Chapter 647: In the tower in! (`●__●?)/

The Seven Gods Religion is the main religious belief of the Andals and ancestors of the Seven Kingdoms on the continent of Westeros. People often simply call it the ‘Church’.
The seven gods worshipped by the church are actually seven different forms of a deity, representing seven different virtues and existences. The worshippers will ask for a specific form of the seven gods according to what they ask for. Prayed.
The seven forms of gods believed in by the Seven Gods are Heavenly Father, Our Lady, Warrior, Maiden, Blacksmith, Old Woman, Stranger...
In Westeros, apart from the south, there are generally only two places where people don’t widely believe in the Seven Gods. One of them is the Northern Territory, which still believes in the old gods, and the other is the Iron Islands, which believes in the Drowned God .
In fact, the old belief in the northern land was the original belief that first appeared on the Westeros continent!
Before humans migrated westward from Essos to Westeros through the Dorn Arm, in this land, the children of the forest were the old gods! However, the binding force of the old belief in gods on believers has not been very high since ancient times. That kind of belief is a very simple and primitive worship for nature!
It has no fixed doctrine, no formal requirements, nor does it require believers to pray or worship regularly.
The totem of the old gods’ beliefs is generally the
heart tree
, which is the kind of fish-beam wood with weird faces carved on the trunk...The organizational structure of that belief is very loose, similar to the strict doctrines and followers of the Seven Gods. There are no church structures such as monks and nuns!
At most, only the ‘Green Prophet’ (druid) played a role similar to the high priest of the primitive tribe? However, even the "Green Prophet" is almost extinct today...
In ancient legends, the "Green Prophet" once possessed very powerful magic. The original Dorn Arm of Westeros was destroyed by the magic of the green prophets in the legend and turned into the current stone steps. Islands...It’s a pity that the current magic is very weak, even if it is as strong as the three-eyed crow Bran? Stark, his so-called son of the forest, can only be directly attached to animals and plants. However, there are almost no direct or indirect means of attack.
Originally, there were only those'sons of the forest' on this continent. Then, the ancestors began to set foot in Westeros and seized forest resources and felled the fish beams from the children of the forest. Then the two sides began to conflict...and the result of the war, Naturally, the ancestors negotiated with the children of the forest, and one of the conditions for the negotiation was that the ancestors also began to believe in the old gods.
At some point later, it was the Andal's turn to invade Westeros...
As a result, the Andals defeated the ancestors and the sons of the forest. Except for the northern territory that resisted the invasion of the Andals, almost all the southern regions of Westeros began to convert to Protestantism. Seven Gods, so that the only ones who still believe in the old gods are the Stark family, the Li De family, and some free people (savages) outside the Great Wall guarding the North.
Compared with the beliefs of the Seven Gods or Old Gods, the Drowned Gods of the Iron Islands are more ignorant...
The iron archipelago’s submerged ritual, which submerged people into the water and brought people to death, was originally very savage. Coupled with the geographical reasons of the iron islands, the iron people’s style of behavior is also barbaric and obscure. When it comes to production, you know that you burn, kill, and looting, living a life of half fishermen and half pirates, and have always been hostile and spurned by people on the continent of Westeros!
Of course, it is also possible that the soil of the archipelago is barren and rocky, the civilians have no cattle and horses for farming, and its mineral resources are not as rich as the western border?
And compared to the beliefs of the Son of the Forest, the Flooded God, the God of Light, and the God of Thousand Faces, which represent the old gods, the church, that is, the belief of the Seven Gods is much more advanced than the old God... the entire system of the Seven Gods belief They are also very perfect. They have a strict hierarchy and professional clergy, which is unmatched by other beliefs.
For example, in the structure of the church, ordinary ordinary clergymen, men are called monks, while women are naturally nuns, and they also have relevant arms of their own church... and above, they are the bishops of the church. , The archbishop, and the highest leader is called the archbishop... Under normal circumstances, the archbishop is born among the archbishops, but there are exceptions. For example, the Queen Cersei just used wildfire to kill him and killed him alive. The big sparrow?
The brave guy who wanted to try the queen and interfere with the royal family was not the elected archbishop but was appointed...Of course, he also paid the price for his ignorance in the end, although he almost succeeded of.
Unlike other old beliefs, the Seven Gods have a special missionary place, which is a church, or can it be called a holy church?
