Chapter 668: Superhero Annie? (/?\)

In the president's office of Kak Media, the female president Kate Grant, who just arrived at the company headquarters building and was about to start her day's work, was holding her arms and facing the direction of the door, watching the one on TV a little failed. The corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up unexpectedly in the news interview, and he didn't seem to care about the somewhat failed exclusive interview in the TV broadcast just now?
Or, in the bottom of her heart, she actually ordered something like that because she had other plans?
of course,
What the is this for, or what kind of thoughts she has, I am afraid that only she herself knows.
"It seems that the ratings are really not very good!"
"But that's okay... The time has not yet arrived, which is expected... Anyway, this is just an introduction to pave the way for the subsequent big news... Everything, for the time being, is still mine. Within control!"
"Let's see, God can testify that my Kate Grant and my media company will defeat them sooner or later..."
Who to defeat, it goes without saying!
It's nothing more than a competitor of her media company, such as the "Planet Daily" and other newspapers and media that have been pressing her side of the strong woman!
"Very well, it seems that there should be no changes today, and it is another boring day, so let's do it for the time being!"
Watching the broadcast on the TV station, and then looking at the series of professional data on the other monitor on one side, the female president Kate nodded first, and then shook her head somewhat annoyed, not knowing what she wanted to express. What do you mean.
Then, she turned around, ready to sit back at her desk, sit on her leather chair that represents the power and tremendous pressure of the media company president, and start her day's work...
"Huh? It's weird..."
When she was about to sit down at the desk and start working, she suddenly seemed to realize something was wrong, and at the same time, with that kind of suspicion and keen eyes, she turned towards her empty space, no one around the office. Glanced around.
"Aha! I seem to understand!"
"Annie... if I guessed correctly, it should be you little guy? Come out, I've found you!!"
After squinting, staring at something on his desk for a while, and then looking at the office, Kate sighed helplessly, with a tone of helplessness and dumbfounding. , Yelled softly at the seemingly empty office of the president except himself.
Although she Kate still failed to find any extra people or things in the office, but sometimes it doesn't mean that she didn't see it! Moreover, she is very sure now, in her own office, she must have mixed in with some invisible and somewhat gluttonous guy!
!? (?\'\'??)?
"It's strange! Aunt Kate, I can guarantee that I didn't make any movement just now, but how did you find me?!"
(??ω??)? ?
Sure enough, not long after Kate's hateful ridicule came out, a pretty naughty little girl, namely Annie, suddenly appeared on the desk of the president's office!
Moreover, while speaking, she mischievously dangled her legs on the desk made of walnut, blinked with a little annoyed blue eyes, and stared curiously at Aunt Kate who discovered her existence.
She doesn't understand...
She can guarantee that she really didn't make any movement just now, but why can this aunt Kate discover and call herself?
Is it possible that the other party's nose is still a dog, and you can smell the fragrance of her body all at once? !
"Oh! Annie..."
"Didn’t I just tell you yesterday, don’t just run into my office casually in the future... A little guy like you suddenly appeared in my company, appeared in my office, and let others find out , That will probably arouse suspicion!"
Kate has always felt that it is not a good idea to let others know that the little guy she adopted has a superpower called ‘magic’! Therefore, she doesn't want Annie's special place to be known to a third person besides herself, even her son Carter!
"Forget it……"
"What I am a little strange now is, Annie, you little guy, why did you get up so early today? You usually don't want to get up because of the sun?!"
Looking at the stubborn little guy in front of her, the strong woman Kate sat back on her chair with a helpless smile and at the same time, she stared at the opponent's little one with food residue with that kind of doting eyes. Faced for a while before asking such a sentence in surprise.
It is indeed a bit abnormal to follow me to the company so early now that I have become a habitual kid in bed.
There is...
She would not tell the little guy in front of her: the reason why Kate could guess that the other party secretly followed her to the company before was only because she saw the box of cookies on her table that had just been opened and missed. Two yuan is missing for no reason!
Although the other party's movements are very concealed, he is smart enough to secretly use the remaining cookies to reposition them and evenly squeeze out the two biscuits...
But, as a woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder and strong dominance, how could Kate not count how many biscuits there are in the plastic tray of that kind of cookie box? And there were two missing pieces, which made the originally tight arrangement loose. She only found out such obvious things with a little heart!
