Chapter 673: Let's destroy the world first! ψ(?*`??…

The mysterious and powerful little girl, the new superwoman, the fierce alien, the leak of the National Nuclear Power Plant, and the weird Flight 237 still hovering over the Ottobaid Bridge, etc. , Has become a popular vocabulary of'Boom Style' in the news media this week.
Numerous news, symposiums and expert research interviews, etc., related or not very relevant, ignited the entire social media circle for almost a whole week, and continued until now, before it gradually subsided.
Obviously, in this week's carnival time belonging to the news media, Cat-Co media company (Kaker Media) and the media company's domineering female president Ms. Kate Grant became one of the biggest beneficiaries!
In the eyes of the outside world, a certain woman’s media company just relied on an exclusive video shot by a
news drone
to fully capture the attention of the public, and obtained countless benefits and a large share. The media market share, for a while, made outsiders jealous.
Especially, I don’t know if it is intentional or unintentional, or is it just a means of media propaganda in the eyes of outsiders? Anyway, when the female president Kate Grant and her media company have been consciously or unconsciously linking the Ottobeide Bridge Flight 237 incident with the leaks caused by the alien fighting at the nuclear power plant; even, they also The "mysterious little man" who had only appeared like a glimpse of a stunned man was forcibly linked to the Flight 237 incident, and pressed the "little girl" who used technological weapons but did not show much superpower. After the name of the superhero of "Daughter of God", the media was in an uproar, and aroused numerous heated discussions, speculations and discussions...
What's more, drones belonging to different media began to appear over the city intentionally or unintentionally, making this week a carnival week for the media, and news production and revenue have greatly increased!
However, the news media are happy, some people are not so happy...
For example, the head of the Department of Supernatural Operations, His Excellency Hank Henshaw, whose ears are a little bit sharp, and the eyes are still flashing red from time to time?
Because until now, a week has passed, but the big plane on the Ottobaid Bridge is still hanging in the air, and it seems that it will continue to hang until the end of the world?
And the nuclear power plant in National City is even more messy...
The critical power plant facilities destroyed by the fight between the unreliable superwoman Kayla Danvers and the pointy-headed alien cannot be repaired in just one or two weeks! If you also include the necessary security measures to clean up the leaked traces of radioactive pollutants and upgrade the necessary security measures, the power plant that has been supplying electricity to the city of National City, I am afraid that there will be no more than half a year, so don’t even think about it. Run power supply!
The responsibility for all these accidents and incidents is obviously the responsibility of Hank Henshaw, the Minister of DEO Operations!
He has the greatest responsibility and pressure!
After all, he is specifically in charge of such supernatural events! But now, under his nose, one big event after another has happened, but he still hasn’t been able to handle it properly, and he hasn’t even been able to figure out who did the good thing. So, it’s conceivable. I know, he, the DEO Minister of Land, may not have been so happy this week.
"Alex, you are our alien biology expert, how is it, do you have any valuable discoveries now?!"
"If so, just tell me about it..."
Hank Henshaw covered his head with a bit of a headache, and walked to the young woman who was studying extraterrestrial matter, who was a female doctor and a special agent of the Operations Department, and waited for the answer.
Now things are one after another. The previous things have not been sorted out yet, and then an alien monster that kills and injures people everywhere and eats dangerous chemicals stealthily makes him, the Minister of DEO, feel bad. Very uncomfortable!
As a result, in the past few days, he has increased a lot of dislike for the superwoman who ran out every day to make troubles and caused him trouble...
He didn't understand, that so-called superwoman, that guy from Krypton, she didn't have enough skills, but she didn't seem to lack food or clothing, right? Then why don't you stay at home and be her clerk properly, why do you have to run out to cause trouble, and want to be a superhero?
Is it really that good to be a superwoman?
That kind of desperate thing has no salary, and is very dangerous. Maybe she took her own life into it. Why is she so young that she can't think about it?
