Chapter 717: Mom's story is all deceptive! o(???)o

  The Demacia Kingdom, standing in the canyon plain on the west side of the Valoran continent in the land of runes, is a powerful, solid foundation, excellent economy, and a monarchy and feudal country where the people are keen to obey the law!
   This is the basic impression of the Demacia Kingdom from other places in Runeterra.
   But actually, just like the Noxian commented on the Demacian:
  This country is actually a typical self-sufficient farming kingdom, where social development has stagnated and is still indulging in the glory of the former golden age. Think that their Demacians are still the most powerful country in that Runeland?
   In short, Demacia is born very conservative and extremely exclusive. They are a group of stubborn and conservative frogs at the bottom of the well. They are a group of diehards who are destined to be eliminated by the Noxian Empire!
  Of course, the above is the opinion of the Noxians...Although it is a bit one-sided and extreme, but sometimes you can’t help but admit that the one who knows the Kingdom of Demacia best is often the enemy of their kingdom?
Although the Demacians regard justice, honor and responsibility as the supreme criteria, many people who have been to Demacian know that people in their country also hate almost everyone who is not recognized by them or other things. !
   is like:
   Frequent wars against them, trying to invade the territory of their kingdom, trying to conquer their Noxians? And the advanced technology, literature, knowledge, etc. brought by the merchant fleet from Piltworth to play trading...
   There are also people from other countries, who will be hostile to them!
   Of course, especially magic! !
  Magic is like a mouse crossing the street in the Kingdom of Demacia. It is an existence that everyone shouts and is suppressed and must be eliminated!
   Because, many years ago, magic once pushed this runeland to the brink of extinction...
Therefore, after the Rune Wars, a group of refugees who survived the Rune Wars, the current Demacians, established Germany in the territory of the Gold Coast Gorge Plain where the Demacian Kingdom is now located. The Kingdom of Marcia... and because of this, based on the tragic disasters and memories that magic once brought to them, their Demacian talents hate magic and everything related to magic! Whether it's objects, books, spells or those who practice and automatically awaken magic! !
And this is exactly how the Kingdom of Demacia has captured and persecuted mages in its own territory for so many years, and also put those who awakened to magic or inadvertently able to lose control of magic directly into prison for trial, or forced infusion. The forbidden magic stone potion is intended to destroy magic, or does it use other more extreme cruel methods, such as fire trials and guillotines?
Even, in order to prevent the resurgence of magic in the Demacia kingdom and the use of magic by foreign enemies to deal with themselves, they also planted countless Forbidden Magic Stones in all the walls, buildings, cities, and territories of the entire Demacia Kingdom. The magic power in the kingdom has been swept away, and what he did was actually nothing more than to create a place that was forbidden and did not have such a forbidden power.
   City of Light...
   This is the capital of the Kingdom of Demacia, also called Miyin City!
   It is a magnificent white giant city located on the rocky plateau on the northwest coast of the Kingdom of Demacia, on the western Gold Coast! !
This is a magnificent city that is one of the best in Runeland. Even if it is the most powerful Noxian Empire in the entire Runeland, their immortal fortress is in a sense inferior to the secret silver city of the Demacian Kingdom. !
   This Miyin City has been continuously constructed and transformed by the hardworking Demacians for thousands of years...
There is a charming western golden bay, a huge and prosperous port, silver sandy beaches, towering white walls, bridges and buildings... On a cliff near the golden bay, that is the palace of King Gavin III’s Dawn Castle, In the Hall of Valor to commemorate the fallen soldiers of Demacia, the singing has never stopped. Above the Temple of the Lightbringer who believes in Demacia's righteous light, a beam of golden light penetrates the sky...
  Of course, apart from those, there must be the magnificent Demacia Plaza that can at least accommodate tens of thousands of people at once! !
Today, in the Crown Defender’s manor that has inherited the responsibility of defending King Demacia from generation to generation in the city of Miysil, Laxana’s Crown Defender rushed to her with at least a thousand years of history. The elder brother who came back from the front line unexpectedly, that Galen? The title defender, also the power of Demacia?? Galen’s strong man’s arms, directly flashed tears and hugged the golden set of his body. The thick and silver rune steel armor directly wetted the blue shirt of the other party with the tears she was sipping heavily.
