Chapter 682: Atlantis' warning?

"Tibbers, that kind of strange energy fluctuation, seems to be right in front, right?"
"I seem to smell that delicious great white shark... Tibbers, tell me, will they suddenly come out to scare us, and then give us a delicious meal?"
In this pitch-black trench, as Annie continued to dive down and swim quickly, plus it was already night on the surface of the sea, now the light in the deep sea began to become less and less, even completely Without any visible light that can be seen by normal humans, it can almost be said that you can't see your fingers, and your eyes are black...
For Little Annie, this kind of little thing is no problem or obstacle at all!
Even if the surroundings are dark, even if there is no sound around, she has always been arrogant and lawless. With the help of magic, she still continues to control the flow of water to hold herself, making her like a cheerful little fish, with super high The speed shuttles diagonally down quickly.
As for the quiet surroundings of the dark seabed, it is even more not a problem.
With the help of her dark vision, she can even clearly see those beautiful corals under the seabed that are invisible to ordinary people, emitting shimmer and other invisible colors, strange-shaped reefs, rotting silt, and from time to time. Air bubbles emerging from under the bed, small animals on the seabed that were fleeing all around, various fishes and seaweeds of various shapes, etc.
That is a wonderful world...
With the help of her special vision, she can easily explore the seabed, just like the naga in the world of Azeroth, without any discomfort to her eyes.
And the strong sea pressure that increases with the increase in depth, let alone!
Little Annie herself is already extremely powerful and can survive directly in a variety of harsh cosmic environments, so that she does not need to use any magical help at all, and can ensure that she herself is in such high pressure and low temperature and unable to breathe normally. Move freely in the environment without any discomfort.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Uncle Tibbers Bear, who was forcibly pulled into the sea, doesn’t want to talk to a nasty little master now! So, it just let the other party grab its paw in that little hand and continue to move The bottom of the trench slides and swims quickly... Just let the high-pressure seawater that makes it so disgusting soak the bearskin skin that washes it, even if the seawater is "submerged" into the shadow flame inside it, it still doesn't move. of.)
Soon, under the super-high speed of Xiao Anni, she quickly reached the bottom of the seabed and reached the source of energy fluctuations that caused the abnormal conditions on the sea surface.
"Look at it, Tibbers! Sure enough, some bad guys are secretly trying to do bad things!!"
After approaching quietly and quickly, Little Annie hid behind a seabed reef, secretly pulled away a cluster of seaweed, and quietly observed it towards a fairly flat seabed in the distance, and at first glance I found that something very conspicuous not far away!
It turned out that in this trench with a depth of more than one thousand meters outside the National Harbor, it was a group of great white sharks riding on their heads, which seemed to be delicious, sitting in the blue with a sense of science fiction. On a beautiful white riding gear, with a weird spear and gun in his hand, and the whole body is hidden in the armor of the same color and sci-fi shape. There are also fin-shaped'weirds' on the helmet and elbows, they are surrounding A strange, fluctuating instrument exuding strong energy and busy and alert.
After just watching for a while, Little Annie knew:
The unexplained terrible tsunami that is brewing in the city of Nationale, on the sea beyond the port, must be a good thing for the gang of ‘weirds’ below now!
Because the strange instrument that the other party is controlling, in addition to emitting strong energy, there is actually a certain powerful force field that controls the wave and flow of sea water. It is constantly using energy and vibration to control and constrict this. The sea water there is constantly converging and shrinking, and slowly accumulating uplifts... I didn’t say, they definitely wanted to wait for the sea level to reach a certain height, then suddenly let go of control, and then let the roaring sea water look like a real tsunami, directly Formed towering huge waves, using the power of the sea to sweep all the surrounding coastal areas?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Uncle Tibbers Bear still doesn’t plan to pick up his own horrible little master’s words. Now his whole body is soaked in the salty water, full of water and resentment, and he is completely speechless... That's wrong, that's it. It can't hear its owner at all, nor can it see the strange submarine races in the distance!)
"Hey! The grotesques riding great white sharks, you must be doing something very bad, right?!"
~( ̄0 ̄)/Hi~!
Finally, little Annie, who had been hiding aside and watching for a long time, saw what the other party was doing and felt that there was nothing funny, she finally couldn't help but kicked her feet in the deep sea water. From behind the rock where I was hiding, covered with seashells, seaweed, sea-lake insects, kelp and other seaweeds, he swam out quietly like a mermaid.
