Chapter 680: Boy, the task of maintaining world peace is entrusted to you (^_...

The old wizard, tremblingly stalking his staff, was so weak that he had some difficulty in walking, did not rush to answer the little girl’s question immediately, nor did he mind why a little girl knew so much about magic. Instead, she started to look up and down again at this little girl who had received the prompt and summon of her own tracking spell and was able to successfully come here.
In short,
No matter how he looked at it, he felt that this little girl seemed to meet their various requirements for the Rock of Eternity, and she was still the best, most perfect, and unforgettable...
Because, he has seen that the opponent's will is tough enough to easily resist the whispers and temptations of the devil, and there is an incomparably holy soul that he looks envious of... In addition, the opponent seems to have an unparalleled adaptation to magic. Power and resonance ability, and it seems to be the kind of person who can use magic directly?
Anyway, no matter how he looks at him, he feels that the other party is even better than him and their dead old guys?
Therefore, he can finally be sure:
The other party must be the gift from the of magic to the eternal rock!
Except for this little girl, in this world, there is simply no one who can inherit their power better than her. She must be the most suitable one in this world, there is no one!
As for the other party’s body that seems to have some kind of inheritance and powerful magic power, he also knows a lot of magic and can see that his wand is a contract item, he didn’t put too much in his heart... …
In the eyes of the old wizard, the other party knew how to magic, and he could still see the constant contract on his staff. That was actually great!
Surely after a while, after he has passed all their power to the other party, the other party may not need to relearn and adapt, and they can directly use their power normally, right? If that's the case, surely the demons here will definitely not get out of here so easily and escape to harm the earth?
After all, only magic can deal with magic, and now on the earth, there are fewer and fewer people who can magically. At the same time, the erosion and temptation of the powerful force on the mind of an adult is so great that it can only make him full. Earthly search for suitable children...
Originally, his old friend Zeus used magic to spawn a daughter, the princess of the Amazonian paradise island is quite suitable...Unfortunately, that natural power was entrusted by Zeus and successfully eliminated Ares, the of war. Woman, the age is really a bit too big (the old woman is over a hundred years old, and she is also an Olympus protoss created by Zeus with supernatural power, there is no small conflict with his magic and sorcery ...), his mind became too complicated, he was not the best candidate in his mind, and even far less plastic than a pure-hearted child.
As the old wizard's body weakened day by day, he felt that time was running out. He even thought about getting a little bit more, just find someone who is reliable and can not be tempted by demons, and then donate his own power. And let it be passed on... And fortunately, when he was about to put the plan into practice, and even when he desperately issued the big prophecy and tracking spell, he finally found this in front of him like a needle in a haystack. Excellent candidate.
"Annie Hasta..."
"It's really weird..... The feeling of your name is very different. Its existence itself seems to be a magic rune with powerful magic power?!"
After sighing with emotion, the old wizard who was just about to talk to the little girl about something suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the other party, and even the name itself had magical power?
The name itself is magic. This kind of weird thing may not be felt by ordinary mortals or people who don’t understand magic, but he, an old wizard, feels it as soon as he reads it... It’s not in accordance with the common sense of magic at all. Strange phenomenon, he himself encountered it for the first time in that long life.
"Weird old mage, you haven't told me yet, who are you? If you don't say anything, I'm going to leave!"
In Annie's eyes, the old wizard was weak and whispered, and it seemed not fun at all!
Moreover, in this dark black cave, apart from the stone statues with the devil on the side, a few broken stone chairs and the strange portals on the outer stone cliffs that can reach many places. , It's just the slightest fun, or interesting, nothing that can raise her interest and adventure!
If she knew this, she might as well stay at home and have a delicious dinner with Aunt Kate, Kid Carter, and the nanny Ella!
"It's the ancient wizard Shazan!!"
When seeing the expression on the little girl's face has become more and more impatient, and she seems to be ready to cast a spell, the magic power on her body has also begun to slowly surging, and she is likely to leave here at any time, the old wizard Sha Zan finally had to put down the fierce aura he had just put on with his broken body, and quickly explained:
"I'm also... the leader of the Council of Ancient Wizards, the true master of this Eternal Rock!"
"We have been here for thousands of years..."
While speaking, the old wizard Shazam sensed the stone thrones behind him that had been vacant for countless years, and sensed the seats that would never have members of the Wizarding Council or their heirs. He couldn't help but sighed softly.