   "Great! Brother Galen!"
   "I didn't even think that you would come back from the front line so soon. Did you defeat the Noxus army once again and win a great victory?!"
   Laksana?? After the crown defender retracted his tearful smile from the front of the opponent's breastplate, he immediately asked with excitement.
   For so many years, every time, when her brother came back safely from the front line, she would always pester the other person to say something for a long time, even if she is already a big girl now! Because, in her heart, she Laxanna herself, she Lax will always be the little girl who is not grown up and likes to stay in her brother's arms and act like a baby, always will be!
   " look taller again, the change is really big..."
Holding each other’s shoulders with both hands, he reasoned about the other’s chest, and then looked up and down for a while at his family’s most beloved little girl. Seeing the other’s slim appearance, Galen couldn’t help it. He grinned heartily.
   This is his sister of Galen, one of the people he vowed to protect, and it is also the meaning of his battle with the enemy on the front line!
  He, Galen, the power of Demacia, will always fight for their kingdom!
   Fight for the king!
   Fight for my sister and my relatives!
   is also going to fight for the peace and happiness of the people who cannot fight! !
Looking at my sister in front of me, I felt it at close range, especially the strange feeling when the other party rushed into my arms just now, which made Galen's eyes flashed unconsciously. Sorrow and hesitation...
Although he Galen is also very happy to see that his sister has finally grown up from a little girl to the smart, capable, slim and big girl now... But she did have some changes, and that change was obvious. He just Feel it!
every time,
   When Galen came home from the front line to see his sister, the knights vaguely noticed the subtle changes in the opponent...
   Especially the strong hug that the other party gave him just now, but Galen had to face a very real and painful guess, that is:
  He doubted...
   His sister Laks, his relative Laxana?? The crown defender is likely to possess the evil magical ability in the body!
Although he never would, and dare not let his crazy idea linger in his mind for too long, but it's a pity...As the opponent gets older, the strength in the opponent's body becomes stronger , That feeling is becoming more and more obvious!
   This ruthless fact is revealed to him inadvertently almost all the time...
And when I think of people in the crown defender's family, and think that his sister Lacus can control the taboo technique that killed their uncle, that terrible idea often makes him overwhelmed, even afraid to face his sister's pair. Cheering eyes.
But fortunately, when his beliefs collided with his sister Lacus, Galen still chose his family and his sister firmly and without hesitation. This is actually what he had done a few years ago. The decision that has been made is not only now...
   "Strange...what's wrong with you, brother Galen...why do you suddenly look so ugly?"
   "Could it be..."
   "Ah! Could it be that you have defeated the war, the people of Noxus broke through the door of mourning and are ready to hit the city of Miysilk, so you ran back early?!"
As her bachelor’s brother for many years, the only and most intimate woman, Lacus, as her younger sister, of course saw the sadness and unnatural hesitation expression in her brother’s eyes at a glance. So, of course, she I thought it was the opponent who had lost the battle, and now I dare not come back and face myself?
   If it is really such a bad situation, then she must quickly prepare and prepare, and find ways to arrange her family's affairs in advance!
After all, she Laks, her Laxana?? The title defender is now the story of the defending family, she must be responsible for the family, must share the worries for her brother, and can't let the other party worry about the family when they are at war. Thing! !
   "Lost the battle?"
   "No! No! No!"
   "Lax, I Galen never defeated wars! Those Noxians, never want to defeat me!!"
  Who is he Galen?
You know, he is the most capable one in the Fearless Vanguard. He is Galen, the power of Demacia Galen. He can split a boulder in half with one sword, and can wield his storm sword at the enemy. After a few hours in his formation, he was even able to lift the world with one hand! !
   Therefore, defeating a war or something is absolutely impossible.
   Anyway, absolutely no one can defeat their Fearless Vanguard, no one! Even if it was the Dreyus called the Hand of Noxus, the powerful guy with the axe, the opponent had never before in the hands of their fearless vanguards to get any advantage!
  Of course, the other party has never failed...
Calculating the time, the military confrontation between the Demacian Kingdom and the Noxian Empire is not a day or two. It is foreseeable that if there is no major change, it will be in the next ten or eight years or more. Within a long period of time, there was nothing to do between the two, and there was no easy way to tell the winner.