And of course, she never knew what she was afraid of, and she didn’t need to be afraid of anyone, she just hung in the dark sea water so broadly, opening her mouth towards the strange people who seemed to be finishing their work soon. Say hello.
She believes that those guys who wear weird and beautiful protective clothing look similar to humans, but who also seem to have good water control magic powers, they must be able to see her existence and listen in this kind of underwater environment. As far as what she just said.
Maybe they are really a group of submarine races, just like the naga in the world of Azeroth or the mermaids in the Caribbean?
Sure enough, those who were busy and on alert, who looked like a group of soldiers, after hearing what little Annie said, they all turned their heads towards her side and looked over... It turns out that they Those people are indeed just like Annie just thought, a group of weird guys who can live under the sea and have special abilities!
‘Strange, it seems she was talking just now? ’
‘Who is she, why does she appear in this place, and which ethnic group is she from? ’
‘I don’t know, it’s just that her dress looks very strange, not like our Atlantis Kingdom...’
‘It’s really not like...’
‘Are they from the Zebel Kingdom? ’
‘It should not be. Zebel is not like her...’
‘It’s certainly not from the Kingdom of Atlantis. I didn’t see any mark or identification that belongs to us on her! Our identification database system also did not respond. ’
‘That’s Zebel’s people, no doubt! ’
‘Maybe, but I don’t know if I’m not from Zebel Country...’
The soldiers of the busy kingdom of Atlantis, after hearing someone shouting in the deep sea and turning around, they saw that the person was a little girl. They were surprised that they didn’t have much Instead, they began to whisper to each other.
Because they subconsciously think that the other party is their own?
After all, apart from their people in the Underwater World of Tatlantis, there must be no other existence that can move unprotected in such a deep trench and breathe and speak freely.
Although, the other party’s clothes are very strange...because, in the sea, no one will wear that strange dress that is not suitable for swimming. Even the nobles in the capital of Atlantis rarely do. Wearing that kind of weird fabric would not easily leave the gathering place and the various submarine cities to go out too far, let alone in the area close to the
land people
living away from their Atlantis activities. Place.
‘It’s not from Fisherman’s Country, is it? ’
'idiot! Fisherman's Kingdom is all a group of degraded guys. They have no feet, only fish tails, and even their appearance is very different from ours! ’
‘It’s certainly not the group of reptiles that degenerate and grow crustaceans in the saltwater country! ! ’
"The monsters of the Haigou tribe are definitely not like her..."
‘Okay, no matter what kind of family she is, let her leave quickly, don’t affect our homework, we need to teach the land people a profound lesson as soon as possible! ! ’
At this time, without waiting for the other Atlantis soldiers to discuss the reason, one of them, the shark rider, who seemed to be the leader, rushed over on a great white shark arbitrarily and waved his hand. The thing that looked like a spear and a shooting weapon yelled at the opponents.
After the soldiers dispersed and continued to perform their duties, he slowly forced him towards a certain little girl who was in a daze.
"little girl!"
"I don't care who you are, and whether you are from Zebel or another race, I advise you to leave this place right away and go back to your home! Here, the current will become very dangerous later, you leave quickly Come, don't interfere with us! We are about to launch a punitive counterattack against the land people!!"
In the opinion of this Atlantis officer, relying on the opponent’s ability to breathe and speak in the water and to swim freely, he can basically be sure: if the opponent is not their Atlantis, it can only be Ze Of the Bell Kingdom.
Because, among the Seven Kingdoms, only the Atlantis and Zebel people have the same facial features as the land people, with normal hands and feet and various normal external organs like the ancient ancestors! As for other races...such as the murlocs of the Fisherman Country, the degraded sea monsters of the Trench Country, the Beetle Monsters of the Saltwater Country, etc., their appearances are fundamentally different from those of the people of their two kingdoms. , It was about to transform into another new race, and couldn't get their approval at all.
"Go back!!"
"We were ordered by the King of Atlantis to perform the mission here, so I order you to go back to your home immediately, if you don't want to cause trouble?"
Seeing that the other party was still standing still and didn't mean to leave, his eyes were still full of curiosity, the officer snarled again impatiently.
