Chapter 651: With a bang, Little Annie made her debut (?????...

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The Red Fort can be said to be the tallest, largest and most well-defended fortress-style building in Junlin City. Its construction can be traced back to Aegon I, the first year of Aegon.
The castle occupies the highest and most dangerous highland in Junlin City. It is built on the mountain at the entrance of Heishui River into Heishui Bay. It is backed by the sea and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It covers an area of ​​about 800,000 square feet. It has a huge castle complex with many exquisite buildings and nearly 2,000 rooms with sound functions, and the entire building is all made of hard stones... It can be said that it is the city of Junlin, and even the entire dimension. There is not one of the most magnificent and magnificent giant buildings in the Stello continent!
This is actually a matter of course!
After all, Junlin City is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Red Fort is the castle and palace where the king lives. It is the royal family and the throne, the seat of the iron throne!
Just because King’s Landing is located on the east coast of Westeros and is built by the sea, Cersei is here, like a courtyard here, but the ground is extremely smooth, and the entire Westeros continent and the Ecuador are depicted in detail above. In the military command post of the detailed topographic map of the free trade city-state on the west coast of Sos, from this window, she can easily overlook the black water bay in the distance, and look at the lush forest to the south. Those luxuriant trees began to drop their leaves and decorated with Kaikai's white snow...
‘No, time is too tight, and the troops are not enough... We only need to occupy the High Court and Green Valley City to go south. The Long Table Fort, Fruit Wine Hall and Baiyang Beach can be completely ignored...’
‘But, Sir! If the troops from Dornland threaten King’s Landing from here, our plan will be disrupted! ’
‘Dorn’s main force is now in the north, they dare not, and there is no extra force to threaten King’s Landing! ’
‘I agree with this! King’s Landing’s defense is not something that Don’s now can look at...’
‘But what about the river bay? ’
"River Bay..."
‘General! I think we only need to go west along Rose Avenue, capture Golden Tree City, Ancient Oak City and Crake Hall all the way, go north to Lannister Port, and regain Kaiyan City by the troops going west along the Golden Avenue! ’
'feasible! ’
‘For the Wind’s Breath on the south, there should be almost fighting now...there is only the east and the north. ’
‘The force is still not enough, and time is too urgent. ’
Now, the military generals and the noble lords behind her Cersei are discussing nervously on the map. Because their highest commander, James Lannister, has gone north to fight the ghosts alone, so now, without a person who can deploy the command in the middle, their efficiency in allocating combat tasks seems somewhat Low, many decisions need to be discussed.
Of course, it's just a bit low, which does not prevent them from sending more troops today to capture the originally planned areas and completely unify the entire southern Westeros continent except for the Kingdom of Dorn. local.
Tired of looking at the monotonous snow scenes outside the window, and feeling that the days of Westeros mainland began to become difficult, the somewhat impatient Cersei finally couldn't help it, so he took a breath and cheered up a little. , Turned his head and looked at the generals behind him who were still discussing some related matters in a low voice:
"Generals, sirs!"
After seeing her speech interrupted their unnecessary disputes and attracted their attention, she continued to say:
"According to the latest information returned by the letter crows, three days ago, the alien ghost army launched a fierce attack on Winterfell for the first time. The two sides can be said to have died and injured each other... Moreover, according to the spy's return, those dragon crystals and flames It has been proved to be able to kill alien ghosts, just find the right way, they are not as scary as the legend..."
"One more good news..."
"It is said that the Dragon Mother... that Daenerys Targaryen and the Night King of the Alien Legion, they have lost both in the first encounter in the Northern Territory three days ago, and the life and death of the Night King is still unknown... …Although the Dragon Mother was lucky enough to be rescued back, but at the same time, she also lost all her dragons!!"
Of course, if the dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon died, this statement may be a bit inaccurate, but what is certain is that among the opponent’s three-headed dragons, there was a long time ago. One was killed by the Night King and the other was transformed. The remaining two were killed and wounded in the decisive battle three days ago... The wounded one is still lying in Winterfell, wailing and recuperating, without a long period of time. If time is restored and treated, it will definitely not fly.
So, she can proudly say here Cersei: ‘The Dragon Mother has lost all her dragons’!
And since then, that woman's dragon can no longer pose any threats to her Cersei's Iron Throne and King's Landing City, and can no longer trouble her!
The dragon mother without the dragon is no different from an ordinary woman, as long as she Cersei completes her own layout one step earlier before the other's dragon recovers.