Isn't this?
She didn't do anything more, just used a little trick, and successfully cheated the other party! Fortunately, the other party can't control her own mouth, otherwise, she may not be able to find the other party's existence all day!
After all, that kind of invisibility is not something ordinary people like her can discover.
"Huh! Aunt Kate, don't talk nonsense, I actually wake up very early all the time! It's just that nasty sun? It comes out too early every day, it's all its fault!"
(? ̄?^ ̄??) Hmm...
Go to bed and get up early to try to get better. How could Queen Anne not know?
Therefore, as a good child, it has always been her normal and good habit to go to bed early and get up early, so she doesn't need to make such a fuss!
Everything is the fault of that star? Will it die when it rises from the horizon a few hours late?
Of course,
It may also be the earth's fault. When it rotates, it turns too fast?
Kate twitched the corners of her mouth, and took a deep breath. After forcibly resisting a certain impulse, she stared at the other party’s slightly fat face with serious eyes, as if she wanted to wait to see. What else can the other person say next?
"Actually it's because today is Saturday. I sneaked over here to see you because I didn't want to play with that little Carter kid in your house!"
Because it wasn't something that couldn't be said, Annie generously explained the reason why she was here.
If you think about it seriously...
The kid Carter at home now, he must be running around the house, trying to find her, right?
You know, before using space magic to teleport to the office of Aunt Kate’s company, when she was awakened by the other party’s slamming on the door, she told the other party that she would play hide-and-seek together... Then, she turned around. I just ran here, don't know if the other party was fooled, continue to look for her at home?
Anyway, not finding it is what he deserves! Just let that guy and the nanny at home, Ayla, continue to dig at home to find her!
She has no time to play with a little kid!
Who made that called Carter, no matter what she did, he would come and get up earlier than her? Sure enough, a child on the earth is a kind of evil creature, really annoying!
"Alright, since you are here, let's talk about other things now! Before I officially start office, we probably have more than ten minutes to have a good talk."
After thinking about it for less than three seconds, looking at the office area outside along the single-sided transparent glass wall, I saw the busy assistant president Kayla Danvers outside, busily busy, looking at After the others were busy with their own affairs and had no intention of breaking into their office, the female president Kate had a right hand and accurately calculated the approximate length of time that she could have a private conversation with this little guy.
She must finish her personal affairs before the coming in, Kayla Danvers, who is about to report and submit documents.
"What are you talking about?"
???(???)???? ?
Annie just dropped by here to take a look at the other person, and then took two unpalatable cookies, but how can she even think she was still caught talking?
If she knew this was the case, maybe she wouldn't be here!
"First of all, Annie, there is one thing I have always wanted to ask!"
"Last night, you rescued the plane. I can understand it. That is very good... But why do you pretend to be that god? Is it possible that you really have something with our "God" Can't contact?"
Kate couldn’t figure this out after seeing the interview just now. The little guy in front of me is very capable. If there is any connection between the two parties, I’m afraid she might really believe it. ?
Anyway, she Kate now chooses to trust each other unconditionally, and as long as the little guy admits it personally, she is willing to believe it.
"Of course there is no connection, I'm just for fun!!"
Yes, Annie is really fun!
Because, the black uncle who drove was too uncivilized. He cursed beside her all day long, and kept cursing the one called God, so she suddenly wanted to scare the other person. That's it.
"My God, this is really..."
Kate felt that this is really bad news and cruel truth!
If you let others know that the Ottobeide Bridge incident that is being reported around the world now, the plane is divergent, and even still deduced all kinds of weird guesses, together with the driver’s dictation, in fact, It's all just because of a certain little girl's whim, and she made it out because of her playfulness... I don't know what they think?
"Forget it, those things have already happened, it doesn't matter now!"
"But Annie... I remember, didn't you say that last time, didn't you want to let others know that you know that kind of "magic" thing? But yesterday, why did you use it directly in front of others? Fortunately last night There is no evidence in the driver’s hands. Otherwise, you will definitely be in that big trouble."
"When you use your ability called'magic' in the future, you'd better pay attention to it. Some people are not too friendly to superpowers like you!"
And this is exactly what Kate learned from the little girl last night that the real witness was only the black driver, and she arranged her staff to carry out the morning news broadcast and exclusive early in the morning. In the interview, there are not only to try, but also to control the relevant influence in their own hands.