Originally, the earliest headquarters of the Faith of the Seven Gods was in the old town, the one called the'Stars Temple'. Later... for various reasons, the headquarters was moved to King's Landing after the conquest of Westeros in Taglian. The'Baylor Church' built under the auspices of King Taglian I!
This church was the largest in King's Landing, and even the largest in the entire Westeros continent! It's a pity that this church, together with the big sparrows and the disobedient church soldiers, plus countless dignitaries, were all blown up by Queen Cersei.
Therefore, in King’s Landing, a mega city with a population of nearly one million, in order to maintain its rule, the Seven Gods Church was repurposed and transformed by a small building. Moreover, Queen Cersei also specially appointed A new archbishop was reorganized and a new church armed "Son of Soldiers" was reorganized.
Of course, everyone in the new King’s Landing Seven Gods Church is her Cersei, or she listens to her Queen Cersei!
And those who were disobedient, all died, none of them left...
This is the new church in King's Landing, where the mistress of King's Landing, Queen Cersei, is here for the first time.
Seven gods...?
Cersei looked up at the simple portraits of the seven deities on the church wall. They were the Father, the Virgin, the warrior, the girl, the blacksmith, the old woman, and the stranger...
However, her current attitude is very arrogant, she has no intention of kneeling down to pray or worship, and she does not have the respectful attitude that should be expected to appreciate the idol. She squinted so straight, with a sneer and playfulness at the corner of her mouth. Staring at the gods on the wall.
Obviously, this portrait of the Seven Gods may have been drawn in a hurry, and the funds may not be sufficient. Not only did the materials used are far worse than the original'Baylor Church', even the painters are so-so In a few days, the color paint seems to be a little discolored?
Although Cersei also found out, when she herself didn't care too much about it!
Because, after the big sparrow incident, she no longer believed in the seven gods! And if it hadn't been for this church to rule the city, even this simple church would not have wasted money to send people to rebuild it.
"How about, Annie, is this church okay?"
"This place is far worse than the previous one, but if you want to pray or worship, I think this responsible archbishop will guide you."
Today, Cersei has already explained all her tasks and arrangements. For a long time in the future, she only needs to sit here and watch the situation change slowly! Therefore, she had time to come out to inspect her territory, to inspect the King's Landing City, which had been bloodbathed by her no less than twice, and also slaughtered a large number of dissidents.
Then naturally, when she went out, she ran into a little guy who had just woke up from a nap, so she wandered together and came to this new church in King's Landing.
"Huh? Pray, worship?"
∑′△`? !
"Huh! I won't pray to these guys, what's so great about them?!"
What kind of messy seven gods, aren't they just some extraordinary existence in this world who steal faith and live? Such a thing is far worse than the wild demigods in the world of Azeroth. How could her Queen Anne casually pray and worship to those guys?
In fact, they came to pray to her Queen Anne.
But, that kind of thing is a bit too troublesome to think about, she just doesn't care about them a lot! Because her Queen Anne didn't like others to pray to herself, and she didn't like to gain any beliefs from others, she didn't want to play with those strange religions!
Just like in the Caribbean world, Annie can even now faintly feel that in the endless plane world, that kind of inexplicably weak connection... How many witches don’t want to work their own, and they know all day long to pray wildly to the statue with her Queen Anne’s name written on them. They are really stupid...
Anyway, Annie wouldn’t tell them that she didn’t attach any strange things like her own thoughts or divinity to those statues at all, matter how they pray and worship, it’s useless, she definitely doesn’t. I will harvest those beliefs, and I will definitely not respond to any of their requests!
In short, she is different from the gods in the general world. All her own power comes from herself, and she does not need to resort to any additional things.
Although the bishops, monks, and nuns all heard the little girl's blasphemy in the church, none of them dared to stand up and refute. They just bowed their heads and didn't know what they were thinking. what.
Even the "archbishop" who was just appointed by Cersei just a little bit raised his head and glanced at the little girl who was carved and jade, and then looked at the arrogant queen and the tower-like queen behind him. After the guard, Sir Robert Strongs glanced, he continued to lower his brows, as if nothing had happened.
Although he felt that it was not good to say this kind of profanity in the Holy Land Church, he did not dare to express it at all. Because all members of the sect who dared to disobey and disobey Queen Cersei's wishes are now dead!
Those people were either hung on the cross of the city wall of King’s Landing, or rotted in a ditch in the sewer...