If her luck is good enough, she doesn’t even need to take action against the woman who dared to peep at her Iron Throne. Only those alien army, which is said to have a terrible number of hundreds of thousands, can easily tear them apart. Stupid guy!
If the people in the north can hurt both sides, it would be perfect...
At that time, as long as there are no flying monsters, Cersei firmly believes: With her more and more army now, with more and more'wildfire' and more throwing equipment, plus it is under urgent research. With her secret weapon, she can, and definitely can wait for work, successfully resist or destroy any enemy going south!
Whether they are the coalition forces in the north or those strange ghosts, they will not be her opponents for Cersei.
At that time, she will still be the queen of King's Landing, the master of the Iron Throne, the guardian of the entire territory of the seven kingdoms, and the queen of the Andals and ancestors!
She will become a legend! !
Of course, it’s still a bit early to dream now, and she needs to complete her own layout sooner, that is, to unify the southern countries and build their relevant defensive front in the north of the Trident River to prevent the enemy's invasion from the north.
"So guys, we need to move faster now, and faster!"
"I ask you to lead your troops out before this afternoon, and make sure that within half a month, before a decisive change in the fighting in the north, follow the Golden Avenue and the Avenue of Roses to the west to recover Kaiyan City and occupy the river bay. !"
"Going north, along the King’s Road, occupy the towns of Harrenburg and the Earl of Harlowway, and at the same time build a fortress south of the intersection of the Trident River to block the main road for the enemy from the north to go south, and no one will be allowed. , Any horse crosses the Trident River that has not frozen yet!"
"Remember, when the time comes, whether you see people or strange ghosts going south, don't easily put them south of us!!"
After explaining the task, walked to the front of the generals and noble knights, and after looking at the map under everyone's feet for a while, Cersei crossed the wind's breath fort in the south and turned to look east.
Because Wind's Breath had already sent troops to the south a few days ago, I am afraid they have already occupied it and are ready to triumph? Because she knows that there are not too many rebels in Wind's Breath that are not willing to surrender to Queen Cersei, and most of them have gone north to Winterfell to fight against ghosts.
Occupying there shouldn't be a big problem, so she doesn't want to pay more attention.
"As for the east..."
"Sir Harry Strykerland, I need your Golden Regiment to cooperate with the Iron Islands fleet and join them to capture Dragonstone Island of Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen! There are not too many troops there, I think , That kind of little things shouldn't bother you, right?"
After arranging the strategy for the southwest and north, Cersei naturally looked at the small island in the east with the color of the enemy, and then looked up at the very fat, not like a general at all. Sir Harry Strickland, head of the Golden Group.
As far as she knows, there are now fewer and fewer troops on Dragonstone Island, and the dragon mother Daenerys’s army, whether it is the Unsullied or Slark cavalry, or the alliance of Don and the Hua family , Have mostly traveled north to the north, now either in Winterfell City or on the way to Winterfell City, there are at most three to five thousand left on Longshi Island, which must not be the gold with 20,000 elites. The opponent of the regiment and the Iron Islands fleet!
"Of course there is no problem!"
"If there is a fleet from the Iron Islands to help, we are confident that we can take this island within a day after landing!!"
After the Golden Commander Sir Harry Strickland looked at the map under his feet, he moved his fat and funny body disapprovingly, and stepped forward two steps slightly, and slightly cruelly stepped on the position of Dragon Stone Island, indicating that he was a little bit. They would not put this humble island in their eyes.
Because above, apart from a castle, there are only a few thousand old, weak, sick and disabled. What he has is a way to take that place with a small price and hand it over to the employer of Queen Cersei.
"I'm sorry, although it will be offensive, my Majesty Queen Cersei, I have to leave you alone...Although I don't know much about commanding and fighting myself, I am afraid that even I can see it: this little dragon Shidao, it is far away from King's Landing, and it is far beyond Blackwater Bay. Even if we occupy it and wipe out the small number of troops above, what's the use?!"
"Look, there are so many islands here. If Daenerys Targaryen goes south by then, her fleet, whether it is on Tidehead Island or Crab Island, will have places where they can land and repair. We don’t have so many troops to defend so many places."
Although Harry Strickland is an incompetent golden regiment leader who is a financial officer, he still has the most basic military qualities... Therefore, although he felt that he was assigned to himself as a simple combat mission, he felt no With too much meaning, he still kindly reminded this Queen Cersei who wanted to occupy all the territory south of the Trident River.
