Chapter 713: They will tremble with my appearance! ?(?...

Naked threat...
Relying on the powerful strength of Noxus and the current almost invincible army, Jericho Swain, the leader of Noxus, directly issued the final confession to the two couples in front of him! This is just as he said, their Noxus has never shown mercy to the enemy!
If you don't surrender, you will be destroyed! !
Hearing the murderous words of the other party, before her husband Gregory continued to say something, the furious shadow maiden Amoryn spoke again in anger, clenching her fists, her face full of sternness. Rebutted again:
"Sure enough, you reveal the madman's face like Noxus!"
"Jerico Swain...what you said, I am afraid that even the perished people on the Shadow Island who are struggling on the edge of death and their wisdom is on the verge of dying will laugh at you!!"
"If you think that kind of threat is effective for our ‘gray order’, then you can try it!"
"However, don't blame me for not warning you now: Anyone or force that threatens our'gray order' and our people's survival here must be our enemy! Regarding enemies, our gray order wizards will never Softhearted!"
"If you want to be an enemy of a group of mages, just show your ridiculous fangs!"
Although their own "Gray Order" is only as large as a small town in the Noxian Empire, the people are only the mages who migrated from the Noxian Empire and a small number of survivors. The intellectuals and their families who came down... the new generation has just grown up, and the oldest of them is just the baby daughter Anne next to her, but Amoryn is not afraid of threats from the other side at all!
Regardless of whether the opponent is verbal intimidation or any actual military action, her Shadow Witch Amorim can guarantee:
In the land of voodoo, no one can break through the simple fence outside their gray order that is only half an arm wide!
Because, before any enemy touched them, they had already been bombarded and killed by their spells! If the Noxians and their army don't believe it, just try it. At that time, she believes that their gray order strategic spells will definitely make the other side remember deeply!
No one has ever dared to threaten a mage face to face like this, never!
Therefore, the shadow witch Amorim has made up her mind. When the opponent leaves, she will definitely strengthen the defense of the gray order for the first time, and discharge a large number of wizard eyes and scout guards to monitor the borders of the entire voodoo land. , And pay special attention to the northern mountains near Noxus and the southern coastal marshes that may be attacked by the other side.
Little Annie looked at the two strangers on the left with some surprise, and then at the angry mother Amoryn and Papa Gregory on the right. She didn't know what to do for a while.
Although, whether she is on her parents' side or the side of Uncle Crow, she doesn't quite understand what they are saying... But she always feels that they seem to make sense, and they sound very powerful. Like?
Thinking about it, she has been in the land of voodoo for so many years, and seeing the adults blushing and arguing like they are now, seems to be the first time she has seen it!
What? What?
and so……
She suddenly felt that now, before the two sides really fought, it seemed that she shouldn't help Amoryn's mother and the others casually, so she let these adults quarrel for a while, let her see the excitement for herself?
"Oh... Swain, please stop at enough!"
"Although, our gray order mages have not had any disputes with any outsiders in these years, and have almost never really fought...but, believe me, this doesn't mean we are afraid or not good at fighting?"
"It makes no sense to argue with us..."
"I think it is best for both of us to maintain the status quo at the moment. We promise that we will never leave our land again, nor will we choose to join either party. Correspondingly, Noxus please do not interfere. Our life here is just like the past ten years. The two sides continue to be in peace. What do you think of this proposal?"
Although trying to persuade the leader of a frantically expanding empire is somewhat impractical, the mystic warlock Gregory still holds the last glimmer of expectations, hoping that the two sides can maintain the state of peace before this, rather than They are embarrassed by the group of people who are rebuilding their homes in the current state of tension.
After all, in his own mind, there is no conflict of interest between their gray order and Noxus in the north. Their sphere of influence, this voodoo land, is not a place of prosperity and prosperity, but is still full of swamps and poisonous insects. The beasts are infested, and the miasma directly spreads over a large area all year round, without any occupation value at all!
Moreover, they are separated from the core hinterland of Noxus by a natural and magnificent barrier. It is certain that neither of them wants to cross it anymore, and they have all the basic conditions for continuing to live in peace.
"It seems that you still don't understand Gregory..."
Although Jericho Swain didn’t know the philosophical saying,
It’s not allowed to sleep beside the couch,
he only knew that the southern part of the Noxian Empire could not tolerate one that was flourishing and still Being able to survive in the cruel geographical environment of the land of voodoo in just over ten years, it has grown from nothing, and has gradually developed into a rudimentary'rebellious' organization of the magic kingdom!
