle, Houguan Town and Hearth City, and to investigate the strength of strange ghosts nearby, but only these dozen people, Arya still felt a little too risky.
Their Winterfell is not without people now, and after two days of things, the guys who followed the conspirator’s little finger Petil Bellissy have basically been cleaned up, the rest , Are all willing to loyal to her sister, that Winterfell Duke Sansa, or have been loyal to the king of the North Jon, will never question her sister's order or perfunctory! If this Galen wanted to, he could directly mobilize and lead hundreds of elite soldiers northward. Maybe it would be safer?
"Don’t call me a galen knight. I am not your vassal of Winterfell. I am a legal citizen of the Hero Federation of our stellar zone! You little nobles who are ruined places are really in my eyes. It's useless, it's not rare at all... It's not that I said nonsense, your nobles here, the living conditions here are far inferior to those homeless people in our federation who receive minimum allowances."
"Also, your sister Sansa is really stingy, so she gave me a knight position that doesn't help me, and didn't even increase my salary?!"
Yes, Galen doesn't want to be a knight or a jazz. These messy titles without a certificate are simply worthless in his eyes!
If he can choose, he would rather the other party increase his commission by three times, or change himself to a larger one, and a little more comfortable, preferably a large room with a fireplace, like... that of the Duchess Sansa Are almost the same?
Of course, if the other party appreciates his contribution from Galen and gives him the best room in the castle, that would be great!
"The knight is not a position, but a knighthood. From the day you are knighted, you are no longer a mercenary, but our canonized nobleman in Winterfell!"
After Arya took a sigh of relief, she turned her head and glanced at this Galen next to her with some incomprehension. She had never seen such a person who was knighted by a lord and complained.
"By the way, what does it mean to receive subsistence allowance in your federation?"
After explaining the rarity of knighthood, Arya went on walking deeper and deeper.
Because of her petite stature, even with short legs, walking in this fluffy new snow is no easier than the tall soldiers around her.
and so……
In order to pass this long boring journey, and to learn more about this strange guy who is said to have come here from another world, she just took advantage of the time of these few days to get a good understanding of the routine. There is no better opportunity to ask about the other party's details.
"Subsistence allowance..."
"That is to say, everyone can receive free food and spacious houses without having to work, and they are still air-conditioned, which is your kind of fireplace? However, the air-conditioning is definitely much better than the fireplace. There is no peculiar smell, let alone carbon monoxide poisoning..."
Seriously, Galen really misses the life of Haven Star...
In the past, when he was a general in the constellation, he always felt that the conditions of the minimum guarantees in the alliance were too bad. Only those lazy people and those who were unable to work would have to choose that kind of.' tough life?
But now...
"I'm telling you the truth, if I have a choice, I would rather choose to return to our federation's Haven star to be an ordinary citizen who receives the minimum living allowance. I will not change the lord of Winterfell for you!"
"The subsistence allowance of our Hero Federation, whether it is food, clothing, shelter, or other conditions, is far superior to any one of you here, even your sister Sansa, the Duke!"
"Moreover, all citizens can apply for the Dibao without any preconditions!"
In contrast, here in this Westeros continent:
The food is not good, and the supplies are extremely scarce and monotonous. Especially in winter, there are absolutely no vegetables. The mess of meat, cheese, pickles, etc. come and go. If this continues, he Galen will I feel that I am about to get rare diseases such as night blindness, beriberi and scurvy!
As for what you wear, don't mention it...
Look at him now, here and there, the outer layer, tightly wrapped in linen clothes and animal fur, these things that basically rely on his body temperature to keep out the cold, can they be considered clothes?
They don't have a constant temperature system, no deodorization and sweat removal function, and because they don't wash for a long time, they all start to get rotten and smelly, and they feel slimy. He has had enough!
As for the residence...
The doghouse in that castle is really just a doghouse!
Fortunately, it’s winter. If it’s summer, Galen can imagine that there must be all kinds of bugs, rats, and so on. By then... Living in an inferior kennel would definitely be a huge torture!
"The endless light..."
‘Let our greatest, greatest and greatest head Anne, come to save me Galen sooner, and get me out of the sea of ​​suffering sooner...’
Now Galen can basically be sure that that space gem is indeed exhausted and no longer has any special abilities! Therefore, in addition to hoping that he does not know where in the universe, which plane he is in, or whether there is a little girl who has heard his prayers to help him earlier, he is indeed Nothing can be done.