In his Harry's view, the current situation only needs to occupy important strategic points. The insignificant things like Dragon Stone Island can be completely abandoned. You only need to send a fleet to trap the opponent, and then more Putting troops into the north, into the Trident River and the line of Herrenborg, that is the wisest choice!
Of course, he is just a mercenary. If the other party insists, he will definitely not violate the contract and refuse to obey the order!
Because the most honorable part of their Golden Group is: they never break the contract! Their motto is-words are like gold!
"Sir Harry Strickland, I think you might not know yet?"
"There is a very important mineral on Dragon Stone Island, it is called'Dragon Crystal'! In this world, besides flames, the only thing that can easily kill those strange ghosts is the magical one produced on Dragon Stone Island. Black Stone..."
"If the time comes, the one who won the decisive battle in the Northern Territory... is the ghost and not the woman... I think we will definitely use the stones, what do you think?"
Preparing for the last rain is now the first thing that Cersei must consider, such as those dragon crystals. She can't wait until the results of the war in the north are about to appear before rushing to mine and transport. She must start preparing and digging now!
Although, sending troops to attack that dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragon Stone Island is a bit inappropriate, but she must do that! Because, because she refused to send troops north to Winterfell to participate in the Alliance, the Dragon Stone Island has always used this as an excuse to refuse to provide any piece of Dragon Crystal Mine to her kingly forces, which made her very upset and passive.
Therefore, if her Cersei wants to find those dragon crystal mines one day, she must immediately tear her skin and take down the dragon stone island to get the kind of thing she wants!
"It turned out to be like this..."
"Very well, I think I understand... Then, the Golden Group will obey your will, Honorable Majesty Queen Cersei, I will lead my Golden Group to finish boarding this afternoon, and you will be three days later at the latest. Then we will receive the news of victory!"
Nodding, after understanding the reason why the humble island must be taken down as soon as possible, Sir Harry Strikeland, the head of the Golden Group, smiled and patted his chest, saying that he would lead his own army to serve Cersei The queen took down the little dragon stone island, and destroyed all the enemies on it and digging for ore!
Of course, the enemy's strength is really too weak, and there are not many people left behind, so he will not take away all the troops, at most...that is, it is enough to transfer most of the infantry! After all, the cavalry units of the Golden Regiment and those mammoth war elephants do not have much room for combat effectiveness on Longshi Island, so it is better to stay here in King’s Land and save the trouble of shipping and transportation.
"If you don't have any comments, you can prepare now...Remember! In half a month, you only have half a month to complete all that!!"
Seeing that the Lannister generals, the loyal lord nobles of various territories, and the heads of mercenaries had no opinion, Cersei proudly announced the deadline for them to complete the mission and waved. Indicate that they can leave here now to prepare earlier.
"Yes, my majesty!"
"Just wait for our good news!"
Soon, after everyone finally saluted Queen Cersei and promised, they turned their heads and left the room with the topographic map of Westeros on the floor. Only Queen Cersei was left behind her. Sir Robert Strongs, the silent queen's guard.
After there were no outsiders here, Cersei coldly again turned around and looked out the window.
Although the heavy snow has stopped, the weather has become colder and colder... As far as she knows, the fur and cotton wool in the city has become more and more expensive, even if she has ordered the Lannisters The fleet brought back a lot of winter supplies from Essos and free trade city-states, but the supply was in short supply.
Of course, food prices have also started to rise, although it is not too obvious now...
Those are all profiteers hoarding, and she has no good solutions in a short period of time...because she needs to put more energy on the north, on fighting with the dragon mother and the strange ghost! Only when there was a victory and defeat among the three parties, she would free her hands to take care of civil affairs.
So now, she can only let King's Landing and her own land temporarily maintain the status quo, and dare not do any extra things.
I just don't know. In the future, if the three-party hegemony struggles to produce no results, what kind of apocalyptic scene will be like when King comes here? !
and also,
Under the severe cold winter, the Heishui River in the south and the vast expanse of Heishui Bay, like the White Blade River and Bite Bay further north, will gradually be iced by the severe cold weather. seal? Then, by then, will more people be starved and frozen to death?
despair! despair! despair!
"Annie, you said... Am I doing something wrong now?"
There was a burst of brisk footsteps, and Cersei didn’t have to look back. She knew who came here just by listening to that sound... So, she who didn’t look back, was like talking to herself. While continuing to look at the scenery outside the window, he asked in a low voice.
