Chapter 721: Demacia Cataclysm (2)?

The immortal fortress of Noxus. It used to be the fortress of the Wraith Mordekaiser, but now it has become a forbidden place for hidden secrets... The Noxian Empire has expanded for more than a thousand years and perished races and countries. Countless, in countless death curses, the capital of this empire continues to grow and develop in the shadow of this resentful fortress.
From the continent of Valoran to Ionia, the land of birth, from the Sea of ​​Conquerors to the Sea of ​​Wardens, the territory of the Noxian Empire is only one from Freljord Ice Canyon in the north, and Demacia in the west. The white cliff city across the mountain, the many ports on the north coast of Shurima, and the islands of Ionia in the west...The flag of the Noxian Empire conquered almost half of the entire Rune Land world. The land deservedly became the most powerful empire in the entire rune world!
In the entire Runeland, no one dared to disobey the imperial majesty, and no one dared to slap the fangs of the empire, even Demacia, Freljord and Ionia!
Because even if it is fighting on three sides, the empire's legions have been suppressing those stupid countries and forces that dare to resist the empire! In time, it is only a matter of time that the empire will defeat the stubborn ones and rule the entire Rune Land.
In this regard, all Noxians are convinced...
Today, the bell of the Trephali Council of the immortal fortress in Noxus is once again rang. It is calling the empire’s senior officials and nobles to discuss matters, but it is not for the purpose of using foreign troops or suppressing a rebellion in a certain place. , But something more difficult.
This meeting has been going on for a long time. After many empire generals and high-level officials have been arguing for a long time, they still haven't been able to come up with any reasonable and effective regulations.
Regarding the trio of Noxus’ commander Jerry Koswain, the hand of Noxus, and the pale witch LeBlanc of the Black Rose who were arrested to deal with the Gray Order, for the tricky thing , They have no clue at all, and no way at all!
This meeting has been going on for a whole day...
"Dlavin, what do you want to do?"
Now the only one left in the Trifali trio is the Glory Execution Officer, the Draven who claims to be feared by all the Noxians!
Therefore, after discussing to no avail, I thought that the nobility of Noxus pointed to the magical image in the middle of the council, and pointed to the magnificent white of the'grey order' that the mages and scouts risked to fly back to investigate. The city asked.
That city, they were pretty sure, before their Noxian Empire made plans against it, it would definitely not be like that! It is like being built overnight, just like the incident of the three high-level arrests of their Noxus. It is covered with a veil that makes people feel confused, completely Can't see the problem!
"Rescue Swain and Dreyus!"
A faint voice was uploaded from the one on the left of the three seats above the Cifali Council. It was Delevingne's voice, as if suppressing boundless anger and murderousness...
And beside him, there were two positions that had been left vacant for several days. The two people who were supposed to be sitting above had never been able to return since they left a few days ago.
"I heard... they have been executed by the traitors?"
At this moment, after everyone was silent for a while, the voice of a noble general rang out in a congenial manner, and in this dark and gloomy hall, it appeared extremely harsh.
"Never possible!"
"People in the Gray Order will not do that, nor can they do that! I know them better than anyone else. Gregory is not that extreme person! Otherwise, he would not choose to run away during the coup. Didn't you fight to the end?"
Without waiting for Delevingne to say something, a low-level councillor who seemed to have some friendship with those in the gray order retorted loudly.
"But you have no evidence that they are still alive!"
"But you have no evidence that they are dead! Did you see their bodies? Did you see their heads?"
"Disputes are meaningless, I still tend to them have been killed! Replaced by us, the prisoners will always have a dead end!"
"They are different from our Noxus!"
"is it……"
"But you can't deny...they have an enmity against us in the gray order! We made them have to leave their homes and run to the land of voodoo!"
"And, I also heard..."
"Has less than half of them successfully reached the land of voodoo?"
"I firmly believe that Swain is still not dead in command of them!"
"But in fact they are probably already dead. The empire should not stop advancing for a few people who are doomed to die. We must solve the chaos at the top of the empire!"
"Then what do you want to do, do you want to sit on the two free chairs?"
Without waiting for Delevingne to say something, the lower-level legislators, nobles, and generals quarreled together again. Basically, no one could convince anyone, and no one could come up with a reasonable way.
"Dlavin, tell me, what do you want to do?"
The voice of a woman who hid her body in the shadows suddenly spoke. It was time to pass those who were arguing and asked Draven on the seat above the parliament.
"I said! Save them at all costs! Noxus can't live without Swain and Dreyus!"
The still indifferent voice rang, and the low-level councilors, nobles and generals who were talking endlessly could not help but stop again.
"Oh? But now, some people don't want to listen to you?"
The woman's voice is full of ridicule and disdain, because she knows that it is not so easy to make a group of unruly people obedient.
"Those who don't listen will all have to die!!"
He Delevingne is the execution officer of Noxus. If necessary, he will throw any opponents into jail and throw them into his "Death Run" arena to let the Noxian audience To see that pleasant sensory enjoyment!