"Annie, what you said is right, what's so great about the Seven Gods?"
Cersei also smiled when she heard the little girl's words, and then continued to raise her head, looking at the idol on the wall that had just been painted a while ago, and she couldn't help but snorted again.
These idols were destined to be just some portraits and tools she used to fool civilians. If it works, Cersei will naturally continue to support her, and if it is useless or interferes with herself, she will burn it again when she says she can’t get it?
It’s like the
Baylor Temple
. She bombed the headquarters of the Seven Gods, killing countless monks, bishops and nuns, plus countless believers, and even hunted down the remnants, the so-called Seven Gods. , What can he do with himself?
Now she Cersei Lannister is the ruler of King's Landing here, the guardian of the entire territory of the seven kingdoms monarch hairpin, and the queen of the Andals and ancestors! Therefore, even the Seven Gods must serve her rule. Once the previous attempt to judge herself, humiliate herself, or interfere with the royal family appears again, maybe she will directly order the complete destruction of this sect. , Let its missionary activities on this Westeros continent completely end and die!
This kind of thing is not a threat, it can be done easily.
Still arrogantly looking up at the portraits of the seven gods on the wall, Cersei really didn't have the slightest awe or gratitude in her heart at this time. On the contrary, what she now has in her heart is only endless hatred and sneers!
Her Queen Cersei has long ceased to believe in the Seven Gods, she can now order the destruction of this sect at any time, so that there is no church in the entire Westeros continent, and even burn all their religions and books, and kill them. All the monks and nuns destroyed the countless churches that had been glorious in Westeros and completely disappeared...
Yes, she can do that, and will she do that kind of thing, if necessary?
Feeling that this empty church is too boring, Little Annie, who was about to leave, suddenly exclaimed and turned her head suspiciously. With a somewhat curious and surprised look, she looked at the old man who kept low eyebrows. bishop.
Originally, the other party had been staying there forever. He was a very normal old man. He looked very timid and weak, but now... the other party suddenly raised his head and dared to use strange eyes, straight up Look at that Aunt Cersei and Annie herself?
Obviously, Cersei also seemed to have discovered something wrong at this time.
It's just that she didn't think too much about the'archbishop' who was walking towards her with a calm face and empty-handed. She thought that the other party had something to say to herself, so she just stood calmly in place, so she could take a moment Looking at each other, I was going to hear what the bishop, who was pulled up by one hand to fool the people, wanted to say to him.
Soon, when I saw that the other party was not as I imagined, I stopped talking to myself a few steps forward, but continued to move forward with a calm face and no joy or sadness. Found that the situation is a bit wrong.
Therefore, she took a half step back and didn't say much. The Sir Robert Strongs behind her automatically took a few steps forward, and stood in front of her with the long sword at his waist. , With the cruel and bloodthirsty red eyes hidden behind the heavy armored helmet of the Royal Forest Iron Guard, he stared fiercely at the new bishop who was walking up step by step.
"Bishop, speak quickly if you have anything! Otherwise, please leave immediately!!"
No matter why the other party suddenly behaves abnormally, Cersei never wants to be brought so close by such a church member! In fact, no church member would let the other party get close to her within three steps!
After all, the relationship between herself and the Seven Gods Church is not too friendly. Who knows if the other party suddenly loses thoughts and is disadvantageous to herself? Now, apart from the beautiful body of power, Cersei doesn't actually have much.
But in any case, if the other party can't give yourself a reasonable statement or answer that will satisfy you later, based on the hostile behavior of the other party today, his position as the bishop must be changed!
Even that guy and the monks and nuns in this church are also likely to be re-interrogated at the same time?
In short, Cersei is still fresh in the memory of the big sparrow’s lessons, and she will definitely not let that happen to her again. She will maintain absolute majesty in front of these church members, and any dare to touch her The yellow line is all right!
Boom! Boom!
Hearing the cold words of Queen Cersei behind him that suppressed a little anger, Sir Robert Stans stepped forward again, making two clanging rubbings on the heavy plate armor on his body and the metal plate armor and boots hitting. Only after the sound of the rocky floor did he condescendingly stared at the old bishop of the church who had to stop three steps away.
Surprisingly, what made Cersei Lannister and Sir Robert Strongs a little puzzled was that the archbishop who had no expression on his face did not seem to want to disadvantage her, but was After looking at them twice, he turned to the little the other side?