It’s obviously inappropriate to use this kind of question to ask a child, but now that she can talk to the queen of King’s Landing and her Cersei Lannister, it can also make her speak out. There seemed to be few people who spoke.
And the little girl who ran to her to play wild behind became one of the few choices.
?(?д??;)?? ?
Just about to look at the map on the ground to see what's interesting, Little Annie was naturally confused by Aunt Cersei who asked her abruptly.
"What did you do wrong? Did you do anything bad just now?!"
Little Annie was not here just now, and it was after seeing a large group of weird scorpions in armor leaving the place in a file, she found it interesting and then ran in to find out... So, she heard the question from the aunt Cersei After speaking, he blinked his eyes and did not continue to look at the big map drawn on the floor at his feet, but curiously leaned to the aunt Cersei's side, tilted his head, and stared at the tangled and cold one. Behind the face of Dama, he asked strangely.
She found that this castle is getting boring now, and there is nothing interesting here. After a while, when the weather here gets a little bit colder, maybe she will go to another world again. Wandering.
"Now those people in the north are fighting with the strange ghosts, but now I am sending out troops to attack their territories... Annie, do you think I am a very bad kind of person?"
In this matter, Cersei herself felt a bit too much...
It can be imagined that if these things spread out in the future, she will definitely get more infamy, right?
Like the kind of "Cersei", "Evil Queen", "Vicious Woman", "Incest Person", etc., those titles have already been spread among the people of King's Landing and the Seven Kingdoms...and wait until they are unified. After the territory south of the Trident River, I am afraid that more infamy will continue to be added to her head, obviously, it must be!
She does not regret everything she has done, including what she is doing now and what she will do in the future!
Just like that many years ago, when Ed Stark took over as the king's hand, during the investigation of the cause of Jon Aylin's death, she discovered her secret, she said to the other party:
‘In the Game of Thrones, if you are not a winner, there is only a dead end, there is no intermediate zone of relaxation. ’
Regarding this point, Cersei has always believed in it, and has been strictly asking herself to do this, especially after the thing about the big sparrow! But at the beginning, that taken for granted Ed? Stark, that innocent fellow, that guardian of the North who hesitated to do anything, hesitated to do things, had already separated his body and died for many years!
"Why are you going to attack their territory? Is there anything delicious or fun in their territory?"
Little Annie doesn't care why this aunt Cersei is going to fight other people's territory. Anyway, she has never done anything to rob someone else's territory! Even, what she did was much crazier than this aunt Cersei grabbing territory on this small continent!
She grabbed an entire plane of others (the land of flames), and robbed an empire of other people's homes and countless planets (the Mengsk Empire)! But now, this piece of Westeros continent and this broken planet, she-sama Queen Anne simply looks down!
Of course, if this aunt Cersei is going to grab something delicious and fun in those sites, maybe she will help or something?
As for whether that kind of thing is good or not, she won't care about it. What does it matter to her? !
"That's not..."
"However, in order to fight against strange ghosts, to welcome the coming winter, and to enable most people to live in the future, I have to do that!!"
Although the reason sounds far-fetched, in Cersei's view, what he is doing now is really extremely correct! Because now is the best time for her to unify the South, when the entire Westeros continent, or most of the Westeros continent, will only listen to her voice!
When the time comes, no matter what she does, she will be able to handle it, and she will no longer be held back by others.
For example: She can easily assemble the human and material resources of the entire continent, so that all the people can survive this long cold winter and resist the ghosts in the north, without worrying about anyone's excuse and resistance?
Annie didn't talk, because she couldn't understand the thoughts of Aunt Cersei as an adult...
Anyway, if you change to her, you can fight as much as you want. Where can I manage so many? As for the excuses, ‘I think other people’s things are better than my own, so I want them very much.’ Is this the best reason?
"Perhaps, Cersei Lannister will become a sinner forever?"
Yes, Cersei felt that in case she messed up, there was no winner in the end, and the whole continent was occupied by ghosts going south, and everyone would be killed or had to flee to Essos, presumably, she He will definitely become the sinner of the ages nailed to the pillar of shame!
Of course, if in the end she failed to defeat Daenerys Targaryen, who could defeat the ghost and go south, presumably, her Cersei would also be written in the history book of the school city and become The selfish mad queen who refuses to face the enemies of the entire continent together, but hides behind, drags her legs and smashes the'friends'?