Does the kind of vanity that they gain by desperateness really satisfy their Kryptonians?
Anyway, in the eyes of Hank Henshaw, who has experienced countless things and seen too much bloodshed and too much sacrifice, if the world can be peaceful, if there are no supernatural events on this earth, and no aliens to make trouble. , And there is no dispute, that would be the best! !
Even if the time comes, a peaceful world will make him lose his current minister’s decent job, he will have no regrets...
Although, that's not realistic?
"I'm sorry sir!"
"This kind of thing that looks like amber and some kind of thing, I have never seen it... But I can guarantee that there will be no such thing on the earth. It must not be our earth itself!! "
"Although we have obtained almost all the alien prisoner information from the database obtained from the Roseburg spacecraft of the alien prisoners, I have not yet been able to determine who it belongs to..."
"The information is a bit incomplete..."
"Of course, it's also possible that our technology is too backward to read the encrypted data?"
Looking at the amber-like spike placed in the testing equipment and being inspected by the instrument, Alex shrugged helplessly to her chief, indicating that she was currently powerless.
These spikes were taken by their agents from the security guard of the chemical plant that was killed, but it is a pity...that kind of thing, sent to her incompetent alien expert here, it seems there is nothing use?
Because she is also the first time to see this strange thing!
In fact, she, an alien expert, is only good at studying Kryptonians... After all, her younger sister, Kayla Danvers, was an alien girl from Krypton. I grew up with her since childhood. Therefore, she, Alex, is very, very familiar with the physiological characteristics, structure, various abilities, personalities, and certain hobbies of Kryptonians, especially Krypton women!
As for the other alien races, I'm sorry, she is really helpless.
"Sister! I know what it is!"
At this moment, a woman wearing a red cloak, a red skirt, and a blue corset with a red inverted triangle'S' badge printed on her chest suddenly strode toward this side from the aisle outside. Walked in.
It turned out that it was Alex's younger sister, that is, the new supergirl Kayla Danvers who has been in the limelight recently, and almost a third of the news pages are all hers!
"Are you sure you know?!"
Hearing that someone knew what the monster he and the others were studying and preparing to deal with was, Hank Henshaw didn’t even bother to reprimand him for trespassing into his DEO headquarters. Instead, he hurriedly spoke to someone. Asked the woman who walked up and down.
"That should be the spikes of the Lacewing, it can fly out like a bullet, and then kill the target!"
"So, based on this thorn, I am pretty sure: what you are looking for is a man from the Lacewing tribe!!"
After entering this laboratory, Kayla Danvers first glanced at the spike, then raised his chin somewhat proudly.
In the past week, I have been busy going around the city, doing good things everywhere, such as the kind of superwoman who fights criminals, goes upstairs to fight fires, goes into the water to find people, and helps grandma cross the road. She Kayla Dan. Firth actually came here again after receiving help from his sister Alex.
Fortunately, this time, she finally seemed to be able to help!
Because, that fish fly man is actually not difficult to deal with, anyway, she is definitely not the opponent of her superwoman, she is quite sure of this.
Moreover, she also promises that this time, she will definitely not lose the chain at a critical time, and she will definitely not be distracting like the oil spill at the port on the bay of National City!
To be honest, she really cannot be blamed for the oil spill... If you really need to blame something, you can only blame the ship, blame it on its own, and the ship’s skin and structure are too thin. Some cut corners? Because, at that time, she obviously just wanted to push the oil tanker gently away from the fire scene, so that it would not be ignited and exploded...
But what do you think,
That ship, it turned out to be a crispy shell. She just pushed it gently and it cracked directly. It also made her work hard to clean up the leaked crude oil. Have you got the smell of engine oil for days? !
Of course, it was just an accident...
This time, it won't be like that anymore! Because, this time I was going to deal with a Lacewing man, she was pretty sure that she would be able to clean up the guy who was not too strong in fighting ability!
"When I was a kid, when we were on Krypton, I saw that kind of spikes!"
