Chapter 652: ? (ψ ?????) ???

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After the bang, when the chaotic explosion airflow gradually calmed down, when the dazzling golden light slowly dissipated, and when everyone’s almost blind eyes finally recovered, on the northern wall of Winterfell Those kings, lords, nobles, and the soldiers who were able to take time to repair after the fierce battle found in amazement:
In the distance, not far from the north gate of Winterfell, where the galen knight was, the terrifying explosion had formed a shallow snow radiating outward from a place that was blown up by bright light. The pit... and in that huge snow pit, there was originally almost knee-deep thick snow, which seems to have melted, and the dark and fertile black soil belonging to the north has been exposed...
In a large area of ​​sight from the big snow pit, countless strange ghosts no longer stood in place, but turned into real corpses and bone fragments, almost uniformly falling down on their original The place where he stood, still motionless, was obviously dead.
Of course, in addition to that, in the middle of the shallow pit, besides the Warhammer Knight Galen who was standing still emitting a faint golden light, there was also a huge and hideous head that fell down in a deformed posture. The dead ghost dragon on the ground.
That's right, it is very accurate to describe it as a corpse!
Now it, the monster that was originally flaunting its might above Winterfell, and spitting out the dark, cold, and deadly flames cruelly, it once slaughtered at least three to five thousand defenders with its flying ability. At this time, the body of the Allosaurus has become more broken... and even the wing membranes of its wings have completely disappeared, and the body is almost completely devoid of skin and flesh, leaving a huge tangled and broken bones. Drooping in the huge mud pit that was blown out by the golden light.
Just for watching, the defenders on the front of the city knew that even if the opponent was not dead, they would definitely not be able to fly or breathe.
‘Wow! ! ’
‘Good job! ! ’
'victory! victory! ! ’
‘God of War Galen! God of War Galen! ’
‘Justice will prevail! Justice will prevail! ! ’
'Mars! Mars! ! Mars! ! ! ’
‘God of War, Galen, God of War, Galen, God of War, God of War...’
Soon, the soldiers on the front of the city were silent for a while. After everyone on the front of the city in this area saw clearly what was happening on the ground outside the city, they didn’t know who took the lead. Countless soldiers, large and small generals, noble lords, as if they had completely defeated the ghosts, raised their arms and shouted hysterically.
This is indeed something to celebrate!
Because, for this world with gods, for ordinary people like them, the huge golden sword that fell from the sky by the galen knight outside just now killed the strange ghost with just one blow. The giant dragon swept away the ghosts in a large area outside the city gate in one fell swoop. That was indeed a real god-like method!
and so,
The righteous knight Galen, to these soldiers who desperately need spiritual sustenance under the coercion of the massive alien army to gain the confidence to defeat the enemy, is indeed a genuine existence like a god!
That golden figure,
That is their God of War, who can be seen, touched, and trusted! !
"It's a miraculous attack..."
Standing on the barrel, the big head of the little demon Tyrion Lannister, who was lying on the crenel, and the big mouth above it were comically open. He stared at the outside of the city gate dumbfoundedly. After a long while, he finally closed his big mouth, murmured something like this.
"You said... that giant dragon, it should be completely dead now?!"
Although Tyrion knew that it seemed redundant to ask, he still couldn't help thinking about it.
Because, last time, the dragon was burned badly by their Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon, and it fell to the northern wasteland with flames and smoke all over it... that At that time, everyone thought that the other party was dead!
But the result?
It's only been three short days. Today, the other party came to their Winterfell to wreak havoc here, and the performance was not worse than before, far better than the side that is still lying in the city to recuperate. Known as the most powerful dragon Zhuo Geng!
So and so, so that in Tyrion's opinion, he would always feel a little uneasy if he didn't tear down and smash the bones of the alien dragon below.
"It must be dead for the kind of blow just now, it can never be alive!!"
Known as the Earl of Rainforest and the Onion Knight, Davos? Seaworth didn't believe much in gods. Whether it was the Seven Gods or the King of Light, or anything else, he didn't believe it!
Not only did he not believe in the so-called gods, but for some reason, he also had a strong aversion to the red-robed priest Melisandre and the King of Light! He has always hated the guys who would only ask mortals like them to make cruel sacrifices and believe in them, but they are reluctant to give back!
but now……
After seeing that "Justice Knight" Galen just now seemed like a miracle... No, it should be said that it must be a miracle-like extraordinary attack method, he Davos now, is really a bit and believes that there is something in the world. Justice and a worthy of faith.
