Chapter 675: "Quietly" tell you, she is the superwoman???

"I've always noticed that there seems to be a guy who shouldn't be here in your Supergirl theme dance hall?"
Following the kind of melodious, light and faintly dancing Maxwell Lord, he danced casually while holding his female partner's hand, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the two dance steps to approach, he quietly got in. In the ear of the other party, he whispered such a whisper towards the strong woman Kate Grant who was dancing with him, towards the female president of Karker Media.
"The guy who shouldn't be here?"
"I don't understand... Dear Lord, who on earth would'that guy' you mean?"
I was stunned, thinking that the other party was referring to someone who was unwelcome at this dance party, so Kate reacted immediately, and then took advantage of the opportunity of slowing down, and began to look around with doubts. Glanced.
She found nothing!
Because, this dance party was organized by her to celebrate the great success of her media company during this period. Except for her own company’s employees, the other people are all the upper-class celebrities she has selected one by one. Someone who hates or is not popular with everyone?
After all, those invitees were all selected by her Kate Grant herself, and there must be no guy who is uncomfortable or disgusted by others.
"Kate, the little girl over there, I remember, it should be the one you adopted from abroad? Don't you think she should stay at home and sleep well now?"
Seeing his dance partner’s gaze constantly scanning the surrounding invitees, Maxwell Rod was a little bit dumbfounded and used his chin towards a seat in the autonomous food area. Little girl eating a lot of food.
Generally speaking, you shouldn't bring that kind of children to dinner parties...Of course, what Maxwell Lord wants to say is not the ugly food look of the other party, that's not the point.
Because it is a very bad phenomenon to let a little girl stay up so late at night and stay alone in the dance party of a group of adults. Not only does it have an unshirkable responsibility as a guardian, but it is also very likely to be offended. Trouble, such as... was targeted by some'relevant departments' and brought to court?
"Oh! So you said Annie?"
Looking in the direction indicated by the other party, Kate sighed with a dumbfounded sigh when he found a little guy who was eating too much and the stains on his face hadn't stopped.
"No way, that little guy Annie, she doesn't have too many other hobbies, but she just likes to eat...So, she has to follow, and I can't help it."
Looking at a little guy in the distance again, and seeing that the other person actually noticed and made a cute grimace towards him, Kate could only report one to Maxwell Lord in front of him. Helpless smile.
The little guy already knew that she was going to hold a party here in the lobby of the company headquarters building, so even if she didn’t bring the other party, the little guy would use other means to get here. She had no way to control it. Got the other party.
"How is it possible, your nanny?"
Maxwell Lord still felt that this strong woman Kate was still too conniving for such a little girl.
If you switch to him, it would be fine during the day, but at night, especially at this time, there is absolutely no room for negotiation! When he is unable to persuade him, he can even directly order the babysitter at home to take care of it. Could it be that the other party can turn the tide?
"This thing is a bit complicated..."
"Anyway, you may not believe it, the nanny in my family can only control my introverted son. As for the little guy over there, ordinary people can't control her!"
However, in fact, even Kate can't control each other herself!
Because, she has a lot of things to ask that little guy herself, coupled with the other party’s omnipotent magic and stubborn little temper, how can she be disciplined by her nominal
adoptive mother
as Kate of?
"Is it possible that if you let her out, she will still tear her home?!"
It was interesting to hear, Maxwell Lord only chuckled heartily, at the same time he started an innocent little joke.
What he meant was obvious, that is, to compare that little girl to the famous dog Husky with extremely poor obedience, even without any obedience at all, the kind of typical representative who has always been regarded as the stupidest dog! They can never understand human words, can never be trained, and have no obedience...if they are raised, they can really only follow it, because they seem to have no IQ at all, so the owner does not intend to have any Any request, as long as the other party is healthy and happy, that's fine.
Of course, it also particularly likes to tear the house, especially when it is locked at home and not allowed to go out, it will indulge that extra energy to do some crazy things in the owner's house.
"Maxwell Lord, don't speak ill of a little girl behind your back, especially my little Annie! Otherwise, you will regret it someday!!"
However, Kate Grant's face didn't have the kind of smile that the other party had imagined. Instead, the whole body became stiff after a little bit of amazement, and even warned him.
"Oh? Does she still bite?"
"Believe me, she is scarier than you think!"
"Ha! I'm really curious, can you talk about it?"
"You don't want to know."
Shaking her head, Kate's expression slowly became indifferent. She didn't like to dance with this man anymore...