"But, Aunt Cersei, what is an eternal sinner?"
"It means being scolded by everyone, blamed by everyone, spurned by the whole world..."
Yes, as long as Cersei fails, she will definitely become like that, become a sinner forever, even if she is dead, I am afraid that she will not be peaceful...
"Oh... then let them scold them. You won't die if you are scolded, just pretend not to hear!"
How complicated does Annie think it is, it turned out to be just like this?
This is too simple!
In the eyes of her great Queen Anne, this kind of little thing is really too simple! Those stupid guys, scold if they want to scold, or talk if they want! As long as they dare not do anything to themselves, what can be done if the curse is bad?
Of course, the premise is that she can't be heard by her, otherwise, hum...
See these flames?
If you want to scold someone, Annie also knows that she must have been scolded by many, many people!
But, anyway, she can’t be heard by her, the greatest and greatest Queen Anne, who has never made a mistake. Otherwise, she will definitely send those nasty guys a fire meal? of!
In short, it's probably like this. Her Lady Anne just cares about being happy. What about other people's opinions? If she is Aunt Cersei, as long as she is a good thing, just grab it. Anyway, she is the queen, she is the biggest!
"Ha! That's right!"
Frozen, Cersei turned her head in a little astonishment and looked down at a certain minor. After a while, she suddenly smiled and nodded in relief.
"I understand……"
"Thank you Annie, I now seem to know what I should do!!"
After taking the first two steps, Cersei gently stroked the other's beautiful blond hair like the little daughter Messala who was touching her, and after she tidied the messy hair slightly, Cersei He took a heavy breath, turned around and took his guard, Sir Robert Strongs, and left the combat command room.
Now, she needs to take care of some of her things that she hasn't made up her mind to do before. Even if she is infamy, she will do it without hesitation and will never waver easily.
However, what she never expected was that Cersei was enlightened by a little girl...
However, what the other party said is correct. She really doesn’t have to worry about what others think of her, as long as she works hard to do her own thing, works hard to unify the Westeros continent and ensure that most of the people here can live in If she can survive the winter that has come, she must be the righteous side!
As for the evaluation of others, that is irrelevant...
Besides, now her Cersei Lannister's style is already bad, she has the right to treat it as a broken jar, and it won't get worse anyway, let the stupid guys scold her!
(??д?) b! ?
"Did someone just say anything interesting? Why did that Aunt Cersei suddenly become so energetic?!!!"
To be honest, Annie was just talking about it casually. She herself didn't seem to understand things. Why did the other party suddenly understand?
Knew it…..
Adults or something, it's really a weird thing, it looks weird... Anyway, she shouldn't grow up! !
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Let's go! Let's go somewhere else to play..."
Annie just wanted to take her little bear and leave the ruined place where no one was there. When she ran to another part of the palace to have fun, she suddenly stopped, then tilted her head, and carefully sensed something coming from the north. Fluctuations... the kind of energy felt weak here, but she still noticed it.
Because she is the omnipotent Queen Anne, so she is very sensitive to certain things!
∑(′△`)? !
"Tibbers, the kind of energy fluctuation that suddenly came from the north is so familiar, who would it be? Ah! I see, it turns out to be an annoying Galen!!"
Suddenly, Annie discovered that she herself had vaguely perceived the north, that is, the place near Winterfell in the north of the map in the Red Fort of King's Landing under her feet. Anyway, it was the north, and she was faintly aware A familiar energy fluctuates?
Then soon, she could tell who the guy emitting the energy fluctuations would be, and she seemed to remember it suddenly, remembering why she herself came into this world.
(Respected little master, the little one almost thought that you have forgotten that Galen...
I’m sorry, how many days it has been... until now did this horrible little master finally remember someone who had been chanting and praying her name... This made Tibbers think that if the other party had anything to die for If it's something like 100,000 or 100,000 urgent things, when the little master remembers it, maybe he can prepare the corpse or resurrection for the other party? )
"How could you forget? Don't talk nonsense, little bear! People just didn't have time to remember for a while, they didn't forget him!!"
That's right, Queen Anne has such a good memory, how could she forget it? At most, it's just that she didn't have time to remember... Anyway, it's Jiangzi's!
(Little there any difference between this "I didn't remember" and "Forgot"?)
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Of course!"
"Go! Tibbers, let's go to the north to see the excitement and see who is bullied by Galen?!"