Fortunately, the driver’s car was not equipped with a camera, there was no driving record in the car, and there was no photo or anything, which made her feel a little relieved... At least, she doesn’t need to worry about herself or Annie. This little guy's life will attract too much attention from outsiders and unnecessary disturbances.
Therefore, Kate hopes that this time it will be just an exception!
After all, any capable person will always be indifferent when he sees an airplane hitting him face to face, so the little guy’s approach is not surprising. Besides, what the other party did is a great thing, and there is no need to be criticized for this, but she has always been a little worried, for fear that the other party will be made trouble by the outside world.
"Aunt Kate, there are so many children in this city. That black uncle has only seen me once. How can he recognize me casually? He has no photos, no videos, and no portraits!"
Annie also saw the news just now. It's just the black uncle screaming about where he is. This city is so hot, but there are millions of people! And without photos and videos, maybe after a while, the other party won't remember her?
Anyway, Annie certainly wouldn't believe that a black uncle who has only seen herself once, talked about a conversation, and then spent most of the time driving can recognize herself again! It's like she recognizes others by herself, especially the kind of black uncle, she thinks everyone looks the same! If it weren't for someone who she knew very well like Uncle Hei Tantou, then she would definitely not recognize it herself!
So, of course, she also thinks that others must be the same as her, and she is also a little blind?
Furthermore, the guy who keeps saying that she is God on TV will certainly not be taken seriously by others, and certainly no one will choose to believe his words.
"Anyway, Annie, it is necessary to hide your identity, at least all the superheroes I know, they do that!"
This is like a commercial negotiation. No matter when it is, it would be the most stupid way to rashly reveal the disguise and expose one's own details to the opponent!
"If he really recognizes me, he won't be afraid. An oblivion spell guarantees that everything will be solved, as long as I want to!"
If she is really put on TV, she wants others to not recognize her, Queen Anne also has a way!
For example, if it’s a ‘normal’ one, just throw a fireball over and destroy the opponent humanely, then there’s definitely no problem!
And the more "unconventional" way is the kind of oblivion spell... Among the spells that I have seen in Hogwarts, like the kind of oblivion spell is more practical, as long as she wants to, even can Let the entire city be shrouded in her magic, so that millions of people will never remember her as a person!
"The Forgotten Curse? Is that also magic?"
"I'm a little confused by you, Annie, don't talk about these things that I don't understand... your strange and weird spells, I'm just those fairy tales that my terrible mother told me when I was a kid. There’s only one thing in the story...Now, since you’re all free when you’re idle, let’s talk about other things while we still have time."
As the female president of Carker Media, Kate certainly knows what she is good at and what she is not good at!
Therefore, she doesn’t want to waste time in the so-called
field that she is not good at. Now she has to say something else, while this guy is still willing to stay here, before her work has started. Within about ten minutes.
"My magic is not weird!!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"The superheroes in your world are the kind of weird things. They are all weird guys!"
This aunt Kate is also really, she doesn't understand the magic of their mage, so she said that their magic is that kind of weird thing, and she is really an unknown guy! You must know that magic is the thing that directly studies the most core rules of the entire world and the insight into the truth of the world, and science and technology are things that have the same goal!
And the so-called superhuman heroes on TV, those Superman, Arrow, Batman and Flash, they are all heretics!
Their kind of guys, although very powerful at the beginning, their growth has been severely restricted by their own conditions. Compared with a regular, such as Queen Anne, who has a complete inheritance of arcane wizards , The height that can be reached is really one world by one!
Your own talents are just the cornerstone of your start, and there is only knowledge. The core knowledge of the endless world has endless power and the power to destroy the world!
This is the secret that made Little Annie herself able to go to this day, to be able to transcend all worlds, and to wander in the endless plane!
Of course, not all arcane wizards can be like Annie. For example, in the world of Azeroth, those high-level wizards, only those with sufficient knowledge reserves can have the opportunity to advance to a higher level. Some of them will always stop at high-level, they can't make progress for life, and they are not necessarily stronger than those with supernatural powers...
However, whether it is strong or not is actually not too important.
Because, no matter what the world plane is, what little Annie pursues first will never be power, but something more interesting.