  Those Noxians’ Trifali Legion is indeed very powerful, but their Demacia’s Fearless Vanguard Army is not muddled! What's more, they still have a large number of elite troops! !
   "Lax, I am actually worried about another thing..."
While talking, Galen let go of his sister's shoulders and inserted his big sword on the lawn at will. Then he sighed and walked to a stone table to sit down and lifted up his sister directly. The fruit milk drank gulps.
   There are some things that he is not going to tell his sister, and he does not want to worry about him, because he is Galen and he is her brother. He must shoulder the responsibility of protecting his sister!
   "Not defeated?"
   "But since it's not a defeat, what makes you look like this?!"
  Lax didn’t understand. Since he hadn’t defeated the war, what happened to the other party’s now worried look?
This guy put on such a terrifying face as soon as he came back, so that she almost really thought that the most powerful kingdom of Demacia in their runeland could not beat that Noxus. Too!
   "It doesn't matter if I tell you!"
   "This is what happened... There was an accident in the Noxian Empire. They retired early, so we also retreated early..."
   Thinking of the rumors he had heard on the front lines, plus the detailed report on the incident that he had just heard in the royal council of Dawn Castle, Galen's brows couldn't help but wrinkle deeply again.
   Because he always faintly felt that things might go bad?
That kind of change, whether it is for their Demacia Kingdom or for the rival Noxian Empire, I am afraid it will not be a good thing...Of course, this is his personal thoughts, and he has never mentioned it to anyone. .
"what did you say?"
"The Noxians have retired? But is it not a good thing that their country has an accident and retreats? But what's the matter with your frowning look at home now?! "
   Regarding this, Lacus is even more puzzled...
   There was an accident in the country of those nasty Noxians, and then he dared not fight in the middle of the battle, and then retreated beforehand. Isn't this a great thing for the Demacian Kingdom?
Anyway, she was wishing for daily troubles in the Noxian Empire, and then, their Demacia Kingdom no longer needed to station heavy troops on the front lines of the Gate of Mourning, and her brother who served in the Fearless Vanguard also even more. You don't need to lead soldiers on the expedition frequently, so you can stay at home with herself every day.
   This kind of thing is really good, she would love to see it!
"In general, the Noxus matter has nothing to do with us for the time being... Your Majesty and the others don’t have any good ideas for the time being. Basically, it’s a mixed blessing... Okay, let’s talk about you now, Lacus. , What have you been doing at home recently?"
   "Why do I always feel that you have changed a little bit?"
   Recalling the information he had learned about Noxus and the mysterious new organization in the Voodoo Land in the south, Galen hesitated for a while, and finally felt that his sister Lacus was obviously more important.
Therefore, he did not intend to continue at home about what they had been arguing for a long time at the Imperial Conference in Dawn Castle, but instead planned to probe his sister's bottom to see if the other party was taking advantage of his absence. When you were at home, did you come into contact with certain dangerous elements, or learned something taboo that shouldn't be learned?
   Otherwise, why did the other person's body change so much, and the magic power in the body that started to show inadvertently was so obvious that he could perceive it?
   This is not a trivial matter, once it is discovered by an outsider, it will happen! !
   "I haven't done anything... haven't you been dealing with the boring things of our defending family?"
"My good brother, General Galen...your sister, me, what can I do? Don’t I have to help my family handle all the property every day? Those boring farms, messy shops and those few The sea-breaking ship, and of course my friends...Oh! Let’s not talk about those!"
   "Why should I tell you about our girls?!"
   "Hurry up! Just tell me quickly, the Noxian Empire, why did those guys withdraw their troops? What happened in their country, you must be aware of it?"
Lacus didn’t think her experience at home during this period of time was special, everything was very ordinary, so she didn’t plan to waste her time on reminiscing the trivial tasks of the prisoners that she repeated every day, so she became playful. He stuck his tongue out at his brother Galen, and leaned close to the other side, holding the other side's arm and spoiled.
   This trick is definitely useful, because she has tried countless times! Afterwards, she thoughtfully poured another drink on the floor to the other party again, squatted flat beside the other party, waiting patiently for the other party's explanation.