Those of his brothers and colleagues of the Wizarding Council did not succeed in leaving their inheritance until they died, so that he was left alone, sitting alone in the middle of the leader position for countless loneliness. year……
So today, no matter what, he Shazam must find ways to keep this godsend girl chosen by him! !
"The Rock of Eternity? What's that?"
Annie, who originally wanted to cast a spell and teleport away, stopped after listening.
Because she thinks it's coming anyway, maybe...she can listen to it for a while, if there is nothing fun to do, should it be too late to leave?
"Here is the Eternal Rock..."
"Speaking of it, it is actually a magical stone in the space between heaven and hell, a huge space stone..."
"It took countless years before it was gradually transformed into what it is now by our Wizarding Council. It connects countless places in this world...Here, it can easily reach any place in this universe. Including heaven and hell..."
Speaking of this, Shazan the shaman lowered his old head somewhat lonely.
Once, the Council of Ancient Wizards was extremely prosperous...
Countless wizards and heroes gathered in this magical place and slowly transformed it into what it is now, and even used the characteristics of this eternal rock to peek and explore countless magical places and planets in the universe!
And this is the real reason why so many immortal space doors appear on the cliff outside.
At that time, he Shazam and the various members of their wizarding council have set foot in countless places, trying to explore the mystery of the universe and the true meaning of magic, and forged a deep friendship and eternal vows between them. !
But now...
The heroes who originally gathered here, the wizards or ancient gods who gathered here to study the mysteries of the universe, they died, left, disappeared, disappeared...
Up to now, here, there is only Shazan, an old wizard who has been lingering and dying with his powerful magic power, and is still declining day by day.
Because of this, when his Shazam’s life was about to reach the end, he had to use his little magic power to issue the big prophecy and big tracking spell against the entire earth, hoping to find one on the earth People who can inherit their own mantle and inherit their powerful magic and responsibilities.
It sounds weird and boring...
Anyway, in Annie's eyes, it was nothing more than a group of native gods and high-level wizards who had eaten nothing to do, found such a gap in space, and waited for the opportunity to entrenched in other places in the universe.
"It turns out to be this sauce, hello Shazam!"
"You haven't said what exactly you want to do when you call me here? I can tell you, I am a very powerful arcanist myself, or a very powerful one!"
"If you still want to lie to me in the contract, I advise you to die as soon as possible. I will definitely not be fooled by you!"
o(^`)o hum!
How could Queen Anne herself sign a contract with such a strange guy casually?
Anyway, as long as the other party does not want to deceive themselves, then everything is easy to discuss! And if the other party wants to spoil him secretly, then he will definitely pay a painful price!
"Arcaneist? So that's it..."
The ancient wizard Shazan didn’t know to what extent arcanists existed. However, he knew a little bit about arcane arts. It was a high-level field that he also slightly studied. When they explored the mysteries of the universe, I have received some information from the opposite side...
It is said that they are a group of lawless magicians who dare to invade even the realm of gods?
Shazam couldn't tell whether that kind of thing was good or bad. Anyway, it seemed that it was a little bit different from the spells of their wizards. However, he only knows one thing:
Anyone who can have the title of a teacher or a great wizard is definitely not an ordinary character!
But that kind of thing has nothing to do with him...
Because he Shazam now doesn't care about how strong or weak this little girl is, he only cares about whether the other party is willing to inherit his magic and responsibility!
"That's it, Annie..."
"I don't want to deceive you... If you really are an arcanist, maybe you can see it too: My life is about to reach the final end, but our Council of Wizards and the Eternal Rock Can’t live without a master..."
"You may have seen those stone statues too..."
"In this place, the seven most powerful demons embodied in the seven deadly sins are also sealed! They are: gluttony, greed, laziness, jealousy, pride, anger..."
The old wizard Shazan tremblingly pointed to the huge demon statues around the rock wall of this hall and explained:
"and so……"
"Someone must host this place, continue to suppress these sealed demons and monitor the countless permanent portals on the stone wall outside!"
"Otherwise, these demons and those monsters swarming from all over the universe from outside portals will easily invade other worlds through the Eternal Rock, including the earth of course..."
"By then, it will be a huge disaster!"
"and so……"
While talking, Shazan the shaman involuntarily began to enter the mode of enlightenment again, and even his voice unconsciously used a trace of secret seduction witchcraft, seeming to want to fool the little girl with excellent conditions in front of him. Want to let the opponent be his heir, and then use the opponent's power and the power that he is about to deliver to the opponent together to suppress the demons here and monitor the countless portals outside?