Now, who is the other party, why did he come to this seabed close to the land, and even discovered that they are about to initiate this secret operation, etc., he doesn't want to worry about it! He now only needs to complete the task assigned by King Aum within the stipulated time.
As for why this little girl ran away from the ethnic group to this ‘no man’s land’, which was supposed to be a dangerous zone, that was the responsibility of the herdsmen officials, and had nothing to do with him as an army officer!
∑(??△`)? !
The messy names such as Zebel Kingdom, Atlantis, Fisherman's Kingdom, Trench Tribe, Saltwater Kingdom, etc. came out of the mouths of those on the opposite side, making Little Annie stunned. ...
She really never thought that there are so many races and kingdoms hidden under the bottom of the earth, and it seems that technology is more advanced than the world on the ground?
Fortunately, she had always thought that the world under the sea was at best only a civilization like the murloc Naga!
However, looking at the equipment on the opponent now, it may not be easy to say, the single equipment alone looks very beautiful and gorgeous, and it is not even better than the CMC armor power of the Marines in the Kepru District Worse?
Of course, what is the specific situation, whether the opponent's armor is powerful or not, it is not practical or anything, she will not care, nor does she want to care!
She now only cares about the thing they guys are going to do!
"I just saw it on the land. You are planning to launch a big tsunami, right? I tell you, oh, you are not doing it right, because there are a lot of people in the city above, hundreds of people. Ten thousand! If you just flood it with seawater, many people will die!!"
What these people want to do, or where are they from the bottom of the sea, now Little Annie doesn’t want to bother about it, she just knows that if the tsunami above is completed and unfolded for these people, she will live a life soon. The city of National in May will definitely be severely damaged, and countless people will be killed and injured, including her home!
Maybe, there are Aunt Kate and Aunt Ella, the nanny?
As for the Carter at home, she didn't care too much. After all, the other party had gained all the power inherited by the ancient wizard Shazan. Not only did he have powerful power, but he could also fly, and he would certainly not be easily flooded by the tsunami.
"Go away..."
"Wait! You just said... Did you see it on land?"
The leader of the Atlantis soldiers who originally wanted to continue to drive the opponent away, after hearing the little girl's words clearly, he suddenly controlled the great white shark under the crotch and rushed to the little girl again and began to look carefully. The other party comes.
Because, as far as he knows, among the seven kingdoms, only a part of the kingdoms of Atlantis and Zebel can breathe freely on land... However, anyone is forbidden to go to land without an order. Or have any contact with people on land.
Anyone who dared to do that, no matter who they are, no matter what race they are, once caught, will be punished extremely severely!
"Yes indeed!"
If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, her Queen Anne would not rush to the bottom of the sea to take care of other people's affairs!
"You...are you a landman?"
I controlled my great white shark mount to swim around the opponent quickly, and then carefully looked at the opponent up and down for a long time, and drove my great white shark mount to smell the smell of the opponent up and down... …
Soon, both he and the mount under his hip seemed to have discovered something wrong with the other party.
Because, he found that the various characteristics of the opponent, and even the smell, etc., seem to be very strange, a bit like the land people in the record?
Anyway, no matter what he thinks, the other party is not like the Atlantis people in their underwater world or the people of Zebel Kingdom!
After all, they who have lived in the sea for a long time have a lot of significant physical differences from land people! Although, under normal circumstances, it cannot be seen by looking at it, but if you distinguish it carefully, it can still be easily distinguished.
What made him, an officer of the Kingdom of Atlantis, couldn't understand is: If the opponent is really a land person, then why can she swim, breathe, and talk freely under the water? !
"Aren't all people from land or ocean?"
"I live in the National City above, I definitely didn't belong with you anyway! By the way, does your great white shark sell it? It has been killing me since the beginning... so I decided I will take it back later, let Auntie Ella chop it up and cook it!!"
This great white shark, who had just approached, has been smelling at herself, and grinning at herself from time to time... Therefore, the other party has successfully aroused her Queen Anne's desire for revenge, so she decided , She wants to turn anger into appetite-eat it! !
Although she had already had dinner in the restaurant outside, if a great white shark of this size was caught and brought back for cooking without an excuse, she would definitely not sleep for several nights. !