After speaking, little Annie, who sensed something interesting on the north side of the mainland, could no longer stay in this empty room. Instead, she picked up her little bear and ran outside. go with.
If it's late, maybe there will be no fun or interesting excitement to watch. She has to hurry up.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)

In the northern land, the fierce battle continues...
The roar of strange ghosts, the screaming of human beings, the collision of weapons, and the sound of swords, axes, swords and halberds hitting the human body are thought to become a piece near the wall of Winterfell...the place where you can see is full of endless fire. ... The broken corpse and the bright red blood stained the original white snow near the city head, and there was no sign of stopping.
As time goes by, the attacks of the strange ghosts have become stronger!
Countless ghosts, stepping on one by one, desperately, against the kerosene, clay pots, dragon crystal weapons and arrows, etc. of the soldiers of Winterfell, climbing desperately on the wall...
Countless sections of the city wall were successfully submerged by the aliens, and were quickly counterattacked by the human soldiers of Winterfell, and then lost again...Although the aliens’ offensive was crazy, but within a short time, They obviously have no chance of breaking through the city wall and attacking Winterfell.
Three days ago, the alien ghost army retreated a long distance north, and they have been confronting Winterfell City. They neither left nor continued south, as if they were waiting for something.
Then today, they really moved...
Those strange ghost army, after they assembled a larger number of troops, they once again encircled here to the south of Winterfell!
Moreover, this time, their offensive was even more fierce, cruel and ruthless!
At this moment, the number of them has increased. Looking towards the snowy field, you can't see the side at a glance!
The number of strange ghosts can be described as dense and boundless...
The most terrible thing is that they also surrounded the four walls of the entire Winterfell this time, leaving no way or hope for the people in the city, and they made it clear that they would directly wipe out the resistance here in the northern border!
Although, in the past three days, Winterfell has received a lot of coalition troops and a large amount of supplies... But now, most of the generals, including the mother of dragon Daenerys Targaryen Queen , King of the North, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and a certain big Galen who didn’t work hard, and so on. They didn’t think much of them on this side of Winterfell. I believe how long they can hold on.
On their side of Winterfell, they have lost all the dragons. The severely injured dragon Zhuo Geng will definitely not be able to fly within a year or a half. At this moment, it can only stay in the city and moan weakly to recover. Waiting for the verdict of fate.
The opposite is: the enemy's dragon, the alien dragon, but it was not burned to death! !
Even if the opponent’s dragon, the Vesselion that was resurrected by the alien and turned into an alien now looks tattered, the wing membranes of the opponent’s huge wings appear one after another big holes, and the whole skin is covered. Burning and corroding, even the huge and hideous skeleton is exposed...
However, it can still fly, and the ice-blue dragon Yan in the chest and abdomen, which represents the power of darkness, coldness and death, can still spit unscrupulously!
And this is the real reason why everyone is pessimistic and desperate right now, and they don't have much hope of defending Winterfell! !
"Hey~! ! ’
At this time, there was a stern roar from the sky, and then... an icy blue flame of death fell from the sky, emptied and swallowed hundreds of soldiers and countless precious materials on a large section of the city wall. Those cups, oil pans, etc. exploded and burned violently.
A large section of the city wall, hundreds of lives, before even a horrible cry, was buried under the dragon flames of the different dragon...
Fortunately, it may be due to the various fuels that were blasted and burned. The ghosts of that section of the city wall did not dare to climb up rashly. Finally, the generals who commanded the city were relieved and prepared. Waiting for the opportunity to continue to send troops to plug the gap.
But anyway, in this situation, it seems that defeat is doomed.
In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the city wall was built of stone, and it wasn't made of mud and ice like the Great Wall of Impasse, I'm afraid Winterfell City would have already been broken by strange ghosts!
And now, unless...
They can find the opportunity to destroy the enemy's dragon, otherwise, it will only delay the time of failure.
However, under the circumstances that their two giant dragons died and the other injured, in the distressed environment without any flying equipment and no effective anti-aircraft weapons, what did they do to fight the high altitude flight and gliding in the sky, And the monster that keeps breathing the terrible flames of death? !
"Bah! We must think of a way, we must kill the dragon!!"
After Tyrion Lannister stabbed to death an alien ghost who climbed up with a awkward sword, he watched the alien dragon fly high, and then swooped down, and it was emptied and burned with a single breath. After more than a hundred defenders were submerged in the horrible icy blue flames and transformed them into ghosts with only skeletons left, he yelled out this.