"I remember... my mother once told me that she caught an evil Lacewing man and threw him to Roseburg Prison! If there is such a guy on the earth now, then It must be him."
When he walked to the side of Alex and Hank Henshaw, and after turning his head to take a closer look at the amber-like spikes placed in them, Kyla nodded confidently.
There is nothing wrong with that kind of spikes, and only those insect-like fish flies can "spit" them!
Although time has passed for a long time, their Kryptonian brains are not the same as those of Earthly people. She can still clearly remember the information she read when she was a child, including of course her mother had introduced herself to herself. The kind of disgusting guy who shoots spikes.
"Fish, Lacewing...?"
"Very good! So Kayla? Danvers, how much do you know about that Lacewing race?!"
Although the other party had helped him, Hank Henshaw still disliked the superwoman in front of him.
Because the other party was too active this week...
In the eyes of him, the minister of DEO, the other party is like a little girl who has got a new toy, flying around all day long, and rushing around the city to find things to do...
That kind of thing is very bad in his opinion!
Especially under the premise that the opponent is still a powerful Kryptonian, a guy like the opponent who has a strong power but has a very immature character is an unstable factor for their DEO!
Even can it be seen as a huge threat?
Their DEO can't seem to offend this superwoman...
Of course, this is not because they can’t catch each other, and it’s not because of the seemingly powerful power in the other’s body, but... the other’s superhuman cousin, who has been active on earth for a long time. Male Kryptonian Clark is not easy to mess with!
Moreover, this Kayla Danvers, the other party has been working hard to do good things for this period of time. Although it seems that there is some suspicion of nosy and love, but they really don't have much reason to interfere with each other. .
After all, their DEO can't catch the other party because they have done too many good things, right? !
"That... I don't seem to have seen too much..."
"Basically that kind of fish-lace man is a kind of big worm in human form. The mouth will split and it is very ugly...Of course, he should also have the ability to transform into the appearance of a human? Anyway, basically those prisoners have the ability to disguise themselves as they like. Ability, that is the instinct and direction of biological evolution... It is a pity that you humans on earth have not been able to evolve to that level."
"So, if you want, I can help you catch him! Please believe me, he is definitely not my opponent, and he can't escape the eyes of our Kryptonians!"
The superwoman Kayla Danvers has gradually become dissatisfied with doing the little things in the city all day long, such as diverting traffic, looking for kittens, helping old grandma cross the road, dealing with gun robbers and escorting patients to the hospital. Things can be done well.
Because, that is completely unworthy of her omnipotent, superhero Superwoman who is also outstanding!
So now, seeing that DEO has missions in the Supernatural Operations Department, and seeing her sister Alex is in trouble, of course she wants to help and deal with that fish-lace man prisoner! In that case, should she be able to demonstrate the powerful strength and immense usefulness of her superwoman?
"Lingwing man?"
"Please wait...I remember that the information we obtained from the Roseburg spacecraft, there seems to be such a guy?"
Soon, Alex retrieved multiple portraits of a monster alien with a split mouth from DEO's database, and then motioned to their chief, Minister Hank Henshaw, to look over.
"Well, if you can prove that you won't be easily killed by the enemy this time, or if you won't come and cause us trouble again, I will consider letting you join our DEO Supernatural Operations Department at that time!"
After struggling for a while, Hank Henshaw, who felt that it would not be a problem to let this superwoman behave outside all day, finally made plans.
He plans to take advantage of this incident of the fish fly man stealing dangerous chemicals to take a good look at this superwoman who ran alone to do a good job for a week, is it really valuable to be cultivated?
If possible, adding a superhero female agent to their DEO operations department seems to be a good thing... Besides, the existence of the other party should also add a lot of convenience to their work?
However, there must be a prerequisite for this, that is: the female Kryptonian in front of you must be sure that it will not be like before, doing ordinary good deeds is not enough to succeed?