Especially at this time, in the most critical period of Noxus, if anyone dares to create chaos and spread rumors that are not conducive to the unity of Noxus, then he will definitely choose to do that.
Is it possible that the means will be a bit more aggressive?
"According to Lord Swain's teachings, the rights of Noxus should never fall into the hands of someone?"
At this time, I didn't know who it was, and suddenly said such a long thought in the crowd! Obviously, some people can't sit still after being immersed for a few days.
"So, I am now preparing to temporarily expand the three-person council to five people. Among you, two of you can serve as temporary members until your Excellency Swain and my brother return!"
"But I want to make one one can replace the seats of my brother and His Excellency Swain! We must use all our methods to exchange them back!"
"Before seeing their bodies..."
"We will not give up, nor can we give up!"
"Whoever dares to oppose will have to die!!"
"you guys……"
"Do you understand now?!"
Standing up from the seats of the three members, Delevingne, with a gloomy face, walked to the edge of the steps, and looked at the group of guys below who had been arguing for a whole day without any conclusions. They.
"I object, we should..."
puff! !
A voice of opposition just rang and stopped...
Because, a throwing axe instantly sank into the head of the nobleman who made the noise, making him unable to make any more sounds...
Afterwards, countless black armored soldiers and the most elite Cifali legions poured in from outside the parliament in a real formation, and used their hideous weapons to aim at all the participating members, nobles and generals.
"Now, let's have a formal meeting..."
Delevingne's faint voice rang again in this Noxus council hall.
Demacia’s history books clearly record that at the end of the rune wars, at that time, the refugees on the entire Valoran continent were shunned by the destructive power of magic, and had to be in that cruel magic. Fleeing from home during the war, fleeing to a more marginal place on the mainland...
According to legend, in the west of Valoran, a group of refugees have been hunted down by a vicious dark magic troupe. After several days of sleepless trek, the refugees had to hide in an ancient forest. Middle... The trees here have been dry and weathered and turned into fossils. It is very similar to the petrified tree forest where a certain shadow bear once stayed?
In short, the wizards chased here, and then they found out: their magic can't exert any magic effect in this forest?
The fossils of those weird trees are like natural magical barriers. Any spell will suddenly go silent and annihilated when it is shot. Therefore, without the spell, the refugees are finally no longer lambs to be slaughtered. , They raised their swords and drove those black magicians who had no magic out of this land.
And this is the land of Demacia Kingdom now! !
Afterwards, the refugees of this rune war began to rebuild their homeland in this shelter that can shield magic.
Many years later, the earliest settlers, the Demacians, used these magical woods to make many kinds of they later discovered that the fossils of this tree can be mixed with lime to make magical Forbidden Magic Stone?
That material has a strong resistance to magic, it can absorb magic and achieve the effect of forbidden magic! As a result, it quickly became the cornerstone of the Demacia civilization, and built a high wall for the Demacia Kingdom in the cradle to resist any magic.
Then, in the following years, as long as there is the protection of the Forbidden Magic Stone barrier, the Demacians will not be afraid of magic invading their homeland! At the same time, you can also use the Forbidden Magic Stone to prevent any magic from resurgence in their homeland!
I don’t know if it’s the reason for the change of mood, or it’s in the ancient times where you can use magic with confidence. Anyway, when Lacus hesitated, he began to explore in this Bouville Manor. After the little girl Annie taught herself the meditation method to use the magic light in her own body, she was shocked to find that she seemed to have a little more control over the power in the body, making them no longer so. Irritable?
So, in a happy mood, she took the time to look at the little girl who had been around since just now and didn't know what to do.
"What you took... is a forbidden magic stone?!"
With sharp eyes, Lux just stopped her contact, and at a glance she recognized the kind of thing she had touched and studied many times.
"It's not a forbidden magic stone!!"
What Annie is holding right now is indeed the kind of Forbidden Magic Stone that the Demacians take for granted, but in fact, it is not like that.
How can this matter deceive Lux?
You know, she grew up in Demacia, and once tried to use this kind of stone to control the magic in her body, although in the end it showed that there was no way... But she was pretty sure that it was the Forbidden Magic Stone undoubtedly!
She was already familiar with the magical ability that could affect the magic light in her body even after a long distance.
"It can't help the magic, it is actually absorbing magic..."
"Anyway, it's far from Forbidden Demon or something!"
Forbidden magic is the prohibition of any magic effect, and the Demacian "forbidden magic stone" in Annie's hand is just a natural mineral that can absorb a lot of magic, and only those immobile magic and fear magic The Demacian talents naively thought they were "forbidden magic stones"!
If this kind of good thing is shipped to the Gray Order, those grandfathers and mages will definitely pay a big price! Of course, Annie is not short of money now and never thought of selling them.
What she is thinking about is actually something else...
"Annie, what are you looking for?"
No matter if it is the Forbidden Magic Stone or some other name, Lacus doesn't want to argue with this little girl too much on this issue now. She is just a little curious. Why is the other party being a mage but not afraid of this kind of thing?
