Chapter 695: Superman vs. Bald Head Strong??^??^?

The southwestern part of North America on the earth is a large desert area. At the same time, it is also one of the largest and hottest desert areas on the North American continent.
In addition to a large area of ​​barren land filled with yellow sand, it also has fertile farmland in a heterogeneous desert that is partly near the Pacific rainy season, a small number of residents and some Indian reserves.
Because of its unique climate, humid air, and the pattern of double rainfall in the Pacific monsoon in winter and summer, this desert is covered with a large number of huge cacti, prickly pear plants, and other There are countless bushes and various spiked shrubs.
Today, however, many farmers in this desert, or Indians in the Indian Reserve, have clearly seen the Superman and another light head flying by in the sky. Weird guy who doesn't know what he looks like?
They galloped through the sky, one running in front, the other chasing behind, and they kept launching that scary blue or black energy attack... Then, between fighting and fleeing, they Soon it disappeared in the hot desert sky, and no trace was seen again.
Where did that guy go?
With his bare head and his clothes all in tatters, but his body has long since been repaired by magic to become intact Dr. Thaddeus Shiwana, when he chased the enemy and flew to the yellow sand all around, No one was inhabited, the air was extremely hot, and when he was still in the yellow sand area of ​​the desert under the direct afternoon sun above his head, he found that he seemed to be unable to find the superman? !
Dr. Thaddeus Shivana was quite sure that the other party had been flying in front of him unhurriedly before, and he hadn't even beaten back or scolded him, apparently in order to lead himself to this place where no one is here. Fighting.
But now it's better. After they finally came to this barren desert area, they came to this place where there may be no living people within a radius of more than ten miles. After arriving at this place that must be suitable for fighting, the Superman is gone?
Is it possible that the other party played him Thaddeus Shivana, and after deliberately leading him here, they left him and ran away?
But what is the point in that case?
That Superman, is not afraid that he will turn back to Fawcett City or simply run to the metropolis where the other party frequently haunts, and directly turn those two cities into ruins to vent his hatred? !
The enemy seems to be... on top of his head, in the sky? !
Dr. Thaddeus Shiwana, who was observing around and even searching for a long time in the sand dunes on the ground, finally found some abnormalities:
On the ground, in those large tracts of yellow sand desert dunes, there are actually two large groups of shadows?
You know, this desert is close to the tropical equator. In this hot season, it is the time when the sun is above the head, and it is now cloudless, so... Obviously, the two shadows on the ground are one big and one small. , One of them must be his shadow of Thaddeus Shivana, and the other is the Superman who brought him here before! !
"Sure enough, where is it!"
Suddenly raising his head, Dr. Thaddeus Shivana discovered that the Superman was now above his head, in the sky about two to three hundred meters high from his position, with his back facing the sun. , Relying on that dazzling sunlight to'invisibly', just looking down at yourself condescendingly? !
Fortunately, he discovered the wrong place in the two shadows on the ground in time, otherwise, maybe he himself didn't know when he would sneak attack on that cunning Superman.
not good! !
Thaddeus Shivana just raised his head, and after seeing the red-blue figure with his back facing the hot bright yellow dazzling sun, before he had time to react, the two red heat rays violently It shot out from the opponent's eyes and swept past his waist in a shocking manner!
Those two golden red, extremely powerful and burning eye-shaped thermal energy rays instantly burned his body into two segments, and at the same time burned the yellow sand desert below the ground into two terrifying, Even the large gullies of parallel glazed magma that had melted stopped after burning two traces of hundreds of meters long.
"Heh! It's all like this, can that guy still die? What kind of monster is he?!"
Seeing that the opponent was cut in half by the heat of his own eyes, he didn't even fall, but a cloud of black smoke appeared all over his body, and then the black smoke broke apart at the opponent and started to burn. After the two charred body fractures gathered, and the broken body was repaired soon, Superman Clark really didn't know what to do.