"Huh! Wait, I'm learning fighting skills from my sister now, I think you will see my changes!"
Superwoman Kayla Danvers certainly knows her shortcomings, so in this short week, in addition to attacking others and fighting crime with her own invulnerability, she also took time out to study or follow up. My sister learned a lot of fighting skills.
Although, in the case of restricted ability, she has never been her sister's opponent, and even lost within three or five rounds, but she firmly believes that she will become stronger and stronger. of!
Of course, before becoming stronger, she may need a little bit of time and more opportunities to continuously exercise herself, whether it is fighting skills or actual combat experience, she believes that one day, she will definitely be able to surpass her That old cousin Clark!
"Very good, then let us wait and see!!"
Minister Hank Henshaw did not expect much of this woman, because compared to another Kryptonian, there was indeed a disparity... So, he just nodded noncommittal, then turned his head and left this Ai. Biology laboratory chaired by Lix.
"Sister! I don't like that guy!!"
Just as the other party didn't like herself, Kayla Danvers also didn't like the DEO minister.
"Okay, Kayla, you will go out for a while. I will go to train you today after I finish my work here! I have prepared a special training room for you. I think, this time you don’t have to suppress your own Strength."
After carefully taking out the fish lacewing spikes and storing them in a hermetically sealed container, Alex's guesser persuaded his sister who had nothing to do in her laboratory.
She needs to pack these alien things first to make sure they don't leak any bacteria or viruses that don't belong to the earth.
Otherwise, maybe it will be another disaster...

"Sure enough, I should have thought of it long ago, only appearance is the most important thing!"
"Little Annie, take a haven't shown your face yet, just with that beautiful red and white ghost armor, you have already gained millions on the Internet and various social media. Fans! If you show your face a little bit, I promise you will get more support!"
In Kate Grant’s home, while her son Carter was already asleep, the female president Kate held a data sheet and lay on the sofa in front of someone, chewing and eating potato chips. The little guy watching the cartoon congratulated.
"Thanks to you, Aunt Kate, I have spent the past few days very fulfillingly!"
This week, her Karker Media not only did not continue to lay off staff, but also signed a lot of capable ministers in journalism. She believes that her company will become bigger and stronger, and she will in turn acquire the "Planet Daily". Time, it shouldn't be too far... well, at least not so far away?
"That's right! Annie, I just forgot to say it these days because I was just happy! I found a major flaw in our plan! If someone notices it, it's easy to suspect you! !"
Inadvertently looking at the edge of the sofa where the other party was sitting, when she saw something, the female president Kate, who had been full of energy for a whole week, finally remembered something very serious.
"The flaw? What is it?"
∑(′?`)? !
Annie didn't think that she would have any flaws when she wore a ghost suit. Don't be able to beat or beat her or see through her, where could there be any flaws?
It is even more impossible to suspect her!
"When you put on your battle clothes, can't you not take your little bear? Look at it, such a beautiful battle armor, but there is a stuffed teddy bear hanging from the waist, that recognition is really too It’s taller... this time we edited a part, it’s not very conspicuous, but if you are photographed next time you go out, people might recognize you at a glance!"
In Kate’s eyes, the other party was always taken by her side, carrying it when she went out, and hugging it to sleep. Even the avatar was wearing an armored waist with an identical, hideous plush toy bear. I am afraid that Ershi is the only one, the recognition is really too high, I am afraid that it will be noticed by someone who is interested...
Therefore, she must find a way to persuade this stubborn little guy.
"No way!"
"My Tibbers is very powerful. It is not only one of my favorite toys, but also a good helper for me. Sometimes it can help me fight!"
Her Queen Anne's little bear is so cute (cruel), how could you not bring it when you go out?
In fact, whether Little Annie was in the Land of the Five Poisons when she was a child, or wandering in the world of planes recently, she never abandoned her little bear! They are together. Wherever there is her, there must be a bear, and wherever a bear appears, there must be her!