   As his sister approached, Galen, who was extremely sensitive to magic, really confirmed his previous guess again:
  His sister, Laxana, the current steward of the defending family of his Galen, is the defending defender, she is a person with those forbidden magic hidden in her body!
   Moreover, that kind of magical wave is very powerful, and absolutely powerful enough for the church personnel of Demacia's Light to catch and judge!
  If that were the case, I’m afraid it would not only be a huge blow to the reputation of their crown defender family who has been loyal to the kingdom for countless years, but it’s also more likely to bring a miserable ending to his sister...
Therefore, Galen felt that after their aunt Tiana came back, he had to explain everything to each other and seek solutions... Although, he always felt that the shrewd woman in the family might have known this a long time ago. Everything, it's just that the other party hasn't talked to him all the time?
   "Don't sigh! Just say it quickly!!"
   Lacus was a little angry, the guy in front of me who is so appetizing is really annoying!
   That kind of big thing, knowing it is a big deal, but the other person said a word and then kept silent. Could it be that he came to tease her on purpose?
  This kind of person....... How can he be like this?
   "Well, I said, don't hurry!"
   "It's like this..."
"I also just heard from the palace: It is said that Swain, Dreyus, and LeBlanc, the two most important people in the three Trevary councils, were all arrested. !!!"
I don’t plan to think about the terrible secret in my sister’s body now. Instead, Galen is planning to find time to discuss the countermeasures with his aunt Tiana before making plans. Finally, he is at his sister Lacus’s. In the big blue eyes of double expectation and the coquettish voice, she said little by little what she knew.
Actually, when he was fighting with the Noxians on the front line, he was worried when he saw the friction with their Demacia kingdom all the year round and never gave up the invasion of the Noxian army to take the initiative to withdraw. For a long time, I thought it was some kind of ulterior conspiracy of the enemy who was about to start!
   But in the end, it didn't take long for him to receive the top-secret information from Noxus?
He really never thought... The three most important seniors in Noxus, and two of them were the leaders of the Trefary Council. They planted a big somersault on the south side and were caught alive. , Can't even run away? !
"The leader of Noxus, Jericho Swain, the Hand of Noxus, Dreus, and eight pale witch LeBlanc, all three of them were really caught by others. ?!"
   "The light of Demacia is on... this news, it is really amazing!!"
When I heard that the three military executioners who were well-known by the Demacia kingdom, and even known to most people in the entire Runeterra, were arrested, Lacus was suddenly excited after two or three seconds of shock. Got to jump up and cheer loudly.
   This is really great news, enough to keep her in a happy mood for several days!
   I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Just now, Galen seemed to see a magical light flashed out of his sister suddenly?
   It seems...
  Lax has become increasingly unable to suppress the power in her body?
If that's the case, then his previous thoughts really can't be delayed... When their Aunt Tiana returns from the pre-conference meeting in the Castle of Dawn, he must immediately discuss this with him Little sister Lux's big business will do!
   "Tell me, who caught the three of them?"
   "Are they the Freljord barbarians in the north, or the mages and primitive spirits of Ionia in the Newborn Land to the east?"
   "Ha! I think those Ionians must have done it, right?"
"I still remember it. The book said that many years ago, the leader of Noxus, Jericho Swain, had a big defeat in Ionia when he was a general. , Even lost one of his arms for this, and even his feet became lame?!"
   After a cry of surprise and cheers, Lacus asked and answered all her guesses and thoughts to her brother Galen.
Anyway, she thinks that she can successfully capture the three Noxian high-levels. Except for the Freljord in the north and the Ionian in the east, there must be no other people with that ability. Up!
Those guys in Piltwoff who only care about trade and making money all over the world must not dare to challenge the Noxian Empire, nor do they dare to arrest the high-levels of that powerful empire; as for the Bilgewater The group of pirates on the island, let alone, they are more keen to rob merchant ships than kidnap! Moreover, it is said that the other party is now being attacked and threatened from the Shadow Island. How can they dare to provoke Noxus while taking care of themselves?
Although kidnapping can certainly ransom a large number of gold coins like the Noxian Empire, the risk that she has suffered is also huge. She does not believe that the gangs, pirates and bounty hunters who often cross the sea and invade the coastline of Demacia have that. courage!