That is—? ? ?
Okay, now Sir Davos? Seaworth doesn't know what the name of the of Galenism is... Maybe it's the kind of ‘Demacian justice’? Or is it the so-called "Holy Light"?
If there really is such a god, he Dafos believes that he must be able to convince himself and ask himself to believe in such an existence.
King of the North, Jon Xuenuo, pondered, not eager to speak.
Now, in shock, he just stared at the Galen knight on the ground over there who was still on alert with the warhammer, as if he wanted to know why the other party did it.
After all, anyone with a discerning eye can now see that the opponent must have won the battle against the dragon! Even the countless ghosts in the surrounding area have been affected and eliminated!
But right now, the other party did not show the slightest victory or joy, but still holding a weapon on guard... Then, the reason why the other party reacted like this, could it be that the alien dragon was burned so badly last time? , This time, under this more massive and violent attack, he still hasn't completely died yet? !
And because of this, now that Jon is shocked, he is also very worried...
Even that Galen needs to be cautious and alert, it will definitely not be easy to deal with! Perhaps, the alien dragon is really alive, and the other party will fly up and spit out the terrible dragon flames, raging above their winter city until their city is broken and destroyed?
"The monster dragon must be dead! But other things may still be alive!"
"Pay attention, is there something moving on the back of that alien dragon, among those bones?!"
At this time, James Lannister, who was holding a sword in his left hand and wearing a fake metal glove on his wrist in the mobile game, was the first to spot the thing Galen was on guard...Although the distance was a little far away, he could still see Come out: That seems to be the guy who has been riding on the back of the dragon, and the other party has survived the golden energy explosion?
Who is that guy?
"That's... the Night King!!"
After James' reminder, King of the North Jon also reacted.
Then, he finally remembered that on the back of the dragon of the alien ghost, there was indeed an alien general who had been riding! It's just that they were both troubled by the breath of the alien dragon before, and they subconsciously ignored the threat and existence of the other side.
Obviously, compared to the flying alien dragon, the Night King, who has the power of darkness, coldness, and death, can resurrect alien ghosts, and even resurrect alien dragons, and almost represents the entire alien ghost army. It should be the existence they should be most vigilant for and need to face up to!
"So he is the Night King..."
The little demon Tyrion Lannister, who was lying on the crevice of the city wall, obviously saw the figure struggling to get up from the pile of giant dragon bones, and could not help but recalled the various rumors about the Night King.
it's said……
In that unbelievable story, the Night King is actually from the Stark family of Winterfell, and the name is also'Bran', who has the same name and surname as Bran Stark, who also has special abilities. ? And according to the rumors, the Night King Bran, he is still the thirteenth commander-in-chief of the Night Watch Corps that has existed for more than eight thousand years, and he is also a fearless and powerful warrior!
Like almost all dog-blood stories!
One day, Bran, the commander-in-chief of the night watchman, the Bran who had sworn "no wife, no fief, no children", fell in love with a "skin as pale as the moon, eyes like blue stars... ...A woman with cold skin like ice?
With pale skin and blue eyes, it is obviously a ghost!
Of course, there are also legends, that woman is the incarnation of the cold god?
But no matter what the woman was, in the end, the Night King who had renounced his oath was defeated. He was defeated and killed by his own brothers, the King of the North and Qiaoman, the King beyond the Great Wall...
After that, without knowing the reason, all the records about the Night King were destroyed, and the real name of the Night King began to become a taboo...Until accidentally, the little demon Tyrion accidentally appeared in an ancient book What do you see, the'story record' that seems to scare a child?
Before coming to the North, before learning about the existence of alien ghosts, Tyrion really believed that the existence of so-called alien ghosts and night kings were just brainless and funny conversation stories...
But now when I think about it carefully, it seems that all those things are really true? !
However, these things are not important anymore. Now the little devil Tyrion only knows that they must be in big trouble this time! Although, this big trouble has always existed...
This time, it may really be over...
With both hands tightly grasping the heavy and heavy steel solid warhammer in his hands, looking at the pale dead face with crown-like horns on his head, even if the armor on his body was attacked by him just now It was blown to pieces, but the body was abnormally intact, and the enemy who was pushing away the huge ribs of a giant dragon to crawl out of the enemy, Galen couldn't help secretly crying out in his heart.
At this time, I found that the other party did not care about Galen’s reaction, but was staring at him with a pair of eyes that were even deeper and bluer than ordinary ghosts, and then he was still holding a blue crystal spear in his hand. The King of Ghosts who walked towards him step by step, Galen knew that he really had a big deal!