However, before he wanted to continue to say something, another group of ferocious ghosts climbed up the city wall. They are like endless, almost covering all the outer walls of the city wall, just stepping on the other, using their hands and feet together. Roaring, climbed up desperately... Their filthy bodies and ugly shapes are like a blanket of evil clinging to the huge stone wall of Winterfell, they look evil and deadly. .
"Kill that dragon?"
"You're talking about lightness, how do you kill it? Or, we put you on the trebuchet, and then throw you up, see if you can use the dragon crystal dagger in your hand to cut it off Big head?!"
"Anyway, if you are small, you will definitely lose a lot!"
After James Lannister smashed a strange ghost who wanted to approach with a sword with one hand, he mocked his little brother Tyrion in grief.
Everyone knows that if you want to defend Winterfell, you must kill the alien dragon, but what can they do with the other thing that can fly?
"My brother, your joke is not funny at all!!"
The shield was used to block the hacking attack of a rotten ghost with only bones. When the opponent's rusty axe nailed his wooden shield, the wooden handle of the axe was directly broken into two pieces due to excessive force. Later, Tyrion seized the opportunity and cut off the opponent's bones and joints with a sword. When the opponent fell to the ground, he stabbed his dragon crystal dagger into the opponent's eye socket to terminate the opponent.
Then, after he could finally breathe a little, he scolded his brother James angrily.
"Tyrion is right, we must find a way to solve the alien dragon, otherwise we will lose!"
"If this continues, our soldiers will soon collapse!!"
Watching the enemy's dragon once again roared and swooped down, and easily solved their entire squad of dozens of reserve teams, Jon Snow, who was also slashing at the strange ghost, couldn't help himself. Began to worry.
The situation is really urgent now. If the alien dragon cannot be solved, even if they already have more than 100,000 troops in their city, they will definitely not be able to defend the Winterfell City with its tall and tough walls.
"It's useless, Jon, we can't beat it!"
"I just tried it. I organized a group of longbowmen to shoot it... But as a result, it swooped down one by one, and all the longbowmen died. Those long arrows with dragon crystal arrows were nailed to it. It's useless at all!!"
Jon’s iron rod, that Sir Davos Seaworth also wears black and red blood stains and burn marks, holding a dragon crystal axe and a dragon crystal short blade in each hand, after slashing several strange ghosts. , Rushed to the head of this city violently, and reported griefly.
Just now, if he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, I'm afraid he would have been burned directly by the alien dragon in a fire just like the batch of longbowmen and became a member of the evil ghost army.
"It's really over. No one of us can deal with that alien dragon. As long as it is still flying in the sky, as long as it doesn't fall, we can't do anything with it!"
"But maybe he can..."
At this time, the fight has stopped, and the little demon Tyrion Lannister who took the time to carry the shield sighed, then turned his head and motioned everyone to look at the heavy warhammer in the distance, all over his body. With golden light, invincible among a group of strange ghosts, said the figure who almost killed the enemy on the wall about a few hundred yards in just a back and forth charge.
No need to look closely, almost everyone knows that it must be Galen, the power of Galen de Marcia! That is a noble knight with the power of justice, and the only one!
Three days ago, the other party used that magical golden ‘Holy Light’ to rescue Queen Daenerys Targaryen of the Allied Forces!
And if anyone can fight the alien dragon, or kill and solve the demon flying in the air, there is probably only that guy.
"He... he really seems to have some good way, and is now deliberately attracting the attention of the alien dragon?!"
Even far away, the little demon Tyrion Lannister could see that the galen knight seemed to be deliberately making his own vigor, not only exuding golden light, but also very sulky. From time to time, the earth shone the golden beam of light towards groups of alien ghosts, or turned into a golden whirlwind, directly crushing all enemies who dared to approach him...
There must be a reason why the other party did that, and it is not difficult to guess.
Therefore, the little demon Tyrion believed that as long as the alien dragon eye in the sky was not blind, he would definitely pay attention to the galen knight who was massacring alien ghosts!
That's right, the situation is exactly like what a certain little devil said, Galen, he is indeed attracting the attention of that alien dragon!
If he doesn't do that, this Winterfell City will definitely be unstoppable! Originally, this aboriginal ruined city could not be defended. Galen didn't want to care about it. After all, he and these people are not too familiar, right?
However, now, when the ghosts have surrounded the entire Winterfell, even if he wants to run, he can't do anything! With him alone, even if he flees desperately south, it is estimated that the situation will be almost the same as before, and he will probably be trapped alive and exhausted by the enemy...