By now, he has tried to flatten the opponent's head, emptied the opponent's chest and spine with a punch, and even just successfully attacked, cutting the opponent into two pieces... But in the end, the guy turned out to be both. Can still continue to be repaired, the vitality is tenacious to that point?
Isn't it, like that little girl Annie said before, really only magic can fight magic? !
"Damn alien, it hurts..."
When Superman was surprised, Dr. Thaddeus Shivana also gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice at the Superman who hurt himself several times and made him feel very uncomfortable every time.
Although, because of those demons, he has a strong body, infinite demon power, and almost immortal power... But, like the attack on his body just now, especially the serious physical injury, That's the same thing that will make him feel the intense pain like ecstasy!
Even now, his body has been repaired in an instant, but the pain and desperation of dying is no less than normal people!
and so……
"I swear, today I will definitely make you aliens pay the price!!"
The black demon energy emerged from his left hand, and the faint blue horror flames appeared on his right. The moment after Dr. Thaddeus Shivana’s body was restored, he did not wait for the hesitant Superman to make other reactions. My whole person was gradually engulfed in a large cloud of black mist. I first protected my body well, and then began to act like a rocket, slamming toward the upper side facing the sun, looking down at me from above. Superman flew into the sky and hit it!
In any case, Dr. Thaddeus Shivana himself was willing to fight for it today!
Because, anyway, he himself can't die anyway, so he simply uses his powerful magic to attack the opponent at close range, and then think of a way to break through the opponent's strong steel body. At that time, he We need to see if the Kryptonian, who is said to be unmatched, will be dug out of his heart or brain?
Seeing his enemy rushing up towards him, Superman Clark also took possession of his body without showing any weakness, clenched his fists with both hands on top of his head, directly headed down, and swooped down at the enemy with his feet up!
At the same time, he also opened his mouth, letting the continuous freezing breath whizzing towards the black figure that was charging up while he dived!
Clark has already figured it out. Since the monster can't be killed with normal damage, he can try it, use ice to freeze it and then break it, and then burn it piece by piece with the heat of the eye? Or, find ways to directly beat the opponent's entire body into a ball?
At that time, no matter how strong the opponent's regeneration ability is, no matter how weird the black energy is, he can always be successfully killed or defeated, right?
Why didn't it freeze him? !
Soon, at the moment when the two parties were about to come into contact, Superman Clark was surprised to find that the rapid freezing gas he exhaled, and his cold breathing that belonged to the Kryptonian superpower, didn't even hurt each other a bit? It seems that the strange evil black energy on the opponent completely blocked his freezing attack from outside?
Bang! !
Soon, two loud noises exploded in the sky above this uninhabited desert and yellow sand area.
After the two pairs of fists collided with each other and made a huge noise and a gas wave and shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye, Superman Clark snorted under the huge impact and was directly bounced off. Tumbled to the sky above.
And Dr. Thaddeus Shivana, who had a bald head and a crit, was shocked by the huge impact force, flew back at a faster speed, and hit the ground. In the dunes of yellow sand!
boom! ! !
After the body was submerged in the sand dunes, a sound like the sound of a cannonball blasted, and at the same time, it stirred up countless yellow sand and dust...
With great difficulty, Superman Clark held his stature dangerously high in the sky, and glanced at his fists that were corroded by the strange energy of the opponent, and then his anger began to burn, he leaned down again At the same time as the impact left, the two rays of thermal energy from the eyes once again lased towards the large group of sand dunes on the ground covered with yellow sand and dust.
Because Clark doesn't need to look at it to know that the monster will definitely not be killed by the shock just now!
He had tried it before in the short and tightly bound battle in Fawcett, so now he must work harder to find ways to defeat the opponent, or exhaust the opponent’s physical strength, or the opponent’s Magic works.
What if the other party really has something like blue bars?
"I can't forgive you!!"
In the yellow sand, Dr. Thaddeus Shivana shot two thick black pillars composed of dark blue demon flames and black demon aura at almost the same instant.