Things were a little wrong, a little weird, Cersei finally suppressed the restlessness and rage in her heart, and after taking a deep breath, she hugged her arms to see if the old guy wanted to play. What a trick!
Because, outside the gate of this church, there are hundreds of Yulin Tiewei who finally her, as long as she orders, they can rush in at any time to destroy any thugs or assassins who dare to disadvantage her!
However, she is not in a hurry now, because here, there are also Sir Robert Strongs and Anne, the magical little guy who can control fire, can magic, and can wrestle with war elephants with bare hands. It must be that no one can easily hurt him yet. To yourself.

"Uncle blame, what do you want to do?!"
Annie, who was about to leave here, found out that something funny had happened to this monster, she rarely stayed, and began to stare at the bald monster who came in front of her.
What happened to this weird person must be hidden from Little Annie, but...Annie didn't persuade him at all, because from her point of view, it seemed that there was really nothing important, and she was not afraid of him.
"little girl……"
"I found in you a power similar to Lahlo..."
With that hollow voice, the bishop opened his mouth one by one and asked. The tone and voice were very different from the usual person. This made Cersei, who was already a little confused, stepped back in shock and waved secretly. From outside the door, more heavily armed Imperial Forest Guards were recruited, and they surrounded them to protect themselves, and were alert to the bishop standing in front of the little girl Annie.
However, her behavior did not affect the strange behavior of the old bishop and the little guy who was staring at each other.
"Who is Lahlo? I don't know!!"
What? What?
Yes, Annie promises, she has heard this term for the first time!
Now it is obvious that this weird weird bird must have admitted to himself wrong, so it suddenly appeared?
In fact, Lakhlo is a native in this world, also known as the King of Light, Heart of Holy Flame, God of Shadow and Fire, etc...
He is a with a wide range of beliefs from Esos. However, it is not very well-known here in Westeros. Therefore, under normal circumstances, people in the Seven Kingdoms often call him the "Red God" or " God of Flame'? And its sign is a burning red heart made of flames.
The worship of the King of Light, on the continent Esos on the east of the sea, has long become a kind of widespread belief that can be seen everywhere, just like the Seven Gods of Westeros. However, in Westeros Luo here is not so popular, but there are some missions on the eastern coast and Longshi Island.
Therefore, Little Annie didn't know that Rahlo, nor did she know any gods such as the King of Light and the Heart of Holy Flame, which was a normal thing, because she had never heard of it.
"You have his fire power in your body, there can be nothing wrong with that kind of fire power...According to the agreement, you should not come here, nor should you help this woman..."
"Because her ending is doomed..."
"King's Landing is destined to be destroyed, and the king of the north will re-rule this continent. You can't interfere with our scheduled wheel of fortune..."
It was still the kind of empty words that did not contain the slightest tone and emotions from the bishop's mouth, letting everyone present, including Cersei who was unknown on the side, and the monks and nuns who were surprised and inexplicably behind.
Of course, Cersei is more surprised and angry!
Because after hearing the words of the bishop, who was not like the bishop, she seemed to have realized something... Therefore, her eyes were widened at this time, and the thoughts in her heart turned sharply, without eagerness. Know what you should do.
"You guy is really weird, why should you care about me?!"
∑(oo)? ?
Sure enough, the blame is the most annoying...
She obviously didn't seem to do it any time, just came to this world to wander around, and then accidentally ran into this aunt Cersei and saved her once. Why did this strange guy jump out and point fingers at herself?
What's weird about the power of flames in your body, it has to be related to that Rahlo? Moreover, the other party dare to criticize himself for no reason?
This is really outrageous!
Her Queen Anne has always eaten soft but not hard. Anyone who dared to threaten her, then she will do it against the other party's will. What can they do with her in the end? Don't think that gods and things are great. Even more powerful ancient gods, she has beaten and burned many of them. Who was she afraid of? !
(Actually, Tibbers really wanted to remind her little master that she came here to interfere with a lot of things, such as saving the queen, although she might not die if she didn’t save it... and It’s the blueprints for the other party. That’s the detailed formula of guns, cannons and gunpowder... This matter is still very serious when you think about it, but Tibbers has always held up this kind of matter for nothing. I don't want to go overboard.