He has been completely trapped in this backward and ignorant place, he can't go back!
"Without any work, you can live better than the city lord of Winterfell of my sister, I won't believe it! Mr. Galen, are you sure you are not joking, where is there such a good place in this world?!"
Seriously, if there is such a place, I am afraid that the ordinary residents of the entire Westeros continent, and even most of the nobles, will flock in madly, right? At that time, millions of people will be able to feed them? That's millions or even tens of millions of people, not one or two thousand or one or two hundred!
Anyway, Arya has been wandering outside these years, almost all over the continent of Westeros, and she has even been to Braavos across the sea. She would never believe that there will be such kind of her in the world. A great place that you can't even think of.
In her eyes, the entire Westeros continent is a place where people can eat people. To live better, she can only work harder and constantly sharpen her skills, protect herself, protect her sister and Brother... Otherwise, maybe they won't know when they will be killed, and then they will rob all of their belongings, throw them into a certain sewer or ditch, and become a poor bone?
"Aaliyah, if I can go back in the future, I will definitely invite you to our capital, Haven Star. Our capital is different from your little King’s Landing. Our capital is a whole planet with hundreds of 100 million people and countless space stations!"
"Also, I can even give you two sisters and obtain legal federal citizenship, so that you can have a good experience of what a normal human life should be, and then I can guarantee that you will never want to come back here again. ..."
Yes, if Galen could go back and freely shuttle back and forth between this continent of Westeros and Haven, he might do that.
And that Bran, the other party's magical ability, will definitely be welcomed by the federal intelligence department!
Anyway, he Galen is the commander of the combined fleet of Haven Star Capital. He is one of the five-star generals with the highest rank in the Federation. Therefore, even if he acts recklessly and imposes federal citizenship on two primitive men, Who would dare to talk to him?
You know, Galen drove him crazy, and even the Protoss mothership could be defeated. Who would dare to talk to him about such a trivial matter?
However, he will definitely not do it again in the future for a big move to destroy the Protoss Mothership!
Because the Protoss mothership is too expensive... If it is destroyed, even if he is the commander of the fleet plus a five-star general, he will be compensated at the price! Moreover, in the highly automated and intelligent federal social environment, compensation is still the kind of direct deduction of wages, so that he does not even have the opportunity to become a lame.
"I still don't believe that there will be a place like heaven in the world!"
Turning her head to look at this serious Galen again for a while, Arya finally shook her head, she certainly didn't quite believe what this man who had always been a little strange!
Because she can’t imagine that if there is really a place where you can eat, live, and dress well without having to work, I’m afraid everyone will go to enjoy the lazy life, then who else would choose to work. Paying taxes, who else will respond to the recruitment of soldiers to defend the territories of the lords?
"Yes, compared to your Westeros continent, our federation is indeed heaven... But in our opinion, that is just a very common thing."
After all, the strength of science and technology is different, and the productivity is different. It is normal for the natives of Arya to be incomprehensible!
Look at this place. The people here still use human and animal power to cultivate crops. Throughout the year, a few people in a family can't cultivate many acres of land. In addition to the poor seeds of the crops, the harvest is very poor, and they barely maintain their own It's almost enough to pay taxes when the temperature is saturated.
But what about their federation?
If you are farming, you can just plant it on a planet by planet!
Randomly find a few agricultural planets, let those fully automatic machines plant a variety of high-quality grain seeds with a high yield per mu, large and small nano-robots to kill pests, agricultural irrigation and fertilization systems all over the planet, and even return Under the comprehensive factors such as weather, rain, sunlight, and air humidity, it can be manipulated artificially, and it is basically a harvesting agricultural star every year. It only needs the output of one or two planets, which can almost satisfy the normal life of humans in all star regions. Needed.
And more agricultural planets are growing those luxury goods, fruits and vegetables, industrial raw materials, textile raw materials, and other renewable resources.
Therefore, for the federation of the stellar zone, it is really simple to use those supplies that exceed demand to unconditionally meet the basic needs of all humans in the stellar zone for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and it is also something that every federal citizen can enjoy. Basic survival benefits, but even so, only a very small number of people are willing to apply for such subsistence allowances!
Because if you work a little harder, you can get a better life and get whatever you want. Who would be willing to live worse than most people?
Galen, who was in deep thought, stopped suddenly, and suddenly raised his head, looking at the dense forest that was also covered by heavy snow in the distance.