Therefore, even if he does not turn his face now and no longer threaten each other, it is foreseeable that in the near future, the two sides will definitely come to a situation where they have to face each other! Because that is about the security and stability of the Noxian Empire! Therefore, instead of waiting until then, he Swain, the leader of Noxus, prefers to kill the threat in the bud now.
After all, no matter how you look at it, if they do it before the other party develops and grows, before this group of wizards manage their various defenses and this voodoo land more closely, it will be for Noxus. , Maybe it will be easier?
The two people in front of me, the mysterious wizard Gregory Hasta and his wife Amoryn the Shadow Witch, and the old wizards of the gray order, are all powerful wizards, plus Nok at the beginning When the SARS coup took place, those who defected here with these two men were all the nobles, intellectuals and engineers in the original empire!
Those people can be said to be a group of elites, a group of rare talents! And this, in just a dozen years, the opponent can take root in the land of voodoo, and can build this small city like a paradise, just like a magic city.
Whether it is Jericho Swain himself or the Council of Trifali, he will definitely not give this group of mages and intellectuals who were originally part of the empire another ten years or so, and will never let them be there. Here continues to grow and develop.
This is just like what he just said, since the other party does not take the initiative to surrender, then the other party will face the conquest of their Great Noxus! When the iron hooves of the Noxian army set foot on this land, all the rebels will die! !
Swain was a little tired of the dialogue and negotiation with these stubborn guys.
He believed that soon, the blood-red flags of their Noxian Empire would be planted at the highest point of the town, overlooking the conquered people kneeling and shaking on the ground.
"It's probably you who don't understand! This Lord Swain?"
"You war lunatics, you should learn from the Kingdom of Demacia. From the Golden Age to the present, they have always had the most powerful, elite and well-trained army in the so-called Runeland. I think you Nock Sass can tell from the fact that they have been frustrated after repeated attacks?"
"However, that powerful Demacia Kingdom has never been as keen on war as your Noxus!"
The shadow witch Amoryn, who is still in anger, refutes Swain’s words as the leader of Noxus without giving any face. She even rudely talked about the Kingdom of Demacia, and brought Nok. Sass has repeatedly invaded Demacia but was ruthlessly defeated.
As the actual controller of the gray order, Amoryn who occasionally needs to use teleportation magic to go out and exchange materials with the outside world, she herself has always been very clear about the relevant information about Noxus.
She also knew that in recent years, apart from launching an aggression against Freljord, a frigid place to the north of the mainland, and Ionia to the east of the sea, Noxus has also been madly grieving with the Kingdom of Demacia in recent years. There are endless battles in the valley and plains between the Gate and Nokmochi...
In the past few years, Demacia’s Dragonfowl Legion and the Demacia steel armies that were hardened by holy water, the most powerful, elite and well-trained army on the continent have successfully made Noxa The Trefary Legion of Sri Lanka has been wandering in place, unable to advance, even, several times it almost fell into the sand and suffered a fiasco?
This also made her understand that under Noxus's frenzied multi-faceted combat and hard desire to fill, they will never easily stop the pace of foreign conquests, and they will eventually experience the bitter fruits brought to them by the war. Finally fell into the abyss of destruction!
It is also because of this, because they have seen the warlike and endlessly expanding nature of Noxus. Back then, their husband and wife led the crowd to cross the magnificent barrier and came here...and they will go so resolutely today. Resist the opponent's proposal to reintegrate into Noxus.
"The Demacians are not worth mentioning, and this is the only thing they deserve to be mentioned..."
In fact, Swain really looked down upon the group of Xenophobic, stubborn, stubborn, closed-door Demacians in the west!
In his opinion, those Demacias are totally unworthy of having that large fertile plain!
Those who don't want to make progress are just consuming the national power accumulated for thousands of years! One day in the future, their Noxian army will eventually break through each other's defenses and conquer the city of Miyin on the western Gold Coast, ending the reign of the idiot Jarvan III!
Of course, it also includes Freljord in the north and Ionia who made him lose an arm and suffered a fiasco for the first time! !
"Your Excellency Swain! No matter what you say, no matter how nice you say it, or how threatening it is, our answer is still rejection! The future of our gray order will never be based on war and conquest. It will not have any connection with your Noxus!!!"