In the end, there is this miserable little master who came to this world, obviously is here to find someone, but now, she has been completely, "accidentally" forgotten by gorgeous... Fooling around in that palace and making it clear to keep the Queen Cersei, who seems to be not a good person, if this is not an interference, what is it? )
The strange uncle in the little girl's eyes, the old bishop, after hearing the little girl's unrelenting refutation, did not speak any more, but silently looked down at the raised head and angrily opposed him. The little girl who looked at seemed to be thinking about how to respond?
"Guilin Iron Guards, take him for me!!"
It wasn't until the little guy not far away in this temple looked at the hateful bishop for a while, and seemed to be a little impatient, that Cersei, who had finally recovered, had a cruel heart. Before the conflict broke out, he gave orders to several Yulin Tiewei around him.
Regardless of what the other party is doing, now that the other party is offending him, then it is always right to catch it directly or hack to death with a sword!
Cang! Cang! Cang!
There was a sound of an iron sword being unsheathed, and then a heavily armed plate guards immediately threatened the weak bishop named by the queen.
In their view, the kind of weak guys, one of them can easily subdue or kill each other with just one shot. There is no need to be so invigorating, because similar work, in the chaotic time of King’s Landing before , They have done it many times, the clergy and the members of the'sons of warriors' who died under them are countless!
"Kneel down!!"
A Yulin Tiewei walking at the front seemed a bit eager to act, so he didn't wait for others to surround him, so he took the lead a few steps, and directly slammed his unsheathed sword at the opponent's shoulder. , Seems to want to subdue the other party directly?
It's a pity that he seems to have found the wrong person this time...
"Stupid mortal!"
It was still the hollow and strange voice, and then something that shocked everyone happened.
The old man who looked a little thin, the archbishop, he was so dexterous that he snatched the Yulin Tiewei's weapon as soon as he raised his hand, and then did not wait for the surrounding guards to react, everyone only saw each other for a while. After the dazzling movements and the sound of metal crashing, the guards who followed the order to subdue or sack the enemy suffered a heavy blow somewhere in their helmets and fell to the ground. He couldn't move anymore, he was obviously knocked out in an instant.
Cang! !
Realizing that the enemy is so powerful, Sir Robert Strongs, who has never had the desire to do anything, is the magic mountain Gregor Clegane directly drew out the long sword on his waist, angrily hiding himself in The red and bloodthirsty eyes behind the fully enclosed helmet rushed towards the enemy!
Without giving the enemy a chance to draw a sword at all, the queen's personal guard who swung the sword in a few strides from the past, that Sir Robert Strong's vicious sword slashed directly at the enemy's head. He thought about it. The sword killed the opponent directly!
clang! !
After a loud metal crash, Cersei and the other guards who were guarding the Queen’s side were even more surprised.
That magic mountain, that Sir Robert Strongs, who claims to be invincible singled out, even after his longsword and the seemingly weak archbishop’s unsheathed longsword were slashed, not only could he not directly conquer the opponent. , On the contrary, he was backed up a few steps by the opponent's weird strength and almost fell to the ground? !
This weird thing caused most of the people present to stare straight, whether it was exposed or hidden behind the helmet, they all had that incredible look.
Cersei opened her mouth slightly, and she didn't understand what was going on.
This joke seems to be a bit big...
If it is forgivable that the old man, with his dexterity and combat skills, overwhelmed the guards in an unexpected moment, but now, the majestic figure, like a lion, Sir Robert? The opponent directly repelled a few steps, and even the long sword in his hand was lifted up high, almost didn't get rid of it and flew out?
But what about the other party?
An old and weak old man, after a head-to-head confrontation, stood still in place, and it seemed that nothing happened?
"Mortals, kneel down and pray!"
"As the Seven Gods, I represent the most powerful strength that the fighters have. I can bestow you endless courage and victory..."
Seeing that the tall guard was able to stand up in a blow against himself, the'bishop' nodded a little unexpectedly, and then began to plan to take advantage of this arrival and personally declare something. Own existence.
However, before he could continue to say something, the little girl who was staring at him before suddenly stretched out a small hand.
Before he had time to say the rest of his words, it was as if something invisible hit him head-on fiercely, causing him to fly high in an instant, hitting the wall directly, and even hit him. Only after the mural painting of the gods representing the warriors among the seven gods collapsed, they slowly slid down and fell to the ground without a word, and there was no more sound.
This situation naturally shocked Cersei, Yulin Tiewei, and other priests again. Everyone’s eyes were once again locked to the little girl who carried a stuffed bear in one hand and opened her palm to the enemy. I don't know what method the other party used just now.