"Really you can't put it at home when you go out?"
Why are you so stubborn...
Kate is a bit lost, she doesn't understand. She didn't let the other party lose that hideous plush bear toy, but just asked the other party not to take it when they go out. Such a simple little thing requires such willfulness. ?
"Really can not!"
O( ̄ヘ ̄o#)
Little Bear Tibbles belongs to her, and no one, including this aunt Kate, can separate her from her own little bear, even if it is temporarily received in the space bag!
Because the current bear is the best to her, she has to carry it in her hand or throw it out of her sight all the time, otherwise, she will feel insecure and lonely.
"Well, it seems that I need to continue to acquire a toy company, and then... I will rush to make a batch of identical toys with your little bear, that is, your Tibbers, and then register a patent and seize market?"
Since this little guy can't be persuaded, and since sooner or later someone will find the toy bear pinned to the waist of the'daughter of god', then she just stepped up the timeline to make a batch, and then put the goods in the market. Directly come to confuse the real identity of this little guy?
If that thing can be sold in the entire city, and even the entire world, then no one will doubt this little guy in his own house, right?
"That's right! The same toy that the superhero wears will definitely be loved by children! Sure enough, my Kate is a genius!!"
Kate thought for a while, and suddenly he hit his palm, raised his chin somewhat proudly, and deeply admired the good idea he had just got along with.
It's just that this matter must be early!
Otherwise, when someone finds out and starts investigating, the little guy in her family may not be able to hide it! Fortunately, it won’t take long to produce that kind of toy. As long as the patent is registered, and the toy manufacturer is temporarily entrusted to produce it, it should be put in place within a week.
At that time, even if someone noticed and started investigating, it might be too late!
∑(′△`)? !
Annie didn't understand, what is the use of this aunt Kate to make a batch of identical bears?
The other party may not know yet, right?
Others can’t imitate her bear cubs, because the bear skin coat used as a disguise is actually a shadow bear that was forcibly stuffed into it by herself, and once she throws her bear cubs out, it It will become a huge flame bear full of shadow flames, defeating any enemy!
So, even if this aunt Kate made countless identical toys, they were not as powerful as the little bear beside her, she wouldn't mind it!
"If you like it, please do as you like!"
Annie ignored the other party, just picked up the TV remote control to switch the channel.
The mysterious door of Princess Barbie that was broadcast on TV just now, the villain named Marousa in it is really too stupid... That guy, if you want to grab someone’s magic, you can grab it, and even use one with energy storage The magic wand of the upper limit went into chaos, and it really messed up in the end, it deserves to be bad luck!
"Don't rush to watch TV, Annie..."
"I have another important thing to say here, I promise it will be soon!"
Seeing that the other party started to switch channels, Kate hurriedly stood in front of the little guy, blocking the other party's view, planning to finish what she wanted to say before the new cartoon was pressed down.
"Can't you just say it all at once? If it's that kind of unimportant thing, just decide for yourself!"
This auntie Kate is so hot as an adult, but she has to come to her as a child to discuss what it is!
"Is such that……"
"A week has passed, and the heat of the news is slowly fading, and you know Annie, that Superwoman is flying around the city, going everywhere to help others and fight criminals... So, can't you, Annie? For activities and activities, use your clone to go out and do something to get the attention of the public?"
Kate knows that no matter what kind of big news, even the war in the Middle East, it is time-sensitive! As time goes by, there will only be fewer and fewer people paying attention, which will be very detrimental to her plan, which is what she does not want to see.
So, she saw that during this week, the superwoman had been jumping up and down to get out of the mirror, but this little guy in her family was not doing business all day, except for eating and sleeping, which made her look in her eyes and anxious in her heart. ...
Although the superwoman is also one of the super heroines promoted by her Karker Media Company, where is it better to have her own family for an outsider of unknown origin and uncontrollable?