"So, if there is nothing else, you can go back."
Now that the contradiction between the two sides has been provoked, and now that the negotiation has broken down, without a lot of speculation, the shadow witch Amoryn coldly hummed and issued a eviction order, planning to open a portal to drive the other two away. Go back to Noxus!
Demon Fairy of Deception looked at Swain, she just smiled nonchalantly, and did not speak, no one knew what she was thinking.
"The future? Really superficial!"
"You people can only see the next few seconds at the most in a short glance... And I, I have already seen through it. After countless centuries of fighting, the empire was built... Therefore, only war can bring wealth. And peace..."
Swain paused, and after looking at the still indifferent and indifferent faces of the two opposite people, he sighed non-committal.
Now, the continuous expansion of Noxus has become the life of the empire... No one can change the advanced concepts of their Noxians, and there is absolutely no need to change it!
Because the Great Noxus is bound to rise, this is something that no one can stop, no one! Anyone who dared to resist the advancement of the imperial chariot, or the country, would be destroyed, and there would be absolutely no other results.
"Well, now that the two have made a decision, then today's negotiations have become meaningless..."
"Ah! You are still the same as ten years ago. The idiots are after all a bunch of idiots. After a long period of time, you have become more stubborn... Guo Er'an, I really shouldn't be here today..."
After discovering the two couples opposite, the mystery warlock Gregory Hasta and his wife, the shadow witch Amorim, their attitude has not changed from start to finish, and there is no sign of being persuaded by them. Swain sighs. Besides, he finally turned his face directly.
Whether it is the friendship of the past or the many persuasion of today, he has done his best!
Now, standing in front of the other party will be the leader of the Noxian Empire, one of the three members of the Cifali Council who rule the empire! Therefore, everything he does next will be for their Great Noxus, even if it is to destroy this gray order, set foot here on the ground, and kill all the old people, it will be at all costs! !
"Please be respectful! Jericho Swain!!"
Gregory, the always good-tempered mystery warlock, was also a little irritated by the other's attitude, so as soon as he stretched out his hand, a scepter inlaid with spiritual gems, the scepter of Loki appeared in his hand. .
This scepter inlaid with soul gems, brought back by his baby daughter Annie from other worlds, Gregory liked so much that it has now become his exclusive weapon! Because it can not only provide him with powerful magical support, but when necessary, it can even control certain powerful creatures or people, which is very remarkable!
Of course, if he wants to control other people or other creatures, he must have direct contact...After all, it has not been twenty days for him to obtain this scepter. Many powers are still being explored. That is not a paragraph. It can be easily studied and interpreted within time.
"Heh! You don't deserve that word... My knowledge is enough to make me despise most of the creatures... The entire Runeland, and only Noxus is worthy of my respect, and not you who have encumbered a large number of mages. , Intellectuals leave, steal the resources of the country, hollow out the cornerstones of the country, and a traitor who has caused huge losses to Noxus!"
"Fate is endless, as perishable as ordinary people!"
"So, let me turn your place into ruins today..."
Now the time has come. After the negotiations broke down and everything was ready, Swain directly exposed his fangs, ready to destroy this gray order, directly conquer or destroy this place, as he said. Never show mercy!
"Swain, are you crazy?"
The name of the mystery warlock is not for nothing, so Gregory took a step forward and used the powerful energy of the scepter in his hand with a wave of his hand to directly envelop himself, his wife and daughter in a hemisphere. In the magical defensive hood, and activated the gem on Loki's scepter, making it emit a strong and dazzling light.
Obviously, he was angered by the opponent's actions! And if the other party was the messenger, or if the other party hadn't done it first, I'm afraid that his various magical secrets would have been blasted towards the two opposite people!
The Shadow Witch Amoryn also stood silently by her husband's side. Then, after she first used a spell to pull a certain baby girl, Anne, who she thought was not good at fighting, behind her, she also summoned several Shadow balls, and let them fly around her all the time.
Once the other party really intends to use force, she believes that her shadow energy will definitely devour the other party's soul!
"Be careful, Swain..."
"Although I tried my best, the time is too short, so... it wouldn't be a good idea to fight them in their city now! I think their magic towers should still be useful. We are at a disadvantage!"