And, more importantly, if they heard it right, what the bishop said just now, it seems that he is the Seven Gods? !
"Huh! Who has time to watch you play the same fighting game here?!"
o′`o Humph!
"What are you looking at, you can't beat him again! If I don't help you, you will die!!"
ˉ▽ ̄~cut~~
Little Annie, who was about to turn her head and leave, saw the big guy who was just about to go to fight the enemy again, the bad guy named Sir Robert Strongs was staring at herself, and she stared back unceremoniously. Then he was ready to leave.
"and many more!"
"Annie, what the is going on?!"
Even though Cersei had already guessed something by combining the things just now and what the strange bishop said, she still wanted to get more, or something more precise, from the little girl's mouth.
"It's nothing."

"It's that guy, he seems to be possessed by the painted on the wall, and then I beat him away, maybe he will not dare to come anyway, anyway... that's it!"
That's right, the old man bishop just now is just a poor creature who has been possessed!
Fortunately, the other party encountered the omnipotent Queen Anne, so she just shot the and gave the other party a cruel shot, and it didn't hurt the old man's fragile body too much...
However, the guy who casually attached himself to an ordinary person was different. When she was patted by her, the injury was definitely not light. It is estimated that he would not dare to appear for a long time.
What? What?
A stupid guy who vie for millions of impure beliefs in this continent, dare to scream in front of her Queen Anne, and dare to come out and try to point her finger at herself, see if he can't kill him!
Not to mention the kind of low-level gods, even if it is the more powerful existence, if she really provokes her, this planet will probably be gone.
Naturally, her Queen Anne is a peace-loving little girl, so she wouldn't do such frenzied bad things casually!
"Regardless of you, I'll go out to play first!"
Annie didn't want to stay in this broken temple anymore, it was boring, so after the last hello, she took her little bear, bounced and happily ran outside.
Looking at the wall, at the mural lacking a warrior idol, and then at the bishop who fell on the ground unconsciously and the guards who were also in a coma, Cersei frowned, for a moment. , I don’t know how to characterize and close this matter today.
But she felt that since she knew something, and since the contradiction had intensified, she always needed to do something.
"Your Majesty, this is..."
At this time, the former prime minister of Queen Cersei, the queen's hand, Koben came...
He was looking for their queen to report something important, but how could he think that he saw the fallen Yulin Tiewei and a group of shivering clergy here?
Of course, there seems to be the wall mural on the wall that collapsed into a human form?
"You came just right..."
"Ordered to destroy all seven churches in the mainland, strictly forbid anyone to pray and worship to the evil god, capture and imprison all church personnel, and only those who vowed never to believe in the evil can be acquitted!"
Finally, I glanced at the smashed mural on the wall, and then at the Imperial Forest Iron Guard in a place, and then remembered what the old'bishop' had just said before he fell, Cersei's eyes became more and more intense. Cold, and finally made a decision.
"Queen, are you sure?"
Before he had time to tell what he was going to report, Keben, who received such a shocking order, was really surprised!
After all, the reign of Queen Cersei has just stabilized, and if the order to hunt down or even ban the church is issued again, it will definitely cause a huge riot.
"Shall I repeat it a second time?"
Cersei glanced coldly at the bewildered, somewhat tangled imperial prime minister Cobain, with no intention of taking back his life.
"But... but in this case, no one can guarantee what will happen in the future..."
"It's okay, go and execute the order!"
Shaking his head, Cobain, who was so scared that he had forgotten the purpose of coming here, could only turn his head and leave in a little despair.
Anyway, there are already many people who hate her and curse Cersei, and even the seven gods have been offended by her and abandoned her. Then she simply broke the jar and directly offended all the people and gods who could offend and cleaned it again. !
As the saying goes, there are more lice, no itching, and more debts. Now the north may be fighting, and the strange ghost or the woman will eventually win and go south, so what else does she have to worry about?
So, just take advantage of this opportunity, while everyone has no time to go south, to mess up the whole continent, and try to make the situation here become conducive to the rule of Queen Cersei, and then take a look at the time Who will have the last laugh? !
Is it her Cersei? Lannister...
Or Daenerys Targaryen, who should be fighting the alien army in the north?

In Winterfell, the warriors from the seven countries of Westeros who defended the city were fighting fiercely with the strange ghosts who rushed to the bottom of the city wall like a tide.