Such as eating, playing, and interesting people and things? And those guys who think about gaining strength all day, and then becoming stronger, are not qualified to become stronger!
Of course, related to magic is actually one of the interesting things that Annie pursues.
But in any case, Anne’s magic is not strange, and only those so-called superheroes that are shown on TV all day are a bunch of heretics and freaks!
"Whatever you say, when we get home, we can discuss this issue slowly if we have time! Now, Annie, I want to ask you, if you think it is possible, I think my company can almost take advantage of this time. What do you think of this idea, taking advantage of this opportunity to directly package you as a superhero?"
After quickly reaching out to stop the little girl from pulling further and further, the more confused she was, Kate quickly said what she had been thinking about since last night.
Yes, she Kate has always wanted a superhero, a superhero that belongs to her!
Because, "Planet Daily" has their own superman, so they can develop so well. It has been pressing her to breathe a little, so she often puts out several times the effort, and can not get half of the other party's return...and Now, after Kate acquired the "Tribune", she has been thinking: Why didn't she package up a new hero that belonged to Karker Media? !
Then, Little Annie, a little guy with powerful superpowers and that kind of magical power, seems to be the best choice? This can be seen from the ability of the other party inadvertently, and the plane still hanging on the Ottobaid Bridge!
That little guy is indeed very suitable...
Moreover, the more important thing is that the other party is now Kate’s own ‘daughter’ in name, and Kate has legal custody of the other party, which is simply not more suitable for her or her company!
This thing, as long as it works well, you can reap huge benefits!
And when you think about it, you can have a superhero who can compete with the superman of "Planet Daily", an excellent public opinion and news target. Kate couldn't help but clenched her fists in excitement, wishing to execute it directly!
This matter still needs to ask for the consent of the little guy Annie, and she will definitely not force the cute little guy in front of her.
"Super hero?"
Seeing the aunt Kate staring at her with expectant gaze in front of her with excitement, she didn’t know why, Anne suddenly felt a little embarrassed and regretted...because she suddenly felt that she shouldn’t have come here so early today Troubled the other party.
I don’t know. Would it be better if you let time go back and tease a kid at home?
"Superhero or something, it sounds boring... Aunt Kate, I don't want to learn the kind of weird scorpion wearing red pants!"
It’s been many days since Anne has been in this world, and Annie has seen a guy flying around in the sky countless times on TV, so of course she knows what other superheroes in this world are. Look like.
Precisely because of that, she has a strong objection to becoming one of those guys! She doesn't want to be a superhero, she is just herself!
Moreover, like the kind of weird corn in the outer pants, the kind of guy... must be in line with the bad person characteristics that can be set on fire by Annie's mother Amoryn! If she is touched by her, maybe she will be set on fire?
"You mean Superman? Oh! God..."
After Little Annie said that, Kate Grant finally realized why she always looked at that Superman and was not pleasing to the eye! Because, the other party is not only because of the "Planet Daily", but also because of the other party's weird and perverted dress?
Wearing red pants outside, that strange taste is indeed a bit...
Thinking about it, Kate couldn't help getting goosebumps all over her body, so she shook her head vigorously and didn't intend to struggle with Superman's costume for too long.
"Of course I won't let you learn those guys who wear underpants!"
"However, don't worry, Little Annie. Before I push you to the public, I will definitely consider the operation. I will definitely not let anyone other than me know your true identity!"
"Maybe, I can get you a piece of equipment that can conceal your identity? Like that... Batman?"
Originally, Kate wanted to talk about Superman, because in their city, the most active and representative of these years is that Superman! However, after thinking about it for a moment, she thought that this little guy didn't like the kind of weird crocodile in red pants, then she quickly turned her head and led to another superhero Batman with a fairly good reputation.
Since Superman does not conform to the little guy's aesthetics, then, the righteous hero active in Gotham City, the Batman who has been active in the front line of fighting criminals, should be more popular with this little guy, right? Anyway, her Kate’s son Carter liked both Superman and Batman, and this little guy would be no exception.
"But, I don't like guys with black hoods either..."
She herself is not the kind of kid who worships heroes... In fact, whether it is the kind of red pants, the black hood on the head, or the kind of green hat, etc., she doesn't know everything. like!
"Let's do it, Annie, or, I personally design you a superhero costume you like. What do you think of this idea?"