Seeing the movements of Gregory and Amorim, LeBlanc instantly transformed into a large group of avatars at the same time. They all looked exactly like real people, and they were real in the sun. Shadow immediately surrounded Swain and herself in the middle.
This is her devil's mastery of tricks-Jing Hua Shui Yue!
As long as she wants, she can even change out more phantoms, endless...Although those phantoms do not have any attack ability, but'they' are enough to be fake and real to talk to anyone like a real person without being Anyone can see through!
At least, so far, she has never seen the illusion of the pale witch of her sorcery enchantress. She is very confident about this!
"The big thing is not good!"
"Gregory! They, they don't even know when they destroyed our magic node. I can't activate the defense system of our gray order at all, and all the magical combat robots can't be activated?!"
At this time, Amoryn, who was preparing to activate the magical defense facilities of the entire town in order to prepare in advance, was horrified to discover that he was prepared to prevent any kind of enemy attack:
At this moment, except for the main magic towers that lighted up directly at her call, such as the castle in her house and the small and medium-sized mage towers around her house, there was no response at all?
In short, it was not what she had imagined. The huge magic defensive cover directly covered the entire gray order station, and thousands of magic constructs were charged and walked to the gates and streets of the city, ready to resist any enemy. Invasion situation!
"I see! Gregory, we are all fooled. He said so much just now that he was deliberately delaying time!!"
At this moment, Amoryn, whose mind was turning faster, suddenly exclaimed, glaring at the two opposite!
She didn't expect that while the other party was negotiating with her and her husband, she didn't know when she secretly found and destroyed the magic node in the Gray Order city that was not pretended to be too good, and it was almost paralyzed. Most of their defenses here? She really did not expect that these Noxus lunatics were so determined that they were prepared for a surprise attack while negotiating?
"Impossible, how did they do it?"
Her face was full of incredible expressions, and the shadow witch Amoryn seemed to be talking to herself, and she stared at the opposite Swain and the large group of trickery demon Ji LeBlanc as if she were asking questions.
Gregory didn't speak, but after sighing from the bottom of his heart, he constantly aroused the magic power in his body, ready to go all out to meet the upcoming battle... because he knew that it would be a dozen of them The biggest challenge of the year!
If you win, you will survive; if you lose, you will die!
They have no choice now, nor any retreat, and the other party will obviously not give them any retreat.
"Mother Amoryn, she actually did it secretly!!"
╭(′?o?′)╭? is a badass
Little Annie suddenly pointed at a certain LeBlanc in the group of magic mirror clones. It was obvious that the other side's trick was seen by Annie at a glance.
After all, when it comes to the method of avatar mirroring, no one is more powerful than Queen Anne's!
If she wanted to, she could even make thousands of little Annies all at once, and all of them could talk, quarrel, use spells, and be very powerful, so anyone could be guaranteed Can't recognize the true and false, scared them to death!
"How are you..."
The scheming witch LeBlanc looked at the man who was hiding behind the mysterious warlock Gregory Hasta and his wife, the shadow witch Amoryn, with a white tenderness. Little girl pointing her little finger.
She really never thought that herself, the supreme stunt of her pale girl for thousands of years, would be easily seen by a little the spot in this small place?
That little guy, isn't it? !
"It's you?"
"That's right, Demon Ji Le Fulan! I just wondered why you would be with Swain, it turned out to be so!"
At this time, Amoryn also remembered...
From the time when the two sides started the negotiation, the demon girl of trickery seemed to just sit beside the Swain and smile, but didn't say a word, and continued to say a few vague words at the end. , It turned out that the other party was actually doing an ulterior motive, secretly destroying the magic node in their residence?
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Therefore, in a hurry, Amoryn took the initiative and threw out a dozen shadow arrows, directly at the ‘LeBlanc’ that her daughter Annie had just identified! ’
puff! !
In the next second, as LeBlanc subconsciously released a magic shield to resist and protect herself, after being seen through her real body, her mirror images that could only confuse people quickly disappeared one by one.
The mysterious warlock Gregory didn't coordinate the attack, because he was still a little confused, and didn't understand the other side's magic node to destroy their gray order. After all, there are only two people on the other side. Why do you think you can ruin this place?
He was puzzled about this!
So, now he plans to take a look and see what the the other party is making?
"Swain, let's leave here first!!"
After speaking anxiously to Swain, LeBlanc once again transformed a large number of clones, and directly surrounded herself and Swain.