Because the little Annie of her family is not only her savior, but also her lucky star. She will not allow anyone to make fun of each other, especially this kind of ridiculous joke! !
"Well, let's talk about something else."
"Like your necklace, it's really unique... I remember that you used to like to wear that emerald-colored emerald necklace? Why have you been wearing this one recently? It's not as beautiful as you Lady's style!"
Seeing that the face of the other person is not very good-looking, and also feeling the physical and emotional changes of the other person, Maxwell Rod, who thinks that the other person does not like other people's comments or makes fun of his own family, quickly changed the subject and prepared to change the other person's Attention was directed to the strange ruby ​​necklace.
I don't know why. The more he looked at Maxwell Lord, the more he felt: The necklace hanging on the other's neck, especially the gem, seemed to be like a flame?
"Because it is important to me, of course I will always wear it!"
Now Kate didn't want to dance with the guy in front of her, so she just dealt with it, and looked forward to the end of the song, so that she could get rid of him.
"Oh? Is it expensive?"
Frowning, Maxwell Lord's curiosity is becoming more and more intense.
"More valuable than you think!"
More than expensive...
This necklace can summon a superhero. In Kate's eyes, it can't be exchanged for much money!
"May I see it?"
"Its style seems very unique, I have never seen a design style like it, especially the gem, I think..."
A little bit unable to resist the growing curiosity in his heart, Maxwell Lord suddenly stretched out his hand somewhat recklessly, ready to touch the bright red dripping in the middle of his chest, like a ball The flame is burning like a beautiful gem.
Before he could touch it successfully, the strong woman Kate Grant let him go, and directly covered her precious necklace with one hand, and with the other hand pushed away the paw that the other hand had stretched out rudely.
"This can't work!"
Crackling! Cang Dang!
Bang! ! !
After letting go of the other party, Kate, who just wanted to find an excuse to explain why she didn’t want anyone to touch her precious necklace, suddenly discovered that something was falling from the sky, directly from this hall of her company. The upper glass skylight broke arbitrarily and flew down, and fell heavily to the ground?
This change scared her to subconsciously press down the gem necklace she was holding, and evoke the magic that was stored by a little guy not far away who was eating and preparing to watch the excitement. Mirror.
"Oh! My God! Is it really him?!"
Seeing that what fell from the sky was not a falling object, but a weird man wearing an iron mask, a hideous and crude iron armor, and a miniature reaction furnace emitting a weird red light on his chest, participated in the dance party. After the male and female staff and invited guests were shocked and reacted, they all screamed and fled...
Of course, there are also some sober-minded people who directly found hidden corners where they could take refuge, hugged their heads and squatted down and hid.
"Superwoman...where is she?!"
Finally, after seeing all the people present fleeing like frightened birds, the radiant Kruldi’s majestic roar of rage rang out in this ball hall, and at the same time a ray attack, directly blasting the distant ones The poster with the portrait of this superwoman, together with the frame, was burned in a fire caused by rays...
"Tibbers, look quickly, it seems that a guy who looks like Uncle Tin Man has jumped out!!"
∑(△`)? !
The moment the opponent appeared, Little Annie, who was eating on a sofa in the corner of the food area in the distance, felt at a glance that the suit of armor on the opponent looked a lot like someone named Tonis. The steel suit of Tucker's bad guy?
Of course,
The armor of the Uncle Tin Man now looks very simple and rough. The metal suit has not even been polished, and many lines and energy transmission devices are exposed, let alone all kinds of radiation resistance. Coating, painting and related beauty work...
It seems that Uncle Tin Man is far less rich than a bad guy named Tony Stark, so he had to get that kind of rudimentary armor?
(● ̄ ̄●)
"Oh! It's annoying!"
"Tibbers, tell me, shall we watch the show first, or continue to watch the show?"
Just now Annie can hear clearly, the other party is actually looking for a hot superwoman, so hehehe...
(● ̄ ̄●)
However, when Little Annie was about to watch the show, she unexpectedly discovered that the strange Uncle Tin Man, after yelling, went directly to her Aunt Kate and some strange boy who just said bad things about her. ? !
"Sir! Spotted the radiant Cruel appeared!!"
When the lobby of the Carker Media Building on the opposite side of the street finally changed, when the guests attending the dance party fled around, when the radiant Krul roared loudly, preparing to find a certain superwoman who is said to appear in the theme dance, and then hit When retaliating against the other party in order to vent his vengeance, on this floor of the Deo Supernatural Operations Department, which is not too far from the dance scene, countless agents took action.