What she has tried, once she comes into contact with these, she will be sucked away a lot of magic power, and make herself weak for a long time, that feeling is very bad! What's worse, after she recovers, her magic power will become more powerful and uncontrollable, and this is the real reason why she gave up using the Forbidden Magic Stone to suppress her power.
"Of course it's research!"
(= ̄w ̄=)
"What to study?"
Lux can't believe that a little girl can study this kind of Demacia that has been passed down for thousands of years! After all, the other party is just a little girl who knows some magic?
"Of course it is to study how to use it to subvert Demacia's forbidden system!!"
Lux and Sona suddenly looked at each other, and then they were speechless for a long time.
Obviously, the two of them didn't believe the innocent thoughts of this little girl! Because Demacia’s Forbidden Magic Stone has helped Demacia’s kingdom to thrive in this place for thousands of years. Where can a little girl just play around and find a solution?
"Ha! I seem to have a good idea!"
Annie once wanted to go to Demacia’s Forbidden Magic Prison to make a big fuss, such as setting a fire, and then saving the magical little boys and other awakened wild wizards who were imprisoned in it. Come out or something?
However, after thinking about it carefully, she still felt that it was too much trouble to do that...
So, after thinking hard, she decided that she wanted to change to a more trouble-free and fun way to target those nasty Demacians who clamored to deal with magic every day and catch magic! She must let those hateful guys deeply understand the terrible magic of magic, and make them have to use magic!
Only then can it appear that her Queen Anne's methods are unusual and can make her feel happy! Anyway, she just wants to have a good time with the Demacians, but she is not going to fight with them, because she is a peace-loving girl, so she can’t think about doing that kind of evil all day long. The bad guys can do things.
‘? ? ’
Lacus and Sona are still very strange, they don't understand, why a certain little girl looks surprised?
"Big Sister Sona, and Miss Lacus, are you optimistic! Don't their Demacia bad guys cry forbidden magic all day? Think about it... If the whole Demacia is full of magic As far as living things are concerned, that situation must be interesting, right?"
"Demacia is full of Forbidden Magic Stones. Magical creatures cannot survive here..."
There are many other magical creatures in Runeland. Of course, Lacus knows. As the guardian of the family, she knows far more things than ordinary people of the same age!
"Wait, what are you doing?"
Before finishing talking, Lacus felt amazed: Not only the Forbidden Magic Stone in the hands of the little girl, but also all the Forbidden Magic Stones in Demacia, whether it is in the city wall or buried in the soil. Inside, in the building, on the road, on the side of the street, even the original ones, etc...
They turned out to be... they were emitting flashes of magic, and they were resonating with the piece in the little girl's hand? !
"Okay, you're done!"
With the kind of vibration and the hidden magical glimmer that almost only people with magical powers can see, it flashed across Demacia, and then, in the cheers of little Annie, everything became calm again. Come down.
‘? ? ’
"Annie, what did you do?"
Without waiting for Sona to play the piano and ask her heart, Lacus, who seemed to be aware of something terrible, hurriedly asked.
Because, no matter how bad Demacia is, no matter how unkind to their magicians, that is also her homeland and the country she loves, and their defending family vowed to guard the kingdom and guard their royal family. So, she didn't want this little girl to really do some evil and terrible things to Demacia.
"Have you seen the mouse over there?"
Anne thiefly pointed to the yellow-haired mouse who had been trapped in the garden just now and looked around blankly. At this time, its ears seemed to have become longer and pointed, and its tail was erected, like lightning. Even the hair becomes golden as well?
"It, how did it become like that?"
Lux exclaimed.
Whether it is she or Sona, both of them are sure that before, the mouse was definitely not golden, and its body was not that The ears were not that sharp, and the tail would be bent and forked like that. of.
"What a cute little thing...Is this really a mouse?"
Under doubt, although he didn't understand what happened, Lacus still walked over, seeming to want to see what happened to the mouse?
"Hey! Don't touch it!!!"
However, Annie’s reminder was still a little late... She promised that she must not have intentionally...
Well, she did it on purpose! !
‘Pickup! Pickup! ! ’
In panic, seeing a stranger approaching him, the golden mouse suddenly uttered two sharp screams. Then, a bolt of lightning blew up from its body and tail, directly energizing the Lux who had touched it. I had to fall down on the lawn and fainted...
Afterwards, the golden mouse, who didn't know what he did, turned around, slipped into the grass and disappeared.
"The effect seems to be good? With so many Forbidden Magic Stones in the Kingdom of Demacia, they have stored magic power for so many years, and they can definitely transform many interesting animals, right?"
After throwing aside the "Forbidden Magic Stone" that resonated and released all the magic in her hand, Annie clapped her hands and walked to someone who was unconscious by the electric power and fell on her back. Little sister on the grass.
Could it be that no one told her that a wild Pikachu that has not been caught by the summoner can not be touched randomly? I just hope that there are not too many mice and other small animals in Demacia, such as insects, fish, birds and beasts, right?
(● ̄ ̄●)
(What a messy little master...)
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