Even if you can’t eat it tonight, you can chop it into pieces and put it in the refrigerator, and save it for tomorrow?
The other party is really land-based? !
"Come here! Catch her for me!!"
"What are you watching? The time is up, and immediately launch a big tsunami. We must give those people on the land a good look!!"
When the Atlantis officer heard the other party’s acknowledgment, he was surprised at the same time, and immediately waved to the companions behind him, asking them to start the tsunami, and immediately came over to take the little girl. Get it!
He felt that it was not too late to slowly explore the doubts on the other party's body! For example, why can the other party breathe or talk in the water?
Maybe, what he caught this time would be a descendant of a certain Atlantis or Zebel Kingdom who defected to live on land? If that's the case, he might have done a great job this time.
"Hey! Stop it!"
"You are hiding here and doing bad things quietly, I haven't bothered you yet, you still want to come over and catch me?!"
?? (ψ????ˇ????)??!
Sure enough, bad guys in this world are more suspicious...
Take a look, these guys who are riding big white sharks and surrounding themselves with their guns fiercely are definitely very bad ones!
Therefore, Annie has decided in her heart: She wants to defeat them all and drive them away, and then confiscate the tool (the biggest shark) that commits the crime, and see if they dare to come to this city next time and add chaos to herself?
It's a pity that those Atlanteans didn't seem to pay any attention to her meaning.
At this time, the guys in the distance who looked like engineers continued to play with the instruments, making it emit stronger energy fluctuations and water control capabilities, and making the current waves on the upper sea nearby become more and more intense. The more turbulent, it also made the gathered sea higher and higher... and the other soldiers were still busy with their own affairs. Only two knights riding great white sharks rushed over when they heard the order. Directly aimed at her with the weapon in his hand, it seemed that he planned to catch her up according to their commander's orders?
"Humph! I don't like you bad guys!"
Finally, seeing that the other party not only wanted to launch a tsunami attack on the city, but even wanted to catch herself, Annie raised her brows and directly stretched out her tender-looking little hand, grabbing the opponent's gun barrel pointed at her, fiercely. As soon as the ground exerted force, the two of them together with the sharks were smashed at a dull soldier on the other side!
With a muffled sound, under the immense force, a whole cavity of bubbles and silt dust on the seabed were stirred up, and the two Atlantis soldiers were directly smashed and turned around, their hands and feet spread weakly and floated on the ground. He was motionless by the seabed, apparently fainted...
"Fire and kill her!!"
Just turned around, the officer of the Atlantis soldier who had not yet returned to the instrument that controls the water. Hearing the movement behind him and turning around for the first time, he saw only two collisions. The subordinates who were together were actually defeated, and they floated weakly in the water?
Even the two shark mounts they rode are now bleeding from their mouths and noses, turning their belly upright, lying on one side in the mud of the seabed, obviously dead? !
"Fire! Life and death!!"
Seeing this, he knew that the opponent was not easy, so he ordered several shark soldiers around to fire at the opponent on the spot!
The next moment,
A bunch of red or blue energy attacked, and shot at the little girl who didn't seem to have much protection at the speed of the beam in the water!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
What surprised them and the Atlantis soldiers was that their countless intensive energy shots, their attacks that could even destroy a small battleship, only shot to the little girl and disappeared. No, it's like hitting a barrier like an invisible water curtain, and can only uselessly hit red dots and steaming steam bubbles on it?
"You can't beat me like this!"
Annie has too many ways to withstand the opponent's energy weapon shooting, but this time, she did not continue to deal with the enemy slowly or play.
Because she has seen and felt...
The strange device over there seems to have been activated. At this time, the huge tsunami above the trench has formed. After the towering sea loses its restraint, it finally begins to move towards the port and coast of National City. The zone roared and pounced?
"Huh! Bad guys, I can't spare you!!!"
Howl of angry waves!
If you continue playing, many people will probably die!
Therefore, now that Annie, who had already taken action and did not intend to delay time, suddenly raised her hand, a huge scrolling column of water began to appear sideways under the power of magic, and swept the surrounding countless silt, currents and seaweed. After forming a huge momentum, he rolled over the more than a dozen shark riders who kept shooting at him while still daring to pounce at him!
"not good!"
"Quick retreat!!"
"Be careful, get away!!"