In the eyes of the old wizard Shazam, the seven deadly sins and demons here are still a trivial matter. As long as there is an heir with a pure heart who will not be tempted, they will continue to suppress and strictly guard them with magical powers, then they will never want to change the sky. !
Outside the stone cave hall, the countless immortal portals on that stone cliff that the wizards of the Ancient Wizarding Council used to pass through, those they were dug out by their own hands in the past, one by one, that’s true. Is not easy to handle.
Therefore, when he is about to come to the end of his life, about to let his soul sublimate to the resting place, or smuggle to heaven to enjoy the blessing, he urgently needs a reliable guy to carry their scapegoat for them. Guard here.
In order to hope that one day, can think of, or find an effective way to deal with those portals?
"Stop! Talking!"
"Grandpa, don't tell me that kind of reasoning, because I definitely won't listen!"
"You can just say it now, what exactly do you want to do? If you want to lie to me in a contract or ask me for help, then there is no need to say it. I am very busy, and I will definitely not be happy to help you!"
How busy is her Queen Anne? There are so many delicious, fun, and interesting things in this world waiting for her to discover, how could she have time to play with each other here to protect the peace of the world and fight against demons? Play house game?
Moreover, this old man who knows that she is not a good person at a glance, and who does not know what bad idea she is playing, is a big mistake if she thinks she is cheating! If you want her Queen Anne to waste time in such a tattered ghost place, don't even think about it!
If the other party can have something delicious and fun for herself in exchange, maybe she will think of the best of both worlds for the other party when she is in a good mood? !
"My request is very simple..."
"Hold on to this scepter of mine, sign an eternal contract with me and shout my name, I can give you all my power for free, and the endless power of our Wizarding Council... …."
The old wizard Shazam didn’t understand. He didn’t seem to have any bad ideas, and he didn’t even have the idea of ​​harming the other party. He just wanted the other party to sign a contract with him to impart power and witness inheritance, but this little guy , Why are you so stubborn?
He couldn't think of anyone who would take the initiative to refuse the great benefits of Baba's delivery, and the infinite power.
"Huh! Sign the contract? Don't talk about it! Don't even think about it, don't even think about it!"
Annie has to think about the things she gave for nothing, let alone the need to sign a contract or conditional gift.
Besides, she has power or something, so she won't go to other people's houses!
"You really don't think about it?"
"Our power is beyond your imagination, but it includes the wisdom of Solomon, the power of Hercules, the endurance of Atlas, the thunder of the main Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the lightning speed of Mercury!!"
"With them, and with your own magic, you are likely to become the on earth! The most powerful kind!!"
Seeing that the other party rejected him again, the old wizard Shazam, who felt a little bit grief and helpless, had to start explaining again, and used demon-like language to seduce him.
"You can really become a god-like existence, and use the boundless power you have gained to overlook all living beings. By then, everything will be controlled by you. That is what countless people dream of, so don't you think about it?"
The old wizard Shazam is really anxious, because his body and soul are slowly drying up, and he doesn't want to wait any longer...
Now, the little girl only needs to take a step forward, and then hold her staff tightly, shout her name out loud to complete the ancient and sacred inheritance contract, and she can get everything for free, Is there still a need for rejection and hesitation for this kind of good things that fall in the sky? !
"Don't think about it, it's not uncommon!!"
Regarding power or something, she has a lot of Queen Anne herself, and it keeps rising and rising, even if she has never practiced recently, she has always been troubled by things that can’t be used up. , She even suppressed it intentionally or unintentionally, so as not to frighten others after leaking out a little bit... So, why would she accept someone else's house? !
Alright, Shazan the old wizard is gone...
If it weren’t for them that the Council of Ancient Wizards was the only one left with him, how could he keep quietly begging for a difficult little guy to agree to accept his gift like he is now?
This kind of sending out power and sending out the great benefits also requires the feeling of the other party, it is really too bad! Fortunately, he took a big risk and directly told the real name of his contract in front of the demons, but how could he think that it turned out like this?
'Hum hum……'
‘Yes, little girl, don’t listen to him... That old wizard is deceiving you, he wants to enslave and control you, don’t listen to him...’
‘There is an energy ball over there, no conditions are needed, as long as you pick it up, you can get all our strength, all...’
‘Go on, little girl, we must be stronger than that old wizard! ’
‘You will soon gain powerful power to dominate the whole world...’
‘No one is stronger than you...’