"What's the matter, Galen... Sir, why didn't you leave suddenly?!"
Just walking with her head down and thinking about things in her heart, Arya, who digested the information she had just received, suddenly ran into the body of Galen who suddenly stood in front of her. The tall and powerful body of the other party caught her off guard. Below, he almost fell back into the thick snow.
"We seem to be targeted by the enemy!!"
Galen stopped, looked at one of them coldly, and froze his face.
"Being targeted? Who is it?!"
Looking at the vast snow and the snow-covered wolf forest, Arya didn’t know who would be staring at this place, because it was still in the wolf forest south of Long Lake and north of Winterfell. , It's far from Mo Jiang of the Ghost Army!
"It's those strange ghosts!!"
After speaking, Galen took the lead and walked to the left. There, there is a rocky tidal flat. It may be due to geothermal. The snow over there is thinner, which is more suitable for them to meet with strange ghosts. Fight, not to be hindered by heavy snow.
"The ghost?"
"Everyone, get ready to fight!!"
Arya exclaimed, and while beckoning the other soldiers to draw out their weapons, she also drew out her rapier with her right hand and dagger in her left hand, quickly following Galen who was striding forward.
If ghosts really appeared here, then things would be terrible!
Because this place is less than thirty leagues (one hundred miles) away from Winterfell. If all the ghosts are here, doesn't it mean that the northern part has all fallen? They came so fast. No wonder that on the way she and Galen went north, there were so few people fleeing south. It turned out that strange ghosts were invading south at a speed far exceeding everyone's imagination? !
"Hurry up and get ready for battle!"
Galen didn't say much, just stared at the snow-covered woods around him, and then took the lead and walked firmly to the open field ahead.
Those who are staring at them must be ghosts!
Because he Galen smelled evil, so that the power of Demacia's righteousness in his body began to scream slightly.
"Hey! Wait for us first!"

Cersei Lannister is standing coldly in the palace of King's Landing, which is completely her own, standing in this hall, standing behind this magnificent, beautifully carved white arched balcony. Through the glass, looking at the extremely rare snow outside the window...
According to common sense, King's Landing is close to the harbour and is in a hot or warm climate all year round. It is unlikely that it will snow. However, it is still falling.
It can be seen from this that the phrase "Winter is coming" that the Stark family in the north often talks about will finally be fulfilled... And those strange ghosts, those terrible dead people who can move, that kind of not long ago The existence that was caught by those hostile elements for her to see and had to believe, they are finally coming!
At this moment, they should be in the north, in the cold place of the north.
The long winter is long, extremely cold...
Here in Westeros, the length of the four seasons is generally very long...Anyway, she Cersei has experienced the plague epidemic in the spring over the years, and that time even lasted for several years, and then also experienced ten Eight years of hot summer, it was an extremely long and good day...Of course, she had also seen many years of heavy rains and autumn winds.
Until now, Rin Dong is finally coming...
If according to the information written in folklore and the doctrine of the Seven Gods, after each long summer, there will be a long winter that lasts longer...that is a terrible, doomsday-like season, it is said , Is the punishment of the seven gods to mankind, and only when the sins of mankind are ended, can the eternal summer be ushered in again?
So, this time, after eighteen years of hot summer, how long will their continent usher in winter?
Is twenty years...
Or thirty years.......
Or, they will never see the next spring and summer? !
The seven gods' punishment for human sins?
It's ridiculous!
As the queen of King’s Landing and the guardian of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei Lannister would of course no longer trust those gods. Otherwise, she would not have used wildfire to blow up the Baylor’s Great Sanctuary, killing countless Nobles who believe in the Seven Gods and that little sparrow!
Therefore, for her Queen Cersei, the Seven Gods will not be taken care of by her.
Moreover, she also knew that winter was approaching, and the terrible place was not the severe cold, the extreme night, or those strange ghosts, but the extremely long time.
It is said that...
In winter, there is almost no daylight, and the output of grain will definitely drop sharply. Grain, vegetables and fruits will definitely not be able to grow. People can only eat reserves or persist in fishing and hunting... And now, not to mention the whole country, there are millions of King’s Landing alone. In a populous city, after experiencing the Rebellion of the Seven Kings, after several endless wars, the king came to this city, and nearly half of the granary was not full...
Food is not important in normal times, but in the long winter night, that is the key to survival!