"Although Aunt Kate, I am not that kind of professional tailor and designer, but my craftsmanship should be pretty good..."
"Then it's so decided?"
The little guy in front of me is really too difficult. I don’t like this one, and that’s not good either. Kate is cruel and intends to make a personal outfit for this little guy and pack it well. Pack, and then find an opportunity or time to forcefully push out this own superhero?
If that's the case, your own media company will definitely be invincible under the aggressive offensive of competitors, right?
Even, it is very likely to take a counterattack, the posture of the next comer, grab the other party's market share, and obtain higher ratings?
"Wait! I don't want it!!"
The other party is clearly a female president of a company. How could someone who can't even cook be a tailor? Anyway, Annie definitely doesn't believe in any life skills! She still remembered that the other party had a far-fetched dinner, but she didn't even want to eat the husky at home!
Therefore, there is no room for negotiation on this matter!
Annie really doesn’t want to be a superhero, and she doesn’t want to do such boring things as helping grandma to cross the road, or saving a crashed plane, or picking up a ship that is about to be silent... She is very busy. But there is no time to do things that I am not interested in!
After all, why should she take care of things that the so-called God in this world does not want to take care of?
The earth in this world is so big, and all kinds of bad things happen every day. If she is required to take care of her, will she still live? Originally, after eating, bathing, and sleeping every day, she had very little time left to play.
She doesn't want to be a superhero, and she will not look forward to any costumes designed by this aunt Kate!
"Why not?"
"Dear Little Annie, you may not know it yet? Although my job is in media now, when I was in college, I took a course in costume design!"
Of course, elective courses belong to elective courses, and I have never had many practical experiences.
After all, Kate is now the president of Carker Media. She earns tens of millions of dollars every minute. With just one day's income, she can buy clothing of various well-known brands that she wears for a year. Have time to waste on that boring thing about designing and dressing?
However, if it is for the little guy in front of you, for the future superhero Annie, who is fully launched by himself, then it is completely worthwhile to spend your precious time and brain cells to ponder!
"That one!!"
"In fact, they already have that kind of beautiful battle costume. If you don't believe it, take a look?!"
Annie always thinks that the aesthetics of people in this world has always been a bit abnormal...So, in order to prevent this aunt Kate who is on a whim, she forced herself to make the kind of strange underwear, black hoods, green hats or With weird costumes such as red headgear, she quickly started casting spells in front of the opponent.
She didn't see any too many movements, as a burst of arcane blue light gleamed on her body, the next second, the little red dress she was wearing was gone, replaced by a set of red and white. , The beautiful metal texture armor shining with blue energy rays from time to time, it was actually worn on the slender body of Little Annie in an instant.
"Aunt Kate, look, I also have my own suit. Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it better than those weird guys?!"
Annie reached out and tapped on the fully enclosed metal helmet on her head. The helmet began to surging like a stream of water, and quickly gathered on her head... A few seconds later, it became a beautiful Her golden eyepieces were worn on that golden hair, which made Annie's temperament look very energetic and a little bit naughty.
"Annie...what the is this, is it your kind of weird magic?"
Thinking of the blue light that had just flashed out of the opponent, Kate looked at the little guy in front of him with a little surprise after a moment of stunner. Because, she can't imagine that that kind of magic can actually transform this kind of extremely human dynamics, and it looks very pleasing, gorgeous, and very noble metal armor...
More importantly: it looks extremely sci-fi!
Kate dared to swear as the president of Karker Media, if she took out the little Annie wearing this armor and packaged it as a superhero before the public, it would definitely be better than the so-called Superman. popular!
But, now I need to worry a little, that is...
Can the public in this city accept a little girl superhero? And... this little guy, will he be willing to cooperate with him then?
"This is not made by magic magic!"
Just now Annie just used magic to complete an instant dress-up, this is not the effect of magic!
Although, it can be changed by magic, or it can be with real gems, or it can be directly reorganized and manufactured with her own ability to control the rules of the world? But that was too much trouble, and she didn't like to do that.
"This is the ghost suit. It is the exclusive equipment for the ghost agents of our Kepulu zone. It has many functions and is very powerful! However, what I like most is: it is very beautiful!"