‘Your anger will make everyone tremble and crawl under your feet! ’
‘You don’t need to do anything, you can get everything you want...’
‘Everything you fancy, money, rights and treasures are all yours....’
‘You can taste countless delicacies....’
'You can……'
At this time, seeing that the inheritance of her old adversary had failed, and seeing that the little girl seemed unwilling to accept the power of the old wizard, she had been watching the Seven Deadly Sins demons with fear and fear for a while, and finally began to whisper. Seduced towards the little girl.
Anyway, now that old wizard is getting weaker and weaker, they don't need to fear each other at all.
"Shut up for me!!"
These seven demons, is she really a fool as Queen Anne?
It seems that they are just a group of uninfluenced demons, and they want to seduce her too?
Besides, these idiots, even they themselves have been sealed, and still dare to say that they are stronger than the old wizard? Does she... really have a cheating face?
Don't look at her Queen Anne who is usually carefree. It's just that she is more accommodating and never cares about those who treat her well, just like Aunt Kate? However, she is never polite when dealing with people or monsters she doesn't like in certain songs!
"How ugly are you guys? I don't want to talk to you now!"
That's right, in Queen Anne's place, it looks ugly, it just has no human rights! Although, they are not human?
"I'm in a bad mood now, I haven't eaten dinner yet. If you demons dare to quarrel with me, be careful that I burn you to death!!"
Devil or something, Annie has seen a lot! Things that mess up the evil camp all day long knows to deceive people, so now she doesn't want to talk to them at all!
‘Why don’t you burn it now? ! ’
The Seven Deadly Sins demon named Fury seemed to be irritated by Little Annie's attitude, so before the other demons didn't speak, it provoked.
(ψ ̄^ ̄)
Turned around and focused, and stared at the demon statue that seemed to be showing a hideous and cruel face. She was still looking at her demon statue jokingly for a while. After confirming that the other party was talking, Annie said nothing. I grabbed a bunch of cracking fire that I like to use when I burn a bad guy directly in my hand!
Then, before the other demons and the old wizard Shazam behind him could react, he threw it away, leaving the entire statue shrouded in a terrifying flame with traces of blazing white in the red.
‘Ah! ! ! ! ’
‘Ah ah ah....’
The infiltrating demon's screams suddenly sounded, echoing directly in the cave of the Eternal Rock, and the old wizard Shazan who was watching from the sidelines couldn't help but feel a little moved.
Soon afterwards,
The screams gradually ceased again, and finally when the terrifying magic flame dissipated, the demon statue was only left in place, which was burnt and distorted and completely unrecognizable. The glazed lumpy object, and the terrifying heat wave that is constantly emanating from it...
The demon named Rage, apart from the scream that was just like dying, didn't seem to make any more noises?
"Well! It seems like this is the first time someone encounters such a rude request. I really think you guys can't burn it?!"
To be honest, Annie didn't want to pay attention to these demons just now, but who ever thought that they were not afraid of death, and begged to burn them?
Now that's all right, do they dare to be demon?
Glancing at the statues that were finally silent and honest, Annie snorted disdainfully, and then turned around, intending to see if the old wizard Shazan had anything else to say? If nothing else, she is really going to leave.
Shazam, the shaman, looked at the little girl with traces of flame embers in the palm of his hand. He had no idea what far-reaching flame magic the other party was using, so that he could burn a head of the Seven Deadly Sins. Even more efficient and brutal than the method used by the Wizarding Council to seal demons for thousands of years? !
The remaining six-headed demons statues, finally dare not talk casually...
After a companion set an example and was burned tragically, they finally learned that a certain moody little girl is definitely not to be offended... Therefore, they witty collective silence, just as the one who had just been burned to death. The companions don't know the general, and trying to pretend that they are really just a few ordinary statues, pretending the kind of motionless appearance that a statue should have.
"Huh? It's weird, it doesn't seem to be dead yet?!"
!? (\'
Little Annie, who was about to say goodbye to the old wizard, suddenly turned around strangely and started to stare at the remnants of the demon statue that she had just burned to the point where she couldn't see the shape.
Because she discovered that the demon who had just been burned to death by herself had begun to have a little breath reaction again?
"It is the manifestation of the seven deadly sins of humans or other intelligent creatures... The Rock of Eternity is close to the earth. As long as people have the original sin thoughts, they will never perish..."
"So, they can only be sealed and weakened, but they will never really die..."