So in desperation, if he still wants to survive, he can only find a way to kill the alien dragon first, and then let these natives be able to defend this broken city, and then... he can find the opportunity to take advantage of the strange ghost. When the city was besieged again, spread his feet and ran to the south, far from this dangerous north, far from this winter city?
Anyway, he Galen, the dignified five-star general of the Federation, definitely didn't want to die here with a group of natives aggrieved, dying in the hands of the living dead who came back to life.
"Hey~! ! ! ’
Suddenly, the alien dragon in the sky, the other side's special sharp neighing howl, finally came from far and near...
Sure enough!
After easily smashing a large group of strange ghosts that rushed to the city with a trial, Galen looked up and found the huge guy in the sky. The opponent seemed to be turning and swooping in his direction. come?
Therefore, after discovering that his plan took effect, Galen quickly put a courage shield on himself, enclosing himself in a translucent CMC armored power combat uniform-style shield with almost visible shape, and put his own After the recognition became higher, he jumped from the top of the city towards the dense group of strange ghosts in front of the city gate.
Trial! !
The play must be a complete set, and too many ghosts around will also affect his actions. Therefore, while Galen secretly condensed Demacia’s righteous power to prepare for a big move, he was also at the moment of landing. , Violently waving his solid and durable solid warhammer made of ordinary steel, the whole person once again transformed into a golden whirlwind, and madly strangled in the endless formation of the ghost army stand up.
In an instant, the golden light and energy group continuously exploded beside Galen. In less than five seconds, he opened the trial and fully fired, and he easily emptied the gate of Winterfell. There are at least one to two thousand strange ghosts in an area as big as a football field.
Okay, maybe it's also because there are too many strange ghosts, and the density of enemies crowded here is too high? But anyway, his crazy style of play once again shocked the generals and soldiers on the city’s head in a daze, making them almost think that he Galen was going to kill all the people in the city with ten thousand enemies. What a ghost!
"Hey~! ! ! ’
The angry roar sounded in the sky again, and it was very close!
finally come! ?
As soon as he looked up, Galen found that the head was diving on himself, and had a huge mouth that was terrifying and hideous, and the throat and the exposed chest and abdomen were full of violent ice blue evil power. Dragon!
After adding a shield of courage to himself for the first time, Galen began to condense the power of his whole body onto the heavy and sturdy warhammer that his hands clasped tightly, making his body and the weapons in his hand shiny and golden. .
"Hey~! ! ! ’
In the next second, the breath of the violent, icy blue evil power of the enemy Dragon spewed out and instantly flooded Galen's body...
At the same time, amidst the icy blue evil power, a loud voice began to resound through most of Winterfell's battlefield.
"Accept the sanctions, Demacia!!!"
When Galen's body was submerged by the evil dragon flames, and the moment the huge slogan sounded through the battlefield, a huge golden sword fell from the sky, and hit the diving breath firmly, and it was very close to the ground. Above the ferocious head of the alien dragon that is very close!
Rumble! ! ! !
The huge explosion sound shook and trembled at the moment the strong golden light broke Then, while the endless dust, snowflakes and other debris were blown into the sky to form a small mushroom cloud , The golden blazing light burst from the golden sword, like a small sun, directly flooded the entire battlefield...
In an instant, the earth was shaking, and countless ghosts that were too close were melted and corroded by the sacred and righteous power, turning into useless bones and scattered on the vast snowy field.
Only this time, at least tens of thousands of alien ghosts were wiped out by the golden holy light, and tens of thousands of alien ghosts farther away were corroded and weakened by the power of justice! But it is a pity that the base of the strange ghosts is really too large, and the loss of tens of thousands is meaningless to them...
Galen made an all-out effort, directly blasting a Protoss mothership to the ground, and once again appeared in the northern border of the continent of Westeros, at the north gate of Winterfell... ...Except that he smashed his great sword on the crystal of the ship's hull while others were not paying attention, but now he directly smashed a flying death dragon.. ....head on?
"Oh oh..."
"It's over! It seems you missed a little bit by accident?"
When everyone was shocked by the miraculous sight and was almost blinded by the strong golden light, there was a sound of regret and some trembling with fear, and it exploded from the group. Floating out of the light group.
Obviously, it belongs to the voice of some Galen knight...
However, due to being too far away, no one on the wall can hear it.

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
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