Burning clay pots and rockets tracing clear trajectories in the sky, roaring from the city wall or the countless positions within the city wall, toward the densely packed enemies that almost never have gaps outside the city. Formation attack away!
The ruthless fire that can burn everything ignited one after another, group after group of enemies; pots of high-temperature boiling grease was piled up by the soldiers on the top of the city from the crevices of the city walls toward the bottom. The human wall, the strange ghosts who were going to climb up with their bare hands, splashed it down, and then when the torch was thrown down, soon flames soaring into the sky and the tragic wailing of the strange ghosts...
And those ghosts who could rush to the top of the city in the form of stacking arhats or directly climbing under the fire of Winterfell were also smashed back down by the soldiers with weapons, or directly with dragon crystals. The weapon pierces the body and kills it completely!
Of course, more coalition soldiers were bitten or killed by strange ghosts, and then inadvertently got up again, suddenly launched a deadly and cruel sneak attack on the original comrades around them, and were soon by their original "comrades" We stabbed them to death again with the dragon crystal, turning them into a corpse that never moved again...
At the same time, in the direction of the city gate, countless strange ghosts are waving their weapons, constantly slashing at the huge gate made of iron, steel and hard wood, threatening all the time. Due to the safety of Winterfell, Jon Snow had to arrange and waste more archers using those precious dragon crystal arrows to continuously shoot them from the city.
Because, if a fire was set in that place, they were worried that it would be burned to the city gate accidentally, so that it would help the enemy? After all, most of the structures of the city gates are still made of wood. They play a role in protecting the steel frame and increasing toughness. Once set on fire, they will probably not be far away from the city gates.
"Kill! Hack them to death!!"
"Ahhh! It bit me, it bit me!!!"
Now here in Winterfell, the battle here is very fierce. The two sides are fighting like a raging fire. The warriors of the coalition army are fighting against the monsters on the head of the city, but the strange ghosts are really tough. Fearing death rushed to the top of the city, and then it was quickly split into pieces, burned to ashes or turned into a corpse again by the dragon crystal weapon...
However, fortunately, up to now, although both the offensive and the defenders have paid a huge price and sacrifices, the city wall is still firmly controlled on the side of the "Dragon Girl Alliance", and there is no sign of any fall.
Compared to the dogfights between the city on the ground, the competition in the sky is not easy at all!
Perhaps the warriors of the various forces from various countries and forces who were fighting fiercely on the city’s head with the ghosts and enemies did not pay attention, but the various reserve teams lined up in the city, they clearly saw that they belonged to them in the sky. When the two dragons on this side of Winterfell, spraying red flames, faced the Allosaurus that kept breathing blue and ice flames, it was not easy at all!
Because, in addition to using two enemies and one against the enemy that can also fly and breathe, they also need to always beware of the weird ghost knight on the other's back that is thrown out from time to time. I don't know that it is water vapor. The ice spears were still condensed from snowflakes, so that in a two-to-one situation, they could only try their best to prevent the terrifying death dragon from turning around and attacking the city wall.
Want them to defeat the enemy dragon and turn around to help the battle between the walls, I'm afraid it is a bit difficult...
But it is foreseeable that if the battle on the ground has been so anxious, which side in the sky wins first, which is convenient to completely establish the victory!
"Don't use those bows and arrows, that kind of attack is useless to them!"
"Quickly, those pitches, those kerosene, and those dragon crystal weapons, only those can be effectively killed by them. If not, use those torches to deal with those ghosts, don't be afraid, don't hold back! Don't defeat them, we No one in the entire Westeros continent wants to live!!"
Tyrion and others commanded loudly on the city wall, while under the city wall, layers of strange ghosts were still pushing their heads up, stacking up, and uttering a brutal sound towards the defenders on the city’s head. Roaring and waving his hands in vain, seeming to want to climb up with bare hands?
Well, they do that too...
The soldiers defending at the brave crenels can see that they are crowded one after another, one after another when they die, one after the other, burns a piece and squeezes more, it seems that they can never be killed or burned. Generally, the soldiers at the head of the city can only be exhausted.
Just as Tyrion Lannister, relying on his short body, was clashing left and right on the wall, from time to time he used a thick black dragon well dagger to attack each and every strange ghost, and shouted loudly to direct the soldiers to fight, suddenly , He only heard a strange noise behind him, and then suddenly turned around to guard him, only saw that his brother James Lannister helped him, and he cut off an abnormality with a sword. Ghost's neck?