"It's just that you... the moment you burned it, its consciousness has been completely annihilated, and it will not be able to recover for at least thousands of years... It can also be said that it has actually been burned to death by you? "
The wizard actually wants to ask the other party to burn the other demons again. Then, it is better to inherit his power and the position of the leader of the Ancient Wizard Association by the way, and come back here to burn these demons when there is nothing to do?
In that case, Shazam would be stunned to death!
"It turned out to be so, it's really troublesome! Forget it, just ignore them! Grandpa, if you don't have anything else, I'm going back to dinner!"
( ̄ ̄)bye~bye~
Annie curled her lips, turned around, and started to wave at the deadly old wizard Shazan, who was leaning on her staff, preparing to bid farewell to leave here.
Because there is nothing fun here, except for a strange grandfather and a few demons who were terrified by him, there seems to be nothing worth wasting time... Then, her Queen Anne’s adventure tonight , It will end here.
"and many more……"
"My life has come to an end..."
Before the little girl was about to leave, the old wizard Shazam finally reached out and shouted at the other party again.
"Honorable Arcanist Anne Hasta..."
"I saw your are very powerful, and it does not seem to need our, I now seal our power and contract into my staff..."
"Now, in the name of the leader of the Wizarding Council, I will give you this Eternal Rock for free...From now on, you will be the new owner here and the new leader of the Wizarding Council..."
"If you can……."
"At the right time, please pass on our power to the person you think is suitable..."
"Then, please..."
Maybe it was because I saw that the little girl didn’t seem to be the kind of person she was worried about, or she really didn’t want to stay here anymore. So, after speaking in a hurry, the old wizard Shazan didn’t wait for the other party’s rejection. Then let his body start to burn slowly, and it will disappear completely without a trace?
"Hey! Hey! Wait, how can you be like this!?"
It is possible to give gifts forcibly in this way. Is there any reason for this?
Moreover, don't think that Queen Anne doesn't know that this ruined place is actually not good at all. If she accepts this place, maybe she will help the other person to take care of these boring demons in the future, she won't be like that!
"If you give away things and the position of the leader so casually, shouldn't you ask the opinions of other people in your Council of Ancient Wizards first?"
"No need..."
"Because I am the only one left in the Wizarding Council..."
After speaking, the body of the old wizard Shazam finally burned out, and completely disappeared in the cave of the Eternal Rock, just like the other ancient gods or wizard councillors of their ancient wizard council, and left an empty one. The rock throne and a wand floating in mid-air that exudes magical aura.
"Eh eh eh?!"

)? ?
How can this be...
"Ms. Kate, do you need a dinner for Little Annie?"
"Or, I'm going to make another preparation right now, and when she comes back later, you can put her in the microwave to heat it up?"
Seeing that there is nothing of her own here, before preparing to finish her get off work as a nanny and go home from work, Ella looked at the darkening outside the door, and sat at the dining table hesitantly, staring at Carter for dinner. Asked Kate Grant, his employer.
"Let me think..."
Generally speaking, as far as Kate knows, a certain little guy will definitely not treat him badly. Therefore, supper and the like should not be kept...because the other party may be brushing her in a big restaurant now The card, eating something far better than what Ella made!
Without waiting for her to say her refusal, a little girl groaned open the wooden door of the restaurant, dragged a strange object in her hand, and trot in.
"Annie, what are you..."
Seeing the other party's angrily performance, Kate couldn't help but ask carefully in surprise.
She didn't understand, what extraordinary thing happened, she was able to make this little guy angry like this?
"It's nothing, it's just that someone forcibly gave me something, I can't think about it!"
"Oh, right!"
"Brother Carter..."
"I remember, didn't you last time that you wanted to become a superhero better than Superman? Come on, hold this broken stick, and then shout ‘Shazam’ for a try?!"
Some bad old man was so bad and wanted to cheat her Queen Anne, so now she has decided:
In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, to maintain the peace of the world, to carry out love and true evil, her Lord Queen Anne, she, the president of the Council of Ancient Wizards, now decided to abdicate and let the virtuous, give the position of the president who has not got a minute. This handsome little brother Carter and an extra'extraordinary' logistics base Eternal Rock!
Seeing the weird smile and inexplicable movements of the little girl, plus the "magic wand" from which I don't know which item shop came from, whether it is the nanny Ella or the named "handsome little brother" Carter I was stunned.
"What the do you want to do, why is it so suddenly?"
I don't know why, after seeing the weird smile of a nasty little guy, Kate suddenly had a bad instinct?
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