   As for the Shurima Desert on the southern continent...
Although there is a lot of information that the ancient city of Shurima has risen again, and their Emperor Azir has returned... But in fact, several ports along the desert coast have already surrendered to the Noxians. , Became a colony port in the southern continent of the Noxian Empire... And now, I still don’t know where Shurima and Shurima are hidden in the depths of the desert, but now they don’t even see their shadows!
   The rumors about the revival of the Shurima Empire brought back by the merchant ships are definitely just false rumours. Demacia did not take this kind of thing to heart, so I definitely can’t take it seriously!
   Therefore, to sum up: The one who captured the Noxian high-level must be the Ionia who had defeated the Noxian invasion!
  Because they have the greatest and most powerful possibilities, and they are not afraid to offend the Noxian Empire! !
   "No! Lux, you are wrong, it is not the Freljord or the Ionia that you said arrested them..."
   However, Lacus was very surprised that her brother Galen shook his head after being silent, and firmly rejected her kind of reasonable speculation?
   "But who did it?!"
Lacus really didn’t understand, except for the two powers that she said could be as good as the Demacia Kingdom, have been fighting the Noxian Empire and have not been conquered, who else can, or Who dared to attack and capture the three most important seniors in Noxus?
  If you dare to do that, you will definitely suffer the crazy revenge of the Noxian Empire, right? That kind of thing, just thinking about it, she felt terrified...In short, it was definitely not something ordinary small forces could easily bear!
   "Well, don't guess, it was actually done by someone from an organization called the Gray Order!!"
Finally, in the expectation and urging eyes of his sister Lacus, Galen, who was impatient with all the speculations and questions of the other party, slowly said that it is very good for him and his sister. Unfamiliar names.
   "Wait, who are you talking about?"
  Lax is pretty sure, she has never heard of that strange name!
   Even, she didn’t even know that the ‘gray order’ represented a country, a force, a castle, an organization, or an individual? !
   "Gray order!"
   "I don't know the details. It is said that a wizard organization hiding in the land of voodoo?"
Although he was reluctant to mention sensitive words like'magic' or'mage' in front of his sister, after looking at his sister Lux for a while and hesitating, Galen still gave everything he knew. Said it.
   After all, he still feels that some things are definitely unavoidable. Instead of hiding and worrying all day, it is better to think of a solution earlier!
   "The law, the wizard organization? The gray order?"
   An organization that he had never heard of, actually dared to capture the three most important high-level leaders of the Noxian Empire. This kind of outrageous thing, Lux has never imagined it!
   Is it difficult...
   The other party is like the Giant God Peak, is it some incredible secret handed down organization? Then, their magic is very powerful, powerful enough to ignore the powerful Noxian Empire?
   Thinking about it, Lacus couldn't help but think about it and guessed the ‘gray order’ by herself.
"The information came back from Noxus. It is said that it is a powerful magic organization with many archmages? Moreover, their residence is hidden in the depths of the Voodoo Land, and there is... They are a wizard organization separated from the Noxian Empire more than ten years ago. They are a magical city-state built by a group of wizards, intellectuals, and nobles?"
   All that Galen knows is written in intelligence, and he can’t tell if it’s true or not... However, judging from the chaos in Noxus and the unprovoked withdrawal of troops, it’s almost always true!
   "Three days ago, the people of Noxus planned and attacked the gray order of the Voodoo Land..."
   "In the end, they failed shamefully, and caused their three high-level leaders to be captured alive by the opponent. They failed to return to the immortal fortress on time..."
   "So, you know the next thing, those Noxians, they will soon retreat!"
   "I think it is not only the front line of our Demacia Kingdom, but also Freljord and Ionia must have become a lot more ‘calm’, right?"
"Of course, those behind are all my guesses. The information our spies got from Noxus is only this! Now the Noxians are also confused and quarrelling... I guess they must I don't believe that a group of traitors who escaped from their empire can do such a thing, right?"
   "The intelligence also said that now they are in Noxus and the Trifali Council is now a bit confused!"
   "But thanks to those ‘gray order’ guys, our Demacia Kingdom will definitely not need to worry about the Noxian invasion in the east for a long time to come."