Because of this, Kate very much hopes that the little guy in front of him will make a big news for herself, so as to consolidate and consolidate her position as the media tycoon in this city, as well as the other party’s highest popularity this week. And the most popular superhero ranking?
You know, the past week, but her most beautiful and vigorous week in the past two years, she doesn't want to be caught up by the who doesn't know what is brewing in the "Planet Daily"!
"What do you want me to do?"
∑(′△`)? !
In Annie's view, the city is very good now, and there is no major crisis. Why should she go out for activities? If you have that kind of time, it’s fun to stay at home and eat good food, drink good drinks, sleep in when you’re sleepy, and bully the little bear or Carter when you’re bored. How fun is that?
Anyway, Annie felt that her life was happily, and she didn't want to change for the time being, nor did she want bad guys to disturb her.
"Of course it is to do something good, just like that superwoman?"
"What the superwoman is doing, what you are doing, as long as you often appear in front of the public and be photographed to maintain a sense of presence."
Kate doesn’t want the superhero that she has finally packed up to support slowly fade out of public view, even if there is really no major news recently, even if she can’t run out to do good things every day like the superwoman, but she can’t be like this little guy. , Never show his face once a week!
In that case, maybe sometime, those ruthless fans and the public will forget that they still have such a small hero.
"Like a superwoman..."
"Then I won't go!!"
It's really too stupid to help the old lady cross the road or help the kid find a cat or something, so she won't do that kind of thing that makes her little bear laugh!
Besides, not every old man is a good person, some are just bad guys getting old, their camp aura is so red, they are either chaotic or evil, so she won't help them!
"You go and fight criminals? In this city, there are armed robberies almost every day. That kind of thug should be punished, just like the fat policeman you helped?"
Kate knew about that, so after thinking about it seriously, she made another suggestion. Of course, it is best to ventilate with her when the other party goes, so that she can use the advanced small drones that are now spreading throughout the city to capture and promote?
"Aunt Kate, you may not know it? The TV station of the "Planet Daily" only reported yesterday. The fat policeman I helped a few days ago was retaliated by the bad guys! When I went to work, I was shot by a bad guy with a gun, and I got a dozen shots in my body. Now I am still lying in the hospital half alive!"
Annie smiled bitterly, she knew that she couldn't just mess with others to help, this doesn't...
That fat uncle, who had only been a hero for a few days, was almost killed because of her random guidance! And if the other party wasn't fat enough, he might be dead now, right?
So, Annie feels that it's better not to be a good person and help others casually in the future, otherwise, it is very likely to harm the other party.
"Is there anything else?!"
These days, when Kate is very complacent and busy developing and growing his own Carker Media Company, where is there time to pay attention to the dynamics of competitors? Therefore, for the heroic policeman, the fat sharpshooter who "single-handedly" knocked down two robbers with two shots, she really didn't know that something happened to the other party!
In this way, the mobs in this city are really too cruel. Even heroes dare to retaliate. Is there any law in their eyes? If that's the case, it really should continue to allow heroes like Supergirl to be more active.
"Of course there is!"
"Well then, Annie, we can take this matter slowly, but you should also work harder. You can't do nothing for a day, right?"
Kate is a little lost.
She understood this little guy a long time ago, the other party is just a lazy! As long as things don't provoke the other person, they are always ignored.
"But I have something to do!"
"I am busy eating, sleeping and playing every day. Where can I have time to spend all day thinking about how to save the world?"
If this world can't live without her, Queen Anne, it's better to let it perish quickly, so as not to make her look upset!
"Lovely little Annie, do it well..."
Somewhat angrily glaring at a lazy guy lying on the sofa for a long time, Kate finally took a deep breath, then changed a charming face, smiled flatteringly and approached him and sat on the sofa. On the armrest of Zhou, he pleaded in that soft tone.
"Wow! Aunt Kate, you are an overbearing female president. You are an adult. How can you behave like our children and be cute?!"

Annie shrank into the sofa a little bit unbearably, and didn't want to face an old guy who was in her forties and was so cute.