They were then launched by Dr. Thaddeus Shivana’s own hands. While counteracting the attack of Superman’s long-range eye beam laser, they also flew up. While emitting energy to continue attacking, they also used extreme Superman, who swooped down into the sky at a fast speed, crashed again!
Bang! !
The two had another violent physical and energy collision...
But obviously, the superman who is diving down, with a body of steel and super power, is even better!
Therefore, at the impact point of the two people’s collision, there was another muffled sound after the air collision and a huge energy shock circle composed of air waves, red, blue and black energies spreading around, Superman Clark The two of Dr. Thaddeus Shivana also slammed into the sand dunes on the ground at extremely high speed! !
Rumble~! ! !
This time, the huge momentum made by the two of them colliding with the ground made almost the whole earth sway slightly like an earthquake, and at the same time more yellow sand was splashed, and a larger area of ​​smoke was filled...
At the same time, after the two hit the ground, the burst of energy again swept across the ground for several miles nearby, stirring the entire desert area into chaos!
Even, under the action of the huge impact force and the energy of the explosion, where the two hit the ground, above them, on the top of the diffuse yellow sand, slowly formed a cause about tens of meters high. A small mushroom cloud of dust, like a small tactical nuclear weapon exploded here?
Fortunately, this is a hot, dry and yellow sandy area with no vegetation. There are almost no residents nearby. Compared to a densely populated and built-up city, it is really much better...because of this, it is also more capable. Let Superman Clark let go, there is no need to worry about his own accidental injury or the enemy's violent destruction, causing a terrible incident of heavy casualties.
And now, the kind of terrifying force that almost destroyed the sand dunes hundreds of meters in a radius of a collision between the two sides illustrates that point! Therefore, Superman was obviously prescient in showing his weakness and attracted him to this deserted desert.

"Okay! I saw it, another amazing bald monster appeared on our planet!!"
In the DEO Paranormal Operations Headquarters, Minister Hank Henshaw also saw the battle in the cloudless desert area from the satellite monitoring!
In fact, now I am afraid that it is not only their DEO special department, but other military, civilian agencies, or intelligence agencies around the world, I am afraid that they have seen the scene of Superman fighting the bald man in the desert at this time.
"I have some time now..."
"Alex, tell me, who the is that guy, and which alien race is it?"
Minister Hank Henshaw, who felt a little exhausted, watched for a while. After seeing Superman and the bald-headed undead men hit into the desert, seeing the sand and dust starting to fill, temporarily unable to see the specific situation with the naked eye. He quickly turned around and asked the alien research expert behind him, his capable cadre and his most trusted subordinate, Alex Danvers.
Originally, Minister Hank Henshaw had always thought that the most important thing for his DEO Supernatural Operations Department in the past few decades is to put the Krypton prisons and the aliens who escaped from the'Rossberg' Captured and re-detained and dealt with... However, it is a pity that crises and new monsters on the earth are emerging one after another. In this case, how can their DEO handle it?
In fact, it is not just their DEO, but now he faintly feels that it seems that the superman who represents justice, the superhero that is well-known on earth, may be a little too much to deal with! !
"Report sir!"
For the first time, Alex sent the image and data of the bald man onto a smaller holographic display, and then began to explain:
"According to the information..."
"He is not a prisoner who escaped from the Krypton Prison'Rossberg', nor any kind of alien race we know or unknown! In fact, he is a native of the earth!"
After talking about this, Alex paused, obviously, she was also surprised by the content of the information.
"His name, Thaddeus Shivana, is a PhD in ancient writing, and he is also the second son of Mr. Shivana, chairman of Shivana Industries in Fawcett!"
"He seems to have a very strict father and a bullying brother? Perhaps, this may be the reason why he appeared in the Shiwana Industrial Building before and wanted to kill everyone and retaliate against those including his father and The real reason for the members of the board of directors of Shiwana Industries including my brother?"
"The others don't seem to be important..."
"So, sir! According to the information, he is indeed an earthling, not any kind of alien monster you imagine!!"