'what! ! ’
‘Ah ah! ! ! ’
That powerful current instantly swept all the soldiers of Atlantis together, and together with the instrument in the distance and the engineers beside the instrument, they all inhaled the raging roar. , And like a huge drum washing machine, it all the enemies, including fish, shrimp, sand, seaweed, coral, etc. along the way, into the crazily rotating water, and then rolls towards the dark sea in the distance. I went, and soon disappeared...
After bursts of screams and fragments of broken blue and white armor, weapons and equipment flying and scrolling, soon, besides the mess, there was only Anne and the seabed of this trench. That one is the biggest, the great white shark that she specially left behind!
"Hello, great white shark, I have decided that I will eat you tomorrow, so you must be obedient!"
Finally, after she swept all the bad guys into the roar of the raging waves and didn’t know where they were trapped, Annie turned her head unkindly and looked at the one that she
let go, without receiving anything. In front of the hurting great white shark.
Just now, this guy was very fierce and grinned at her Queen Anne...Look, now you finally know you are afraid, right?
However, it is useless to be afraid. She has decided to eat it, so she will definitely eat it. It is useless to persuade anyone! Besides, who made it grow so strong?
It would be a pity if you let it go...
(Warning! Dear (bad) little master, the tsunami will reach the shore of National City in 30 seconds. It is estimated that in 45 seconds, it will razor your house to the ground and kill half along the way. The above person?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Finally, when I saw that one of my little masters had paid attention to food for the first time, but had forgotten the more important and urgent matters, he finally endured it. I couldn't help but had to make an exception to remind someone. )
"Huh? Right, the big tsunami, I almost forgot..."
"Wow! Those weird scorpions just now are really bad, so good, why do they make such a tsunami out to harm people?!"
Raising her head, she felt a little bit of the big tsunami above her head that was roaring and tumbling towards the city. After sensing the destruction of the thing, Annie, who had been thinking about it for several seconds, finally curled her lips. Reaching out, a burning icy blue flame of frost began to appear in the palm of her hand.
It may not be easy to dry the seawater in this place directly. After all, this is the sea... But if you use your own frost flame to directly freeze the seawater in this area and the moving tsunami above it , Then there must be no problem!
Maybe, there may be another better way, but...
Anne didn't want to think about such troublesome things!
o(??^`)o hum!

‘This is Gotham City. There was a tsunami on the east coast last night. 92% of the buildings on the shore and the port were damaged. The casualties are temporarily unavailable...’
‘This is the "Planet Daily" TV station! ’
'Like other coastal cities in the world, the east coast of our metropolis was hit by a huge tsunami. Countless warships and ships were washed ashore, causing tens of thousands of casualties. The government is currently organizing volunteers and firefighting. For disaster relief...'
‘Of course, our Superman must be indispensable! It has been a day and a night, and he has been busy on the coastline, saving thousands of victims...’
‘This is Kark Media TV! ’
‘Like coastal cities all over the world, our city of Nachonnell was hit by a terrible tsunami last night! But the good news is: we have no losses! ’
‘Because the big tsunami has been completely frozen, it has not been able to conquer our port, and it has not been able to conquer our city! ’
"We firmly believe that, like the Flight 237 incident, God is looking after our city..."
‘Today, there are unprecedented phenomena all over the world. What does that mean? ’
‘Warships, ships and a lot of garbage were washed to the shore...’
‘The whole world was hit by the tsunami at the same time. What happened? Is the earth crazy? ’
‘Many people are asking... Is this a natural disaster or some other reason? ’
‘Here’s bad news...’
'In our country, a large number of ships and warships were thrown onto land and damaged by the tsunami. There were countless casualties...Even, even the Ford nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the 100,000-ton-level behemoth, is now They are all stranded in the city...I think, whether it is the military or ship engineers, I am afraid they will be helpless with it, and can basically announce its early retirement? ’
‘Because no one can move such a huge behemoth that has been stranded and rolled over between the tall buildings in the city from the land to the sea again! That is something that our human technical power cannot achieve temporarily! Or is the cost unacceptable to bureaucrats? ’
‘Did aliens attack our planet? ’
‘We know nothing about this...’
In the DEO Supernatural Operations Headquarters, Minister Hank Henshaw stood sadly in front of a huge screen, watching the television broadcasts separated by the system, and watching the countless ones above almost all talking. The TV station that was talking about the same thing didn't say a word.