Because she felt that her goose bumps were about to rise...
"Stop talking nonsense, Annie, I still need a news, a big news! And it must be within this month, you can figure it out!"
Anyway, Kate has to persuade this difficult little guy to let the other party give herself a hot enough news, instead of letting her only promote the superwoman who jumps up and down every day, like a clown!
The guy who had broken his head all day thinking about appearing was too uncontrollable. He was more like a kid than a kid. That wasn't what she wanted, the female president of Carker Media.
"Or... I'm going to kill the "Star Daily" Superman? I remember, don't you hate them? In that case, the'Daughter of God' fights the Superman, and it burns up. It must be super fun, right?"
Wearing the red trousers and the very spicy-eyed strange scorpion, Annie has seen him uncomfortable for a long time! So, if Aunt Kate thinks that kind of news is okay, she will definitely find the opportunity to try that way!
At that time, she only needs to take the opportunity to catch the other party, even if she doesn't burn to death, she can also give her a fierce meal and try to correct the other party's unreasonable clothing concept!
For example, the other superwoman, who flies around in a skirt, is much more beautiful than wearing red pants.
It’s a pity that the guy called the Superwoman has a bad mind. Not only does he think about doing good things all day, but he also keeps flying around the city. Even the bottom is gone, and he is still blinded by countless people. Here!
"No! If you do that, you will become the public enemy of the people!!"
Kate was a little frightened by the thought of this little boy!
This little guy, if he really wants to fight against Superman like that, what I didn't say, in the near future, he will definitely become a negative hero! Moreover, the fans and attention that finally gathered will definitely be lost.
After all, the popularity of Superman is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people than the clone of "God's Daughter" of Little Annie! !
"Well, can't it..."
"Then I try to find a big meteorite and smash it down towards the earth, and then run to get it away at a critical time?"
('???`)? ?
Little Annie struggled for a while, and then threw out a seemingly good savior plan.
Think about it, there is a big meteorite falling from the sky, when the earth is about to die, when mankind is about to be destroyed, her clone ran out to save the world like a god. It must be huge news, and it must be magnificent. , Good enough, right?
"No! You absolutely can't, let alone do it like that!!"
Although I don't know if the other party has that horrible ability, how could Kate allow the other party to do mischief for her own mission, such terrible things that would destroy the earth if she is not careful?
If that's the case, maybe she will become a sinner of mankind someday! Instead of that, it might as well let her media company go bankrupt or be acquired by the rival "Planet Daily"!
"This is not okay, that is not okay, then tell me, what should I do?!"
(? ̄?^ ̄??)
Anyway, Annie can't do it herself, because the fun things she can think of now seem to be just these two. In her opinion, the best way to promote heroes or something is to destroy the world and save the world soon?
Since there is no disaster to destroy the world, just create a terrible disaster yourself!
Or, she can also use magic to create a super tsunami, and let it flood the city overwhelmingly, and then at a critical time, she will jump out to cast spells, and directly freeze all the sea water, just like those movies Is it the same?
"Annie, I suddenly felt, let's first explain what should have been eaten..."
Kate felt that this little guy’s thoughts were a bit different from those of ordinary people. Perhaps, she needs to be guided carefully and little by little.
As for the news...
God, let those news meet Satan! She Kate didn't want to teach a cute little girl because of her improper words and deeds!
"Anything is fine!"
"As long as it's not Aunt Kate, you can do it yourself!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey...
"Well, tomorrow our breakfast will be hot milk and fruit salad sandwiches..."
Kate may not really know how to cook other foods, but it's a very simple thing to throw the milk in the microwave, then cut a few slices of bread, and then chop up a bunch of messy fruits and vegetables and mix them with seasonings. Isn't she still not?
"Fruit salad again!"
"Aunt You don’t know how to cook, don’t you spend money to invite a chef to come home? You don’t have no money yourself!"
"I don't care, I want to eat meat!"

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