Soon, Alex Danvers enumerated all the information and resumes of the bald man who was fighting Superman.
The information in her hands, from the birth of the other party to recent information and other information, such as where the other party has been, what kind of personality, and what hobbies they have! Of course, she just picked some important things to report, and didn't read out all the complicated things completely.
"I don't understand, since he Thadis? Shivana is an earthling or a doctor... But how can he have that terrible ability? What is going on?!"
Minister Hank Henshaw did not understand that the other party turned out to be an earthling...
But here comes the problem:
How could a human being on earth become so powerful?
Moreover, he has that kind of weird energy, and he can fight against Kryptonian Superman, who has a body of steel, without falling into the wind. Even after being beaten to the head, punched through the chest, and cut in half Was it restored soon afterwards?
That kind of exaggerated magical recovery ability, let alone the earthlings, I am afraid that neither the male and female supermen have it? !
"Report sir! It should be because of the'seven deadly sins' demon!"
"Just now, before my sister Kayla received a message from her superman cousin and was about to set out to help, she sent me a message saying that she found the demons who ran out of the'rock of eternity' Up?"
"So I infer that things shouldn't be wrong now... That Dr. Thaddes? Shivana didn't know why, he gained the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, so he became such a powerful monster?"
"What's the specific situation, we can only wait for the end of the battle to ask the ‘White Superman’ Shazan..."
After finishing talking, Alex moved quickly on the radar screen on one side, and two red dots appeared on the top. They were flying at high speed and approaching the desert area where Superman Clark and the bald male Dr. Saidis Shivana were fighting. .
Obviously, as the satellite lens zoomed in, the woman in the red cape and blue tights who was a little closer and was about to arrive was her Kryptonian sister, Kayla Danvers; and The other one that is a little further away, and may take more than ten minutes to arrive, is the'White Superman' Thunder Shazan in white robe and red clothes!
"I just hope that everything goes well for them and can successfully subdue the so-called'Seven Deadly Sins' demon..."
Minister Hank Henshaw nodded, shook his head again, and then sighed helplessly, intending to check the situation first.
"Sure, sir!"
"Now Superman can fight the monster evenly, even faintly gaining the upper hand. Later, when the three of them arrive, then they can completely clean up the monster!!"
In this regard, Alex Danvers is very sure!
In her opinion, Superman Clark, Superwoman Keira, and Superman Shazam, these three of them can be said to be the most powerful superman combination on earth that she has seen so far! If even those three of them couldn't defeat the demon-possessed or demon-powered Dr. Thaddeus Shivana, I am afraid that no one on earth would be the opponent of that monster doctor.
"hope so……"
Although his subordinate Alex is very optimistic, even Superman will be injured and exhausted, and the energy in their Kryptonians is not endless, so in the opinion of Minister Hank Henshaw , The monster Dr. Bald, who can't be beaten to death, obviously has a better chance of winning?
Of course, even though he thinks that way, he still hopes that the three Supermen can get rid of that when he sees that he doesn't like to behave, and he just gains strength to fight against his family!
Otherwise, once the opponent is allowed to escape or continue to roam elsewhere after winning, maybe there will be some terrible terrorist event!
"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely!"
Turning his head and glanced at the serious black face of his chief, Alex thought for a while, and finally said something to comfort him.
However, Minister Hank Henshaw did not continue to answer the conversation, but silently watched the satellite monitoring picture while thinking about his own thoughts.
At this moment, on the satellite monitoring screen, the two people who were fighting had already blasted out sideways from the smoke cloud filled with dust and yellow sand!
They knocked over several sand dunes in a row, forming a series of smoke and dust trails. With great difficulty, when the satellite picture was frozen, they only saw that Superman was pinching the enemy's neck, with huge fists punching one after another. Keep hammering at the opponent's face!
Under that powerful force, a circle of energy fluctuations oscillated to the surroundings, and at the same time, countless yellow sand and floating dust were also stirred and floated in circles...

The state is not good today, I will add more tomorrow...
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