Although his demacia's great sword of justice just smashed his face into the face of the alien dragon and completely killed the big guy... However, under the power of that violent justice, under those holy lights Among the explosion damage, the King of Ghosts, who is so close to the center of the explosion, that it can even be said to have been directly included, seems to have nothing at all now, which can explain some things.
"This sir..."
"I guess, you should be the one called the Night King, right? Look, our troops have been fighting for almost two hours before and after, and your men were accidentally killed so many by me just now...or else ......You go back to reorganize the army first, and I will also go back to have lunch. Let's rest for a few days and wait for a good rest for a few days before continuing the fight?!"
Although looking at the other's face, Galen knew that this kind of proposal was a little unlikely, but...
Just now after he himself released the great sword of justice of Demacia, his body was extremely empty and weak, and the power of justice in his body was only less than one-third, and it felt like his body was hollowed out... in this state. To face off against someone else's king is obviously irresponsible for his own life!
Therefore, if possible, he Galen, the five-star admiral of the Kepru region, and the commander of the combined fleet in the capital region of the Haven Star, must hope that he can go back and repair for a period of him. Status and status, now running to this backward and ignorant planet to fight with a group of natives is a shameful thing, but if you accidentally lose the fight, you will definitely be laughed at by the guy Delaeus Lost teeth, right?
Of course, the premise is that he still has his life to go back alive.
It's a pity that Galen's proposal did not make the Night King's expression fluctuate at all. He still held the chilling ice spear with one hand, and let out an unexplained cold snort in his throat, staring firmly. The dragon that just killed him, wiped out countless ghosts under his command, and weakened the chief culprit of his hundreds of thousands of troops with those strange lights!
That human being is very powerful, unprecedentedly powerful, but... his Night King is not too scared.
Because he has his backing...
When Winter comes, in this northern land shrouded by the power of the cold god, he is the incarnation of the god, and he is the invincible existence!
And this is exactly the main reason why he was still in the center of that kind of intense Holy Light explosion in such an explosion just now!
Of course, it cannot be said that it was unscathed...
Just now, he almost really died!
Under the scorching, sacred light shining on, he was seriously damaged...If he was directly hit by the golden sword that soared to the ground, he would definitely be seriously injured even if he didn't die...It's a pity, His enemies did not distinguish between the priority and the subordinate, but chose to attack his dragon directly, giving him the opportunity to directly use the power of Cold God to recover himself instantly after the explosion was over.
Therefore, in the Westeros continent where the winter has arrived...
In a place shrouded by the power of the cold god, his power of darkness, coldness, and death is endless! That kind of power will continue until the end of winter! Before that, no one will be his opponent!
from now on,
His Night King, the on this Westeros continent now, overlooks the existence of all creatures.
"Hit it, grandma is a bear, who is afraid of whom?!"
Seeing that the other party didn't mean to compromise at all, seeing the strange ghosts farther away stepped on their bodies of the same kind again and slowly pressed towards this side, Galen's heart was ruthless, and he was covering himself. After gaining a shield of courage, he began to concentrate on his guard, preparing for a head-on duel with the legendary king of ghosts.
Fatal blow! !
It’s impossible for Galen to not understand the principle of being strong first and then suffering. Therefore, after seeing that the opponent is still walking towards him slowly and without the intention to attack first, his heart is ruthless and directly burst out his remnants. With little power, the warhammer in his hand trembles and bursts of violent golden light, then he picks up the hammer and lifts it high, rushing forward suddenly, facing the opponent's ugly head like a crown. Smashed past.
clang! ! !
A sound similar to the collision of metal and metal sounded, and the golden light aftermath exploded at the weapon encounter, and then Galen once again found helplessly: the opponent raised the horizontal ice crystal that seemed to be broken with one hand. The spear, unexpectedly intercepted his own heavy blow intact?
puff! !
In the next second, there was a muffled sound, and the shield of courage on Galen broke directly!
Immediately afterwards, a foot wearing a ragged armored boot hit his abdomen viciously, and kicked him directly...Even his warhammer was thrown away, still spinning. , Fell heavily into the thick snow in the distance, and disappeared directly...
Bang! !
After a muffled sound of the human body landing, Galen got up for the first time, and while covering his abdomen with his left hand, holding back the sharp pain and vomiting, he looked at him with a little aghast. Aboriginal leader who came step by step.