From this, Cersei Lannister can now foresee that in the future, before the end of the long winter, King’s Landing, and even the entire continent of Westeros, apart from the threat of ghosts, the most important thing is to cover all places. The great famine in China, it will be inevitable for anyone.
At that time, whoever has food in his hands will be able to persist to the end!
Winter is here...
For a long time in the future, there will be countless children, including those in Cersei's own belly. They will be born in the dark night and grow up in the dark... Most of them may not die until death. Know what is sunshine, what is warm...
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but a vicious resentment flashed from the corner of her mouth, and she gritted her teeth!
Originally, she had two sons and a daughter, but now...
Lost things, everything, she will definitely regain it, she swears!
And now, if you count the time, the ghost army should have already begun, or are starting to attack the Great Wall, right? I don't know whether the in the north, the remnants of the Stark family, can hold on?
Best, let the dragon mother and more people go to the north to go to the foot of the Great Wall and the strange ghosts desperately. She Cersei is currently just hoarding food desperately, and then continue to expand her troops.
But actually, none of this matters now...
Now Cersei Lannister’s concern is not the cold winter that is about to envelop the entire Westeros continent, nor the problem of King’s Landing’s food reserves, nor the strange ghosts in the north, but something else. She is waiting now. A person.
Tuk tuk!
Suddenly, there were two knocks on the door, and then the old imperial prime minister Coben walked in.
"He... really left?"
But listening to the footsteps, Cersei knew who the person came, so she continued to stand in front of the window and asked directly without looking back.
"Yes, Lord James Lannister just braved the cold wind and light snow, riding a horse alone, out of the city to the north."
The hand of the queen, the former prime minister, Coben, proceeded, and replied in a low voice with low eyebrows, because he knew that Queen Cersei would definitely not be in a good mood now, so he still shouldn't touch the mold casually.
"is it……"
With a cold snort, Cersei knew that that James was such a person! He kept saying that it was for the living, for the whole Westeros continent... As a Lannister, that guy would have that stupid idea?
Simply unreasonable! !
"The barbarian cavalry of Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, the Dothraki army and the Unsullied Legion, have now retired and are ready to go north by ship."
"According to the information sent back by the spies, the number of troops stationed on Longshi Island has decreased day by day. After collecting enough dragon crystal mines, they went to sea by boat. The remaining logistics units are also packing up their bags. I believe Soon, there will be no more people left on Longshi Island...The two dragons should also follow the mother of dragons northward to fight against ghosts."
After the former prime minister Cobain saw that the queen didn't make any comments, he told all the information he knew.
"Our golden group, where are they now?"
Cersei suddenly turned around and asked her former Prime Minister Cobain about the Golden Regiment of the High Court and about the situation of Na Esos's best army.
She took a lot of money from the iron vault and hired a full 20,000 soldiers, cavalry, and even elephants! And those, will be the cost of her planning the entire Westeros continent.
"They should already be at sea, and they are expected to arrive at King's Landing next week..."
"What do you need me to do?"
After the imperial prime minister Coben finished speaking, he looked at the elusive queen again.
"You don't need to do anything!"
With a sneer, Cersei raised her hand and waved, indicating that the other party can withdraw first.
"Why, what else do you have to say, Prime Minister?"
Cersei couldn't help but ask curiously when he found that the other party was standing still in place and didn't leave immediately.
"Your Majesty..."
"If the people to the north of them fail, we may not be able to stand alone against the ghosts going south, because then, they will become more..."
"more and more……"
Ghosts can be killed, they are special weapons made by dragon crystals!
At the same time, every living person dies in the hands of strange ghosts, it will increase the number of strange ghosts, the more people die, the more strange ghosts! But now to the north, in the north, there are still hundreds of thousands of people, plus there may be more and more soldiers! Once they fail, there will be a million ghost army that King's Landing will face at that time!
"The ghost can't swim, right, my Prime Minister?"
"It's said to be like that..."
"Then what are you worried about?"
"If we can't keep it, just cross the sea directly!"
Winter is coming?
It's ridiculous! !
Now, Cersei has quietly started the colonization plan, and the Braavos on the other side of the sea will soon belong to her Queen Cersei!
If the people in the north win, she naturally has a way to deal with it, and if the people in the north lose, then when necessary, they can go directly to the east and escape this potentially destroyed West. Luo mainland!
At that time, the winner will still be her Cersei! !
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