Because he knew that it would certainly not be a natural event!
Like the kind of thing that attacked all the coastal cities of the world at the same time, and even attacked almost all military ships, almost completely annihilated the navies of all countries in the world. If he dares to say that it is a natural event, I am afraid he Hank ?? Henshaw himself has to get off the stage from the throne of Minister DEO tomorrow, right?
Even if he knew that this matter was not easy, but he had no way or clue, he didn't know how to investigate this terrible supernatural event that happened almost simultaneously all over the world, and he didn't know what the was going on. Where to start the investigation!
"Sir, this is what we monitored. I think you should want to see it?"
At this moment, Alex, who looked a little excited, walked over quickly, and behind her was the sister Superwoman Kayla Danvers who had been on standby in the DEO headquarters since last night.
Soon, with the operation of Alex, a scene of their DEO agents monitored by drones began to be played on this huge screen:
At night, a little girl was sitting comfortably on the edge of a cliff on the coast, not knowing what she was thinking...
That little girl, Hank Henshaw said he knew her, and she was familiar!
Then, after a while, the sea in front of the little girl began to undergo magical changes like coastal areas all over the world... Of course, the little girl seemed to have noticed too, because she stood up and began to look at it? Immediately afterwards, the other party seemed to tilt his head to think and observe for a long time. When the waves in the distance were getting higher and higher, and it was about to form a big tsunami, the little girl finally jumped directly towards the sea, and was very He soon disappeared in the dark waves of the raging Penghai.
Then, as time goes on...
When the tsunami finally formed and hit the coast, it was about to head towards National City...In an instant, the world seemed to change color in an instant, and there seemed to be a flash of ice blue in the dark water?
Immediately afterwards, something horrified happened to Hank Henshaw and many DEO agents who came to take a peek:
The tens of meters-high tsunami that was whizzing high and preparing to pounce towards the city of Naxonel, gradually stopped by itself?
But obviously, the tsunami will definitely not stop by itself, and there will definitely not be such considerations as to whether to inundate the National City, whether to destroy all the streets of the coastal city and infringe the lives and property of ordinary people. Thoughts!
When the DEO surveillance drone slowly pulled into the camera, Mr. Minister Hank Henshaw discovered that, just like the news broadcast on the TV station, the terrifying huge wave was thirty or forty meters high. , Was frozen in an instant? !
In fact,
The entire coastal area of ​​National City, including the docks and ports, all the seawater was instantly frozen when the tsunami wave formed and began to pounce on the land... It directly formed a circle of dozens The frozen zone in the sea completely ended the small, suspected local tsunami caused by aliens!
In short, the shocking scenes shocked the people present at DEO for a long time and could not speak.
Because, from the surveillance video, they can easily see that there was some kind of existence that created a tsunami that hit the whole world, and then, in National City, someone stopped it and saved at least tens of thousands of people. Life and countless wealth!
"The big tsunami that was frozen up, can you be sure that she did it now?"
Realizing that his subordinates were actually more reliable and found such valuable information, Hank?? Henshaw, after pondering for a while, turned around and asked Alex, his subordinate. .
"Report sir! There is a high chance that she did it!"
"Because we monitored her to jump into the sea shortly after the tsunami was suddenly frozen... Then, shortly after, she suddenly appeared in her home... Such a long distance, she She returned to her home again without warning!"
"Obviously, that little girl Annie Hasta, she has more abilities that we don't know!"
As for the fact that the little girl brought back a great white shark, Alex did not say it, because it was not important now.
"Combined with the previous flight 237 incident, as well as the little boy Carter who turned into a lightning bolt on his chest last night, plus the frozen bay of National City...So, we basically concluded: A lot of the supernatural that happened in National City should be the little girl's hands!"
"She is the ‘Daughter of God’, the ‘Ghost Agent’! The Flight 237 incident and the freezing tsunami in the Gulf of National City must be hers!"
Although there is no more conclusive evidence at present, as a senior agent of DEO, Alex knows that only the information they have now is enough to determine those things.
All that was left was the response from Hank Henshaw, who was waiting for their DEO Operations Director.
"It's incredible..."
Hank?? Henshaw is racking his brains to think, he must first think, how should he deal with this this time?