Finally, he told his sister Laks what he knew and all the speculations he heard in Dawn Castle. After satisfying the curiosity of the other party, Galen took a drink and sipped it. , And let out a sigh of relief.
   Those Noxians are unlucky and their country has become chaotic, and Galen must be happy to see it happen!
Even before, he had made suggestions at the Imperial Conference: he wanted the king and the church to take advantage of the opportunity to send troops to launch a major counterattack against Noxus, and he wanted to take advantage of this time and take advantage of the chaos in Noxus. Destroy the enemy’s viable power, break through the Nokmochi front line, and expand Demacia’s territory beyond the source valley of the Noxus River?
   However, it is a pity...
  His suggestion was ruthlessly refuted by the conservative kings, churches, and other stubborn leaders of the kingdom at that time!
   Then, he was sullenly driven out of the Imperial Conference...
   "The Gray Order..."
   "Mage Organization...Magic City State..."
  Lax’s eyes are already a little blurred...
It’s great to think about the kind of place where you can learn and use magic at will... If she can, she really wants to see it, and see where she is, and she can constantly sway her body in accordance with her own mind. What kind of feeling would it feel like the power that was surging?
   "Hey! Lux, what are you thinking about?"
Seeing that my sister didn't seem to listen to the second half of her own words, but sat on the side for herself, muttering vaguely the horrible keywords such as'magic','magic', etc. , Galen couldn't help but stretched out his hand and shook the opponent's shoulder with a dark face.
   Sure enough, the thing he worries the most, still happens...
   His sister Lacus, she not only has a powerful magic power in her body, she has the ability to perform magic, but she also seems to have some kind of thoughts that shouldn't be there and unrealistic dangerous thoughts about that terrible forbidden power?
  If that is the case, then things will probably go bad...especially at this critical time when the Demacia Kingdom does not need to face the threat of Noxus and gradually calms down!
   "Huh? I'm listening!"
   "Brother Galen, what were you talking about just now?"
   Obviously, Lux, who is wandering beyond the sky and has a strong curiosity about something, is actually not paying attention to the ‘insignificant’ words just behind Galen!
   In her heart, she has been attracted by other more important things...
"nothing much!"
   "Forget it! I just came back and felt a little tired, now I want to go back and take a break..."
   sighed, Galen stood up directly, covering his head with some headaches, he really needed to go back and rest for a while.
  Own brother wanted to go back to rest, so Lacus stood up naturally, ready to watch him leave.
   "When our aunt Tiana comes back, you remember to tell her that I am waiting for her in the study. I have something to report to her directly?"
   Galen felt that the affairs of his sister Lacus must not be delayed any longer!
Today, he must have a good discussion with the shrewd and capable aunt Tiana, and see what method he should use to protect his sister Lacus from being discovered by others, especially those of Demacia Light. ?
  Although their defending families are all very powerful, but when facing the'Light of Demacia', even the royal family has to retreat, let alone them!
   If it is accidentally discovered, it must be a major event, because whether it is his Galen, Aunt Tiana, or even the whole family, I am afraid that there is no good way to protect Lacus's safety.
   Therefore, they must take preventive measures in advance, and strive to suppress the terrible thing before it is revealed!
   "If I see her back, I will tell her as soon as possible!!"
   "Brother Galen, do you have anything else to explain?"
   "No! That's it for now..."
Soon, with Galen's departure, when his back disappeared in the garden trees in the distance, the huge courtyard of the defending family was left with only the imaginative Lacus and the quilt Galen. It was inserted on the lawn and didn't remember the storm sword that he brought back.
In the land of voodoo, towering milky white steel walls and steel buildings painted in the same color rose up here in the resident of the gray order... in the mystery sorcerer Gregory Hasta and him Witnessed by his wife, the Shadow Witch Amorim, as well as other large and small mages and all the people of the Gray Order, they saw the terrifying construction speed that was even more magical than magic!
It was only three short days from the battle that almost destroyed the gray order. Their gray order was actually born in their original town by those guys who claimed to be from the Kepulu region. On the basis of building and expanding into a huge steel city mainly with red and white painting as the keynote? Moreover, here are the walls comparable to the Immortal Fortress of Noxus and the towers of steel mage that are even taller?