However, it is a pity that the dragon crystal long sword in the opponent's hand, which is not suitable for high-intensity combat, has been slashed several times, but at this time it has broken into pieces...
"Thank you, my brother!"
"But I still want to advise you that if you can't learn from other people's iron sword and dragon crystal, it's better not to come to the wall?"
While Tyrion was relieved, he looked at the only brother in the family who was not so disgusted and rejected him with some complexity, and then teased him slightly.
It's a pity that it might be because he couldn't speak, or he was used to that kind of bitter, sharp, and merciless wording. As soon as he spoke, he hurt his brother James who had just saved his life.
"You can come as a little man, why can't I come?"
James glared at the opponent unceremoniously, then dropped the broken weapon in his hand, drew out the steel long sword from his waist, and directly cut the ghost in half, and then stepped on the other person. Struggling to get up, Tyrion pierced the opponent's head with a dragon crystal dagger.
Fortunately, even though their two brothers now have this defect, they cooperated fairly tacitly. They easily emptied the dozens of strange ghosts that had rushed to the top of the city, and let them be driven out of here. The soldiers rushed back to stabilize the defense.
"When is this going to hit?"
Tyrion was a little tired, and after smashing to death a strange ghost crawling on the ground with the Longjing dagger in his hand, he directly sat down on the opponent's body and began to gasp for breath.
He felt that the attack of the strange ghost was too violent, and the casualties of the soldiers would be great if this went on, and he had to find a way to do it! For example, let the dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen's fire dragon come down and help out?
Of course, this is just thinking about it...
The battle between the three giant dragons in the sky is the key to whether the entire Winterfell City can be defended, and he will not make any bad ideas at this critical time.
"I don't worry when it hits. What I worry more about now is how we are going to deal with the big guy outside? It seems...toward our city gate?!"
James didn’t care about his brother Tyrion, but leaned out half of his body and looked out of the city.
Where, there is a huge monster carrying a heavy sledgehammer, walking towards the gate of Winterfell City step by step, and the heavy body of the other party is still on the ground making a deep ‘Boom! Boom! ’Sound, and made countless rockets or dragon crystal arrows continuously nailed to the opponent's body!
However, it may be because the armor on the body is relatively thick, or it may not hurt the vital point, so those attacks cannot effectively kill the opponent...
That kind of body is really too big, it seems to be a monster from the north, the kind of rumored giant that was infected and transformed by a strange ghost after death, just like that giant dragon?
"What did you see?!"
Tyrion lay his feet on the crevice of the city wall. However, he was too short. Before the battlement was high, he could not see anything.
"I think you don't want to know..."
James Lannister swears that even when he is in his best condition, even if his hands are still intact, he will never go to a duel with that kind of huge guy, even if he is given a whole team of 100 people. Lin Tiewei, without a long weapon like a super long spear or a powerful crossbow, he would never stand in front of that kind of monster!
Because, if his freak brother Tyrion is only as high as his thigh, the giant outside is pushing away a few strange ghosts and walking firmly toward the gate of the city, the other's kind Height, I'm afraid that James only reached the knee of the opponent, right?
In front of that monster, I am afraid that there is no need to hit anyone. The opponent can squash the person with one foot, right?
"Is he crazy, how dare he?!"
Before James could come up with a good way to deal with that giant monster, he only saw that a golden ray of sound, holding a warhammer by himself, jumped from the high gate and transformed into A golden whirlwind emptied all the strange ghosts near the gate of Winterfell City in an instant, and then stood on the frozen ground contaminated with all kinds of and faced the huge monster.
‘This world needs hope! ’
‘Let you see the power of Demacia! ! ’
Without waiting for James to explain to his brother Tyrion what happened, after faintly hearing the two guilty sounds from the city gate, a certain dwarf finally gave an'oh', indicating You can probably guess what happened.
The thing that little demon Tyrion Lannister needs to do most now is to quickly bring in a box or a wooden barrel, otherwise, if there is any exciting battle happening later, he will not see it!
Of course. Or maybe it was a guy named Galen who was easily killed by the enemy?
But anyway, all he has to do now is to quickly find something to step up! !

?′╰╯`?? Today, Goddess Day, go to meet Miss Sister...
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