That Zeratul said before was right. He Galen, without the assistance of a dedicated CMC armored powered combat uniform, is far less powerful than his physical body, whether it is strength or physique. Cutting-edge Protoss battle masters!
The humans in the Kepulu region really rely too much on weapons and various types of armor that are extremely powerful in defense and strength. They often lack sufficient training on the basis of physical evolution. This is why the insect swarms and stars The reason why the spirits can easily crush their humans in terms of physique... But, no matter how bad it is, it will not even be able to beat an indigenous monster now, right?
Seeing the Night King step by step towards him, Galen couldn't accept this cruel fact.
Just as Galen was thinking about whether he would run towards the city wall with his legs, let the guys who have been watching the excitement help, or run to the other side to dig out his own hammer and continue to fight the other side for a while, Suddenly, he was surprised to discover: That Night King, the other party actually condensed a cup of ice the size of his head in his hand, and then made it rush toward him like a cannonball?
Huh! !
Only had time to put a courage shield on himself, and then he just wanted to be short to evade, he was smashed through the defense by the icy cone that came as a surprise and hit his shoulder severely, making him again Once flew out towards the rear...
Fortunately, Galen, the'Justice Knight', this guy who has been misguided in the study of the holy optics, for many years, under the slow transformation of that powerful holy light power, his own anti-strike ability is indeed very strong, no better than Ai. The paladins in the world of Xerath were far behind, so he quickly got up from the snow and spit out icy scum on the ground viciously.
Oh, let me go, come back? !
Before Galen could think about what he should do, another ice cone whistled and smashed at him, and he would never give up unless he was killed.
Fortunately, this time he used the shield of courage as a buffer to avoid dangerously when he was preparing again.
"You wait for me!"
"If one day I can return to Kepulu, if I don't throw a hundred and eighty fusion bombs on your head, I will be a commander of the combined fleet of the capital star area in Galen! !"
After avoiding it, Galen, who was bitter in his heart, finally couldn't help but threatened.
Although Galen is not without other long-range attack methods, but... he knows that such tricks are useless against the Night King! Because, the other party gave him the feeling that he was a bit like a guy like Eamon, his breath was chaotic, chaotic and evil?
Of course, it must be less powerful than Eamon, but it must be better than Galen!
"I'll go, come back?!"
It's over, it's over...
Seeing dense cones of ice appearing around the opponent's body, and aiming the cones at him, Galen knew that this time, when the power in his body was rapidly consumed, I am afraid it was really a bit more ill-fortune. Up...
His shield of courage may not be able to stop so much.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
There was a sound of breaking through the air, the enemy did not give Galen more time to think, but simply launched an attack directly.
That kind of momentum and amount, let Galen know that he must not be able to escape, he can only bite the bullet and form a golden shield again in front of him with all his strength, intending to try Carried this wave?
Bang! Bang! Bang!
With a sound of impact, Nayong's ice cones containing the power of darkness, coldness and death exploded one after another on the golden shield in front of Galen...
It may be that the previous battle for a long time wasted too much of my own power, or it may be that Demacia's great sword of justice cannot be used indiscriminately. Of course, it may be that the enemy is really stronger than himself in mysterious power... When his Holy Shield cracked and broke apart, Galen knew that he was done...
Maybe, he will become the first senior military general of the Hero Federation of Kepru District to die in the hands of primitive and backward natives?
It's pitiful to think about it...
Without the fleet, CMC armor and weapons, he Galen could not even beat a small indigenous monster?
Sure enough, science and technology are not only the first productive forces, but also the first combat effectiveness...
Look at the celestial spirits, like Diablo, who is said to be a great demon from hell, the kind of powerful guy who singled out countless templars, after they dispatched the fleet, they also said that they were caught alive. Not at all polite!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
When Galen closed his eyes and waited for his death, he was surprised that he didn't feel the pain of any attack hitting his body, but heard a burst of ice cones shattering...
Then, when he opened his eyes in doubt, what he saw was a semi-transparent dark red spherical shield that strictly protected himself in the middle?
"I said……"
? 乀 (?~??)
"Gailen, it's useless to mention a guy... What about the enchanted weapon that people gave you before? Why didn't you take it out and hack it to death?!"
Surprisingly, a familiar voice rang behind Galen. Then, when he turned his head in surprise, he really saw a light blue and white winter plush skirt with his head A little girl in a white mink cap with a toy bear in her hand.
"Really it's Master Anne?!!!"

(?_?) Really busy...
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