Although the mages of their Gray Order have thought about how they looked when the Gray Order built a magical capital here after countless years, they also thought they were building a beautiful, peaceful and magical place. Homeland situation...
   But, none of them imagined that it would look like this, and come so quickly?
   A city made up of hard, high-strength steel that can't be destroyed by magic? This kind of behavior is too extravagant, right?
   Of course, it seems like thinking about it, but there is no doubt that the group of federal engineers who are said to come from the Kepru District gave them the gray order expansion of this magic city, all of them feel sincerely liked and shocked!
   The kind of buildings that have been trimmed out of the Federal Academy of Engineering's template style and scientific layout are very visually effective, which makes people unable to withdraw their eyes for a long time.
   "General Galen..."
"All of this is really amazing... Is it expensive? Although, you keep saying that the little guy Annie is your head of state, but if you need funds, maybe our gray order can give you Part of the gold coins?"
   Shadow Witch Amoryn looked at the towering steel magic towers ‘The Embryo’, and said in her heart that she didn’t like it, it was impossible!
Although there are no engraved magic patterns and related magic nodes on them, they are just some shells with strange energy supply, but as long as their mages work hard enough, they will surely be able to turn the city into a true sense within three to five years. A capital of magic!
  Moreover, it can even be the kind of floating city that can fly when necessary! !
   "Gold coins?"
   "No! We don't need gold!"
   Galen said that if it weren’t because gold was too soft and not strong enough, they could even build this city out of gold?
   "Ms. Amorim!"
   "This is the order of our head of state, so please don't worry about Jinguang. We don't need you to pay any compensation for such small things!"
In fact, if you don’t need to modify these weird and weird buildings that are in line with the aesthetics of the world, you don’t need to modify the magical towers that Galen seems to have no effect, but use them directly. As for the standard construction units of the humans in the stellar zone, they even took less than three days. It only takes 30 seconds or less at most. The engineers of the Federation can easily assemble a fully functional forward base here!
Of course, this is also a forward base now. It’s just that although the defense and offensive power of these temporarily remodeled unit buildings have increased significantly, the best kind of production capacity is gone. A defensive fortress is nothing but a big deal.
   "Well, well, I see..."
   "That's right! What about your head of state, the little one of my family's Annie? I don't seem to have seen her today. Do you know where she went again?"
Since everything in front of me is the blessing of a certain little guy, letting her fight for hundreds of years will be useful for all of the current things. She wants to reward a certain arrogant little guy properly. Yes, so, after being satisfied, she thought of the other party.
   "Unfortunately, Ms. Amorim, we actually don't know the whereabouts of our head of state most of the time..."
   "As soldiers, we have no right to intervene in any behavior of Lord Anne!"
   Someone who accidentally went to another plane world to fool around, where does Galen know the specific whereabouts of the other person?
   Anyway, Galen and the others, unless they are called by the other party, it is commonplace to not see that tiny figure for three to five years, and it is normal! And this is the main reason why the Hero Federation of the Kepru District needs to elect an acting head of state to exercise the rights of the head of state every once in a while!
   "Hmm, think about it..."
   "General Galen, how many people are there in your heroic federation, and how much land does it have?"
   My mother didn't know where her daughter went. Naturally, after struggling for a while, Amoryn didn't get too struggling with that matter.
Therefore, after Amoryn gradually calmed down her shock about this new city, she finally started to slap the side of the little guy in her house... Although she thought that little guy was already very powerful, she still The head of a country, but, if possible, she wants to learn more intuitively.
   "Our population and land are endless..."
  Unexpectedly, Galen didn't give the Amoryn Witch who found him to talk about, the mother of their head of state, a specific answer, but he said something like this casually with some embarrassment.
   It seems that she didn't hear the other party clearly, so Amoryn asked subconsciously.
   "Ms. Amorim!"
   "It's a pity that no one can answer your question..."
   "Because...our federation currently has occupied an entire galaxy and the entire Kepulu region, and it can even be said to occupy two worlds, countless billions of planets..."
  In fact, there are already many plane worlds colonized by the Heroic Federation, but some worlds do not have the order of the head of state, and they have not reformed or colonized on a large scale.