The set that Annie has just replaced is indeed a ghost suit, but it is not the same as the usual ugly ghost suit that focuses on practicality. It is even compared to the head of the ghost agents, the exclusive blue and white suit that Nova wears. The special armor is even more refined, gorgeous and advanced!
[The Great Ghost Set for the Head of Anne]
The third individual equipment research institute of the Hero Federal Academy of Sciences in Kepru District has tailor-made exclusive equipment for Her Excellency Anne Hasta. The main exclusive abilities are:
First, super protection ability!
The armor is made of a mixture of liquid metal and super nanofiber newly developed by the Federal Academy of Sciences. It can provide wearers with strong protection from nuclear radiation, biochemistry, chemistry, space fragmentation and soul, and provide humans in the universe and various harsh environments. The necessary survival conditions are required, and it can resist a shot from the battleship’s main gun frontally without being directly damaged!
Second, the energy assist system!
It can absorb and inactivate various high-risk elements, energy and radiation, etc., and convert them into energy to greatly strengthen the wearer's strength, endurance and nerve response speed through special fibers! (In the test, it even allows an ordinary little girl to easily defeat a senior templar!)
Third, stealth and space performance!
The simulated synthetic cells in the outermost layer of the ghost suit can directly refract light with the support of various energies to form a single invisibility effect, which may avoid detection by the naked eye and most special detection equipment, and carry out with sufficient energy. Space shuttle...
Fourth, the power system!
In short, this heads-of-state ghost suit is a high-end item that costs more than a battleship. The last time she was in Mass Effect World, the one named Nova brought her to update. There are many more. It's just that she hasn't worn it seriously, because she doesn't seem to need this kind of thing.
And this time, if it weren't for the sudden reminder, I'm afraid it will continue to lie in her space bag for countless years, just like a certain pet Er Heizi and a small fat robot?
Of course, there seems to be some hapless person called Diablo?
"It's amazing!"
"Anne, I have decided, I must package you as my superhero, you will definitely become a star superhero!!!"
Reaching out and gently stroking the special armor that the other party was wearing, Kate's eyes were a little loose, and they started to become brighter and brighter, if they saw something incomparably wonderful.
"But, I don't like that!"
"I don't want to be the kind of guy who thinks about saving the world all day, helping children find pets or helping grandma cross the road! If that's the case, I will definitely be laughed at by my little bear!!"
Of course, it is also possible to be laughed at by people who know you!
But fortunately, in this world, there are no acquaintances who know Annie at the moment, except for a certain bear who has always been carried by him?
(Tibbers said that he doesn't know anything, he hasn't heard it, and he won't laugh...because he doesn't dare...)
"But... that's also good..."
"I don't like it anyway, that's silly!"
"You should always help Aunt Kate, right?"
"Um... let me think about..."
"It's strange, what is going on...?"
At this time, outside the office of the overbearing female president Kate Grant, the Kryptonian Kayla, who had already sorted out the relevant documents that needed to be reported and handed in for signature, was holding his eyes and staring at the outside without seeing anything. The president's office.
She hesitated a bit, wondering if she should walk into that office now.
"What's wrong with you, Kayla?"
Of course, Wen Xiaote, a computer-tech man on the side, immediately noticed something wrong with the female colleague he had always admired.
"It's nothing……"
"Just, why is Ms. Kate talking to herself again? Who on earth is she talking to?!"
Just now Kayla couldn't help it, secretly using the special ability of her own Kryptonian omnipotent eyes to see through the single-sided glass wall, and at the same time using her own super-perceived kind of "shun wind ear" Kryptonians have a special sense of hearing to hear, but unexpectedly, just seeing and hearing Ms. Kate talking to herself in it alone, speaking some words that are not too clear?
If Kayla remembers, the lady Kate in there seems to have not had that habit...
"Kayla, what's wrong with you?"
Wen Xiaot didn't hear what he was saying with this female colleague before him. He was just a little puzzled. He didn't think he knew why today. The object he had been admiring secretly suddenly seemed a bit strange.
"No! It's nothing, I went in to report!"
"Some things are difficult to explain right now. Wait for noon when you go to the rooftop of the building and wait for me. I will explain to you then!"
After hurriedly giving Wen an apologetic smile, Kayla got up and took a lot of documents, and walked quickly to the office of President Kate.
"Good, good..."

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