Then, an agent Deo who had been observing on his post loudly approached their minister, and Hank Henshaw, who seemed to be talking with Agent Ericstor, reminded him.
"Sir, sir?!"
Finding that the minister who was waiting for him hadn't given any instructions, the agent asked again with some confusion.
However, Hank Henshaw did not pay attention to his frizzy subordinate, nor did he make any reaction or give new instructions. Instead, he continued to look at the opposite side of the street, watching the scene of the ball hall and the radiation man. Cruel.
Because he found...
There seems to be something wrong with the situation below?
So, he intends to wait and see again to see what happens when the radiant man is about to take action on the seemingly calm expression of Kate Grant?
Hank Henshodo, the head of Deo’s Supernatural Operations Department, was not asked to wait. After the radioactive man sufficiently frightened the guests, the other side ignored those who screamed and ran out, and moved forward slowly. Stretching out his hands, ready to kill Maxwell Lord and Kate Grant who are standing together?
Suddenly, almost most of the deo agents thought that the two might be dead, or when Alex thought that her sister would definitely reveal her identity and ignored the ground to save people, the mutation happened. :
In the air of the ball hall in the distance, a hexagonal invisible transparent module was split, and then a small foot wearing a red and white armor, kicked the radiant man Kru who was about to launch an attack. Er's body, let him fly upside down for more than ten meters, directly smashed several walls and fell into the chaotic masonry concrete dust ruins...
"Finding that'daughter of God', she unexpectedly popped up again!!"
At this moment, it was the Deo agent who was in charge of the observation just now, and he spoke to his chief in a somewhat surprised and puzzled tone.
"How did she appear?!"
Alex on the side felt a little puzzled, because she couldn't see any signs at all. At this time, the mysterious little man who was wearing a gorgeous red and white armor and carrying a large-caliber weapon on his shoulder appeared. Therefore, she quickly questioned the agent in charge of the observation equipment.
"I'm sorry, I don't know, nothing happened before on the instrument!!"
"The phenomenon just now seems to be some kind of advanced stealth means?"
Deo’s observation agent said with some uncertainty, because when the other party appeared, there seemed to be a slight ripple in the space, and he successfully recorded it for observation, but neither he nor the instrument knew that. what exactly is it.
"Sir! Look, that little girl?"
"She's still eating there. She doesn't seem to know how dangerous it is... So, sir! I've said it many times. She is definitely not suspicious, but you don't believe it!"
After picking up the telescope in his hand and looking at a place, Alex looked at his chief Noyer with some playfulness.
Well now, the little girl Anne Hasta and the superhero "Daughter of God" that the director of their deo supernatural operations department suspected appeared in the same place at the same time. They are clearly two people! So, their chief, can't open his eyes and talk nonsense, right?
"Well, I saw it..."
"Although she has completely eliminated the suspicion, we now have enough evidence to show that the female president Kate must have a connection with the'daughter of God'!"
"Alex, trust me... it doesn't take a few days, we should almost find a way to make the plane on the Ottobeide Bridge fall by itself!"
Of course Hank also saw the "little man" in the battle armor and the toy bear hanging from the waist of the opponent, and then he looked at the little girl in the distance who also hugged an identical teddy bear and was eating something special. …At this moment, he actually felt for the first time that maybe the same toy that Kate suddenly produced in a frenzy a while ago was not intended to cover up, but really wanted to register patents and make money?
Sure enough, the black-hearted capitalist would not let go of any opportunity to make money!
At this time, the radiant man who had just been kicked stood up again and walked out of the ruins step by step, panting heavily, and locked onto the strange little man who had just attacked him! He recognizes the other person, it seems that it has been said in the news that it is a little girl called ‘the daughter of God’?
However, his radiant Cruel doesn't care who the opponent is. He only knows now that the only way to stop him from avenging Superman is his enemy!
"I don't want to fight you! But, I will tell you quietly, the superwoman you are looking for, she is over there! That's right, it's her!!"
Seeing that Uncle Tin Man wanted to come to fight with Annie's "clone" wearing a ghost suit, he wittily stretched out his finger and said in a big and crisp childish voice. And pointed to a certain assistant female president, Kayla Danvers, who was shocked by her words and deeds, wearing a suspender evening dress!
Little Annie thinks it will be fun next time, right?
"No, I am not!!"
She is about to take off her disguised eyes and plan to find a place to change her clothes and come out to fight the radioactive man Krul. Although she doesn’t know how the little man discovered her, she is still number one. Within time, they retorted loudly and angrily.
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