   "So I'm sorry, if you want to ask how many people and how much land we have, I can only answer this for you?"
   "Our population and land are really endless..."
   Now in the Kepulu region, their Federal Command is planning a counterattack against UED, and then conquering the entire galaxy!
   And in the world of Mass Effect, they are sending an army of Reapers to the other large galaxy closest to the Milky Way, and launching a new colonial war against that Andromeda! It is said that quite a few planets have almost been plundered now?
   Therefore, their Federation really has no way to count the complicated things of population and land!
   He only knows that in the database of the federal capital Haven, hundreds of BB-capacity quantum storage disks are added almost every day! It stores detailed information about the population, indigenous creatures, animals and plants, geology and resources of various planets, such as graphic and video!
   (Note: 1TB=1024GB, 1PB=1024TB, 1EB=1024PB, 1ZB=1024EB, 1YB=1024ZB, 1BB=1024YB...)
   "Endless, are there really so many?"
   Amoryn, the Shadow Witch, still couldn't believe it, let alone see that her own baby daughter, the other party was really so capable? That little guy, really did such a big business during the time he went out to play?
   "Ms. Amorim, believe me, it will really only be more and more than you think. After all, there are more stars in the sky..."
   This kind of thing, Galen thinks, he is really a bit bad to explain to this woman who is said to be a witch, because it is two different things whether the other party can understand or not?
Moreover, Galen also knows that their little head of state often strays in various world planes. How many turf and hole cards she has, I am afraid that she herself does not know... After all, the other party’s carefree character, It's normal to just let go after playing a broken world. Galen had already understood it.
   can't do it!
   Amoryn suddenly felt that after the little guy came back, she must search the other's little pocket well! Only then can she have a more intuitive understanding!
   This matter, she has forgotten so busy these days, she must remember it next time!
   "General Galen, before that fellow Little Annie left, did you tell you where she was going?"
   Amorin, who was a little worried about whether her baby girl ran to another plane to go wild again, after thinking about it for a while, she asked again to the heavy armored general beside her.
   Seriously, if she didn't see it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that these people would actually be under her own daughter, and they seemed to be submissive? !
   "It seems to have said that you should walk around the whole Runeland first? Because she said, you didn't let her leave the Voodoo Land before?"
   "Ah! I remember!"
   "Have she said accidentally, her first stop should be... Demacia?"
   Speaking of Demacia's vocabulary, Galen still feels a little embarrassed...
Because, he finally understands now, and he also knows why that bad little girl treated herself and Dreyus so positively back then, and what a weird slogan or Think about it, that little guy must have done it deliberately, full of the little girl's wicked taste, and crippled them alive!
  Actually, he Galen and Dreyus are just the same names as certain two people in this world, just like there are countless women named Annie in the Heroic Federation? But in the end, a certain little guy is more real, and they have to make them imitate others without knowing it... How can he explain this kind of real Li Kui encountering a fake Li Gui?
   "The Kingdom of Demacia..."
   "Hey! It seems to be a little troublesome again..."
  啧啧! More than trouble, it seems that things are really a bit bad...
Thinking of the kind of messy stories about Demacia or other places that she used to make up for the kindly "deceiving" an annoying little guy in the past, Amoryn couldn't help but whispered with a headache~www.mtlnovel .com~Ms. Amorim, why do you say that? "
  Gailen didn’t understand. Their little head of State, Annie, ran to Demacia, what's the trouble? Through countless dangers and worlds, a certain little girl who is still alive today, their little head of state, he Galen and their federation have never worried much, so he can't understand this lady Amorim What the trouble is.
   He didn't believe that an indigenous kingdom would dare to embarrass their little head of state, otherwise, as long as their head of state needed it, he would definitely dispatch several capital ships of the capital fleet! At that time, it will not be as simple as the hundreds of Marines and some engineers plus a few transport ships.
   "Ah! It's nothing, please don't care too much."
  A lawless little mage ran to see magic as evil and wanted to suppress what would happen in a country that was completely wiped out. Now Amoryn can actually guess what...
   It’s just that, if something big happens, she hasn’t figured out how to end it.
  ?? Ask for a ticket??
   This is today, and it’s posted ahead of time. Tonight’s is gone! ...
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