Because now more and more Gray Order Masters have teleported here, and surrounded the two of them in all directions, there are hundreds of people! Although their magical powers are uneven, but this amount is enough to make her feel terrified.
When her real body can be easily seen by a little girl, she dare not stay here! Otherwise, if one is not careful, it will really be dead...
"Swain, what exactly are you going to do? Do you know the consequences of doing this?!"
With the last trace of luck, the mystic warlock Gregory, after turning his Rocky scepter into a spear-type long-handled combat staff, took two steps forward and reached the magic shield he had just released. The leader of Noxus who seemed to be holding a winning ticket from the outside questioned.
"Only countries that are conquered will have loyalty, and so do you..."
"In any case, the interests of the empire are above all else! But you have developed so fast over the years, so since you are not willing to surrender, then there is only destruction?"
After that, without waiting for the opponent and the surrounding wizards to do anything, Jericho Swain and Demon of Tricky, who were already prepared for escape, disappeared in an instant, together with the large number of mirror images. It turned into a mass of arcane energy residues and dissipated in the dignified air full of gunpowder.
"Ms. Amoryn! It's not good!!"
"A large portal appeared outside the northern city. A large number of Noxian dragon beasts and other monsters appeared outside. They continuously rushed out of that unstable portal. The number may be at least several thousand. !!!"
At this time, without waiting for the mystery sorcerer Gregory Hasta and his wife, Shadow Witch Amorim, to respond, another gray-order mage teleported to them and reported in panic.
Dragon beast, also called Yalong dog, or beast called Noxus?
This Yalong dog is a carnivorous animal with no wings and a size like a wolf, but even more cruel and terrifying! Under normal circumstances, they inhabit the northern Iron Peak Mountain in the capital of Noxus. They are very large in number, and they are very vicious group hunters!
Because of this, Noxians like to domesticate them and use them in military operations, nursing homes, or simply as expensive and dangerous pets to Shiyan! In Noxus, owning one or more Argonians is a symbol of wealth and power, and most people cannot afford them.
But now, the Noxian Empire has thrown so many dragons and beasts here through unstable temporary portals that the soldiers cannot pass through. It seems that it is determined to destroy the gray order that has lost its magical protection. !
"damn it!"
"I'll take someone to repair the magic node urgently, Gregory, you take the wizards and control the magic towers to resist them as much as possible, you must hold on!!"
"If they come in, you will use your space gems to escape if they are in danger, and never come back again!!"
After speaking, Amoryn flashed and disappeared in place, apparently taking someone to urgently repair the magic nodes in this small city.
Because now their gray order resident does not have any protection at all. Those low and thin simple walls are obviously useless. Once the enemy’s crazy dragon beasts rush in, most of the ordinary people in their resident All people have to die!
At that time, Zhen-ao, I am afraid that they would not have to attack by the regular Noxus army, and their ‘gray order’ could also be declared dead! These mages, if there is no people, they are nothing.
"Annie, be obedient, stay here and use all your power to protect yourself!"
"Remember! If there are strangers and those monsters approaching you, use your kind of flame to burn them, don't be soft, don't be afraid!"
After taking a look at his daughter Anne and the stuffed toy bear that the other party was holding, the next second, Gregory, who was anxious in his heart, disappeared instantly and disappeared.
Obviously, you don't need to guess, he must have taken people to resist the elite Noxus troops outside the northern city wall. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM
"Tibbers, I didn't expect that we would fight again as soon as we got back..."
Fortunately, she came back at this time on Earth’s Mother’s Day. Otherwise, her home might be gone when she comes back next time!
Sure enough, what Momolin's mother said was right, that Noxus is a bunch of bad guys, and she must make them look good today!
How to make them look good at her, Queen Anne hasn't figured it out yet, after all, that Noxus is in the north, they must not be able to escape, right?
?(ψ??ˇ??)? Hey...
Now, her Queen Anne is going to take a look at the wall on the north side to see what the bad guys are, what are their plans?
Anyway, today she is not going to let those guys lose too fast...
Because she has just eaten enough, she has to have a good time, let their Noxus villains know what cruelty is! Moreover, she wanted those people to tremble after hearing her Queen Anne's name! !
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(Uncle Tibbers Bear doesn’t want to speak now, he intends to mourn for a few seconds of silence for the guys who are seeking their own lives in certain songs...)

There is still not enough time, I can't finish it...
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