"Speaking of which, you don't believe me. When I was an assistant to the president of Kac Media, I met that little guy several times! But I never knew that she was so amazing!"
Thinking of my first action to save the plane, I was fooled by the other party. Then, I was rescued by the other party later. Then, my cousin Clark was beaten to the ground by the other party, and he was also killed by the other party. Almost beaten to death by the Radiant...Whenever thinking of these things, Superwoman Kayla felt a mixed feeling in her heart, she didn't know what to say or how to comment on the other person.
"Alex, what do you think she has?!"
After a long time, Hank Henshaw asked suddenly.
This is what his DEO minister should care about, because he must first assess the opponent's ability and the degree of threat. No matter whether the opponent is good or evil, he must first understand this. This is related to their DEO's treatment of each other. Attitudes and other related things.
"Sorry, sir! I don't know!"
"But for now, she has demonstrated the ability to freeze the space of the Flight 237 incident, the super armor that is technologically advanced enough to defeat Superman, and the ability to turn a little boy into a super'charged' hero out of thin air. There is also... the terrible unknown power that ended the tsunami by freezing a large area of ​​the sea last night?"
"Of course, maybe the opponent's frozen sea is some kind of advanced weapon?"
"However, I prefer her own strength, because when she jumped into the sea, apart from a teddy bear, the little skirt on her body shouldn't be able to hide anything else..."
After serious consideration for a while, and then flipping through the relevant information on the tablet device, Alex quickly concluded a more regular statement that basically everyone would agree.
"Then what level of her power might exist?"
The other party has shown that it is so terrible, and the threat level is still so high... As for whether the little girl might have more abilities, Hank?? Henshaw dare not imagine!
He felt that in the next period of time, the DEO operations department would need to invest more manpower and material resources on the little girl... If they can, they must investigate the origin of the other party clearly!
"Sorry, sir, there is too little information for us to judge!"
"It's the level of God? You know, she also has a resounding nickname called "God's Daughter"... So, is it true that her name is not without reason?"
Shrugged, and vaguely gave out an unrealistic conjecture of his own for Alex, who was not very good at guessing.
Hank Henshaw stopped talking, and he began to think again.
"Sir! What should we do now?"
After waiting for a while, Alex was a little impatient, then asked carefully.
"Observe temporarily and pay attention to the other party's dynamics at any time, so be it!"
What can he do now, and what can he do?
After all, the strength of the opponent seems to be a little beyond their imagination. The ability that has been demonstrated so far has successfully made them feel tremendous pressure. They must not dare to do it until they know if the opponent has other abilities. Any hasty decisions.
Therefore, Hank has no other way for now...
However, it is not without good news.
At least, so far, apart from beating the Superman, it seems that the other party has not done anything too outrageous? Moreover, not only did he not do any bad things, he even saved many lives twice! Especially this tsunami, once they hit the city, God knows how many lives and property will be fatally harmed?
No matter how bad, she also saved a city!
But thinking about the mess around the coast now, Hank Henshaw's heart couldn't help but sink.
So now, what he needs a headache for Hank Henshaw:
Regarding the tsunami that swept the world last night, how exactly should he write a report? Should I write truthfully, or wait until the investigation is clear?
What's more, his instinct told him that since the little girl jumped into the sea and prevented the tsunami, she probably knew the whole story!
How should their DEO contact each other?
This will be a big problem again, he needs to think about it first.
"What the am I going to do now? Now the whole world is suffering from disasters, you can't let me stay here and do nothing!!"
At this time, some bored Superwoman Kayla?? Danvers finally spoke.
Now the whole world is suffering from disasters, and there must be many people trapped in the ruins of ships or buildings that overturned and stranded! Although her ability alone is limited and can't save everyone, but if she can save one, she should now follow her old cousin Clark, and rush to any place where she is needed instead of staying. Watching here.
"You? Forget can move freely, keep in touch, and pay attention to the orders from the headquarters!"
Finally, seeing that there was no large-scale alien invasion that he had imagined, Hank Henshaw finally let go of the control of the superwoman, and no longer asked the other party to wait. Stand by in the headquarters.
"Humph! You should have done this long ago!"
After speaking, Superwoman Kayla Danvers came out of the window directly, and soared into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

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